St. Anthony Parish - St. Anthony of Padua


St. Anthony Parish - St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony Parish
November 16, 2014 • Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5:45 PM (Mass of Anticipation)
Sunday - 10:00 AM
First Friday Mass - 5:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 4:30-5:30
Sunday 9:15-9:45
In order to wisely discern a minimum of six
months is required. Contact the Parish
Arrangements are to be made with the
Administrator. Parents must be active,
registered and practicing Members of St.
Anthony Parish.
Office Hours
Wednesdays 4:00-6:30 PM
Parish Membership
All adults from high school age up are expected to be registered Members with the
Parish including candidates for Baptism and
Parish Pastoral Council
James Scuglik, Moderator
Joyce Infusino, Secretary
Mary Andrews, Anne Curry, Karry Hill,
Amy Horton, Dennis Nelson, Susan Sheard
Members Ex-Officio
Lawrence Dolnik, David Curry
Fr. Todd Belardi
Please email bulletin submissions to or call during
office hours listed above.
Dear Friends
“I will never ask you to do anything that is impossible. It might not be easy. But it will never be impossible. If you stick with it,
never quit, you will succeed.” I heard these words recently in a documentary. They really made me think. If I give all of my effort
to what I am doing, do it as best I can, pursue perfection, I will succeed. True enough. Hard work pays off in life, no doubt.
But there are things that are impossible to do in life. Look at the lives of the saints. St Peter was crucified upside down. St Lawrence was roasted alive. St Joseph Cupertino lived for five years without food apart from the Eucharist. Saint Padre Pio had the
gift of bilocation. These are impossible actions!
The lives of the saints show us that taking ordinary talents and living them in an extraordinary way for God’s glory can bring
about miracles.
This week’s Gospel speaks to us of taking our talents and multiplying them. If you look at each saint, they are ordinary people just
like all of us. The difference is that they chose to stick with living a life dedicated to being virtuous and imitating Jesus. They never quit in pursuing perfection, even if they stumbled and failed. And they succeeded in becoming great people through God’s
grace and mercy. They dedicated their lives to living for spiritual values and the results were astounding not only for themselves
but for many souls around them. The one who doubles their talents is the one who lives for spiritual values. The one who buries
his talent is the one who lives for the world and selfish desires.
What does it take then? Dedication. One week I will work on temperance – I will moderate what I eat and drink. Next week I will
work on fortitude – I will commit to praying for 15 minutes a day. Another week I will work on love – I will say only kind words
to people. Another week I will work on humility – I will look to serve others and not think about myself. The list is endless. If we
pray daily the Holy Spirit will enlighten us what to do. The ordinary tasks of living like Christ that are not impossible, will allow us
to do things that are extraordinary. Our lives will change for the better. And so will the lives of others around us who see the
good actions in us.
St Paul says, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phillipians 4:13).
May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly this week with His Grace.
Fr. Todd
The Schedule of Services for This Week
SATURDAY 15 November - Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time—Mass of Anticipation
5:45pm - Frank & Marie Malkusiak (Wenta Family)
SUNDAY 16 November - Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
10:00am - Maria and John Kennedy
THURSDAY 20 November - Weekday
7:00 am Adam Wielgat (The Family)
THURSDAY 20 November - Eucharistic Adoration
5:00 - 6:00pm
SATURDAY 22 November - Thirty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time-Mass of Anticipation
5:45pm - Paul Scuglik (Dorian & Jean Slagoski)
SUNDAY 23 November - Thirty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
10:00am - St. Anthony Class of 1961 (Alexis Land)
Saturday November 22 5:45pm
Ray Rupp
Eucharistic Minister
Mary Andrews
Altar Servers
Emily Kelley, Gabrielle Kelley
Sunday November 23 10:00am
Eucharistic Minister
Altar Servers
Susan Sheard
Brian Hogan
Matthew Knapp, Caitlyn Glusic
Annie Sheard
Readings for the week of November 16
Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt
25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21
Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43
Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28
Thursday: Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44
Friday: Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48
Saturday: Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40
Next Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt
©Liturgical Publications Inc
Contact Information
Fr. Todd Belardi - Administrator
For Regular Parish Business
call the Rectory and leave a message at 6521844 or email us at
Normal Office hours:
Wednesdays 4:00-6:30 p.m.
