welcome to holy cross parish
welcome to holy cross parish
WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS PARISH 309 Desnoyer Street | Kaukauna, WI 54130 Parish Ministry Staff PASTOR………........Fr. Tom Pomeroy Deacon/Pastoral Associate ...……………….………..……..Bruce Corey Deacon……………..….…....Mark Ebben www.holycrosskaukauna.org HOLY CROSS PARISH MISSION — WE ARE ALL D ISCIPLES We, the members of Holy Cross Parish, con"nue the mission of Jesus Christ through the building of a vibrant Catholic community of word, worship and service to others. Faith Forma!on Coordinators Jackie Wallace, Gloria Ackerman Liturgy Coordinator/Bulle!n Kim Corey Music Coordinator Ellen Scheibe Office Manager Tammy Schmahl Principal Larry Konetzke Recep!onist/SCRIP Coordinator Bonnie Fischer Mass Times Saturday .......................... 4:30 pm Sunday ....... 7:30, 9:15 & 11:00 am Weekdays ................ 7:00 am daily Holy Days……………… See Inside Phone Numbers Rectory Office ................ 766-3773 Fax ................................. 766-3774 Scrip Office .................... 766-3773 Faith Forma"on Center . 766-3510 Holy Cross Campus……...766-0186 St. Al’s School Campus .. 766-5199 RCIA Coordinator, Gloria Schuh ............... 766-9598 Confirma"on ……………....766-3510 Xavier High School ......... 733-6632 KCSS Website www.kcssonline.org Valley Area Special Needs Religious Ed (VASNRE).809-4637 Rectory/Scrip Hours Mon-Thurs 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00 Friday................. 8:00-12:00 Noon SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YR. C 2 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin Buy Your Scrip Here--Quick and Easy Monday through Thursday 8 am - Noon and 1 - 4 pm Friday 8 am - Noon (Closed Friday afternoons) Holy Cross Parish Phone: 766-3773 Local Merchant of the Week HAEN MEATS “Keep those cookouts going all autumn. Stop at Haen Meats and select from a wide variety of grilling options.” National Merchant of the Week APPLEBEE’S Parish Contributions Week of September 15, 2013 Weekly Amount Needed to Meet Budget...…...$ 12,000.00 Last week’s Sacrificial Giving Received........... $ 8, 098.00 Last week’s Loose Offering Received…......…. $ 684.17 Total Offering Received Last Week..….…….$ 8,782.17 Amount Short of Budget…………$ 3,217.83 Don’t forget about our new online giving. Post-Pilgrimage Potluck Tuesday, Sept. 24 Come to enjoy a delicious potluck with the pilgrims-walkers, bikers, bus and car pilgrims, pray-ers, cooks and deliverers, all parishioners--everybody! Meet in Friendship Hall at 5:45 pm. We’ll eat at 6:00 pm. Cooks, deliverers and drivers - Please don’t bring a dish! We’re cooking for YOU! It was a great weekend, wasn’t it? God is so good. Don’t Forget to Register by Monday For Jim VandeHey’s Presentation for Men This Monday, September 23, at Holy Cross 6:30 - 8:00 pm in Friendship Hall Refreshments served For all men who love hiking, fishing or hunting To register, email Sheila at sschaut@gbdioc.org, or call 920-272-8276 or toll-free at 1-877-500-3580, ext. 8276. A Message From Father Tom … Lives are Changed Our faith transforms our life. However, for many people they only begin to take their faith seriously after they have had a powerful experience of Jesus Christ in their lives. People experience Christ in many different ways: Perhaps it was receiving a sacrament such as Confirmation. Or you may have heard a homily that touched your heart in a special way. Often, funerals will help us to reflect on our need for Jesus. Many people will hit bottom in sin or addiction and realize they need Christ. For many people, they have that experience of Jesus Christ on a