THE DORCHESTER VOICE March/April 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Elections Coming in April................ 1 Swim Club Season......................... 1 Spring is in the Air!......................... 2 Move-Ins and Move-Outs............... 2 President’s Message........................ 3 Shredding Event............................. 4 When Is My Bill Due?..................... 4 Comcast Billing Problems?............ 4 Open Meeting: Audit Presentation and Meet the Candidates............... 6 What’s this Fine?............................ 6 Messy Weather Items..................... 6 Bike Room......................................... 8 Occupants Not on a Lease.................8 Springtime Events........................ 10 M ANAGEMENT Patricia Yonekawa, General Manager Don Hadfield Jr., Building Engineer Julie Zusin, Bookkeeper Kyle Maloney, Resident Services Jackie Ransom, Head Housekeeper Management Office (215) 546-1111 Elections Coming in April The Annual Election for three (3) Open Seats has begun. Our schedule this year is: March 2nd Call for Candidates letter sent out. March 9thCandidate sheets must be received in the Management Office no later than 5pm. March 20thCandidate sheets and voting ballots will be mailed to all Owners. April 1stMeet the Candidates and presentation of the 2013/14 Audit. April 22ndElections close at 5pm. All ballots must be in the Management Office before then to be considered valid. Election results will be posted at the Front Desk and will be printed in the May/June issue of the Dorchester Voice. If you feel you can contribute to the Dorchester and would like to an opportunity to serve on Council, be sure to bring your candidate sheet to the Management Office by March 9th. Swim Club Season With spring just around the corner, it is time for us to begin preparations for our 2015 Swim Club Season. Membership fees for the 2015 season will be announced in April 2015, though it is important to note a nominal fee will be charged this year for weekday memberships. Please remember that a 2015 Swim Club Application must be completed and a 2015 Membership Card issued for pool access. If you have any suggestions for the pool area, feel free to email Kyle Maloney at or stop by the office. Visit our website at Spring is in the Air! Events and holidays to look forward to this March and April: Sunday, March 8th Daylight Savings Time begins Saturday, April 18th Tuesday, March 17th St. Patrick’s Day Friday, March 20th 1st Day of Spring Wednesday, April 22ndDorchester Elections close at 5pm Wednesday, April 1st April Fool’s Day Shredding Event Wednesday, April 1stMeet the Candidates Night/ 2014 Audit Presentation Saturday, April 4th Passover begins at sundown Sunday, April 5thEaster Move-Ins and Move-Outs The busy season for renting is right around the corner! In the coming months, the Management Office will be flooded with requests for move-ins and move-outs. Kyle Maloney will have his hands full making sure they all go smoothly, but he will need your help to avoid any conflicts. In addition to scheduling your move in or out early, here are a few simple guidelines to follow: Move-outs: Move-ins: • All fobs are to be returned to the Management Office upon moving out. A $25.00 fee will be charged to unit owners whose tenants do not return their fobs. • All new tenants moving in MUST have a fully executed lease with the Dorchester Addendum on file in the office before scheduling a move-in. • There is a $300.00 move-in fee that must be paid in full before a new tenant moves into the building. • New tenants must make an appointment with Kyle before their scheduled move-in date to receive their welcome packet, have their photo taken and be issued a fob. Keep in mind, with the new security systems active in the freight elevators; they will not be able to operate those elevators without a fob. • If no move-in is scheduled, new tenants will NOT be able to use the loading dock. 2 • Move-out forms MUST be completed before a move out can be scheduled. Kyle would be happy to provide this form to anyone moving out, and it can also be found on the website. • Unit Owner’s are encouraged to check with the Management Office for any outstanding bills their tenants may owe. Unfortunately, with so many moveout’s happening at this time, we cannot be responsible for contacting each owner with a tenant’s balance due. • If no move-out is scheduled, tenants will NOT be able to use the loading dock. • Residents on auto-debit must contact Julie Zusin ( to cancel the automatic payments for internet, gym, and/or garage. Any unscheduled move-ins