May 8 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
May 8 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
St. Anthony of Padua 101 E Virginia Ave Effingham, IL 62401 217-347-7129 Sunday, May 8, 2016 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Padre’s point of view . . . The Penitential Rite As we begin mass, we take a very human look at our faults and failings. The Penitential Rite calls on Christ’s mercy. We say “Lord have mercy!” We are saying, Jesus I am a sinner and I trust only in your mercy. In fact, by these words, our small (venial) sins are forgiven. There are different forms of the Penitential Rite that can be used to create variety in the Mass. When we are blessed to have a Deacon at Mass, it is his responsibility to lead this prayer. Fr. Chris will be in the St. Anthony Church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He will be in the Sacred Heart Church office on Wednesdays and Fridays. Liturgy Ministries Training Readers, Ushers and Eucharistic Ministers We will hold a training for Eucharistic Ministers on Wednesday, June 1st at 5:00pm, training for Ushers will be Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30pm, and training for Lectors will be Saturday, June 4th at 9:00am. If you are interested in helping with any of these ministries, please call the parish office at 347-7129 to register. As with all our ministries, it is required to attend the Protecting God’s Children class. See below for a schedule of these trainings. Protecting God’s Children Workshop St. Anthony of Padua, Effingham Monday, May 16th @ 6:00pm Call 347-7129 to Register Sacred Heart Church, Effingham Tuesday, June 7th @ 6:00pm Thursday, August 4th @ 7:00pm Call 342-4060 to Register Attention . . . In the event of a death, accident or other life emergencies, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. Please pray for Restoration of Religious Liberty, those who are ill, those in hospitals and nursing homes, those recovering from surgery, and all those serving our country. Also, Christine Adams, Kayla Althoff, Brenda Braunecker, Greg Broeker, Ruth Bushue, Doris Dasenbrock, Sally Gaca, Katie Guffey, Karen F Flach, Bob Harpe, Eric Hartke, Jane Helmink, Fr. Ron Hilt, Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, Judy Hubner, Doris Jansen, Jeaneane Jenne, Mark Jirak, Ingrid Kay, Ted Keller, Alex Koester, Elisabeth Koester, Tyler Koester, Katie Kroeger, Tom Laub, Craig Lindvahl, Isabel Lustig, Mary Ellen Mayhall, Mrs. Don McDevitt, Bill Mette, Geraldine Miller, Floyd Pagel, Michael Poterucha, Jill Quandt, Marcia Rexroat, Connie Vonderheide, Marian Weishaar, Allen Wente, Ed Willer, Jerry Worman. Braden Maher 1st Mass & Ordination If there is enough interest, St. Anthony Parish will be taking a bus to Springfield on May 28th for Braden Maher’s Ordination. Please call the parish office at 347-7129 to reserve your space on the bus. Braden Maher will hold his 1st Mass, as a newly ordained priest, at St. Anthony of Padua Church on May 29th at 3:30pm. A reception will follow in the parish center. Wedding Banns Daniel Merkel/Brittni Thornton May 14th, 2016 (III) Julie Cornell & Justin Heiden May 28, 2016 (I) St. Anthony Schools are currently seeking applications for the following positions: COACHING POSITIONS 2016/2017 Season • Freshman Boys Basketball Coach • Jr. High 7th Grade Volleyball Coach • Jr. High Boys & Girls Track Coach Please send Resume to: St. Anthony High School Attn: Kevin Palmer Athletic Director 304 E. Roadway Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or email: or call (217) 342-6969 St. Anthony High School Chapel Mass Thursday 7:00 a.m. (Except the 3rd Thursday of every month) (Subject to Change. Check with SAHS) Sacred Heart Mass Times Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Mass Times Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Seventh Sunday of Easter/Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 Calendar of Events Mass Intentions Monday, May 9: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Betty Esker 8:30 a.m. Mass: Allen Bud Clienff Tuesday, May 