retreat. This is very common. This is why going on retreat is so important. I have heard many people talk about how their lives were changed on a Cursillo or Koinonia retreat. Many of our young people and adults were touched by the holy Spirit on the Colorado Leadership retreat. With this in mind, I would like to encourage the men to sign up for the upcoming “Christ Renews His Parish” (CRHP) retreat. If your faith is important, and you want to take it to the next level, this is a great way to have a profound encounter with Christ. The retreat begins Saturday morning, October 5, and is over by noon on Sunday, October 6. There is not a long time commitment, but I guarantee that the experience will help your faith. What I really like about the CRHP retreat is that it happens in the parish, so it is led BY parishioners FOR parishioners. When you are done, you will know a new group in the parish. These people will make your experience of Mass on the weekends even better. Please call the office and sign up for this retreat, or talk to Deacon Bruce. I would also encourage you to speak to any of the men who have gone on this retreat in the past. Please don’t miss out on a great opportunity when it’s right here for us--and it’s FREE! Fr. Tom Free Evening of Reflection for Women “The Meals, the Mass and the Mystics” Thursday, October 3, in Friendship Hall 6:30 – 9:00 pm Combining her love of cooking with her insight from the lives of saints and mystics, Amberly Boerschinger will encourage us to look at the Mass in a renewed way. Wear comfy clothes. Cooking. Refreshments. Registration is limited to 25 women, so register now! See the article at left for registration details. Mark Your Calendars for Future Activities Sun, Sept. 22 SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 3 Monthly Community Spirit Sunday Supper at Holy Spirit in Kimberly-4:30 pm FREE Mon, Sept. 23 Evening for Men: “Right on Target” Jim VandeHey - FH - 6:30 pm (See left) Tues, Sept. 24 Monthly Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast - FH Speaker: Fr. Jack Mullarkey - 7:00 am Tues, Sept. 24 Gather Around the Hearth-St. Paul CL (Pg 4) Tues, Sept. 24 Post-Pilgrimage Potluck for everyone! Bring a dish to pass - FH - Eat at 6 pm (Pg. 2) Wed, Sept. 25 Faith Formation Liturgy followed by Open House - 6:00 pm Liturgy Wed, Sept. 25 September Marriage Encounter Image Meeting - Fr. Tom’s Rectory - 6:30 pm Thurs, Sept. 26 Dr. Scott Hahn at Xavier Fine Arts Theatre Sat, Sept. 28 KCSS Fall Frenzy 5K/Kids Run - 8 am Sat, Sept.28 Brat Fry after 4:30 Mass in parking lot Sun, Sept. 29 Brat Fry after all Masses in parking lot Tues, Oct. 1 Grief and Healing Seminar- Liberty Hall 6:00 - 9:00 pm (See page 5) Sat, Oct. 5 First Valley Area Special Needs Religious Education class - Holy Spirit cafeteria in Kimberly (9:30 - 11:30 am) (See page 4) Oct. 1-Nov. 19 6:30 Tuesdays Jeff Cavins Bible Series “Quick Journey Through the Bible” FH Thurs, Oct. 3 (See left) Evening for Women: “Meals, Mass and the Mystics” Amberly Boerschinger - FH 6:30 pm Fri, Oct. 4 Kaukauna High School Homecoming Oct. 5-6 Men’s CRHP Weekend (See page 5) Oct. 10-13 Men’s Cursillo Weekend (See below) Fri, Oct. 18 Healing Mass/Social at Holy Cross - 10:30 am Sunday, October 27 ***OKTOBERFEST** Fun for all! Pick up your tickets in the Gathering Space. Oct. 26-27 St. Paul Fall Festival - Combined Locks Nov 2-3 Women’s CRHP Weekend (See page 5) Nov. 14-17 Women’s Cursillo Weekend- (See below) Sun, Dec. 8 Widows/Widowers Luncheon (See page 4) We Need Lots of Pickle Jars. Lots and Lots! ¨ We NEED your empty glass pickle jars, or quart and gallon glass jars! Bring them to the Gathering