February 21 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
February 21 - St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Sunday Liturgy Schedule: Weekdays: 6:30 am & 8:30 am February 21, 2016 First Saturday: 6:30 am Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:15 am & 11:00 am Holy Days: Eve, 5:30 pm, 8:30 am and 12:10 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 3:30 pm until all are heard Weekdays: 30 minutes prior to Mass or by appointment Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Website: www.stanthony.com Phone: 217-347-7129 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 764 Physical Address: 101 E Virginia High School Office: 304 E Roadway Ave 342-6969 Greg Fearday, Principal Grade School Office: 405 N Second St 347-0419 Brandi Borries, Principal Convent: 3017 Sugar Mill Court 536-9530 Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, SSND During a life emergency, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. Fr. Christopher Brey, Pastor Fr. Zach Edgar, Parochial Vicar Fr. Ron Hilt, Parochial Vicar Fr. Michal Rosa, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joe Emmerich Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, SSND, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Carrie Koenig, Director of Operations Mr. Kenny Thies, Technology Administrator Mrs. Sara Hoene Parish Secretary Mrs. Tiffiny Wrigley, Accountant Mrs. Mary Koester, Financial Secretary Mrs. Marlene McWhorter, Office Assistant Mrs. Peggy Clough, Executive Secretary Ms. Katalyn Miller, DRE/Campus Minister Welcome We extend a warm welcome to all our guests and visitors who have joined us at today’s liturgy. We hope that you feel at home here. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance while you are among us. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH EFFINGHAM, ILLINOIS Padre’s point of view . . . You may have been watching Pope Francis in his Papal visit to Mexico. He has many great examples of Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. He visited the prisoners, the poor and has liberated the sinner and the doubtful. This week we look at “Comfort the Sorrowful.” This is one of the Works of mercy we do very well. Every time you send flowers, console those grieving at a funeral or visitation, and take a moment to listen to anyone who has lost a loved one; you do those acts of kindness to Christ Himself. This is amazing. Think of how often you directly help Jesus in one another. Fr. Chris will be in the St. Anthony Church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He will be in the Sacred Heart Church office on Wednesdays and Fridays. Lenten Regulations 1. ABSTINENCE – Everyone 14 years of age and over is bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. 2. FAST – Everyone 18 years of age and under 59 is required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. On these two days of fast and abstinence, only one full meatless meal is permitted. Two other meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength may be taken according to each person's needs, but together these two should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids (including milk and fruit juices) are allowed. 3. To disregard completely the law of fast and abstinence is seriously sinful. We will now be offering support meetings in the afternoon as well as evenings. Please see the schedule to the right. Grief Support Meetings Our next meeting will be held on: Tuesday, February 23trd at 2pm Tuesday, March 1st at 7pm In the St Anthony Parish Center Attention . . . In the event of a death, accident or other life emergencies, while offices are closed, please contact (217) 703-1042. Please pray for Restoration of Religious Liberty, those who are ill, those in hospitals and nursing homes, those recovering from surgery, and all those serving our country. Also, Christine Adams, Steven A Bierman, Brenda Braunecker, Greg Broeker, Ruth Bushue, Doris Dasenbrock, Betty Esker, Sally Gaca, Bob Harpe, Mary Harris, Eric Hartke, Jane Helmink, Carol Hochdaffer, Dorothy Holkenbrink, Sr. Jane Marie Hotze, Jeaneane Jenne, Mark Jirak, Ingrid Kay, Ted Keller, Tyler Koester, Katie Kroeger, Tom Laub, Craig Lindvahl, Isabel Lustig, Fr. Virgil