August 16, 2015 August 16, 2015
August 16, 2015 August 16, 2015
August 16, 2015 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Information Address ................................ 119 West 7th Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Phone ........................................................................................ (920)766-1445 Website............................................................................... Parish E-mail and for the bulletin ................... Parish Elizabeth Ministry E-mail Churches and Sites St. Aloysius ........................................................... 2401 Main Ave, Kaukauna St. Francis ....................................................... 433 County Rd. CE, Kaukauna St. Mary ................................................................. 119 W. 7th St., Kaukauna Rectory ...........................134 West Ann Street, Kaukauna, WI 766-2966 Parish Office Hours Monday -Thursday ........................................................... 8:00 AM - 4:00PM Friday ....................................................................................... 8:00 AM - Noon Parish Staff Pastor................................................................................. Rev. Jerome Pastors Deacon ....................................................................... Randy Haak 766-1235 Business Manager ........................................................................ John Johnson Liturgical Coordinator ................................................. Donna VandenHeuvel Admin. Assistant ......................................................................... Edie Schneider Scrip Coordinator/Admin. Assistant ................................... Paula Huelsbeck Cemetery ......................... Sue Zwiers (Faith Formation Office 766-5997) Maintenance ........................... Tom Kettleson, Tom Diedrich, and Jane Kempen Faith Formation Faith Formation Office .................................................................... 766-5997 Director of Catholic Formation .................................................... Jeff Kacala Education/Curriculum Specialist .............................................. Susan Zwiers Valley Area Special Needs Rel. Ed. Dir................................ Belinda Micke 809-4637 ( Catholic Education Kaukauna Catholic School System Administrator: Larry Konetzke (Holy Cross Campus) ............... 766-0186 St. Katharine Drexel Parish, St. Mary’s Church only has a Hearing Loop for hearing aid users equipped with T-coils. Mass/Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday Sunday Weekday Masses: Tuesday Wednesday Friday Liturgy of Word with Communion Thursday Holy Day: Holy Day Vigil Holy Day 4:00 PM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM St. Mary Church St. Francis Church St. Al’s Church St. Mary Church 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church St Francis Church St. Mary Church 8:30 AM St. Francis Church 6:30 PM 8:30 AM St. Mary Church St. Aloysius Church Parish Prayer Chain: ♦ Claire Opsteen at ♦ Marion Ragen (766-3618) ♦ Joyce Bruecker (766-2901) Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00–10:00 AM at St. Al’s church or by appt. Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office at least 2 months prior Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior. Sacrament of the Sick: Call anytime 766-2966 FR. JERRY’S CORNER This year marks the ten year anniversary of the annual “Seminarian Collection: Hope for the Future, Help them Today”. This coming school year, the Diocese of Green Bay expects to spend nearly $1,000,000 for tuition, room and board, health insurance, summer language, spiritual and pastoral programs, a small stipend, support of the Office of Vocations and all of its outreach efforts, and other related costs. Seminarians are currently studying at the following seminaries: Immaculate Heart of Mary College Seminary, Winona, Minnesota; St. John Vianney College Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota: Conception Seminary College, Conception, Missouri; St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein, Illinois; St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin/Sacred Heart, Hales Corners, Wisconsin; and North American College Seminary, Rome, Italy. Join me and all our brothers and sisters in our Diocese in supporting the seminarian collection, for they are our Hope for the Future so let us Help them Today! We have SKD Parish T-Shirt available in the Parish office. On the front of the T-Shirt is written, “SKD Parish: Where Prayer, Service & Sharing Come Together”, and on the back, “Joy, Eucharist, Scripture, Unity & Shepherd.” The cost is $7.00/T-Shirt (S, M, L,XL), $9.00 XXL and $10.00 for XXXL. Make check