April 3 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
April 3 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Liturgy Schedule: Weekdays: 6:30 am & 8:30 am First Saturday: 6:30 am Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:15 am & 11:00 am Holy Days: Eve, 5:30 pm, 8:30 am and 12:10 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30 pm until all are heard Weekdays: 30 minutes prior to Mass or by appointment Sunday April 3, 2016 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Website: www.stanthony.com Phone: 217-347-7129 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 764 Physical Address: 101 E Virginia High School Office: 304 E Roadway Ave 342-6969 Greg Fearday, Principal Grade School Office: 405 N Second St 347-0419 Brandi Borries, Principal Convent: 3017 Sugar Mill Court 536-9530 Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, SSND During a life emergency, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. Fr. Christopher Brey, Pastor Fr. Zach Edgar, Parochial Vicar Fr. Ron Hilt, Parochial Vicar Fr. Michal Rosa, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joe Emmerich Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, SSND, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Carrie Koenig, Director of Operations Mr. Kenny Thies, Technology Administrator Mrs. Sara Hoene Parish Secretary Mrs. Tiffiny Wrigley, Accountant Mrs. Mary Koester, Financial Secretary Mrs. Marlene McWhorter, Office Assistant Mrs. Peggy Clough, Executive Secretary Ms. Katalyn Miller, DRE/Campus Minister Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms can be celebrated after 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday or after 11:00 am Mass on Sunday. A sacramental program for all parents is necessary. Please call the parish office for more information. Sacrament of Marriage: Please contact the parish office at least six months before the desired wedding date. All couples planning to be married at St. Anthony’s must attend a Pre-Cana Conference. Welcome We extend a warm welcome to all our guests and visitors who have joined us at today’s liturgy. We hope that you feel at home here. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance while you are among us. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Padre’s point of view . . . Why do we do that? When we enter church, why do we make the sign of cross and use holy water? We are blessing ourselves and reminding ourselves of the Holy Trinity and the Pascal Mystery. WHAT? Yes, these are $25 theology words. Simply, the sign of the Cross reminds us of the Father’s providential care, the Son’s Redeeming love and Holy Spirit’s constant presence with us. Also, Jesus’ life, death and the power of the Resurrection are the central mystery to our faith. By dipping the hand in Blessed (Holy) Water, we push out any demons lurking around, we are reminded of Christ’s love and show to others His power. Fr. Chris will be in the St. Anthony Church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He will be in the Sacred Heart Church office on Wednesdays and Fridays. Easter Flowers St. Anthony Schools are currently seeking applications for the following positions: ♦ For the Living & Deceased Members of the Joe & Pat Emmerich Family • • • High School Guidance Counselor/Director of Admissions Junior High Religion Teacher Grade School Spanish Teacher Eligible candidates should have a demonstrated commitment to promoting Christian ethics, willingness to actively prepare students for college and career readiness, flexibility in job duties including teaching classes, great leadership, and a strong dedication to fostering and developing a quality Christ-centered environment in the Catholic faith. More information and job descriptions visit stanthony.com Grief Support Meetings Our next meeting will be held on: Tuesday, April 5th at 2pm Tuesday, April 12th at 7pm In the St Anthony Parish Center Attention . . . In the event of a death, accident or other life emergencies, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. Please pray for