Chamber Connection - Dorchester Chamber of Commerce


Chamber Connection - Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Connection
Leading Businesses ~ Leading Communities
Business over
Personal Training
Gift of Energy
Essay Contest
My Perspective
New Members,
Legislative &
Calendar of
Chamber Events,
BOD & Staff
(410) 228-3575
M A R C H ,
2 0 1 4
“Networking Skills that Really Work”
This January, the Dorchester Chamber
of Commerce was proud to announce the
addition of an Education
Committee, chaired by Dean Goodwin.
On February 27th, this Committee hosted
its first member workshop, “Networking
Skills That Really Work.” This
90-minute class, taught by Dean
Goodwin, RPS/ISG International, and
Keith Conkle, Comcast Spotlight, was
attended by over thirty participants. The
session centered on making the most out
of networking opportunities and building
new business relationships. Participants
learned tips on meeting new people at events, being active listeners, safe topics to
discuss while getting to know a person, progressing the relationship, and building
trust – which ultimately can lead to gaining contacts and new business. Also
discussed were trade show do’s
and don’ts.
Feedback was very positive.
The Education Committee hopes
to offer three more Member
workshops in 2014.
Our Diamond Sponsors
Interstate Container
National Bank of Cambridge
Like us
My Perspective by Deborah Divins, Executive Director
I am still motivated by
the response to the
Chamber’s Networking
Skills That Really Work”
workshop on February
27th. Cambridge International kindly
hosted this session, which was
developed and run by Dorchester
Chamber Education Committee
members Dean Goodwin, RPS/ISG
International, and Keith Conkle,
Comcast Spotlight. Both the
Committee and the Workshop were
created based on feedback from the
Chamber’s 2013 Member Survey. We
hope that attendees will use the skills
they learned during the many
networking opportunities that the
Chamber provides. Be sure to stay on
the lookout for our future educational
Being March, the State Legislative
session is more than half over - and our
Senators and Delegates have been busy!
Over 2,500 bills have been introduced
into the House and Senate already. We
can feel well-assured that our local
legislators are looking out for their
business community. Senator Richard
Colburn, Delegate Jeannie HaddawayRiccio, and Delegate Adelaide Eckardt
were all awarded with the John Shaw
Award for their pro-business voting
over the past four years, by the Maryland
Business for Responsive
Government (MBRG).
Though I cannot claim to have read all
of the bills that have been introduced, I
have made a point of identifying and
familiarizing myself with those most
likely to impact our businesses. Even
with sharing only short recaps, I was
unable to include all that I had hoped to
share with members. So, I selected
those most pertinent to businesses in
Dorchester County and have included
brief summaries for your review. I will
be happy to provide you with additional
information regarding any bills
discussed in this newsletter - or for any
others, not listed, that may be of concern
to you.
Definite themes in the bills submitted so
far this session include raising minimum
wage, reducing personal & corporate
State income tax rates, establishing
business combined reporting, bringing
estate and inheritance taxes back in line
with federal law, establishing employee
sick leave programs, creating fiscal
impact statements for proposed
regulations, and so many more. I look
forward to continuing to update you
regarding these proposed bills as the
process progresses.
I want to let all of our multistate
business owners aware that they should
consult with their tax advisors about
possible tax refunds from amending
prior years’ Maryland returns. The
Maryland Court of Appeals in 2013
ruled that Maryland’s statute violates
the U.S. Constitution’s “Commerce
Clause,” and, in many cases, resulted
in double-taxation of Maryland
businesses. The focus is on
recalculating Maryland’s credit for
taxes paid to other states whose tax rate
is higher than the State portion of
Maryland’s tax rate. The amended
return, Form 502X, should be marked,
“Protective Claim for Refund Under
the Wynne case.” The Comptroller’s
Office is holding refund claims
pending final resolution of Maryland’s
appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Should the Supreme Court deny
certiorari, the tax refunds plus interest
will be owed to the taxpayers who filed
refund claims.
Meanwhile, if you have any
business-related questions or concerns,
are seeking potential resources, or just
want to get to know us better, feel free
to visit, call, or e-mail us. We will
always do our best to assist you.
Personal Training isn’t just for
celebrities; it’s for everyone!
For many people, Personal Training seems like more of an extravagance for
celebrities and famous athletes rather than an important part of any wellness
plan. Here are the top 10 reasons to remind you of why Personal Training is
for everyone: Personalized Fitness, Learning New Things, Motivation,
Objective Eye, Progress Tracking, Better than a Mirror, Push Through
the Plateau, Time Saver, Support Group and Biggest Cheerleader.
How much do you spend a month on clothes, eating out, movies and other expendable items? Most people would say
around $200 a month. Did you know that four personal training sessions (perfect for a mother to do
training once per week) only costs $145 for YMCA members?! Your health and well-being is a
great investment to make. Consider packing your lunch and putting that money towards a new,
better you today. For more information please call 410-221-0505.
