welcome to holy cross parish
WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS PARISH “You are my beloved son; with you I am well pleased.” Let us celebrate the anniversaries of our own baptisms. Parish Ministry Staff PASTOR…….......Fr. Tom Pomeroy Deacon/Pastoral Associate ...……………….………..……..Bruce Corey Deacon……………..….…...Mark Ebben HOLY CROSS PARISH MISSION — WE ARE ALL D ISCIPLES We, the members of Holy Cross Parish, con"nue the mission of Jesus Christ through the building of a vibrant Catholic community of word, worship and service to others. Faith Forma!on Coordinators Jackie Wallace, Gloria Ackerman Liturgy Coordinator/Bulle!n Kim Corey Music Coordinator Ellen Scheibe Office Manager Tammy Schmahl Principal Larry Konetzke Recep!onist/SCRIP Coordinator Bonnie Fischer Mass Times Saturday .......................... 4:30 pm Sunday ....... 7:30, 9:15 & 11:00 am Weekdays ................ 7:00 am daily Holy Days……………… See Inside Phone Numbers Rectory Office ................ 766-3773 Fax ................................. 766-3774 Scrip Office .................... 766-3773 Faith Forma"on Center . 766-3510 Holy Cross Campus……...766-0186 St. Al’s School Campus .. 766-5199 RCIA Coordinator, Gloria Schuh ............... 766-9598 Confirma"on ……………....766-3510 Xavier High School ......... 733-6632 KCSS Website www.kcssonline.org Special Needs RE………... 809-4637 Food Pantry………………...766-9131 Regular Rectory/Scrip Hours Mon-Thurs 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Friday................. 8:00-12:00 Noon JANUARY 12, 2014 BAPTISM OF THE LORD HAVE YOU BEEN SAVED? YES, AT YOUR BAPTISM. 2 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Happy New Year! Start the New Year With a New Habit Buy Scrip Weekly Call or Stop in at Holy Cross Parish Office Phone: 766-3773 Monday through Thursday 8 am - Noon and 1 - 4 pm Friday 8 am - Noon (Offices closed Friday afternoons) Local Merchant of the Week DALTON CARPET OUTLET “Ready for a fresh look at a great price? Stop in and check out our large selection.” National Merchant of the Week BP GAS Parish Contributions Weekly Collection thru December 31, 2013 Weekly Amount Needed to Meet Budget...$12,538.46 Sacrificial Giving Received……………... $ 22,302.00 Loose Offering Received………………... $ 205.00 Total Offering Received ..……………….$22,507.00 Dec. Heat Sacrificial Giving Received…..$ Holy Day Sacrificial Giving Received…...$ Holy Day Loose Offering Received…...…$ 60.00 448.00 166.00 Weekly Collection - Weekend of January 5, 2014 Weekly Amount Needed to Meet Budget...$12,538.46 Sacrificial Giving Received……………... $ 7,309.00 Loose Offering Received………………... $ 540.00 Total Offering Received ..……………….$ 7,849.00 “Christ Renews His Parish” Retreats Did you know that Holy Cross Parish has a great reputation in the diocese for hosting Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreats? More than 150 men and women have experienced it here, and our men were even asked to form a team to train an outside parish. The next retreats are being planned as we speak. Registration forms are coming soon! Men: March 1 and 2 Women: April 5 and 6 www.usccb.org for Daily Readings Would you like to hear the daily Mass readings? Simple. Go to www.usccb.org. Read them, print them or listen to them. It would be a great habit for the new year or for Lent. A Message from Deacon Bruce... Has It Ever Crossed Your Mind? Fr. Daniel Schuster, Diocesan Vocations Director, will be the celebrant at all Masses this weekend. That’s a treat for everyone, especially