Space as you empty them or as you get them from other people or restaurants. The next time you see the jars, they will be filled with delicious booyah! Our hope is that we won’t have to purchase them. Thanks for thinking of us! ¨ If you will have vegetables to donate for the booyah, please call Cristina or Kevin Heindel at 766-2538. ¨ Sharpen your knives to help us cut veggies on Friday morning, October 25. Mark your calendars! ¨ We need pumpkins and corn stalks for the COUNTRY STORE as it gets closer to October 27. ¨ The CRAFT ROOM is always looking for seasonal or new store-bought items, so please start making your crafts and finding those great sales! ¨ Find treasures for the This ‘n’ That Rummage Sale. Bring them to the parish garage during office hours. Please--no clothing, appliances, microwaves, computers or large furniture. ¨ Sign-up sheets will soon be at all church entrances for Oktoberfest volunteer opportunities. We always need help on the clean-up crew, so call Deacon Bruce at 766-3773 if you can help out in that area. ¨ PLEASE HELP THE STEERING COMMITTEE BY PICKING UP YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS IN THE GATHERING SPACE. THANKS! Thanks for Supporting the Salad Luncheon Thank you to all who helped with the salad luncheon, whether you baked, served or attended. It was a HUGE success and helped us raise $1,007! All money raised will go back to the parish to support future activities. Dec. 5-15 Christmas Stars (Tickets on sale now) 920-733-8840, www.christmasstars.org or www.showtix4u.com. Wed, Dec. 18 Behold the Lamb at Holy Cross - 6:30 pm Cursillo Weekends Are Here! Men: October 10 - 13 Women: November 14-17 Call Deacon Bruce at 766-3773 to register. Cursillo is a life-changing short course in Christianity. Marriage Banns III Cole Boge and Kelsey Techlin The winner of the raffle basket was Cheryl Golden. (Note: If you left a serving dish here, you can pick it up in the rectory.) Here’s some Salad Luncheon profit history: 2008 2009 2010 $ 804 $ 945 $1,064 2011 2012 $ 771 0 2013 - $1,007 Thank you! 4 | Welcome to Holy Cross Parish · Kaukauna, Wisconsin All Holy Cross Widows and Widowers Catered Chicken Dinner from Van Abel’s - 12:15 pm Sunday, December 8, in Friendship Hall 11:00 Mass, if you choose (We will have reserved seating) Faith Formation Liturgy and Open House We’re excited to start another great year! We look forward to seeing everyone at the Faith Formation opening Liturgy on Wednesday, September 25, at 6:00 pm in Church. An Open House will follow the Liturgy. Holy Cross and the Ladies of Holy Cross want to honor your marital commitments with a special luncheon. Please call Kim at 766-3773 to register yourself and a guest, if you wish. KCSS News Please Share Your Faith With the Students Faith Formation is in need of catechists for grades 3 and 4. If you would like to teach, and learn more about your own faith at the same time, call the office at 766-3773 and ask to speak with Jackie or Gloria. Thank you, catechists! Valley Area Special Needs Religious Ed The Valley Area Special Needs Religious Education program (VASNRE) is a Catholic religion program for students ages 7 to 97, with any disability. The first class is Saturday, October 5, from 9:30 - 11:30 am in the cafeteria at Holy Spirit Parish in Kimberly. Classes include creative hands-on learning, family time and service. Sacraments are taught to those wishing to receive them. Classes are held every other Saturday morning. Students and volunteers are welcome! Come to visit, and experience the energy of the holy Spirit! Contact Belinda Micke, VASNRE Director, with questions at tombee0327@new.rr.com, or