August 2016 Newsletter - Dorchester Chamber of Commerce


August 2016 Newsletter - Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Connection
Leading Business ~ Leading Communities
 Tickets for Sale
 CBL & Ribbon Cutting
 Young Professionals’
 Delmarva Power
Electric Rate
A U G U S T ,
2 0 1 6
 Imagination Library
 Art & Soul
Anniversary Weekend
 Walgreen’s Flu Clinic
 Egide Expansion
 Internet Fraud
The Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
26th Annual Chamber Challenge Golf Tournament
September 16, 2016
River Marsh Golf Club at the Hyatt Regency
Presented by Cambridge Family Eye Care
11:45 a.m. - Food & Registration
1:00 p.m. - Shotgun Start
5:30 p.m. (approx.) - Awards Ceremony
$500 Foursome (driving range, cart, golf and food)
$125 individual (driving range, cart, golf and food)
Chamber Perspective
Google Workshop
New Members
2016 Chamber
Golf Tournament
Attention Please
1880 Bank promotes
Calendar of Events
Chamber Events
BOD & Staff
To register your foursome or for more information, please call
410-228-3575 or
See page 5 for more information
Join Us at the Caroline/Dorchester County Fair
August 3-6, 2016
August 3, 2016
Gates open to the public at 4:00 p.m.
for more information
Caroline County 4H Park
8230 Detour Road
Denton, MD 21629
Chamber Perspective
July has flown by and we are ready to
start a very busy August.
Even with all the heat we had some great
events in July:
Ed French from SCORE provided a great
session on options for business
configuration. Based on feedback from
the attendees we may ask Ed to do a
repeat performance in the fall.
The Business After Hours event at Horn
Point for the Gifted and Talented Program
was well attended and the kids did a great
job demonstrating the value of the
program as they presented the work they
were doing during their week at Horn
Point. The funds Scott Dorsey and the
RAMS organization provided to the
program is really being put to great use.
This month’s Strong Women in Business
featured Danielle VanRiel, Owner at
Mirror Mirror Salon on Race Street. She
shared her expertise in being a successful
entrepreneur with not just one but two
The Ribbon cutting for one of our newest
members, Shore Discount Pharmacy, was
well attended and a great event. Race
cars, food, cake and lots of good
networking –Waheed Aziz and his team
did a great job making folks feel welcome
as we welcomed the business to the
The Caroline/Dorchester County Fair runs
from Wednesday, August 3rd through
Saturday, August 6th. On Wednesday,
August 3rd (opening day) we have teamed
up with the Caroline Chamber of
Commerce to host Chamber
Night. Admission is free for all that
evening, so come out and see the
crowning of the Little Princess, Princess,
and Queen. You can also stop by and see
us in the booth. You can go to http://
for more information on the Fair.
Commerce and sign-up for the event
On Tuesday, August 16th, the Chamber
will be hosting a Google Local Marketing
Also on August 3 will be a Ribbon
Power Workshop: How To Grow Your
Cutting at the new location for the Eastern Business Online! The seminar will be held
Shore Dance Academy. The event starts from 9:00 AM to 12 NOON (EDT) at
at noon and will be at 3123 Aireys Road
Chesapeake College - Cambridge Center Spur, Cambridge, MD.
416 Race Street, Cambridge, MD
21613. People all over our area are
IronClub Maryland, the local nonprofit
looking for what you have to offer-and
organization supporting IRONMAN
they're looking online. That's why we are
Maryland, together with the Dorchester
teaming up with Google to host a
Chamber of Commerce and Cambridge
workshop to help you and your fellow
Main Street, will host “Boost Your
business owners succeed online. The
Business,” a free reception and
event will be free to Chamber members
information briefing on Thursday, August and $20 for non-Chamber
4, 5:30-6:30 pm at Chesapeake College’s members. Seating is limited, so call 410Cambridge Center, 418 Race Street. In
228-3575 - send us an email at
anticipation of a record number of athletes - or like us
participating in the third annual
on Facebook at Dorchester Chamber of
IRONMAN Maryland, more than 10,000 Commerce and sign-up for the event
people will be in Cambridge September
29-October 1 and race organizers want to
help local businesses roll out the welcome Plans for the Chamber Challenge Golf
mat (or help local businesses anticipate
Tournament are all set for the River
and meet visitor needs).
