welcome to holy cross parish
WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS PARISH 309 Desnoyer Street | Kaukauna, WI 54130 Parish Ministry Staff PASTOR…….Father Tom Pomeroy DEACON…….Deacon Bruce Corey Faith Forma!on Coordinators Jackie Wallace, Gloria Ackerman Liturgy Coordinator/Bulle!n Kim Corey Music Coordinator Ellen Scheibe Office Manager Tammy Schmahl Principal Larry Konetzke Recep!onist/SCRIP Coordinator Bonnie Fischer www.holycrosskaukauna.org HOLY CROSS PARISH MISSION —WHY WE EXIST We, the members of Holy Cross Parish, con"nue the mission of Jesus Christ through the building of a vibrant Catholic community of word, worship and service to others. Mass Times Saturday .......................... 4:30 pm Sunday ....... 7:30, 9:15 & 11:00 am Weekdays ................ 7:00 am daily Holy Days……………… See Inside Phone Numbers Rectory Office ................ 766-3773 Fax ................................. 766-3774 Scrip Office .................... 766-3773 Faith Forma"on Center . 766-3510 Holy Cross Campus……...766-0186 St. Al’s School Campus .. 766-5199 RCIA Coordinator, Gloria Schuh ............... 766-9598 Confirma"on ……………....766-3510 Xavier High School ......... 733-6632 KCSS Website www.kcssonline.org Rectory Office Hours and Scrip Hours Mon-Thurs . 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Friday................. 8:00-12:00 Noon MAY 26, 2013 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (YR. C) 2 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin The Most Holy Trinity “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth...” (John 16:13) Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know the truth. So why not talk to the Holy Spirit about your stewardship? Are you sharing your time and talent with God and others? Do you give a fair amount of your treasure to do the work of the Lord? Can you hear the Holy Spirit’s answer to those questions in your heart now? What more is He calling you to do? Parish Contributions Week of May 19, 2013 (We need your help each week, please) Weekly Budget Needs…………………...$12,000.00 Sacrificial Giving Received....................... 7,791.00 Loose Offering Received…........…..……. 795.77 Total Received… ……………………….$ 8,586.77 Amount Short ….……………………….$ 3,413.23 Monthly Prayer Breakfast at Holy Cross The monthly Heart of the Valley ecumenical prayer breakfast will be held on Tuesday, May 28, at 7 am, in Friendship Hall at Holy Cross, Kaukauna. A continental breakfast will be served, followed by a message by Jack Pautz, retired Kaukauna School Principal and member of Christ the King Lutheran Church. All men and women are invited to attend. It’s always an enjoyable hour. Help the Parish and School With Scrip! A Message From Fr. Tom. . . My New Duties Two weeks ago, I mentioned at the beginning of Mass that I have received new duties in addition to being pastor here at Holy Cross Parish. I have been appointed the Administrator of St. Denis Parish, Shiocton, and St. Patrick Parish, Stephensville. My additional roles will begin on July 1, 2013. Notice that I am the administrator, not their pastor. The pastoral coordinator of the two parishes will be Deacon Ken Bilgrien, who has been working in Hortonville for a number of years, so he is familiar with the area. People have been asking what my role will be in those parishes. Since this is new, my duties are still being sorted out. I know that I will not be doing Masses there on weekends. I will be meeting with Deacon Bilgrien on a regular basis to plan the pastoral ministry of the parish. I will also have some meetings with their parish council and with parishioners. Other than this, I think my role is still in flux and we will have to see where it takes me. The next question I have received is: How will this affect ministry at Holy Cross Parish? As far as pastoral ministry goes: If you need to be anointed or, if there is a pastoral emergency, call me as you always have. That has top priority no matter what. Deacon Bruce Corey is the second in charge as full-time pastoral associate here at Holy Cross, and he is always willing to step up and help. He is a great asset to our parish. With him here, we will deal with all pastoral situations. We also have Deacon Mark Ebben, and he will be happy to help where and whenever he can. I am hoping that, with everyone pulling together, nobody will even notice the extra work I have taken on. I would ask you one thing: Please pray for vocations. Every Monday, we have people in church all day praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Please come and join them. It’s not just a nice thing to do. It’s a necessary thing to do. Fr. Tom Wedding Banns Holy Cross Parish Phone: 766-3773 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 8 am—Noon and 