Chamber Connection - Dorchester Chamber of Commerce


Chamber Connection - Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
Inn Express page 11
Sponsor –Jimmie &
Sook’s page 12
General Store/
Restaurant page 13
CBL, BAHs, Ribbon
Regional Chamber
MCM Loan Program
Chamber Connection
Leading Businesses ~ Leading Communities
(410) 228-3575
M A Y ,
2 0 1 4
Our Newsletter Sponsors
527 Poplar Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
My Perspective
New Members,
Legislative Wrap- 4
Business Building
Energy Advisors
Calendar of
Chamber Events,
BOD & Staff
● It’s
Food ●
● It’s Fun ●
● It’s Local
& Business
Monday, May 19th ● 5:30 p.m. Awards
Governors Hall, Sailwinds Park
200 Byrn Street, Cambridge, MD
Showcasing delectable
dishes, prepared by over a
dozen regional chefs,
featuring local ingredients.
Tickets $35
Dorchester Chamber
of Commerce
528 Poplar Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
Phone 410-228-3575
(Includes food, entertainment &
awards ceremony / Cash Bar)
Our Diamond Sponsors
Interstate Container ~ National Bank of Cambridge
My Perspective by Deborah Divins, Executive Director
I’d like to give one last
thank you to our hard
working state
legislators who fought
so hard for Dorchester
County, regarding both business and
local issues. This newsletter includes a wrap-up of the Maryland
bills that passed this session, which
the Chamber had been following. If
you’re looking for an update on any
bills that are not mentioned, please
feel free to contact me directly to
obtain that information.
I am very excited about the formation of a couple of new working
groups in the County. The first is
the “One Stop Partners” group, a
substantial network of non-profit
organizations and government
agencies that meet quarterly to
discuss job and training issues. The
second is the “Dorchester Resource
Group,” a partnership of the
Cambridge Office of Economic
Development, Dorchester Chamber
of Commerce, Dorchester County
Office of Economic Development,
and Small Business & Technology
Development Center. We’ve been
working together to find ways to
make it easier and better to do
business in Dorchester County. At
this time, we are proud to unveil the
start of our new “Business Building
Blocks” workshops.
The first of these will be a free
workshop on May 6, “Marketing for
Summer Sizzle,” geared toward
small/micro, retail, restaurant, and
service businesses about driving
sales, marketing trends, co-opetition,
success indicators, and green
techniques. Then, on May 22, we’re
offering “Build (or Rebuild) Your
Social Media Presence,” a 2.5 hour
boot camp marketing workshop that
will give you the blue prints to build
your web presence through Social
Media ($5 members; $10 nonmembers). After that, on June 5, we
will additionally host “Finding Your
Financing,” a free workshop for
entrepreneurs and existing business
owners to help fill the funding gaps
that might otherwise prevent a
business start-up, and to identify
funding sources for business expansions. Read more about these great
opportunities in this newsletter!
Also, be sure to join the Chamber at
it’s Celebrate Dorchester event, to
be held on Monday, May 19th. The
evening promises to be full of great
food and fun! Local farmers and
food suppliers are teaming up with
our area restaurants to create an
incredible smorgasbord of flavors.
This event also showcases the
Chamber’s annual Business
Excellence Awards (be sure to get
in your last-minute nominations no
later than May 2nd), music, and
silent auction. It’s food, it’s fun,
it’s local!
Later this month, on Wednesday,
May 28th, the Five-County Upper
Eastern Shore After-Hours Mixer
will be held at Chesapeake
Community College in Wye Mills.
This annual event always gets a
great turnout, and is an excellent
opportunity to network with Upper
Shore businesses. Meanwhile, if
you have any business-related
questions or concerns, are seeking
potential resources, or just want to
get to know us better, feel free to
visit, call, or e-mail us. We will
always do our best to assist you.
Small Town America Travel Guide: Top 12 Places You Need to Visit by Viral Travel
4. Cambridge, Maryland
It’s nestled on the Chesapeake Peninsula, located on Maryland’s eastern shore, just a short drive away from the
metropolitan areas of Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington D.C. We’re talking about Cambridge, Maryland – one
of the oldest colonial cities in not just the state, but the country – that’s widely visited for its crab cook offs, waterfront
settings and historic downtown streets.
So just what else makes the waterfront community of Cambridge such a charming place to visit? Well consider it’s
brick-paved streets that wind through the historic district, the shopping and art districts that help define the town, its
plethora of bed and breakfasts, resorts and lodging, its golf courses, spas and dining. Then, of course, there are the
intangibles – the sunsets over the water and the strolls down the Choptank River.