Marsh Golf Club at the Hyatt for Friday,
September 16, 2016. We just need to get
Our August Business Luncheon is at
all the Golfers and Sponsors signed up -Canvasback Restaurant on Wednesday,
so be sure to contact us to reserve your
August 10th. Buck Duncan, President of spot for this important and fun event. Call
the Mid-Shore Community Foundation
410-228-3575 or send us an email at
will be the guest presenter. The and we will
Shore Community Foundation is the
send you the registration and sponsorship
largest on the Eastern Shore and 4th
largest in the state. Come to learn more
about how the Foundation works to
Thank you for your support of the
improve the quality of life throughout the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce. And
Mid-Shore. Please contact us to sign-up as always, if you have any businessfor this informative presentation and
related questions or concerns, or just want
networking opportunity. Call 410-228to get to know us better, feel free to visit,
3575 - send us an email at
call, or e-mail us. We will always do our - or like us
best to assist you.
on Facebook at Dorchester Chamber of
Bill, Robin and Robin
Google Local Marketing Power Workshop
How To Grow Your Business Online!
August 16, 2016 ~ 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Chesapeake College, Room 101, 416 Race Street, Cambridge (parking in the rear)
People all over our area are looking for what you have to offer-and they're looking online. That's why we are
teaming up with Google to host a workshop to help you and your fellow business owners succeed online.
The event will be FREE to Chamber members ~ $20 for Non-Members.
Seating is limited so call 410-228-3575 - send us an email to or find us
on Facebook and sign-up for the event today.
Hosted by the Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
Dovie Matthews
303 Old Squaw Court
Cambridge, MD 21613
Phone: 410-736-9903
Cleaning Services – houses, office
buildings, corporate functions
The Harold M. English Foundation
Richard Ball
American Cancer Society
Mary Bellis
Correction: MidShore Riverkeeper
“Welcome our New
Member &
our Membership
Membership Anniversaries
20 Years
10 Years
Shufelt Sand &
Hoopers Island
Volunteer Fire
15 Years
Rescue Fire
Company, Inc.
1 Year
Aledak Metalworks, Inc.
5 Years
High Spot Gastropub
Rescue Fire Company
Event held rain or shine
Saturday August 13, 2016
1:00 p.m. - 600 p.m.
Sailwinds Park, Cambridge
Until 8/8/16 - $37 ~ As of 8/9/16 - $40
Children 5 - 12 - $10
Make Checks Payable to Rescue
Fire Company
Two Framed and Matted
Companion Watercolor Prints by
Artist Alan L. Tyson
Drawing - September 14, 2016
Winner will be called
Tickets: $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00
Reliability Improvements and Smart-Infrastructure Technology
Key Drivers for Delmarva Power Electric Rate Adjustment
Delmarva Power filed a petition with the Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) to authorize an electric base rate
adjustment of $66.2 million to recover the costs of reliability improvements and smart-infrastructure upgrades that have
helped to reduce the frequency and duration of power outages.
Improvements in the electric system included upgrades to more than 100 circuits and several substations to enhance
system reliability.
“In today’s technology-driven society, a reliable electric grid has never been more important. A reliable and modern
energy system is what Maryland needs to continue to attract and retain healthy businesses in the state,” said Gary
Stockbridge, Delmarva Power region president. “Our customers are seeing better performance as a result of reliability
improvements and smart infrastructure upgrades. With cost-efficiency in mind, we have made practical decisions to
invest in the areas that needed to be upgraded the most.”
If the request is approved as filed, the bill for a typical Delmarva Power Maryland residential customer using 1,000
kilowatt hours (kWh) will increase by $21.42 per month to a total bill of $168.64. The rate request will undergo a
thorough review process by the Maryland PSC. Delmarva Power’s last request for an electric rate adjustment in
Maryland occurred in 2013.
Delmarva Power has spent more than $330 million on its electric system in Maryland since 2012. The combination of
advanced technology and system upgrades have produced a 51 percent drop in the number of outages and when outages
do occur, we are able to restore service 69 percent quicker.
To help manage the impact of electric rate increases, customers can take advantage of several cost-saving energy
programs. For example, since the Peak Energy Savings program started in 2012, participating customers have saved
more than $7 million by shifting their energy usage to off peak periods. In addition, customers can participate in the
Empower Maryland energy efficiency programs such as lighting, appliance rebates and home energy assessments. For
more information, please visit ( Each year thousands of
customers take advantage of these programs to save money. At home, customers can take a variety of simple steps to
reduce energy use and save money—a full list of energy-saving tips is available at Delmarva
Power also provides information on agency partners that can help customers who may need assistance paying their
energy bills. For more information about energy-saving programs, billing or rates, contact Delmarva Power’s Customer
Care Center at 1-800-375-7117.
For more information about Delmarva Power, visit Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter at Download
our mobile app at
3 Ways to Ensure Women Succeed in the Startup World
1. Leverage data.
"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
-- Virginia Woolf. In order to make improvements, you first need to understand the nature and scope of the situation. It
is imperative that startup founders be unafraid to explore where their workplaces need improvement. The first step
toward correcting the problem is understanding it, and data reporting can play a key role in addressing these issues.