for our youth. The fact that he is with us brings me to the questions, “Have you ever thought about becoming a priest, a deacon or maybe a religious sister or brother? Has it ever crossed your mind, even for just a brief moment?” It never crossed MY mind, not until people brought it up to me in the year 2000. If the Holy Spirit hadn’t worked through those people, I don’t think I would be a deacon today. I wonder. I know there are a few men in our parish who are considering studying to be a deacon, and that makes me very happy. If you look at the article below, you’ll see that Bishop Ricken is hosting Mass and a dinner for young men who may have had thoughts about the priesthood. There’s no commitment if you attend, but it might help you get some clear thoughts about your future vocation in life. I hope you will let me or Fr. Tom or Deacon Mark know if you’re interested. One of us would join you at the dinner, so you would not be going alone. Or, talk with Sister Marie Goretti if you want to know about her life as a sister. You might be surprised if God starts speaking to you a little more directly in the future about a religious vocation. We also have a few people going through the Emmaus Program, previously called Commissioned Ministry. That’s another option to check out if you want to grow in your faith. I hope that, in 2014, we will be approached by some of you who would like to pursue one of these avenues. It would be nice to have more vocations coming out of Holy Cross Parish. Remember that Fr. Tom is a Holy Cross boy. Maybe you, your child or grandchild will be next. The Spirit is alive. Deacon Bruce Juniors, Seniors and College Men Project Andrew Dinner with Bishop Ricken Considering a vocation to the priesthood? Come to Mass and Dinner with Bishop Ricken to learn more about it. Tuesday, January 14 5:30 pm Mass, then Supper and Discussion St. Matthew Parish in Green Bay Let Father Tom, Deacon Bruce or Deacon Mark know if you’re interested. LIKE Holy Cross Parish on Facebook Go to www.holycrosskaukauna.org and then to Facebook, or go to Facebook and search for Holy Cross Catholic Church. You’ll have a great time checking us out! Mark Your Calendars For Future Events Anytime Come back to the Catholic Church! We welcome you here. Please come. Sun, Jan. 12 Pancake Breakfast-St. Edward Mackville-Pg 3 Mon, Jan 13 Silent Prayer in Church - 8 am-4 pm -Stop by Tues, Jan. 14 “Gather Around the Hearth” Senior Series St. Paul CL - 11:00 am (See Right) Tues, Jan. 14 Project Andrew Dinner w/Bishop (Page 2) Fri, Jan. 17 Respect Life Mass - 7 pm - St. Pius (Page 4) Sat, Jan. 18 Local March for Life-GB Courthouse (Page 4) Tues, Jan. 21 Marriage Encounter Image Meeting - 6:30 pm Fri, Jan. 24 Breakfast Club - 6:45 am Fri, Jan. 24 Respect Life Mass-7 pm - Green Bay (Page 4) Sat, Jan. 25 Valley Area Special Needs Religious Ed Raffle/Dance-Holy Spirit Gym (9:30-11:30 am) Feb 4-Mar 4 “Parenting as God Intended” series (Page 5) Feb 4-Mar 29 Care Ministry Training - Kimberly (Page 4) Fri, Feb. 7 Grand Event - Holy Cross Gym (Page 4) Feb 14-16 Women Celebrate Weekend (Page 5) Mon, Feb. 17 Life Line Screening - Friendship Hall (Page 4) April 26-27 Marriage Encounter Weekend at Holy Cross Aug. 31-Sept. 1 Walk the Mackinac Bridge! (Below) Sept 12-14 4th Walking/Biking Pilgrimage to Shrine Nov 12-21 Holy Cross Pilgrimage to Holy Land (Below) We’re Walking the Mackinac Bridge! Here’s something new and fun! Plans are in the works right now to take a coach bus to the Augustine Retreat Center in