The town is also host to some great annual events. What’s more is that, unlike other destinations on this list, the
weather is always reasonable. Cambridge is characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, cool winters, making it a
destination no matter what time of year. So the next time you’re out east and are looking for something fun to spice up
your journey, why not take a detour into the historic community of Cambridge?
106 N. Washington Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
FAX; 410-770-4515
Engineering, Survey & Architecture
410-943-0846 ~ 302-536-5387
302 Collins Avenue, Hurlock, MD
Mailing: 801 Middleford Road,
Seaford, DE 19973
Primary Care Physician, Hospital
“Welcome our New
Members &
Congratulate our
NEW FUNDING - Through MicroEnterprise
Council of Maryland (MCM)
The MCM is looking for a business to work with in a loan
program. Open to manufacturing sector and other sectors.
Program offers up to $600k as a low interest loan to be used for
working capital and expansion needs. Required to hire up to 40
new hires in 4 years with 75 percent being low income. Open
even to companies that have recently expanded and are still in a
growth mode. Funds can be used to pay down debt as long as
they are planning on hiring new employees within the 3-4 year
scope. Funding source is Federal - Health and Human Services
Community Economic Development Program. Contact Mikal
McCartney for more info -
410.514.7776 (cell) 443.756.6406
Membership Anniversaries
15 Years
5 Years
1 Year
Properties, Inc.
*Bartlett, Griffin &
Vermilye, Inc.
*Cedar Meadows Rod &
Gun Club, Inc.
*Henry Funeral
Home, P.A.
*Customer Engineering
*Delmarva Digital
*Myopex, Inc.
*Pine Street
Committee, Inc.
*Squirrel Pit, LLC
2014 General Assembly Session in Review
During the 2014 General Assembly Session, 2,672 pieces of legislation were introduced. The Dorchester
Chamber of Commerce has been forwarding you information on those bills which were most pertinent to
businesses on the Eastern Shore. Most of these bills never made it to the finish line, but below please find a
review of those that did pass.
State Budget
The House and Senate agreed upon a $38.7 billion FY 2015 operating budget, which includes additional
investments in business development projects. Specifically, there are increased investments in both a
biotechnology tax credit ($12 million) and a research & development tax credit ($10 million), as well as an
extension of the film tax credit for $15 million in FY 2015. The operating budget required no additional
revenues to be balanced and provides a surplus of over $80 million.
Legislation passed to recouple Maryland’s Estate Tax with the federal limits (HB 739/SB 602). The legislation
that passed will increase the current estate tax limit in Maryland from $1 million up to the federal limit (currently
$5.4 million) starting in 2015 and fully recoupling in 2019.
Economic Development
Legislation that targets key-sector investment in the State includes:
• Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Program (HB 741/SB 601) – Allows for the auctioning of varied tax credits
to the private sector that match higher education funding to attract the best and brightest talent to Maryland
universities. Designed to leverage public and private sector capital, it funds endowed chairs in targeted areas of
science and technology research. Program goal is to create globally recognized research & development
programs that maximize Maryland’s innovation assets and create private sector investment, opportunities, and
• Cybersecurity Investment Fund (HB 740/SB 603) – Provides early stage seed funding for emerging
Maryland companies focused on cybersecurity and cybersecurity technology product development, with a very
modest investment of $2 million annually.
• Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise (RISE) Zone Program (HB 742/SB 600) –Utilizes property and
income tax credits and accelerated depreciation schedules to spur investment in areas around anchor institutions,
like universities and other State and federal facilities.
• An effort to increase the fund for the Film Production Tax Credit to $18.5 million, in response to pleas from
the ‘House of Cards’ production company, failed in the final hours of the session because the House and Senate
could not reach an agreement. The House and Senate did agree to provide $15 million for the Film Production
Tax Credit in the FY 2015 Budget.
• Passage of legislation (HB 14) which designates that any procurement unit with a value of $15,000 to
$100,000 should be set aside for the Small Business Reserve program.
The President and Speaker also named a Private Sector Economic Development Commission, tasked with
examining the State’s economic development structure and incentive programs to give recommendations on how
to move Maryland forward. Norm Augustine, retired CEO of Lockheed Martin, will chair the commission.
• Passage of legislation (SB 570) to increase the mandated appropriation for the Research & Development Tax
Credit Program from $8 million to $10 million annually.
• Passage of legislation (HB 1317) to create the Maryland Technology Intern Program to facilitate internship
placements between technology companies and Maryland universities.
