November 15, 2015 - Our Lady of Walsingham


November 15, 2015 - Our Lady of Walsingham
Our Lady of Walsingham
catholic church
The Principal Church of the Personal Ordinariate of
The Chair of Saint Peter
Under the Protection of Our Lady of Walsingham
Monsignor Jeffrey Steenson – Ordinary
Father Charles Hough IV – Rector
Monsignor Laurence Gipson, Father Charles Hough III, Father Peter Davids – Priests—in--Residence
Deacon James Barnett, Deacon Mark Baker, Deacon Mark Stockstill -- Pastoral Assistants
+ The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity + 15 November AD 2015 +
Our Lady of Walsingham
7809 Shadyvilla Lane + Houston Texas 77055
713-683-9407 + Fax: 713-683-1518 +
Parish Secretary: Catherine Heath
Business Manager: Deacon Mark Stockstill
Property Manager: Deacon James Barnett
Liturgical Secretary: Carolyn Barnett
Events Liaison/Wedding Coordinator: Nancy MacArthur
Organist/Choirmaster: Edmund Murray
CCD [Sunday School] Director: Catalina Brand
RCIA Director: Deacon Mark Baker
Youth Directors: Joshua & Elizabeth Korf
Family Life Ministries Director: Mary Halbleib
Call the Parish Office if you wish to. . .
+ become a Registered Member of Our Lady of Walsingham + schedule a Wedding or a Baptism
+ explore the possibility of becoming Roman Catholic
+ talk about the Annulment process
+ schedule a confession by appointment
November 2015 Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
General: That we may be open to personal encounter and dialogue with all,
even those whose convictions differ from our own.
Mission: That pastors of the Church, with profound love for their flocks, may accompany them and enliven their hope.
Welcome to Our Visitors
Thank you for sharing in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with us today. Please fill out a visitor’s card (found in the pew
racks) and return it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit. And please introduce yourself after
If you are a Catholic, we at Our Lady of Walsingham receive Holy Communion kneeling and by intinction (both species
on the tongue).
If you are not a Catholic, during Communion we invite you either to come forward with your arms crossed over your
chest, or fingers across your lips, and receive a blessing from the Priest or Deacon, or remain in your pew and reflect
on the presence of Christ.
Sunday, November 22
St. Jude Hall, following the 11:15 Solemn High Mass
Three Ship Pub in the Pavilion
The Parish will provide the meat dishes
and we suggest that parishioners whose last names begin with:
A-E - bring a salad
F-L - bring a side dish
M-Z - bring a dessert
but feel free to bring anything you wish!
You may bring your item (preferably in disposable containers) to the designated tables
in St. Jude Hall before the 11:15 Mass.
Trinity XXIII
Weekly Budget $ 15200
Regular Offering $ 19340
$ 4140
Black Bag $ 1998
Attendance: 736
Vigil 187 Sung 149
Said 132 High 216
Said Evening 52
“And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the
clouds with great power and glory.” ~ Mark 13:26
We will all have that day when we are standing
before God and our life is played out like a movie. When this happens and God asks each of us,
“What have you done with the gifts that I have
given you?” How will you respond?
Liturgy Schedule This Weekend
Subject to change
Rosary/Vigil Lector
Charlene Love
8:00 Lector
Arnaud Pichon / Elizabeth MacArthur
9:30 Lectors
Kerry MacArthur / Patricia Bacot
11:15 Lectors
Preston Schultz / Tomas Diaz
6:00 Lector
Ginger Palumbo
Altar Servers
Vigil Mass
Lee Bohannon – Clerk
Woody Jones
Lou Curcio
Jerry Hatten
8:00 Sung Mass
GW Straker – Clerk
Nicolas Cano
John Patrick Pixton
William Mars
9:30 Said Mass
David Bloodworth – Clerk
Luke Westerman – Crucifer
Jack Westerman – Torchbearer
Matthew Westerman – Torchbearer
11:15 Solemn High Mass
Greg Orcutt – Clerk
Clint Brand – MC
Omar Shurbaji — Thurifer
John Abraham – Crucifer
Daniel Abraham – Torchbearer
Christopher Martens – Torchbearer
Francis Martens — Boatboy
Jaden Nellis — Server 1
Josiah Nellis — Server 2
6:00 Said Mass
Joshua Newberry
Altar Guild
Vigil Mass
Onyi Nwafor
8:00 Mass
Carolyn Barnett
9:30 Said Mass
Ruth Blanco / Ruth Mack
11:15 Solemn High Mass
Olivia Keyes
The Shrine Shoppe
now has many
Advent and Christmas
items available.
