July 24, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua
July 24, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua
St. Anthony of Padua 6750 State Road Parma, Ohio 44134 Schedule of Liturgies Saturday Evening: 4:30 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. Sundays: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. and 12 Noon Monday through Friday: 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. Holy Days : Vigil Mass: 5:30 P.M. 7:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 5:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. Parish Directory Pastoral Staff Parish Office : (440) 842-2666 Pastor………………Fr. Dale W. Staysniak Parish Website: www.stanthonypaduaparma.org Parochial Vicar…………Fr. Peter T. Kovacina Religious Education Office: (440) 845-4470 DRE/Pastoral Minister…Mr. Randy Harris, M.R.E. Parish Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. - 9:00am-7:00pm Pastoral Minister……… Sr. Roberta Goebel, O.S.U. School Office: (440) 845-3444 www.stanthonyofpaduaschool.org Principal ………………..Mr. Patrick Klimkewicz Parish Secretary………...Mrs. Joyce Fanous Music Minister………….Mrs. Nancy Tabar ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OH MONDAY, JULY 25, St. James, Apostle. 7:00AM Poor Souls in Purgatory 8:00AM Sam Wyatt James S. Kraska TUESDAY, JULY 26, Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 7:00AM Reynald Sansoucy 8:00AM Tom Neff WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 7:00AM Helen Wasko 8:00AM Ronald Klusak THURSDAY, JULY 28 7:00AM Ray Sacha 8:00AM Randy Roginski Contributions for July 16/17, 2016: FRIDAY, JULY 29, St. Martha. 7:00AM Leona Grad 8:00AM Ronald Klusak Sunday Collection:$10,444.00 Faith Direct Offering: $3,500.75 Total Offering: $13,944.75 Poor Box: $132.00 SATURDAY, JULY 30 4:30PM For People of the Parish (living & deceased) 6:00PM Helen Marie Zelek SUNDAY, JULY 31, Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 8:00AM Irene Davis 10:00AM Betty Ebert 12:00PM Mathew Migliore SUNDAY THOUGHT Luke 11:1-13 Please Pray For: Martha Ashton, Ed & Helen Bartkiewicz, Irene Bednar, Lynn Bouchez, Kay Brichacek, Maxine Cerny, Joe & Marsha Demko, Ray Dmytriw, Sybil Dougherty, Norbert Erker, Rita Fecek, Greg Findura, Anne Kilbane-Friedl, Sandra Friedl, Frances Funtek, Sam Gappa, Robert Gielski, John Gladden, Elaine Hammond, Rose Marie Hewitt, Ron Hicks, Celeste Hurley, Marian Jarabek, Colleen Jarvis, Janet Johnson, Pat Jones, Ted Kaliszewski, Michael Kaliszewski, Betty Kilbane, Robert Klimo, Cynthia Kufleitner, Karen Kulju, Andrea Lagzdins, Robert Laheta, Dorothy Laquatra, Isidoro LaRosa, Bernice Laskan, John Lieske, Michael Lieske, Corinne Lipinski, Elizabeth Madar, Thomas Madej, John Martin, Edward & Josephine Maskulka, Emmett Masterson, Claudia & Russell Mazanec, Peyton McCarthy, Rosemarie Medvin, John Metzger, Jane Najlepszy, Mary Niec, Rose Nosse, Dora Oney, Agnes Padar, Janice Petruska, Carrie Piechowski, John Precario, Mary Jane Precario, Christopher Reeves, Ed & Leigh-Ann Revay, Vinny Ruvo, Frances Rymut, Mary Sabo, Lorraine Schmidt, Joseph Schmitt, Robert & Teresa Setele, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Smith, Doug Stos, Sylvia Stibley, Phyllis Tomaselli, William & Shirley Trausch, Alice Tucker, Frank Viccarone, Annie Vorndran, Cathy Yappel, Andrew Yaronczyk, Christopher Yurko, Amanda Hope Zmecek. In our Gospel this weekend, Jesus tells us that whenever we pray, we should have the utmost confidence that our prayer will be heard and answered. Yet, why does it seem that this is often not the case? The answer to our question is also contained within our passage today. Earlier in the gospel we are told what our prayer petitions should consist of. In the “Lord’s Prayer” we voice a series of petitions that must be the heart of every Christian’s prayer. The coming of God’s kingdom into each of our lives is the heart of our requests. It encompasses all that we ultimately need as Jesus’ friends. Our difficulty is that we often hope for lesser things to fill the hole within us that only God can fill. Since God has made us for Himself, He will never deny our request to be one with Him. Consequently, whenever we are united with Him, both our blessings and our needs take on their proper perspective. Our blessings will fill us with the profoundest gratitude and our crosses will challenge us to love God even more. 