• Passage of legislation (SB 975/HB 487) which keeps intact an expanded definition of “small business” under
the Small Business Reserve program, which expanded the program greatly over the past 2 years.
Civil Liability
Legislation passed for (HB 73/SB 247), removing the liability from landlords and property owners for cases
where a dog causes an injury on their property and provides that the owner of a dog which has caused an injury
has a rebuttable presumption that the dog was dangerous.
Workplace Regulation
HB 295, the Maryland Minimum Wage Act of 2014, was amended to spread out the $2.85 increase of the State’s
minimum wage over a 4-year period. The first two increases will occur in 2015, starting January 1 at $8 an hour
and July 1 at $8.25 an hour. Each additional increase to $8.75, $9.25 and $10.10 will occur July 1 of each year
until 2018, respectively. The bill also includes a provision that allows employers to provide a training wage of
85 percent of the State’s minimum wage for the first six months for an employee under the age of 20 years old,
and keeps the tipped wage credit frozen at $3.63.
Additionally passed was legislation requiring employers with 15 to 49 employees to provide 6 weeks of unpaid
parental leave for the birth of a child (SB 737/HB 1026).
SB 232/HB 727, which had initially mandated that any project receiving State funds and costing over $500,000
requires prevailing wage, was heavily amended before it passed. The final bill requires school construction
projects, costing over $500,000 and receiving more than 25% of their funding from the State, to pay prevailing
Energy & Environment
There was a series of bills (SB 27/HB 193, SB 963/HB 284) aimed at requiring the Maryland Department of
Agriculture to perform an economic study before it proposes any phosphorus assessment tool or index
regulations. Although the legislation did not move, the Budget and Taxation Committee amended the State’s
budget to prohibit the State from issuing any new regulation on phosphorus management tool without an
economic impact analysis to assess the impact the tool would have on the farming and poultry industries.
Health Care
The Health Care Exchange implementation and subsequent failure of the initial launch were the issues which
dominated health care this session. While there was very little legislation which dealt with the issue, there were
multiple hearings, an audit of the contracting process, and calls for more in depth examinations of what went
wrong with the Exchange implementation. There are a number of ongoing commissions looking into this
situation. The Health Care Benefits Exchange Board opted to abandon its current system and adopt the software
program used by Connecticut.
The legislature did pass emergency legislation (SB 134) to allow those who had not been able to sign-up for
health care coverage before the deadline for enrollment because of the exchange website problems to join the
Maryland Health Insurance Program.
Specific to Dorchester County
Dorchester County has some exciting new initiatives that passed through the state legislature.
SB60/HB167 changes the hours that a Class B beer and light wine license holder may sell beer and light wine for
on- and off-premises consumption from noon to 10am, and repeals a prohibition against the sale of beer and light
wine on Sundays after a specified time for off-premises consumption.
SB152/HB285 changes the grantee of a 2013 $1.5 million bond bill from MD Economic Development Corp.
(MEDCO) to the Mayor & City of Cambridge. Originally dubbed the Sailwinds Wharf Development Project,
the main element is the replacement of a wharf and bulkhead at Cambridge Marine Terminal, most of which is in
need of urgent repair. This project is expected to create increased sail and power boat traffic, as well as increased tourism.
And, finally, HB180 authorizes Dorchester County Sanitary Commission through the Dorchester County Tax
Collector to conduct a County tax sale for the purpose of enforcing a specified lien representing any unpaid
assessment or other specified charges.
May We Have Your Attention Please
Chamber Business Luncheon
Lunch Choices:
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
#1: Cheeseburger Sliders (Simmons Center
Mkt. Ground Beef).
12:00 p.m.
#2: Fish Taco’s (Mahi Mahi)
Speaker: Richard Loeffler, MD Small
Business & Technology Development
#3: Mini Crab Cakes (Clayton’s Crab)
Location: RAR Brewing, LLC
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies
504-506 Poplar Street, Cambridge, MD
Please RSVP to
or call (410) 228-3575.
#4: Veggie Roasted Wrap
*All Served with/small house salad & chips
Cost: $20.00 for members $25.00 non-members
Celebrate Dorchester ~ It’s Food ● It’s Fun ● It’s Local!
Monday, May 19th ● 5:30 p.m.
Business After Hours
Business After Hours
Thursday, May 1, 2014 ● 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 ● 5:30 pm
Stoked Wood Fired
413 Muir Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
Please RSVP to
or call (410) 228-3575!
Ribbon Cuttings
Thursday, May 1, 2014
2:45 p.m.
