November 10, 2013 November 10, 2013
November 10, 2013 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Parish Information Address................................. 119 West 7th Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Phone ........................................................................................ (920)766-1445 Website ............................................................................... Parish E-mail and for the bulletin ................... Parish Elizabeth Ministry E-mail ........... Kaukauna Catholic School System ............................................... Relevant Radio................................................. Churches and Campus St. Aloysius ........................................................... 2401 Main Ave, Kaukauna St. Francis ....................................................... 433 County Rd. CE, Kaukauna St. Mary..................................................................119 W. 7th St., Kaukauna Rectory........................... 134 West Ann Street, Kaukauna, WI 766-2966 Parish Office Hours Monday -Thursday ............................................................ 8:00 AM - 4:00PM Friday .......................................................................................8:00 AM - Noon Parish Staff Pastor ................................................................................. Rev. Jerome Pastors Deacon........................................................................ Randy Haak 766-1235 Business Manager....................................................................... Jessica Schaff Liturgical Coordinator ................................................. Donna VandenHeuvel Bookkeeper ...................................................................................... Jean Feyen Parish Nurse............................................................... Jan Beringer 707-3534 Admin. Assistant .........................................................................Edie Schneider Scrip Coordinator/Admin. Assistant ...................................Paula Huelsbeck Cemetery ......................... Sue Zwiers (Faith Formation Office 766-5997) Maintenance ........................... Tom Kettleson, Tom Diedrich, and Jane Kempen Faith Formation Faith Formation Office .................................................................... 766-5997 Administrator .................................................................................... Jean Olson Coordinator/ Youth Minister ........................................................ Jeff Kacala Admin. Assistant ............................................................................ Susan Zwiers Valley Area Special Needs Rel. Ed. Dir. ...............................Belinda Micke 809-4637 ( Catholic Education Kaukauna Catholic School System Administrator: Larry Konetzke St. Aloysius Campus ............................................................... 766-5199 Holy Cross Campus ................................................................ 766-0186 Xavier High School ........................................................................... 733-6632 St. Katharine Drexel Parish, St. Mary’s Church only has a Hearing Loop for hearing aid users equipped with T-coils. Mass/Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday 4:00 PM St. Mary Church Sunday 8:30 AM St. Francis Church 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church 10:30 AM St. Mary Church Weekday Masses: Tuesday 8:30 AM St. Al’s Church Wednesday 8:30 AM St Francis Church Friday 8:30 AM St. Mary Church Liturgy of Word with Communion Thursday 8:30 AM St. Francis Church Holy Day: Holy Day Vigil 6:30 PM St. Mary Church Holy Day 8:30 AM St. Aloysius Church Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00–10:00 AM at St. Al’s church or by appt. Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office at least 2 months prior Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office at least 6 months prior. Sacrament of the Sick: Call anytime 766-2966 St. Francis Church Hollandtown St. Aloysius Church St. Mary of the Annunciation Church St. Katharine Drexel Mission Statement To advance the mission of Jesus through prayer, service and sharing. FR. JERRY’S CORNER On Sunday, November 17 after the 10:30 am mass at St. Mary church, we will be having our Parish Annual Meeting. I invite you to come and learn what we accomplished over the 2012-2013 year and what we are planning on doing for the 2013-2014 year. Your questions and suggestions are always welcome. For those who come, they will have a chance to win scrip. Mark your calendar and hope to see you there. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the Archdiocese for the Military Services and advancing the mission of Jesus through our faith-filled prayer, service to our neighbor and our generous sharing. I invite you to take a “Little Burgundy Book: Six-Minute Reflections on Stewardship in Light of the Gospel of Luke. In light of stewardship, a way of life in Christ, will we give thanks to God? In my own life, as a priest, I recognize that I also need to share financially with those in need. I use scrip for various places, but particularly food and gas. Each year I reflect upon my life in what I have and what I need and prayerfully consider increasing my giving, thus making a change. Do you use scrip? The CD of the month is “The 7 Levels of Intimacy” by Matthew Kelly. There is a limited number and they will be available in the back of churches. Take one and listen to it and share it with others or bring it back for others to listen to. The Featured Ministry of the Week is Altar Servers Funerals: Funeral Mass Servers are practicing Catholic men or women willing to serve at Funeral Masses at the church of their choice. No prior server training is required, training will be provided. Participation is on a rotating schedule. Person must be able to tolerate incense. Persons need to be available during the day on week days. Contact person is Donna Vanden Heuvel at 766-1445 I invite you to pray for those involved in this ministry and prayerfully consider joining this ministry. I invite you to collect all the ministries featured in the bulletin over the month, and then send them to me with the ministries listed, your full name, phone number, and mailing address. The dead line for those featured in November (Nov. 3 – Nov. 24) is Dec. 1. The bulletins can also be found on our website You can mail them to me at the parish office or e-mail me at You will be entered in a drawing for a $25 scrip gift certificate. Together let us advance the mission of Jesus through faith-filled prayer, service to my neighbor, and generous sharing. Congratulations to Edie Schneider, who won in the month of October. In the back of our churches there is material that is free. This material provides a variety of information and opportunities to help us grow in our faith. I would like to invite you to check it out. One of the pamphlets is entitled “Alcohol & Drug Addition Happens to the Best of Families.” Check it out. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, is a video study featuring Jeff Cavins a renowned Catholic Bible teacher. This bible study will take place on Thursday at 1:00 PM at St. Mary (Social Hall) and Thursday at 6:30 PM at St. Aloysius (Upper Lounge). Both sessions contain the same information. Contact Fr. Jerry 766-1445. Dec. 5 Matthew 19: Marriage: A Demonstration of God’s Love Jan. 23 Matthew 20-21 Stepping Down in Greatness Peace, Fr. Jerry Saving God’s Gifts Weekend of November 22-3, 2013 Sharing ................................................ $ 8,695.50 Electronic Sharing (November) ......... $ 4,490.00 Offertory ............................................. $ 678.02 Children Envelopes ............................. $ 1.30 Maintenance ........................................ $ 232.00 Heat ...................................................... $ 125.00 Holy Day .............................................. $ 90.00 World Mission Sunday ....................... $ 573.00 • • • • Thank you to Catholic Financial Life Chapter 64 for the $500.00 matching fund for the Parish Fest. Thank you to Bingo for the $3,000.00 gift given to the Parish this past week. Salad Luncheon profit was $1,932.00 Pancake Porkie Breakfast profit was $2,148.00 WEDDING BANNS III Page 2 Joseph VanDaalwyk & Carrie Dercks Please keep in your prayers the family of Eileen Biersteker. As we pray for her soul and the souls of the faithful departed, may they rest in peace. A cross with Eileen’s name will hang at St. Al’s Church until our All Soul’s Memorial service in November 2014. News from St. Katharine Drexel Elizabeth Ministry Special Blessing: There will be a special blessing at all the Masses the weekend of November 30 & December 1, for anyone who is pregnant or in the process of adopting a child. Your parish family wishes to celebrate with you and support you with prayer. Father will simply offer the blessing to you and your family at the end of Mass. A small gift prepared by our Parish Elizabeth Ministry will be presented. If you are pregnant or are in the process of an adoption please come and accept this special blessing. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna Loss and Dying iturgy Loss is always perceived as an enemy or affliction, and looks inistry like what we don’t want. It is from Donna not. It is just letting go of one thing to make room for another thing. To embrace loss, spiritually speaking, is to achieve something more and something bigger. Some form of positive dying invariably allows us to be untied with what is Larger Reality, a newness of life. “Unless a grain of wheat dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:24 & THANK YOU!!! The Pancake Porkie Breakfast was a great success. Thank you to . . . ∗ Who came and supported the breakfast. ∗ Donated the desserts and/or gave a cash donation ∗ Haen Meat Packing Inc. for donating the breakfast sausage. ∗ Ala foods for the cheese donation and Star Orchard for the apples for apple sauce. (Betty Eiting for making the apple sauce.) ∗ The many workers. ∗ VanAbel’s of Hollandtown for the use of the creamers. ∗ Tom & Amy Schmidt for the use of Countryside Golf Course facility SponsoredbyHeartoftheValleyCatholic Churches LUKEforLUNCHPartII: ACTSoftheAPOSTLES PleasejoinusthisAdventforasixweek BibleStudyoftheActsoftheApostles: TheGoodNewsoftheHolySpirit Dates:Tuesdays—Nov.12,19,26;Dec.3,10,17 Time: Noonto1:00pm Location:St.Mary’sschool—ParishCenter,112W. EighthSt.,Kaukauna.FaithFormationCenter doorwillbeopenforyourconvenience. Cost: $8.00fortheBibleStudybook Bring:Abaglunch Wewillprovidewaterandcoffee. ++++++++++++ Please register in advance by contacting the St. Katharine Drexel Faith Formation office at or 766-5997. FYI: Early Bulletin Transmissions for the Holidays. Please note with the holidays approaching our due date and times for bulletin articles will be different. Please watch the bulletin under calendar of Events for early submission dates and times. Sorry for the inconvenience. Mass Intentions Week of November 10, 2013 Saturday 9 4:00 PM Sunday 10 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Bill Blenke Bernard Marx St. Mary 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Jamie Petrie Leo Mitchell St. Al’s People of the Parish St. Francis Living and Deceased members of the Steve & Helen Hunter family Margie Janssen-Andrews St. Mary Monday 11 11:00 AM Rosary St. Mary Tuesday 12 8:30 AM Claude LeBrun St. Al’s Wednesday 13 8:30 AM Open Intention St. Francis Thursday 14 8:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion St. Francis Friday 15 8:30 AM Lillian VanWychen Dcn. Thomas Hale St. Mary Saturday 16 4:00 PM Living & Deceased members of the Ralph Doering Family Marcus Nigl St. Mary Sunday 17 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:30 AM Shirley Zieler St. Al’s 8:30 AM Gib & Marion Broeren Gene Haen St. Francis 10:30 AM People of the Parish St. Mary RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 9:00 AM at St. Al’s Church It is not always possible to know who is hospitalized, living at a care facility or who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them at home. We are asking for your help. If you know someone who wishes to have Holy Communion brought to them please contact the Parish Business Office at 766-1445. Bread & Wine Donation for the Week of November 10th in memory of the deceased members of the Dan & Margaret Wallace family Readings for the Week of November 10, 2013 Sunday: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/2 Thes 2:16--3:5/Lk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 Monday: Wis 1:1-7/Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Wis 2:23--3:9/Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11/Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Wis 7:22b--8:1/Lk 17:20-25 Friday: Wis 13:1-9/Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9/Lk 18:1-8 Next Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a/2 Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-1 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. November 10, 2013 | 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 3 Calendar of Events SUN. Nov. 10 9:30 AM Donut Sunday (SH) (SA) 6:00 PM The Cova: Youth Ballroom Dancing: East Coast Swing & Waltz (SH) (SA) 6:30 PM BINGO [Mark Nussbaum, Joe Arnoldussen, Barb Kilgas, Fr. Jerry, Joanne Verkuilen, Phyllis VanDreaa, Dorothy Schmidt, Joyce Eiting, and Sherry Loderbauer] MON. Nov. 11 All articles for the November 16-17, bulletin due by noon in writing. 