6012 Shiloh Church-Hurlock Road
Hurlock, MD 21643
“Welcome our New Member &
Congratulate our Membership
Saving Lives by Preventing Births
*Veterinarian(s) needed ASAP
*You pick the hours, days and rate is negotiable Saturdays available.
*Snipping & Tucking cats & dogs is all we do.
*Easy work, relaxed atmosphere, 20-25 cats a day.
*In search of missing live traps-if you know of where any are, please let us know or
return them to us
*Call Sara 443-521-9497 or email
Membership Anniversaries
10 Years
Member Lorraine
Emily’s Produce
Immanuel United Associate Member Church of Christ Sewell Matthews Jr.
The Hill’s Point
5 Years
Advancing Internet
Maryland Shore Pet
1 Year
Lighting Solutions
Some Senate & House Bills to Watch
Minimum Wage
SB696: Increases state minimum wage to $8.25 per hour; establishes 6 month training wage for those not
previously employed by any employer & pre-empts any county from adopting a minimum wage law after 1/1/14.
SB371: Increases State minimum wage to $8 in 2014, $9 in 2015, $10.10 in 2016 & ties increase to Consumer
Price Index (CPI) each additional year after that. Also permits employer to pay a f/t student working less than 20
hrs/wk to be paid up to 15% less than minimum wage with authorization.
SB331/HB295: AND ALSO HB187: Increases minimum wage to $8.20 in 2014, $9.15 in 2015, & $10.10 in
2016. In 2017, if federal minimum wage does not exceed State minimum wage, minimum wage is indexed to
HB72: Increases state minimum wage to $12.50.
Prevailing Wage
SB204: Expands prevailing wage to include all political subdivisions or agency of that subdivision. Redefines
prevailing wage rate to include wages & fringe benefits. Mandates any project paid for "wholly or partly" with
State funds pay a prevailing wage, & that all projects constructed on property owned or leased by State, a
political subdivision or agency pay prevailing wage, irrespective of whether State funds are used. Reduces
minimum amount of prevailing wage project from $500,000 to $25,000.
SB232: Extends applicability of State prevailing wage law to all construction projects that receive State funding,
rather than current 50% threshold.
Employee Benefits & Human Resources
HB1251: Establishes Maryland Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program & Savings Trust, requiring
employers with 5+ employees that do not have an employer-sponsored retirement plan, to participate in the
SB688/HB1350: Provides that, for purposes of employment discrimination and retaliation, an act or omission of
an employee may be construed to be an act or omission of the employer of the employee under specified
SB737/HB1026: Requires employer to provide 6 wks of unpaid parental leave for the birth or adoption of a
child. Applies to all employers with 15-49 employees.
HB527: Requires employers to provide all employees with paid sick leave, with no provisions to address or
prevent abuse or fraud.
SB753/HB968: Requires employers with 9+ employees to provide paid sick & safe leave; if less than 9
employees, employer is required to provide unpaid sick & safe leave. Does not include provisions to address or
prevent abuse or fraud.
HB37: Requires employers to establish a dress & grooming standard that may not prohibit or require an
employee to wear a specific hairstyle or facial hair, or prohibit the employee from wearing clothing or adopting
modes of grooming based on sex.
HB435: Prohibits employer from requiring an employee or prospective employee to join or remain a member of
a labor organization; to pay dues or other fees to a labor organization; or pay a third party or charity, in lieu of a
labor organization, any amount equivalent to or the pro rata portion of the charge required to be paid to a labor
organization by a labor organization.
Some Senate & House Bills to Watch
Income Tax & Combined Reporting
HB1114: Allows companies to claim income tax modification for depreciation of property of 100% of
adjusted base for year equipment is placed in service. (Significantly reduces start-up expenses associated
with starting a business by reducing amount of tax liability business has on equipment in first year of service
of equipment).
HB1129: Exempts personal property of a business from taxes if business organized in, or relocated its
headquarters to, Maryland in current year. Exempts all personal property from taxation under the county or
municipal corporation property tax, unless property is operated by a railroad or public utility. (Can spur
business growth & relocation).
SB858: Allows subtraction modification for a member of pass-through entity against Maryland adjusted
gross income for first $50,000 of nonpassive income attributed to pass-through entity. Pass-through entity
must employ at least one person that is not a member of the pass-through, & the member must participate in
the day-to-day operations for the business.
SB423: Changes date State begins to pay on tax refunds which are fault of State so that interest is paid from
date of overpayment until date refund is issued. (State currently charges 13% on tax deficiencies & this bill
gives equal footing to taxpayer when they have overpaid taxes by no fault of their own).
HB326: Reduces individual income tax rate on all filers by 10%, making reductions in rate over 3-yr period.