10: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Leo & Helen Haarmann Family 8:30 a.m. Mass: Zola Klinger Wednesday, May 11: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Andy Donsbach Anniversary 8:30 a.m. Mass: Effingham CD of A; Clara Cornell; Martha Having Thursday, May 12: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Elsie Deters 8:30 a.m. Mass: Jack & Jane Kabbes Family Friday, May 13: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Scott Schlipmann 8:30 a.m. Mass: Alma Luchtefeld Saturday, May 14: 4:30 p.m. Mass: Gruen VonBehrens Sunday, May 15: 7:30 a.m. Mass: Antonette & Clarence Feldhake 9:15 a.m. Mass: Parishioners of St. Anthony 11:00 a.m. Mass: Millie Baker Totus Tuus Mark your calendars! St. Anthony's will be hosting Totus Tuus this year from June 26th-July 1st. Registration forms and more information to follow! Vacation Bible School (VBS) Mark your calendars! Sacred Heart will be hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) from July 12th-14th. Registration forms and more information to follow! Natural Family Planning Class May 14 1:00-2:30pm at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek July 23rd 11:00am-12:30pm at St. Anthony, Effingham August 13th 10:00-11:30am at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek October 22nd 10:00-11:30am at St. Anthony, Effingham November 12th 1:00-2:30pm at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek Call Kate Pruemer at 821-1840 to register. th Effingham Youth Group Ballgame and Cookout will be on Sunday, May 15, starting at 6:30pm, at the Sacred Heart priest patio. All high school age students and incoming freshman are invited. If you have a ball glove and any bats, please bring them! We are asking boys to bring soda (cans) and chips, while girls bring desserts. Meat will be furnished. Hope to see you there! Sun 5/8 10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5 10:00am - 11:00am - Scrip Store Open Mon 5/9 10:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Tues 5/10 7:00pm - Grief Support Wed 5/11 9:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Thurs 5/12 Noon Bible Study with Fr. Chris Fri 5/13 10:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Sat 5/14 8:00am - 10:00am - Scrip Store Open Grief Support Meetings Our next meeting will be held on: Tuesday, May 10th at 7:00pm Tuesday, May 17th at 2:00pm In the St Anthony Parish Center Memorial Day Mass Monday May 30th 9:00am at St. Anthony Cemetery St. Anthony Church will not have a 6:30am or 8:30am Mass that day. Time to Celebrate Mrs. Milleville After a 43 year teaching career, with the past 21 at St. Anthony Grade School, Mrs. Brenda Milleville will retire at the end of this school year. Please help us thank her for all of her years of dedicated service and send her off with our gratitude and wishes for many blessings in her future. There will be a card shower in her honor (a basket will be in the back of church to place cards) and she’ll be recognized after the 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday, May 14, 2016. If you’re unable to attend Mass that evening but would like to send a card, please do so to: Mrs. Brenda Milleville, St. Anthony Grade School, 405 North Second Street, Effingham, Illinois 62401. Pre-Cana Workshops Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Register at For questions, call Darlene at 217-347-7177. St. Aloysius Church, Dieterich on November 13, 2016. Call 217-925-5579 to register. Children’s Liturgy on Sunday Mornings The last day for the Children's Liturgy will be this Sunday May 8th. We will start back up after Labor Day. I want to thank all of the children participated in this program. We had a tremendous turn out this year! I also want to thank all of the teachers and aides who help with this program. Without their help, we could not offer this program. We look forward to seeing all of the preschool-kindergarten children in September. Weekday Mass Servers 6:30am Samantha Moran 8:30am Katherine Slaughter & Riley Seachrist Tues., May 10 6:30am Joe Kabbes 8:30am Grade School Wed., May 11 6:30am Allison Koawalkie & Lucy