DORCHESTER TRI-PARISHES Saint Peter: 311 Bowdoin Street Holy Family: 24 Hartford Street Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: 800 Columbia Road Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 8, 2015 Fr. Jack Ahern, Pastor Fr. Richard “Doc” Conway, Fr. Jacques McGuffie Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! If you are new to one of our Parishes, please introduce yourself after Mass. We want to know and serve you! We hope you will participate in our parish with your prayers, your presence, your time, your talents and your treasure. BMT: Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am Monday – Saturday: 8:00 am St. Peter: Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am (English) 11:00 am (Portuguese) Holy Family: Sunday 10:00 am (English) 11:00 am (Spanish) Monday & Wednesday at 4:30 pm Dorchester Tri-Parishes We Remember in Prayer The sick and the suffering, those in ongoing treatment and/or rehabilita on and those whose lives are heavily burdened, including, John Baker, Claire Black, Dorothy Beswick, Kevin Bojarski, Francis Cinco"a, Ruth Brown, MaryEllen Ciulla, Tom Ciulla, Alexis Crisostomo, Tom D’Arcy, Paul Dooley, Maureen Foley, Catherine Flannery, Ann Francis, Lucy Gill, Gene Gorman, Tommy Kelly, Dorothy Majenski, William Lynch, James Magri, Linda Mulkern, Frank Ochs, Deacon Stan Pugsley, Angelica Thomas, Joe Walsh, Kathleen Webb, Dan Wilk and Helen Wright. We also pray for our deceased loved ones including Agnes Charles, all vic ms of war and violence. We li3 up also Pope Francis and Cardinal Sean, our servicemen and women, Mayor Mar n Walsh and peace in our city, in our homes, our neighborhoods and world. Blessed Mother Teresa Parish Saturday, February 7th 4:00 p.m. Msgr. Richard Mehm, Memorial Sunday, February 8th 9:00 a.m. Edward Tomaszycki, Anniversary Kazik Chlus, Anniversary 11:00 a.m. Mary O’Donnell, 14th Anniversary Thursday, February 12th 8:00 a.m. Ann Ahles, 1st Anniversary Sunday, February 15th 9:00 a.m. Claire R. McDonough, 5th Anniversary 11:00 a.m. Anna M. Norton, Anniversary Dorchester, MA Catholic Appeal 2015 Living Our Faith Together This past week, many of you received a le"er from Cardinal Seán reques ng your support of the 2015 Catholic Appeal. The Catholic Appeal sustains over 50 ministries serving our parish and many people looking for our assistance and support throughout the Archdiocese. If you have not already done so, please consider making an early pledge as you respond to Cardinal Seán’s invita on to support the good work of the Church. You may visit to give online or mail your pledge. Thank you! The Pine Street Inn Meal Service Help feed your sister or brother! You are invited to join Blessed Mother Teresa Parish as they con nue their commitment to serving dinner to the homeless at the Pine Street Inn in the South End of Boston. Nine volunteers needed. Service dates are the 3rd Fridays of Month Next Service date is THIS FRIDAY 02/20/2015, If interested, please call Frank Cleary at 617-4711730 or 617-877-2025 Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy Quality Catholic Educa on COLUMBIA CAMPUS 790 Columbia Road For more informa on call 617-265-0019 or visit Applica ons are being taken for next year. Sacrament of Bap*sm: Holy Family: First Sunday Saint Peter: Second Sunday BMT: Third Sunday Call office to Register Sacrament of Anoin*ng A3er all Masses on First Sunday Sacrament of Reconcilia*on BMT: Saturday 2:45-3:30 pm Any me by appointment Sacrament of Matrimony Please speak to priest to arrange six months prior to Wedding Adora*on of Blessed Sacrament BMT: Tuesday 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Saint Peter: Friday 6:00—7:00 p.m. (Portuguese) Charisma*c Prayer Holy Family: Friday 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent begins in 10 days, February 18th Mary Ann Bre, Food Pantry Open Thursday 11:00-1:00/ Saturdays 9:00-11:00 Saint Peter Parish Saturday, February 7th 4:00 p.m. Coleman Hernon, Memorial February 14th 4:00 p.m. Thomas Ma"hews, 44th Anniversary Informa*on Evening on Lineamenta Central Region Evening Cathedral of the Holy Cross 1400 Washington Street Boston Tuesday, February 10th 7:00 p.m. This October the Synod of Bishops on the Family is scheduled to meet in Rome. The theme of the Synod will be The Voca on and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World. The Preparatory Document is en tled Lineamenta. Pope Francis has asked for a consulta on of the faithful throughout the world. To assist us in this process Fr. Mark O’Connell is offering an informa on session. The purpose of these evenings is to present the church's teaching reflected in the Lineamenta through teaching, discussion and a ques on and answer period, and to assist those gathered to prepare