To speak with Fr. Todd please call the rectory
and leave a message.
If you have an urgent need please call Fr. Todd
at (404) 545-4988
Remember St. Anthony Parish when planning
your estate.
St. Anthony Choir is recruiting
new members! Do you love to
sing? We will be practicing on
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm in the meeting
room. Our ministry will be twice a
Liturgy. Please come and help us
praise the Lord in song!
First Friday Masses
Mass will be held at St.
Anthony at 5:00pm on the
first Friday of each month.
Please take time to look at the back page of
the bulletin and recognize the generous advertisers who made this bulletin possible.
Many of these businesses are owned by
parish members .Please patronize our
Attitude of Gratitude Please bring donations for FIRST STEP
Please complete the gratitude slips that are located in your pew.
Feel free to hang it on the Gratitude Board in the back of church.
First Step Donations needed this month:
Toiletries, plastic grocery bags, peanut butter, jelly, mac and cheese, soup,
granola bars, canned tuna, instant potatoes and rice, pasta, sauce and cereal.
They are especially in need of men’s hats, coats and gloves at this time.
Place these items in the bin in the back of church.
The items will be delivered to First Step after Sunday Mass each week.
Prayer for the Week
Loving Father, help me to realize that love is the most powerful force in the
world. Let me love you and my neighbor because of you.
The “GIVING TREE” for families at Women/Children’s Horizons
The “Giving Tree” will be set up in the Vestibule Nov. 22/23. Please take
ornaments from the tree. The bell, tree and stocking ornaments will
have items from the family’s “wish list”. The stars will contain food
items for the families. Cash donations are also accepted to purchase
perishable food items. Please bring your donations to church the
weekend of Dec. 13/14 before or after mass. There will be a box in the
vestibule if you want to bring your items before Dec 13/14. Please
return the ornaments with your donated gift(s). On December 14, after
10am mass, we will wrap the gifts. All are welcome to help.
St Anthony Rosary Society meeting will be held on Weds Nov 19, at 6:30pm in
the meeting room. We will be signing up for our Christmas Luncheon to be held at
noon on Dec 6 at Casa Capri. Menu will be Pork Chop ($12), Chicken Parmesan
($13), Lasagna ($11), Grilled Salmon ($13). Deadline for reservations is Dec 1.
We will be selling Christmas Oplatky starting Nov 15. $1.00 for 4 wafers
They help us grow.
Grief Share – Surviving the
Holidays Event
A one day FREE seminar is offered
to help adults dealing with grief
from the death of a loved one during the holidays. Join us for an
encouraging seminar that will help
you survive the holidays & discover new reasons to enjoy them
again. Facilitated by Grief Coach,
Charlie Hansen; sponsored by
Piasecki-Althaus Funeral Home &
Cremation Services; held
on Sunday, November 23rd from
4:00 pm until 6:30 pm at200252nd Street, Kenosha, WI 53140.
Please call 262-658-4101 to
Please join us on Saturday for Adoration in the Church followed by reflection
and discussion of a short video on the topics listed below.
Time: 8:00---Adoration (in the Sanctuary)
9:00-10:30---Catholicism Study (in the Meeting Room)
December 13th
World Without End: The Last Things
All Are Welcome
Parish Mission Statement
We Proclaim this to be our mission:
 To nourish the spiritual life of each individual through the Sacraments and other
celebrations of Divine Worship
 To foster closer community relationships
 To be the resource for the Parish Community for instruction in the Catholic Faith
 To be responsible stewards
If you have a bulletin submission, please email it to or call Amy at 657-3889.
Information must be submitted by noon on Wednesday to be in the weekend bulletin