call 809-4637. Gather Around the Hearth St. Paul Parish in Combined Locks Tuesday, September 24 “End of Life: Church Teachings and Health Care Documents” Presented by Sara Buscher, Retired Attorney and Celia McKee, Dignity of Human Life Coordinator These presentations are open to all Heart of the Valley parishes. Come for Mass at 11:00 am, followed by lunch and presentation. For details, or to register, call Deacon George at 788-5711. He’ll be happy to help you. Please register by noon on Monday. Weekly KCSS Calendar Raffle Winners 9/9/13 9/10/13 9/11/13 9/12/13 9/13/13 9/14/13 9/15/13 Paul Reybrock John Gaber Raymond Haen Beatrice Mutz Mr./Mrs. Jim Pastors George/Rosie Huss Joyce Brantmeier Kaukauna Manassas, VA Kaukauna Rockford, IL West Bend Kaukauna Kaukauna $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $100.00 $25.00 Prayer Service for Veterans Everyone is invited to join the KCSS students and staff for a prayer service to honor our veterans. The prayer service will be held on Monday, November 11, at Holy Cross Church (8:20 am) or at St. Aloysius Church (8:30 am). Please share in our appreciation of freedom as we honor those who have sacrificed so much. We thank you! Grandparents/Special Persons Day at KCSS Tuesday, October 1 Liturgy at St. Aloysius Campus - 8:30 am Grandparents, special persons and children will meet in the church for liturgy. Following liturgy, there will be time to tour the classrooms and school, purchase library books and enjoy refreshments provided by our Home & School Association. The visit will end at 9:45 am. Prayer Service at Holy Cross Campus - 10:00 am Grandparents, special persons and children are invited to gather in the church for a prayer service. After the prayer service, there will be time to tour the classrooms, purchase library books and share lunch at 11:15 am with the students at Holy Cross, if you can. You will be able to purchase a book for our library at either campus. All books will cost $5.00 and will have a special bookplate with your name and your grandchild’s or special student’s name in the front cover. KCSS All-System Liturgy (Grades K-8) Thursday, September 26, 8:45 am at Holy Cross Church. Everyone is welcome. “Life in the Spirit” Seminar - St. Paul Parish The Cross and Crown Prayer Group at St. Paul in Combined Locks is hosting its popular “Life in the Spirit” seminar, which has been offered annually for decades. This seminar is designed to help you experience the workings of the holy Spirit in your life. The seminar begins Monday, September 30, with an introductory session and runs for eight consecutive weeks. Speakers: Msgr. Jim Vanden Hogen, Fr. William Van Dyn Hoven, Deacon Rick Simon, Deacon Chuck Agnew, Deacon Dave Van Eperen, Deacon Bruce Corey, Fr. Jerry Pastors. Each week: 6:45 pm 7:00 - 9:00 pm Gathering Seminar Nine Days of Prayer at Holy Cross 24 hours of prayer each day for nine days (Begins after 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday, November 30) In honor of the 140th anniversary of Holy Cross Parish on Thursday, December 26, we are holding nine days of 24-hour, continuous prayer for our parish during the first part of Advent. We invite you and your family to select an hour of prayer at a time that fits your schedule-day or night. Simply come to Holy Cross Church and pray silently during that hour. Jesus said to his apostles, “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen prayed before the tabernacle every day for one hour for more than 60 years. Every day! Mother Teresa and her sisters prayed before the tabernacle for one hour at the start of each day before going out to the slums. Miracles happen with prayer! Three options for signing up for your hour(s): 1) Call Julie Huss at 740-8847 to select times. 