(Majority of MD employers have organized their businesses as pass-through entities, so profits are taxed at
individual income tax rate).
HB339 AND ALSO SB366/HB348: Reduces corporate income tax rate from 8.25% to 7% in 2014 &
beyond. (By rolling back the corporate tax rate, MD would be in a much more competitive posture with
surrounding states)
HB458: Reduces State corporate income tax rate from 8.25% to 6.25% for 2014 & 2015.
HB199: Reduces State corporate income tax rate by .45% each year for 5 yrs, from 8.25% to 6%.
HB457: Reduces corporate income tax rate from 8.25% to 5.75% by 2016, through incremental reductions.
HB330: Reduces corporate income tax rate from 8.25% to 4% in 2014 & beyond.
HB522: Increases amount of specified income tax personal exemptions allowed under State income tax for
specified taxable years based on annual change in CPI.
HB528: Increases minimum & maximum limitations of standard deduction allowed under State income tax
for taxable years after 12/31/14, with specified cost-of-living adjustment.
HB557: Increases specified State income tax rate bracket thresholds for taxable years after 2013 with
specified cost-of-living adjustment.
HB887 AND ALSO SB395: Imposes mandatory unitary combined reporting for corporate income taxes
effective 12/31/14. (Combined reporting would cause $490 million in tax shifts among businesses for a tax
that currently yields $759 million. Ex: combined reporting in 2007 would have decreased taxes for 1,894
businesses by $174 million, & increased taxes for 2,131 businesses by $318 million. This appears to be a
different means of taxation, rather than a “loophole closer”.
Continued on page 7 & 8
May We Have Your Attention Please
Chamber Business Luncheon
Cost: $20.00 for members $25.00 non-members
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Lunch Choices:
12:00 p.m.
*Alfredo & Salad
Speaker: Nancy Shockley &
Donna Greenleaf, DCLMB
Early Childhood Literacy Project
*Buffalo chicken wings & Salad
Location: Stoked Wood Fired Eatery
*Italian Panini
*Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
413 Muir St., Cambridge, MD
Please RSVP to
or call (410) 228-3575 with your choice.
*Small cheese pizza and Salad
*Spaghetti and Salad
Business over Breakfast
March 18, 2014 ~ Chamber Office
Cost: FREE
Winter Blasts Energy Prices
Extreme weather conditions throughout the United States will cause utility rates to increase. To make matters
worse slamming tactics by several out of state energy firms has created confusion as to selecting a third party
As the chamber's trusted and reliable energy consultant, CQI will be presenting an informational seminar
titled "Power in Numbers". Join us on March 18th at 8am as we explain:
* Regulations and Consumer Protection
* The Difference between Energy Suppliers
* Rates and Contract Terms
* How to Read Your Bill
* How to Avoid Scams
* and much more
The 40 minute seminar will be held at the chamber office followed by a question and answer session. To
register call Robin at the Dorchester Chamber at 410-228-3575 or email
Seating is limited so register early.
CQI Associates is offering an opportunity for Chamber members to join its Energy Cooperative cost
savings program from March 3rd through March 28th. To learn more, e-mail Joe Tabeling at or call him at 443-472-3870.
Celebrate Dorchester
Monday, May 19, 2014
5:30 p.m.
Location: Sailwinds of Cambridge (Governors Hall)
Please RSVP to or call (410) 228-3575!
Some Senate & House Bills to Watch
Agriculture & Commercial Fishing
HB284/SB27: Phosphorus Assessment & Mgmt-Study & Economic Impact Analysis: Requires Dept. of
Agriculture to prepare a study & economic impact analysis prior to making any changes to phosphorus risk
assessment tool or index & include a nutrient management plan for nitrogen & phosphorus. (Alleviates
concerns regarding unintended economic consequences that changes to nutrient management plan &
phosphorus management tool (PMT) can have on agricultural community. Restrictions to PMT will
dramatically limit use of locally produced organic fertilizer in State & could negatively impact poultry
growers, dairymen, grain operators & others in farming community).
SB725: Chesapeake Bay–Nutrient Management–Poultry Fair Share Act: Establishes chicken manure
pollution fee of 5¢ per chicken, payable to the Controller by specified poultry integrator. Requires Controller
to transfer revenue from fee to Maryland Agriculture Water Quality Cost Share Program for cover crop
activities. Repeals provisions of law requiring Controller to disburse funds from Bay Restoration Fund to be
used for cover crop activities. (Despite Governor stating that he would veto such a bill & House withdrawing
its bill (HB905), SB725 is moving forward).
SB929: Commercial Fishing & Seafood Operations–Nuisance Actions–Exemption: Expands application
of specified provisions of law relating to protection of agricultural operations from nuisance actions to apply
to specified commercial fishing & seafood operations. Exempts commercial fishing & seafood operations
from nuisance lawsuits.