1 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24, 2016 CELEBRATING THE SAINTS Saint Francis Regis Clet, Priest/Martyr (1748-1820) Francis was born in Grenoble, France, the tenth of fifteen children. He was named for the Jesuit Saint, John Francis Regis and was sent to a Jesuit school as a boy. After a stint in the diocesan seminary, Francis joined Saint Vincent de Paul’s Congregation of the Missions, taking vows in 1771. He was made the professor of moral theology at the seminary in Annecy. The students there called him the “walking library.” In 1788, Francis was moved to the order’s seminary in Paris. Here he shared with his superiors a long-held desire to go the Chinese mission. At first, they resisted the middle aged priest. But, in 1791, he was sent to the province of Jiangxi. Only a year after Francis arrived, his two confreres in the mission died, one from exhaustion, and the other in prison. Francis was left the sole Vincentian priest for a vast area, covering three Chinese provinces. Although he was never able to master the language, he gave himself unceasingly to the people for the next twenty-nine years. In 1812, a round of persecutions of Catholics began. Francis repeatedly escaped capture, but in 1819, a school teacher who had been reproved by Francis turned him in. He was tortured over eight months. At the last, a change in quarters brought him into contact with a Chinese priest, who gave him the sacraments. On January 1, 1820, Saint Francis Regis Clet was found guilty of deceiving the Chinese people by preaching Christianity and was sentenced to strangulation on a cross. On February 18, 1820 after approval of the sentence by the Emperor, he was executed. As in the case of Jesus, Christians took his body and buried it on a hillside where it rested until it was returned to the Vincentian motherhouse in Paris several decades later and is now honored at St. Lazare, in Paris. His feast day is celebrated on July 9th. NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION Parents of children attending public school entering 1st grade please register for PSR classes, which begin Monday, September 12th. If you are new to the program in grades 2-8 please register as soon as possible. Registration forms can be picked up in the gathering space of the church (on the book rack), or by downloading the form from our web-site, www.stanthonypaduaparma.org. If you have any questions please call Randy Harris at 440-842-2666. PSR RE-REGISTRATION PSR registration for the 2016-2017 school year is underway. PSR classes for 2016-2017 begin on September 12th. PSR parent orientation will be held in the gym/ school on August 29th at 7:00 p.m. Please register your child as soon as possible. Parents, please remember that 7th and 8th grade classes will only be offered at our 6:30 p.m. session. The re-registration forms can be downloaded by going to www.stanthonypaduaparma.org. On the Home page, click on Faith Formation, then click Parish School of Religion. If you have any questions regarding registration please call Randy Harris at 440-842-2666. SUNDAY PRESCHOOL Parents of 3, 4, and 5 year olds, we are now taking registrations for our Sunday preschool program. Classes are held on Sunday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the school. Classes begin October 9th, 2016. Registration forms are available at the rectory, in the church gathering area on the bookshelf, and on the parish website www.stanthonypaduaparma.org. PSR CATECHISTS & VOLUNTEER OPORTUNITIES We are in need of PSR catechists, aides, volunteers, and hall/parking lot monitors for the 2016-2017 school year. We need a 5th grade catechist for our 4:15 p.m. session and a 1st grade catechist for the 6:30 p.m. session. If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities available at our Parish School of Religion please call Randy Harris at 440-842-2666. Classes begin September 12th, 2016. All volunteers are required to complete Virtus training and in accordance with diocesan and parish policies, are required to submit a BCI criminal background check. Please consider being part of this very important ministry of passing on the Catholic faith to our young people. If interested, please call Randy Harris at 440-8422666. LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA Are you always telling yourself that you need to spend more time developing your spiritual life, but cannot seem to find time to do so? If so, then please check out our selection of CDs on the Lighthouse Media display. These CDs are great to listen to while driving in your car. The CDs feature some of the top speakers in our Catholic faith, Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Larry Richards, Matthew Kelly, Kimberly Hahn, Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Michael Schmitz. We have a variety of topics to choose from, that will surely enhance your Catholic faith. 