2) E-mail Julie at ajatjhuss@new.rr.com. 3) Sign-up sheets will soon be available at all entrances, and in the rectory, for you and your family to select your hour(s) of prayer and adoration. As a helpful prayer aid, we will provide a prayer booklet for you to use when you enter church, or you may bring your own. These nine days of prayer and adoration will be a gift for our parish. Please consider signing up for one or more hours during the nine days. We hope to have at least three or four people scheduled each hour so somebody is always present when the Eucharist is exposed. Our 140th anniversary is just around the corner. We hope you’ll help us celebrate and thank God in this very special way. And, we have so much to pray for! Please be a part of this powerful prayer novena. SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Grief and Healing Seminar with Dr. Alan Author-Educator-Grief Counselor “Helping Yourself Heal When Someone Dies: Loving From the Outside In, Mourning From the Inside Out” Tuesday, October 1 6-9 pm Liberty Hall, Kimberly Dr. Alan Wolfelt, noted author, educator and grief counselor, has authored over thirty books on grief and loss. This compassionate program will provide you support in your personal grief and also assist participants who want to learn about helping a family member or friend who is experiencing grief and loss. Register at www.wichmannfargo.com. Click After Care, then Calendar of Events, or call (920) 831-9905. IT’S YOUR TURN TO MAKE A CRHP WEEKEND Men: October 5 and 6 Women: November 2 and 3 A “Christ Renews His Parish” (CRHP) weekend is free, and everyone is invited! Almost 150 Holy Cross Parishioners have experienced this weekend, and they’re excited to have you experience your own weekend. Men: Sign up this week! Return the form below to the rectory as soon as possible. ----- --------- ------ ---------- ---------Yes, I want to attend the Fall CRHP Retreat. ___ Women’s Weekend ___ Men’s Weekend Name ___________________________________________ Street Address____________________________________ City/ZIP_________________________________________ 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Phone___________________________________________ “It is my wish, then, that in every place the people should pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument.” 1 Timothy 2:8 E-Mail__________________________________________ Try to make it a habit to give God the first few minutes of each day by simply praying, “Lord, what do You want me to do today with all the gifts You have given me?” Then be sure to listen for His response throughout each day. Amazing things will happen. 5 Spouse Name/Phone_______________________________ (Or significant person in your life) Emergency Contact/Phone (if different) ________________________________________________ 6 |Welcome to Holy Cross Parish Kaukauna, Wisconsin Monday, September 23 7:00 am Living and deceased members of the Jacob Horn Family Tuesday, September 24 7:00 am J. Gavin and Family Wednesday, September 25 7:00 am Roland Brochtrup and Karen Crawford Thursday, September 26 7:00 am George and Joan Grogan 8:45 am Ron Huss (Note time for school Mass) Friday, September 27 7:00 am Joe and Luella Van Vonderen Saturday, September 28 4:30 pm Saemus Webb Sunday, September 29 7:30 am Holy Cross Parish Family 9:15 am Sister Marie Goretti 11:00 am Eric Van Rossum Holy Cross is Grateful For Your Gifts We are grateful for all the times Holy Cross Parish has been remembered through memorials, donations and wills. Thank you