February 22, 2015 - St. Jude the Apostle
February 22, 2015 - St. Jude the Apostle
Welcome to 2403 MCARTHUR DRIVE · JACKSONVILLE AR 72076 Mass Times Tuesday/Wednesday 6:30pm Thursday/Friday 8:00am Funeral Masses will take the place of daily Masses. First Sunday of Lent February 22, 2015 Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am,11:00am 2:00pm Spanish Mass Holy Days: Vigil 7:00pm Holy Day: 8:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00pm—4:30pm Or by appointment Baptism To schedule a baptism and to make arrangements for a baptism preparation session (required for all) please contact the parish office at 982.4891. Please check our website (www.stjudejax.com) under “Sacraments” for some very important information! Marriage In addition to some critically important steps noted on our p a r i s h w e b s i t e (www.stjudejax.com) under “Sacraments,” our Diocese has set a required period of at least six months of preparation between setting a wedding date and the wedding ceremony itself. Please check our website and call the office (982.4891) before setting any dates or making any plans. Office Hours 8:30am-4:30pm Monday through Friday Pastor Fr. Andy Smith 982-4891 Deacons: Deacon Mike Alberson Deacon Max Elliott Deacon Ernie Gallegos 982.1917 412.4974 352.4881 DRE Paula Price 551.1873 stjudesdre@yahoo.com Secretary Nita Shaw 982.4891 parishsecretary@stjudejax.com Assistant/Bulletin Coordinator Anne Birmingham 982.4891 office@stjudejax.com RCIA Ann Gallegos 352.4880 amgdesign@centurylink.net Welcome! If you are a visitor to St. Jude’s, we want you to know you are welcome!! MASSES FOR THE WEEK Readings for the Week of February 22, 2015 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18/Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11/Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10/Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25/Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28/Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19/Mt 5:43-48 Next Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/ Mk 9:2-10 Wednesday, February 25 6:30 Mass Eva Dickhut+ Friday, February 27 8:00am Mass ORGANIZATIONS Rita Strickland Paula Price Stephanie Farinelli Dale Olivo Theresa Truscello Donna Aldrich Tuesday, February 24 6:30pm Mass Mary Maureen Brown+ Thursday, February 26 8:00am Mass Mary Maureen Brown+ ©Liturgical Publications Inc Altar & Rosary CYM JRCYM Knights of Columbus Ladies of the Knights Senior Citizen Sunday, February 22 8:00am Mass Parishioners 11:00am Mass Mary Maureen Brown+ 2:00pm Mass Priest’s Intention 835.9785 551.1873 628.1930 590.4629 835.5557 772.2098 Mary Maureen Brown+ Saturday, February 28 5:00pm Mass Don, Doris, & Mike Gallardo+ WEEKLY EVENTS SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Monday February 23: St. Polycarp Please pray for our Seminarians, Alex Smith and Vince Kozlowski, and all Diocesan Seminarians. Please also keep Judith Timmerman, Novice at St. Scholastica, in your prayers. Monday, February 23 7:00 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm Small Faith Group Tuesday, February 24 6:30 pm Scouts 7:00pm Scripture Class Wednesday, February 25 10:00am Scripture Class 5:30 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm RCIA — Confirmation — Lazeth 7;00 Faith Chats/CYM/JrCYM Friday, February 27 6:00pm JrCYM Stations of the Cross After stations meal Women’s Retreat: Location: Christ the King Little Rock Topic: The Way of the Rabbi Speaker: Rose Sweet Date: March 14th For more information: 501-225-6774 or gdonaldson@ctklr.org More information on Bulletin Board in Vestibule. Bring a Friend! 2 Welcome to St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church · Jacksonville , AR 72076 CARE CHANNEL REQUESTS Care Channel is requesting whatever you find on special or have a coupon for! Sick or Homebound If you have a family member who is ill or in the hospital or homebound who would like to receive communion, please have a family member call the office at 982.4891 and we will arrange for one of our many wonderful people to come and visit and bring communion. New to our Parish? If you are new to our parish, we would like to welcome you into our community. Please pick up a registration form on the table by the bulletin board, call the office, or register online at stjudejax.com. *** Ronald McDonald House is in need of volunteers to cook and serve a home cooked meal every second Saturday of the month. Please contact Kerstin Gates at 501.993.6035 or email Jetzfan@comcast.net for available times and information. *** If you are not