Petoskey, Michigan. We’ll spend the night, visit the largest Crucifix in the US in Indian River, Michigan, wake up to a breakfast at the Retreat Center and then walk five miles over the Mackinac Bridge. One side of the bridge is closed each Labor Day for this special event. Let’s go! Preliminary Details (A registration form is coming soon) Leave: Sunday, August 31, around 7 or 8 am Return: Monday evening, September 1 (Labor Day) Approximate cost: $120 per person (lodging, 2 meals, bus) Holy Land with Fr. Tom and Deacon Bruce November 12 - 21, 2014 Get your brochure and registration form now. Call Kim at 766-3773 for details about this incredible once-in-alifetime pilgrimage. We are excited about going with many parishioners! There are already 15 people on the “very interested” list! JANUARY 12, 2014 BAPTISM OF THE LORD 3 Come Back to the Church You Love Call Fr. Tom or Deacon Bruce at the rectory (766-3773) if you or someone you know would like to discuss coming back to the church after a long absence. If you have a child or children to be baptized, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away. You are always welcome here at Holy Cross Parish. Let’s celebrate with baptisms! Pancake/Porkie Breakfast St. Edward Parish Mackville This Sunday, January 12, from 8 - 11 am Come to enjoy pancakes with your choice of toppings, along with eggs and sausages. A delicious breakfast at a low price. $5 per person or $15 per family. Yum! “Gather Around the Hearth” Senior Series The Four Seasons of Life Msgr. Jim Vanden Hogen This week Tuesday, January 14 St. Paul Parish Combined Locks Mass: 11:00 am Lunch to Follow Register with Deacon George at 788-5711. “Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.” - St. Ignatius of Loyola 4 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Respect Life Masses With Bishop Ricken Please join us at the annual Respect Life Masses: Friday, January 17 - 7 pm at St. Pius Appleton Friday, January 24 - 7 pm at Sts. Peter and Paul - Green Bay Wednesday, January 15 Class for Grades 1-6, 8 and 10 ------- Welcome back! Many blessings in the new year! Care Ministry Training Tuesdays, February 4 – March 29 A Care Minister is a companion to those who experience illness or loss by being a loving presence in their lives. Ministers offer focused listening, healing compassion and prayer support. Care Ministry training will be offered at Holy Spirit Parish Center in Kimberly on Tuesday evenings, February 4 thru March 29, from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Sr. Annette After course completion, on-site training is provided for pastoral ministries such as communion at home, hospital visiting and grief support. For details and registration, contact Sister Annette at Holy Spirit Parish (788-7640). Holy Cross Parish is looking for caring people to bring communion to the homebound on a regular basis and be a loving presence in their lives. If you’re seeking a rewarding ministry, this is the perfect training. Holy Cross Parish is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on Monday, February 7. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries, a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms, which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat, which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package, which includes four vascular tests and osteoporosis screening, from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. To register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, visit www.lifelinescreening.com/community-partners or call 1-888-653-6441. Local March for Life - Green Bay Saturday, January 18, at 9:30 am Brown County Courthouse KCSS News Grand Event Friday, February 7 7:00 pm - Holy Cross Gym Win a Dream Vacation! Destination….Your Choice Would you like to be that person? At the Grand Event on February 7, KCSS will reward a lucky winner with a travel voucher for $5,000! A very generous person has donated the $5,000 voucher, and Heart of the Valley Travel will take care of all the arrangements for you—no commission. Thank you to our Anonymous Donor! Get tickets at church entrances. New at Grand Event 2014 - KCSS Tuition Raffle Tuition Raffle tickets will be sold at the Grand Event. The winner will receive KCSS tuition for one year for one student. It’s Time to Register for the 2014-2015 School Year Kaukauna Catholic School System offers a faith-filled, safe environment for all ages. Everyone is welcome! Preschool (Age 3) through Grade 8 Bundle Packages - Register your child in Preschool or Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 4 and 5) Program and KCSS Child Care and receive special “bundle” rates. (920)766-5199 or (920)766-0186 or www.kcssonline.org KCSS Story Hour (Ages 2-5) Starts Wednesday, February 5 First Wednesday of each month from February through May 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm at St. Aloysius Campus-Preschool Room Call 766-5199 to register (No charge for Story Hour) Walk-ins and siblings are always welcome! Silent Prayer at Holy Cross Each Monday Need to find some peace each week? Enter Church through the ramp door between 8 am and 4 pm on Mondays and just sit before the tabernacle. If you can commit to an hour each Monday, or switch off with a friend, call the rectory at 766-3773. Otherwise, just stop in to pray. January/February Loaves and Fishes Needs Paper Products Green Bay Marriage Encounter Weekend At Holy Cross April 26 and 27 If you are a married couple and want to do something special for your relationship, why not consider a Marriage Encounter weekend, right here at Holy Cross Parish? Join Deacon Bruce and Kim, three other hosting couples, and other married couples of all ages, on April 26 and 27 in the Faith Formation Center. Spend a wonderful weekend focusing on each other, with no outside distractions. The format of the weekend is listening to presentations on important marital topics and then sharing with your spouse. You do not have to speak before the group, so don’t worry about that. The weekend is about you and your spouse. Oh, and there are lots of very nice surprises. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married five years or fifty years. The weekend is for couples who want to enrich their marital relationship and make a good marriage even better! Bring back that love you experienced on your wedding day. So, mark your calendars for April 26 and 27, from 7:30 am Saturday until 6 pm on Sunday. It might be the best thing you ever do for your marriage. The registration fee is $40 per couple. If you are a veteran, the weekend is free for you and your spouse. Call Deacon Bruce or Kim Corey at 766-3773, pick up a brochure at any entrance or go to www.gbme.org to register online. It’s going to be a special weekend. Calendar Raffle Winners 12/30/13 12/31/13 1/1/14 1/2/14 1/3/14 1/4/14 1/5/14 Deacon Bruce/Kim Corey Nancy Bowling Marion Pastors Brian Schaefer Mary Bloy Charlie/Josh Lettau Jim/Beverly Lehrer Little Chute $20.00 Linden VA $20.00 West Bend $100.00 