or move-outs will result in a fine of up to $300.00. Moves through the lobby are expressly prohibited. Any damage caused to common areas such as hallway walls and carpets, wall sconces and elevators will be the responsibility of the Unit Owners. Make sure your tenant’s moving company is insured! President’s Message, by Ed Kurland, President I checked Accuweather this morning and was happy to see we’ve almost made it through the winter and temperatures are starting to moderate. On January 31st, Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter and we’ve made it through 5 of those weeks – only one to go! Those 5 weeks of Global Warming were really something! With the slightly warmer weather, we’re starting our spring cleaning. First, we’re returning to our annual preventive maintenance projects. This winter, the 06 Units had four (yes, four) heating riser breaks leaving them without heat for 12 to 24 hours at a time. Space heaters helped and residents’ patience was appreciated by staff and Council. To avoid this from happening again, the riser replacement project has been revised to make the 05/06 risers the next to be replaced. This spring we will be working on the heating risers in the 06 living rooms and the 05/06 dining rooms. While we don’t look forward to this, it’s better than having the riser burst without warning, flooding and damaging your Units and possessions. Feel free to contact management with any questions; they will be sending out letters with a time schedule. While we work on the heating/cooling risers, we’re also continuing repairs to the garage. We’ve almost completed half of the second level and we hope to move faster now that the most difficult repairs on the first and second levels are behind us. While garage repairs are ongoing, management stopped accepting new parkers and visitors, in order to minimize damages to vehicles and to allow more area for the garage attendants to maneuver in. As work in the garage was beginning, we checked the bike room and earmarked this area for immediate attention. Management will soon be sending out letters to all the bike room users asking them to hold their bikes in their Units for a week. During that week, we have multiple contractors set to redo the bike room. There will be new lighting, new walls, additional windows, new racks and the entire room will be cleaned and painted. Hopefully, by the time the room is renovated, we will also have a bike repair station and an air hose installed in the front of the room. With the major projects out of the way, I come to Council business. It’s time to think about Council elections again. This year there are four (4) seats open on Council. The incumbents running are: Allen Dubroff Mary Lou Savarese Ed Kurland Frank Devine A call has gone out to all Owners for candidates who would like to run for office. If you have time and would like to join Council, contact the management office before the March 9th deadline. Our Open Meeting/Meet the Candidates Meeting will be held on April 1st this year. Yes we know that’s April Fool’s Day. Each candidate running for Council will have the opportunity to introduce himself/herself and Dennis Connolly of Connolly, Grady, and Cha will also present our 2014 Audit. That’s it for now. Stay warm! 3 Shredding Event The Dorchester will be hosting its semi-annual shredding event for our residents this spring. The event will take place just after tax day, on Saturday, April 18th from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Residents may take their old papers down to the loading dock to be shredded, on site, by ProShred. If you’re unsure as to what records to keep and which to shred, take a quick look at the guide below: Bank Records Individual Records Bank Statements............................7 years Tax returns – uncomplicated........7 years Cancelled Checks..........................7 years Tax returns – all others..................Permanent Electronic payment records..........7 years W-2s...............................................7 years Corporate Records Insurance Policies..........................Life + 3 years Leases/mortgages..........................Permanent Contracts – minor..........................Life + 4 years Contracts – major..........................Permanent 4 Tax return support documents......7 years Mutual fund annual statement......Ownership period + 7years Home purchase documents..........Ownership + 7 years Divorce documents.......................Permanent Loans..............................................Term of loan + 7 years When Is My Bill Due? Comcast Billing