Double R - St. Jude the Apostle
Double R - St. Jude the Apostle
Welcome to Mass Times Tuesday/Wednesday 6:30pm Thursday/Friday 8:00am Funeral Masses will take the place of daily Masses. 2403 MCARTHUR DRIVE · JACKSONVILLE AR 72076 Most Holy Trinity June 15 , 2014 Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am and 11:00am Holy Days: Vigil 7:00pm Holy Day: 8:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:00pm—4:30pm Or by appointment Baptism To schedule a baptism and to make arrangements for a baptism preparation session (required for all) please contact the parish office at 982.4891. Please check our website ( under “Sacraments” for some very important information! Marriage In addition to some critically important steps noted on our parish website ( under “Sacraments,” our Diocese has set a required period of at least six months of preparation between setting a wedding date and the wedding ceremony itself. Please check our website and call the office (982.4891) before setting any dates or making any plans. Welcome! If you are a visitor to St. Jude’s , we want you to know you are welcome!! MASSES FOR THE WEEK STAFF OFFICE HOURS: 8:30AM—5PM Pastor Father Andy Smith Deacons Dc. Mike Alberson Dc. Max Elliott Dc. Ernie Gallegos Sunday, June 15 8:00am Mass Parishioners 11:00am Mass Fredrick I Brown+ 982.4891 Tuesday, June 17 6:30pm Mass Sp. Int. Viginia Miller 982.1917 412.4974 352.4881 Wednesday, June 18 6:30pm Mass Jo Marva Rancifer+ Thursday, June 19 8:00am Mass Cornelia Altstade+ Secretary Diane Cullen 982.4891 Friday, June 20 8:00am Mass NO MASS DRE Paula Price 551.1873 RCIA Dc. Ernie & Ann Gallegos Saturday, June 21 5:00pm Mass Lisa Zipfel+ 352.4880 WEEKLY EVENTS ORGANIZATIONS Altar & Rosary Compassion Ministry CYM JRCYM Rita Strickland 835.9785 Mary Koorstad 982.7961 Paula Price 551.1873 Larry & Kimm 941.3450 Marshall Knights of Columbus Alex Coleman 515.4645 Ladies of the Knights Juanita Osgood 941.1222 Senior Citizen Donna Aldrich 772.2098 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Monday, June 16 7:00pm Small Faith Community 7:00pm Choir Practice Wednesday, June 18 5:30pm Choir Practice SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Thursday: St. Romuald Saturday: St. Aloysuis Gonzaga Please pray for our Seminarians, Alex Smith and Vince Kozlowski. Judith Timmerman, Novice at St. Scholastica and all Diocesan Seminarians. 2 Friday, June 20 7:00-8:00pm Benediction and Adoration VIRTUS class will be offered on Wednesday, June 25th from 6-9pm. Please call the office to register. Welcome to St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church · Jacksonville , AR 72076 CARE CHANNEL REQUESTS Prayer List Care Channel is requesting whatever you find on special or have a coupon for! New to our Parish? If you are new to our parish, we would like to welcome you into our community. Please pick up a registration form either on the table by the bulletin board, call the office, or register online at Sick or Homebound If you have a family member who is ill or in the hospital or homebound who would like to receive communion, please have a family member call the office at 982.4891 and we will arrange for one of our many wonderful people to come and visit and bring communion. Mike Hargrove, Verna Thompson, Michael Gilbert, Mary Pickels, Maureen Wilmoth, John Davitt, Bill Garner, Helmut Herm, Susan Hall, J. W. Palmer, Karen Fletcher, Michael Carter, Dylan Jeffrey, Bobbie Roberts, Robert Barrett, Debbie Coleman, Randy Rhodd, Elisabeth Cory, Bernie Neppl, John Claude, Bob Nawrocki, Jerry Robbins, Norma Laberdee, Benjamin Ramirez, Bobby Hough, Jeremy Sheeran, Misty Gay, Danny Epley, Tina Simone, Betty Gibson, Sandy Yoerger, Faye Timbers, Terry Meyer, Carla Lewis, Linda Seidl, Doris Medway, Sandra Morris, Beverly