Oshkosh $20.00 Kaukauna $20.00 Littleton CO $20.00 Kaukauna $20.00 Women Celebrate Just Four Weeks Away Pick up a brochure at any church entrance, or go to www.womencelebrate.org for more information and registration forms. Reservation and retreat questions should go to: Jesse Hietpas at 788-3837 or Cheryl Hietpas at 788-1456 “Our daily problems and worries can wrap us up in ourselves, in sadness and bitterness...and that is where death is. That is not the place to look for the One who is alive!” - Pope Francis JANUARY 12, 2014 BAPTISM OF THE LORD 5 You Requested a Parenting Series--Here It Is The “Parenting as God Intended” series begins on Tuesday, February 4, with “The Spirituality of Parenting.” Julianne Donlan -Stanz will speak to us about family values and faith life, the threats to unity within our families and the sacramental aspects of parenting. Five Tuesdays: February 4, 11, 18, 25 and March 4 6:30 -7:30 pm in Friendship Hall (Q&A and refreshments follow each presentation) Our God is a God of Many Gifts “And a voice came from the heavens, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.’” Matthew 3:17 At the Baptism of Jesus, God made it clear that He was giving us the greatest gift He could give. He was giving us His only Son. When you think about the magnitude of that gift of Jesus sent to save us, plus all of the many other blessings God has entrusted into our hands, it is humbling. God has given us so much. What do we give in return? Valentine’s Day is Coming ~ Make a Special Date with Your Spouse ~ Friday, February 14, at St. Pius Parish in Appleton 6:00 pm Dinner - Followed by Program What: An evening for couples of all ages that explores each person's uniqueness and God-given talents using Gallup’s internationally respected StrengthFinder survey. Where: St. Pius X New Fellowship Hall How to prepare for the program: Each person will complete the Clifton StrengthFinder assessment. The assessment access code is included with the “Living Your Strengths” book. The book is available at St. Pius X for $15.00. Each person takes the assessment and will need the unique access code from the book. Or you may purchase a code (no book) to take the online assessment for $10 from the Gallup website: www.gallupstrengthscenter.com. StrengthFinder will identify your top five themes of talent, your “Signature Themes.” Presenter: Mary Ann Otto. She will use your “Signature Themes” for a special sharing with your spouse. Registration Deadline: Monday, January 27, for the dinner. You also need to email both top five signature themes to John Petit at jsmjsp@hotmail.com by this date. Register online, or pick up a form at St. Pius parish office (733-0575). Dinner Cost: $25.00 per couple. Choice of Chicken Cordon Bleu or Tender Beef Tips with Gravy. 6 |Welcome to Holy Cross Parish Kaukauna, Wisconsin Monday, January 13 7:00 am No Intention Tuesday, January 14 7:00 am No Intention Wednesday, January 15 7:00 am No Intention Thursday, January 16 7:00 am No Intention 8:20 am No Intention Friday, January 17 7:00 am No Intention Saturday, January 18 4:30 pm No Intention Sunday, January 19 7:30 am No Intention 9:15 am Holy Cross Parish Family 11:00 am Lance Van Groll (Please call the rectory at 766-3773 if you would like to add an intention to a date that has no intention listed.) Holy Cross Activities This Week Saturday, January 11 4:30 Mass Fr. Daniel Schuster Celebrant of Mass (Baptism at Mass) Sunday, January 12 All Masses Fr. Daniel Schuster Celebrant Monday, January 13 8 