KCSS FAMILY NEWSLETTER October 29, 2015 Exciting Events: “Forming a community of disciples in Christ through Catholic faith and academic excellence” Last call for comments regarding a possible dress code for 2016-2017 school year. Please send your feedback to Board President, John Johnson by November 8 jaabcdgobadgers@aol.com Your input is greatly appreciated. October 30 Spirit Day – Dress in KCSS Colors 7th Grade Day at Xavier HS End of 1st quarter November 2 - 6 Coin Challenge November 5 AVON orders due November 3 Picture orders due November 9-13th Book Fair November 10 & 12 Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Apparel orders due on 11/12 November 13 Early Dismissal 11:30am Accreditation Survey due November 16 No School (staff development day) November 25 Early Dismissal 11:30am November 26-27 Thanksgiving Vacation November 30 Classes Resume December 1 Electric City Christmas Parade December 4 Second Mid-Quarter December 7 KCSS Scoopie Night at Culvers in Darboy! 5pm – 8pm December 10 KCSS Christmas Concert 6:30pm December 23 Early Dismissal 11:30 Christmas Vacation begins 2016 FUND RAISING CALENDAR! The calendars you have been asking for are here and available for purchase! KCSS, Holy Cross Parish and St. Katharine Drexel Parish are once again combing their efforts to make this calendar fund raiser a huge success. Order forms and information are attached below. Hard copies are also being sent home with students. KCSS is showing support for the “Capital Campaign” for Holy Cross Church improvements. Preschool – grade 8 will participate in a Coin Challenge from November 2 thru November 6. Each classroom will have a container where coins will be placed. The money will be presented to Holy Cross parish to assist with the renovation and restoration of the beautiful stained glass windows in the church, including improvements to the KCSS school building. Students are also composing prayers for the success of the campaign. See attachment below. KCSS Book Fair will be held from November 9-13. Please see the attachment below as to how you can help make this a success! Volunteers are needed to help with set up, assisting younger students for the preview, helping customers during teacher conferences and with packing up the Book Fair. Your help is greatly appreciated! Contact Tracy Brockman or the KCSS office with any questions. KCSS Apparel Order (in time for Christmas!) Order your KCSS apparel which includes our new “Jesus Strong“ logo. Initial order date begins on 10-29-15 and goes through 11-12-15. Please see attachment for more information. Church Calendar Winners… 10/19 10/20 10/21 10/22 10/23 10/24 10/25 Mary Smith Kaukauna Charlene Narance Green Bay Darwin & Mary Ellen Matthies Kiel Elizabeth Bekx Neenah Bishop Robert Morneau Green Bay Mel De Broux Kaukauna Michaela Meehl Kaukauna $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 End of First Quarter Friday October 30 is the end of the first quarter. Report cards for grades 1-8 will go home on Friday November 6. Kindergarteners will receive a letter instead of a report card at this time. Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences Will be held on Tuesday, November 10 and Thursday, November 12 for preschool through grade 8. Progress Reports will be given to Preschool and Pre-K at that time. We will be utilizing SignUpGenius for conference sign up. A link to use SignUpGenius will be sent via email on Monday November 2 and it will go live for active sign up after 3:30pm on that day. Grand Event January 29 2016 School Picture Orders Orders due by Tuesday November 3. Return the proofs regardless if you are placing order or not. Free retakes for anyone with closed eyes or damaged image files. There will be a $5.00 fee for all other retakes. Those requesting retakes are asked to put the money in their proof envelope and return it by November 3. You will be notified of the retake day when it is scheduled. KCSS Accreditation Survey KCSS is preparing for a reaccreditation site visit early next year. On November 5 each family will receive a Parent/Guardian Survey for the SelfStudy for reaccreditation through WRISA (Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Assoc.). It is important for our school that you complete the survey and return it on or before Friday, November 13 or during Parent-Teacher Conferences. We appreciate your help! AVON Fundraiser Still in progress! Final order and money turn in date is November 5. Full Avon catalogs, including the Christmas catalog are located in the KCSS office. St. Katharine Drexel Parish Scrip Information Please see attachments below Kaukauna Catholic School System (KCSS) 2016 Fund Raising Calendar The Kaukauna Catholic School System Raffle Calendars have arrived and are available for purchase. KCSS, Holy Cross Parish and St. Katharine Drexel Parish are once again combining their efforts to make this calendar fund raiser a huge success. Calendar Cost: $20.00 Only 1,100 calendars