Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st February 2015
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st February 2015
Rotas et alia SICK LIST Please remember to pray for the sick and housebound: Kevin Flynn, Augusta Deane, Irene Mulligan, Jane Hutton, Eileen Cox, Connie Edgar, Walter Fletcher, Marie Hare, Fr John Abbot, Gladys Brown, Nora Hunt, Vivien Faulconbridge, Monica Holt, Valerie Pellier, Mary Aspill, Frank Caldwell, Mary Begley, Kitty English , Fiona Ruddle, David Cooke, Maeve Swann, Mary Howell, Felicity Jarochek, Helen Allen, Tony Slipper, Jean Maker, Hilda Laud, Anna Orme & Pasqualina Dennis, Pat Graham, Lucy Court, Debbie Reed, K en Woods, Lilian Popple, Deacon Stephen Dirkin Lorraine Watt , Elizabeth Ager & Deacon Joe Rogan. St Augustine’s School: Admissions advice packs are now in school for September 2015. In addition our Admissions Policy for 2016-17 is under consultation and is available to view on our website under “Policies”. Should you have any comments please inform the school office either by email or in writing. DIARY Tuesday 10th February 7.00pm Parish Presentation of Church Redecoration Mass this week: Parish Mass Book Page 133 Penitential Rite A Preface Page 55 no 4 Euch. Prayer 2 page 25 Mem Accl. C Next Week Readings Reading 1 Job 7:1-4, 6-7 Reading 2 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 Gospel Mark 1:29-39 Confessions The sacr ament of r econciliation is always available. There are set times in Church: 9.00am to 9.45am on Saturday and after Mass on Saturday Evening (7.00pm) . But of course the sacrament is available at any time by request whether in Church or here at the house. New Year Books ar e available at the back of Church Price £3. They have all the info about the Diocese Parishes, religious orders and organisations COLLECTIONS Loose Plate £ 315.24 Envelopes £ 350.10 Total £ 665.34 Standing Orders £190 Many thanks! Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time 1st February 2015 Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Psalter Week 4 SATURDAY SUNDAY 1st February MONDAY 2nd February TUESDAY 3rd February WEDNESDAY 4th February THURSDAY 5th February FRIDAY 6th February SATURDAY CONFESSIONS NEXT WEEK SATURDAY SUNDAY 8th February 6.00pm November Dead List 9.00am Kathleen Smeeth RIP 11.00am People of the Parish Coffee after 9.00am & 11.00am Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 9.00am Patrick Rooney RIP St Blaise (Blessing of throats) 9.00am Mr Paddy O'Callaghan RIP St Gilbert of Sempringham 9.00am November Dead List St Agatha 9.00am November Dead List St Paul Miki & Companions 10.00am Ann Proctor RIP(followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament) Feria 9.00– 9.45am & 7.00pm Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time 6.00pm Basil Hotchkiss Ill (M. Proudlock) 9.00am People of the Parish 11.00am Patrick,Kitty & John Joe Burke 13 Broad Street, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 1PG Parish Priest Fr. Christopher O’Connor Tel. (01780) 762010 Deacon: Rev. Charles West-Sadler E-mail address Catholic schools: St. Augustine’s Primary, Stamford. Tel. (01780) 762094 St John Fisher, Catholic High School Tel. (01733) 343646 First Holy Communion Meeting for Parents and Children will be on Sunday 22nd of February from 10 to 10.50 am. Please make every effort to be there. Please contact Fr. Chris or Catherine Callow (01780 762450, ) to enrol your child to receive this Sacrament if you have not already done so. Can you help with the preparation for First Holy Communion? If you enjoy working with children and would like to join our friendly team on a Sunday morning please contact Catherine Callow (01780 762450, ). Thursday Club 5th February there will be home made soup etcetera served at 12.30pm in the Parish Centre. Nottingham Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage 2015 This year s Pilgr image to Lourdes is 13th-18th July. Flights are direct from East Midlands Airport and return. Transfer on arrival at Lourdes Airport to your hotel and return. 5 nights accommodation at selected hotel. Breakfast, lunch and dinner served each day. Airport taxes, UK Government levy and Lourdes Hotel tax. Full religious programme facilitated by Joe Walsh tours in conjunction with Diocese of Nottingham. One piece of standard check-in luggage subject to airline conditions. Prices From £599 to£649 depending on hotel. You can book online or Tel. 0161 8208790. Give Blood on Monday 16 February at Barnhill Methodist Church. Please call 0300 1232323 or visit to book an appointment. CATHOLIC CHAPLAINCY IN HOSPITAL AND THE DATA PROTECTION ACT Catholic Chaplains are no longer provided with lists of Catholic Patients. Therefore it is imperative for families to notify the Priest if any member of your family is in Hospital. If we do not receive this information the sick person may not receive the Sacrament of the Sick of Holy Communion whilst in Hospital. Please contact myself and/or Fr John Minh at St Luke’s Peterborough (01733 370877) who takes care of the hospitals there . Gift Aid: If any one in our Gift Aid scheme has stopped paying tax could you please let us know. Many thanks for you continued support of this. Each year we are able to recover about £8,800. This is free money we can get back from the government on any money given to the parish by a taxpayer. Please consider joining the scheme if you are a taxpayer. There is no commitment to a fixed sum as in the old covenant scheme. Many thanks CHURCH REDECORATION ANNIVERSARY PROJECT There will be a presentation showing the planned redecoration of the church, on Tuesday 10th February at 7.00pm in the church. All parishioners are invited to come and find out more about the scheme from Chris King, who is project managing it on behalf of the parish and Gabriel Gillick, who has been employed to design and manage the contract. Headteacher: The Federation of English Martyrs, Oakham and St Augustine’s, Stamford, Catholic Voluntary Academies is seeking to appoint an Executive Head Teacher as from the Autumn Term 2015 ( or earlier if possible). Full details are available from EPM, The Federation’s HR providers, at The closing date for applications is February 6th 2015 Please pray for this intention Stamford Foodbank R estoring Dignity, R eviving Hope Since we reopened after Christmas we have been quite busy; although quieter than December. We are still getting many donations left at the centre and our cupboards are still well stocked. Each client who comes in with a voucher is given a parcel of food sufficient for at least three days. Our lists of foods required represents the range of food which we include in a typical parcel. This is based on recommendations from dieticians at the Trussel Trust who have put together a balanced package taking into account the non perishable foods which are likely to be donated. Typically a food parcel will include cereal, soup, beans, tomatoes, meat(or vegetarian), vegetables and pulses, fish, fruit, pudding and custard, biscuits, sugar, pasta, tea, long life juice, milk, pasta sauce, jam and chocolate; although individual packages will vary according to what we have had donated. We also offer basic toiletries and hygiene necessities. Currently we are only low on food stocks of custard, crumble mix and steamed puddings. We ar e also low on shampoo, shower gel, washing powder (we split lar ge packets) and washing up liquid. Rosmini Centre Gr eetings fr om the Centr e for 2015. The focus this year for Saturday Mornings is on the initiatives taken by Pope Francis – “Consecrated Life”, “Family Relationships”, “Ecology”. The Saturday Afternoons the themes for reflection are “Prayer”. All the details including Healing Masses, retreat days, Tuesday and Wednesday Prayer you will find on the site.