st. francis of assisi


st. francis of assisi
June 17, 2012
11th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
29 Northgate Drive, Greenlawn, NY
Telephone: 757-7435—FAX #757-0469
Parish Staff:
Rev. Peter F. Kaczmarek, Pastor
Msgr. Robert J. Batule, In Residence
Msgr. Patrick Armshaw, Pastor Emeritus
Deacon David Campbell
Deacon Jean Cantave
Deacon Allan D. Longo, Faith Formation
Deacon James Byrne
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am– 3:30pm; Friday 9:00am-12:30pm
Evenings: By appointment only
Parish Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 noon
5:00pm Youth Mass (Christian Rock Mass)
Monday—Friday: 8:30am
Holy Days of Obligation: as announced.
Faith Formation:
Sacramental Life
Scheduled Sundays at 1:30pm
Parents should contact the
Rectory before the birth of the
child. Both parents must come
for an interview with the priest
or deacon. Class also required
after the interview.
Sacrament of
Please call the rectory at least six
months in advance for an
appointment with a parish
priest. A marriage preparation
program is required.
Saturdays at 12:30 and 5:30pm
Also by appointment
Anointing of the Sick:
Every second Monday after the
8:30am Mass. Also anytime by
calling the rectory at 757-7435.
(1st through 8th grade)
Religious Education Coordinator:
Deacon Allan Longo: 754-6436
Music Ministry:
Director & Cantor:
Charmaine Nygaard: 266-5458
Organists: Theresa Bissex
Shira Fishkin
Youth Mass & Ministry:
Michael Sheetz: 252-5083
Office of Pastoral Care to the
Homebound, Elderly and Ill:
Peggy Evans, Office: 261-4837
Ministry of Consolation
& Bereavement:
Diane Lake: 499-0395
Liturgical Ministry
Lector & Eucharistic Ministers
Marilyn Reilly: 261-2093
New Parishioners:
Every family should be properly
registered. Please stop in the sacristy
after Sunday Mass or at the rectory office
during office hours to pick up a
census form.
Devotional Life
First Friday
8:00pm—10pm with
Catholic Conversion
Please call the rectory.
Liturgy of the Hours
In church Wednesday at
Parish Programs
Trinity Regional
1025 Fifth Avenue
E. Northport
Principal: Jeanne Morcone
Office: 261-5130
St. Vincent de Paul
Daily at 9:10am
Meets semimonthly in the
Charismatic Prayer
In-Home Pre-Cana
Saturdays: 9:30am
Peggy Evans: 424-6964
Holy Hours
In the church
Wednesdays: 7:00pm—8:00pm
Fridays: 2:00pm—3:00pm
Pastoral Advisory
Neil Coscio, Chairperson:
Seasonally in hosts home
Coordinators: 271-3566
Deacon Allan & Lorraine Longo
Little People’s
Sundays at the 10:00am Mass.
Louise Mordarski: 796-2070
Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780
PB&J Gang
3rd Sunday of the month
Leslie Kulewicz: 754-2132
Ivonne Porpora: 499-3780
June 17, 2012
Mission Statement:
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is a Christ-centered family of believers, celebrating Christ alive in our lives
through the inspiration of the Gospel, church teachings and traditions and the Sacraments. We are
sensitive to the spiritual and temporal needs of God’s people, acknowledging their uniqueness and
dignity and are dedicated to reaching out and serving them through prayer, liturgical celebrations
and social ministries. Guided by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Holy Eucharist, we welcome all
people with, respect and compassion. We are vigilant in protecting the rights of the most vulnerable.
In the tradition of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, we put the “good news”
of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ into action.