Restoration of Religious Liberty, those who are ill, those in hospitals and nursing homes, those recovering from surgery, and all those serving our country. Also, Christine Adams, Brenda Braunecker, Greg Broeker, Ruth Bushue, DeColores Leaders and Participants, Doris Dasenbrock, Sally Gaca, Katie Guffey, Bob Harpe, Eric Hartke, Jane Helmink, Fr. Ron Hilt, Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, Jeaneane Jenne, Mark Jirak, Ingrid Kay, Ted Keller, Alex Koester, Elisabeth Koester, Tyler Koester, Katie Kroeger, Tom Laub, Craig Lindvahl, Isabel Lustig, Mary Ellen Mayhall, Mrs. Don McDevitt, Bill Mette, Geraldine Miller, Floyd Pagel, Michael Poterucha, Marcia Rexroat, Scott Schlipmann, Connie Vonderheide, Marian Weishaar, Allen Wente, Ed Willer, Jerry Worman. ♦ In Memory of Diane Rallo ♦ In Memory of Rudy Aye ♦ In Memory of Lincoln Mercer ♦ In Memory of Kent Devall ♦ In Memory of Andy & Alice Sur ♦ In Memory of My Husband Jim by Carol Bloemer and Family ♦ In Loving Memory of Charlie Vansaghi by Jan Vansaghi ♦ In Loving Remembrance of the Sylvester Bloss Family and the Charles Vansaghi Sr. Family by Jan Vansaghi Music & Liturgy Director Update We are happy to announce the hiring of James Roach as the Directory of Music & Liturgy. He comes to us from Harvard, IL and will begin his duties here in June. Stay tuned to the bulletin in the next couple of weeks for his bio. We extend our sympathy to the family and friends of Dean Faircloth and Richard Day. May they enjoy eternal peace and happiness in Heaven. Rice Bowls Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice bowls ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord, and in the lives we’ve changed this Lent all over the world. Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowls. There are containers located at each entrance of church. St. Anthony High School Chapel Mass Thursday 7:00 a.m. (Except the 3rd Thursday of every month) (Subject to Change. Check with SAHS) Sacred Heart Mass Times Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Mass Times Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Second Sunday of Easter April 3, 2016 Calendar of Events Mass Intentions Monday, April 4: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Marie C Dust 8:30 a.m. Mass: Amelia Worman Anniversary Tuesday, April 5: 6:30 a.m. Mass: CCW Members 8:30 a.m. Mass: Lawrence & Irene Kalina Family Wednesday, April 6: 6:30 a.m. Mass: 8:30 a.m. Mass: Robert Valenti Richard Dietzen Anniversary; Michael Conder & the Conder Family Thursday, April 7: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Ron Brown Anniversary 8:30 a.m. Mass: Herman & Stella Mette Friday, April 8: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Katie Lohman Arnold; Marlene Ochs; Bob Dirks; Mike Mitchell; Alice Haarmann Charles & Grace Hotze Family 8:30 a.m. Mass: Saturday, April 9: 4:30 p.m. Mass: 2015 Hall of Fame Inductees Sunday, April 10: 7:30 a.m. Mass: Parishioners of St Anthony 9:15 a.m. Mass: Stanley Brooks 11:00 a.m. Mass: Bernie & Marcie Burford Family Wedding Banns Clint Charters/Kasandra Allen April 9th, 2016 (III) Dustin Vogt/Molly Schuette April 16th, 2016 (II) Michael Shremp/Jennifer Having April 23rd, 2016 (I) Natural Family Planning Class April 23 1:00-2:30pm at St. Anthony, Effingham May 14th 1:00-2:30pm at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek July 23rd 11:00am-12:30pm at St. Anthony, Effingham August 13th 10:00-11:30am at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek October 22nd 10:00-11:30am at St. Anthony, Effingham November 12th 1:00-2:30pm at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek Call Kate Pruemer at 821-1840 to register. rd Protecting God’s Children Workshop St. Anthony of Padua Monday, April 4th, at 6:00pm Call 347-7129 to Register St. Francis in Teutopolis - St. Clare Hall Thursday, April 14, at 6:30pm Call 857-6404 to Register Sun 4/3 10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5 10:00am - 11:00am - Scrip Store Open Mon 4/4 10:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open 6:00pm - PGC Training - Parish Center Tues 4/5 2:00pm - Grief Support Wed 4/6 9:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Thurs 4/7 Noon Bible Study with Fr. Chris 7:00pm - RCIA - at the High School (Room #109) Fri 4/8 10:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Sat 4/9 8:00am - 10:00am - Scrip Store Open 5:30pm - Hall of Fame Dinner - Keller Convention Center Sun 4/10 2:30pm - First Communion Catholic Radio Days Dear Parish family, On Thursday, April 7th, please listen in to our local Catholic radio station on 91.3 FM for the Covenant Network Spring Radiothon. This will be the "Effingham area" hour and will give me the opportunity to highlight our two grade schools and St. Anthony High School. We will be on the air live from 10-11 AM with several student guests from all 3 schools. I will certainly give mention to you all throughout the day when I'm helping host the various hours! In your generosity, please consider not only tuning in, but calling in your support at 314-752-7000 or 877-305-1234. Last Spring, Effingham county had the most non-St. Louis calls for the whole week! Covenant Network is not-for-profit and runs entirely on the donations of its listeners. Please pray for its continued growth! We wouldn't have a station in Effingham to listen to if it wasn't for your generosity. You can also listen in online at www.covenantnet.net or by downloading the Covenant Network app for iPhone or Android devices. Thanks for tuning in on Thursday, April 7th! -Fr. Edgar Pro-Life Corner “If you contemplate the Incarnation in light of the sacredness of human life, it is revolutionary. The Savior of the world was conceived. We often say that Jesus came to earth as a baby. We tend to picture Jesus as a small baby, just born, lying in a manger. But even more startling is that He came as a zygote, grew into an embryo, then a fetus, then a full-sized baby. I can think of no better reason to equate the value of life in the womb the same as life outside. God Himself came to earth, and He came as a zygote.” Excerpt from the book “Deliver Us From Abortion” by Brian Fisher How to Submit Bulletin Articles - Please submit written bulletin articles to: bulletin@stanthony.com or mail to Bulletin, PO Box 764, Effingham, IL 62401. Articles must be in the office by noon Monday prior to publication. Weekday Mass Servers 6:30am Kyle Willenborg 8:30am Maria Poston & George Scheidemantel Tuesday, Apr 5 6:30am Bryson Wall 8:30am Grade School Wednesday, Apr 6 6:30am Emma Ashton & Payton Quandt 8:30am Claire Scheidemantel & Caroline Deters Thursday, Apr 7 6:30am Mason Bloemer & Jacob Johnson 8:30am Grade School Friday, Apr 8 6:30am Will Hoene & Taylor Quandt 8:30am High School Monday, Apr 4 Church Cleaning for April Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30. If you are unable to clean, please call a replacement. Tony & Valerie Kemme Bob & Janet Kennedy John & Ladeana Kenter Sarah Kenter Nancy Kessler Courtney Kidd Chet Kiefer Dawn Killion Rick & Amy King Dean & Jody Kinkelaar Deb Kinkelaar Jeff & Jodi Kinkelaar Rick & Michelle Kinkelaar Cory & Kristin Kleiss Liturgical Ministers for Sunday, April 9 & 10 Ministry Radio Mass Recorder for the month of April: Carol Niebrugge Saturday - 4:30pm Fr. Chris Brey Sunday - 7:30am Fr. Zachary Edgar Sunday - 9:15am Fr. Zachary Edgar Sunday - 11:00am Fr. Ben Meyer Lectors Roy Schmidt Charles Horin Rem Woodruff Marilyn Woodruff Ellen Hann Ron Hakman Norman Fisher Rita Niccum Eucharistic Ministers Parker Anderson Cathy Bierman Jane Brummer * Cindy Thies * Denise Deters David Emmerich Jeanne Fauss Carlene Weber Ann Platt Don Wente * Twila Wente * Shae Westendorf Art Willenborg Valerie Wohltman Madonna Hakman Coleen Gephart Patti Jansen * Tom Jansen * Ann Deters Dennis Deters Theresa Masengale Susan Murphy Sue Palmer Shirley Richardson * Cody Rincker * Connie Roewe Nancy Roley Jamie Schuette Servers Carson Chasteen Jaccob Dust Max Sager Nick Martelli Chandler Martelli Michael Martelli Caroline Deters Josh Blanchette Jacob Blanchette Joseph Kabbes Conlan Walsh Ty Wiedman Ushers Vic Fauss Ken Stuckey Larry Thies Joe