7:30 AM Popcorn Ball Factory 11:00 AM Rosary (church) (SM) 1:00 PM Kaukauna Golden Ages (City Hall) 6:00 PM Den #9 Meeting (TL) (SA) 6:30 PM Den #4 Meeting (UL) (SA) 6:30 PM Den #6 Meeting (AR) (SA) 6:30 PM Den #7 Meeting (lib) (SA) 6:30 PM Tiger Cubs Den Meeting (café) (SM) 6:30 PM Strength Finders (PC) (SM) 7:00 PM AA Group (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM Radiant Light Choir Practice (church) (SA) 7:00 PM Buchanan Badgers 4-H (SH) (SA) TUE. Nov. 12 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 12:00 PM Bible Study-Luke for lunch (PC) (SM) 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop 104 Meeting (UL) (SA) 7:00 PM Home & School Meeting (UL) (SA) 7:30 PM Men on a Mission (church & café) (SM) WED. Nov. 13 All articles for the November 23-24, bulletin due by noon in writing. 6:00 PM Deepening Session-Middle School (SM) 6:10 PM Deepening Session-Elementary School (SA) 6:30 PM Mix Choir Practice (church) (SA) THUR. Nov. 14 All announcements for the weekend of November 16-17, Masses are due by Noon in writing. 6:00 PM KCSS Finance Meeting (UL) (SA) 6:30 PM Glory & Praise Choir Practice (church) (SM) FRI. Nov. 15 Only the Parish Business Office closed for the full day for staff Retreat and enrichment. Scrip Office will be open for sales!!!!!!!! 7:00 PM Behold the Lamb Practice (church) (SM) SAT. Nov. 16 9:00 AM First Reconciliation Retreat (whole building ) (SM) 9:00 AM - Noon Resale Store open (120 E. 2nd St) 12:00 PM High School Retreat (Whole Building) (SM) SUN. Nov. 17 9:00 AM Confirmation Class (PC) (SM) 11:30 AM Parish Annual Meeting (church) (SM) 6:00 PM The Cova: Youth Ballroom Dancing: East Coast Swing & Waltz (SH) (SA) 6:30 PM BINGO [Bernie Kempen, Pat Arnoldussen, Stephanie Allwardt, Jean Lamers, Fr. Jerry, Darlene Gries, and Coreen Sanders] Prayer for the week… O lord, hear my prayer. Amen. Page 4 Kaukauna Catholic School System Larry Konetzke, System Administrator St. Al’s 766-5199 Holy Cross 766-0186 Veterans Day Prayer Services Everyone is invited to join the KCSS students and staff for a prayer service to honor our veterans. Please share in our appreciation of freedom as well as honor those who have sacrificed so much. We thank you!! The prayer services will be held on Monday, November 11th Holy Cross Church - 8:20a.m. St. Aloysius Church - 8:30a.m. KCSS Book Fair-November 11th – 15th Holy Cross Campus-Room 3 Monday, November 11th 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 12th 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 13th 7:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Thursday, November 14th 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. Friday, November 15th 7:30 a.m.- 8:30a.m. The book fair is also online, at Click on the “Book Fair” tab on the left hand side of the page. 2014 Raffle Calendars Have Arrived!! KCSS along with Holy Cross Parish and St. Katharine Drexel Parish are once again combining their efforts to make this calendar fund raiser a huge success. Pick up your calendar at Holy Cross Church or Parish Office, St. Katharine Drexel Worship Sites or Parish Office, Holy Cross Campus Office, St. Aloysius Campus Office or at the KCSS Business Office. Younkers Community Days Event-November 15th & 16th Coupon Booklets are on sale now. If you are interested, you can pick up booklets at Holy Cross Campus Office, St. Aloysius Campus Office, contact any KCSS family or call 759-9290, Popcorn Ball Factory Up-date! We are on a roll!! Corn Syrup, Sugar, Butter, and Vanilla is here and we have begun to make popcorn balls every Monday from 7:30 AM to Noon in the cafeteria at the St. Mary’s site. We could always use your help. If you cannot come at 7:30 AM come when you can! We appreciate any time you can volunteer. Call the parish office (766-1445) to place your order at $7.00 a dozen. Thank you! A big THANK YOU to all our volunteers who make this happen. Coordinators: Pat Ryan, Norma Fuhrmann and Ellie & Marv Hietpas Mustard Seeds…. It is not enough for us to recognize our nothingness. We must change and become something in the hands of the Lord. (From Matthew Kelly) Pass this along to a friend. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna G.I.F.T. (Growing In Faith Together) Faith Formaon for Everyone 920-766-5997 or DecemberWholeParishGIFTsession: Seasons of Prayer JoinusasweexplorethebeautyofAdvent prayerthroughtheartofourCatholicfaith tradition.Ourfeaturedspeakeris: Fr.JamesNeilsonO.Praem, AssistantprofessorofArt St.NorbertCollege YouwillenjoyFr.Neilson’sinsightfulcommentaryandwitashetakesusthroughthe seasonofAdventre=lectedinthemasterpiecesofChristianartoverthecenturies. +++++++++++++ Fr.Neilsonhas studied art at The School of the Art Institute in Chicago, Notre Dame University and The Vermont Studio School where he earned an MFA in three-dimensional mixed media sculpture. He is presently an assistant professor of art at St. Norbert College and received the Leonard Levina Educator of the Year Award in 2005. +++++++++++++ Markyourcalendarsfor: Dec.4,Wednesday5:15pmlitesupper;6:00pmprogram Dec.7,Saturday9:00amlitebreakfast;9:30amprogram. All are welcome. First Reconciliation Retreat Parent/Child Retreat • Saturday, November 16, 9:00 - 11:30 am. Please bring completed books. First Reconciliation Celebration • Wednesday, November 20, 6:00 - 7:30 pm, St. Mary’s Church. ThankYouBrooksOilforproviding thedessertforourWholeParishGIFT mealinOctober.Weappreciateyour support! BINGO! Progressive Jackpot is $665.50 Nov 10, 19, and 24 Sunday night – Smoke Free St. Mary, Campus, Social Hall Doors open 5:00 PM - Bingo Starts at 6:30 PM November 10, 2013 | 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Jeff Kacala 766-5997 Find Us: ministry Call or email for more information on all offerings High School Faith Formation Just a reminder that our first high school retreat of the year is this Saturday, Nov. 16th from 2pm— 10pm at the St. Mary’s site. Be sure to sign up if you have not already done so. Youth Ballroom Dance Class Continues this Sunday evening from 6:30-8:00 pm at the St. Al’s site. Cost is only $5 per night. Schedule November 10, 17: East Coast Swing & Waltz December 1, 8, 15: Rumba, Cha Cha Need more info? Visit MEN ON THE MISSION • What is it? All men from the area are invited to connect with other men and explore their Catholic faith. • Topics Covered: Entire spectrum of our Catholic faith. • Where: We are beginning all of our sessions with Holy Mass, in Church at the St. Mary’s site, at 7:30. Mass is open to men, women, and children. All are welcome. After Mass, the men will head to the Social Hall for our presentation and discussion. Next gathering is Tuesday, November 12. See you there. Dear Parishioners, This summer I made trips to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to report on the U.S. prison there, and Honduras, to learn more about the work of the Jesuits in that country. Now I'm in my second year as an associate editor at America magazine, which is based in New York City. In a recent issue (Sept. 30), we published an interview with Pope Francis. It was a great privilege to help prepare the interview for publication. It moved me to tears many times. I am constantly inspired and challenged by Francis' words and example. This fall I will apply for theology studies, the final stage of Jesuit formation before ordination. I ask for your prayers during the application process. I will continue to pray for you, too. -Luke Hansen, S.J. "Catholic Financial Life" Chapter #103 is again match funding your donation up to $250 to St. Vincent de Paul Society on donations and sales for the month of November. There is also a need for volunteers to price and display merchandise in the store. Your inquiries and donations can be brought or mailed to St. Vincent de Paul Store, 117 E. 2nd Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. Page 5 $crip $cu2lebu2! 766-1445 or Please welcome Boettcher Family Funeral Home to our local scrip family!!!! Pay up to $500 of your funeral cost with scrip! Remember the scrip office is open during regular business hours. We are here and ready to serve all your scrip needs. Even though we offer on line scrip, we still have our normal inventory available here at the office. So now you have 2 ways to buy scrip! The Scrip Office will be open on Friday November 15th. The parish office however will be closed. Local Scrip Merchant of the Week Boettcher Family Funeral Home Serving you with caring and compassionate hearts during your time of need. Retailers of the Week! We proudly stock Marcus Theaters and McDonalds! Scrip Hours at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office Monday to Thursday 8 to 12 & 1 to 4, Friday 8 to12, SCRIP WILL