Dorchester County
SB60/HB167: Class B Beer & Light Wine Licenses–Sunday Sales: Allows Class B beer & light wine
licensees in Dorchester County to sell beer & light wine on Sundays from 10am to midnight for on- &
off- premises consumption.
SB762: Dorchester County–Chesapeake Grove Senior Housing & Intergenerational Center: Authorizes
creation of State debt, up to $175,000, to be granted to Delmarva Community Services for Chesapeake Grove
Senior Housing & Intergenerational Center in Cambridge.
SB152/HB285: Cambridge Marine Terminal Redevelopment: Changes grantee of 2013 $1.5 million bond
bill from MD Economic Dev’t. Corp. (MEDCO) to the Mayor & City of Cambridge. Originally Sailwinds
Wharf Dev’t Project, main element is replacement of a wharf & bulkhead at Cambridge Marine Terminal,
most of which is in need of urgent repair. (Cambridge hopes project will create increased sail & power boat
traffic, as well as increased tourism).
SB765: Allocates specified motor fuel tax to an account that is shared with local governments, increasing
portion of highway user revenue distributed to counties & municipalities.
SB900: Requires SHA to include in highway needs, & engage in project planning for, a highway with 2+
lanes in each direction for any county that did not have, as of 1/1/14, a 4-lane highway that fully bisects the
county. (Addresses continued attempts to dualize MD Route 404).
Some Senate & House Bills to Watch
SB151: Fiscal Impact Statements for Proposed Regulations: Requires fiscal impact statement with a
proposed regulation to Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive, & Legislative Review (AELR) & the
Dept. of Legislative Services (DLS). Prohibits adopting proposed regulation until after fiscal impact
statement is submitted for preliminary review. (Provides estimated economic impact of any proposed
regulation on groups such as consumers, taxpayers, trade groups, & industries).
HB1086: State Aid - Business Transparency & Financial Disclosure Act: Requires business receiving
State subsidy of $50,000+ to file disclosure with specified information. (May dissuade businesses from
applying for subsidies they qualify for).
HB1305: Unincorporated Nonprofit Associations-Members & Officers-Personal Liability: Member of
unincorporated nonprofit association, who is not an officer or director, can’t be sued for debts, obligations, or
liabilities of the nonprofit. Officer or director of incorporated nonprofit association can’t be sued for debts,
obligations, or liabilities of nonprofit if they carried out duties in accordance with MD law governing
corporations & associations.
SB706/HB1210: Environment-Permit Determinations-Cumulative Impact Assessments: Requires MD
Dept. of Environment to do cumulative impact assessments for all air quality, landfill systems, incinerators,
rubble landfills, discharge pollutants to water, sewage sludge, controlled hazard substances, hazardous
materials & low-level nuclear waste facilities, before issuing a final determination for permits.
HB729: County & Municipal Street Lighting Investment Act: Constitutional amendment that allows
county or municipality to immediately seize street lighting equipment from an electric company if they
compensate in the amount of net book value less depreciation. (Could set precedent for government entities
to take from private companies without appropriate compensation for properties or future revenues
associated with them).
HB930: Health Care Malpractice-Limitation on Noneconomic Damages: Reduces limitation on
noneconomic damages in healthcare malpractice claims to $500,000 after 10/1/14. (Reduces burden on
health care providers of high cost of malpractice insurance, potentially reducing cost of health care &
coverage to consumers).
SB394: Statewide Container Recycling Refund Program: Proposes 5¢ deposit fee for every redeemable
beverage container that distributor sells, donates or transfers in State. Allows retailers to charge customers 5¢
deposit at point of sale for each beverage.
SB268/HB408: Real Property-Breach of Lease-Notice Requirements: Allows commercial property
owners more flexibility in notice required to tenant when tenant breaches lease agreement, if provided in
lease or in writing by the two parties.
Recent Networking Opportunities
The Dorchester Chamber of Commerce held its February 12 Chamber Business
Luncheon at the Holliday Inn Express in Cambridge, MD. We offer a huge thank
you to Joe Morse and Tim Sherman, from Maryland Capital Enterprises, Inc. (MCE,
Inc.) for being the guest speakers.
MCE, Inc. offers Small Business Loans from $500-$150,000 to new and small
businesses. The loans are provided to Minority-owned businesses, Women-owned
Businesses, Veteran-Owned businesses, and Other Small Businesses. Their
relationship with the business is not over when they close the loan, however. They
also offer free and low-cost business consulting, classes and programs to help the
small business person to succeed. Located in Salisbury, MD, you can reach Joe &
Tim at 410-546-1900, or visit them on the web at
On Tuesday, February 25, Dr. William E. Bair, LLC’s office, at the William &
Grace Bair Medical Building, invited the business and medical community to a
Chamber Business After Hours/Open House. Dr. Bill Bair and Lisa Marshall,
FNP hosted this well attended event at the lovely, 2 floor building where
several doctors hold their practice. There was plenty of opportunity to network,
with people from a wide variety of businesses. It was nice to see familiar faces,
as well as new faces of those who came for the first time or we haven’t seen
for a while. Plenty of hors d'oeuvres were available, catered by Mollye
Meredith Catering.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
ShoreVenture Classes Begin
ShoreVenture classes begin March 19 at Chesapeake
College Curriculum provides more than “textbook”
knowledge, says recent graduates.