Ungrund Bob Thies Louis Thies Clarence Unkraut Tony Weber Bernie Blanchette Kevin Bushur Steve Dasenbrock Kent Schmidt Dennis Meyer Steve Schallert David Schuette Bart Wiedman Presider * Denotes those who are to clean vessels after Mass. The St. Anthony Treasure Sale is Friday, April 15 & Saturday, April 16. The Bag Sale starts on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. Drop off times are Wednesday, April 13 from 3 to 7 p.m. and on Thursday, April 14 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is our 4th year for this sale, and each year it has grown (thanks to your help). As a result, more volunteers are needed, and greatly appreciated. If you can help a half day, all day, both days, or a couple of hours, please call Alice Conlin (217-343-8372), or Pat Brumleve (217-821-7129). Sacred Heart PTA Breakfast Sunday, April 3rd, 2016 7:00am - Noon Menu: Whole Hog Sausage, Biscuits and Gravy, Fresh Fruit, Eggs, Pancakes, Rolls and Bread, Juice, Milk and Coffee. Large Plate $7.00/Small Plate $4.00 Carry-Out Available Raffle and Art Auction Fifth Grade: The Life Cycle of the Butterfly St. Anthony fifth grade students have partnered with HSHS St. Anthony Hospital to raise butterflies through their life cycle from larvae, to a caterpillar, to a chrysalis, then finally to a butterfly. The butterflies will be released at the first annual Butterfly Ball on Friday, April 15. This fundraising event will benefit the Mother/Baby Program and the HSHS Hospital “Everlasting Memories” program. Calendar April 5 – Band to Champaign (5th and 6th grade) April 6 – Vision and Hearing Screenings April 9 – St. Anthony Hall of Fame at the KC Hall April 10 – First Communion at 2:30 pm April 13 – Welcome to My World; Noon Dismissal April 15 – Midterm of the 4th quarter April 15 & 16 – Treasure Sale April 16 – Band to Six Flags (7th and 8th grade) April 22,23,24 – Junior high musical, The Lion King, Jr. April 28 – 8th grade trip to STL 7th grade Wax Museumat SAGS in Goff Gym 6th grade Literary Fair - family, friends, parishioners are invited to attend Eighth Grade: Work to Put Blessings into a Backpack Recently, several of our eighth graders worked with Blessings in a Backpack, a local charitable organization that helps to provide students in our community with food on the weekends when they don’t have access to breakfast and lunch at school. TREASURE SALE The 4th Annual "Treasure" Sale will be held: Friday, April 15 from 8am-4pm and Saturday, April 16 from 8am-noon at the St. Anthony Parish Center. Thanks to the generosity of those who donate and those who buy, the Treasure Sale has provided $26,000 to our schools! Please continue to support this worthwhile endeavor. SAGS Junior High Presents: The Lion King, Jr. Under the direction of Brianna McDaniel, 60 of our junior high students have been working extremely hard to prepare for their presentation of The Lion King Jr. All performances will be at St. Anthony High School in the MPR. Show times will be: Friday, April 22 at 7:00 pm Saturday, April 23 at 7:00 pm Sunday, April 24 at 2:00 pm Come and support all of their efforts and see a fantastic show! Dear Families, St. Anthony High School is partnering with Educatius International. Educatius will be bringing some international students to our community. We are very excited for the students that will be coming and for the good stories that they will have to share about their time in Effingham. Educatius is looking for some people from our community to join their team as local coordinators. If you've wanted to work from home, supplement your income and work with some amazing international students and awesome families, please send an email to the regional manager Alex Valente alex.valente@educatius.org We are also looking for families to host our students. Please contact Alex if you are interested in hosting a student as well. Both positions are compensated. Effingham Area Catholic Youth Group Join the EFFINGHAM AREA CATHOLIC YOUTH GROUP on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:00pm @ Sacred Heart church lower level. Bring your