for your generosity. Parish Schedule for the Week of September 22 Monday, September 23 8 am-4 pm Prayer Vigil in Church - All welcome 6:30 pm Boy Scouts 6:30 pm Jim VandeHey Evening for Men - FH (Pg. 2) Tuesday, September 24 7:00 am Monthly Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast FH -- Speaker: Fr. Jack Mullarkey 6:00 pm eat Post-Pilgrimage Potluck - Friendship Hall (Bring a dish and enjoy the fun. Walkers, bikers, motorcyclists, choir, everybody! (Cooks, food deliverers and drivers-Don’t bring any food-We’re cooking for you!) Wednesday, September 25 6:00 pm Faith Formation Liturgy followed by Open House - 6:00 pm Liturgy 6:30 pm Marriage Encounter Image Mtg. (Rectory) Thursday, September 26 8:45 am All-System School Liturgy-Grades K-8 at HC 7:00 pm Celebrator practice Friday, September 27 9:00 am Extension Chords practice - Music Room Evening Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, September 28 11-Noon Reconciliation in Church 2:00 pm Wedding: Cole Boge and Kelsey Techlin (May God bless your wedding and your marriage, Cole and Kelsey!) 5:30 pm BRAT FRY in the parking lot after Mass! Sunday, September 29 After Masses BRAT FRY in the parking lot! Holy Cross Parish —Be a Part of Us Reconciliation Saturdays: 11:00-12:00 Noon or by appointment. Contact Fr. Tom Pomeroy at 766-3773 for an appointment. Baptisms We share in your joy as your child is baptized. Baptisms are the second Sunday of each month ($10 stipend). Call the parish office to set a date or to get further details. Baptism Preparation meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. First Friday Eucharist Calls Please inform us if you, or someone you know, cannot make it to Mass and would like to receive Holy Eucharist on the first Friday of each month. Rosary Join us for the rosary approximately 20 minutes prior to 7:00 am Mass each weekday morning. How to Register as a New Parish Member Want to become a parish member? Simply stop in at the parish office, and we’ll get you registered. Fast and easy. Change of Phone, Address or Family Status? Please give Bonnie a call 766-3773. Would You Like to Put Something in the Bulletin? The deadline is Monday noon (Friday before holidays). Holy Cross Prayer Relay for Your Prayer Needs If you or someone you know needs prayers, call 810-3900. Your parish family is here for you. Readings for the Week of September 22 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Am 8:4-7/1 Tm 2:1-8/Lk 16:1-13 or 16:10-13 Ezr 1:1-6/Lk 8:16-18 Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Lk 8:19-21 Ezr 9:5-9/Lk 9:1-6 Hg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9 Hg 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22 Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45 Am 6:1a, 4-7/1 Tm 6:11-16/Lk 16:19-31 179 Main Ave. Kaukauna,WI 54130 Gerald M.Van Hoof 24 HOUR TOWING 766-9031 AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR www.vanhoofautoservice.com 50..:(T D&M -Your HostsGary & Lisa Natrop 88JTDPOTJO"WF ,"6,"6/"8* Interiors Home of the 22oz. T-Bone 5PN1FH(JPSEBOB PAUL VAN BERKEL Attorney At Law 180 West Wisconsin Ave. Kaukauna, WI 54130 Office: (920) 766-4803 Fax: (920) 759-9220 "MMFHJBODF$Ut"QQMFUPO 1201 Garfield Avenue Little Chute 704 Hyland Ave. (Hwy OO) Kaukauna www.DandMinteriors.com 1506 S. Oneida St. Appleton www.primesteersuperclub.com Countryside Golf Club )PTQJUBM*OGPSNBUJPO 920-738-2000 Jeff’s WATER CONDITIONING & GREENVILLE PLUMBING W726 Weiler Road Kaukauna Medicare & Medicaid Certified Open 7 Nights A Week Flooring America DPVOUSZTJEFHPMGDMVCXJDPN XXXBGGJOJUZIFBMUIPSH 7-229 Affinity Health Sytem is a Catholic health care system. 