ShoreVenture is designed to provide guidance and
support in a group-oriented environment, and is
taught by actual Eastern Shore entrepreneurs. The
course is based on the nation’s leading entrepreneur
training program called NewVenture, which was
developed by the Kauffman Foundation. Classes
will be held on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 p.m., starting
March 19th and ending May 21. The fee of $295.00,
and is 100% refundable upon satisfactory
completion of the course. Register online at For more information, call
(410) 770-9330.
5:00 p.m.
Mid Shore Board of Realtors & Bay Area
Association at Chesapeake College in the
Caroline Room. Door prizes & various food
stations. Food & cash bar begins at 5 pm.
Networking, Education, Affiliated Business
Exhibits for all REALTORS, vendors & Chamber
For more information, contact Debbie Wilkins,
Mid-Shore Board of Realtors 410-822-8767 or
Saturday, March 22. 2014
Family Bingo Night
5:30 p.m. - Doors Open
6:30 p.m. - Games Begin
Immanuel United Church of Christ
5401 White Hall Road, Cambridge
Adults and Children 12 and older - $10.00
Children under 12 - $5.00
Admission includes 6 cards for 20 games for adults
and 3 cards for 20 games for children under 12 and a
door Prize ticket. (Second set of cards 1/2 price)
Affordable food will be sold
Hotdogs, Pizza, French Fries, Popcorn, Drinks,
Baked Goods
Tricky Tray Baskets
50/50 Raffle
Door Prizes
RPS ISG International Named “Top Five New
Business Contributor in The United States” by Chubb
Insurance for 2013
Named #1 Agency for the Eastern Territory of the U.S.
The Chubb Group of Insurance Companies recently announced that RPS
ISG International has been recognized as the “fifth-highest new business
contributor in the United States to Chubb’s Decision Point Professional and
Management Liability insurance program for businesses and non-profit organizations. “
“A truly remarkable achievement” said Reginald Linda, Manager of Chubb Specialty Insurance. “Even more impressive
is the fact that in the U.S., Chubb is broken out into East and West territories. RPS ISG International is the #1 agency
for the Eastern Territory. They should be very proud of these results and their hard work.”
The DecisionPoint product, from Chubb Specialty Insurance, is Management Liability insurance designed to help give
businesses protection for Crime, Employment Practices Liability, Fiduciary Liability and Miscellaneous Professional
Steve Robinson, Area President of RPS ISG International, praised the Chubb team and his Commercial Business team.
“It’s always an honor to be recognized for your hard work, but with Chubb, it doesn’t seem like work to us. They are
truly a partner and embrace our employees’ customer service philosophy—protect our customers’ business like it was
our own.”
The Talbot Bank gives back to the Community
The Trappe branch of The Talbot Bank, a member of Shore Bancshares
community of companies, collected food donations during the month of
December and recently donated them to the mobile food pantry at Scott’s
United Methodist Church in Trappe. Non-perishable foods were also
collected at the Trappe branch’s Holiday Open House. “We are thankful
for all of the support we received from our customers and our
employees,” said Robin Haddaway, Branch Supervisor at the Trappe
branch of The Talbot Bank. “We feel that supporting area food pantries
is a great way to help local people in need.” Pictured left to right: Tamsey Miller, Scott’s United Methodist Church,
Naomi Thomas, Scott’s United Methodist Church, Shelby Willey, The Talbot Bank, and Robin Haddaway, The Talbot
The St. Michaels Branch of The Talbot Bank, a member of Shore Bancshares
community of companies, recently collected and delivered non-perishable
food items to the Christ Church Food Pantry in St. Michaels, MD. The
canned goods were donated by Talbot Bank employees at their annual Super
Bowl Party celebrating community service on February 5th. A combined
total of 6,796 hours of community volunteer service was recorded in 2013
for the entire bank. Pictured left to right: Talbot Bank employees Ruth
Barbour, Teller and Parker Spurry, St. Michaels Branch Manager.
Locally owned and operated Sharon Real Estate is top producing
company in Dorchester County
Sharon Johnston, President of Cambridge-based Sharon Real Estate, today announced that her firm was
the top producing company in Dorchester County for 2013, eclipsing all companies with offices in the
county. In a report released January, 2014 by the rbi Broker Productivity Report analysis found that Sharon RE led in
total number of transactions with 91 properties sold and was the top residential seller in Dorchester with sale transactions
totaling $17,201,702.
