April 19, 2015 April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Third Sunday of
April 19, 2015 April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Third Sunday of
April 19, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Parish Information Address ................................ 119 West 7th Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Phone ......................................................................................... (920)766-1445 Website .............................................................................. www.skdchurch.org Parish E-mail and for the bulletin .................... stkatharine@skdchurch.org Parish Elizabeth Ministry E-mail............ elizabethministry@skdchurch.org Kaukauna Catholic School System ...............................................www.kcssonline.org Relevant Radio .................................................wwwrelevantradio1050.com Churches and Sites St. Aloysius ...........................................................2401 Main Ave, Kaukauna St. Francis ....................................................... 433 County Rd. CE, Kaukauna St. Mary ................................................................. 119 W. 7th St., Kaukauna Rectory ........................... 134 West Ann Street, Kaukauna, WI 766-2966 Parish Office Hours Monday -Thursday ........................................................... 8:00 AM - 4:00PM Friday ....................................................................................... 8:00 AM - Noon Parish Staff Pastor .................................................................................Rev. Jerome Pastors Deacon ........................................................................Randy Haak 766-1235 Business Manager ......................................................................... John Johnson Liturgical Coordinator ..................................................Donna VandenHeuvel Bookkeeper...................................................................................... Jean Feyen Admin. Assistant ........................................................................ Edie Schneider Scrip Coordinator/Admin. Assistant .................................. Paula Huelsbeck Cemetery .......................... Sue Zwiers (Faith Formation Office 766-5997) Maintenance ...........................Tom Kettleson, Tom Diedrich, and Jane Kempen Faith Formation Faith Formation Office .................................................................... 766-5997 Director of Catholic Formation..................................................... Jeff Kacala Education/Curriculum Specialist ............................................... Susan Zwiers Valley Area Special Needs Rel. Ed. Dir. .............................. Belinda Micke 809-4637 (tombee0327@new.rr.com) Catholic Education Kaukauna Catholic School System Administrator: Larry Konetzke (Holy Cross Campus) ................ 766-0186 Xavier High School ........................................................................... 733-6632 St. Katharine Drexel Parish, St. Mary’s Church only has a Hearing Loop for hearing aid users equipped with T-coils. Mass/Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:00 PM St. Mary Church Sunday 8:30 AM St. Francis Church 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church 10:30 AM St. Mary Church Weekday Masses: Tuesday 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church Wednesday 8:30 AM St Francis Church Friday 8:30 AM St. Mary Church Liturgy of Word with Communion Thursday 8:30 AM St. Francis Church Holy Day: Holy Day Vigil 6:30 PM St. Mary Church Holy Day 8:30 AM St. Aloysius Church Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00–10:00 AM at St. Al’s church or by appt. Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office at least 2 months prior Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior. Sacrament of the Sick: Call anytime 766-2966 St. Katharine Drexel Mission Statement To advance the mission of Jesus through prayer, service and sharing. FR. JERRY’S CORNER frjerry@skdchurch.org I invite you to pray for our First Communion Candidates. First Communion will be celebrated on April 25-26 at St. Mary and St. Aloysius and May 2-3 at St. Mary and St. Francis. I also invite you to pray for our Confirmation Candidates. Confirmation will be celebrated Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00 PM at St. Aloysius Church with