Problems? Management has received many questions regarding when payment is due for monthly charges. Condo and garage fees are due on the 1st of each month and are subject to a late fee if received after the 10th of the month. Gym and internet fees are also due on the 1st of the month. If you do not pay your gym and/or internet fee on or around the 1st, a reminder will be sent out mid-month. If the bill is not paid timely, a late fee will be applied to your account. Residents may wish to sign up for the Dorchester’s auto debit program, authorizing our bank to deduct your monthly fees from your checking account each month. You can pick up an authorization form in the management office. If you are experiencing problems with your Comcast bill, you must call Comcast at 1-855-638-2855. Comcast recently upgraded their billing system, and you may find errors in your bill, such as receiving charges for extra standard cable boxes. Residents at the Dorchester receive standard cable boxes, a modem, basic cable, and HBO for free (residents should not see a charge for the internet on their Comcast bills, but are charged $20 monthly by the Dorchester). Comcast will charge residents for upgrades to service, upgrades to equipment (such as HD cable boxes), and other equipment rentals (such as wireless routers). If you are unsure about your billing, you may speak to Kyle in the management office. NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALE 226 West Rittenhouse Square | Philadelphia, PA | 19103 One of a kind three bedroom overlooking Rittenhouse Square with two balconies! L L E S N A C E W ! , D O L O O T S S R U O Y Spectacular 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom contemporary home with 2 balconies and panoramic views of Rittenhouse Square, the City skyline and South Philadelphia. The home has over $350,000 of updates throughout, a beautifully appointed kitchen and lavish master bedroom with an ensuite marble bathroom and home office. 1,826 sf interior plus 145 sf balconies | Offered for $1,295,000 Completely renovated two bedroom with treetop city views to the south! L L E S N A C E W ! , D O L O T SO S R U O Y Magnificently appointed 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom offering treetop city views to the south. All rooms are bathed in natural light from floor-to-ceiling windows. The kitchen and bathrooms are completely renovat- ed with high end finishes and appointments. There is a private south-facing balcony. 1,218 sf | Offered for $650,000 5 Open Meeting: Audit Presentation and Meet the Candidates The next Open Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 1st, beginning at 7:30pm in the Ethical Society’s main auditorium. Dennis Connolly from Connolly, Grady, & Cha will be joining us to give our Unit owners a presentation and summarization of the 2014 audit. Following the audit presentation, Unit owners will hear from each of the candidates running for Council. If any Unit owner has a question or concern they would like addressed at the Open Meeting, we ask the question/concern be submitted to the management office no later than Friday, March 27th to ensure a full and satisfactory answer can be given. you are unsure about your billing, you may speak to Kyle in the management office. Messy Weather Items With winter on its way out and spring right around the corner, we can look forward to blooming flowers, warmer weather and muddy boots! Your first impulse may be to leave your rain gear (boots, umbrellas, gloves, etc.) out in the hallway to dry before bringing them into your home, but we ask that you remember the Dorchester Rules and Regulations prohibit you from doing so. Not only does this give the hallways a poor appearance, it can also lead to carpet and wall stains, or, even more seriously, injury if someone trips on these items. Please be considerate of your neighbors and follow the rules: keep your possessions in your Unit and not in the hallways! Dorchester Concourse What’s this Fine? It may not happen often, but occasionally rules are broken and the Dorchester is left to clean up a mess we didn’t make. Whether something gets broken and our Housekeeping or Maintenance staff has to take care of the issue, or there is blatant disregard for a rule and the Management Office is left to pick up the pieces, there are consequences for these actions. As a Unit Owner, you are ultimately responsible for your tenant’s actions. Any and all fines incurred by a tenant will be applied to the Unit Owner’s account and it will be up to you to collect from your tenant. For a full listing of these fines, visit our website. 