Mank, Mrs. Don McDevitt, Bill Mette, Geraldine Miller, Floyd Pagel, Ann Platt, Michael Poterucha, Larry Roewe, Randy Seaton, Connie Vonderheide, Allen Wente, Jerry Worman. Stations of the Cross During this season of Lent there are several opportunities to attend the Stations of the Cross. Every Friday at 5:30pm at Sacred Heart Every Friday at 6:30pm at St. Mary’s, Shumway Every Friday at 7:00pm at St. Anthony Thursday’s Noon Bible Study with Fr Chris will take a short break. We will resume the bible study March 10. Hungering to Give Back This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where Hongkham is using her love of cooking to provide for her family - and feed an entire school. How do we use our passions and gifts for the betterment of those we meet? Visit crsricebowl.org for more. Second Sunday of Lent Look at the night sky; don’t pitch a tent. So many stars! Too many to count. That is the unnumerable number of Abram’s descendants – of which each of us is a part. God promised then, and promises still today in covenantal love and mercy to care for us, protect us, and be our only God. This Lent, let us go looking for descendant stars, people born of Abraham and Sarah and loved by God. Let us go looking for those who need embracing. Let us go looking for those who need some special care, some covenantal kindness, many kind words. Let us look. Then let us act. St. Anthony High School Chapel Mass Thursday 7:00 a.m. (Except the 3rd Thursday of every month) (Subject to Change. Check with SAHS) Sacred Heart Mass Times Monday - Friday 7:15 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30a.m. & 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Mass Times Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. Second Sunday of Lent February 21, 2016 Calendar of Events Mass Intentions Monday, February 22: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Jim Poeppelmeyer 8:30 a.m. Mass: Louie & Betty McWhorter Tuesday, February 23: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Living & Deceased Members of the Frank & Mary Lohman Family 8:30 a.m. Mass: Allen Bud Clienff Sun 2/21 10:00am - 11:00am - Scrip Store Open Mon 2/22 10:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Tues 2/23 2:00pm - Grief Support Wed 2/24 9:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open 4:00pm - 7:00pm - Grade School Open House Wednesday, February 24: 6:30 a.m. Mass: 8:30 a.m. Mass: Ruth Boos Anniversary The Goldstein Family Thursday, February 25: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Norbert Stumborg 8:30 a.m. Mass: Don Kabbes Friday, February 26: 6:30 a.m. Mass: Dustin Callaway Family 8:30 a.m. Mass: Tom Bryant Saturday, February 27: 4:30 p.m. Mass: Herbert Deters Sunday, February 28: 7:30 a.m. Mass: All Priests of the Deanery 9:15 a.m. Mass: Parishioners of St Anthony 11:00 a.m. Mass: Leonard & Pauline Boos Protecting God’s Children Workshop St. Rose Church in Montrose Tuesday, February 23rd, at 6:30pm Call Lisa Probst at 821-4626 to register Natural Family Planning Class March 12th 2:00-3:30pm at St. Francis, Teutopolis April 23rd 1:00-2:30pm at St. Anthony, Effingham May 14th 1:00-2:30pm at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek July 23rd 11:00am-12:30pm at St. Anthony, Effingham August 13th 10:00-11:30am at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek October 22nd 10:00-11:30am at St. Anthony, Effingham November 12th 1:00-2:30pm at St. Isidore, Bishop Creek Call Kate Pruemer at 821-1840 to register. Pre-Cana Workshops St. Mary of the Assumption, St. Marie on Saturday, March 19, 2016. Call 618-455-3155 to register. Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Register at www.dio.org. For questions, call Darlene at 217-347-7177. St. Aloysius Church, Dieterich on November 13, 2016. Call 217-925-5579 to register. 