getting the EMAIL BLAST on Friday please email us at office@stjudejax.com with your name and email. ATTENDANCE February 15 Due to the possibility of nasty weather attendance will be put in next weeks bulletins 5:00pm: 8:00am: 11:00am: STE WARDSHIP February 15: there are not totals until next week due to the office being closed. The regular parish budget for 2014/2015 anticipates a weekly offering of approximately $10,523.09 for the regular operation of the ministry of St. Jude’s. May God continue to bless you for your faithful stewarship. First Sunday of Lent Prayer List Spencer Aydeot, William Alberson, Kathy Bajorek, Robert Barrett, , Rayeigh Butrand, Michael Carter, John Claude, Elisabeth Cory, John Davitt, Emily Downs, Sherry Duncan, Danny Epley, Karen Fletcher, Bill Garner, Misty Gay Betty Gibson, Michael Gilbert, Susan Hall, Mike Hargrove, Helmut Herm, Charles Henning, Hibbard Family,Harold Higgins, Bobby Hough, Louise Hubbard, James Hunt, Dylan Jeffrey, Mickey Kamer, Rudy Kurz, Norma Laberdee, Carla Lewis, Joan Lowry, Jean Luman, Joshua Luker, Sharon Mayes, Sandra Morris, Doris Medway, Carol Miller, Bob Nawrocki, Jeffery Nordmeyer, Bridget Vickers-Norton, Tom Pack, J. W. Palmer, Cathryn Pentecost, Helen Piazza, Mary Pickels, Benjamin Ramirez, Randy Rhodd, Jerry Robbins, Dawn Robnett, Mary Robnett, Louise Ross, Beverly Saltz, John Sellars, Ethel Seward, Linda Seidl, Jeremy Sheeran, Tina Simone, Carol Staggs, Maria Stewart, Patsy Strode, Verna Thompson, Maureen Wilmoth, Otis Wilson, Sandy Yoerger. Prayer for Missionaries in America Dear Lord, We pray for those who work among poor and isolated communities across America, bearing witness to the life of Christ in a thousand different ways. Give them wisdom, courage and joy in their generous ministry. AMEN Are you looking for a Lenten project and can knit or crochet? St. Vincent Hospice is in need of lap robes for their in resident patients. Please consider making a few lap robes to comfort those who are less fortunate than us. For more information please call the office PRE “Children’s Church” is held during the 11:00 Mass February 22, 2015 3 February 22, 2015 1st Sunday of Lent "And he remained in the desert for forty days." Lent is meant to be like our journey into the desert. Just as Jesus spent these days fighting with temptation and ultimately building up his spiritual strength, we too are called to spend the next forty days doing battle with the things that tempt us. We are invited during this holy season to grow in self-discipline by giving something up for Lent. The long-standing Christian practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are also important elements of this spiritual battle. When we pray, we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, thereby squeezing out any spirit of selfishness or evil that threatens to control our hearts. When we fast, we exercise the virtue of temperance, or self-control. This virtue is of tremendous value when we are tempted to indulge our bodily senses in ways that are not healthy or holy. And almsgiving--when it is truly generous--also strengthens us spiritually by shifting our gaze to the needs of others, even to the point of making a personal sacrifice. Today's Gospel tells us that Jesus "was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him." What a contrast! The brutal, vicious, bloodthirsty beasts and the pristine, heavenly angels were both there at the same time: each with radically different intentions. And so it is with us. Our reality is also marked by the contrast between the brutality and vice of sin and the grace and goodness of faith. During Lent, we acknowledge the battle between good and evil within our own souls and do what we can to stir up a victory for goodness. This season of purification can help each of us to become a better, holier, and therefore happier person. May we make good use of this, our journey into the desert. Spring 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign LITTLE ROCK WILL NOT HOST A 40 DAYS FOR LIFE THIS SPRING, BUT THE NATIONAL EVENT NEEDS PRAYERS FOR ITS SUCCESS. Focus this spring in Little Rock will be on renewed efforts to build up Christ’s army of prayer warriors to keep vigil, not just for 40 days at a time, but throughout the year. The first campaign here in 2008 resulted in a small group of people who asked “Why stop now?” Many babies’ lives have been saved through the prayers offered on the sidewalk at the abortion clinic, but more people and prayers are needed. Dozens of lives are ended each week in our community; is God asking you to join us? For just one hour a week? All lives matter and the tragedy of abortion must end. For more information call Marsha Boss 960-5051. 