for their par cipa on in the parish consulta on. The pastors of Dorchester are discussing having one consulta on for all the parishes of Dorchester. For more informa on and reflecon please visit Reflec*on from Office of Planning “Rising very early before dawn, he le3 and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.” Jesus knew that he needed me alone in prayer. We do too but some mes the pace of everyday life seems to crowd out any “alone” me. Caring for children, parents, and work responsibili es, leaves li"le me to go off to a quiet place. With some effort, however, it is possible to find opportuni es for prayer during the day: in the car, with the radio off, or a prayer CD on; on the T, praying rather than reading the paper; folding laundry, in line at the coffee shop; or s rring pasta sauce for dinner. These may not be deserted places but they can be occasions for prayer that will bear good fruit. ******** TRI-PARISH INTERNS—2014-2015 Cary Dabney, Deacon Alex Irechukwu, S.J., Tom Olson, Deacon Pepe Ruiz, and Deacon James Shea, S.J. Tri-Parish Celebra*on of Confirma*on REHEARSAL: Thursday, February 26th 6:00 p.m. CONFIRMATION LITURGY Saturday, February 28th 4:00 p.m. Blessed Mother Teresa Parish Students and their sponsors are asked to meet in the lower Church by 3:00 p.m. Project Rachel “During the retreat, I realize the impact of forgiveness. Through the depth of my pain, I began a las ng rela onship with God…” Many women ache with the pain of a past abor on. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston extends an invita on for post-abor on hope and healing through its one-day “Come to the Waters of Healing” retreat. Upcoming retreat dates will be February 21, March 28 and April 25. Retreats are limited to 10 women and are held at a confiden al loca on. For registra on informa on, contact Project Rachel at or 508.651.3100. Trust in the tender mercy of God! Pastoral Staff: Fr. Bri"o Arockiam, S.J., Weekend Assistant Fr. Pedro Cameira, S.J. Weekend Assistant Carmita Matos: Religious Ed. Holy Family Ms. Julie Shanklin, BMT Faith Forma on Mr. Floyd Sheldon Lee, BMT Music Director Mrs. Michelle McCourt, BMT Music Director Mr. Jose Pina, St. Peter Music Director Mr. Tony Mar nez: Holy Family Music Director Mrs. Migdali Rivera, Holy Family Music Director Tri– Parish Business Office – 278 Bowdoin Street St. Peter & Holy Family Parish Office 617-265-1132 / FAX 617-265-0463 Business Manager: Richard Gribaudo BMT Office – Back Entrance of Church 617-436-2190 / FAX 617-254-0463 Secretary: Judi Gootman Adam Russo & India Minchoff - Attorneys at Law REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PERSONAL INJURY Polsko-Amerykanski Mecenas 617-740-7340 123 Boston Street, Dorchester - 1st Floor 54 Pleasant Street Serving the South Boston and Dorchester Community for Over 50 Years Od 50 lat swiadczymy uslugi pogrzebowe dla Polonii z Dorchester i Poludniowego Bostonu Pre-Need Funeral Arrangements Available Dorchester 297 Newbury Street, Suite 301, Boston Cell (617) 504-3969 Office (617) 425-6300 Stephen Libman | 902 Dorchester Ave., Boston 780 Adams St. Dorchester 64 Pleasant Street • Dorchester Mowimy Po Polsku (978) 851-9103 MA INSPECTION STATION NO. PB050377 617-282-0651 Lowest Gas Prices in the Area • Open Daily Complete Automotive Repair & Car Care Center Gerard’s • Adams Corner A GENERAL STORE, A RESTAURANT, A CATERER 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 Visit Us After Mass Coffee & Tea Homemade Breads Pies & Pastries Irish Breakfast & More Funeral Director Dorchester Car Care™ Sales & Leasing Agent Windshields Auto GlAss tintinG Aluminum storefronts siGns & truck letterinG James Leo Trayers, Jr. • 617-436-5700 Raymond Stockwell 617-265-4500 WILLS/TRUSTS CIVIL LITIGATION FAMILY 772 Adams St., Dorchester 617-282-6370 Open 7 Days Gerards serves Irish Breakfast & Adams Corner General Store carries a full line of Irish foods. 617-825-8187 Rosaries from Flowers Lindsays Paws Lindsays LuckyLucky Paws Paws Lindsays Lucky DogService Walking Service Dog Walking Dog Walking Service LindsayLindsay Ward • 617-780-0477 LindsayWard Ward•• 617-780-0477 617-780-0477 “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” Your Neighborhood Dunkin’ D onuts Shops John Gillespie A new option for individuals and employers looking for affordable health insurance in Massachusetts. Contact Patrick O’Brien at 1-857-265-3333 or Director of Employer/Broker Relations Joyce and Gendreau JeWeLerS Space Available For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins • Established 1910 s Fine Jewelry s diamonds s Watches s on-Premise repairs epairs 617-328-0084 s 52 Billings rd, no. Quincy “Be a Servant” Matthew 20:26 Tri Parish of Dorchester, MA
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