March 29 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
March 29 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
March 29, 2015 St. Anthony of Padua 101 E Virginia Ave Effingham IL 62401 217-347-7129 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Padre’s point of view . . .Rule #9 Pray and follow your heart! This rule has been handed to us through the ages by Christian Authors for two thousand years. I have included it in my 21 rules because it is a piece of advice I have followed on many, many occasions. I have found that the key to the “Pray" part is to settle my heart by asking the Holy Spirit and then begin to listen. Also, I find it helpful to ask God a direct question without added conditions or wants. Some prayers are answered immediately. Others take time and some require the addition of fasting or even with the addition of a Novena to the patron saint of the subject of my prayer. When I get the answer, then and only then can I follow. At times, actually often, the answer is not easy but it is always better. Fr. Chris will be in the St. Anthony Church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He will be in the Sacred Heart Church office on Wednesdays and Fridays. This week in RCIA...we spent the evening learning about the Seven Deadly Sins and the virtues that oppose them. Here they are: Sin: Pride, antidote is humility; Sin: Avarice (greed), antidotes are detachment and generosity; Sin: Envy (also called jealousy), antidote is charity; Sin: Anger, antidote is meekness; Sin: Lust, antidote is purity or chastity; Sin: Gluttony, antidote is temperance; Sin: Acedia (also called sloth), antidote is zeal for the good and perseverance. We also studied the Cardinal virtues and the Theological virtues. Can you name them? As RCIA prepares for Holy Week with a retreat centered on the Triduum, we asked for your prayerful support. The Easter Vigil is the high point of the RCIA journey as the catechumens and candidates now have an understanding of the Catholic faith and are prepared to receive or complete the Sacraments of Initiation. We ask for your presence as well at the Easter Vigil to pray with these men, women, and children in this defining moment of their Sacramental Journey. Please join us! For the adults who have journeyed since September, we present their names and photographs in this bulletin. Please make them feel welcomed in the parish. Deacon Joe Tara Berendjy Jon Budde Kari Kabbes Nicholas Holland Max Konrad unavailable for picture Please pray for Restoration of Religious Liberty, those who are ill, those in hospitals and nursing homes, those recovering from surgery, and all those serving our country. Also, Jessica Clayton, Doris Dasenbrock, Mary Harris, Jeaneane Jenne, Ted Keller, Jane McDevitt, Bill Mette, Floyd Pagel, Esther Poterucha, Michael Poterucha, Nicole Szymonik, Ron Shoffstall, Gruen VonBehrens. Holy Week Ministries With Holy Week approaching, members of our ministries (Lector, Eucharistic Ministers, and Ushers) are invited to offer their services at our services: Holy Thursday 7pm and Good Friday 1pm and Easter Vigil 8pm. If you are scheduled for this month's ministries (including servers), then you are scheduled for your regular time on Easter Sunday. Please contact Kim Deters at the parish office (347-7129 or if you are able to help during Holy Week. Thank you! Dear Parish family, On Tuesday, April 14th, please listen in to our local Catholic radio station on 91.3 FM for the Covenant Network Spring Radiothon. This will be the "Effingham area" hour and will give me the opportunity to highlight our two grade schools and St. Anthony High School. We will be on the air live from 10-11 AM with several student guests from all 3 schools. I will certainly give mention to you all throughout the day when I'm hosting the various hours! In your generosity, please consider not only tuning in, but calling in your support at 314-7527000 or 877-305-1234. Covenant Network is not-for-profit and runs entirely on the donations of its listeners. Please pray for its continued growth! We wouldn't have a station in Effingham to listen to if it wasn't for your generosity. You can also listen in online at or by downloading the Covenant Network app for iPhone