Catholic Community of Toukley/Lake Munmorah Parish Information: Masses


Catholic Community of Toukley/Lake Munmorah Parish Information: Masses
Catholic Community of Toukley/Lake Munmorah
St Mary’s Church Main Rd,
Date: 26/10/2014
St Brendan’s Mass Centre
29 Carters Road,
Lake Munmorah
Parish Information:
Parish Priest: Fr. Peter D’Souza Msfs
Contact Number: (02) 43964455
Assoc. Priest: Fr Michael Divyanthan HGN
Fax: (02) 43972853
Parish Secretary: Mrs Jan Lovett
Address: 458 Main Road, Noraville.
P.O. Box 1, Toukley. 2263
Parish Office: Baptisms & Marriages
Intention for the month of October: Dedicated to The Holy Rosary/Missions
St Mary’s
St Brendan’s
Saturday Vigil
5pm (Children’s Mass)
9:00am (Children’s Mass)
(Excluding Christmas & Easter)
9:00am (Anointing of the Sick on the first day
of the month)
8:00am (Reconciliation before Mass)
9:15am (Except 1st Friday)
11:00am (1st Friday Anointing Mass except
8:15am – 9:00am (Reconciliation)
1st Saturday 5:15pm – 5:45pm
1st Saturday 8:15am – 12:00pm (Adoration)
Prayer of the Church each morning:
Monday - Wednesday & Saturday 7:25am
Friday – 8:45am
Ministry Contacts:
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Year A)
Contact No.
Home Communion
Sunday Bus Service
Dulcie Grady
After School Care
Tania Wilson SM
Ruth Sutherland SB
Next Sunday:
First Reading: Isaiah: 25: 6-9
Second Reading: Paul: 5: 5-11
Gospel :
Matthew: 11: 25-30
Responsorial Psalm:
I love you , Lord, my strength.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
All who love me will keep my words, and my
Father will love them and we will come to
Contact No.
Special Days of the Week:
St Mary’s K-6
Mr Kevin Williams
St Brendan’s K-6
Mrs Luanna Fletcher
Date: 28/10 St s Simon & Jude
St Peter’s College
Mrs. Michelle Peters
Date: 1/11 All Saints Day
MacKillop College
Mr Stephen Todd
St Brigid’s College
Mrs Julie Terry
My dear Community of Toukley and Lake Munmorah
Reflecting on the Love of God and Neighbour
Love Is More than We Can See
A man once observed a young boy out in a field flying a kite.
He noticed that there was something odd about the way the
boy was standing and holding on to the string. He walked up
to the boy and then learned that the boy was blind. He said,
"Do you like flying kites?" The boy said, "I sure do." This
piqued the man's curiosity and he asked, "How is that when
you cannot see it?"
The boy answered, "I may not be able to see it but I can feel
it tugging'!"
We may not always be able to identify the love of God in this
world. Like the little boy, we may not be able to see love but
it has a tug that lets us know it is there. Brett Blair,
" By loving the unlovable, You made me lovable."
St. Augustine
With all good wishes…
Fr. Peter
A Warm Welcome to the Fatima Group
the Central Coast.
May the Celebration of the event lead You and
Your families and all of us .
“ To Listen to what He (The Lord) tells us…”
November is a special month of the year for prayers
for the Faithful Departed.
“It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray
for the dead, that they may be loosed from their sins.”
(2 Mac. 12.46). “From the beginning the church has
honoured the memory of the dead and offered prayers in
suffrage from them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice,
so that, thus purified, the may attain the beatific vision
of god. The church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of
the dead”. (Catechism of the Catholic church, 1032)
Remember that the Church teaches us how to put into
practice mercy to our fellow man in the seven Corporal
and Spiritual Works of Mercy is to pray for the living
and the dead. Our priests will be accepting offerings for
November Masses to be said for the Intentions of the
Faithful Departed. If you would like to have a Mass offered for the faithful of a loved one. Please take an envelope and fill in the details and place it on the plate
during the offertory.
Please note that all Mass intentions offered will be
prayed for at all Masses, we just cannot fit all names in
the bulletin.
Gospel Of Mark…………….
Presented By Rtd. Bishop David Walker.
Tuesday Nights: 28th.Oct./4,18,25 November 2014.
From 7.00pm to 8.30pm @ Parish Centre OLR The Entrance. Please contact Colleen/Leanne on 43329825
Prayers for the Sick: Jeanette Kavanagh, Melba Voigt,
Thomas Nash, Rebecca Brown, Nancy Purdue, Marie Kennedy, Yvonne Thomas, Seth Moir, Craig Middleton, Fahey
family, Warren & Jason Formosa, Alex McKinnon, Rhonda
& John Deveraux, Patricia McCormack, Kate Rogan, Bonnie
Cole, Gwen Demarka, Veronica Ryan, Gary Heath, Lucinda,
Roma Miller, Patricia McInerney, Jean Degabriel, Evan
Shepherd, Patricia Brown, Kathleen Strong, Stella Merriman, Thomas Nash, Felicity Pyke, Kenrick Rooney, Jan
Eden, Tom Williams, Michael Meehan, Shari Brewster,
Gregory Horton, Guiseppe Baraldi, Sarah Fenwick-Mulcahy,
Eva .
Recently Deceased: Fr Patrick (Paddy) Gillic , Cecilia Mc
Connon, Catherine Neild, Helena Gearon, Joan Heenan, Mavis McPhillips, Victor Baraez, Maurie Cohen.
Anniversary: Albino Bergado, Felicitas Bergado, Teodora
Bergado, Mary Baker, John King.
Remembrances: Anthony DeGabriel, Frank Surace, Bugeja
Family, Laurence Azzopardi, Carmen Azzopardi, Charlie
Cioffi, Joyce Degiorgio, Lynne & Raphael Cohen, Mary &
Jack Webb, Wynn Family, Holy Souls.
Christmas Dinner
Parish Volunteers Thank You Evening
Thursday 11th December, 2014,
7.00pm at Toukley Golf Club, 1 Key St. Toukley
Please register your attendance by contacting the
Parish Office on 43964455.
CWL Melbourne Cup Day
We invite you to our Melbourne Cup Day function to be held
at the home of John and Betty Knight, 35 Elizabeth Drive,
Cost will be $20 including lunch and drinks. For catering
purposes we need to be notified by Friday 31st October. Please telephone either Betty Knight on 43966233 or
Pauline O'Malley on 43581801.
This is always a lovely social day and all are welcome.
Monthly Meeting 27th October, 2014 10.00am
at St Mary’s Parish Centre.
St. Mary's After Mass Cuppa will be hosted by the Catechists Group next Sunday the 2nd Nov. after the 9am Mass
St. Brendan’s After Mass Cuppa will be hosted by the
MacQuarie group after 8.00am
2014..Mass for People with special needs and
their Families..
Sunday the 30th.November 2014 @ 10.30am
Hosted by St. Agatha’s Parish
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills.
RSVP: 23/11/2014.
Spirituality in the Pub (SIP CENTRAL COAST)
Tuesday 11th November, 2014, 7.30pm - 9.00pm
(2nd Tuesday – not the 1st)
Theme 2014: “Spirituality in Changing Times”
Special Guest Speaker: Laurie Maher
Mother Teresa once said of herself, “By blood and origin, I am all Albanian. My citizenship is Indian. I am a Catholic
nun. As to my calling, I belong to the whole world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the heart of Jesus.”