2. Encourage mentorship.
"I feel really grateful to the people who encouraged me and helped me develop. Nobody can succeed on their own." -Sheryl Sandberg . Being around fellow successful women can empower and help business development in the startup
world. According to one recent report, despite there being 10.6 million women-owned businesses in America, only one
out of five women has a mentor.
3. Create an equitable culture.
"If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else."
-- Toni Morrison. Startups must ensure they create an equitable culture from the inception. Too often, an inequitable
culture is rooted in the very foundation of the organization's structure, permeating even the most basic issues, like pay.
According to Glassdoor, male computer programmers, for example, earn 28.3 percent more on average
than their female counterparts.
To read more of the story visit:
26th Annual Chamber Challenge
Golf Tournament
September 16, 2016
River Marsh Golf Club
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
11:45 Food & Registration – 1 PM Shotgun Start
Registration and Sponsor Form
Sponsorship Options
(Place X Next to Your Choices)
__ TOURNAMENT —$1,250 (1 still avail.)
Company Display at Barbeque
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
Foursome Registration Included
Your Name: _______________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________
__ LUNCH—$500 (1 avail.)
Company Display at Luncheon
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
__ BAR—$350 (SOLD OUT)
Company Display by Luncheon Keg
Recognition at Awards Ceremony
__ CLOSEST TO THE PIN CONTEST —$250 (1 still avail.)
Company Name at Contest Site
Billing Address: _________________________________
City: ___________________State: _____ Zip: ________
Golf Signup
___ $500 Foursome or ___$125 Per Individual Golfer
1. Name ___________________________ Handicap: ___
Company: _____________________________________
Phone/Email: ___________________________________
__ BEVERAGE CART—$250 (1 still avail.)
Decorate Cart with Your Company Material
2. Name ___________________________ Handicap: ___
__ OASIS—$150 (3 avail.—1 per oasis)
Company Name Displayed at Oasis
Phone/Email: ___________________________________
__ HOLE—$100 (24 avail.- 2 per tee)
Company Name Displayed at Tee
__Donate a Tournament Raffle or Prize Item!
Description of Item:_____________________________
(Examples: Gift Certificates - Tickets to Events –
Travel Vouchers - Gift Baskets)
Company: _____________________________________
3. Name ___________________________ Handicap: ___
Company: _____________________________________
Phone/Email: ___________________________________
4. Name ___________________________ Handicap: ___
Company: _____________________________________
Phone/Email: _____________________________________
# ____Team Mulligans (Max 8 per team) - $10 Each
____ Play it Forward on Hole #1 - $20
Amount Due: _______________ Payment Method: ___ Bill Me ___ Check ___ Credit Card
Make Checks Payable to Dorchester Chamber of Commerce.
Call or bring Credit Card Information to the office at
528 Poplar Street, Cambridge, MD 21613 – Phone 410-228-3575
Email: Fax: 410-228-6848
Please return completed forms via email, fax, US Mail or drop off at the office
May We Have Your Attention Please
Chamber Business Luncheon
August 10, 2016
12:00 p.m.
Speaker: Buck Duncan, Mid-Shore
Community Foundation
Location: Canvasback Restaurant, 422 Race
Street, Cambridge.
Topic: Learn more about MSCF and the impact they
have on your Community.
Until 8/5 ~ $20 members - $25 non-members
As of 8/6 ~ $25 members - $30 non-members
Last RSVP on 08/09 by noon
Please RSVP to
or call 410-228-3575.
Ribbon Cutting
New Location
August 3, 2016
12:00 p.m.
Eastern Shore Dance Academy
3123 Aireys Road Spur, Cambridge, MD
Now beginning a brand new season in their
brand new home, Jessica Hindman-Wheatley
invites you to come for a Ribbon Cutting and
take a tour of the new dance studio.
Please RSVP to
or call 410-228-3575
Strong Women in Business Luncheon
August 17, 2016
12:00 p.m.
Speaker: Kerry Gunshenan, Trainer & Certified
Life Coach
Location: Dorchester Chamber of Commerce,
528 Poplar Street, Cambridge, MD 21613
Topic: “Three Keys to Accelerating Your Results”
Bring your own lunch or just Join Us!
Water, Coffee & Tea Available
Please RSVP by August 15th to or call 410-546-1900 or click on Women’s in
Business Center — Events
Choice of One
● French Onion Soup or
● Garden Salad w/House Dressing
Choice of One
● Crab Cake Sandwich w/side of Cole Slaw
● BLT Wrap w/side of Cole Slaw
● Corned Beef on Rye w/Mustard, Swiss & side of
Cole Slaw
● Chicken Salad Wrap w/side of Cole Slaw
● Cottage Pie (seasoned ground beef w/peas and
mixed vegetables topped w/Mashed Potatoes)
baked in oven
● Vegetarian option available upon request
All cancellations need to be made by 8/09/16
to avoid charges!! If cancellation is made the day of the meal,
there may be a charge unless a replacement can be found.