am-4 pm Prayer Vigil in Church - Come to pray 6:30 pm Boy Scouts 6:30 pm Adult Faith Enrichment Committee Tuesday, January 14 6:00 pm Cemetery Committee 7:00 pm Pastoral Council Wednesday, January 15 11:00 am Queen of Peace Choir at St. Paul Home 3:30 - 5:00 pm Faith Formation (Grades 1-6 and 8) 6:00 - 7:30 pm Faith Formation (Grade 10) Thursday, January 16 No Celebrator Practice Reconciliation Saturdays: 11:00-12:00 Noon or by appointment. Contact Fr. Tom Pomeroy at 766-3773 for an appointment. Baptisms We share in your joy as your child is baptized. Baptisms are the second Sunday of each month ($10 stipend). Call the parish office to set a date or to get further details. Baptism Preparation meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. First Friday Eucharist Calls Please inform us if you, or someone you know, cannot make it to Mass and would like to receive Holy Eucharist on the first Friday of each month. Rosary Join us for the rosary approximately 25 minutes prior to 7:00 am Mass on weekdays and 7:30 am Mass on Sundays. How to Register as a New Parish Member Want to become a parish member? Simply stop in at the parish office, and we’ll get you registered. Fast and easy. Change of Phone, Address or Family Status? Please give Bonnie a call 766-3773. Would You Like to Put Something in the Bulletin? The deadline is Monday noon (Friday before holidays). Holy Cross Prayer Relay for Your Prayer Needs If you or someone you know needs prayers, call 810-3900. Your parish family is here for you. Readings for the Week of January 12 Saturday, January 18 11:00 - Noon Reconciliation in Church Smile - Spring is just around the corner! Poinsettias are available in the Gathering Space. Please feel free to take one. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Acts 10:34-38/Mt 3:13-17 1 Sm 1:1-8/Mk 1:14-20 1 Sm 1:9-20/Mk 1:21-28 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Mk 1:29-39 1 Sm 4:1-11/Mk 1:40-45 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Mk 2:1-12 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1/Mk 2:13-17 Is 49:3, 5-6/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34 Locally Owned & Operated Flooring Sales & Installation 4880 W. Lawrence St., Appleton 920-268-4171 !!!"#$$%&'()**+,-$'".$/ 50..:(T D&M -Your HostsGary & Lisa Natrop 88JTDPOTJO"WF ,"6,"6/"8* Interiors Home of the 22oz. T-Bone 5PN1FH(JPSEBOB PAUL VAN BERKEL Attorney At Law 180 West Wisconsin Ave. Kaukauna, WI 54130 Office: (920) 766-4803 Fax: (920) 759-9220 "MMFHJBODF$Ut"QQMFUPO www.DandMinteriors.com 1506 S. Oneida St. Appleton Countryside Golf Club )PTQJUBM*OGPSNBUJPO 920-738-2000 W726 Weiler Road Kaukauna Medicare & Medicaid Certified 1201 Garfield Avenue Little Chute Open 7 Nights A Week Flooring America DPVOUSZTJEFHPMGDMVCXJDPN XXXBGGJOJUZIFBMUIPSH 7-229 Affinity Health Sytem is a Catholic health care system. 704 Hyland Ave. (Hwy OO) Kaukauna 920-766-9888 www.primesteersuperclub.com “Serving Fish On Fridays” 920-788-5806 Sharon Fischer, AIS, CIC,CISR 181 W Wisconsin Ave - Kaukauna 920-462-4300 2802 Fieldstone Ct. Kaukauna, WI 54130 Ask how to win $400 in cash and prizes! )JMM5PQ#BLFSZ 10#PY 100 East 7th Street ,BVLBVOB8* /÷ÿ$é /÷ÿ$éüíúñöï:÷ýú/íĀü #úíéóîéûü#ýûñöíûû.ííüñöï (920) 766-1771 www.hilltopbakers.com 1450 Delanglade St. P.O. Box 800 ,BVLBVOB8* Let me quote your insurance and get a Gift Certificate Ph: 920-766-7713 C: 920-585-5606 Mar Mark & Lynn Engel - Owners $)&730-&5t#6*$,t(.$ 920-766-0245 3&4*%&/5*"-r$0..