Saltz, Joshua Luker, Mickey Kamer, Spencer Aydeot, Jean Luman, Helen Piazza, Dawn Robnett, Mary Robnett, Kathy Bajorek, Ethel Seward, Sharon Mayes, Joyce Henry, Charles & Mary Henning, Louise Ross, Jerry Brazeal, Hibbard Family, Cindy Nunez, Tom Pack,Maria Reiter. ATTENDANCE PRE 5:00pm 231 8:00am 210 11:00am 285 Vacation Bible School will be held July 14-18. STE WARDSHIP Stewardship: $7,415.30 The regular parish budget for 2013/2014 anticipates a weekly offering of approximately $10,523.09 for the regular operation of the ministry of St. Jude’s. May God continue to bless you for your faithful stewardship. Most Holy Trinity June 15, 2014 3 Grief Ministry The Most Holy Trinity "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him." God wants us to be saved. To be saved from sin and the pain, misery, and despair that come with it. But God wants to do more than save us "from" bad things. God also wants to save us "for" good things. To save us for heaven, for holiness, for the happiness that doesn't fade away. God wants what's best for us. That's why he sent his Son. He didn't send a servant or a slave. He didn't send a messenger or a minion. He sent part of himself, his own Son, the second person of the Trinity. This was obviously a mission of great love. As we hear in today's reading, God gave his only Son, Jesus, "so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." To believe in Jesus is to accept two radical claims of Christianity. First, that God is the Trinity, three-persons-in-one-God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And second, that God loved us enough to become One of us through his incarnation. We refer to these things as "mysteries of the faith" because they aren't easy to explain or understand. But through faith, we can accept them and live according to them. In this day and age, we are often discouraged from being people of faith. We are expected to accept scientific facts and figures, but when it comes to spiritual mysteries like the Incarnation or the Trinity, our culture tends to be skeptical. As Christians, we are called to bear witness to this culture. Through our faith, we can encourage others to accept that these mysteries are not fantasies. God has really sent his Son to save the world! Let us do our part to help "the world" to believe it's true. “You can’t imagine just how much parishes and communities are affected by gossip. It causes pain…. gossip causes pain. A Christian who is on the verge of gossiping, should bite his tongue. Am I right? A Christian must bite his tongue!! This would do good, because when the tongue swells one cannot speak or gossip.” · Pope Francis · · · · We are those who have walked or are walking the path of sorrow and healing from the loss of a loved one. We meet monthly to give and receive Christian support. First Tuesday of each month. Next meeting is July 1. 7:00pm in the CYM classrooms Contact Rita Strickland at 501.835.9785 Please support St. Jude’s “CYM GROUP”!!! The $$ being raised will help the CYM attend the Regional Youth Conference in Oklahoma City, OK. The CYM will receive 20% of EVERY Thirty-One Gifts purchase price! To support and make a purchase go online to https:// Thank you for helping St. Jude’s CYM Group!! Catholic Charities Summer Institute (C2SI) Investigating Gods word in life. A summer program open to youth in the 9th-12th grades interested in learning more about the social teachings of the Catholic Church. During the week, attendees will gain insight into various areas of lay ministry available in today’s Church. Participants will also put the social justice lessons learned each morning into action with worthwhile “hands on” experience by working in the community. Each day ends with reflection, sharing and fellowship. Optional overnight experience