FREE Educational Workshop
Google Local Marketing
Power Workshop
August 16, 2016
9:00 a.m.
Chesapeake College, Room 101
Cambridge, MD
The event will be free to Chamber members
and $20 for non-Chamber members. More
on page 2.
Please RSVP to
or call 410-228-3575
Young Professionals’
of Dorchester County Meeting
August 31, 2016
6:30 p.m.
Location: Dorchester Chamber of
528 Poplar Street, Cambridge, MD 21613
Followed by networking and fellowship
at RAR Brewery
They will be discussing Future Networking Events,
Membership Growth and Much More! Hope to see you all
Please RSVP to
Steven M. Belote Joins 1880 Bank as Chief Financial Officer
Judann Culver Becomes Chief Operations Officer
1880 Bank is pleased to announce that Steven M. Belote has been hired as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer. Mr. Belote is a Certified Public Accountant with more than twenty-seven years of experience in public
accounting and financial services, and has spent a majority of it as a Chief Financial Officer working with private and
publicly traded organizations in Virginia and Maryland.
Mr. Belote began his career in 1988 with BDO Seidman in Washington, D.C. rising to Audit
Manager. In 1995, he became Chief Financial Officer for Shore Financial Corporation and Shore
Bank and assumed the role of President and CEO in June 2009. Over the past five years, Mr. Belote
has served as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Wheeler Real Estate
Investment Trust. He holds a Bachelors of Science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University. Mr. Belote’s community activities include past Treasurer of the Eastern Shore Chamber
of Commerce and Eastern Shore Yacht and Country Club, past President and Campaign Chair of
the United Way, past President and board member of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association –
Eastern Shore Chapter, and past President and Paul Harris Fellow of the Melfa Rotary Club. Mr.
Belote is a native of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Ms. Culver, formerly CFO, assumes the newly created position of Executive Vice President and
Chief Operations Officer. 1880 Bank’s expanding geographic footprint and complexity of its
operations created the opportunity to enhance the management of retail, operations, and online
functions. Ms. Culver and Mr. Belote will work closely together to strengthen 1880 Bank’s finance,
operations and service capabilities. "We are excited to have Steven join 1880 Bank’s executive
team with his strategic experience in mergers and acquisitions, financial performance and risk
Steven is a native of the Delmarva Peninsula and has deep community roots in
the markets we serve. Judann and Steven are the ideal combination to support
1880 Bank’s plans for future growth in the region”, said Kim C. Liddell,
President and CEO of 1880 Bank.
Visit their website at or call 410-228-5600.
PNC’s Grow Up Great® Supports United Way’s Imagination
PNC Bank recently provided a $10,000 grant to support United Way of the Lower
Eastern Shore’s Imagination Library Program. Imagination Library delivers free books
each month to the homes of local children ages birth to five to encourage reading and
ensure success in kindergarten and beyond. Since 2012, the PNC Foundation has
provided $35,000 to the Imagination Library program through the local United Way.
The funding was in support of PNC Grow Up Great®, a $350 million, bilingual initiative to improve early childhood
Michelle Core, Senior Vice President at PNC Bank in Salisbury, MD shared, “The Imagination Library is having a
profound impact within our community by preparing local preschoolers for kindergarten. The PNC Grow Up Great®
initiative is proud to support a program that addresses such a critical need within our local community.”
The grant will provide more than 4,600 books to children on the Lower Eastern Shore. Since Imagination Library began
in May of 2012, United Way has distributed over 74,000 books to 3,800 children in Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset and
Dorchester Counties.
About United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore:
Now in its 71st year, United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore continues to be the largest non-governmental source of funding for 62
critical programs in Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester Counties. United Way helps Eastern
Shore residents obtain Educational Success by reducing the achievement gap between low and middle
income students, Financial Stability by advancing the economic security of families and individuals in our
community, and Good Health by improving access to and awareness of local health and wellness services.
In 2015, United Way provided nearly $1.3 million to community programs and helped to change the lives
of over 77,000 individuals. For more information, visit
Recent Networking Opportunities
On July 12th, Ed French, SCORE of Mid-Shore was the guest speaker for
the Chamber Business Breakfast at Immanuel United Church of Christ. He
addressed those in attendance about Organizational Structures for Small
Everyone enjoyed some casseroles, biscuits, fruits and drinks. Good
presentation and networking. Rev. Krotee and his members did a great job
preparing the food and giving tours of their beautiful church.