4 After being abandoned by her husband, a mother and her children were living on the streets, struggling to make ends meet and provide food for the family. She came to Catholic Charities for assistance, not knowing where else to find food. The food services she received stabilized her family’s situation and helped her realize the job training resources available to help her get back on track. “I wouldn’t have a full-time job if it weren’t for Catholic Charities,” she said. “I am so grateful.” Learn more at www.CatholicCharitiesUSA.org SEARCH #136 RETREAT Registrations are now being accepted for Search #136, a retreat for juniors and seniors in high school to get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search#136 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, April 17-19, 2015. The fee is $120.00. For more information and registration forms visit our website at: http://www.dolr.org/sites/ default/files/documents/search-136.pdf *** The Arkansas Pregnancy Resource Center is seeking a part-time Office Manager available to work approximately 20-30 hours a week to include some weekends. The Office Manager is responsible for maintaining office operations, including greeting and communicating with clients, performing data entry, and organizing daily tasks. There is also an opening for a Nurse Manager interested in working extra hours on Saturdays. For more information call Nicole at 501-227-7944 or email PregnancyLittleRock@gmail.com * * * Catholic Charities of Arkansas seeks an Office Administrator to coordinate maintenance, security, procurement, scheduling, and grant processes. Position requires a bachelor’s degree, excellent written and oral communication skills with bilingual English-Spanish preferred, and the ability to manage multiple projects. To apply, send a cover letter and resume to Patrick Gallaher, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Arkansas, 2500 N. Tyler, Little Rock, AR 72207, or email to pgallaher@dolr.org DEPLOYED Please help us keep our list of deployed up to date. Major Mary Hrynyk Lacy, LT Kevin Irvin, Michael Melcher, CPT Michael Reber, SGT Jefferson Davis, FSA Nicole Sanders, Spec. Daniel Kaup, LT Gary Spier, A1C Amber Nutsel, NS Benjamin Thompson, LTCOL Robin Neumeier, John Schofield, SFC Brian Ellis, Anthony Krause, firefighter Welcome to St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church · Jacksonville AR 72076 DIOCESE NEWS Come and see what’s new in our religious articles cabinet!! Bingo is played the first and third Saturdays of each month at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Please do not forget your donations to St. Joseph’s Helpers. They are in need of bottles, baby ointment , towels and washcloths. EASTER’S COMING INVITE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO COME HOME Are you a Catholic who has been away from the Church? Do you know someone who is away and want them to come home? No matter how long you have been away for whatever reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with Christ and His church through “LANDINGS”. LANDINGS is a 9-week series designed to Welcome Back Catholics who have been away. If you are searching or know someone who is, consider LANDINGS. Begins March 12th. For more information call 982-4891 or see our website www.stjudejax.com Pre-Registration is required Senior Potluck will be held March 2, 2015 at 11:30am in the Parish Hall. This will be a regular potluck with A-H bringing dessert, I-O casseroles & P-Z salads. We will be playing bingo so bring your white elephant gift wrapped. There will be two door prizes. All seniors are welcome. February 22, 2015 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING! In an effort to give practical help to married and engaged couples to live out the teaching of the Church, a short course on NFP begins every month across the Diocese. For more information/registration, visit www.ccli.org or email Paul and Alicia Osborn nfp@csalr.org *** Ignatian Retreat Opportunity—Deepen your friendship with the Lord in sacred stillness & quiet. Experience an Ignatian Silent Directed Retreat at St. John’s Center, Little Rock. The retreat begins Thursday, March 19 with dinner at 6:00pm and ends Sunday, March 22 after lunch. A cost of $300.00 includes 3 night accommodations, 9 meals, and daily individual sessions with a retreat director. For details see the flier on bulletin board or contact the Office of Faith Formation at 501.664.0340 ext. 