Bishop Robert Morneau. As they enter more deeply into communion with Jesus in these Sacraments of Initiation, may our prayers and example inspire them, as they inspire us by not being afraid to witness to our faith, hope and love. The Picnic Committee is meeting and planning for our parish picnic. Put the following dates on your calendar, July 10-12. Keep your eyes and ears open for ways to help. I am looking at coming up with a design and wording for a T-Shirt to help promote St. Katharine Drexel Parish and I need your help. I need you to come up with the most effective design and wording. I thought I would also make it a contest. The best design chosen by the pastoral council will receive a $50 Gift Scrip Card. Such things you might want to keep in mind is our mission statement, “To continue the mission of Jesus through prayer, service and sharing”. You might want to use scripture. You might want to use the name Jesus and with every letter of His name come up with a word that best describes Him and our parish. This T-shirt I am hoping will remind us and others of who we are. The deadline for designs is Monday, June 1. Remember, your design must fit the size of a T-shirt. You can also suggest the color of the T-Shirt and wording. You can drop it off at the parish office, bring it to Mass, mail it in, or e-mail it to frjerry@sdkchurch.com . Help me and our parish evangelize the world. If you have any further thoughts or ideas feel free to contact a member of the Planning Committee. Contact information for the Planning Committee is as follows: Steve Lamers (213-6846) stevelamers11@yahoo.com; Pat Schmidt (428-2880) PSchmidt@usoil.com; John Johnson (766-1445) jjohnson@skdchurch.org; Jeff Ruffing (850-4352) jeff@ruffingauto.com; Eyla Mae Zwiers (766-3960) rogzwiers@gmail.com; Carol Miller (759-7484) emiller6@new.rr.com. The parish summit took place with the planning committee and various committees from the parish. We examined the strengths, dreams and mission statement of our parish. We reviewed our current reality. Keeping in mind the parish mission, our realities and our dreams, we came up with priorities for the next three to five years. Given these priorities, we brainstormed specific actions that can be undertaken to help parish dreams become realities. We also examined the scenarios that came from the planning committee, such at keeping things as is, selling some of the property at St. Aloysius, or selling all of the property at St. Aloysius. The planning committee is in the process of scheduling open parish meetings to get input from the parish at large. Again, the goal of this process is to make our parish more effective and efficient in using the resources we have to carry out the mission of Christ and His Church. “Disciples on the Way” is an invitation from Bishop Ricken to embark on a missionary journey into the new evangelization. As a part of this journey, Bishop Ricken is asking each parish to schedule, once a month, a holy hour with the Blessed Sacrament. This monthly holy hour would be an opportunity to pray for the intentions of your parish and of the diocese. Here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish we will be having our holy hour on the First Friday of each month from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at St. Aloysius church. As we deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ as evangelizing “Disciples on the Way,” may we grow in our call to be holy, engaged and fully alive. Our next holy hour will take place on Friday, May 1. Peace, Fr. Jerry Weekend of April 1111-12, 2015 Sharing ................................................ $ 10,851.00 Loose .................................................... $ 627.60 Children Envelopes ............................. $ 22.00 Maintenance ........................................ $ 240.00 Heating ................................................. $ 176.00 KCSS Subsidy...................................... $ 10.00 Lenten Alms Giving (Homeless Connection)$ 37.79 Easter Flowers ..................................... $ 35.00 Holy Land Collection .......................... $ 15.00 Prayer for the week… Lord, let your face shine on us. Amen. Page 2 The Bishop’s Appeal St. Katharine Drexel Parish raised 68,851.000 for the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. If you have not yet made your commitment to this year’s Appeal, please consider doing so in the days ahead. Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal will help continue the vital services, ministries and programs that help so many throughout the Diocese. $68,851.00 from 398 parishioners $66,747.00 Please keep in your prayers the family of Minerva Verhagen. As we pray for her soul and the souls of the faithful departed, may they rest in peace. A cross with Minerva’s name will hang at St. Al’s Church until our All Soul’s Memorial service in November 2015. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna …For the Forgiveness of Sin iturgy Jesus died to forgive our sins. & Why use the Sacrament of Penance inistry or Reconciliation? Perhaps we have too narrow an understanding from Donna of the sacrament, only the dvandenheuvel@skdchurch.org acknowledging of our sins. The other dimension of the sacrament, the far more important part, is that in seeking and receiving forgiveness, our firm resolve of repentance and our doing some penance as an expression of our desire for conversion are all opportunities for encounters with the risen Christ. Perhaps we need to focus more on the restoration of our relationship with God. Mother’s Day Rose Sale at the St. Mary’s site: We need people to help sell Roses after Masses on Saturday, May 9th at the 4:00 pm Mass and Sunday, May 10th at the 10:30 am Mass. We also need a person to be in charge next year for the Mother’s Day Rose Sale Program 2016. Proceeds from this event benefits the Wisconsin Right to Life. Please call Carol Cappaert (766-7196) or the parish office (766-1445) asap. Thanks. WELCOME Let us welcome the newest parish members of St. Katharine Drexel Parish: ∗ Michael & Melinda Hinderman and daughter Taylor Ann ∗ Luke & Bailey Hubers Watch for more information on the Hinderman and Hubers families in a future bulletin. We are happy to have them as members of our parish family! JOB WELL DONE!! Choir, Readers, and Musicians The Tenebrae service was GREAT again. It was good to see a nice crowd for the service. I hope all that attended enjoyed it as much as I did. Looking forward to next years service. I want to repeat myself “GREAT JOB!” Thanks you to all who gave of their time, talent, and love you put into the Tenebrae Service. Dale Arnoldussen Laughing Ladies of the Lord Ladies, join us for a fun evening and sleep over at Elizabeth Ministry International Retreat Center (120 W. 8th street.) On Friday, April 24th beginning at 4:30 pm and ending Saturday, April 25th at 11:30 am. The cost is $30.00 for meals, overnight stay, and other surprises! All you need to bring is your PJ’s, toothbrush and a fun spirit. To register call Joyce Hansen at 766-1727 or Jeannie Hanneman at 766-9380. **Sign-up soon! Space is limited and we are accepting 12 women at our first annual Slumber Party for “Laughing Ladies of the Lord!” April 19, 2015, Third Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions Week of April 19, 2015 Saturday 18 4:00 PM Sunday 19 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Tom Summers Hilaria, Melvin, Paul Gelling and John Geiger Third Sunday of Easter People of the Parish Scott & Norman Vanderloop Chad Welhouse Lawrence & Margaret Kiel Jim & Martha G. 45th Wedding Anniversary St. Mary St. Al’s St. Francis St. Mary Monday 20 11:00 AM Rosary St. Mary Tuesday 21 8:30 AM LaVerne & William Miller St. Al’s Wednesday 22 8:30 AM In gratitude to Jan Beringer St. Francis Thursday 23 8:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion St. Francis Friday 24 8:30 AM Deceased members of the McGinnis and Welhouse families St. Mary Saturday 25 4:00 PM Ruth Voet St. Mary Sunday 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:30 AM Gert Vandyke St. Al’s 8:30 AM People of the Parish Don VanderWettering St. Francis 10:30 AM Jim Jakl Debbie Jochman St. Mary RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 9:00 AM at St. Al’s Church It is not always possible to know who is hospitalized, living at a care facility or who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them at home. We are asking for your help. If you know someone who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them please contact the Parish Business Office at 766-1445. Bread & Wine Donation for the week of April 19, 2015 in memory of Scott & Norman Vanderloop Readings for the Week of April 19, 2015 Sunday: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk 24:35-48 Monday: Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20 Next Sunday: Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Page 3 Calendar of Events SUN. Apr. 19 Third Sunday of Easter 6:30 PM Bingo (SH) (SM) MON. Apr. 20 All articles for the April 25-26, bulletin due by noon in writing. 