1—4 pm Fridays 8:00 am—Noon Scrip also sold after 7:30 and 9:15 am Masses on Sundays Local Merchant of the Week RUFFING AUTOMOTIVE Drive in and we will see to it that your car is well cared for. \ National Merchant of the Week NOODLES AND COMPANY II Dan Van Ryzin and Lauren Francis I Adam Spoehr and Rebecca Bowers It’s a Parish Golf Outing -Just For Fun Call Elmer at 841-2617 or Kate at 277-4148 if you would like to golf in a four-person scramble at Eagle Links on Sunday, June 9. Burgers and brats afterwards. Tee times start at 2:00 pm. $30 per person pays for your greens fees and dinner. Drinks must be purchased at the clubhouse. Sign up as a team of four, or we’ll place you in a group. Join us for an afternoon of fun! MAY 26 , 2013 Mark Your Calendars in Advance ( YR C) |3 Please Teach Your Children to Love the Body and Blood of Christ (HOV) means it is a joint-parish event. Tues, May 28 Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast - 7 am - FH Wed, May 29 Weekly Summer Bible Study with Ellen- GS 7:45-8:45 am and/or 6:30 - 7:30 pm (Pg 5) Wed, May 29 Lunchtime Organ Recital Series -12:15 pm Nancy Siebecker, First Presbyterian Church, 200 Church St., Neenah Thurs, May 30 Lunchtime Organ Recital Series - 12:15 pm Dr. Leon Couch - St. Paul Lutheran Church, 200 N. Commercial Street, Neenah Thurs, May 30 Pasty Orders Due (See form below) Fri, May 31 June Holy Cross Apparel orders due June 1 and 2 Prayer Shawls blessed and available Sun, June 2 Corpus Christi Procession after 11:00 Mass Tues, June 4 8th Grade Graduation - HC Sun, June 9 Parish Golf Outing at Eagle Links (Pg. 2) 6:30 pm Thurs, June 13 Day Bus Trip to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine - (HOV) (See page 4) Thurs, June 13 Youth Beginning-of-Summer Party (Pg. 5) (HOV) Fri, June 21 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Parish Timber Rattler Game/Tailgate (Pg. 4) The Corpus Christi Choir Needs Your Voice A Corpus Christi Choir is needed for the 11 am Mass on Sunday, June 2, the Feast of Corpus Christi. There is also the tradition of walking and singing with the Blessed Sacrament as we process through the streets of Kaukauna’s north side. Sign up on the door of the Music Room, or e-mail escheibe@holycrosskaukauna.org. One rehearsal-7 pm on Thursday, May 30. Let’s get lots of voices! Corpus Christi Procession: Next Sunday, June 2 For the past few years, on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, or Corpus Christi, Holy Cross Parish has been one of only a few parishes in the area to celebrate with Mass and a procession through the streets around the parish. This is a beautiful practice, and the people who participate find a great deal of comfort and peace. It would be wonderful to have hundreds of people stopping traffic as we cross the streets around these sacred parish grounds. We hope you will take one short hour out of your day to process with us after Mass, even if you have attended a different Mass on the weekend. There is nothing more important in our lives than what Jesus has done for us, and we can show our love for him in this simple and profoundly beautiful way. Please dress your first communicants in their first communion attire and help us bring our love for Jesus to the streets. We need a few men to help us set up the altars around the church and to carry the canopy that shelters the monstrance. It will be a very special time for your family. Please call Kim this week if you can help us make this a beautiful feast day for Jesus. Join us for 11:00 Mass or after Mass. If you are home, please join us! Get Your Meat and Veggie Pasties Right Here -- Only Until May 30! We’ll take meat and veggie pasty orders through Thursday, May 30. Call Trisha at 766-7833, e-mail ttetzlaff002@new.rr.com, or return the section below to Holy Cross, 309 Desnoyer St., Kaukauna, WI 54130. Frozen pasties will be delivered on Friday, June 7. Checks or cash are accepted. Watch the bulletin for pick-up times and locations. Pay when you pick them up. Easy. Cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes, I want to order the following meat or veggie pasties from the UP. (All come with potatoes, carrots, onions) _____ All-Beef _____ Beef/Pork Rutabaga Total Number _________ x $3.00 each _____ Chicken _____ All-Veggie = Total: $ _____________ (Pay at pick-up) Name ___________________________________________________________________ Phone number: ____________________________ Email: _____________________________ 4 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin Weekly KCSS Calendar Raffle Winners 5/13/13 5/14/13 5/15/13 5/16/13 5/17/13 5/18/13 5/19/13 Ralph Hurley Eileen Biersteker Margaret Brantmeier Fr. Tom Pomeroy Lloyd/Shirley Baeten Jeni Pastors Mona Snow Appleton $20.00 Kaukauna $20.00 