Fearday 8:30am Abby Dietzen & Adam Brandenburger Thurs., May 12 6:30am Avery Rogers & Darin Hutchison 8:30am Grade School Fri., May 13 6:30am Sophia Seagle & Anna Kabbes 8:30am High School Church Cleaning for May Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30. If you are unable to clean, please call a replacement. Michael & Maria Klitzing Mark & Janet Knabe Tome & Alice Knabe Glenn & Georgia Kocher Steve & Sue Koeble Brad & Carrie Koenig Diane Koenig Lisa Koerner Paul & Kay Koerner Phil & Carla Koerner Allyn & Angie Koester Alan & Debbie Koester Ben & Beth Koester Brad Koester Mon., May 9 Liturgical Ministers for Sunday, May 14 & 15 Ministry Radio Mass Recorder for the month of May: Steve & Sherri Bourgeois Saturday - 4:30pm Fr. Michal Rosa Sunday - 7:30am Fr. Carl Schmidt Sunday - 9:15am Fr. Zachary Edgar Sunday - 11:00am Fr. Michal Rosa Lectors Rita Devore Pat Emmerich Kate Weber Greg Dust Richard Hochdaffer Joe Sudkamp Connie Roewe Larry Roewe Eucharistic Ministers Nicole Field Mary Jo Green Sara Hoene Kevin Hoene Carrie Koenig* Brad Koenig* Mary Sur Barb Carie Lawrence Carie Deb Kabbes Gregg Kabbes Lisa Koerner* Mary Dust* Janet Kennedy Mark Kenter Sarah Morales Tom Murphy Tina Pearcy * Tod Pearcy* Lori Rentfrow Carolyn Rohlfing Georgia Willenborg Sasha Althoff Kim Ashton Mary Jane Day Kathleen Green* Gary Hanner* Joshua Hanner Servers Joyce Tawdros Katherine Slaughter Rilie Willenborg Sophia Seagle Will Hoene Clare Sudkamp Bridget Sudkamp Karlee Roepke Riley Seachrist Reilly Ashton Emma Ashton Ushers Bart Willenborg Richard Worman Mike Zeller Ed Deters Curt Valenti Peggy Valenti Gerald Westendorf Don Wente John Dietzen Troy Greene More Needed Parker Seachrist Dewayne Seachrist Presto Barr Ken Bergfeld Presider * Denotes those who are to clean vessels after Mass. The Annual Baby Bottle Project Sponsored by the Effingham Family Life Pregnancy Center, will begin on Mother’s Day and end on Father’s Day. We ask you to take a bottle home, toss in your loose change, and return the bottle Father’s Day. This project helps the Family Life Center to provide much needed supplies for the community for Moms' and Dadz' programs. Among other services offered to the clients are pregnancy test, limited ultrasound and educational resources on prenatal development and care, adoption, post-birth and parenting. Picnic Stand Chairpersons Needed! It’s time to make plans for the St. Anthony Parish Picnic, which is August 13th & 14th. The picnic committee is in need of a chairperson for the Hamburger stand, Ice Cream Stand, and the Milk Can game. Please contact Christy Heuerman at 821-1796 or Jane Wagner at 821-2962 if you are interested. Pro-Life Corner Motherhood is a rewarding and often difficult job. A mother is a child's first teacher and affects a child's life like few others can. Loving and selfless mothers can inspire their children to love themselves and others, work hard, make healthy choices, serve causes greater than self, and achieve their dreams. Mothers who protect, teach, and nurture their children with all their hearts strengthen their families and help build a better future for our country. Yet, mothers and expectant mothers today face greater challenges than ever before. Our culture of death often tells young women that precious life is cheap and that they can engage in immoral behavior without consequences. Let us pray this Mother's Day that the younger generation will fully understand the gift of LIFE, the blessing of children and the honor of motherhood. (Excerpts from, by Martin Reiser) Child Abuse Reporting & Investigation number at 217-3211155 or Children & Family Services Child Abuse Hotline1800-25-ABUSE. Bulldogs Boys Basketball Camp May 23rd to May 27th Directed by: Boys Head Basketball Coach Cody Rincker Site: St. Anthony High School Price: $40 per child Campers will learn the fundamentals of basketball. Along with key intangibles that will improve their skill and knowledge of the game. Age Groups & Times: 1st- 3rd grades: 8-9:45am 4th-6th grades: 10am-12:30pm 7th-9th grades: 1pm to 3:30pm Send Entries to: St. Anthony High School ATTN: Cody Rincker 304 E. Roadway Av Effingham, IL 62401 Make Checks Payable to: Cody Rincker Questions contact: Cody Rincker 217-821-0915 or A PILGRIMAGE OF PEACE TO THE HOLY LAND You are invited to join us on a once-in-a-lifetime ‘Pilgrimage of Peace to the Holy Land,’ 12-days, November 29 to December 10, 2016. Includes visits to Nazareth, Cana, Sea of Galilee, Mt. Tabor, Mt. of Beatitudes, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem & more! Only $2,799 from Chicago plus $475 in airport taxes and $175 in tips. Under the Spiritual Direction of Rev. Charles Edwards and Deacon Patrick O’Toole. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit or contact Vicki Compton at (217) 698-8500 or Space is limited. Register today! Women of Distinction Saturday, June 18th, 2016 – Returning Event Our Lady of Good Counsel Award: “Women of Distinction” Once again the Springfield in Illinois Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will honor women from all parishes in the Springfield Diocese for their outstanding contribution exhibited by living her Catholic faith, displaying her spirituality and sharing her time and talents with a cheerful attitude by doing acts of service and leadership toward her parish and community. We invite and encourage all to participate and join in this blessed day! Worldwide Marriage Encounter Jesus “raised his hands and blessed them”. Jesus prayed for his disciples and us to know and believe the good news of the Gospel! Open your heart and allow God’s love to transform all areas of your live including your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in this area is August 5th to 7th. To register or for more information call 314-649-7317 or go online to Mission Statement Philippians 3:14 Pressing on to the Goal of service to the Lord by stretching our intellect, confirming our values, and living our faith. We’re updating our list of members that are currently serving in the Military. Please call the Parish office (217-347-7129) with your updated information so that we may publish this list in an upcoming bulletin. Now that mowing season is upon us, our Cemetery Committee has asked that all flowers & decorations be kept on the headstones and off the grass to help facilitate mowing. The board thanks you for your cooperation. 17th Annual Austin Luckett Memorial Golf Scramble Friday, May 13th If you are interested in playing, sponsoring a hole, contributing a prize, or making a financial contribution please contact the Catholic Charities office 217-857-1458. Registration: 11:00 A.M. - Shotgun Start: 12:00 P.M. COST $75 per player includes Green Fees, Cart Rental, Food & Beverages, Hamburgers, Brats, Munchies, & OnCourse Beverages available all day - 4 person teams PLACE: Cardinal Golf Course HOLE SPONSORSHIP: $100 Top Raffle Prize - $500 Cash Please join us for this event!! Harmony Playground Cap/Lid Collection All Caps/lids that are collected will be recycled and made into park benches and/or picnic tables for Harmony Playground in Effingham. Acceptable Caps/Lids Not Acceptable Medicine Bottle Caps Bottles/Containers Milk Jug caps Fast Food Drink Lids Detergent Caps Soap Pumps Hair Spray Caps Lotion Pumps Toothpaste Tube Caps Trigger Sprayers Deodorant Caps Anything with Metal Drink Bottle Caps (Soda/Water) Please clean Flip-Top Caps (Ketchup, Mustard) ALL caps/lids Spout Caps (Mustard) before donating Caps W/Recycle Numbers of 2, 4, or 5 them. Cottage Cheese Container Lids Mayonnaise Jar Lids Yogurt Container Lids Collection boxes are Peanut Butter Jar Lids located at the parish Ice Cream Bucket Lids office and at St. Cool Whip Container Lids Anthony grade Coffee Can Lids school. Cream Cheese Container Lids Butter Container Lids PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS The advertisements that appear in this bulletin completely defray all publishing costs which the church would otherwise incur. Please patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin and thank them for their kind generosity. The Financial Corner as of May 2, 2016 Income Offering YTD Jul 1 - Mar 31 YTD Budget Jul 1 - Mar 31 