have been printed. Your odds of winning are fantastic! $8,530 in total prize money will be given away starting January 1, 2016 $20.00 Daily $25.00 Each Sunday $100.00 Once A Month Here’s how it works: Fill out the order form below: Great gift ideas for family, friends and neighbors. Return the order form and payment ($20.00 per calendar) to KCSS School Office. We will fill out the ticket on the back cover of the calendars and send the calendars home with the student indicated on the order form. Calendars can also be purchased at: KCSS School Office, Holy Cross Parish Office or St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office. Winners will be notified by mail and names will be published weekly in the church bulletins, KCSS newsletter and posted at KCSS Business Office. Daily drawings will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the KCSS Business Office at 220 Doty Street in Kaukauna. Winning tickets are returned to the raffle bin after each drawing so you can win again! Questions? Contact Lynn @ (920) 759-9290 or lzwick@kcssonline.org Thank You! Wisconsin Raffle License Number: R0022892A-17305 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ *****2016 Calendar Raffle-Detach & Send Payment to KCSS School Office***** Name: Last_____________________________________First_____________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________ Email Address ____________________________________ Number of Calendars______________ x $20 =__________________________ If you’d like names on the calendars, other than the name listed above, please list the name, address, phone and email address on the back of this order form. Please send calendars home with _____________________________________in Grade_______________ OR, I will pick the calendars up at the KCSS School Office. KCSS COIN CHALLENGE KCSS students in preschool through grade 8 will be conducting a Coin Challenge next week. It will begin on Monday, November 2 and end on Friday November 6. Each classroom will have a container where coins will be placed. The money will be presented to Holy Cross parish to assist with the renovation and restoration of the beautiful stained glass windows in the church, including improvements to the KCSS school building. Students are also composing prayers for the success of the campaign. Dear Parents and Families, The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school November 9-13, 2015. Our new Book Fair theme for fall 2015 is Monster Book Fair: Reading is So Much Fun You’ll Get GOOSEBUMPS! This season’s Book Fair will be an exciting celebration full of hundreds of books kids and families want to read. If you have some time to help us conduct our Book Fair, please complete the form below and circle the areas where you would like to help. Return the form to the school office by November 4, 2015, or contact me via e-mail. Sincerely, Tracy Brockman Book Fair Chairperson tbrockman4@new.rr.com Sign me up to help at the Book Fair! Name Telephone Email I have checked the areas where I’d like to help: ___Setting up the Fair on Wednesday, November 4 9am-3pm ___Assisting with the student/teacher preview, Thursday, Nov 5, 2015 9:30am-3 pm ___Assisting with the student/teacher preview, Friday, Nov 6, 2015 8:30am-3pm *Helping shoppers at the Fair, November 9-13 (check and circle time) ___Monday November 9, 7:30am-8:30 am, 10:30am-1pm, 2:30pm-3:30pm ___Tuesday November 10, 7:30am-8:30am, 10:30am-1pm, 2:30pm-7:30pm ___Wednesday, November 11, 7:30am-8:30am, 10:30am-1pm, 2:30pm-3:30p ___Thursday, November 12, 7:30am-8:30am, 10:30am-1pm, 2:30pm-7:30pm ___Friday, November 13, 7:30am-8:30am ___Packing up the Fair, November 13 8:30 am-11:30 am• © 2015 Scholastic Inc. 12474 • 161000 ® Permission to reproduce this item is granted by Scholastic Book Fairs . © 2015 Scholastic Inc. 12474 • 161201 St. Katharine Drexel Parish Scrip 119 West 7th Street Kaukauna, Wisconsin 54130 Phone (920)766-1445, Fax (920)766-1476 stkatharineparish@new.rr.com September 21, 2015 Dear Parents, We are here and happy to help you utilize the scrip program to its fullest! We still offer our wide selection of scrip, will special order what you need, and will deliver it to school so it can be sent home with your student! On the pages to follow you will see the list of items we stock, our exclusive Local Scrip Merchant list, and our order form. If you are looking for items that are not listed, please call! We have an 8 page list of available items. This makes Christmas shopping for people who live out of state very easy! We also offer online opportunities through shopwithscrip.com. Signing up for a Presto Pay account will allow you to take advantage of the opportunity of purchasing ScripNow! This scrip can be printed at home or used right off you smart phone! For more information on the opportunities from shopwithscrip.com and information on signing up for a Presto Pay account, please give me a call. Thank you for letting me be of