11:00 AM Rosary (church) (SM) 1:00 PM Kaukauna Golden Agers Cards (City Hall) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den #1 Meeting (Rm #8E) (SA) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den #2 Meeting (Rm #12E) (SA) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den #3 Meeting (Rm #10E) (SA) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den #5 Meeting (Rm #6E) (SA) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Den #8 Meeting (Rm #9E) (SA) 6:30 PM SKD Stewardship Committee (PO) 7:00 PM AA Group (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus (SM) 7:00 PM Radiant Light Choir Practice (church) (SA) TUE. Apr. 21 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 4:30-6:30 PM Brown County Book Mobile (Parking Lot) (SF) 6:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 104 Meeting (SH) (SA) 6:30 PM Parish Finance Council Mtg. (PO) WED. Apr. 22 5:00 PM First Communion Retreat/Pot Luck (SH) (SA) THUR. Apr. 23 Announcements for the weekend April 25-26 Masses are due by noon in writing. 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 5:30-7:00 PM KCSS Art/Technology Fair/Open House & Ice Cream Social (Holy Cross Campus) 6:30 PM Glory & Praise Choir (church) (SM) FRI. Apr. 24 SAT. Apr. 25 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) SUN. Apr. 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter 6:30 PM Bingo (SH) (SM) **Site Codes SA - St. Al Campus SF - St. Francis Campus SM - St. Mary Campus **Room Code PO - Parish Office SH - Social Hall café - cafeteria PC - Parish Center RM#-Classroom Humor for the Soul Kaukauna’s road signs with humor!! (corner of E. 10th St. and Crooks Ave.) St. Katharine Drexel Parish Parish Fest News & Updates July 10, 11 and 12, 2014 Catholic Financial Life, Chapter 64 will be matching funds for the 2015 Parish Fest. Thank you Catholic Financial Life, Chapter 64. Wanted and needed for Parish Fest: Gift Basket/Silent Auction: • Gift Basket or items for basket raffle. Also need new items for the silent auction. Craft items, wood craft things are great items. These items can be brought to church, the Parish Business office and/or we will pick up the items if you call Jan 766-2084 or Marion 766-1255. Thank you! Live Auction: • Donations for the live auction the past few years have been very questionable for resale. Hopefully starting earlier we will bring in some nice donations. Items we accept for the auction need be in workable, clean, and saleable condition. We are unable to accept electronics, computers, monitors, televisions and unusable appliances. These items cost the parish money to dispose of. Lets make this Parish Fest fun and profitable. General Store: • Please see the Community Christian Resale Store for additional news for the Parish Fest General Store donations. CATHOLIC FINANCIAL LIFE CHAPTER #103 MEMBERS!! CONVENTION MEETING NEWS!! A short meeting next Sunday, April 26, following the 8:30a.m. Mass in the gathering area of St. Francis Church. The purpose of this meeting is to elect alternate delegates to the September 25, 26, and 27, 2015, convention in Milwaukee. Any questions, please contact Janie Hurst at 7662741 or Dorothy Vande Wettering at 532-6624. Fall & Winter Schedule for the Brown County Book Mobile. The Brown County Book Mobile will be at the St. Francis parking lot, 431 Cty. CE, Hollandtown on Tuesday, May 19 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Bingo! Progressive Blackout Jackpot is $1,487.75. Sunday, April 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17, and 31 Sunday night – St. Mary Campus, Social Hall Doors open 5:00 PM - Bingo Starts at 6:30 PM Mustard Seeds… There is a difference between the human silence of embarrassment or shame and the divine silence in which love finds its rest. You must attain the latter. (From Matthew Kelly) Pass this along to a friend. Page 4 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna Catholic Formation 766-5997 skdcatholicformation.weebly.com St. Katharine Drexel-Kaukauna Kaukauna Catholic School System www.kcssonline.org Larry Konetzke, System Administrator Holy Cross 766-0186 Thank You! To Kaukauna Catholic School System Athletic Association (KCSSAA) for the GENEROUS donation of $25,000 presented to KCSS. All of your