at the Heifer Global Gateway Program starts on Sunday, July 6th. July 6-11 at St. John’s Center in Little Rock. The fee for the week is $245.00. If you have any questions you may contact Trish Gentry or call 664.0340x418. DEPLOYED Please give us a picture so we can place it on the tv in the lobby! Many Thanks! LT Kevin Irvin, Michael Melcher, CPT Michael Reber, SGT Jefferson Davis, FSA Nicole Sanders, Spec. Daniel Kaup, LT Gary Spier, A1C Amber Nutsel, NS Benjamin Thompson, PFC Brittney Kolk, LTCOL Robin Neumeier, John Schofield, SFC Brian Ellis, Anthony Krause, firefighter, TechSgt Lambdin, LCPL Christopher Schwark. Welcome to St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church · Jacksonville AR 72076 4 Readings for the Week of June 15, 2014 Sunday: Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9/2 Cor 13:11-13/Jn 3:16-18 Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14/Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25/Mt 6:24-34 Next Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:5158 PARISH NEWS Come and see what’s new in our religious articles cabinet!! Bingo is played the first and third Saturdays of each month at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Women of St. Jude’s Please join us in Discovering Our Catholic Faith!! No homework and childcare is offered. Time: 7:00pm Starts: September 10, 2014 Location: Church library Discussions will be based on Matthew Kelly’s book, Discovering Catholicism. Give yourself a gift and join us! More information, contact: Peggy Wilson: 501.258.8417, Marvella Melnick: 501.626.2222 or Anne Birmingham: 501.786.1767. Please do not forget your donations to St. Joseph’s Helpers. They are in need of newborn diapers and layette outfits and receiving blankets. June 15, 2014 DIOCESE NEWS Search #134 Retreat: Registrations are now being accepted for Search #134, a retreat to help juniors and seniors in high school to get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search #134 will be held at St. John Center in Little Rock, June 27-29. The fee is $120 and the early registration deadine is June 7. For more information and registration forms visit their website at ffices/yo uth/ docum ents/ search134.pdf. Employment Opportunity: St. Edward Catholic School in Little Rock is hiring a school secretary to begin in August 2014. Candidates must have strong customer skills, preferably with previous customer service experience and strong organizational skills. Must be bilingual in English and Spanish with excellent oral and written communication skills in both languages. Must be proficient with Microsoft word and Excel and have the ability to work with numbers and handle money. The position is full time with hourly pay with benefits. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to Married Couples: Dads—It has been said that the BEST gift you can give your children is to love their mother. Come deepen your love for your wife! Attend the next Marriage Encounter Weekend at Subiaco, September 2021. Space is limited. For more info contact Steve and Elaine Lienhart @ 501.312.1119, or email: The first 20 applications received by August 8, 2014 will receive $25 off the $100 application fee. Please call for promo code to use when applying online. You are invited to a Mass of Thanksgiving on Tuesday, July 1 at the Cathedral of St. Andrew at 5:30pm followed by a dinner and reception opened to everyone to honor the following priests jubilarians for their generous service: Msgr. John O’Donnell (Ret) - 60 years; Fr. Silvio D’Ostilio, CSSp– 60 years; Fr. Alphonse Gollapalli—25 years; and Fr. Josely Kalathil, IMS—25 years. No reservation required. The priest jubilarians have requested no gifts, just your presence. For more information, contact Maria Velazquez, secretary for Bishop Taylor at 501.664.0340. E-mail: Most Holy Trinity 5 Scott Everett - Agent 501-982-6681 "650t)0.