Cambridge Farmers
Market, Long Wharf, Cambridge
Saturday, May 17, 2014
9:30 a.m. Ribbon Cutting
10 am-2 pm Grand
Opening Celebration
Sherwood’s Auto Outlet 99
3132 Aireys Road Spur, Cambridge
Regional 5 Chamber Mixer
Chesapeake College ~ Caroline Center
Wye Mills, MD 21679
Please RSVP to
or call (410) 228-3575!
Ribbon Cuttings
Friday, May 30, 2014
12:00 p.m.
Squoze A Healthy Carryout
315 Gay Street, Cambridge
Please RSVP to
or call (410) 228-3575!
The Dorchester Chamber of Commerce is proud to join with the Cambridge Office of Economic Development,
Cambridge Main Street, Dorchester County Office of Economic Development, and Small Business & Technology
Development Center to bring a series of free and low-cost business workshops to Dorchester County. Please join us for
any or all of the first three sessions:
Tuesday, May 6th
8:15-10:00am OR 2:00-3:45pm (two sessions available)
“Marketing for Summer Sizzle”
Chesapeake College-Cambridge Campus, Room 101
Developed to educate entrepreneurs & existing business owners, focused on small/micro businesses, retail, restaurants &
services, on how to drive sales, new marketing trends, co-opetition, quick indicators for success – including a dashboard
review for a profitable season, and green techniques.
Thursday, May 22nd – 8:45-11:30am
“Build (or rebuild) Your Social Media Presence”
UMCES at Horn Point
$5 members/$10 non-members
The power and influence of Social Media avenues such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Blogs, and LinkedIn
cannot be ignored. While virtually anybody can set up a social media page, the hard part is how to start and gain
followers. Deserie Lawrence of GetNoticed PR will teach you how to build and convert those followers into customers,
referrals and revenue. This 2 ½ hour boot camp marketing workshop will give you the blue prints to build your web
presence through Social Media.
Thursday, June 5th - 1:30-3:00pm
“Finding Your Financing” Workshop for Start-Ups & Business Expansions”
Chesapeake College-Cambridge Campus, Room 101
Aims to inform new and growing business owners & entrepreneurs on how to fill the funding gaps that might otherwise
prevent a business start-up, and to identify funding sources for business expansions. Federal, state and local lending
agencies will be on hand to inform about the many various business funding programs that are currently available. Time
will be allotted at the end of the workshop for private and individual inquires.
Please call the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce at 410-228-3575
to reserve your seat for these workshops.
Snip Tuck volunteers Nancy and Johnny Shockley picked up a truck load of aluminum cans from the
Hooper’s Island Fire Department and took them to the recycler in Hurlock. They met up with Cindy
Smith who had another car load full. The total funds raised by this donation were $88.85. This money
will help to spay and neuter a lot of cats. It will cover the cost of sutures and vaccines and pain
medications for seven cats and it didn’t cost anyone a dime. SAVE A CAN, SAVE A LIFE. DONATE YOUR CANS
TO SNIP TUCK. DROP OFF AT 140 MAIN ST IN SECRETARY OR call Cindy at 410-330-2268 for pick up.
Snip Tuck is supported by grants from the Mid-Shore Community Foundation, the Community Foundation of the
Eastern Shore, the Snyder Foundation for Animals, the Choptank Electric Trust, the Greg Biffle Foundation, the Nathan
Foundation, the Dorchester American Legions and the Moose Lodge.
3905 Ocean Gateway
Linkwood, Maryland
Surf or Turf Dinner
Friday, May 9th
5 – 8:30 pm
New York Strip Steak (cooked to order)
or 1 lb. steamed shrimp
Baked potato, salad bar and roll
$14.00 advance ticket
$15.00 at the door
a la carte shrimp
½ lb. $5.00 or 1 lb. $10.00
Eat in or carry-out
Beer, Wine, and Homemade Baked Goods
also available to purchase.
Proceeds benefit Linkwood-Salem VFC.
For more information call Linkwood Salem Fire
Co. at 410-221-0169 or contact any
fire company member
Recent Networking Opportunities
Our Elected Legislatures, Senator Richard Colburn, Delegate Jeannie HaddawayRiccio & Delegate Addie Eckardt were guest speakers at the Dorchester Chamber
of Commerce’s Chamber Business Lunch on Wednesday, April 16, in the lovely,
upstairs hall at Jimmies N Sooks Raw Bar & Grill. The Senator and Delegates told
us of the results of several of the bills which passed and/or were stricken in the
legislative session that just closed.