10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5 Thurs 2/25 No Noon Bible Study with Fr. Chris 7:00pm - RCIA - at the High School (Room #109) Fri 2/26 10:00am - 2:00pm - Scrip Store Open Sat 2/27 8:00am to 10:00am - Scrip Store Open Sun 2/28 10:06 am Radio Mass on AM 1090 or FM 100.5 10:00am - 11:00am - Scrip Store Open CCW News Our CCW spring meeting will be on March 1, following 8:30 mass. Enjoy donuts, fruit, and coffee with us. Billie Zeller, Karlee Roepke, and Caroline Deters will give a presentation and talk about their recent Haiti trip. Upcoming events: Diocesan CCW Retreat will be March 10th & 11th at Villa Maria Center in Springfield. Registration forms were in last week's bulletin or contact Marcia Rexroat at 342-6329. April 5th, salad supper at Sacred Heart; May 1st, mother-daughter breakfast and quilt raffle. Baptism Class - Parents are required to attend Baptism Class before their child is baptized. The next class will be held at Sacred Heart, March 17th at 6:00 pm. To register call Darlene at 347-7177. Pro-Life Corner For perspective, abortion kills more people every 4 months than the Holocaust did in twelve years. (avoiceforhope.com) The St. Anthony Treasure Sale is Friday, April 15th & Saturday, April 16th. Start saving your treasures to bring to our sale. More information will follow in the coming weeks. The 2016 Mass Intention Book still has several openings for those wanting to schedule Masses. There will be one intention scheduled for each Mass, except for the 8:30 am Mass on Wednesday and the 6:30 am Mass on Friday. Mass intentions will be limited to 5 per family per year, of which only one can be scheduled on a weekend. Weekday Mass Servers 6:30am Nick Goeckner 8:30am Griffen Elder & Evitt Nashed Tuesday, Feb 23 6:30am Joe Kabbes 8:30am Grade School Wednesday, Feb 24 6:30am Jacob Johnson & Allison Kowalke 8:30am Payton & Griffin Sehy Thursday, Feb 25 6:30am Tom & Will Unkraut 8:30am Grade School Friday, Feb 26 6:30am Sophia Seagle & Avery Rogers 8:30am High School Church Cleaning for February Cleaning is done Saturday morning from 8:30-9:30. If you are unable to clean, please call a replacement. Niki Jennings Rick & Jami Johnson Dale Jones Randy & Kathy Jones Steve & Angie Jones Brad & Sandy Kabbes Chris & Pam Kabbes Craig & Tessie Kabbes Doug & Cheryl Kabbes Gregg & Debbie Kabbes Jonathan Kabbes Kimberlee Kabbes Kurt & Jennifer Kabbes Monday, Feb 22 Liturgical Ministers for February 27 & 28 Radio Mass Recorder for the month of February: Ken & Mary Stuckey Ministry Saturday - 4:30pm Sunday - 7:30am Sunday - 9:15am Sunday - 11:00am Presider Fr. Christopher Brey Fr. Michal Rosa Fr. Michal Rosa Fr. Michal Rosa Lectors Marcie Burford Ken Vogt Rem Woodruff Marilyn Woodruff Bernie Blanchette Christy Elder Kent Schmidt Liz Schmidt Eucharistic Ministers Sara Hoene Kevin Hoene Brad Koenig Carrie Koenig Eric Althoff Jamie Schuette * Denise Deters * Alice Dust Greg Dust Deb Kabbes Gregg Kabbes Sue Bushur Carla Koerner * Lisa Koerner * Connie Rudolphi Jacob Emmerich Steve Frisbie Sarah Geen Nick Grunloh Mandy Henning * Richard Hochdaffer * Nancy Roley Sue Palmer Georgia Willenborg Sasha Althoff Cody Rinker Will Clausius * Mary Jane Day * Servers Elle Wegman Katie Kabbes Elizabeth Kabbes Claire Scheidemantel Jack Elder George Scheidemantel Luke Rudolphi Ben Rudolphi Wade Lawrence Jacob Johnson Henry Kemme Ushers Ed Deters Jeff Dust David Emmerich Dan Ritz Keith Willenborg Greg Bushur Gregg Kabbes Phil (Carl) Koerner George Dallmier Brian Dust Mark Dust Gene Fearday * Denotes those who are to clean vessels after Mass. Bill Hoene Doug Rudolphi Brian Sehy Mike Sehy Child Abuse Reporting and Investigation number at 217-321115 or Children and Family Services Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-25-ABUSE. Preschool Registration Registration for the 2016-17 preschool year will be open to parish and school families, not currently enrolled, starting Tuesday, February 16th. Public registration will be open as of February 29th. Three-year old classes are held Tuesday & Thursday, from 8:00-11:00 a.m. There are two four-year old classes, both held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The morning class is from 8:00-11:00 a.m. while the afternoon class is from 12:15-3:15 p.m. Registration forms are available at the grade school office, or you may call them at 217/347-0419. As a reminder during cold and flu season, please remember to protect your health and that of others. Proper steps would include: If you have a serious cold or the flu, please stay home on Sunday. You are not obligated to attend Sunday Mass if you are sick. ∗ Be aware that others might not want to shake hands during