&t-*'& 517 N. 1st St., Stonewall Sq. Jacksonville, AR 72076-4135 Dr. James Hertzog Dr. Charity Hertzog r4BMFTr-PBOT r3FQBJST 8BUDI#BUUFSJFT P 501-982-7481 C 501-350-7412 F 501-985-1594 .VOJDJQBM%SJWF +BDLTPOWJMMF HERTZOG FAMILY EYE CARE (501) 941-2222 Optometric Physicians St. Jude Parishioners -*/,-*2603 41JOF4USFFUr$BCPU Moore’s Jacksonville Funeral Home & Crematory Chapel Hill Memorial Park Proudly Serving Pulaski County Over 70 Years 9130 South Hwy 161 +BDLTPOWJMMF"3 501-982-2136 Serving Greater Little Rock Since 1989 .JDIBFM-BXTPO 1504 Loop Rd. Jacksonville rXXXQMVNCDPJODOFU Main Office: 501-376-3066 Fax: 501-376-3055 P.O. Box 1728 /.BHOPJMJB4Ur/PSUI-JUUMF3PDL"3 &NBJMQMVNCDPQMVNCJOH!BPMDPN Double R MASTERS REMODELING, LLC Florist & Gifts Since 1964 +BDLTPOWJMMFr $BCPUr 1-501-988-2979 Email: Complete Care For Your Heat And Air! Kitchen, Bathroom Remodeling Siding Windows and Door Replacement “We treat your home like our own” 30 years experience 501-982-5772 Jamie Flores 501-606-0563 A Unique Choice to Assure the Comfort of Your Loved One. Finding the right care facility for your loved one can be an emotional and difficult challenge. Allow us to help you with information and specific answers at one of our five consecutive-award-winning Central Arkansas locations. 07&3:&"34&91&3*&/$& $0..&3$*"-3&4*%&/5*" '3&&&45*."5&4 RANDY HINDMAN SHANNON HUM HINDMAN NURSING FACILITIES* RETIREMENT FACILITIES -BLFXPPE/VSTJOH 3FIBCJMJUBUJPO$FOUFS .D$BJO#MWEr/PSUI-JUUMF3PDL"3 5IF(SFFOCSJBS3FUJSFNFOU PG-POPLF -JODPMO4Ur-POPLF"3 $BCPU/VSTJOH 3FIBCJMJUBUJPO$FOUFS /PSUIQPSU%Sr$BCPU"3 5IF(SFFOCSJBS3FUJSFNFOU PG+BDLTPOWJMMF (SBIBN3Er+BDLTPOWJMMF"3 Lonoke Nursing & 3FIBCJMJUBUJPO$FOUFS -JODPMO4Ur-POPLF"3 r)PVS4LJMMFE/VSTJOH4UBGG r1IZTJDBM0DDVQBUJPOBM4QFFDI 5IFSBQJFT r)PTQJDF4FSWJDFT r#FBVUZ4IPQ r%BJMZ"DUJWJUJFT r5SBOTQPSUBUJPO r.FEJDBSF.FEJDBJE$FSUJàFE r-JDFOTFECZUIF0-5$"%))4 r8FBDDFQU.FEJDBSF.FEJDBJE Private Insurance or Private Payments Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2612 r)PVS4UBGàOH r5ISFF.FBMT"%BZ1MVT4OBDLT r-JOFO)PVTFLFFQJOH4FSWJDF r)FBMUI.FEJDBUJPO.POJUPSJOH r%BJMZ"DUJWJUJFT r-PDBM5SBOTQPSUBUJPO r-JDFOTFECZUIF0-5$"%))4 r/P%FQPTJU3FRVJSFE &BTZ.POUIMZ1BZNFOUT r/P)JEEFO'FFT (SFHPSZ4Ur EOE 3FDJQJFOUTPG5IF"SLBOTBT'PVOEBUJPOGPS.FEJDBM$BSF/VSTJOH)PNF2VBMJUZ"DIJFWFNFOU"XBSE SKILLS Unlimited Staffing Pete Barry Insurance 758-2404 24 Hour Service Proudly supporting the Catholic Community Sam Giglio 501-225-3033 Jimmy Langston ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! 1MVNCJOHr3FGSJHFSBUJPO )FBUJOHr"$r&MFDUSJDBM GREAT AUTO/HOME RATES 834-2161 KITA ORTHODONTICS /-3t+BDLTPOWJMMF (501) 758-9697 %S"MFYBOEFS4,JUBt%%4 XXXLJUBPSUIPEPOUJDTDPN $IBSJUZt6OJUZ 'SBUFSOJUZt1BUSJPUJTN 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO cPOUBDU +PIO)FSU[PHt Parishioner at I.C. --#6*-%&34 W.C. LOOPER ROOFING 3PPN"EEJUJPOTt,JUDIFO#BUI3FNPEFMt3PPmOHt4JEJOHt1BJOUJOH “Member Of The Better Business Bureau” PAT LONGINOTTI, Owner - St. Theresa Parishioner 888-7376 Free Estimates F OR AD I NFO CALL MIKE A NDERSON AT Residential and Commercial +"$,40/7*--& DRAINS, WATER HEATERS AND REPAIR 1-800-950-9952 r XXX1FUF#BSSZ*OTVSBODFDPN CLINIC, LLC MASTER PLUMBING TRIPLE C AUTO AUTO REPAIR-AUTO DETAILING Roofing, Siding, Guttering, Brickwork 501-835-4885 (office) 501-258-0744 (cell) +PIO)BSEFO%Sr+BDLTPOWJMMF 935-2999 4PVUI1JOFr$BCPU 941-2999 DIB[DVMQFQQFS!HNBJMDPN $IBSMFT$VMQFQQFS0XOFS WWW .4LPi. COM (501) 982-5042 St. Jude the Apostle, Cabot, AR GRAPHIC DESIGNS 2603 Poloron Rd. Ste. #N Jacksonville, AR 72076 P: 501-216-7258 C: 501-941-8670 “We’ll Keep You Rollin’ For Less” A 4C 01-1157 05-22-2014 17:02:43
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