If you would like to talk to Ed French for a FREE consultation, please call
443-521-3569 or 877-572-0735 or via email at Visit the
website at
Maxine Whitlock
Maxine Whitlock, Max’s Taxes was
a presenter at the Strong Women in
Business Breakfast. She discussed
setting up QuickBooks for your
small business.
Danielle VanReil, Mirror Mirror
Salon was the presenter at the Strong
Women in Business Luncheon. She
shared her expertise on how to
become a successful entrepreneur.
Danielle VanRiel
If you would like to be a speaker or
just attend one of the Strong Women
in Business’ Breakfast or Luncheon,
please call 410-546-1900 or via
email at
Recent Networking Opportunities
On July 20th, University of Maryland Center for
Environmental Sciences (UMCES) hosted a Business
After Hours. Mike Roman, Lab Director for UMCES
and Keith Williams from North Bay spoke about the
Gifted and Talented Summer Program.
Scott Dorsey, RAMS (Resource Asset Management
Solutions) discussed how they decided to fund the
program for this year. UMCES is seeking more donors to keep this much needed program alive. The
students presented to those in attendance what they have been doing for the past week. A great group of
young students. Liz Freedlander and staff are doing a wonderful job with the students and are ready to answer any questions on
how to become a donor. Please call 410-221-8433 or
Keith Conkle, Comcast Spotlight (Silver Sponsor), also an Ambassador and Christy Blake, Karen Davis Insurance Agency
pictured above enjoyed a snack or two. Cecille’s Beauty Salon name was drawn for the $200 Business After Hours pot. She was
not in attendance, the pot will roll over for the next BAH.
On July 23rd, one
of the newest
members of the
celebrated their
Grand Opening
with a Ribbon
Those in
enjoyed a
wonderful BBQ
provided by Fat
Daddy’s and taking
photos next to the
race cars.
Visit them at 909
Washington Street,
Cambridge or call
them at 410-2280900.
Liv Again and ArtBar Presents……
August 12 - 14, 2016
Art & Soul Anniversary Weekend
August 12, 2016
6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. -
Wine & Chocolate Tasting
Karaoke & DJ Party
11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. -
Childrens’ Community Mural
Day Party
Juxtaposition Artist Group
Uprizing in Concert
1:00 p.m. -
Gospel Brunch
August 13, 2016
August 14, 2016
Every Friday
Wine & Wings
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Movie w/Craft Beer and Wine ~
8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Call 443-477-6442 or
Important Notice from MUC
Effective July 1, 2016
Turn on Charges…………………………$50.00
After Hours Turn on Charge……………$100.00
Meter Install Fee………………………....$50.00
Customer Convenience Fee……………...$15.00
Egide USA
New High Temperature Co-Fired Ceramics Facilities
Egide (Euronext Paris™- Segment C –ISIN: FR0000072373 - Reuters: EGID.PA - Bloomberg: GID),
an international group specializing in the manufacture of hermetic packages for sensitive electronic
components, is pleased to announce the expansion of its manufacturing facility in Cambridge,
Maryland with a $2.5 million investment in facilities and equipment. The company, which has been
in Dorchester County since 2000, currently employees 72 people in its Cambridge facility. As part of the expansion, it
plans to add to its total number of employees.
Egide’s Cambridge facility produces a large variety of hermetic packages used for Aerospace, Defense and
Optoelectronic applications.
The Cambridge facility will now contain a 2,000 square foot Class 10,000 clean room for the screen printing, via
forming and lamination processes. A furnace room area has been created with organic burnout ovens and high
temperature atmospheric furnaces for sintering. In addition, an electroless nickel and gold plating line has been installed
in the current plating shop. Associated equipment for thermal cycling, hermeticity testing and geometric tolerance
verification has been installed in the quality department.
Now that they are fully operational, these investments will make it possible for Egide to manufacture in the United
States, HTCC components used for product supplied to markets controlled by the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations (ITAR). All personnel working on this project are US citizens, and control points regarding intellectual
property are kept within the US site. In addition to the technical team already in place, the company expects to hire
approximately 20 new associates in the coming years.
“We are very excited about the investment we’ve made in the Cambridge facility to better serve the North American
defense markets and meet our customer demands. This investment supports the goal of being a premier supplier to our
markets , and indicates to the community in Dorchester County that EGIDE will be located here for many years to
come,” said James F. Collins, Chairman & CEO, EGIDE.
Contacts for Egide USA is John Trader, General Manager at 410-901-6100 or email or Kirk
Williamson, Sales Manager at 410-901-6220 or email
All information about Egide is available at
They have two different types they offer.
1. For businesses: Walgreens will come to
your local business and a pharmacist
will administer flu shots. They could
either bill insurance or direct bill the
business at $23 per flu shot.