friends. Join the fun. Talk about everything Catholic, answer your questions, mission trips, ice skating, challenge you & watch you grow. Don't wait. We're waiting for YOU. If you have questions, call Katalyn Miller @ 217-347-7177 or email k.miller@sheff.org. The Financial Corner as of March 29, 2016 Income Offering YTD Jul 1 - Feb 29 YTD Budget Jul 1 - Feb 29 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 $952,746.42 $1,088,001.20 $1,520,681.76 Sunday Collection from Mar 21 - 27 Income Week of Mar 21 - 27 Weekly Budget $26,778.00 $27,041.48 Loose & Children’s $24,115.60 $28,592.16 $42,888.24 Offering Holy Days $56,406.68 $50,950.00 $51,050.00 Loose & Children’s $1,250.25 $807.04 $228,367.66 $116,666.64 $174,999.96 Holy Days $1,053.00 $0.00 Annual Fund Subtotal Regular Giving $1,261,636,36 $1,284,210.00 $1,789,619.96 Total $29,081.25 $27,871.00 Diocesan Collections Week of Mar 21 - 27 Fundraisers $225,690.41 $195,237.64 $210,768.96 Bequests & Gifts $155,186.51 $6,666.64 $9,999.96 Trusts Distributions $108,130.20 $113,000.00 $113,000.00 Tuition & Resource Fees $981,017.32 $964,014.56 $1,446,021.84 Sister Parish Haiti Other $174,578.24 $210,549.26 Cemetery $0.00 $8,131.00 Catholic Times $0.00 $3,047.00 $17.00 $1,398.00 Catholic Charities $100.00 $8,267.50 Holy Land $727.00 $1,167.00 $1,220.00 $1,445.00 $0.00 $815.00 $10.00 $375.00 $303,980.95 Total Income $2,906,239.04 $2,773,678.10 $3,873,391.67 Expenses YTD Jul 1 - Feb 29 Salaries & Benefits $2,144,918.93 $2,201,154.98 $3,320,840.89 YTD Budget Jul 1 - Feb 29 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 Utilities $84,290.31 $89,972.00 $134,958.00 Insurance (P & L) $36,936.99 $33,080.00 $49,620.00 Repairs & Maintenance $40,136.54 $36,440.00 $45,660.00 Equipment & Furniture $33,459.60 $4,120.00 $6,180.00 $138,865.67 $108,486.96 $149,567.96 $40,295.21 $37,777.36 $50,166.04 $227,897.31 $226,932.24 $352,810.88 Supplies Technology Other Total Expenses Net Profit/Loss $2,746,800.56 $2,737,963.54 $4,109,803.77 $159,438.48 $35,714.56 Thank you so much for supporting Lovey G’s blessed bracelet mission. You have been so generous with your donations and love. These bracelets represent women loving and supporting one another during cancer and treatment. Love, represented by Mary, Mother of Jesus and the beauty and power of the rosary has been a comfort to many. Catholic Charities Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast will be held Thursday, April 7 in the Conference Room at Catholic Charities from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. In honor of the dedicated service of Catholic Charities Volunteers, all volunteers are invited to come by to enjoy a light breakfast prepared by Catholic Charities Staff and socialize with other volunteers and staff. Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation number at 217321-1155 or Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-25-ABUSE. Catholic Relief Serv Seminarians Eastern Europe Catholic Home Mission YTD Jul 1-Mar 27 $180.00 $25,846.00 ACSA Goal 2015 $94,363 Pledges as of Jan 27, 2016 $46,491 -$236,412.10 “Circle of Friends” Vendor Open House will be Sunday, April 24, from 9:00am to 2:00pm, in the Sacred Heart Parish Center. Many local home-based businesses will be displaying their products of jewelry, candles, wood crafts, cleaning products, and much more. Many items will be cash and carry!! Proceeds benefit the Family Life Center to assist new moms with baby beds. If you would like to set up a booth, please contact Judy Luchtefeld at 821-4060. Free Memory Screening! Free memory screening now thru May 12th. Call Kelly Willenborg for an appointment today at 217-254-2149. Making this 15 minute health check a part of your routine can lead to early detection of mild cognitive impairment, or Alzheimer’s. Early detection can lead to customized programs to improve brain fitness and slow the progression of impairment. Sponsored by My Memory Worx and supported by AFA (Alzheimer’s Foundation of America). Discover more at HealingJukebox.com.
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