323. Registration forms are available at www.dolr.org. Limited spaces available. *** Photo Contest:Any photographer in Arkansas can enter their photo of a local Catholic church or institution for a chance to be featured on the cover of the 2016 Diocese of Little Rock diretory. Arkansas Catholic sponsors the annual cover photo contest. The contest entry deadline is March 20,2015. Complete rules and an entry form are available on the Arkansas Catholic website, arkansas-catholic.org. For more information call Emily Roberts at (501) 664-0125 or email eroberts@dolr.org. *** CENTRAL DEANERY HIGH SCHOOL TUITION AID FUND school year 2015-16 The High School Tuition Aid Fund was established by the parishes of the Central Deanery to financially assist registered, active and qualifying parish families who are unable to pay the full tuition cost for Catholic High School for Boys and Mount Saint Mary Academy. Applications are now available at the Parish Church office. Applications must be submitted to the Parish Office for pastoral approval no later than Thursday, April 23, 2015. IN addition, all families seeking tuition assistance from the Central Deanery High School Tuition Aid Fund must apply online with FACTS Tuition Grant and Aid (https:// online.factsmgt.com/aid) by April 23, 2015 before Central Deanery High School Tuition Assistance Applications can be considered for processing. (An application fee per family for processing FACTS Applications will apply). Call the Church Finance Office with any questions. First Sunday of Lent 5 Scott Everett - Agent 501-982-6681 AUTO • HOME • LIFE 517 N. 1st St., Stonewall Sq. Jacksonville, AR 72076-4135 SEverett@ShelterInsurance.com ShelterInsurance.com/ScottEverett P 501-982-7481 C 501-350-7412 F 501-985-1594 DE DEBRA STEWART REALTOR® Cell: 501-425-3986 • Sales • Loans • Repairs Watch Batteries Office: 501-975-2100 E-Fax: 501-320-4483 debra.stewart@crye-leike.com http:/ http://debrastewart.crye-leike.com 84 Municipal Drive Jacksonville 501-982-4478 LINK LIQUOR CRYE-LEIKE® REALTORS® North Little Rock Branch 9130 South Hwy 161 Jacksonville, AR 72076 Dr. James Hertzog Dr. Charity Hertzog HERTZOG FAMILY EYE CARE (501) 941-2222 Optometric Physicians St. Jude Parishioners 1004 S. Pine Street • Cabot www.hertzogfamilyeyecare.com MICK’S CONTRACTING BOB’S GARAGE at Huff ’n Puff JAX Gymnastics + Dance + Cheer Home Repair/Remodeling Specialist 701 South First Street, Cabot Plumbing, Electrical, Siding, Roofing, Deeks, Sheet, Sheetrock/Drywall, Painting, HVAC and more... 843-6661 0LFNH\)DLUFKLOG2ZQHU Certified Mechanics Complete Care For Your Heat And Air! 501-982-5772 (501) 554-2615 Family owned and operated for 46 years! Now Enrolling for All Classes Two Locations www.reidsair.com mickey.fairchild@yahoo.com JACKSONVILLE NORTH LITTLE ROCK 501.985.1818 501.945.1444 613 N. First St. 4101 Richards Rd. www.huffnpuffgym.com OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL (501) 376-1122 FREE ESTIMATES RANDY HINDMAN SHANNON HUM HINDMAN 951-2294 951-4931 Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! MAnderson@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2612 Moore’s Jacksonville Funeral Home & Crematory Chapel Hill Memorial Park Proudly Serving Pulaski County Over 70 Years 500 Gregory St. • 982-4456 501-982-2136 1504 Loop Rd. Jacksonville www.mooresjacksonvillefuneralhome.com SKILLS Unlimited Staffing Pete Barry Insurance 758-2404 24 Hour Service Proudly supporting the Catholic Community Sam Giglio 501-225-3033 Jimmy Langston ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! Plumbing • Refrigeration Heating • A/C • Electrical KITA ORTHODONTICS W.C. LOOPER ROOFING NLR • Jacksonville (501) 758-9697 Dr. Alexander S. Kita • DDS www.kitaorthodontics.com Roofing & Remodeling Security Systems 501-835-4885 (office) 501-258-0744 (cell) Parishioner at I.C. 834-2161 Charity • Unity Fraternity • Patriotism For more information contact John Hertzog • 454-0945 www.PeteBarryInsurance.com JACKSONVILLE Room Additions • Kitchen/Bath Remodel • Roofing • Siding • Painting DRAINS, WATER HEATERS AND REPAIR “Member Of The Better Business Bureau” PAT LONGINOTTI, Owner - St. Theresa Parishioner chazculpepper@gmail.com Charles Culpepper, Owner (501) 982-5042 Free Estimates F OR AD I NFO CALL MIKE A NDERSON 1326 John Harden Dr. • Jacksonville 935-2999 2305 South Pine • Cabot 941-2999 MASTER PLUMBING L & L BUILDERS 888-7376 GREAT AUTO/HOME RATES AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW .4LPi. COM St. Jude the Apostle, Cabot, AR A 4C 01-1157 01-05-2015 16:07:23
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