Greenleaf $100.00 Kaukauna $20.00 Kaukauna $20.00 Naperville, IL $20.00 Ruckersville,VA $25.00 Mass Intentions For Your Loved Ones We have openings for Mass Intentions during 2013, so you may call anytime to schedule a Mass for your loved one. The standard contribution is $10.00 per Mass. Our prayers are with you and your families. If you would like to bring up the gifts at your scheduled Mass, please let us know. Day Bus Trip to Our Lady of Good Help Holy Cross, St. John, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Paul and Holy Spirit Parishes are joining together for a one-day bus trip to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine in Champion. Call Jessie Hietpas at 788-3837 if you would like to register. $15 per person includes deluxe motor coach. Please bring a bag lunch. 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 2:45 pm 4:30 pm Depart from Holy Cross parking lot Talk 1- the Fatima Message Mass Talk 2 - the Fatima Message Closing Benediction Return to Holy Cross Parish parking lot Parish Timber Rattler Game on June 21 We’re going to the Timber Rattler game on Friday, June 21, and your whole family is invited! Tailgating, a 7:05 pm game and fireworks after the game. It doesn’t get much better than that! Now we just have to pray for a beautiful summer evening. Sign up soon because we have 40 seats reserved. If we get enough interest, we’ll try to order more tickets. To sign up, call Elmer at (920) 841-2617. It’s as simple as that! $12.00 for kids (8 and under) and $15.00 for adults -includes game ticket, burgers and brats with some sides to go with it. Remember - Call soon! 5:00 pm tailgate... Jesus loves you so much. Confessions are 11 am - 12 every Saturday in Church. KCSS News Upcoming Events 8th Grade Graduation Tuesday, June 4 6:30 pm Holy Cross Church KCSS Alumni, you are invited to join us on Tuesday, June 4, at 6:30 pm at Holy Cross Church for the Kaukauna Catholic School System 2013 Graduation. Last Day of School Liturgy Wednesday, June 5 Join Us! Holy Cross Church St. Aloysius Church 8:20am 8:30am Badger Sports Park Family Fun Night Tuesday, June 18 4 pm - 9 pm More details will be coming soon. All Welcome Security Entry Doors at Holy Cross Campus - We are in the process of installing security doors at the Doty Street entrance at Holy Cross Campus. The cost is $3,100. Donations for this project will be greatly appreciated. Send them to: Holy Cross Campus, 220 Doty Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130. Thank You! Are You Walking the Pilgrimage This Year? There’s lots of interest this year in the September 13-15 Walking, Biking or Motorcycle Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine. If you’ve joined us before, for any part of the pilgrimage weekend, you know what an inspirational journey it is. If you’ve never joined us, this may be your year to step out in faith. Bishop Morneau will join us on Sunday, September 15, for our 4:00 pm closing Mass. If you can’t walk or bike, take the bus and join us for Mass. To help us all prepare, we’ll walk every Tuesday evening, weather permitting, at 5:55 pm, so you’ll get lots of practice. Join us in the Gathering Space on Tuesday evenings, when you can, and walk as long as you wish. Bring the kids. Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry News If you have time, are healthy and able to do some lifting, Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry is looking for a few people to drive on Monday mornings to Chilton and back. Tom Verhagen from Piggly Wiggly has donated the use of a bakery truck on Monday mornings, so that’s a huge help. Now we just need a few drivers. If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please call Pam at 766-1560. Prayer Shawl Blessing on June 1 and 2 Prayer shawls will be blessed and available after all Masses on June 1 and 2. Please feel free to take one for a loved one or for someone you know who needs comfort and prayers. MAY 26, 2013 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY (YR. C) | 5 The Most Holy Trinity It’s always good for us, as Catholics, to know the Feast days of the Church and other special details that we often don’t take the time to learn on our own. Trinity Sunday, a moveable feast also known as Holy Trinity Sunday, is celebrated a week after Pentecost Sunday in honor of the most fundamental of Christian beliefs— belief in the Holy Trinity. We can never fully understand the mystery of the Trinity, but we can sum it up in the following formula: God is three Persons in one Nature. The three Persons of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—are all equally God, and They cannot be divided. History: As Fr. John Hardon points out in his Modern Catholic Dictionary, the origins of the celebration