NOT BE SOLD ON SATURDAY MORNING TILL FURTHER NOTICE **Limited inventory is also offered at St. Francis Site following the 8:30 am Sunday Mass. Humor for the Soul A first-grade school teacher had twenty-six students in her class. She presented each child in her classroom the first half of a wellknown proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. It's hard to believe these were actually done by first graders. Their insight may surprise you. While reading, keep in mind that these are first-graders, six-year-olds! • Don’t bite the hand that...looks dirty • A penny saved is ...not much • An idle mind...the best way to relax • Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and have to blow your nose • A bird in the going to poop on you! RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS 10/28 10/29 10/30 10/31 11/01 11/02 11/03 Page 6 Diane Gunderson #676 KAU $20 Kathleen VanDeraa #645 KAU $20 Rand & Melinda Gaber #270 Fairfax, VA $20 Ben Randall-Schuh #1039 Middleton $20 Kathy Van Gompel #938 Little Chute $100 (All Saints Day) Mary Bloy #301 KAU $20 Dale Hietpas #848 KAU $25 Sunday AREA EVENTS St. Edward, Mackville Pancake/Porkie Breakfast November 17th, 8:00 – 11 a.m. Come enjoy pancakes, with your choice of toppings, and eggs and sausages. It’s a delicious breakfast for a low price… $5 each or $15 for the family. All proceeds benefit causes of the Knights of Columbus. St. Mary’s/Catholic Central Appleton All-School Reunion Mark your calendars for May 17, 2014, and help us celebrate 125 years of elementary education at St. Mary’s/Catholic Central School, Appleton. If you attended the school, taught, or were the parent of a child there, we’d love to hear your stories and have you join the celebration. Go to CatholicCentralElementary email, or call Sarah at 915-0967 for more details. Also, please let us know if you are interested in helping organize this event. Thank you! CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) basketball is almost here! CYO basketball is open to all high school students in the area, both boys and girls. Teams play against other CYO teams from the Valley from December through February and conclude the season with a tournament to crown champions in each division: Boys Freshman/Sophomore, Boys Junior/Senior, and Girls. Players are encouraged to form teams or will be placed on a team. Each team must have at least two coaches/ responsible adults at practice sessions held in KCSS gyms. Registration for the upcoming season will take place on November 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the Holy Cross gym. One representative from each team should attend and bring the team roster and completed registration form for each team member. Students without a team are welcome and should bring their registration form. Forms are on the KCSS website ( under the Athletics tab. Contact Scott Buchinger with questions at 920-540-3517 or On Friday, November 29 through Saturday afternoon November 30, the Servants of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Vigil for Life will be hosting the Sixth Annual Respect Life Retreat. This special pre-Advent retreat will be held once again in the beautiful retreat center of Durward's Glen near Baraboo, WI. (You can find Durward's Glen on Facebook) Retreat Master for the event will Father Eric Nielsen a wonderful Catholic priest from the Diocese of Madison. This event will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, the Liturgy of the Hours, silent prayer and time for personal reflection. Those who are involved in work to build a culture of life are invited to attend, but the retreat is open to everyone. Spaces for the Respect Life Retreat are limited, so please call now to reserve your room. The cost per person is $65 and checks may be made payable to “The Servants of Our Lady of Guadalupe” (Financial assistance may be made available for those in need). Please call Jen Dunnett at 715-340-2779 or email her at to reserve your place. Take time apart from your efforts to defend life in order to be strengthened by Jesus Christ, Who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6) St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna November 10, 2013 | 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 7 Page 8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna November 10, 2013 | 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Page 9
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