Sharon Real Estate accumulated 20% of the residential market share out of all companies that conducted business within
the county and 33% of the residential market share with companies that have offices located in the county. This number
makes Sharon Real Estate the top selling brokerage firm within Dorchester County. With offices located in Dorchester
County, SRE has the most productive agents out of any competitor.
Sharon Real Estate has five of the top sixteen selling agents in the county. At Sharon Real Estate, our reputation is based
on honesty and integrity. Johnston said, “We strive to provide the highest level of service to our customers, clients, and
fellow agents in an effort to make the real estate experience positive, pleasant and successful.”
Sharon is a top producing realtor in the Dorchester County market selling waterfront, residential and commercial
properties. For more information please visit
Jolene Ivey an American politician who represents the 47th Legislative District in
the Maryland House of Delegates visited Sharon Real Estate.
During her visit she discussed Dorchester County housing, school, and economic
Pictured left to right: Ken Kloostra, Sharon Johnston, Jolene Ivey, Nikki
Mothersell with BB&T, Penny Windsor and Dawn Shorter.
Delmarva Power’s ‘Gift of Energy’
Program Offers a Way to Help Customers
Pay Energy Bills
The recent cold weather means that some Delmarva
Power customers could be coping with higher than normal
energy bills in the weeks ahead. Delmarva Power wants to
remind you that its Gift of Energy is now a year-round
program that offers a way to help customers who need
assistance in paying energy bills.
The program works like this:
Visit a Delmarva Power office in Wilmington, Newark or
Millsboro, Del., and provide a customer service
representative with the name and address of the person for
whom you’re buying the Gift of Energy. You then make a
payment via check or credit card on that person’s account.
The program is also accessible online at where a Gift of Energy
form is available. Find additional information and updates
by visiting, on Facebook at and on Twitter at Our mobile app is
available at
Bird Dog Sauce Co. Gets Tropical
After 30 Years Bird Dog Wheeler Returns to the Florida Keys,
but this time it’s his Hot Sauce that has Everybody Dancing!
A mere six months after launching his own Hot Sauce Company, Easton native Bird Dog
Wheeler set his sights on having his sauces sold in Key West and he never looked back.
Bird Dog Sauce Co. Sauces are now sold at Peppers of Key West on 602 Greene St., Key West,
FL. “We used to play the Keys circuit on a regular basis back in the 80’s. And now I’m going
back! And from what I hear we’re already planning a tasting for down there sometime early
2015.” He says with a grin.
“I’m beside myself!” says Keith Graffius, Distributor of the Bird Dog Sauces and owner of Crabi Gras. “A little taste
of the Eastern Shore is in Key West! We couldn’t be more excited!”
The first two sauces in the new line are the “Original Redneck Sauce,” which is a Cayenne-based table sauce, and the
“Mexican Style Redneck Sauce,” made with Red Chipotle Peppers and making for a wonderful smoky sweet addition
to any meal.
These sauces are now available at both Crabi Gras locations in Cambridge and Easton. For more information about
the new sauces, or how to become a retailer of the Bird Dog line, call Keith Graffius at 410-228-0108 or email
Corsica River Mental Health Services Makes It Easier
For Mid-Shore Residents to Find Services They Need
Corsica River Mental Health Services (CRMHS) recently unveiled its new logo and an
interactive website that makes it easier for Mid-Shore residents with mental health issues to get
the services they need. CRMHS has clinics in Centreville, Cambridge and St. Michaels and is a
subsidiary of the nonprofit Crossroads Community, which provides mental health recovery resources to a five-county
Mid-Shore area including Kent, Queen Anne’s, Caroline, Talbot and Dorchester counties.
CRMHS opened its first clinic in Centreville in 2009 after the local health department clinic closed, and an assessment
found a significant need for mental health services in the area.
Demand for those services and the need to aid more residents within their own communities led to expansion, with the
St. Michaels clinic opening in 2010 and Cambridge in 2012. The three facilities currently serve almost 750 clients.
The new website,, is an effort to engage individuals who may be reluctant to make an initial
request for help in person, said Clinic Director Kathleen Van Fossen, LCSW-C. “Maybe they aren’t quite able to bring
themselves to pick up the phone or walk in the door,” she said. “It can be easier to overcome that initial psychological
hurdle in reaching out for help by filling out the first
Both adult and child information packets can be downloaded, printed and filled out at home ahead of time, making the
in-person registration at the clinic quicker and easier
The clinics offer services for everyone, regardless of age, insurance or diagnosis. More than just psychiatric services
are available. The clinics provide couples and grief counseling; individual, family and group
therapy; health education and medication management; both child and geriatric specialty services,
and more. In addition, staff from the Cambridge and Centreville clinics provides school-based
mental health services in their communities.