of Trinity Sunday go all the way back to the Arian heresy of the fourth century. Arius believed that Christ was a created being, and in denying the divinity of Christ, he denied that there are three Persons in God. Arius' chief opponent, Athanasius, upheld the orthodox doctrine that there are three Persons in one God, and the orthodox view prevailed at the Council of Nicaea, from which we get the Nicene Creed, recited in most Christian churches every Sunday. To stress the doctrine of the Trinity, other Fathers of the Church, such as St. Ephrem the Syrian, composed prayers and hymns that were recited in the Church's liturgies and on Sundays as part of the Divine Office, the official prayer of the Church. Eventually, a special version of this office began to be celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost, and the Church in England, at the request of St. Thomas à Becket (1118-1170), was granted permission to celebrate Trinity Sunday. The celebration of Trinity Sunday was made universal by Pope John XXII (1316-34). The liturgical color for Trinity Sunday is white, so the church will be decorated with white. A Shout-Out to Middle Schoolers! Beginning of Summer Party Thursday, June 13 6:30 - 9:00 pm The park across from St. John School, Little Chute, on Grand Avenue This is a shout-out to all middle schoolers! Youth ministers from area parishes are collaborating to put on this event. All are welcome! Summer Bible Study With Ellen Come every Wednesday to the Narthex (Gathering Space) to meet with friends and share the scripture readings for the following weekend. Ellen Scheibe, Holy Cross Music Coordinator, will lead a summer bible study each week. Come Wednesday mornings after Mass, from 7:45-8:45 am, or Wednesday evenings, from 6:30-7:30 pm. If you have a bible, please bring it to the sessions. If you have other resources that might be helpful in discussions, please bring those items, too. Ellen is looking forward to sharing this time with you. OpporTUNEity: Re-connecting the Extension Chords Once upon a time, there was a group of people from this area known as the “Extension Chords.” They rehearsed weekly and developed into quite a reputable group! They brought sparks of joy to the community--even traveled-with their songs and routines! There is a possibility that this group will re-charge! Maybe it will be just a summer project. But who knows--it might “catch on” and become another year-’round ministry. The day, time and place for rehearsals will be decided, depending on interest, after Memorial Weekend. If interested, call Ellen at the parish, 766-3773, or at 530-2792. It will be lots of fun. Or, e-mail Ellen at escheibe@holycrosskaukauna.org. Readings for the Week of May 26 Sunday: Prv 8:22-31/Rom 5:1-5/Jn 16:12-15 Monday: Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52 Friday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/ Lk 1:39-56 Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33 Next Sunday: Gn 14:18-20/1 Cor 11:23-26/ Lk 9:11b-17 ©Liturgical Publications Inc 6 |Welcome to Holy Cross Parish Kaukauna, Wisconsin Monday, May 27 9:00 am Ruben and Magdalen Van De Hey Tuesday, May 28 7:00 am Joe and Luella Van Vonderen Wednesday, May 29 7:00 am Jerry Elliott Thursday, May 30 7:00 am Michael Roemer 8:20 am No Intention Friday, May 31 7:00 am Raymond and Margaret Heindl Saturday, June 1 4:30 pm Margaret Brewster Sunday, June 2 7:30 am Holy Cross Parish Family 9:15 am Frank DeJong 11:00 am Agnes DeBruin Holy Cross is Grateful For Your Gifts We are grateful for all the times Holy Cross Parish has been remembered through memorials, donations and wills. We can’t begin to thank those who have been generous in their final wishes, large or small. Please continue to think of us in this way. Our prayers are with all of you and your families. Parish Schedule for the Week of May 26 Sunday, May 26 During the summer - SCRIP will not be sold after Masses Monday, May 27 9:00 am Memorial Day Mass at Holy Cross Cemetery (Please bring a lawn chair) 8am-4pm Prayer Vigil in Church all day 6:30 pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, May 28 5:55 pm Pray and Walk - Gathering Space Thursday, May 30 Pasty Orders due 8:20 am 8th Grade Farewell at school Mass Friday, May 31 Holy Cross Apparel Orders Due Saturday, June 1 11-Noon Reconciliation in Church Prayer Shawls blessed and available after 4:30 Mass Sunday, June 2 Prayer Shawls blessed and available after all Masses 11:00 Mass Corpus Christi Mass and Procession Holy Cross Parish —Be a Part of Us Reconciliation Saturdays: 11:00-12:00 Noon or by appointment. Contact Fr. Tom Pomeroy at 766-3773 for an appointment. Baptisms We share in your joy as your child is baptized. Baptisms are the second Sunday of each month ($10 stipend). Call