payable to SKD. They are light blue with navy blue lettering. Come purchase your SKD Parish T-Shirt today before supplies run out. As you may or may not have noticed out at St. Francis Site that we are in the process of removing asbestos from the old school, newer part of school and the convent. Once the asbestos is removed we will begin demolition of the buildings. We will be using this space for added parking. The picnic committee met to review how things went this year, reviewed how things went in the past, and to see where we would like to go into the future. A repeating theme seems to be the lack of volunteers, especially on Friday and Saturday. We looked at keeping it the same, but we would still have the same problem. The committee agreed next year for our parish picnic we will be having a one day picnic on Sunday, and see how this goes. If you have any suggestions feel free to contact me at Coming Soon: Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother” with Dr. Edward Sri and Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom with Jeff Cavins & Sarah Christmyer. Both are DVD series. Check our website for further information. “Disciples on the Way” is an invitation from Bishop Ricken to embark on a missionary journey into the new evangelization. As a part of this journey, Bishop Ricken is asking each parish to schedule, once a month, a holy hour with the Blessed Sacrament. This monthly holy hour would be an opportunity to pray for the intentions of your parish and of the diocese. Here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, we will be having our holy hour on the First Friday of each month from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at St. Aloysius church. As we deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, as evangelizing “Disciples on the Way,” may we grow in our call to be holy, engaged and fully alive. Our next holy hour will take place on Friday, September 4. Peace, Fr. Jerry WEDDING BANNS August 11-2Weekend of August 88-9, 2015 III Cameron Kohlman & Emily Broeren Sharing ................................................ $ 11,175.25 Loose ................................................... $ 762.50 Children Envelopes ............................. $ 1.35 Maintenance ........................................ $ 58.00 KCSS Subsidy...................................... $ 60.00 Holy Day .............................................. $ 2.00 Welcome to the Catholic Family….. Archer Alois Schmidt son of Bryan & Jessica Schmidt Please keep in your prayers the family of Kenneth Hietpas. As we pray for his soul and the souls of the faithful departed, may they rest in peace. A cross with Kenneth’s name will hang at St. Al’s Church until our All Soul’s Memorial service in November 2015. Page 2 Prayer for the week… O Lord, with you is mercy and redemption. Amen. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna iturgy Scripture Supports Singing Why we sing was highlighted last week. This week scripture itself inistry references the use of singing. In the second reading St. Paul tells from Donna the Ephesians to address one another ‘in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and playing to the Lord in [our] hearts.” St. Francis is purported to have said that “singing is praying twice.” Singing has a way lifting our spirits and engaging us with one another. It is one of the primary ways for the assembly actively participates in the Liturgy. Almost everyone can sing. Please join in. Mass Intentions Week of August 16, 2015 & Mass with Anointing On Friday, August 21, at the 8:30 A.M. Mass at St. Mary Church, Father will anoint those anticipating surgery, those who are elderly and weakened by age, those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness, and those suffering with mental illness and stress. Every THIRD Friday of the month we have anointing for the sick. Please leave an empty pew between the rows as you take your places so Father can walk between them to do the anointing. 2016 Mass Intention Book Mass intentions and Bread & Wine donations for year 2016 are being taken. The cost for each Mass intention is $10.00 per Mass and $15.00 for Bread & Wine Donation for a week. When scheduling your Mass intentions for 2016 calendar year, you can select four Masses. When selecting Masses, you are allowed only three weekend Masses for the year. (Holidays and Holy Days are considered Weekend Masses.) The remaining Masses can be weekday Masses. To give all parishioners an opportunity to have a special Holiday Mass or Holy Day, you may not have a Holiday or Holy Day Mass two years in a row. Saturday 15 8:30 AM The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary All the Seminarians of the Green Bay Dioceses St. Al’s 4:00 PM Margaret Schroeder