JULY 2016 - St. James Catholic Church


JULY 2016 - St. James Catholic Church
his Sunday’s readings offer some
powerful reflections of the importance of prayer. We hear from many that
prayer is always answered. Perhaps most of
us can look at our lives and if we were honest we must admit that the
things we have sincerely gone to the Lord for He has answered us.
The challenge is to realize that our prayer is sometimes answered
without us knowing it. Indeed the Lord can answer our prayer by not
responding immediately to our wish list. Sometimes we ask for things
that are not in our best interest.
As we look around us today and see how vulnerable human life is,
how any given day the lives of many of God’s children can be
changed forever by senseless, violence and murder, and we pray
“thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.” We
worship a God who allows evil in the world, but is always looking for us
to avoid it. So each day we stand before a loving God who knows
our needs even before we voice them. Jesus says, “Ask and you will
receive,” but what is it that we will receive? It may not always be
what we ask for. We may not always find the answer to every problem in our lives, but still we could continue to seek and to ask. The fact
that we have put it in the hands of the Lord is enough, because He
always does the best for us. There is so much to pray for, but the
beautiful thing about it is that the Lord hears it all. If we do this God
will see us through.
Father David Taylor, Pastor
ww w. s tj a me s wi lk i n sb ur g.o r g
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5:30 pm
Sunday -10:00 am
Mon., Wed., Fri. -12:00 Noon
Tues. & Thurs. Communion Service
Reconciliation prior to
Noon Mass
Please notify parish office.
Diocese of Pgh. Abuse Hotline
Fr. David Taylor
Parish Office:
E-mail: stjameswilk@aol.com
Facebook: Saint James Catholic
Church Wilkinsburg PA
Social Minister: 412.241.1309
STBCA 412.242.3515
JULY 24, 2016
Faith in Action
SATURDAY - Vigil: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
3:00 P.M. Wedding (Anthony Ippolito & Joanna Ellis)
5:30 P.M. Living and Deceased Members of the Parish
10:00 A.M. Fr. Warren Metzler (Parish Pastoral Council)
MONDAY - St. James
12:00 P.M. Living and Deceased of the Parish
TUESDAY - Sts. Joachim and Anne
12:00 P.M. Communion Service
12:00 P.M. Genevieve Rose Drobiezewski (Patty & Tom Mazon)
(The Message Bible - James 2:14-17)
Annual Cook Out Celebration
Sunday, July 24 - Courtyard at 11:00 pm
THURSDAY - Weekday
12:00 P.M. Communion Service
FRIDAY - St. Martha
12:00 P.M. Walter Schmitz (Maureen)
SATURDAY - Vigil: Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30 P.M. Anniversary Al Edgar (Wife & Family)
10:00 A.M. Charles Kovalan (Family)
Scripture Readings
Dear friends, do you think
you'll get anywhere in this if
you learn all the right words
but never do anything? Does
merely talking about faith
indicate that a person really
has it? For instance, you come
upon an old friend dressed in
rags and half-starved and say,
"Good morning, friend! Be
clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk
off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup—
where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that God-talk
without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Reading I Genesis 18:20-32
Reading II Colossians 2:12-14
Luke 11:1-13
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Reading I Eccesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23
Reading II Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11
Luke 12:13-21
Mission Cooperation Speaker
Next weekend, July
30 - 31, we will host our Mission Cooperation Speaker, Father
Emmanuel Fale. He will celebrate our Masses and
share some information about his home mission of
the Sisters of St. Therese of the Child of Jesus of
Buea. For those of you receiving collection
envelopes, it is the grey envelope in your packet
this month. Individuals using Faith Direct may
select the Missionary Cooperation for donations.
Blood Pressure & Letter Writing
All are
welcome in the chapel for these activities next weekend. Thank
you to our Health Ministry Team and Social Justice and Peace
Committee for these services. The Social Justice and Peace
Committee has prepared letters to public health officials
regarding policies about gun violence and its impact on the health
within our communities. Please plan to join in this important
monthly parish activity.
Mary’s Child Program
July 23 - 24
5:30 pm
10:00 am
Mary M.
Chris F.
Eucharistic Ministers
Les B.
Bobbie B.
Evelyn C.
Mary C.
Patricia A.
Stuart C.
Sean C.
Mike M.
Altar Servers
Maura & Mairead Clara & Caroline
Children’s Liturgy
Tamara S.
is looking for gently used or
new clothing for boys & girls sizes 3T-8. Socks and underwear are
in high demand. Items may be placed at the break in the pews, the
back of chapel or dropped off at the Ministry Center. Please call
412.241.1309 to set up a time.