920-766-9888 8BUFS4PGUFOFST8BUFS)FBUFST %SJOLJOH8BUFS4ZTUFNT 1MVNCJOH3FNPEFM3FQBJS JEFF & ADAM GRIESBACH 920-757-9732 “Serving Fish On Fridays” 920-788-5806 Tough on Water Problems Sharon Fischer, AIS, CIC,CISR 181 W Wisconsin Ave - Kaukauna 920-462-4300 2802 Fieldstone Ct. Kaukauna, WI 54130 Let me quote your insurance and get a Gift Certificate Ph: 920-766-7713 C: 920-585-5606 Ask how to win $400 in cash and prizes! )JMM5PQ#BLFSZ Mar Mark & Lynn Engel - Owners 10#PY &BTUUI4USFFU ,BVLBVOB8* /÷ÿ$é /÷ÿ$éüíúñöï:÷ýú/íĀü #úíéóîéûü#ýûñöíûû.ííüñöï (920) 766-1771 www.hilltopbakers.com 920-766-0245 1450 Delanglade St. P.O. Box 800 ,BVLBVOB8* 3&4*%&/5*"-r$0..&3$*"REMODELING Home ASE Master Tech $)&730-&5t#6*$,t(.$ 920-766-7087 Business Al’s Auto Sales & Service $PNQMFUF"VUP3FQBJSt5PXJOH “For the leisure in your life.” Fireplaces, Spas, Chemicals & Saunas Al Vanevenhoven 1151 Badger Rd., Kaukauna 514 Draper Street Kaukauna, WI 54130 www.alautokaukauna.com 8"QQMFMBOE8BZ ,BVLBVOB )JMM3E ,BVLBVOB8* Fellow Parishioner (920) 766-1447 www.aquafire.net $FMM 8$UZ5SL,,r"QQMFUPO8* DR. MARK A. EBBEN, LLC 766-2481 One Bank Avenue, Suite B Kaukauna, WI 54130 7"/-*&4)065-"80''*$& 5POZ"TIBVFS Phone: (920) 996-0072 www.hbcs.com Professionals doing professional work in your home or office 766-6200 &.BJO4USFFU )PVST%BJMZBNQN 4VO)PMJEBZTBNQN -JUUMF$IVUF8* &.BJO4U-JUUMF$IVUF 1IPOFt Voice: 920-766-6096 Reynebeau Floral 5BZMPS4U)XZr,BVLBVOB8* Win With Us 2401 E. Enterprise Avenue "QQMFUPOr XXX.D$BSUZ-BXDPN Ed Howard, Owner (920) 766-6020 ext. 102 920-759-2131 4QPOTPSFECZUIF'SBODJTDBO4JTUFSTPG$ISJTUJBO$IBSJUZ LOX CLUB Home, Farm & Construction Fuels 5*3&44&37*$& 920-766-0001 207 Dodge St., Kaukauna GORDY VOSTERS SCOTT VAN ASTEN (920) 470-7793 (920) 470-7791 0GGJDF (920) 788-2498 W1668 CTY. ROAD JJ KAUKAUNA, WI 54130 XXXWPTUFSTMBOETDBQJOHDPN ©2013 920-989-1536 920-735-8246 Call Toll Free: 888-989-1531 VVH & ASSOCIATES, LLP 2100 Freedom Road Little Chute,WI 54140 (920) 788-9071 Fine Food and Cocktails Nightly Specials Homemade Soups Carry-Outs Available 8íììñöïûr'ýöíúéôû "ôô0ëëéûñ÷öû %éñôā%íôñþíúā &öüñúí'÷Ā$ñüñíû 1103 E. Main Little Chute, WI 54140 (920) 788-3585 Inpatient / Outpatient Rehab Assisted Living Hospice Care Skilled Nursing Community Outreach NEW 1"5*&/54 WELCOME 30#&35)&*-%%4 )&"5)&3)&*-%%4 reynebeaufloral.com Call me today to hear about out these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. s. Lori Allen Forbes (920) 730-1100 788-4401 /$PMVNCJB"WF 'SFFEPN8* HSFBUEFOUBMFYQSFTTJPOTDPN 4UBUF4Ur$PVOUZ5SVOL;r$PNCJOFE-PDLT Smile with Renewed Confidence Today 150 W. Northland Ave. Appleton Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. ©2009 Allstate Insurance Company BUCKLIN’S TREE SERVICE 4+PIO4U,JNCFSMZ 733-0122 1IPOF 'BY Mulch-Colored & Natural XXXNBEFSTDBUFSJOHMMDDPN 'SFF&TUJNBUFTr*OTVSFE Fax (920) 788-9072 XXXCVDLMJOTUSFFTFSWJDFDPN FOR AD INFO CALL Rich Clark 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM $100 donation to St. Paul from all Fish Fry’s HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI B 4C 01-0720 09-16-2013 08:31:48 Collision Repair #VUDI7BO4DIZOEFM Skyview Club No Dust! AUTO/BOAT RV/SNOWMOBILE 920-213-3050 Residential - Commercial - Agricultural 4UBNQFE$PODSFUFDVSCJOHQBUJPTMBOETDBQJOH DPMPSFENVMDIBOETUPOFnBUXPSLESJWFXBZT TJEFXBMLTTOPXQMPXJOH 8$UZ3E66,BVLBVOB8* &NBJMDVSCDPODSFUF!ZBIPPDPN free estimates N149 State Road 55, Kaukauna, WI 54130 Concrete Wall & Floor Sawing Curb Sawing, Concrete Grinding Core Drilling & Egress Windows www.finkindustries.com kenfink@finkindustries.com 920-766-1721 www.concretecutters.net t BOOTS CHIROPRACTIC & Wellness