Ester & Walter Summers St. Mary Sunday 16 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Peter & Theresa Mathis Clayton & Gert VanDyke St. Al’s 8:30 AM People of the Parish St. Francis 10:30 AM Don , Evelyn, Tom &Judy Kenny, Terrie Childs & Ed Neudauer John, Mary Toni Hietpas and Christine Mayer St. Mary Monday 17 11:00 AM Rosary St. Mary Tuesday 18 8:30 AM OPEN INTENTION St. Al’s Wednesday 19 8:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion St. Francis Thursday 20 8:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion St. Francis Friday 21 Mass with Anointing 8:30 AM Dorothy Kerrigan St. Mary Saturday 22 4:00 PM Bernice & Art Betters Katie Witkowski and Eileen Witkowski St. Mary Sunday 23 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Ann Stumpf and Ralph & Marie Mader William & LaVerne Miller St. Al’s 8:30 AM Living & deceased members of the VandeWettering & Weyenberg families Dolores Hofacker and Anna Mae Pribek St. Francis 10:30 AM People of the Parish St. Mary RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 9:00 AM at St. Al’s Church It is not always possible to know who is hospitalized, living at a care facility or who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them at home. We are asking for your help. If you know someone who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them please contact the Parish Business Office at 766-1445. Readings for the Week of August 16, 2015 Sunday: Prv 9:1-6/Eph 5:15-20/Jn 6:51-58 Monday: Jgs 2:11-19/Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a/Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15/Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a/Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22/Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17/Mt 23:1-12 Next Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b/Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32/Jn 6:60-69 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Bread & Wine Donation for the week of August 16th In memory of Clayton, Gert and Don VanDyke Mustard Seeds… The imbalance that exists in your external activity is a reflection of the imbalance that exists in your heart. (From Matthew Kelly) Pass this along to a friend. August 16, 2015, 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 3 Calendar of Events SUN. August 16 6:30 PM Bingo (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM T3 Acts - The Keys and the Sword (PC) (SM) MON, August 17 11:00 AM Rosary (church) (SM) 6:30 PM Stewardship Meeting (PO) 7:00 PM AA Group (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting (SM) TUE. August 18 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 4:30 PM Brown County Bookmobile (Parking Lot) (SF) 6:30 PM SKD Parish Finance Council Meeting (PO) WED. August 19 6:00 PM Family Game Night (SH) (SA) THUR. August 20 Announcements for the weekend August 22-23 FRI. August 21 SAT. August 22 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) SUN. August 23 6:30 PM Bingo (SH) (SM) **Site Codes SA - St. Al Campus SF - St. Francis Campus SM - St. Mary Campus **Room Code PO - Parish Office SH - Social Hall café - cafeteria PC - Parish Center RM#-Classroom Mark Your Calendars: • Sunday, September 27, 10:30 AM Mass CANA Celebration for couples married 50+ years. Invitations will be sent to couples registered. • Saturday, October 3, Joint-Parish Morning of Reflection at Holy Cross. (Details coming - For Eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters, choirs, cantors, lectors) Bingo! Progressive Blackout Jackpot is $621.25. Sunday, August 16, 23, and 30 Sunday night – St. Mary Campus, Social Hall Doors open 5:00 PM - Bingo Starts at 6:30 PM Summer & Fall Schedule for the Brown County Book Mobile. The Brown County Book Mobile will be at the St. Francis parking lot, 431 Cty. CE, Hollandtown Tuesday, August 18, Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15 and Jan. 19, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm. Page 4 Seminarian Collection 2014 Our Annual Seminarian Collection is going well. By now you have received a letter from Bishop Ricken asking that you participate in Hope for the Future: Help them Today. Have you made your gift? So far our parish have raised $3,760.00. Last year, we raised $13,107.00. Let us see if we can increase our support of this important part of the mission of the Diocese of Green Bay. Make your gift today by mailing in your pledge card or visit Kaukauna Social Concerns Ministry School Supply Drive: “Benefiting the Students of KCSS” The new school year is just around the corner and we need your help to supply all the items that will help KCSS Students to be successful during the school year. A school supply drive ends August 23rd. We will be collecting the