The Flowers at the High Altar are given to the
Glory of God
in Celebration of the Wedding of
William & Danielle Mai
In Our Parish This Week
Saturday, November 14
7:00 am
10:30 am - 11:30 am
12:00 noon
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Sunday, November 15
8:00 am
8:45 am - 9:10 am
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:30 am
9:45 am - 10:45 am
11:15 am
1:15 pm
6:00 pm
Monday, November 16
12:00 noon
7:00 pm
Tuesday, November 17
10:00 am
11:45 am
12:00 noon
12:45 pm
1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Wednesday, November 18
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
12:00 noon
7:00 pm
Thursday, November 19
9:45 am
10:00 am
12:00 noon
+Friday, November 20
12:00 noon
2:30 pm
Saturday, November 21
10:30 am - 11:30 am
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Sunday, November 22
8:00 am
8:45 am - 9:10 am
9:30 am
9:45 am - 10:45 am
11:15 am
1:15 pm
6:00 pm
Vigil of Sunday
Parish Prayer Day at Planned Parenthood
Saturday Prayer Hour in the Holy House
McCoy/Mai Wedding
Vigil Mass [Rosie Carrabba]
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Trinity [OT 33]
Sung Mass [Betty Bob Edling+]
KC Blood Drive - St. Jude Hall
Said Mass [Fred Wilson+]
CCD/Adult Forum - Newman Hall/Great Hall
Solemn High Mass
Baptism - Adelaide Quinn del Valle
Said Mass [Kathryn]
St. Margaret of Scotland; St. Gertrude
Holy Mass [Camille Factor]
Financial Peace University - Newman Hall
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Office Staff Meeting - DiNardo Parlor
Noonday Prayer
Holy Mass [John Denson, Deacon+]
Rosary - Holy House
Adoration - Holy House
Evening Prayer and Benediction - Holy House
Dedication of Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul
Holy House Classes - Newman Hall
Holy Mass [Catherine Coulter]
OLW Choir Rehearsal - St. Jude Hall
Bible Timeline Class - St. Jude Hall
Needlepoint Guild - Newman Hall
Holy Mass [Matthew Curtin]
St. Edmund
Holy Mass [Isabelle Fazio+]
Bulletin Folding - Office of Liturgy
Presentation of the BVM; Vigil of Sunday
Saturday Prayer Hour in the Holy House
Vigil Mass [Joanne Goulas]
The Solemnity of Christ the King
Sung Mass [Paula Fisher]
Said Mass [Rosalind Zimmerman+]
CCD/Adult Forum - Newman Hall/Great Hall
Solemn High Mass
Fall Holiday Potluck - St. Jude Hall
Said Mass [Matthew Curtin]
Save the Dates
Sunday, November 15, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, St. Jude Hall—KC Blood Drive
Saturday/Sunday, November 21-22—Fr. Peter Walters,
“Let the Children Live”
Sunday, November 22, St. Jude Hall/Pavilion—Annual Fall Potluck Dinner
Thursday, November 26—Thanksgiving Mass - 10:00 am
Tuesday, December 8, Masses at 12:00 noon & 7:00 pm—Solemnity of the
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sunday, December 13, 3:00 pm—Festival of Lesson & Carols
Saturday/Sunday, December 19/20, St. Jude Hall—Advent Cookie Market
Weekly Votive Lights
The Votive Lights of
The Martyrs
burn this week for all those ill,
Scott Sullivan
Patricia & David Bacot
Judy Davids
Margaret Wilson
Fr. Bruce Noble
Roy Wedgeworth
Faron Barnett
Addison Elliott
Howard Chapman
Bettie Jones
Gene Zimmerman
Elissa Cullever
Martha Jones
James O’Donnel
Mary Worth
Camille Factor
The Votive Light of
Our Lady
burns this week for
the repose of the soul of
Happy Birthday!