the parish office to set a date or to get further details. Baptism Preparation meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. First Friday Eucharist Calls Please inform us if you, or someone you know, cannot make it to Mass and would like to receive Holy Eucharist on the first Friday of each month. Ministries Call if you would like to be involved in one or more of our many ministries. We’d love to have you! How to Register as a New Parish Member Want to become a parish member? Simply stop in at the parish office, and we’ll get you registered. Fast and easy. Change of Phone, Address or Family Status? If you’re moving permanently or temporarily, or have changed any family information, please give us a call at 766-3773 so we can update your census information. Thanks for taking the time to call! Would You Like to Put Something in the Bulletin? The deadline is Monday noon (Friday before holidays). Holy Cross Prayer Relay for Your Prayer Needs If you or someone you know needs prayers, call 810-3900. Your parish family is here for you. We’ll start praying immediately! St. Pius Chapel of Divine Mercy Share your love for Jesus by spending an hour with Him in quiet time and prayer. The chapel, which is attached to the entrance of St. Pius Church in Appleton, is in need of weekly adorers. If you have never dedicated an hour a week to a time of adoration, you are missing something very special in your life. These are open hours: Sundays Fridays Saturdays Saturdays Saturdays 10:00 - 11:00 am 1:00 - 2:00 pm 5:00 - 6:00 am 2:00 - 3:00 pm 4:00 - 5:00 pm Please call 832-0909 for more information. Thank you. 179 Main Ave. Kaukauna,WI 54130 Gerald M.Van Hoof 24 HOUR TOWING 766-9031 AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR www.vanhoofautoservice.com 50..:(T D&M -Your HostsGary & Lisa Natrop 88JTDPOTJO"WF ,"6,"6/"8* Interiors Home of the 22oz. T-Bone 5PN1FH(JPSEBOB 766-2503 PAUL VAN BERKEL Attorney At Law "MMFHJBODF$Ut"QQMFUPO www.DandMinteriors.com 1506 S. Oneida St. Appleton Countryside Golf Club )PTQJUBM*OGPSNBUJPO 920-738-2000 W726 Weiler Road 180 West Wisconsin Ave. Kaukauna, WI 54130 Office: (920) 766-4803 Fax: (920) 759-9220 Open 7 Nights A Week Flooring Superstore Kaukauna XXXBGGJOJUZIFBMUIPSH 1201 Garfield Avenue -JUUMF$IVUF 766-2219 Affinity Health Sytem is a Catholic health care system. 920-788-5806 “Serving Fish On Fridays” Medicare & Medicaid Certified 704 Hyland Ave. (Hwy OO) Kaukauna 920-766-9888 www.primesteersuperclub.com Jeff’s Water Conditioning & Greenville Plumbing Jeff, Adam & Andy Griesbach Water Softeners/Heaters/Drinking Systems Salt Delivery & Self-Serve Pickup Plumbing Repair/Remodel & Drain Cleaning 920-757-9732 cell phones: Adam 920-422-0649 Jeff 920-378-2163 August Winter & Sons, Inc. Appleton, WI Sharon Fischer, AIS, CIC,CISR 117 W. 3rd Street - Kaukauna 920-462-4300 2802 Fieldstone Ct. 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Northland Ave. Appleton Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company 4+PIO4U,JNCFSMZ 1IPOF 'BY XXXNBEFSTDBUFSJOHMMDDPN 'SFF&TUJNBUFTr*OTVSFE Fax (920) 788-9072 XXXCVDLMJOTUSFFTFSWJDFDPN FOR AD INFO CALL Rich Clark 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM 920-766-0606 $100 donation to St. Paul from all Fish Fry’s HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI B 4C 01-0720 05-20-2013 16:41:04 Collision Repair Len Salm 920.716.1154 We Exceed your Expectations! Serving the Fox Valley Over 25 Years fr free estimates Residential/Commercial/ Repairing/Remodeling N149 State Road 55, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Drain/Sewer Cleaning/ Water Heaters Prompt/Same Day Service First Class Service at an Honest Price! 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Call 920-858-6564 KRAMER’S MOVING SERVICE LLC + Fast, Reliable, Licensed, Insured Movers You Can Trust! +Family-Owned Company in Kaukana, WI +Commercial/Realtor Inquries Welcome! Call #SBOEPOUPTDIFEVMFBFREE ESTIMATE. ©2013 W2074 Lau Rd, Kaukauna Robert Beaster President/CEO WK 920-759-1500 Fax 920-759-4736 Cell 920-843-1221 N2307 W. Frontage Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130 FOR AD INFO CALLRich Clark 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM BOETTCHER FAMILY Serving you since 1923! Come to us for all your residential, commercial, and rental needs! From grass seed and fertilizer, to hand tools, wall block and pavers. Everything from mowing your lawn to planting your fields! N1957 Frontage Road, Kaukana WI 920.766.1861 1.877.939.3773 www.weyersequip.com HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI FUNERAL HOME 766-2099 Kent Boettcher Director/Owner “2nd generation of family dedication” A 4C 01-0720 05-20-2013 16:41:04
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