supplies needed for the students. The supplies range from loose leaf paper and pens to napkins and facial wipes. A full list of suggested supplies will be located near the collection bins. Let's make this a successful drive for the 2015/2016 students. Kaukauna Social Concerns Ministry Planning is beginning for the 2015 Fall Salad Luncheon (Thursday, October 29th) given by the Ladies Society of St. Katharine Drexel Parish. First meeting for the Salad Luncheon is set for Tuesday, September 1, at 6:30 pm in room 6 East at St. Al’s. For additional information please contact the Parish Office. Dear St. Katharine Drexel Family, You are all invited to our first family fun night Saturday, August 22; all are welcome! We plan on food, fellowship and fun games for all at St. Al's site from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm. Should you feel compelled to help, donate food, deserts or money please let us know, we wouldn't want to have too much, would we? Looking forward to fun and food. Be there or be square; nine square that is! Come find out what all the fun is about! May the God of your understanding bless and keep you safe! Please RSVP at or call the Parish office at 766-1445. Men on a Mission St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna Kaukauna Catholic School System Catholic Formation 766-5997 Larry Konetzke, System Administrator Holy Cross 766-0186 St. Katharine Drexel-Kaukauna First Sacraments Letters to parents of those youth who are at the age to prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion were mailed this week. If we somehow missed you, or if you know of someone that would be interested in preparing to receive the first sacraments please contact Jeff Kacala in the Catholic Formation Office 766-5997. Sacrament of Confirmation Sessions to prepare youth to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will be starting soon. Families of youth should have received a mailing this past week. If you did not, or know of someone that has a junior or senior in high school interested in preparing to receive the sacrament please have them contact Jeff Kacala in the Catholic Formation office 766-5597. Catholic Formation sessions for children in grades 1-8 will soon be starting. If you have not registered please contact Sue in the Catholic Formation office. We are always looking for individuals looking to share their love of Catholic life with our children and adults. Interested in sharing your faith? Contact Sue to become one of our many outstanding catechists. Kaukauna Catholic School System-Jesus Strong! Now Teaching…Catholic Classical Curriculum Register for the 2015-2016 School Year Fall 2015: Grades K-4 Full Classical Curriculum Grades 5–8 Currently Transitioning For More Information call (920)766-0186 Confidential Tuition Assistance is Available KCSS Childcare & Before and After School Care (920)759-4566 Bundle Packages-Register your child in our Preschool (3 year olds) or Pre-Kindergarten (4&5 year olds) program & KCSS Child Care and receive special “bundle” rates. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Student/Parent Orientation/Registration Day Wednesday-August 26th 8:30a.m.-11:30a.m. and 3:00a.m.-5:30p.m. Registration Will Be Held In the Cafeteria Visit Classrooms Meet Teachers Bring Your School Supplies 2015-2016 School Supply Lists, Registration Forms and Beginning of the Year Forms are posted at Saint Luke Productions Live Stage Performance Humor for the Soul Angels Explained By Children (continued) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Angels don't eat, but they drink milk from Holy Cows!!! -Jack, 6 Angels talk all the way while they're flying you up to heaven. The main subject is where you went wrong before you got dead. -Daniel, 9 When an angel gets mad, he takes a deep breath and counts to ten. And when he lets out his breath, somewhere there's a tornado. -Reagan, 10 Angels have a lot to do and they keep very busy. If you lose a tooth, an angel comes in through your window and leaves money under your pillow. Then when it gets cold, angels go south for the winter. -Sara, 6 Angels live in cloud houses made by God and his son, who's a very good carpenter. -Jared, 8 August 16, 2015, 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time Saturday, September 19, 2015 Xavier Fine Arts Theatre Join us for all or part of this day dedicated to this 20th Century saint and her timely message of Divine Mercy. • 10 a.m. A Morning Pre-Show features the Very Rev. Daniel Felton, one of the Diocese of Green Bay’s most dynamic leaders, and the Rev. Peter Mitchell, one of its most inspiring priests, discussing saints, the arts & Divine Mercy • 1 p.m. Live Stage performance of Faustina TICKETS: Morning Pre-Show talks = $5 (w/ lunch add $5) Afternoon Performance = $10 To attend both sessions, you must purchase TWO tickets Online – (no fee) or call 866-967–8167 (10 a.m.