6 We realize the yellow foul weather barriers are not attractive. Unfortunately with the slip and falls that occur during bad weather, it’s a necessary evil. Both Management and Council are actively seeking alternatives to these barriers that are both aesthetically pleasing and effective. We appreciate your understanding as we work to make The Dorchester concourse both safe and appealing. We also invite your suggestions as we consider carpeting, non skid finishes, and barrier ideas, or perhaps you would like us to leave the area open to access with only warning cones. Let us know what you think. ANNUAL OPEN MEETING Great health, Great life! Stay healthy with the individualized and meticulous medical expertise you deserve! Consult with a highly skilled, compassionate primary care doctor in private solo practice for over 30 years. IRA G. RUBENFELD, M.D., F.A.C.P. Internal Medicine APRIL 1, 2015 7:30PM - 9:00PM 1015 Chestnut Street Suite 1200 Philadelphia, PA. 19107 215-955-9294 Philadelphia Ethical Society Main Auditorium (First Floor) Certified by The American Board of Internal Medicine Affiliated with Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Call 215-955-9294 for an appointment today. A “boutique” medical practice without the cost! 7 Bike Room Spring is on the way, and as the weather warms, the streets of Philadelphia will see the return of those Philadelphia bikers! Biking is an excellent way to enjoy Fairmount Park, get around in Center City and even cut down on your carbon footprint. The Dorchester is equipped with a convenient bicycle storage room right in the garage. There is a small annual fee of $15.00 and the room can be accessed anytime with your key fob. In order to keep the bike room organized and usable, all bikes must be registered with the Management Office and issued a permit. We will be going through the bike room checking to make sure all bikes have a clear permit sticker on them. Any bikes without a sticker will be removed and donated. If you are currently storing a bike in the bike room, please check to ensure it has a permit! As always, if you have any suggestions for the bike room, please feel free to let the Management Office know. The bike room will also be getting a touch up this spring, having its walls painted, floor coated, and will even have a repair station installed just outside the room. During this process, the bike room will need to be emptied. Notices and emails will be sent out to notify residents when this work will take place. At that time, all bikes must be removed from the bike room. Any bikes left in the bike room will be considered abandoned. Once the bike room is ready to hold bikes again, all bikes will need to be reregistered with the management office. Nick Meli, Jr. GENERAL CONTRACTOR, LLC Home Repairs Specializing in Interior Renovations Kitchens • Baths • Doors All Carpentry & Drywall Electrical/Plumbing Interior/Exterior Painting Licensed and Insured • FREE Estimates Phone: 215-342-9961 Fax: 215-942-9118 w w w. n m jrc on t r ac t i n g. c om i n fo@ n m j rc on t r ac t i n g. c om 8 Occupants Not on a Lease Have you and your girlfriend, boyfriend or significant other decided to take the next step and move in together? Is your son, daughter, mother or father moving in with you? Is a friend staying with you for an extended period of time? In any event, the Management Office needs to know about it! If you are a Unit Owner, this is as simple as having your new occupant visit the Management Office with you to fill out a quick info sheet and have his/her photo taken. If you are a tenant, the new occupant will either need to be added to your lease, or your Unit Owner will have to sign off on our Occupant Registration form. With the new security measures being implemented in the building, it is more important than ever to keep us in the loop! Feel free to stop by the Management Office with any questions. Breakfast. Lunch.Dinner. 7 Days aWeek. Eat in.Take home.Delivery. 1521 Locust Street, Philadelphia (215) 735-7305 God.Country.Corned Beef. SUN-SOAKED THREE BEDROOM OVERLOOKING RITTENHOUSE SQUARE 3 BEDROOM |2 BATHROOM | BALCONY Corner three bedroom (the 3rd bedroom is currently being used as a den) with two bathrooms, an open floor plan, private balcony atop The Square, sweeping views of Rittenhouse Square from the great room, and wood floors and walls of windows throughout. 