the Sign of Peace. They might be protecting YOU. Please don't attempt to force others to shake hands against their will. ∗ If you are coughing or sneezing, please don’t receive Communion from the cup - otherwise your fellow communicants might be reluctant to receive. Let’s do our best to keep each other healthy. ∗ Worldwide Marriage Encounter Just as Peter, John and James experienced the Transformation of Jesus, let Jesus transform your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is on April 22nd to 24th. To register or for more information call 314-6497317 or go online to www.stl-wwme.org. Women of Distinction Saturday, June 18th, 2016 – Returning Event Our Lady of Good Counsel Award: “Women of Distinction” Once again the Springfield in Illinois Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will honor women from all parishes in the Springfield Diocese for their outstanding contribution exhibited by living her Catholic faith, displaying her spirituality and sharing her time and talents with a cheerful attitude by doing acts of service and leadership toward her parish and community. We invite and encourage all to participate and join in this blessed day! Make your New Year's resolution and say yes to a De Colores Weekend! It is a gift from the Holy Spirit. De Colores Spring Weekends The Men’s Weekend, March 31st. - April 3, 2016 Lay Leader Joe Sudkamp @217-994-0031; jksudkamp@frontier.com The Women’s Weekend, April 7th - 10, 2016. Lay leader, Bitsy Trummer, 217- 294-3179 bitsytrummer@hotmail.com Spiritual Director: Father Ron Hilt For more information about the spiritual, fun-filled weekends, please call Mary Sur at 217-342-2003. Divine Mercy Presentation During this Year of Mercy we invite you to come and learn more about the life of St. Faustina- the Apostle of Divine Mercy. During the presentation we will cover the Feast of Divine Mercy, the Image, the Novena, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the hour of Mercy. For questions please contact Tessie Kabbes at tkabbes@stanthony.com or call at 347-8784. Sunday, March 13th -1:30-3:00 pm St. Anthony High School Room 7:7 (please enter door# #3 by the ball diamond) Bible Study with Fr. Ed Shae, OFM “If today you here God’s voice…” Reflections for the Jubilee Year of Mercy with Father Ed Shea, OFM St. Francis of Assisi Church Wednesdays 7:20 to 8:20 pm February 24, March 2, 9 and 16 “For the Bible Tells Me So” Reflections on the Scriptures for Lent 2016 with Father Ed Shea, OFM St. Clare Hall at St. Francis Church Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00 am - March 12th Thank You On Valentines Day, Sacred Heart and St. Anthony Parishes hosted a Father/ Daughter Dance at the Effingham Knights of Columbus. Hundreds of dads and their little princesses filled the dance floor, posed for pictures, enjoyed refreshments, and had a great time creating friendships! Thank you to all the mothers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to pull off another successful event, and to the following businesses for their contributions: Burkland's Florist & Gifts, Party Worx, Ja-Fa Photo, Jared Vogt DJ Services, Greg Koester and the Effingham Knights of Columbus Council #665. We especially want to say thank you to all the fathers who treated their daughters to a very special afternoon out. Many great memories were made! Effingham Area Catholic Youth Group Join the EFFINGHAM AREA CATHOLIC YOUTH GROUP on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:00pm @ Sacred Heart church lower level. Bring your friends. Join the fun. Talk about everything Catholic, answer your questions, mission trips, ice skating, challenge you & watch you grow. Don't wait. We're waiting for YOU. If you have questions, call Katalyn Miller @ 217-347-7177 or email k.miller@sheff.org. Cram the Cars with Canned Goods for Catholic Charities February is National Canned Food Month. HSHS Home Care and Hospice Southern Illinois, Dan Hecht Chevrolet Toyota, Northside Ford, & Roy Schmidt are teaming up to Cram the Cars with non-perishable food items for the Catholic Charities food pantry. Drop off your donation of non-perishable food items at the North Colleague Entrance or Home Care Building. We will cram the cars with all the donated items on February 