or Android devices. Thanks for tuning in on Tuesday, April 14th! -Fr. Edgar St. Anthony High School Chapel Mass Thursday 7:00 a.m. (Except the 3rd Thursday of every month) (Subject to Change. Check with SAHS) Sacred Heart Mass Times Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Mass Times Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 Calendar of Events Mass Intentions Monday, March 30: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Doug Niebrugge family 8:30 a.m. Mass: Mary Louise Dietzen Tuesday, March 31: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Special Intention 8:30 a.m. Mass: Tom Scheidemantel Wednesday, April 1: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Charles Wiedman Anniversary 8:30 a.m. Mass: Leonard & Pauline Boos; Frank & Christine Kortte; Al & Martha Having; Joe & Clara Cornell; Rose Scarlavai; Francis Brumleve Thursday, April 2: 7:00 p.m. Mass: Andy & Alice Sur Friday, April 3: 1:00 p.m. Service Saturday, April 4: 8:00 p.m. Clarence & Marie Dust & Bill & Carrie Henning Sunday, April 5: 7:30 a.m. Mass: Alice Haarmann 9:15 a.m. Mass: Amelia Worman Anniversary 11:00 a.m. Mass: Parishioners of St. Anthony As a token of our appreciation, St. Anthony Church would like to treat our parish servers to an evening of bowling and fun on Thursday, April 9, 2015 starting at 6:00pm at Silver Dollar Lanes. The servers will be treated to bowling, shoe rental and a $3 voucher for snacks. Parents are invited and welcome to stay and visit! Make plans to attend the Taste of St. Anthony on April 25, 2015. Cooks needed! If you enjoy cooking and interested in sharing your special recipe please contact Mike Martelli at 217-240-0638 Tickets are $10 for 12 tickets in advance or $12 at the door. For tickets contact a student going on the mission trip or purchase in the Parish Office. Grief Support Meeting will be held at 7:00 pm, Tuesday, March 31 and every other Tuesday thereafter in the St Anthony Parish Center. Pro-Life Corner Every moment of life is precious, and every moment of life worth living. Assisted suicide sows confusion about the purpose of life and death. It suggests that a life can lose its purpose and that death has no meaning. Cutting life short is not the answer to death. Instead of hastening death, we encourage all to embrace the sometimes difficult but precious moments at the end of life, for it is often in these moments that we come to understand what is most important about life. Our final days help us to prepare for our eternal destiny. (An excerpt from the Pastoral Statement on Assisted Suicide by Archbishop Alexander Sample. To read the full text, go to Sun 3/29 10:00 am Scrip Store Open 10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5 Mon 3/30 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Scrip Store Open Tues 3/31 7:00 pm - Grief Support Meeting Wed 4/1 9:00am - 2:00 pm Scrip Store Open Thurs 4/2 Noon - Bible Study with Fr. Chris 7:00 pm - Holy Thursday Mass Fri 4/3 1:00 pm - Good Friday Service Sat 4/4 8:00 am - 10:00 am Scrip Store Open Donations are being accepted for Easter decorations for our church. Donations can be placed in the collection basket or mailed to St. Anthony Church Please join us for the ordination of Mr. Braden Maher to the Order of Deacon on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 524 E Lawrence, Springfield, IL. On Sunday, April 26 Deacon Maher will preach at the 9:15 and 11:00 Masses at St. Anthony Church. CRS Rice Bowl Reflection: Hungering for Seeds of Home We follow Jesus this week on our Lenten journey as he enters into Jerusalem, a community he knew well. CRS Rice Bowl asks us, too, to prayerfully enter into our own communities, to find those who are hungry and thirsty, who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we encounter in our daily lives? The St. Anthony Treasure Sale is Friday, April 10 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday, April 11 from 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. The Bag Sale starts on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Drop off times are Wednesday, April 8 from 3 to 7 p.m. and on Thursday, April 9 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is our 3rd year for this sale, and each