A great time was had by all on Thursday, April 17 at Layton’s Chance
Vineyard & Winery, which held a Business After Hours with both
Dorchester Chamber of Commerce and Salisbury Area Chamber of
Commerce. The combined Chamber event was well attended and it
was refreshing to meet many new people, creating a wonderful
networking opportunity. Steve Meckfessel, from IronMan, attended
and filled the crowd in on triathlons and the IronMan Maryland race in
September. Travis Todd, from Ocean Odyssey barbequed wonderful
fish tacos and Oysters-Bubba Fellers, along with oysters on the half
shell, Laytons’ offered 5 types of wine and snacks (some of which they
offer for sale), and Sobo’s Wine Beerstro offered sushi & desserts.
What a wonderful new office BesTemps has, fronting on Handley Road. The friendly, professional staff hosted a
Business After Hours/Open House to offer the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce, it’s members and business
community the chance to see their new “home”, where we congratulated them with a ribbon cutting to mark the official
opening in this new location. David Leone, President & Owner, and staff from several BesTemps locations were on hand
to tell us about the company, which is dedicated to providing the community with qualified, temporary help at all levels of
employment at competitive rates. They proudly match businesses who have jobs with people who need jobs. BesTemps
in Cambridge can be reached at their new address is 3093 Beverly Lane, Unit A, Cambridge, MD, phone number
410-221-9675 & on the web at
Message from Your Energy Advisors
2014 has started off the year with its own set of records. According to Bentek Energy, the U.S. set a
new peak day natural gas consumption record of 139 BCF on January 7, 2014, which is 33% higher
than the average consumption volume of 104.6 for the previous 5-year period. In January the U.S. saw
the largest net withdrawal of working gas for a month at more than 950 Bcf, surpassing the previous
record of 847 Bcf set in January 2003. Throughout January, February and March, utilities and pipelines across several
market areas called constraints and/or curtailments on one or more days. Multiple pipelines experienced compressor
problems, further exacerbating system challenges, and a pipeline explosion in Canada interrupted the main supply to
some areas of the Upper Midwest.
Meanwhile, frigid temperatures all winter continued to drive demand for the fuel that heats about half of all U.S.
households, eating away at natural gas stocks. EIA forecasters predict that U.S. natural gas supplies will fall to an
11-year low at the end of the winter heating season in March. Industry experts forecast that storage inventories will
fall below 900 Bcf, which is its lowest level since 2003. For the week ending March 7, 2014, natural gas in
underground storage is down 46.2% as compared to the 5-year average. As can be expected during a cold winter
with rising demand, natural gas spot prices were exceptionally high the past few months.
This winter has brought price volatility back to the natural gas market and is a good reminder of the importance of
having a purchasing strategy in place. The Chamber of Commerce commercial and residential energy cooperative
(Co-op) provides a program to assist members purchasing electricity and natural gas supply services. Learn how your
business and home can benefit from joining the Energy Purchasing Cooperative by calling Joe Tabeling at
443-472-3870 or email
Holiday Inn Express Cambridge is proud to be a Chamber
Member and we want to be your first choice for hotel
accommodations for business associates, friends and family.
Our hotel offers 85 comfortable and inviting guest rooms,
heated indoor pool and spa, free wireless internet, and guest
laundry. Our complimentary breakfast bar has been
expanded to include Greek yogurt, an oatmeal station, fresh
whole fruit and turkey sausage.
Try us for your next offsite meeting or banquet. Our facility has over 1600 square feet of meeting
and banquet space that can be customized to accommodate groups from 10 to 130 people. We can
arrange complete food catering for any size group.
For more information please contact Doug Remmell at 410.221.9900.
Spring into Action with a Facelift
The City of Cambridge is filled with residents who are anxious to begin planting
spring flowers. City staff is equally excited to help property owners fund exterior
improvement projects through a grant fund that the Cambridge Mayor and Council
secured from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
(DHCD). While the Façade Improvement Program (FIP) is not new, the boundary
has been expanded to include a much larger section of the city. Sherise Mobley,
Cambridge Project Coordinator, is ready to assist business and homeowners in processing the simple FIP application.
“These reimbursable funds can reduce the burden on tight budgets when businesses or individuals are trying to stretch
their finances to include needed exterior improvement projects,” stated Natalie Chabot, Economic Development
Director. Last year, start-ups such as RAR Brewing made significant changes to the front of their building on Poplar
Street that were reimbursed through the grant program. Existing businesses like Choptank Charlie’s were able to do a
facelift to their shop’s exterior. By off-setting the entire expense with grant funds, these projects had less impact on
individual budgets while attracting additional customers to these establishments.