2 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH PARMA, OHIO THE HIGHLIGHT OF SUMMER!! Every year after The FEST, we receive a ton of emails from those who were there telling us how much they enjoyed our Annual Catholic Family FESTival and how it was the ‘highlight’ of their summer. Don’t miss out on Sunday, August 7th as we come together for The FEST from 12 noon until 10 pm at the CPL (28700 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe). Come hear great music (Newsboys, Michael W Smith, Matthew West, and Lauren Daigle) along with great activities and displays. Check out Marc’s Mom’s Relaxation Station with over 200,000 give away items for busy moms. Junior high students can visit the Catholic Youth Summer Camp area filled with fun, engaging and faith-filled activities. It’s the perfect family day. There’s plenty of parking (see the video at www.theFEST.us) and affordable food (thanks to Executive Caterers and Marc’s). Come and get a braut off the world’s largest grill while watching your kids learn lessons of faith and family. It’s all FREE. Go to: www.theFEST.us for details, parking instructions, and a complete schedule of the day. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The St. Anthony Athletic Association has the following open positions for 2016-17 School Year: Cheerleading Coordinator, Vice President and Secretary If interested and for further details, please contact our Athletic Director, Jeff Hall at (440) 667-4660) or email hallj2425@gmail.com. SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMISSION A sincere THANK YOU to all those who baked for the West Side Catholic Center luncheon on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. The 200 hot lunches that we served consisted of hot dogs, baked beans, potato chips, watermelon and also included a generous portion of your fresh baked pastries. All were most appreciative. Remember to mark your calendar for our next serving date, Tuesday, September 20, 2016. Thank you again for your continued support and generosity to the West Side Catholic Center. WOMEN’S FAITH MINISTRY If you are interested in attending the Women’s Faith Ministry seven week program, but were unable to register before July 20, you are still welcome to attend. You can purchase the book, My Sisters the Saints, on Amazon or through your local bookstore, or you can access the book with your online reader (e.g., Kindle). Some libraries also have it available to download onto your smart phone or tablet. IF YOU REGISTERED BEFORE JULY 20, A BOOK HAS BEEN ORDERED FOR YOU. Please call the rectory at (440) 842-2666 or email wfmstanthony@gmail.com to register for the program and if you have any questions. This program, offered through St. Anthony’s Women’s Faith Ministry, will explore this book about a Christian woman, Colleen Carroll Campbell, whose life parallels that of five recognized women saints. You may be surprised at how much you have in common with them. The program will take place from 7-8 p.m. in the Church Meeting Room (behind the sacristy of the church) every Wednesday beginning August 3 through September 14. 2017 MASS INTENTION BOOK A reminder that the 2017 Mass intention book is open and many mass times are still available. Please stop by the rectory office during regular business hours to schedule your times. The requested stipend for each mass remains $10.00. MONDAY, JULY 25 6:00PM Volleyball Camp - G TUESDAY, JULY 26 6:00PM Volleyball Camp - G 7:00PM The Way - CM WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 10:00AM Women’s Summer Book Study - HR 6:00PM Volleyball Camp - G 7:00PM Knights of Columbus Officers Mtg. - SA THURSDAY, JULY 28 6:45PM Bingo - H 3 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH JULY 24, 2016 FOOD PANTRY The Saint Anthony Food Pantry is an outreach ministry that helps needy families in the parish