year it has grown (thanks to your help). As a result, more volunteers are needed, and greatly appreciated. If you can help a half day, all day, both days, or a couple of hours, please call Alice Conlin (217-343-8372), or Pat Brumleve (217-821-7129). Previous sales have benefited both the High School and the Grade School. Wedding Banns Melody Hartman & Tim Schuette II April 11, 2015 (II) Hannah Dust & Blake Schumacher April 18, 2015 (I) The Financial Corner as of March 23, 2015 Mar 21 & 22 Offertory Envelopes Loose Parish Improvement School Expense Donations Total Month To Date $17,574 $78,329 $593 $2,170 $46 $995 $1,422 $4,557 $19,635 $86,051 March Goal $143,675 Weekday Mass Servers Monday, March 30 6:30am High School 8:30am Sutherlan Litke & Luke Rudolphi Tuesday, March 31 6:30am High School 8:30am Grade School Wednesday, April 1 6:30am NEEDED 8:30am Katie Kabbes & Shae Kinkelaar Diocesan Collections Mar 21 & 22 Month To Date Sister Parish in Haiti $75 $1,229 Catholic Times $15 $75 Church in Eastern Europe $0 $75 Cemetery $0 $20 Catholic Charities $185 $5,120 Catholic Relief Services $155 $2,072 ACSA Goal 2015 $94,377 ACSA Pledges as of 3/9/2015 $45,138 Church Cleaning for April Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30. If you are unable to clean, please call a replacement. Omid/Claudie Ghalambor Clint/Laura Ghast Mike/Stacy Gibson Dave/Teri Gilbert Matt/Susan Gillenwater Joshua/Audra Gilmore Troy & Sarah Gilpin Andrew Goeckner Brock/Susan Goeckner Gary/Margaret Goeckner Joel/Jessica Goeckner Kent/Susan Goeckner Mark/Dawn Goeckner Liturgical Ministers for April 4 & April 5 Ministry Presider Lectors Saturday - 8:00pm Fr. Chris Brey Sunday - 7:30am Fr. Chris Brey Sunday - 9:15am Fr. Michal Rosa Sunday - 11:00am Fr. Michal Rosa TBA Marilyn Woodruf Rem Woodruff Michael Wall Kim Koester Rita Niccum Charles Horin TBA Don Wente Twilia Wente Barb Carie Lawrence Carie Roy Weber Kate Weber Art Willenborg Erin Swingler Mary Willenborg Anne Wilson Mary Jane Day Ann Deters Dennis Deters Jacob Emmerich Patti Jansen Tom Jansen Janice Kinkelaar Jean Kinkelaar Linda Hanner Shirley Richardson Cody Rincker TBA Jaccob Dust Darin Hutchison Bryson Wall Grant Nuxoll Jack Elder Ava Wegman Ellie Wegman Sydney Gibson TBA Curt Valenti Peggy Valenti Ron Kabbes David Lustig Steve Schallert Dave Schuette Eucharistic Ministers Servers Ushers Mission Statement - Philippians 3:14 Pressing on to the Goal of service to the Lord by stretching our intellect, confirming our values, and living our faith. PAGE 5 Calendar April 3 - No School - Good Friday April 6 - No School - Easter Monday April 9 - Eighth grade to LLC for Career Conference April 10, 11 - Treasure Sale April 11 - Hall of Fame Awards Dinner Congratulations to Regan Koester Eighth grader, Regan Koester, won the Effingham Fire Department Essay Contest. The topic of her essay was fire safety and alarms. As a winner, Regan was driven to school on the fire truck on Tuesday, March 17 and presented with a certificate from the fire company. April 14 - Catholic Radio Fundraiser April 17,18 - Student Council Convention April 19 - First Communion at 2:30 pm April 20 - Free day for Second Graders April 24 - 8th grade trip to St. Louis, 7th grade Wax Museum, 6th grade Street Bizarre April 25 - Jr. High Band to compete at Six Flags April 26 - Chorus Concert at SAHS in the MPR @ 2:00 pm Junior High Band On February 25, our junior high band students spent the day working with a guest conductor and other band students from: Sacred Heart, St. Michael, and St. Thomas. All of the students were then able to show off their hard work and gave a FANTASTIC concert that evening! Congratulations Scholar Bowl The Junior High Scholastic Bowl Team won the third annual South Central Conference tournament, hosted by Charleston Middle School. In round 1, St. Anthony defeated Effingham. In round 2, St. Anthony defeated Charleston; they had a bye in round 3. In round 4, St. Anthony defeated Teutopolis. In round 5, St. Anthony defeated Mattoon to go undefeated for the day! Congratulations to the sponsors, Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Cunningham and to the team - we are so proud of you! Help Us Reach Our Goal for 2015! Annual Catholic Services Appeal (ACSA) St. Anthony Parish goal: $94,377 As of 3/9/15, $43,718 has been paid ACSA Contribution for 2015 There are a number of ways you can help St. Anthony Name _________________________________________ Parish meet our financial goals for 2015! Contributing Address________________________________________ towards ACSA is one of them! ACSA is a yearly City, ST________________________________________ fundraising campaign which supports many of the Gift Amount $_________________________________ educational, spiritual and service ministries of the Diocese Parish: St. Anthony of Padua, Effingham of Springfield in Illinois. As an example, the Diocese is our “home office” and provides support in areas such as Make checks payable to: ACSA (Add: St. Anthony Parhuman resources, insurance, preserving parish archives, ish in the memo) among many other services. Your contribution towards ACSA not only helps the Diocese but helps our parish. If Submit to: Mail to: our parish ACSA goal is surpassed, then 100% of the Collection basket on Sunday Diocese of Springfield overage is returned to our parish. If we do not make our with ACSA on envelope or Attn: ACSA Contribution goal, the difference is made up from the regular Sunday 1615 W Washington St. offertory. Please use the included coupon for your Springfield, IL 62702 contribution. Thank you on behalf of St. Anthony Parish for your gift towards our ACSA Goal! There is still time to get your seats for the Hall of Fame evening of celebration! Saturday, April 11th at the Knights of Columbus -tickets are $25.00 4:30 Mass, 5:30 Cocktail Reception, 6:30 Dinner, 7:45 Ceremony. Stop by the Parish Center to register or visit the website HallofFame for more information. Remaining proceeds to be split between the Annual Fund and Booster Club Franciscan Information Session to be held in Effingham The Associates of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis are hosting an Information Session on Monday, March 30 at 4 p.m. in the home of Carol Gapsis, 1003 North Parkview Street, Effingham. “We invite baptized Christian men and women who seek to deepen their faith by sharing in a Franciscan way of life and a healing spirit with the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis to attend this Session,” explained RuthEllen Davis, Associates Coordinator. The Hospital Sisters of St. Francis are the sponsors of St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital, Effingham. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Are you looking to put Christ in your marriage? Deepen your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your sacrament by attending the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on April 24 – 26. To register or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go online to Attention . . . In the event of a death, accident or other life emergencies, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. St. Anthony CCW will meet Tues., April 7 in the parish center after the 8:30 mass. Fr. Chris Brey will be the guest speaker. Our Annual May Breakfast is Sunday, May 3. Let the Jr. High Musical take you on a magic carpet ride into Disney’s Aladdin, Jr.!! Aladdin, Jr. Performance Dates & Location: Saturday, March 28th at 7pm, Sunday, March 29th at 2pm at the St. Anthony High School MPR 304 E. Roadway Effingham, IL. Tickets are $5 at the door. Rosary vigil - WEATHER IS IMPROVING, so won't you join us in praying the rosary every Tuesday from 12PM 4PM at the Effingham Planned Parenthood? Operation Rescue shut down an abortion mill where an estimated 50,000 abortions took place. This building is now Operation Rescue's national headquarters. Together we can and will pray our local PP out of business. Questions – Peg Mihlbachler 217-844-2172 Circle of Friends Vendor Open House will be Sunday, April 12, from 9:00am to 2:00pm, in the Sacred Heart Parish Center. Proceeds benefit the World Youth Day participants. How to Submit Bulletin Articles - Please submit written bulletin articles to: or mail to Bulletin, PO Box 764, Effingham, IL 62401. Articles must be in the office by noon Monday prior to publication. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity.
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