The new boundary is known as the city’s “Sustainable Community area” which covers 3 square miles of the community.
This expanded boundary means a greater number of commercial property owners beyond the downtown district are now
eligible to receive the reimbursable grant. The City is encouraging projects that will revitalize community businesses
and neighborhoods while funds exist. The program allows reimbursements up to 50% of exterior costs for businesses
with a maximum award of $7500. Owner occupied residential properties have a maximum of 65% or $9,750 for
approved improvements. These funds are available for exterior work only after successfully completing the application
process and receiving final project approval.
The FIP process usually takes 30-60 days so now is the time to apply to get projects done before summer. The simple
application is available by calling the office of Economic Development at 410 221-6074 or Project Coordinator, Sherise
Mobley at 443 477-3237. For additional information you may also visit, or email
Mother’s Day At Jimmie and Sooks
Sunday May 11th, 2014
Served 11am-3pm
Eastern Shore Eggs Benedict
Brioche, Fried Green Tomatoes, Crab Cake, Old
Bay Hollandaise
Crab and Asparagus Quiche
Crab Meat, Grilled Asparagus, Swiss Cheese,
Served With A Side Salad
Grilled Salmon Salad
Strawberries, Candied Walnuts, Blue Cheese
Crumbles, Balsamic Dressing
Grilled Beef Medallions
With a Peppercorn Brandy Cream Sauce
Blushing Lady
Vodka, Pomegranate Liquor, Grapefruit Juice,
Sugar Rim, Lemon
O Fiz
Vodka, Cranberry juice, Champagne
Fresh raspberries, for garnish
Simple Sangria
Red Wine, Fresh Orange Juice, Brandy, Oranges,
Lemons, Cucumber
Bellini Mimosas
Peach Liquor, Champagne, Grenadine
Pan Seared Scallops
With a Mushroom Risotto
The Dorchester Chamber of Commerce will be celebrating the bounties of the County at its Celebrate
Dorchester event, to be held 5:30-9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 19 at Sailwinds Park-Governors Hall. The
evening promises a “taste of” Dorchester’s best restaurants, silent and live auctions, award presentations,
musical entertainment, and great camaraderie.
Dorchester County has a rich tradition of agriculture - producing an abundance of quality produce, seafood,
meats, and poultry. The County is also known for its delectable restaurants, and is home to a family-owned
winery and craft brewery. At the event, over a dozen regional chefs will join the Chamber in a salute to
Dorchester County, creating dishes highlighting locally produced ingredients.
Celebrate Dorchester further applauds the area’s business community through its Excellence Awards
program. At this event, six outstanding businesses, business leaders, and medical field professional will be
awarded for their contributions in bolstering Dorchester County as a great place to live and work. Tickets,
which include food and entertainment, are $35 each. To purchase, contact the Chamber of Commerce at
(410) 228-3575 or by e-mail at
Experiencing the fresh air and natural
beauty of the Neck District makes one
work up an appetite. University
Restaurant, at the Lewis General
Store (originally established in 1875),
is the place to stop for delicious
dining—sophisticated cuisine in a relaxed atmosphere. We are a small 30 seat restaurant 10 miles
outside of Cambridge in Hudson. Our menu changes seasonally and our beer and wine offerings
include local craft brews and wines.
The Chef/Owner has approx. 20 years’ experience in the restaurant industry and with a little
notice can accommodate most special diets and allergies. We are open for dinner Tuesday thru
Saturday from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm (reservations are recommended).
National Day of Prayer Breakfast
Thursday, May 1 * 7 a.m. * $15
Minette Dick Hall
2002 Hambrooks Blvd, Cambridge, MD
Special Guest Speaker: Lorenzo H. Hughes
Benefit: Habitat for Humanity Choptank
Tickets Available at Dorchester Chamber of
Commerce & Dorchester Ministerium members
RPS ISG International Nominated as “Top Cyber Insurance Team” by
Local Insurance Office Named One of Six National Finalists
Advisen, Ltd., the leading provider of information and analytics services to the
commercial insurance industry, has announced its nominees for the 2014 Advisen
Cyber Risk Awards. Cambridge insurance agency RPS ISG International was
nominated in two categories: Best Cyber Risk Team and Best Cyber Risk Broking
National insurance markets, specialty offices and brokers were nominated through
Advisen’s list of over 35,000 U.S. Property & Casualty insurance professionals.
Steve Robinson, Area President for RPS ISG International said: “This is a real honor, not only to be nominated for this
national award, but to know that retail agents and insurance professionals across the U.S. voted for
us. It is a great accomplishment for our entire team.
