24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost November 25th, 2012


24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost November 25th, 2012
St. Andrew the Apostle
24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost
November 25th, 2012
Fr. Angelo Van der Putten, FSSP pastor
St. Augustine
Rectory (918) 747 5776 Cell (918) 805 1980
Church, 1720 East Apache Street. Tulsa, Oklahoma
Sunday and Daily Masses: See Below
Confession: Sunday 1/2 hour before Mass
- Sunday 11/25 High Mass 8:30 am - 24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost (Pro Populo) Low Mass at 1:00 pm (Jamils)
- Monday 11/26 - 8 am at Rectory - St.Sylvester ( Jamils)
- Tuesday 11/27 8 am at the Rectory- Feria (Jamils)
- Wednesday 11/28 11:30 am at Catholic Charities - Feria (Jamils)
- Thursday 11/29 8 am at Rectory - Feria (Jamils)
Friday 11/30- 6 pm at the Church - Holy Hour, 7 pm Mass St.Andrew the Apostle (Jamils)
Saturday 12/1 - 8 am at the Church - Saturday of Our Lady (Janell Cornelius)
Sunday 12/2 High Mass at 8:30 am - 1st Sunday of Advent (Pro Populo) Low Mass at 1:00 pm - (Janell Cornelius)
ChoirMaster Lance Davis: Choir practice on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
NEW PARISH WEBSITE: WebMaster David Homoney presents: http://www.parishofstpeter.com/.
November 25th, 2012
St. Maria Goretti Guild & St. John Bosco / altar boys; meets , Saturday after Mass, Call
(918) 227-1284. It is expected that all members attend the 8 am Mass and devotions.
St. Joseph Men’s Group; meets December 13th information Patrick Phibbs (918) 493 9466 Details to
follow and on the web.
Michael Voris: “The Great Schism” will meet at Michelle Baxter’s Home December 3rd at 7 pm,
for additional information contact (918) 227 1284.
There will not be coffee and donuts at CCD this Sunday due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Saint Francis Xavier Mission Trip 2013 A trip is planned to Plura, Peru August 2-14, 2013. The
trip is under the direction of seminarians from Our Lady of Quadalupe Seminary and the chaplaincy of
Fr. Rhone Lillard, F.S.S.P. Young men and women ages 16-21 can apply by visiting www.sfxmission.com.
The registration deadline is January 21st. 402 882 0029
Plans are being made for Parish Christmas Party, December 16th right after the Mass. Watch
as they develop.
this space or go online for details
Recommended Advent Reading: The Meditations and Readings for Every Day of the Year by St.
Alphonsus are an excellent inspiration to grow in holiness during this season of Advent. Please consider
renewing your commitment to mental prayer as a fitting preparation for Christmas.
Alphonsus’writings are a great means to assist in this humble work of growing in the knowledge and love
of Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.
Parish of St. Peter Altar Server Schedule
Master of Ceremonies
Jordan Baxter
Tyler Baxter
Tyler Baxter
Jordan Baxter
Acolyte 1
Brandon Baxter
Brandon Baxter
Acolyte 2
Kyle DePrisco
Kyle DePrisco
Cross Bearer
Benedict Trudeau
Benedict Trudeau
Torch Bearer 1
Brendan Phibbs
Lance DePrisco
Torch Bearer 2
Matthew Webster
Brendan Phibbs
Torch Bearer 3
Anthony Martin
Torch Bearer 4
Lance DePrisco
24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost
From The Desk of Fr. Van der Putten
Suggested Reading: “30 Days For The Holy Souls” Stories About Purgatory And What
They Reveal, Compiled from Traditional Sources by An Ursuline Nun of Sligo, Ireland.
Second Day - - A Day of Supplication for All the Faithful Departed
The month of November, with its devotion to the Holy Souls, comes again to remind us
of an essential obligation of charity, binding upon all who care to claim their part in
the Communion of Saints-the elect of God. If hitherto we have thought too little of
those” who have gone before us with the sign of faith,” if we have been like the rest of
men wrapped up in the thought of self, immersed in the trifles of today, forgetful of
those whose lives were once closely linked with ours, and should be still, now in the
month of the Holy Souls we may “rise to better things,” to truer thoughts of life, to a
deeper sense of the value of time, to a fuller understanding of the will of God.
It should be enough for us to know that those who have a claim upon our love are
stretching out their hands to us for help, and crying: “have pity on me!” Yet to remember
the dead with anything beyond a transient thought is the exception, and to leave them
in God’s hands to pay their debt, after making a few feeble efforts to help them in the
first days of our bereavement, is the rule. Such conduct is almost as usual as it is
unreasonable. Those who thus forget parents and brethren and friends may fear that
they will be in their turn forgotten, for God keeps His mercy for the merciful.
Those who once were dearly loved-our playmates in childhood, our chosen companions
in later life, who sat at the same table, who knelt at the same shrine, who shared our
joys and sorrows, and, it may be, now and again spoke to us of death and eternity, with
wondering words about that other world-are they remembered not? Do we pray for
them or to them? Or are they in good truth, if we must be honest with ourselves, really
nothing more to us now than faces that look upon us in a dream? Is their connection
with us a reality of our present life, or are they merely creatures of the past,
belonging to a state of things which has vanished from our hearts and minds?
24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost
November 25th, 2012
November 4th, 2012 $1746.69
November 11th, 2012 $1231.00
November 18th, 2012 $1286.01
“Amongst the Helpers of the Holy Souls,” Lady Georgiana Fullerton’s writes, “several
have made great sacrifices to God in order to obtain mercy for souls long ago called away
from this world, We can all imitate their example ‘Oh, if it were not too late!’ is the cry of
many a heart tortured by anxiety regarding the fate of some loved one who died
apparently out of the Church, or not in the state of grace. We answer: It is never too late.
Pray, work, suffer. The Lord foresaw your efforts. The Lord knew what was to come, and
may have given to that soul at its last hour some extraordinary graces which snatched it
from destruction and placed it in safety, where your love may still reach it, your prayers
relieve, your sacrifices avail”.
The Eight Beatitudes
2.“Blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the earth.”
a. The meek are those who bear patiently all the contradictions of life, looking upon them
as happening through God’s Will or by His permission.
The meek shall have peace of heart and peace of life, loved and respected by all,
and at death will “possess the earth” of the living, heaven.
b. Those are also meek who, though of a naturally fiery disposition, master their anger,
impatience, or desires for revenge.
The meek man does not get angry or curse or seek revenge. He forgives his enemies,
and even wins them by gentle words. He imitates Christ, Who said: “Learn from
me, for I am meek and humble of heart” (Matt. 11:29)
3. “Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Here is the reference to
spiritual sorrow, grief for sin, one’s own sins or the sins of others. It includes a
longing amidst the sorrows of life for the joys and peace of heaven.
4. “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.” This
refers to those who ardently desire the things of God, truth and perfect virtue, as
well as to those who try to become better, more humble and pure, more closely
united with God.
(continued next week)
24th and Last Sunday after Pentecost
November 25th, 2012
The Holy Souls in Purgatory are unutterable dear to God, because of all the graces and
merits they have won and can never lose, and because of the keen sufferings which thy are
bearing with such heavenly patience in their love of Him, and their desire to be more
worthy of Him. The Virgin Mother watches with a mother’s holy anxiety, longing for the
moment when all shall be paid, and these her dear children received into their longexpected happiness. St. Joseph, is the particular patron of these patient holy ones.