Senior Distribution
Volunteers are
needed on the last Friday of each month to help
our Social Services Ministry. The Senior Food
and Paper Product Distribution offers those
much needed basics for every day living that can
take a lot out of a small income. Please come to the Ministry
Center on Friday, July 29 , at 9 am. Thank you!
July 24 - 30, 2016
Wedding Banns
Christopher Jepson & Bernadeta Dyah Praptiwi
Special Liturgy and Cook Out
“Queen of Peace” Prayer Group
Chapel 7 pm
Attention Business Owners, Professionals and Self Employed
Sue Novosel from LPI our Bulletin Company will visit our Church to place
new ads on our ADVERTISEMENT PAGE. This is your opportunity to place
a Business, Memory ad or an ad to support your favorite organization on the
Bulletin! We would like to thank all of our advertisers for renewing their ads
and thereby continuing their support of this Church Bulletin. Please contact
these businesses first when looking for their service or we appreciate you
referring them to a friend or neighbor! To obtain information about
advertising please call Sue Novosel at 724-831-0975, snovosel@4lpi.com.
On Mission For the Church Alive!
We need effective ways
to bring people back to the church. It’s especially important to connect with
our young people and care for the aging. On Mission for The Church Alive!,
our diocesan-wide planning initiative, will propose new models for ministry
in parishes and other faith communities. A total of 21 criteria will help guide
this work. Learn more at www.OnMissionChurchAlive.org/About. Follow
On Mission for The Church Alive on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at
Rachel’s Vineyard
A weekend retreat for post-abortion healing will
be held on September 16-18, at the Spiritan Center in Bethel Park. To register
or for more information, call Toni Jester at 412-352-5348 or email:
Holy Land Pilgrimage Fr. Terry O’Connor, Pastor of St. Therese
of Lisieux Parish, Munhall, is leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from
February 7-16, 2017. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus is a life changing
experience! The cost of the trip is $3,749 per person in double occupancy. If
interested please contact Jeanne Bair, from Foundations of Faith, for a full
itinerary at 412-462-0546 or jbairtours@gmail.com. There will be an
informational meeting about the pilgrimage at St. Therese on Thursday, July
28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Club Room (beneath the church).
Come and See
The Passionist Nuns invite you to "Come and See." on
July 29 - 31. If you are considering the call to religious life and are interested
in learning more about contemplative life, please join us for a weekend
experience of monastic life at Our Lady of Sorrows Monastery, 2715
Churchview Ave., Pittsburgh. There will be opportunities to talk with the
sisters, share experiences, and ask questions. For more information, contact
Sr. Mary Grace, CP, passionistnuns@gmail.com; 412.881.1155.
Concert on the Lawn
St. John Fisher Church in Churchill is
hosting the woodwind ensemble of Bel Sunono, instrumentalists and vocals
of favorite music on Friday, August 5, 7 - 8:30 pm. Bring your chair and
enjoy the summer evening.
Please pick up a copy of the July-August issue of The NewPeople as you
leave church today. To see a list of peace and justice activities in the
coming week, go to www.thomasmertoncenter.org.
Worship & Executive Meeting
Chapel 7 pm
Wilkinsburg Vigil & the Environment
Chapel 7-9 pm
Senior Distribution
Ministry Ctr. 9 am
Blood Pressure/Letter Writing
July 17
Unfortunately we are unable to report offertory
this week and will report in the next bulletin.
Golf Outing
On Friday, August 5, the Capuchin
Franciscan Friars are hosting their annual Capuchin
Golf Outing at Forest Country Club in Freeport. This
event benefits the Father Bill Wiethorn Memorial
Scholarship Fund. This fund will sponsor a Capuchin
Seminarian for one year of education and training. For
more information call 412.682.1300 or email Nicole at
A Family Perspective
(by Bud Ozar)
Today’s gospel guarantees if we “ask” we will
“receive,” perhaps not what we wanted but what
our Heavenly Father knows is best for us, His
children. All the love we have for our children,
God has for us and more. As our children trust us,
we must trust “Our Father.”
Marriage Moments
(by Susan Vogt) Do
you ever bargain with your beloved? “If you watch the
kids, I'll be able to do this repair project.” OR “If only
you could give me 5 more minutes, 1 hour, 1 day to
finish this, we could spend some quality time together.”
It’s not bad to negotiate, but keep your end of the
bargain. (Gn. 18:20-32)
The Summer Food Program
Now available for young people 18 and under. To find
a site near you call 2-1-1 or text FOOD to 877-877.