Gente Cambridge Evening - Cambridge House Community College


Gente Cambridge Evening - Cambridge House Community College
Inside this issue:
Swimming Gala
IV Carrera Solidaria Popular de
la Cruz Roja
Who Are They?
Cooking with 7B
Graduation 2016
Volume 3, Issue 10
Newsletter Date 01/07/16
Gente Cambridge Evening
The Bridge
Thank you to everyone who came along to our recent Gente Cambridge Evening and made
it so much fun! Tropics has a new cocktail "One love" for its menu which was invented by
the winning team ready for you to try this summer! A special thank you goes to our HND
Team who demonstrated their superb hospitality skills.
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Swimming Gala 2016
Congratulations to all 31pupils from Cambridge House
school who took part in the recent inter-schools swimming
gala. Many pupils picking up medals for individual first place
and Cambridge House proudly finished 1st place overall!!
Los Olivos 2nd place, Caxton College 3rd and The American School 4th place. Well done again to all competitors
who were a credit to the school!
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IV Carrera Solidaria Popular de la Cruz Roja
Congratulations to everyone for competing in the
IV Carrera Solidaria Popular de la Cruz Roja. Particular congratulations go to our winner Essie Amery!
Great exercise, great fun and for a great cause. Well
done everyone who was involved.
Page 4
Who Are They? The full story behind our staff!
In this months artcile...Shona O´Callaghan
Shona O'Callaghan was born in County Armagh, Ireland,
and lived on a modest farm with her family. Ever since she
was a little girl, Shona helped with all the house chores and
farm work and helped to take care of the animals. Responsible, ambitious and hard-working... this young girl would
one day become a magnificent English and History teacher
at the best British school in Spain: Cambridge House Community College.
She first found out her passion was English back in Ireland. Her father was very keen to understand and learn
about the past and couldn't help but share his fascination with his little girl. As she grew older she realised that
there were too many extraordinary wonders around the world too beautiful to be kept unseen by her eyes any
longer, and so, one day she decided to leave her small little town and go on search of adventures. She studied at
University in Liverpool, was a theology teacher there, and then lived in New York ("The city that never sleeps"...).
Along the way, and after having travelled widely, she met a big and welcoming city called Valencia and fell in love.
Valencia would never be as big and powerful as New York, but nonetheless it was perfect for her. The years
passed by and Shona became an English and History teacher at Cambridge House Community College.
She enjoyed giving classes to her students and loves listening to the different answers her students give her in Literature because as she says, "there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to Literature". She always learns
new ideas from them.
Now, Shona continues to teach at Cambridge House Community College and after all these years of helping and looking after all of these children at the school she's finally expecting a baby of her own.
"Not only that they learned from me but I would like my
students to remember me as someone who was always
there to rely on whenever they needed help." -- Shona
Written by Irene Torres
Page 5
Educational Lunches & Cooking with 7B
Presión de grupo y.... otros cotilleos
Fantástica comida asiática. ¡¡¡BIEN HECHO!!! Los alumnos de 7B han trabajado como auténticos profesionales!!!
Tracy como siempre ingeniosa, didáctica y entregada para que todo salga a la perfección.
En la clausura de las comidas educativas 2015-2016 hemos contado con
una magnifica invitada, Nuria Pérez De Ziriza, psicóloga y experta en el
tema a tratar. Nuria ha sido alumna del cole y su exposición demuestra las
maravillosas personas que intentamos formar... ¡y lo conseguimos!
¡Gracias! a todos los padres por su entusiasmo y participación en todas las
comidas educativas ofrecidas en este curso.
Peer pressure and other issues…
7B students have worked like real professionals with Tracy as they prepare
lunch for the last educational lunch of the year. For the close to the 20152016 educational lunches a guest, joined in with the fun, Nuria Perez De
Ziriza, a psychologist and expert on this session’s topic.
Thank you to all the parents for their enthusiasm and participation with the
educational lunches offered this year.
Graduation 2016
Calle Profesorado
Español, 1,
Rocafort 46111
Phone: +34 96 390 5019
“Our aim is to
create a
stimulating, warm,
caring "home" of a
school; we aim to
ensure that all our
students develop to
their full potential
regardless of their
natural ability”
Last week our students graduated
from Year 13 and H.N.D. It was
an emotional and memorable
evening for all, students, teachers
and family. Congratulations to all
and good luck for the future.
Ultima semana se graduaron nuestros alumnos de Y13 y H.N.D. Fue
una velada emotiva e inolvidable
para todos, alumnos, profesores y
familiares. Enhorabuena a todos.