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 $1,059,224.20 $1,207,756.35 $1,520,681.76 Sunday Collection from Apr 25 - May 1 Income Loose & Children’s $27,188.76 $32,168.18 $42,888.24 Offering Holy Days $57,459.68 $51,050.00 $51,050.00 Loose & Children’s $241,410.30 $131,249.97 $174,999.96 Annual Fund Subtotal Regular Giving $1,385,282.94 $1,422,224.50 $1,789,619.96 Fundraisers $238,800.18 $200,845.47 $210,768.96 Bequests & Gifts $161,649.51 $7,499.97 $9,999.96 Trusts Distributions $108,130.20 $113,000.00 $113,000.00 Holy Days Total Diocesan Collections Sister Parish Haiti Week of Apr 24-May 1 Weekly Budget 24,810.00 $22,116.84 $860.10 $830.09 $0.00 $0.00 $25,670.10 $22,946.93 Week of Apr 24-May 1 YTD Jul 1-May 1 $6,165.00 $33,860.00 Tuition & Resource Fees $1,105,087.36 $1,084,516.38 $1,446,021.84 Other $199,702.53 $236,454.47 $303,980.95 Total Income $3,198,652.72 $3,064,540.79 $3,873,391.67 Expenses YTD Jul 1 - Mar 31 Salaries & Benefits $2,421.615.78 $2,490,030.44 $3,320,840.89 YTD Budget Jul 1 - Mar 31 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 Utilities $96,633.73 $101,218.50 $134,958.00 Insurance (P & L) $41,421.99 $37,215.00 $49,620.00 Repairs & Maintenance $41,362.04 $38,745.00 $45,660.00 Equipment & Furniture $33,859.60 $4,635.00 $6,180.00 $143,562.58 $119,013.46 $149,567.96 $51,911.04 $40,874.53 $50,166.04 $261,785.43 $261,688.15 $352,810.88 Supplies Technology Other Total Expenses Net Profit/Loss $3,092,152.19 $3,093,420.08 $4,109,803.77 $106,500.53 $-28,879,29 St. Nicholas Columbian Squires are hosting a Lock-In on Saturday-Sunday May 14th-15th at the Effingham K of C Hall. Saturday we start at 7:00pm (Doors open at 6:00pm) and we end on Sunday around 9:00am. For more information please contact Chief Squire Rob Zumbahlen by cell at (217)343-5407 or by email at -$236,412.10 $0.00 $8,191.00 Catholic Comm. $20.00 $20.00 Cath. Home Mission $55.00 $1,204.00 Pentecost (Retired Dio Priest) $80.00 $120.00 Cemetery Collection Cards With the increase in families using automatic bank withdrawals for Sunday Mass offerings, we are now providing parishioners the opportunity to drop “Collection Cards” in the collection basket. We believe modeling to the younger generation is a valuable lesson. By dropping a Collection Card in the collection basket, it shows our youth that everyone participates in stewardship and giving. If you wish to contribute via cash or check, please continue to use your Mass envelopes. Collection Cards can be picked up at the doors of church for each Mass. Save the Date for In Her Cherished Heart Women's Conference, Saturday, September 10th, 2016 in Springfield. Speaker Lisa Hendey will present on her book, "The Grace of Yes: 8 Virtues for Generous Living." Mass, Goody Bags, Confession, Lunch, Adoration. Mother's room for children under 1 year. Info online at Sponsored by the Diocesan Office for Marriage & Family Life. Brain Health Seminar; “Have you seen my keys?” Free Educational Event for Healthy Aging Andes Healthmart is sponsoring a free Brain Health Seminar on May 11th from 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m. The speaker will be Kelly Willenborg from MyMemoryWorx, a new memory screening and brain fitness provider in Effingham, IL. She will discuss common myths associated with brain health and aging, briefly review types of memory and brain training tips, discuss risk factors for Alzheimer’s, and share science-based suggestions for building cognitive reserve. Students from her “Fit Minds” course describe her as passionate facilitator of brain fitness serving up an element of educational fun in a fail-free environment. Please submit written bulletin articles to: or mail to Bulletin, PO Box 764, Effingham, IL 62401. Articles must be in the office by noon Monday prior to publication. MyMemoryWorx also invites the community to its next free memory screening event. It will take place at Andes Healthmart on Saturday, June 11 between 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Call Kelly at 254-2149 to reserve an appointment in advance.
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