&3$*"REMODELING Home ASE Master Tech 920-766-7087 Business Al’s Auto Sales & Service $PNQMFUF"VUP3FQBJSt5PXJOH “For the leisure in your life.” Fireplaces, Spas, Chemicals & Saunas Al Vanevenhoven 1151 Badger Rd., Kaukauna 514 Draper Street Kaukauna, WI 54130 www.alautokaukauna.com 8"QQMFMBOE8BZ ,BVLBVOB )JMM3E ,BVLBVOB8* Fellow Parishioner (920) 766-1447 www.aquafire.net $FMM 8$UZ5SL,,r"QQMFUPO8* DR. MARK A. EBBEN, LLC 766-2481 One Bank Avenue, Suite B Kaukauna, WI 54130 7"/-*&4)065-"80''*$& 5POZ"TIBVFS Phone: (920) 996-0072 www.hbcs.com Professionals doing professional work in your home or office 766-6200 &.BJO4USFFU Hours: Daily: 7am - 8pm Sun & Holidays: 9am - 5pm -JUUMF$IVUF8* &.BJO4U-JUUMF$IVUF 1IPOFt Voice: 920-766-6096 BUCKLIN’S TREE SERVICE 733-0122 2401 E. Enterprise Avenue "QQMFUPOr XXX.D$BSUZ-BXDPN Call us for Winter Work 'SFF&TUJNBUFTr*OTVSFE XXXCVDLMJOTUSFFTFSWJDFDPN Reynebeau Floral (920) 766-6020 4QPOTPSFECZUIF'SBODJTDBO4JTUFSTPG$ISJTUJBO$IBSJUZ reynebeaufloral.com LOX CLUB Home, Farm & Construction Fuels TIRES & SERVICE 920-766-0001 207 Dodge St., Kaukauna GORDY VOSTERS SCOTT VAN ASTEN (920) 470-7793 (920) 470-7791 0GGJDF (920) 788-2498 W1668 CTY. ROAD JJ KAUKAUNA, WI 54130 XXXWPTUFSTMBOETDBQJOHDPN 920-989-1536 920-735-8246 Call Toll Free: 888-989-1531 Fine Food and Cocktails Nightly Specials Homemade Soups Carry-Outs Available 8íììñöïûr'ýöíúéôû "ôô0ëëéûñ÷öû %éñôā%íôñþíúā &öüñúí'÷Ā$ñüñíû 1103 E. Main Little Chute, WI 54140 (920) 788-3585 Inpatient / Outpatient Rehab "TTJTUFE-JWJOHr)PTQJDF$BSF 4LJMMFE/VSTJOHr$PNNVOJUZ0VUSFBDI NEW 1"5*&/54 WELCOME 30#&35)&*-%%4 )&"5)&3)&*-%%4 Call me today to hear about out these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. s. 788-4401 /$PMVNCJB"WF 'SFFEPN8* HSFBUEFOUBMFYQSFTTJPOTDPN 4UBUF4Ur$PVOUZ5SVOL;r$PNCJOFE-PDLT Smile with Renewed Confidence Today Lori Allen Forbes (920) 730-1100 150 W. Northland Ave. Appleton Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company VVH & ASSOCIATES, LLP 2100 Freedom Road Little Chute,WI 54140 (920) 788-9071 Fax (920) 788-9072 FOR AD INFO CALL Rich Clark 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI B 4C 01-0720 12-26-2013 11:02:14 Collision Repair Butch Van Schyndel No Dust! AUTO/BOAT RV/SNOWMOBILE 920-213-3050 Residential - Commercial - Agricultural 4UBNQFE$PODSFUFDVSCJOHQBUJPTMBOETDBQJOH DPMPSFENVMDIBOETUPOFnBUXPSLESJWFXBZT TJEFXBMLTTOPXQMPXJOH 8$UZ3E66,BVLBVOB8* &NBJMDVSCDPODSFUF!ZBIPPDPN BOOTS CHIROPRACTIC free estimates N149 State Road 55, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Concrete Wall & Floor Sawing Curb Sawing, Concrete Grinding Core Drilling & Egress Windows www.finkindustries.com kenfink@finkindustries.com 920-766-1721 www.concretecutters.net t 920-788-3321 HEART OF THE VALLEY LARRY’S Trina’s Piggly Wiggly Barber & Design & Wellness Center, S.C. YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE 997-9700 Carpet Cleaning Tom Pennings XXXCPPUTDIJSPQSBDUJDDPN 766-2992 5IBOLTGPS:PVS4VQQPSU 1020 Truman St., Ste. B, Kimberly $BOBM4USFFU -JUUMF$IVUF8* ,BVLBVOBt-JUUMF$IVUFt%F1FSF Jean Kessler Hours Mon. 7-7 Tues. 7-7 Wed. 7-7 Thur. 7-7 Fri. 7-5 Sat. 8-12 Skyview Club Trina Van Handel, Owner Adult Cuts $11 Kids & Senior Cuts $10 3108 Green Bay Road Kaukauna, WI 300 Dodge Street, Kaukauna, WI Your Hosts, Gene & Shari Biese 766-1900 20 Years Experience Camp K-9 TLC - Our Specialty Kaukauna WE SERVICE HOLDING & SEPTIC TANKS TO 7200 GALLONS FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1986 Trenchless Sewer Lines Sewer & Water */%6453*"-t$0..