November 14 – Joshua Pham, Kaye Roewe, Ross Tieken
November 15 – Denise Bahr, Ana Newton, Sarah Smith
November 17 – Ana Congdon, Carter Christie, Matthew Downey,
Clifton Love
November 18 – Priscilla Carter, Catherine Coulter, Jacintha Francis,
Stanley Zimmerman
November 19 – Joanne Goulas, Gianna Mooney, Katie Phillips
November 20 – William O’Donnell, Dominika Ramos
Happy Anniversary!
November 17, 1973 – Frank & Rhonda Gracely
November 20, 2004 – Lee & Leslie Bohannon
Family Life Ministries
Resource for you!
Visit our webpage:
Join us!, share your talents, gifts and ideas. Help us welcome all to the parish.
Mary Halbleib, Director,, 713.447.7141
Volunteer - Parish Holiday Pot Luck! Meet others! RSVP if you can help
us on Sunday, November 22, 9:15 -11:15 a.m. or 1-4 p.m. Call 713.447.7141.
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Stand & Pray, This Saturday, Nov. 14, 7:00-3:00, I-45/Cullen Planned
Parenthood. Bring friends and family to quietly, peacefully pray which gives
hope & love to moms in crisis. Our Lady of Walsingham sponsors each 2nd Saturday
of the month. Call 713.447.5090. or join us any Saturday from 11-3.
"St. Nick's Gifts"
Anna Maria Murray
beloved mother of Edmund
The Votive Light of
St. Gabriel
burns this week for
the repose of the souls of
James Fisher
Mark Ferenz
The Votive Light of
St. Joseph
burns this week for
Dan Dale
Select a tag from the Narthex display benefiting children who need Christmas gifts in our
Reading Room, Kid's Hope, parish, Holy House and Maternal Assistance programs. Shop for a
gift, then attach the selected tag to the unwrapped gifts and place it in bins beneath
the narthex display by December 6, the Feast of St. Nicholas.
St. Nicholas secretly rode on horseback and tossed small bags of gold through the
window of a needy family three separate times, saving each child from a life of want.
Sponsored by Family Life Ministries in collaboration with our parish Holy House,
Youth Ministry, Kid's Hope and Reading Room ministries.
Thanks be to God for the healthy delivery of Baby Dario Léon Ramos on November 3!
Do You Pray Alone
At Home or at Mass?
The Votive Light of
St. Jude
burns this week for
Jose Alcantara
Join us for a weekly
Saturday Prayer Hour
with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturdays, 10:30 am to 11:30 am
Holy House Chapel
Rosary begins at 10:40 am followed by silent prayer.
Questions? Call Connie Westman, 832-623-0123
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesdays from 12:00 noon until Evening Prayer/
Benediction at 7:00 pm.
Adorers needed from 2:00 to 3:00 .
Come be still with the Lord.
November Sock Drive for Children of Treasure Forest
We’re collecting new, colorful pairs of socks.
The box is in the alcove of the narthex by the side door.
Knights of Columbus
Blood Drive
Sunday, November 15 in St. Jude Hall, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
The Holy House Program of Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Church
The Holy House Program meets on Wednesdays during the academic year with the primary goal of helping home schooling parents enrich their
children's education and faith formation.
The Advent Cookie Market "Christmas Around the World" - December 19-20 in St. Jude Hall
Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball - January 23, 2016
The priests, deacons, and parishioners of Our Lady of Walsingham
wish to express our deepest sympathy
to Edmund Murray and his family for the loss of his beloved mother
Anna Maria Murray
+ May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. +
+ And may light perpetual shine upon them. +
Will You Be Alone on Thanksgiving?