Center, S.C. FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES 1020 Truman St., Ste. B, Kimberly Paul Senso W1030 Greiner Road XXXCPPUTDIJSPQSBDUJDDPN Kaukauna, WI 54130 759-0599 850-4390 Your Hosts, Gene & Shari Biese LARRY’S Trina’s Piggly Wiggly Barber & Design YOUR COMPLETE FOOD STORE 997-9700 3108 Green Bay Road Kaukauna, WI ,BVLBVOBt-JUUMF$IVUFt%F1FSF Trina Van Handel, Owner Adult Cuts $11 Kids & Senior Cuts $10 SL.edu 300 Dodge Street, Kaukauna, WI 5IBOLTGPS:PVS4VQQPSU Jean Kessler Find the Extraordinary in You Hours Mon. 7-7 Tues. 7-7 Wed. 7-7 Thur. 7-7 Fri. 7-5 Sat. 8-12 766-1900 20 Years Experience Camp K-9 TLC - Our Specialty Kaukauna WE SERVICE HOLDING & SEPTIC TANKS TO 7200 GALLONS FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1986 Trenchless Sewer Lines Sewer & Water */%6453*"-t$0..&3$*"-t3&4*%&/5*"-t MUNICIPAL Over 15 Years Of Experience www.scottlamers.com 920-759-9775 We Specialize in TREE Jobs that Other Companies Can’t Access! t$PNQMFUF5SFF4FSWJDF t3FTJEFOUJBM $PNNFSDJBM t&NFSHFODZ4UPSN4FSWJDF t5SFF5PQQJOH t5SJNNJOH3FNPWBM t4UVNQ(SJOEJOH Call Today for a Free Quote! 920.740.9790 www.jasonstreeservice.com '6--:-*$&/4&%"/%*/463&%t1"3*4).&.#&3 DAVE VAN GROLL 920-788-4991 317 E. 16TH ST., P.O. BOX 611, KAUKAUNA W4891 Hwy 10, Menasha, WI 54952 920.989.DOGS (3647) $PSOFSPG)XZr4PVUIPG,BVLBVOB &BTUPG%BSCPZ Hardware $BSTUFOT"DF)BSEXBSF OE-PDBUJPO Camp K-9 Too i5PUBM)BSEXBSF4VQQMJFSu TLC - Our Specialty 400 E. Ann St., Kaukauna, WI 54130 PHONE: (920) 766-7773 8JMTPO4U-JUUMF$IVUF8* 920.788.1576 r4UBUF(FOFSBM Commodity Authority Support Your Church r'PPU Dry Vans VAN GROLL TRUCKING, INC. Place A Business Or Personal Ad In The Parish Bulletin. FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING NEEDS 3JDI5PN'SBOL7BO(SPMM Liturgical Publications (920) 788-6242 /7BOEFO#SPFL3E ,BVLBVOB8* 8-BV3E,BVLBVOB Rich Clark 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2571 Serving the Fox Cities For Over 32 Years Quality Service - Residential - Commercial Conventional & Spray Painting - Staining - Wallpapering Ask To See Our Hundreds Of Unsolicited References www.kofc.org Mike Tennessen - Owner/Lifelong Kaukauna Resident 1312 Lawe St. Kaukauna 920-766-3917 Heart of the Valley’s 5-Star Dealer 500-%*&t+*('*9563& $/$(3*/%*/(t%&4*(/#6*-% $/$ .&5"-45".1*/(t$/$."$)*/*/( .&5" 4*/,&38*3&&%.t8"5&3+&5$655*/( 4*/,&3 In Shop Machine Tool Rebuilding FOX VALLEY TOOL & DIE, INC. Laser Alignment Capabilities 1I rXXXGWUEDPN Toll Free: 1-888-585-FVTD(3883) Planing, Milling & Grinding Up to 20’ We service all makes & models! 2929 Lawe St., Kaukauna, WI 920-766-6500 P.O. Box 380 Kaukauna, WI 54130-0380 www.BergstromKaukauna.com KAUKAUNA VETERINARY VE CLINIC, LLP KING’S Variety Stores Va r#BMMPPOTGPSBMM0DDBTJPOT r5PZTr$BOEZr1BSUZ4VQQMJFT r(SFFUJOH$BSETaUP DR. RONALD G. BIESE DR. KURT M. ROSSEBO DR. PATRICK L. LARITSON DR. DAVID J. GAGNON -JUUMF$IVUFr&.BJO4U 625 Hyland Ave., Kaukauna, WI 54130 (920) 766-3380 Fax (920) 766-0730 Robert Beaster President/CEO WK 920-759-1500 Fax 920-759-4736 Cell 920-843-1221 N2307 W. Frontage Rd. Kaukauna, WI 54130 ©2013 FOR AD INFO CALLRich Clark 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM BOETTCHER FAMILY Serving you since 1923! Come to us for all your residential, commercial, and rental needs! From grass seed and fertilizer, to hand tools, wall block and pavers. Everything from mowing your lawn to planting your fields! N1957 Frontage Road, Kaukana WI 920.766.1861 1.877.939.3773 www.weyersequip.com HOLY CROSS KAUKAUNA,WI FUNERAL HOME 766-2099 Kent Boettcher Director/Owner “2nd generation of family dedication” A 4C 01-0720 09-16-2013 08:31:48
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