The results will be announced on June 18th at the Cyber Risk Awards presentation in New York City.
For more information, visit
A Big THANK YOU to all Our Members who Recently Renewed Their Membership!
Member Since
A Shore Sign
Academy Art Museum
Associate Member - Ellen Mousin
Associate Member - Cindy Smith
Associate Member - Ginger Brannock
BesTemps/Blue Hen Staffing Inc.
Cabin Creek Animal Hospital, Inc.
Cambridge House B & B
CASA of Talbot & Dorchester
Charles C. Powell Realtors, Inc.
Chesapeake Woods Center-Genesis Health
Coastal Hospice
Comcast of Delmarva, Inc.
Europa Salon & Spa, Inc.
Member Since
Hubbard’s Custom Blinds & Framing Gallery
Kool’s Car Wash & Carry-Out
Lacaze Meredith Real Estate - Debbie Luthy
Long & Foster Real Estate - Craig Linthicum
Marvel’s on the Creek
MidAtlantic Lighting Solutions
Ocean Odyssey
Pliescott HVAC Services, LLC
R & D Boat Supply, Inc.
Russell Paving Co., Inc.
St. Mary Refuge of Sinners
State Farm Insurance—Kurt Riehl Jr.
Town & Country Disposal, Inc.
Verona Pizza & Family Restaurant
SBA Announces 2014 Maryland Small Business Week Winners
The winners of the 2014 Maryland Small Business Week Awards Program were announced today by Stephen D.
Umberger, District Director of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Baltimore District Office. Winners
will be honored at the 30th Annual Maryland Small Business Week Awards Luncheon Thursday, May 15th at
Martin’s West in Woodlawn, MD.
This year’s winners are:
• Attorney Advocate of the Year: Chad Malkus, Esq., Michael Hodes, LLC, Cambridge
• District Director’s Unsung Hero Award: Rich Loeffler, Maryland Small Business & Technology Development
Center, Wye Mills
Each year the President of the United States declares national small business week in celebration of the contributions of
the small business community to the nation’s economy. The SBA holds the annual awards competition to recognize
outstanding small business owners and their advocates. National Small Business Week activities will be held
May 12-16, 2014 at various locations across the country.
For more information contact Rachel Howard at (443) 848-7025. For information on the 2014 Maryland Small
Business Week Awards Luncheon or for tickets, visit the
Willow Construction, LLC Announces that Estimator Justin Hiner and Project Engineer Thad
Waters, LEED AP Receive Healthcare Construction Certificates (HCC) from the American Hospital
Association (AHA) Certification Center
The American Hospital Association (AHA) Certification Center is proud to announce that Justin Hiner, Estimator, and
Thad Waters, LEED AP, Project Engineer, both with Willow Construction, LLC have earned their Healthcare
Construction Certificates (HCC). The HCC is awarded through the American Society for Healthcare Engineering
To earn the HCC, an individual must complete a workshop that combines a pre-requisite e-learning
program and a two-day seminar that educates attendees on critical topics in healthcare construction.
By earning their HCC, Justin and Thad have demonstrated a level of healthcare construction experience
along with a commitment and desire to improve their awareness, knowledge and understanding of the
healthcare construction environment and therefore improve the quality of patient care.