– 8 p.m. - nominal service fee)Xavier Box Office: Limited phone (920-733-8840) or walk-in sales available Sept. 8 & 9 and 14 & 16, noon to 3 p.m.Info: Contact Susan Littmann 920-450-3025 or ; Google search: CIAFMO Page 5 AREA EVENTS $crip $cuttlebutt! 766-1445 or We have scrip for all types of emergences and repairs for around the house. In Erin eyes no emergency is to small!! Local Scrip Merchant of the Week Boettcher Family Funeral Home Serving you with caring and compassionate hearts during your time of need. Retailers of the Week! We proudly Stock Chipotle Mexican Grill and Fleet Farm! Scrip Hours at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office Monday to Thursday 8 to 12 & 1 to 4, Friday 8 to12, **Limited inventory is also offered at St. Francis Site following the 8:30 am Sunday Mass. Community Christian Resale Store 120 Second Street Store hours are Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Summer is winding down, but our great deals are not! Come check out the store. We have brand new solid color knit shirts for boys (mostly in size 10-12).We also had someone donated a beautiful oak baby crib with mattress pad and a drawer under the crib. Items we accept need be in workable, clean, and saleable condition. Please call Sue VanNuland at 766-2974 to arrange a drop-off time. (We are unable to accept electronics, computers, monitors, televisions and unusable appliances.) Thank you for your support. Any questions call Sue VanNuland (766-2974) KCSS RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS 08/03 08/04 08/05 08/06 08/07 08/08 08/09 Page 6 Alicia Diedrick #2130 KAU Kay Sanders #1519 KAU Travis Brantmeier #1011 Wrightstown Lee Blair #1889 KAU Sue Peterson #1106 DePere Pamela Schill #1019 Auburndale Tom & Mary McGinnis #1543 KAU “Teach My People to Pray” FAMILY CONFERENCE Friday, August 28th 6:00pm - 8:45pm and Saturday, August 29th 8:00am- 3:30pm St. Pius X Parish (500 W Marquette St, Appleton) invites you and your whole family to a Family Conference titled “Teach My People to Pray.” Inspiring adult formation talks on St. John Paul the Great; Fatherhood and St. Joseph; Motherhood and our Blessed Mother, and Enthronement and Consecration to the Two Hearts. Age specific, breakout teachings and projects for children in Pre K through 12th grade. Keynote speakers for the conference will include Fr. Peter Mitchell, Fr. William Van Dynhoven and Fr. Andrew Kurz. Onsite meals are included, and babysitting will be provided for children 3 and under – Saturday only. Registration details, please go to or contact Mary Wirth at 920-257-7560. Registration forms are also available in St. Pius X Parish Office. Upcoming Events at St. Anthony Spirituality Center in Marathon: Contact: 715-443-2236, Go to to register for an upcoming event. ♦ Maintaining a Healthy Spirituality While Living With Cancer Day. Saturday, August 29; 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Cancer not only affects our physical bodies but takes its toll on the spiritual life as well. In this one-day retreat specifically for men and women with cancer, you will be given an opportunity to explore different ways to nourish your spirit. Retreatants are welcome to bring their caregiver(s) at a reduced rate. Presented by Sallie Bachar. Cost of $60 includes lunch and complimentary book. ♦ Hospitality of God Mid-Week Retreat September 16-17; Wednesday 6 p.m. through Thursday 3 p.m.: Jesus revealed the hospitality of God in the meal gatherings with many different persons. There are 10 meal stories in Luke’s Gospel that offer glimpses of aspects of the Eucharist. Conversations about contemporary connections will hopefully be a strengthening of our appreciation of Eucharist. Presented by Sr. Jolynn Brehm, FSPA. Cost of $90 includes three delicious buffet meals and overnight accommodations. ♦ Franciscan Living Retreat: September 25-27; Friday 7 p.m. through Sunday 1 p.m.; Theme: Building God’s House with Francis & Clare: Jesus calls us to be servant leaders: that is, to influence others to love wisely and well, to live charitably, hopefully and faithfully. Our sessions will focus on how Francis and Clare still teach us to celebrate and develop our unique ways of being servant leaders. Presented by Carl Koch and Joyce Heil. Cost of $185 includes six delicious buffet meals and overnight accommodations. $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $25 Sunday St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna August 16, 2015, 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 7 Page 8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna
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