hard work, dedication and support is appreciated!! Young people from our parish will soon be celebrating the Sacraments of Initiation. We ask you to keep them in your prayers as they continue to prepare to celebrate • First Holy Communion on the weekends of April 26 and May 3 at all worship sites. • The Sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday, May 6th, at 7pm at St. Aloysius Church. We are excitedly prepare for our first Vacation Bible School this summer on July 27th - 31st. Great faith learning in a fun atmosphere for young people entering grades 1-5 in the fall of 2015. Cost is just $10 per youth for the entire week. KCSS 8th Grade-Walk-A-Thon The 8th Graders of KCSS are organizing a Walk-AThon (on May 1) for Catholic Relief Services (CRS). We are asking for your support to help us reach our goal of $250 to help CRS feed hungry families, provide health care and clean water, protect orphans, and help farmers raise crops. 100% of monies raised will go to CRS. Ways to donate: Make a pledge donation to one of our students, drop off a donation at school or go online to the TEAM KCSS 2015 donation page to give by credit card at: http://donate.crs.org/site/TR/Events/ DDPersonalFundraising?pxfid=3110&fr_id=1110&pg=fund (Make check payable to: Catholic Relief Services and put R1ECOM in the memo). More information will be posted on the school website at: www.kcssonline.org Thank you for your support. Team KCSS 2015 Matching Fund Update 2nd Phase Total to Date $2,431.00 Just $2,569 to go… The matching fund total to date is $16,431.00. Funds will be used for-Catholic Classical Curriculum Costs: +Textbooks/Materials Kindergarten – Grade 4= $16,500 +Textbooks/Materials Grade 5 - Grade 8= $7,250 +Workshops for Staff= $5,700 July 27-31 Daily 8:30 - 11:30 St. Aloysius site See our website for additional information and registration form. IN SEARCH OF ITEMS FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For the first time, St. Katharine Drexel parish is having a vacation bible school this summer: EVEREST! It will be a fun and faith-filled week for kids in grades 1-5. The committee invites you to be a part of this exciting week. One way you can support the children of our parish is by donating items. Our first need is for bed sheets that you no longer use. We need lots of plain white sheets to use for decorating, a few tan, and some blue. These all need to be solid colors, no patterns please. They also would not be given back to you, these would be sheets you no longer use. If you have bed sheets we can have, please contact Nancy Vande Hey at 766-4524 or via email nvandehey72@yahoo.com. Thank you! April 19, 2015, Third Sunday of Easter Please help us to meet our goal by May 1st! Some Employers Will Match Your Donation… Will Yours? Make Checks Payable to: KCSS, Mail To: KCSS, 220 Doty Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130, Cash & Credit Card Payments Welcome! Questions? Call (920) 759-9290 lzwick@kcssonline.org Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming Events—Join Us! ∗ Art/Technology Fair/Open House & Ice Cream Social (Sponsored by KCSS Home & School Association)Thursday, April 23rd 5:30-7pm ∗ KCSS Volunteer Appreciation Liturgy & ReceptionThursday, April 30th -If you volunteer at KCSS, you are invited to join us on Thursday, April 30th for our Volunteer Appreciation Liturgy at 8:20 a.m. in Holy Cross Church. Reception to follow in Friendship Hall with Refreshments and Entertainment. Please RSVP by calling the KCSS school office at 766-0186. God Bless Our Volunteers!! ∗ Band & Choir Concert-Thursday, May 7th Band & Choir Concert 6:30pm, Dress Rehearsal 1:30pm. Page 5 AREA EVENTS $crip $cuttlebutt! 766-1445 or scrip@skdchurch.org Ha ha!! Made you look. No Erin to bring a smile to your face today, just a friendly reminder to take advantage of our Scrip Program. We have been part of the Scrip Program for over 20 years! If there was a “catch” to this wonderful program, I am sure someone would have figured it out by now! Stop in at the parish office to see Erin and buy your scrip while you are here! Local Scrip Merchant of the Week Pleshek-Vosters Outdoor Power “Spring is just around the corner. Get your lawn mower ready for the Summer.. Stop in and we will blow you away with our customer service.” Retailers of the Week! We proudly stock Scheel’s and Shell! Scrip Hours at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office Monday to Thursday 8 to 12 & 1 to 4, Friday 8 to12, **Limited inventory is also offered at St. Francis Site following the 8:30 am Sunday Mass. A note to KCSS families that are members of St. Katharine Drexel Parish: Please remember when buying scrip to do so through St. Katharine scrip office. We will deliver to Holy Cross. We, as a parish, use some of the profits to help pay the amount we have been assessed by KCSS. So please, for the good of our school and church, remember we are here. Community Christian Resale Store 120 Second Street You will be able to drop off items for the Parish Fest General Store large or small beginning in May at the St. Al’s site. Lots of rummage sales are being held in the next few months. If you have items left over we can accommodate you by taking some of those items. Kaukauna city wide rummage sale is Saturday, May 16th. A volunteer will be at the St. Al’s site between 6:00-7:30 pm if you would like to donated items that you were not able to sell or at the Community Christian Resale Store at 120 E. Second Street on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 AM to Noon. Items we accept need be in workable, clean, and saleable condition. Please call Sue VanNuland at 766-2974 to arrange a drop off time. (We are unable to accept electronics, computers, monitors, televisions and unusable appliances.) Store hours are Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, and only in April Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Thank you for your support. Any questions call Sue VanNuland (766-2974) Page 6 New Hope Grief Group - Green Bay: This group meets on Tuesdays, 1:30-3 pm at Annunciation, 1087 Kellogg St., Green Bay, beginning April 21. If you know of anyone who is in need of support due to the death of a loved one, please encourage them to consider this five week session. To register, call 920-496-2160. What is MENTAL ILLNESS? What is MENTAL HEALTH? This informative, 60 minute presentation provides an overview of mental illness and its impact; the adverse effects of stigma; the importance of advocacy; and NAMI Fox Valley's role in the community to educate, support and empower those affected by mental illness. All are welcome. Presented by NAMI. at 6:30 PM Thursday, April 23, 2015 St Bernadette Parish School, 2331 E. Lourdes Drive, Appleton A Look at Life from a Woman’s Perspective Serrin Foster, President of “Feminists for Life of America” is presenting “The Feminist Case AGAINST Abortion” on Thursday, April 30 – 6:30pm at the Bemis International Center (Hendrickson Dining Room) at St. Norbert College, sponsored by the “Knights for Life.” Tickets are required, and seating is limited. This is quite an opportunity to hear Ms. Foster share her landmark presentation. To register on-line: https://tickets.snc.edu/s848, or contact the St. Norbert Box Office. This promises to be a very enlightening evening. Any questions, please contact Deacon Steve Vande Hey – 920-8508168 (cell) or e-mail: dcnstevenpeg@yahoo.com Saturday, May 2nd - Register now to participate in the third annual Walk to Mary. This 21 mile walking pilgrimage, with various join in points to shorten the route, begins at the National Shrine of St. Joseph at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin and concludes at the first and only authenticated Marion apparition in the United States, the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin. Please consider joining us! Funds raised by the Walk to Mary will be used to support the education of children in their faith. Learn more and register at www.walktomary.com! 17th Annual Pig to Pig Walk: On Saturday, May 2, Larry’s Piggly Wiggly, Kaukauna and Little Chute, will be holding the 17th annual Pig to Pig walk. Proceeds from the walk will go to Make A Wish Foundation. For registration and additional information stop at Larry’s Piggly Wiggly in Kaukauna or Little Chute. KCSS RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS 04/06 04/07 04/08 04/09 04/10 04/11 04/12 Debbie Niersen #2029 KAU Joyce Brantmeier #1361 KAU Deacon Bruce & Kim Corey #1848 LittleChute Marty Schuh #1097 KAU Jean Sprangers #1158 KAU Justin Uitenbroek #1214 KAU Charlene Narance #1766 GreenBay $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 $25 Sunday St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna April 19, 2015, Third Sunday of Easter Page 7 Page 8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna
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