Further information may be obtained by visiting the ASHE website
For more details about the following events please go to our
website at or call 410-228-3575
May 1 -
*National Day of Prayer Breakfast
*Ribbon Cutting
*Business After Hours
May 10 - *Museum Night—Collectibles
*Fireworks at Shorebirds Game
May 11 - *Mother’s Day Brunch
May 1-3 - *St. Paul’s Flower Fair
May 13 - *Caregiver’s Happy Hour Lunch-N-Learn
May 1, 9, 16, 23, 30 May 2 May 2, 6 -
*Vets Helping Vets
*Karaoke Happy Hour
*Square Dancing Club
May 14 - *Chamber Business Luncheon
May 16 - *Mid-Shore Pro Bono Legal Clinic
*Relay for Life of Dor. Cty. &
Womanless Beauty Pageant
*Free Blood Pressure Screenings
May 16, 17 -
May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 -
May 2, 16 - *Elks Dinner & Music
May 3 -
*Recycle Dorchester
*Dinner @ Hurlock Legion
*Six Pillars Century Cycling Event
*Choptank Trot for Melanoma 5k run/walk
*Quota’s Derby Day Dinner & Dance
*Hats for Hospice
*North Dorchester High School Prom
May 17 - *Spring Sale
*Horn Point Antique Fly-In
*Crab Cake & Soft Crab Sandwich Sale
*Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening
*2014 Preakness Palooza
May 18 - *Bird Walk at Blackwater NWR
May 19 - *Celebrate Dorchester/Annual Awards
May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 -
*Cambridge Historic Walking Tours
May 22 - *Chamber Educational Seminar
May 3, 10, 17, 18, 24, 31 - *Sail on Skipjack Nathan of
May 4 -
May 6 -
*Crabi Gras Quatro de Mayo Fish Taco Fest
*March of Dimes Walk
*10th Annual Citizens for Colburn Crab Feast
*Dorchester’s 4th Empty Bowls Meal
*Dor. Cty. Republican Central Committee Meeting
*Business Building Blocks
May 24 - *Beckwith Strawberry Festival
*4th Birthday Bash @ Laytons
*Fireworks at Shorebirds Game
May 24, 27 , 31 - *Horn Point Laboratory Tours
May 26 - *Memorial Day Service
*Free Sailing on the Nathan of Dorchester
May 28 - *Regional Chamber Mixer
May 6, 13, 20, 27 - *BINGO @ Elks
May 31 - *Family Fun @ Pleasant Day
May 7 -
*Marketing Committee Meeting
*Spaghetti Dinner
*Veteran’s Recognition Committee Meeting
May 8, 15, 22, 29 - *Cambridge farmers Market
May 9 -
*Surf or Turf Dinner
*Leadercast Delmarva
May 10 - *The Great Chesapeake Wellness
Race & Family Walk
*Bake Sale & Mother’s Day Flower Sale
*Book Sale @ Library
*Fun Dog Show
*Cambridge Beer Festival
*2nd Saturday Arts Drop-In
*2nd Saturday
**If you have an event you’d like to include, send to**
Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
528 Poplar Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
Pre-sorted Standard
U.S. Postage
Cambridge, MD 21613
Permit #39
Return Service Requested
Chamber Events
May 1 -
Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening
Cambridge Farmers Market
Long Wharf
2:45 p.m.
May 1 -
Business After Hours/1 year Anniversary
Stoked Wood Fired Eatery
413 Muir Street, Cambridge
5:30 p.m.
May 6 -
May 7 -
Business Building Blocks
“Marketing for Summer Sizzle”
Chesapeake College-Cambridge Campus, Room 101
8:15-10:00 am OR 2:00-3:45 pm
Marketing Committee Meeting
Chamber Office
12:00 p.m.
May 14 -
Executive Committee Meeting
Chamber Office
7:45 a.m.
May 14 -
Chamber Business Luncheon
Realerevival Brewing, LLC
504-506 Poplar Street, Cambridge
Speaker: Richard Loeffler, SBTDC
12:00 p.m.
May 17 -
Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening
Sherwood’s Auto Outlet 99
3132 Aireys Spur Road, Cambridge
9:30 a.m.
May 19 -
Celebrate Dorchester/Annual Awards
Governor’s Hall at Sailwinds Park
5:30 p.m.
May 21 -
Chamber Board Meeting
Chamber Office
7:45 a.m.
May 22 -
Chamber Educational Seminar
Build (or rebuild) your Social Media
UMCES at Horn’s Point
8:45 a.m.
May 28 -
Annual Regional Chamber Mixer
Chesapeake College—Caroline Center
Wye Mills, MD
5:30 p.m.
**Business After Hours, Ribbon Cutting and Chamber Business
Luncheons are a great way for members to network
and to receive referrals.
All members are encouraged to attend.**
Board of Directors
Jennifer Layton, President
Dr. Paul Brant, Past President
Layton’s Chance Vineyard
Cambridge Family Eye Care
Deborah Divins
Bill Burnette, VP
Dean Goodwin, VP
Executive Director
Burnette Companies
RPS ISG International
Kelly Hurley, Treasurer
Robin Moore
Interstate Container
David DeLuca
Steve Disharoon
Philicia Drayton
Delco Packaging Products, Inc.
The Drug Store
5 9 Tags & Titles
Patrick Fanning
Sharon Johnston
Ted Kanatas
Robin Stanley
Cambridge Eateries
Sharon Real Estate
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
Mike LeMire
Kim Liddell
Nikki Mothersell
Miles & Stockbridge
National Bank of Cambridge
Marty Mullaney
Gary Newcomb
Tracy Tyler
Mullaney Insurance
Newcomb & Collins Funeral Home
Cambridge International
“To Advance Dorchester County through educating, promoting and growing a strong business community”

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