For more information or to make an appointment, contact Corsica River Mental Health Services in
Centreville at 410-758-2211, Cambridge at 443-225-5780 or St. Michaels at 410-745-8028, or visit
its website,
A Big THANK YOU to all Our Members who Recently Renewed Their Membership!
Member Since
Accurate Optical
Bay Country Bakery
Blackwater Electric Heating & AC
Blood Bank of Delmarva
Brooks and Company
Burnette Companies
C. Edmund Connelly, DDS, MAGD
Cambridge Spice Company
Cambridge Travel
Carlton Transport, Inc.
Cecille’s Beauty Salon, Inc.
Chesapeake College Cambridge Center
Choptank Bowling Center, Inc.
Comfort Inn & Suites
Danny’s Auto Body, LLC
Delmarva Community Services, Inc.
Dorchester Star - Star Democrat
Elks - Dorchester Lodge #223-IBPOE or W
Gemcraft Homes, Inc.
Harrington Insurance
IAAP, Tidewater Chapter
Member Since
J.L. Marshall & Son
Lewis General Store
M&T Bank
MTS Broadcasting, L.C.
Mallard Bay-Signature Healthcare
Marshall Property Management
Marvel’s on the Creek
Merry Maids #462
Paradise Lawn Care, LLC
Parts Wholesale, Inc.
Sequre Underwriters, LLC
Sherwin Williams Paint Company
Simmons & Dodd, LLP Attorneys at Law
Small Business Development Center
The Copy Shoppe
The Hale-Miller Group at MLWealth Mgmt.
Univ. of MD Ctr. for Environmental Science
Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. #2272
Whitten Insurance Agency
Dorchester Center for the Arts asks members and supporters to save the date of the 7th Annual Guest Artist Event set
for Saturday, April 26, 2014 to be held at its facility. This year the event will be held in the new Performance Hall/
Special Event venue and will serve as the official grand opening of the Phase II second floor.
Key community leaders, who are not perceived as artists, are selected to be “Guest Artists.” Local individuals in the
arts, “professional artists” are then paired with the Guest. Art mediums may vary; oil painting, ceramics, and more.
Working together, and coached by the professional, the community leader creates a work of art. The artists and guest
artists are given several months to create a piece, allowing for busy schedules and the convenience of all involved. The
pieces created are then auctioned off at a “black tie admired, not required” glamorous event.
Deborah Divins - Lisa Krentel/mixed media ~ Paul Myers - Willy Schlossbach/oil painting ~ Jamie Summers - Bill
Burnette/photography ~ Melissa DeLuca - Jan Boettger/stained glass ~ Jennifer Fanning - Ann Geiger/pottery/
ceramics ~ Dr. Michael Zuschnitt - Tom Ryan/oil painting ~ Judann Culver - Windy Karpavage/fiber arts
2nd Annual Mid-Shore Board of Realtors Property Rights Essay Contest
Enter to Win a $500, $100 or $50 Cash Prize!
The Mid-Shore Board of Realtors’ again in 2014 will sponsor an Essay Contest inviting students who currently are
juniors or seniors in high school and who reside in either in Caroline, Dorchester, or Talbot Counties to consider the
concept of property rights.
Students are asked to write an original and analytical essay of 1,000 words, or less, that centers around the tension
between property owner rights and the local, state and federal governments regulations limiting land use. This essay
needs to show both sides of the issue.
Participants are encouraged to review a variety of sources including the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of
Rights, newspaper articles, books, and/or personal interviews.
The deadline for submission of the essay is Tuesday, April 15, 2014 and there is a cash prize of $500 to the writer who
best responds to the 2014 topic.
For a full list of the rules and regulations, plus the entry form, go to the Mid-Shore Board of REALTORS® web site; or call the board office at 410-822-8767.
For more details about the following events please go to our
website at or call 410-228-3575
March 1 -
March 1, 13, 25 -
*Ravens Chalk Talk: Qadry Ismail Meet &
*Spaghetti Dinner
*Pop Warner Shrimp Dinner
*CSDHS Softball Spaghetti Dinner
March 12 -
*Chamber Business Luncheon
March 12, 26 - *Movie of Faith
March 13 *Dine Out in Dorchester
*Habitat Choptank ReStore donation truck will
be circulating in Cambridge/Hurlock/Trappe
March 13, 14, 15, 16 - *CSDHS Sr. Class Play
March 2 -
*Ash Wednesday Pancake Lunch
*Baskets & Bags Bingo
March 14 -
*DoCo Farm Bureau Annual Banquet
*Elks Dinner
March 4 -
*Planning– Wings & Wheels
*Dor. Co. Republican Central Committee Mtg.