and immediate area supplement their monthly food/household needs. Each week items are suggested for donation so we can keep our shelves stocked with a “well-rounded” variety of nonperishable items. This week the suggested items are laundry detergent, bar soap and anti bacterial hand soap. If you wish to contribute but do not want to shop, cash donations are always welcome to help us balance out our needs. ST ANTHONY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Just because its summer time, does not mean the Knights are on summer break. Membership in the Knights is open year round. Any male, eighteen years of age or older and a practicing Catholic in Union with the Holy See, please contact Tim Esther @ 440-8230109 or timesther@att.net for further details about joining the Knights. Just a reminder to all current Knights, our next business meeting scheduled for 8-3-16 has been moved to the Hospitality Room to take advantage of the AC and the lack of steps. ‘TASTE OF ST CASIMIR” POLISH FESTIVAL Come on out and try some of the best tasting Polish food in town as St. Casimir Church, Sowinski Ave. in Cleveland hosts its annual festival Friday & Saturday, August 5-6 from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM and Sunday, August 7 - featuring Bishop Roger Gries at the 11:30 AM Mass - from 12:30 PM to 6:00 PM. There is a wide variety of reasonably priced homemade food and drink options plus live entertainment. There will be Church tours daily and a number of items available for take home purchases. Credit Cards accepted! Call Ken @ (216) 370-2831 for details and we hope to see your there! TRAVELING CHARISMATIC MASS Catholic Renewal Ministries’ Traveling Charismatic Mass for August will be held at St. John Vianney Parish, 7575 Bellflower Rd., Mentor, 44060, on Friday, 19 August. Praise and Worship will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the liturgy will start at 7:30 p.m. Healing prayer teams will be available after Mass for individual prayer, and there will also be a social after Mass. For more information, please contact Fr. Franco at 440-327-2201 or CRM at 440-944-9445. Come and bring a friend! This will be a time to truly encounter the Lord. 3 RETROUVAILLE WEEKEND Someone once said marriages may be made in heaven, but they sure take a lot of work on earth.” Have you become so distracted by outside pressure that you neglect your spouse? The Retrouvaille program can help you put your troubled marriage back on track. This program is supported by the Catholic diocese of Cleveland , but, it is open to couples of all faiths. The next Cleveland Retrouvaille weekend will be held on September 9-11, 2016. A registration fee of $150 is required to confirm your reservation. For more information concerning the program, or to register, please call Marce or Liz Gliha in complete confidence at , from a 216 or 440 area code,1-800-470-2230. For additional information or to register online, please go to www.helpourmarriage.org. DEPARTMENT FOR MARRIAGE & FAMILY MINISTRY What have you done for your marriage today? People have different prayer rhythms, but for many couples first thing in the morning is a good time to pray. Need ideas to start praying together? Start with an Our Father or a Scripture passage. Visit www.foryourmarriage.org for ideas and resources for your marriage. Also, find and like us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/ clevelandmarriageandfamily. RACE FOR INDEPENDENCE 5K Race to benefit Cornerstone of Hope by running in the Cleveland Clinic Race for Independence 5K at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6 at the Independence Civic Center in Independence! Mail in registrations must be received by Wednesday, Aug. 3 and online registration is open until 9 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 5, 2016. Run/Walk: $20 pre-registration for all age groups $25 race day registration $60 family rate (mail in only) This special event is fun for the whole family and features b-tag chip timing. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., and the course covers 3.1 miles over paved roads and residential area. T-shirts guaranteed for the first 250 entrants. Refreshments for walkers and runners following the race. Register online or for more info, call 216.623.9933 or visit www.hermescleveland.com.
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