1,483 sf | Offered for $825,000 9 Springtime Events Represent: 200 Years of African American Art Philly Farm & Food Fest Now through April 5th, the Philadelphia Museum of Art is featuring more than 75 works by dozens of African American artists. Museum goers can find engaging works ranging from pre-Civil War decorative pottery to 20th-century abstract paintings, as well as politically motivated multimedia displays. To learn more about this exhibit, or to purchase tickets in advance, visit The Philly Farm & Food Fest brings together regional farmers, unique food producers, sustainable food businesses and organizations under one roof for a day of sampling, shopping, and learning in support of our region’s diverse and delicious food system. The third annual Fest will be held on Sunday, April 12th at the Philadelphia Convention Center. This year will feature double the exhibitors as compared to last year, bringing in dozens of new growers, producers and business owners. Make sure to bring a bag with you to carry home your local meats, cheeses, plants, and baked goods! For more information, visit! Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival Sponsored by the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia, the Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival takes place in and around the Philadelphia area. Attending events and gardens is a great way to experience Japan without ever leaving Philly! This year the festival runs from Monday, April 6th to Sunday, April 12th. The Festival closes with Sakura Sunday, on Sunday, April 12th in Fairmount Park’s Horticulture center, home to hundreds of blooming cherry trees. For more information on the festival, as well as event locations and times, visit 10 Philadelphia Science Festival The 4th annual Philadelphia Science Festival kicks off on Friday, April 24th and will run until Saturday, May 2nd. The festival will feature lectures, debates, hand-on activities, special exhibitions, and a variety of other informal science education experiences for Philadelphians of all ages. Activities will take place throughout the City, so make sure to check out the calendar on their website for more information. The Festival will close with a Science Carnival on the Parkway on Saturday, May 2nd. Visit their website at THANK YOU Your LOYALTY AND TRUST helped us sell these homes in the past 12 months. 505 S. Philip * 205 Dorchester * 15H Academy House * 105 Pier 5* 2413 Hagert* 410 S. Front #406* 1811 Lombard* 234 S. Philip* 2B25 The Philadelphian * 1610 Hopkinson House* 800 Admiral’s Way #1834* 210 Locust Street #28G* 1420 Locust #22O* 2506 Symphony House * 37B Penns Landing Square* 9GHJ Wanamaker House* 233 S. 6th Street #2309* 1101 Locust Street #4H* Rittenhouse Savoy #212* 1709 Dorchester* 210 Locust Street #24C* 216 Dorchester* 210 Locust Street #18F* Hopkinson House #307* 2031 Pine #201* 1420 Locust Street #33E* 757 S. Chadwick* 1420 Locust St. #32H* 31L Academy House*1205 The Rittenhouse* 1417 Dorchester* 210 Locust Street #2H* 804 S. 19th Street* 9L Wanamaker House * 1101 The Rittenhouse* 1837 Addison Street* 27C Wanamaker House *2808 William Penn House*1420 Locust Street #34H*409 Tivoli* 220 Locust Street #22G* 22B Penns Landing Square*220 W. Rittenhouse Square #10A* 1420 Locust Street #21R* 210 Locust Street #15F** 201 Queen #8* 125-27 N. 4th #310*2508 Symphony 2412 Letterly Street **217 Dorchester*703 Dorchester*200 Locust #29E** 322 S. Juniper St.**200 Locust #28E* 214-30 N. 22nd #12B* 2030 Locust Street * 900 Pine #1F **10 Rittenhouse #2804* 1230 Arch Street #3E* 903 W. Montgomery Ave. #504 *600 S. 24th #503** Center City One #1806 * 510 S. 20th Street ** 506 S. 26th Street **PENDING SALES SOLD IN 2014 AND DUE TO CLOSE IN 2015 *410 Front Street #406 * 200 Locust Street #29E* 322 S. Juniper Street * 200 Locust Street #15F* th 600 South 24 Street #503* 903 Pine #1F* 510 S. 20th Street *2412 Letterly Street 1818 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA 19103 *215-893-9800 SELLING THE DORCHESTER SINCE 1980 Some of our most recent sales at The Dorchester 306 • 403 • 410• 418 • 503 • 505-06 • 610 • 615A • 701 • 809 • 811 • 812 • 904 • 1006-07 •1018 • 1102 • 1118 • 1417 • 1613 • 1716 • 1803 • 1806 • 1914 • 1918 • 2002 • 2015B • 2102 • 2113 • 2508 • 2509 • 2616 • 2808 • 2913 • 2914 • 3001 • 3004 • 3009• 3016 • 3115 • 3118 Thinking about buying or selling a Dorchester condo? Call us. We get the job done. Architect’s rendering of The Dorchester, 1958 Allan Domb Real Estate The Dorchester, 2015 PHILADELPHIA’S LARGEST LUXURY CONDOMINIUM REALTOR® We cooperate with all REALTORS®. Phone: 215-545-1500 | Web: 1845 Walnut Street, Suite 2200, Philadelphia, PA 19103 The Dorchester Condominiums 226 W. Rittenhouse Square Philadelphia, PA 19103
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