&3$*"-t3&4*%&/5*"-t MUNICIPAL Over 15 Years Of Experience www.scottlamers.com '6--:-*$&/4&%"/%*/463&%t1"3*4).&.#&3 DAVE VAN GROLL 920-788-4991 920-759-9775 317 E. 16TH ST., P.O. BOX 611, KAUKAUNA CARPET MART OF KAUKAUNA, LLC. Support Your Church 124 E. 2nd Street 766-5880 Expert Flooring Installation Family Owned & Operated for Over 40 Years www.carpetmartofkaukauna.com W4891 Hwy 10, Menasha, WI 54952 920.989.DOGS (3647) $PSOFSPG)XZr4PVUIPG,BVLBVOB &BTUPG%BSCPZ Camp K-9 Too Find the Extraordinary in You 3JDI5PN'SBOL7BO(SPMM (920) 788-6242 /7BOEFO#SPFL3E ,BVLBVOB8* 8-BV3E,BVLBVOB VAN ABEL’S Roofing and Siding 3FQMBDFNFOU8JOEPXT 4PGGJU'BTDJB Laser Alignment Capabilities 625 Hyland Ave., Kaukauna, WI 54130 (920) 766-3380 Fax (920) 766-0730 r'PPU Dry Vans FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING NEEDS Liturgical Publications BROCKMAN’S DR. RONALD G. BIESE DR. KURT M. ROSSEBO DR. PATRICK L. LARITSON DR. DAVID J. GAGNON r4UBUF(FOFSBM Commodity Authority SL.edu OF Serving the Fox Cities For Over 32 Years 788-3271 HOLLANDTOWN $BSSZ0VUTt$IJDLFO'JTI 8FEEJOHT#BORVFUT$BUFSJOH Proudly serving the Valley for over 30 years Mike Tennessen - Owner/Lifelong Kaukauna Resident XXXWBOBCFMTDPN www.petersenplumbinginc.com 1312 Lawe St. Kaukauna Ph 766-2291 (920) 687-9272 Quality Service - Residential - Commercial Conventional & Spray Painting - Staining - Wallpapering Ask To See Our Hundreds Of Unsolicited References KAUKAUNA VETERINARY VE CLINIC, LLP 400 E. Ann St., Kaukauna, WI 54130 PHONE: (920) 766-7773 VAN GROLL TRUCKING, INC. Place A Business Or Personal Ad In The Parish Bulletin. 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2571 Planing, Milling & Grinding Up to 20’ i5PUBM)BSEXBSF4VQQMJFSu TLC - Our Specialty 8JMTPO4U-JUUMF$IVUF8* 920.788.1576 Rich Clark In Shop Machine Tool Rebuilding Hardware $BSTUFOT"DF)BSEXBSF OE-PDBUJPO 920-766-3917 )BNJMUPO$PVSU-JUUMF$IVUF8* M.P. #675006 Heart of the Valley’s 5-Star Dealer 500-%*&t+*('*9563& $/$(3*/%*/(t%&4*(/#6*-% $/$ .&5"-45".1*/(t$/$."$)*/*/( .&5" 4*/,&38*3&&%.t8"5&3+&5$655*/( 4*/,&3 We service all makes & models! FOX VALLEY TOOL & DIE, INC. 1I rXXXGWUEDPN Toll Free: 1-888-585-FVTD(3883) 2929 Lawe St., Kaukauna, WI 920-766-6500 P.O. Box 380 Kaukauna, WI 54130-0380 Parish Member 1&340/"-r130'&44*0/"- DEPENDABLE www.BergstromKaukauna.com KING’S Variety Stores Va Dawn Lemerond t$FSUJmFE.BTUFSt1IPUPHSBQIFS$S'_'711" t&MFDUSPOJD"SUJTUt0XOFS &SE4U,BVLBVOB8* r 130 Patriot Drive, Little Chute, WI 54140 (Appleton North) EBXO!QPSUSBJUTCZEFTJHOTUVEJPDPN XXXQPSUSBJUTCZEFTJHOTUVEJPDPN $SFBUJOH.FNPSJFT5PEBZ'PS:PVS5PNPSSPX Phone: 920.788.8080 Fax: 920.788.2600 Toll Free: 800.456.4000 XXXDPVOUSZJOOTDPN Robert Beaster President/CEO www.kofc.org WK 920-759-1500 Fax 920-759-4736 Cell 920-843-1221 N2307 W. Frontage Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130 FOR AD INFO CALLRich Clark 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM r#BMMPPOTGPSBMM0DDBTJPOT r5PZTr$BOEZr1BSUZ4VQQMJFT r(SFFUJOH$BSETaUP -JUUMF$IVUFr&.BJO4U BOETTCHER FAMILY Serving you since 1923! Come to us for all your residential, commercial, and rental needs! From grass seed and fertilizer, to hand tools, wall block and pavers. Everything from mowing your lawn to planting your fields! N1957 Frontage Road, Kaukana WI 920.766.1861 1.877.939.3773 www.weyersequip.com HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI FUNERAL HOME 766-2099 Kent Boettcher Director/Owner “2nd generation of family dedication” A 4C 01-0720 12-26-2013 11:02:14
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