2. For uninsured/not able to afford:
Walgreens is working to serve the
underserved in Dorchester country.
Any organizations that serve those who
do not have means to getting a flu shot,
Walgreens will set up a flu clinic date
and time to come and administer to this
Call Kevin McGill to set up a clinic or
further inquires. 410-901-6290
DCA will present “An Evening with Night Watch” on Friday, August 5th at 7 p.m. Night
Watch is a collective of music playing friends Randy Welch, Liz Fisher and Bob Roe, who
share a common love of the Bay, music and camaraderie.
What began as an occasional music jam has become weekly practice sessions, where
musical skills are honed, harmonies tightened, and laughter abounds. Welch sings tenor and
plays multiple instruments including 12-string guitar, harmonica, bagpipes and Native
American box flute. Fisher sings and plays mandolin and guitar, while Roe supplies bass
vocals and guitar.
Music includes originals by Welch, traditional sea shanties and ballads, and songs by the
likes of Old Crow Medicine Show, Allison Krause and Johnny Cash. The vibe is upbeat
folk with a bit of country, rock and alternative Americana added.
Tickets are $10 for DCA members; $12 for non-members. Call 410-228-7782 for more
MCE Client Jerrie Bey Taylor Wins SBA
"Insurance Advocate of the Year" Award
Congratulations to MCE Women's Business Center client, Jerrie Bey
Taylor, Owner of Lion Heart Public Adjustment, who was the recipient of
the "Insurance Advocate of the Year" award from the SBA (Small
Business Administration).
South Dorchester Folk Museum
You are cordially invited to an
“Romancing the Stone”
Internet Fraud & Risk Seminar
For Business
Hosted by M&T Bank
Collecting Indian Artifacts - Then and Now
Speaker: Terry Crannell
August 3, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Robbins Heritage Center,
Dorchester County Historical Society
1003 Greenway Drive, Cambridge, MD
(Maryland Avenue Extended)
Terry is the Curator of the Dorchester County Historical
Society's extensive collection of Native American
artifacts, most of which were found by several collectors
in Dorchester County.
Mr. Crannell will tell the story of his 55+ years searching
the fields, creeks and shorelines for arrowheads, fossils
and colonial artifacts. He will present a PowerPoint
presentation showing the beauty of our area and the
change during his lifetime.
FREE - For more info contact John S. “Pat” Neild at
410-228-6175 or email Lynne Mills at
August 4, 2016
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Breakfast Buffet from 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Presentation from 8:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. with
Q&A to follow
Comfort Inn & Suites
2936 Ocean Gateway
Cambridge, MD 21613
Please RSVP to Nancy Potter at 410-901-2376 or
Habitat for Humanity tops BUILDER 100 list for private U.S. home builders
BUILDER magazine has ranked Habitat for Humanity as the No. 1 private home builder on BUILDER 100, its annual
listing of the largest U.S. home builders. This is the second year in a row Habitat’s work across the country has been
recognized as a top builder of affordable housing in the U.S.
Each year, BUILDER compiles data from U.S. builders and ranks them by the number of closings for BUILDER 100.
With 3,237 closings in 2015, Habitat topped the private home builder list and placed No. 16 on the comprehensive list.
“The homes that we build are the most visible part of our mission,” said Nancy Andrew, Executive Director of Habitat
Choptank. “While we are an affordable home builder, we also bring value to our communities by building quality,
durable and energy efficient homes that last. We don’t build a code minimum house.”
Better living conditions with an affordable monthly mortgage cost and with financial education can remove barriers to
opportunity that might have been part of a family’s life for years, if not generations. “In healthy, affordable housing,
people are empowered to make forward looking choices.”
Habitat for Humanity Choptank is one of nearly 1,400 independent Habitat
organizations in the U.S. and has worked in Dorchester and Talbot counties for
24 years, helping families achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance that
comes from buying a home with an affordable mortgage.
“We are honored to be recognized as the top private home builder on this
year’s BUILDER 100,” said Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for Humanity
International. “This is a wonderful achievement for us and it could not have
been accomplished without the support of our donors and volunteers, who help
us empower families through shelter in every community we work in
throughout the U.S.”
Habitat Choptank Recruiting Volunteer
Maryland Coordinator
Habitat for Humanity Choptank has been accepted as a Volunteer Maryland host site and is recruiting a coordinator for
2016-17. The Volunteer Maryland Coordinator (VMC) will focus on engaging additional volunteers in Habitat
Choptank’s self-help home ownership program. This is an 11 month, full-time (40 hours/week) position serving in
Dorchester and Talbot Counties as a member of the Volunteer Maryland AmeriCorps program.