Our Lady of Walsingham is hosting the annual traditional Thanksgiving meal
for those parishioners who no longer cook or will be eating alone.
Dinner will be served at 12:00 noon in St. Jude Hall.
You must RSVP by Wednesday, November 18, in order to attend
so that we may adequately prepare the meal for the correct number of persons.
Please call the parish office at 713-683-9407 and leave your name and phone number.
The Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be at 10:00 am rather than at 12:00 noon.
The Study of the Book of Revelation: “Revelation - The Kingdom Yet to Come”
Come learn how the Book of Revelation demonstrates how the kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the kingdom of heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. Learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation represent, as well as
what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history.
This eleven week study begins Thursday, January 28 and meets every Thursday thereafter from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in St. Jude Hall. Visit the display table in the narthex and sign up for this exciting course!
The Adult Forum
Faith Seeking Understanding: Adult Catechesis
~ Fides quaerens intellectum ~
Great Hall of the Chancery - Sundays 9:45 am - 10:45 am
November 15
Dr. Michael Boler
The Language of the New Testament
November 22
*Dr. Clint Brand
Bl. John Newman - Part 2
[November 29
On Break
Thanksgiving Weekend]
December 6
Fr. Hough IV, Dr. Brand, Mr. Murray
Divine Worship: The Missal
December 13
Dr. Robert Maberry
Lecture Series: The Roman Empire - Part 3
* Sir Dr. Clinton A. Brand KSG is English Department Chair at the University of St. Thomas, teaching courses on Shakespeare, Milton, 17th
Century poetry, and the classical literary tradition. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from Vanderbilt University, was a Richard M.
Weaver Graduate Fellow, and received his B.A. from the University of Dallas. He most recently served on the Interdicasterial Anglicanae
Traditiones Commission whose task was to identify Anglican liturgical and spiritual patrimony, and to incorporate it into Catholic worship for
the Ordinariates, earning him the rare and highly esteemed honor of being named Knight of Saint Gregory of the Pontifical Equestrian Order
of St. Gregory the Great.
Fr. Peter Walters - “Let the Children Live!”
We are looking forward next Sunday to welcoming Fr. Peter Walters to all the Masses for the Solemnity of Christ the King. He will give an update on his work with
"LET THE CHILDREN LIVE!” in Medellin, Colombia, as well as his work at his Day Center Casa Walsingham, and the charity's choir, "Cor Videns: The Seeing Heart
Choir”. The choir's eldest tenor, Sebastián Palacio, who will accompany Fr. Peter to Houston and will sing with our Walsingham Choir at the 9:30 and 11:15 am
Masses, recently spent 6 months in the UK at the invitation of the Dean and Choir of Worcester Cathedral, and is currently studying music at the University in
Medellín to become a Music Director.
especially, Jose Alcantara, Scott Sullivan, Matthew Curtin, Edmund Murray, Sonia Kliebert, Don Carroll, Joanne Goulas, Martha,
Monica Bloodworth, Murray Goulas, Patricia, David, Camille Factor, Tom Sanford, Rose Graham, Linda Idelmann, Jane Ellen Cope,
Abraham Rios, Judy Davids, Fr. Jack Barker, Bob, Florence, Margaret Wilson, Kathryn L., Pete Horr, Joe Maggio, Betty Maggio,
Dan Dale, Ana Congdon, Elissa Cullever, Henry Wilkins, Peb, Mary Worth, Cheryl Swensen, Fr. Bruce, William Carter, Judy D’Angelo, Doris Cannaday, Curtis, Bettie Jones, Clifton, Gene Zimmerman, Father Venuti, Howard Chapman, Addison, Faron, Tristan,
Roy Wedgeworth, Marge Tennyson, and those on the Prayer List in the Martyrs Chapel.
especially, Anna Maria Murray, Isabelle Fazio, Roz Zimmerman, Betty Bob Edling, Ervin Schultz, Mark Maberry, Kay Davis,
Annie Polacek, and those on the Prayer List in the Martyrs Chapel.

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