*Square Dancing Club
March 15 -
*Women’s Prayer Breakfast
*Eagle Festival
*2nd Annual Power to the Pets
*History Comes Alive
*Recycle Dorchester
*Oyster Fritter Sandwich Sale
*Chesapeake Bayhawks Chalk Talk
*EVO Craft Beer Dinner
*St. Patrick’s Dance
March 4, 11, 18, 25 - *BINGO @ Elks
March 4, 15, 27 -
*Habitat Choptank ReStore donation truck —
March4, 6, 22 -
*Habitat for Humanity Choptank ReStore
Volunteer Orientation Sessions
March 15, 30 - *Bird Walk at Blackwater NWR
March 4, 11, 18, 25 - *“A Love for the Arts”
March 20 -
March 4, 25 -
March 21 -
*Elks Dinner
March 22 -
*2nd Icebreaker Open
*Caregiving Basics
*Relay for Life Paintball Tournament
*Family Fun Bingo
*Document Shredding
*Dance Lessons & Swing Nght
March 23 -
*Jazz Brunch Buffet
*Neck District VFC Bingo
*GAB Bingo
March 24 -
*Habitat for Humanity Dor. Co. Ecumenical
Build Planning Meeting
*Skipjack Nathan of Dor. Volunteer
March 27 -
*Habitat for Humanity Choptank Volunteer
Orientation Sessions
March 28 -
*Elks Dinner
March 29 -
*Habitat Choptank ReStore Spring Event
*Stamping by the Sea
*Oyster Roast w/Cambridge Rotary
*Vietnam Roll Call
*Spring Fling
March 30 -
*Baltimore Mandolin Orchestra at DCA
*Wine & Dine 2014
*Bereavement Support Group
March 4, 11, 18, 25 - *Free Blood Pressure Screenings
March 5 -
*Ash Wednesday Services
(12ish—Christ Episcopal Church)
(6:15—Immanuel United Church of Christ)
*Spaghetti Dinner
*Veteran’s Recognition Committee Meeting
*Learn about Cambridge Ship Yard
March 6, 15, 29 -
*Habitat Choptank ReStore Truck-Kent
Island/Centreville/Points North
March 6, 7, 8, 9 -
*NDHS Senior Class Musical
March 7 -
*Crabcake Dinner
*Karaoke Happy Hour
*Elks Dinner
March 7, 14, 21, 28 - *Vets Helping Vets
March 8 -
March 8, 20 -
*Book Sale @Library
*Everything Oyster Celebrates Native
*2nd Saturday Arts Drop-In
*Harriet Tubman Annual Banquet
*2nd Saturday
*Habitat Choptank ReStore TruckEaston/Oxford
March 10 -
*Maryland Congressional Delegation Dinner
March 11, 22 -
*Habitat Choptank ReStore Truck-Easton/
St. Michaels
**If you have an event you’d like to include, send to**
Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
528 Poplar Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
Pre-sorted Standard
U.S. Postage
Cambridge, MD 21613
Permit #39
Return Service Requested
Chamber Events
March 4, 11, 18, 25 -
Whitten Insurance Agency
301 Crusader Road, Cambridge
8:30 a.m.
March 18 -
Business over Breakfast
Speaker: Joe Tabeling, CQI Associates
Location: Chamber Office
8:00 a.m.
March 5 -
Marketing Committee
Dorchester Chamber
8:00 a.m.
March 19 -
Chamber Board Meeting
Chamber Office
8:00 a.m.
March 12 -
Executive Committee Meeting
Chamber Office
7:45 a.m.
March 12 -
Chamber Business Luncheon
Speaker: Nancy Shockley, LMB
Location: Stoked Wood Fired Eatery
413 Muir Street, Cambridge
12:00 p.m.
Networking Opportunity To Schedule a Business After Hours or Ribbon Cutting
at your Business, please give us a call at 410-228-3575 or
Board of Directors
Jennifer Layton, President
Dr. Paul Brant, Past President
Layton’s Chance Vineyard
Cambridge Family Eye Care
Deborah Divins
Bill Burnette, VP
Dean Goodwin, VP
Executive Director
Burnette Companies
RPS ISG International
Kelly Hurley, Treasurer
Robin Moore
Interstate Container
David DeLuca
Steve Disharoon
Philicia Drayton
Delco Packaging Products, Inc.
The Drug Store
5 9 Tags & Titles
Patrick Fanning
Sharon Johnston
Ted Kanatas
Robin Stanley
Cambridge Eateries
Sharon Real Estate
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
Mike LeMire
Kim Liddell
Nikki Mothersell
Miles & Stockbridge
National Bank of Cambridge
Marty Mullaney
Gary Newcomb
Tracy Tyler
Mullaney Insurance
Newcomb & Collins Funeral Home
Cambridge International
“To Advance Dorchester County through educating, promoting and growing a strong business community”

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