29th. Mission Statement - Philippians 3:14 Pressing on to the Goal of service to the Lord by stretching our intellect, confirming our values, and living our faith. How to Submit Bulletin Articles - Please submit written bulletin articles to: bulletin@stanthony.com or mail to Bulletin, PO Box 764, Effingham, IL 62401. Articles must be in the office by noon Monday prior to publication. The Financial Corner as of February 16, 2016 Income YTD Jul 1 - Jan 31 YTD Budget Jul 1 - Jan 31 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 Offering $856,235.73 $983,874.05 $1,520,681.76 Sunday Collection from Feb 8 - 14 Income Loose & Children’s $21,530.88 $25,018.14 $42,888.24 Offering Holy Days $56,406.68 $50,950.00 $51,050.00 Loose & Children’s $223,067.86 $102,083.31 $174,999.96 Annual Fund Subtotal Regular Giving $1,157,241.15 $1,161,925.50 $1,789,619.96 Fundraisers $221,412.07 $190,529.81 $210,768.96 Bequests & Gifts $155,136.51 $5,833.31 $9,999.96 Trusts Distributions $108,130.20 $113,000.00 $113,000.00 Tuition & Resource Fees $856,947.28 $843,512.74 $1,446,021.84 Other $150,608.53 $182,242.05 Total Income Expenses Salaries & Benefits $303,980.95 $2,649,475.74 $2,497,043.41 $3,873,391.67 YTD Jul 1 - Jan 31 YTD Budget Jul 1 - Jan 31 Total Budget Jul 1 - Jun 30 $1,869,979.65 $1,916.855.65 $3,320,840.89 Utilities $71,562.70 $78,725.50 $134,958.00 Insurance (P & L) $31,944.99 $28,945.00 $49,620.00 Repairs & Maintenance $39,297.61 $34,135.00 $45,660.00 Equipment & Furniture $29,875.65 $3,605.00 $6,180.00 $133,033.75 $97,960.46 $149,567.96 $39,467.79 $34,680.19 $50,166.04 $185,434.36 $196,176.33 $352,810.88 Supplies Technology Other Total Expenses Net Profit/Loss $2,400,596.50 $2,391,083.13 $4,109,803.77 $248,879.24 $105,960.28 FAMILY LIFE CENTER announces… BROADWAY FOR LIFE Join us at Family Life Center’s Broadway for Life, 2016, “Blest Are They”. This annual fundraising event will be held, March 5, at the Carriage House Event Center, 4 N. Frontage Rd., Altamont, IL. This year’s event again offers the opportunity for a dinnertheatre experience. Tickets are now available 5:30 P.M. dinner (seating to begin at 5:00), catered by Deb’s Catering. Dinner tickets are $25.00. Should anyone be interested in the show only, please, contact the Family Life Center for information. The show will begin at 7:00 P.M. (seating at 6:45). All seating for the evening is reserved seating. Tickets are available from the Family Life Center, 605 Eden Avenue, Effingham, (217)342-5433. Opportunity to contribute to the work of the Family Life Center will be made available during the evening. Holy Days Week of Feb 8 - 14 Weekly Budget $16,355.00 $25,134.14 $1,153.00 $862.69 $0.00 $0.00 Total $17,508.00 $25,996.83 Diocesan Collections Week of Feb 8 - 14 Sister Parish Haiti Cemetery YTD Jul 1 - Feb 14 $706.00 $20,898.00 $0.00 $7,956.00 Catholic Times $45.00 $2,972.00 Eastern Europe $585.00 $715.00 $0.00 $750.00 $640.00 $1,956.50 Latin America Catholic Charities Error Correction The last two weeks in the bulletin, under the Year to date income, some amounts listed were incorrect due to a typo. It now shows the correct amounts. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. ACSA Goal 2015 $94,363 Pledges as of Jan 27, 2016 $46,391 -$236,412.10 Pray for Vocations 4 Day Mission A 4 day mission is set for the 4 Parishes of Fr. Sunder Ery. (ST. Mary’s, Neoga - Sacred Heart - Lillyville - St. Mary’s, Green Creek - St. Michael’s, Sigel. The mission will be held at 7:00pm each evening in St. Michael’s Church, Sigel. Mission dates are February 28, 29, and March 1 & 2. The theme of the mission is: NO IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS, GOD IS WITH US...NOW WHAT? The preacher for the mission is Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, OMI; a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate from Belleville, IL. Fr. John Mark will preach on; What does God’s presence with us really mean for us? What is its purpose? How are we to respond? How might this unfold in our daily lives? Is it OK just to be me, especially when eternity is at stake? Please come and join us to be renewed in our faith. Hospitality in SMS gym to follow each evenings service.
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