The VMC service year will begin on September 14, 2016. VMCs are expected to complete 1,700 hours of service during
the term. While AmeriCorps applicants must be at least 17 years and have graduated from high school, past VMCs have
ranged in age from 17 to 79. Men and women of all ages and backgrounds, including retirees, veterans and workers in
transition, are encouraged to apply. For an application packet, contact Volunteer Maryland by calling 410-767-6203,
email, or go online to .
Willow Construction, LLC Announces that Superintendents John Dejter and Mike
Murphy Receive Healthcare Construction Certificates (HCC) from the American
Hospital Association (AHA) Certification Center
The American Hospital Association (AHA) Certification Center is proud to announce that Superintendents John Dejter
and Mike Murphy, both with Willow Construction, LLC have earned their Healthcare Construction Certificates (HCC).
The HCC is awarded through the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE).
To earn the HCC, an individual must complete a workshop that combines a pre-requisite e-learning program and a twoday seminar that educates attendees on critical topics in healthcare construction. By earning their HCC, John and Mike
have demonstrated a level of healthcare construction experience along with a commitment and desire to improve their
awareness, knowledge and understanding of the healthcare construction environment and therefore improve the quality
of patient care.
Founded in 1973, Willow Construction has grown to become one of the most respected
commercial, industrial and residential construction companies on Delmarva. The
company is headquarted in Easton, MD and serves Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.
For more information about the company, visit
A Big THANK YOU to all Our Members who Recently Renewed Their Membership!
Member Since
Member Since
A Shore Sign
Associate Member-Judith Slaughter
Bay Country Communications
BesTemps/Blue Hen Staffing, Inc.
Charles C. Powell Realtors, Inc.
Chesapeake Woods Center-Genesis Health
Christ Episcopal Church
Downtown Frame of Mine
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service
Jean J. Carlson, DDS, PA
Mallard Bay Care Center/Signature Health
Mid-Shore Graphics, LLC
Partners 1st Federal Credit Union
ProTemps Staffing Solution s
Taylors Island Volunteer Fire. Co.
The Arc of the Central Chesapeake Region
Val U Stone
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Seeks Volunteers
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) can use your help! Volunteers are needed to assist with a variety of
programs, including staffing the Visitor Center front desk, maintaining the beneficial insect and butterfly garden, leading
interpretive and educational programs, biological monitoring, and much more.
Volunteers play a critical role in helping the refuge fulfill its mission. Over 180,000 visitors from all over the world visit
Blackwater NWR each year to photograph wildlife, hike trails, paddle waterways, and enjoy the scenic landscapes.
Established in 1933 as a refuge for migratory birds, the refuge has one of the highest concentrations of nesting bald
eagles on the Atlantic coast, and the largest protected population of Delmarva Peninsula fox squirrels. With over 28,000
acres of rich tidal marsh, mixed hardwood and pine forest, managed freshwater wetlands and several hundred acres of
cropland, Blackwater NWR supports a diversity of wildlife. If you love wildlife and wild places, consider volunteering
at Blackwater NWR!
A volunteer workshop will be held at the Blackwater NWR Visitor Center on Saturday, August 6th from 9:00 a.m. until
3:30 p.m. to update new and seasoned volunteers on current refuge projects. Come learn what has been happening on
the refuge, with updates from refuge staff on the biological program, including Hurricane Sandy resiliency projects, the
latest information on the nutria project, and the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park, National Monument
and National Historical Park.
To learn more about the volunteer program at Blackwater NWR or to register for this volunteer workshop, please contact
Michele Whitbeck at 410-221-8157 or
United Way Holiday Ball
Saturday, December 3, 2016
6:00 p.m. to 11:55 p.m. EST
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay
100 Heron Blvd.
Cambridge, MD 21613
Don't miss your chance to attend "The Event of the
Year", the 14th Annual United Way Holiday Ball.
Tickets are limited and WILL sell out.
Black Tie Optional, Jazz & Champagne Welcome, Fine
Dining Extravaganza, "Perfect Present" Silent & Live
Auctions, Dancing the Night Away...
Contact: Amy Luppens at 410-742-5143 or email
For more details about the following events please go to our
website at or call 410-228-3575
August 1-5 - Vacation Bible School
August 2, 16 August 3 -
Grief Support Group
Talk: Collecting Native American
Romancing the Stone
August 23 - Hero Blood Drive in Honor of MTpr
Clinton Weems
August 27 - Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester Sails
Great American Watermelon Blast
August 3-6 - Caroline-Dorchester County Fair
August 28 - Boat Docking
Old Fashion Crab Feast
August 4 -
Internet Fraud & Risk Seminar for
Boost Your Business
August 31 - Diabetes Support Group
August 5 -
Karaoke Happy Hour
Building Beginnings in Pottery
Night Watch
Square Dancing Club
August 6 -
August 24, 2016
Grades 1-5, 6 & 9
Crab Week at the Hyatt Chesapeake
Farmers & Friends Support
Dorchester Fire Depts.
Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester Sails
August 7 -
Old Tyme Fun Fair
BBQ Chicken-Open Pit-Eastern
Shore Style
August 9 -
Caregiver’s Happy Hour Lunch-NLearn
August 11 - Blood Bank Donation Drive
August 12 - Hot & Tangy BBQ
30th Anniversary Parking Lot Party
August 13 - Book Sale
Antioch Peach Festival
Skipjack Nathan of Dorchester Sails
37th Annual RFC
Seafood Feast-I-Val
August 25, 2016
Grades 1-12
*If you have an event you’d like to include, send it
Monday & Wednesday Free Blood Pressure Screenings @Shore
Regional in Easton
Tuesday & Thursday Free Blood Pressure Screenings @Shore
Regional in Cambridge
Every Tuesday -
A Love for the Arts
Bingo @Elks
Open Mic @Jimmie & Sooks
2nd & 4th Tuesday -
Shrimp Dinner @ Cambridge Moose Lodge
Every Wednesday -
Wednesday Morning Artists
APA Pool League @ Cambridge Moose
Open Mic at Canvasback Restaurant
Choptank Writers Group
Deck Party at Blue Point
August 18 - Stroke Survivors Support Group
Fatherhood BBQ
Every Thursday -
Piano Night @ Liv Again’s ArtBar
Cambridge Farmer’s Market
Trivia @Jimmie & Sooks
August 19 - Mid-Shore Pro Bono Legal Clinic
Every Friday -
Dinner @ Hurlock Legion
Dinner @Cambridge Moose Lodge
Elks Dinner
Movie w/Craft Beer & Wine
Rock ‘N’ Bowl
Vets Helping Vets
Wine & Wings
Every Saturday -
Rock ‘N’ Bowl
Cambridge Walking Tour
August 14 - Cambridge Wheels Car Show
Trinidad & Tobago Baltimore Steel
August 17 - The Genealogy Lunch
Dorchester Caregivers Support
August 20 - 5th Annual Great Eastern Shore
Tomato Festival
Neighborhood Block Party
Ashley Watkins
Dance to Golden Touch Band
August 21 - Chesapeake Cowboys Boat Docking
Taste of Summer Festival
Dorchester Chamber of Commerce
528 Poplar Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
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Cambridge, MD 21613
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Chamber Events
August 3 -
Ribbon Cutting—New Location
Eastern Shore Dance Academy
3123 Aireys Road Spur, Cambridge, MD
12:00 p.m.
August 16 -
Google Local Marketing Power Workshop
Chesapeake College, Room 101
416-418 Race Street, Cambridge, MD
9:00 a.m.
August 4 -
Boost Your Business
Chesapeake College, Room 101
416-418 Race Street
5:30 p.m.
August 17 -
Chamber Board Meeting
Chamber Office
7:45 a.m.
August 10 -
Executive Committee Meeting
Chamber Office
7:45 a.m.
August 17 -
August 10 -
Chamber Business Luncheon
Canvasback Restaurant/ - Coolahan’s Irish Pub
422 Race Street, Cambridge, MD
Speaker: Buck Duncan, Mid-Shore
Community Foundation
12:00 p.m.
Strong Women in Business Luncheon
Chamber Office
Speaker: Kerry Gunshenan, Trainer &
Life Coach
12:00 p.m.
August 19 -
Ambassador Meeting
Chamber Office
8:30 a.m.
August 31 -
Young Professionals’ of Dorchester
Chamber Office
6:30 p.m.
2016 Board of Directors
Jeff Hubbard, President
Jennifer Layton, Past President
Sarah Baugh, VP
Kelly Hurley, VP & Treasurer
Lane Engineering
Layton’s Chance Vineyard
The Law Firm of Parker Counts
Interstate Container
Gerry Boyle
Randy Bradford
Dr. Paul Brant
Dave Cannon
Philicia Drayton
Kevin Hill
Lucie Hughes
Denny Jones
Marty Mullaney
Benson & Mangold, IRONMAN
The Dorchester Banner/Cambridge Extra
Chesapeake College
Lori Nagel
Whitten Insurance Agency
Eastern Shore Hospital Center
5 9 Tags & Titles
Atlantic Tractor
Adam Shellhamer
BDK, Inc. IT Solutions
Cambridge Family Eye Care
Hill-Kimmel Contracting
Mullaney Insurance
Sharon Spedden
Bill Christopher
Executive Director
Robin Burton
Robin Stanley
Sharon Real Estate
Randy Thompson
Hyatt Regency Chesapeake
“To Advance Dorchester County through educating, promoting and growing a strong business community”