service, Paula St. Katharine’s Scrip Retailers On Hand Denominations NOT available for individual retailers are shaded RETURN 4% 3% 8% 8% 1.5% 15% {} 14% 9% 13% 7% 3% 8% 8% 4% 11% 10% {} 11% 10% 8% 9% 8% 4% 10% {} 10% {} 5% {} 8% 3% 12% 3% {} 5% {} 8% 14% 7% 5% {} 8% {} 4% 10% {} 5% 6% 8% **5%** {} 5% {} 10% {} 8% 4% 9% 5% {} RETAILER $5 $10 $20 Ace Hardware Amazon.com Applebee’s Arby’s B & P Gas Badger Sports Park Banana Republic Barnes & Noble Bath & Body Works Bed, Bath & Beyond Best Buy Buffalo Wild Wings $25 Limited time Build-A-Bear Burger King Cabela’s Carpenter Chili’s Chipotle Mexican Grill Chuck E. Cheese Claire’s Cold Stone Creamery Copps (Pick n Save) Cousins Subs Culvers Dick’s Family Foods Dick’s Sporting Goods Dunkin Donuts Family Video Festival Foods Fleet Farm Gander Mountain Gap Gordmans Haen Meats High Cliff Supper Club Home Depot Hu Hot i-tunes $15 Jo-Ann Fabrics Kentucky Fried Chicken Kohl’s Kwik Trip Landreman’s Little Caesers Lowe’s Marcus Theaters McDonald’s List Continues on Back $50 $100 Return 4% 4% {} 5% {} 8% 5% 14% 9% 8% 8% 13% 4% 3% 8% 9% 9% 5% {} 4% 2.5% 3% 6% {} 10%{} 7% 3% 5% 2% 7% 10% {} 8% 9% 5% {} 3% 6% 2.5% 5% {} 5% {} $5 Retailer Michaels Crafts Menards Moto Mart Noodles & Co. Office Max Old Navy Olive Garden Panda Express Papa Murphy’s Pizza Payless Shoes Pick N’ Save (Copps) Piggly Wiggly Pizza Hut Red Lobster Red Robin Scheels Sears Shell Gas Shopko St. Pat’s Book Store Stevie B’s Pizza Starbucks Subway Taco Bell Target T.J. Maxx Tanners Texas Roadhouse TGI Fridays The Sleep Shop Toys “R” Us Walgreens Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club Woodmans You’re Special Gifts $10 $20 $25 $50 Special order Can be purchased for exact amount needed. Revised 10/21/2015 %{} Purchased company direct to insure higher return (these cards are not reloadable). Percentages & Denominations Are Subject To Change Without Notice “W. S. L.” Indicates Items That Will Only Be Carried In Stock While Supplies Last **%** Indicates Retailers That Accept Gift Cards For Charge Card Payments $100 LOCAL SCRIP IS ACCEPTED AT THE FOLLOWING RETAILERS: RETAILER NOTES Al Huss Auto ATF Tire & Service Axon Hillock Boettcher Family Funeral Home Carpet Mart ChemDry ( Heart of the Valley only) D & M Interiors No body work No Change given. $200 limit $500 Limit Excludes new construction Dalton Carpet Outlet Diamond Water Conditioning Dwyers Food Mart Family Eye Care (Dr. Ebben) Floors By Roberts Fox Valley Family Eye Care Granary Gunderson’s Cleaners Hardware Hank (Little Chute) Hollanders Pub and Grill Initial Impressions Jack’s Burger Shack J.T. Grooming/Camp K-9 Kaukauna Coffee & Tea Kaukauna Vacuum & Sewing Center & KK Sew & Vac II Kaukauna Veterinary Clinic King’s Variety Lamers Dairy Store Lox Club Midwest Workwear Northern Comfort Industries O’ Connell Funeral Home Out-O-Town Supper Club Pleshek-Vosters Outdoor Power Premier Appliance Prime Steer Reynebeau Floral (Little Chute) Richards Diamonds & Gems Ruffing Automotive Salon Indulgence Schmalz Landscaping The Darboy Club United Overhead Door Van Abels Vande Hey Nursery Van Vreede TV & Appliance Vanderloop Shoes (Little Chute & G. B.) New Balance store Verkuilen Funeral Home Excludes discounts; no change; returns are given in store credit Speel School Location Only (Darboy) Excludes bottled water, rental & service charge Excludes sales; no change Excludes new construction Change up to $1.00 Change up to $1.00 Excludes use on charge cards Excludes engraving, custom orders & sale items Change up to $1.00 Excludes coupons & supplies Change up to $1.00 No Change exceeding .99 Excludes sale items & coupons; change up to $1.00 Not accepted for sidewalk sale items $2,000 max Good on Funeral home fees only $400 limit No change No contract jobs Public dining only. Wed, Fri, Sun Brunch & Buffet NO Weddings Excludes coupons; no change Good on food, bar; excludes tobacco & bottled or case items. NO Weddings 10% Cash and Carry Excludes sale items; no change Cash sales only; no change Funeral home services only When using Local Scrip PLEASE have Scrip in the amount to the closest dollar of your purchase. Many places don’t give change! 920-766-1445 scrip@skdchurch.org Parish KCSS Faith Formation Faith Formation General Fund KCSS General Fund Rake in More Than Just Leaves This Fall Raking leaves may not be fun, but it’s another opportunity to rake in rebates! Pick up all your yardwork supplies with scrip to boost your fall fundraising. Ace Hardware Lowe’s Amazon.com Meijer Cabela’s Menards Gander Mountain Target The Home Depot Sears Kmart Walmart The merchants represented are not sponsors of scrip fundraising or otherwise affiliated with Great Lakes Scrip Center. The logos and other identifying marks used are trademarks of and owned by each represented company and/or its affiliates. Please visit each company’s website for additional terms and conditions. © 2015 Great Lakes Scrip Center LLC
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