Sunday, June 17th - Father’s Day
10:00am Novena of Masses
Monday, June 18th
8:30am Vera & Arthur Donovan+
Tuesday, June 19th
8:30am William P. Brown+
Wednesday, June 20th
8:30am George Rand+
Thursday, June 21st
8:30am Conversion of America’s Heart
to End Abortion
Friday, June 22nd
8:30am Mark Levee
Saturday, June 23rd
4:30pm Rudolph Vrana+, Guillermo Sanchez+,
Linda Sorrels+, Ints. of Marian Killrone
Sunday, June 24th
8:00am St. Francis Parishioners
10:00am Kate Porto+, Joan Montaigne+
12:00pm Charles Forman+, Patricia Roy+,
Philip Gioia+
5:00pm Mary Dudley -Ahmed+
Ministers for Saturday and Sunday
June 23rd & 24th
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Allan Longo, Lorraine
Longo, Thomas Lemp, Joe Clines, Mary Schlaikjer
Lector: Mary Lemp
Altar Servers: Emily Lozito, Liam Leary
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jim Byrne, Clare Intemann,
Carol Queally, Diane Lake, Pat Ammirato
Lector: Jim Gribbin
Altar Servers: Colleen & Danny Morgan
Eucharistic Ministers: Jo Amadio, Louise Mordarski,
Carol Nucci, Frank Brown
Lector: Nancy Christensen
Altar Servers: Gabrielle & Robert Gregor, Brittany Coscio
Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jean Cantave, Diane Bauge,
Pat Wahrheit, Lorraine Cullen, Mariejo Prezeau
Lector: Bob Bauge
Altar Servers: Phineas Reichert
Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Ann Fetzer, Thomas Fetzer
Lector: Jeffrey Froh
Altar Servers: Kathleen Barter
Saint Francis Parish/Huntington Hospital
Eucharistic Schedule
First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays of the Month
Meet at 9:15am in Hospital Lobby
June 24th: * Deacon Jean Cantave, Pat Ammirato, Laurette
DeCabia, Mary Ann Farmer, Charles Giardino, Bob Kiley, Doreen McNiff, Marilyn Reilly
Please pray for the sick of the Parish
Don Lammers, Patrick Bissex, Walter Dichurt, Connie Zurcher, Kathy La Russo, Carol Nicastro,
Lori Miller, Jean Sepp, Robert Potenza, Thomas Segur, Sean McGrath, Gus Hueber,
Eleanor A. Thompson, Connie Granite, Courtney Kane, Helen Czech, Flori Young,
Josephine & Christopher Caiozzo, Emily Rose, Thomas Connors, Frank Ward,
Linda Spadaro, Mary Rand, Leslie Walker, Stacy Rose
June 17, 2012
First Report on the Carnival Feast
Special thanks to all who helped us in ways big and small by volunteering at the feast. Whether it was
in the ticket or food booth, in the sweet shop, port-a-store, beer & wine garden, selling Grand Raffle &
50/50 tickets, playing music, prayer or statue booth one night or four, we sincerely thank you and hope
that you will return next year.
Our feast made progress. The parish netted $22,000.00 that represents a $5,000.00 increase over last
year. We will give a more detailed report later after we have the complete break down of expenses and
This year three things happened that helped us on a new level. The larger parish-wide mail out was
done more efficiently and in good time; this year we had vendors at the feast selling items of jewelry and
clothing – their presence added to the interest of the feast and to our income; finally, special thanks to (at this time I mention only
one name) Anne Buckley for her wonderful effort to solicit sponsors for the feast. You saw the 2 big signs listing all the local
businesses and professional people who helped us as special and regular sponsors. Our sponsor income more than doubled.
Once again thank you everyone – the big need of course, is still to put more people on the field for the feast – to have something
like the kind of crowd Fireman’s Fairs have. Your ideas and efforts are welcome!
Religious Freedom – Here at St. Francis
Watch for the special invitation to participate in our Fortnight for Freedom prayer vigils organized by our local St. Francis
parishioner right here at St. Francis itself. Note the schedule, block out the dates you can make and be here and stand up for the
freedom the Church needs to run its programs according to its own moral code and free from government coercion! Thank you
responding to this invitation. Special thanks to Mike Lobasso for his diligent work in all of this.
Father’s Day
This is Father’s Day weekend. Remember your dads and granddads in a special spiritual way through participation in the
Novena of Masses. The envelopes are in the pews for your convenience. Fill out the envelopes with the names of dads and
granddads – living and deceased, make an appropriate offering and place it either in the collection basket or in the receptacle in
the vestibule of the church.
Msgr. Bob’s Mass of Thanksgiving
We honor Msgr. Bob in a special way on June 24th after which he will depart from St. Francis to take his new duties at St.
Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, NY. Msgr. Bob has received a very important appointment at the newly reconstituted Seminary
now serving three dioceses and this is our chance to honor him and thank him for his four years of service here and extend to him
our prayerful support. We will have hospitality after the 8am and 10am Masses on June 24th and Msgr. Bob will be there to greet
you. Msgr. Bob will then be the principal celebrant at the 12 noon Mass. After that Mass, we will have a special luncheon in his
honor. This will cap off the Mass of Thanksgiving and it is an event open to everyone in the parish.
You may attend an earlier Mass and still come to the luncheon. If you cannot attend the luncheon greet Msgr. Bob downstairs
after the 8am and 10am Mass. We will have a simple hospitality then with plenty of time to wish him God’s blessings in his new
work. Presentations may be made to Msgr. Bob after all the Masses downstairs!
All are called to prayer and action at this critical time in American History! From June 21 to July 3 our parish is holding a
NOVENA of prayer each weekday evening from 7:00pm to 8:00pm for our Church and country. In a society becoming increasingly
hostile to Christian Faith and values, it is imperative for faithful Catholics to seek help from our Lord and His Holy Mother in
opposing the forces which seem determined to coerce the Church to abandon its teachings and mission. Each Holy Hour will include
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Rosary and special prayers for our nation. Can you afford one hour
each night in an appeal to the powers of Heaven to defend our Faith and the Catholic way of Life? Can we sit back and allow a
persecution of the Church which will prohibit it from proclaiming the Gospel Truth? Please join in prayer to preserve Religious
Liberty and the Christian values which have built this nation .
The Fortnight for Freedom program will also include a showing of A Man for All Seasons on Friday, June 22 at 8:00pm in the
lower Church. On Friday, June 29 at 8:00pm, the President of the LI Chapter of the Catholic League, Jim Krug will be guest
speaker in delivering a presentation outlining the serious crisis facing the Catholic Church and all people of faith in America
today. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers. If our freedom as Catholics is to be preserved, it is most
important that we recognize the threat to our Faith now before it is too late.
Please participate in St. Francis of Assisi Parish, A Fortnight For Freedom Program, June 21-July 3, 2012.
June 17, 2012
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
(Regular Sunday Offertory)
Last Sunday’s weekly offering: $9,868.00
Last Year’s Sunday offering: $9,505.00
Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step!!!
Bulletin Reflection
Like the sower in today’s Gospel, I scatter as seed my gifts of
time, talent and resources; and I trust that, by God’s grace and
in God’s time, these small gifts of myself may grow and
flourish and help to bring about the Kingdom of God.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who
strive to be the good seed mentioned in the Gospel story and
that their example inspires others to become good stewards,
June 17, 2012 Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary Time:
In the Gospel, Jesus says: “This is how it is with
the reign of God. A man scatters seed on the
ground. He goes to bed and gets up day after
day. Through it all the seed sprouts and grows
without his knowing how it happens.”
Through your almsgiving you are sowing seeds that grow
far greater than you know. The coins placed in the
St. Vincent de Paul Poor Box bring Christ love
and compassion to the poor.
Join Fr. Peter
of St. Francis
Sr. Marcie Purpura
For the 23rd Annual
Youth Festival
The festival attracts
people of all ages,
celebrations for everyone.
July 28 - August 7, 2012
All Inclusive
from NYC
A Message From Msgr. Bob
Fresh off celebrating the Solemnity of Corpus Christi last
Sunday, the Church’s liturgy for the Eleventh Sunday in
Ordinary Time bids us to reflect upon the growth of the
Kingdom of God. In Saint Mark’s Gospel, the evangelist
records how the kingdom is like a mustard seed which starts
out small and develops into a large plant. (cf. Mk 4:31-32)
It’s not always easy to see the growth of the kingdom. As the
gospel attests, the Kingdom is hidden. (cf. Matt 13:44) We
need to find it even before we can be amazed at its growth. But
find it we do through the Holy Eucharist.
At the end of the month, I will depart Saint Francis for Saint
Joseph’s Seminary in Westchester County, the new tri-diocesan
theologate for the Archdiocese of New York, the Diocese of
Brooklyn and the Diocese of Rockville Centre. I am glad I
could share in some of the life of the parish these past few
years with you. Thank you for having me.
As today is Father’s Day, I write about the Eucharist as
life-giving for the children of God. We who have been
incorporated into the Lord’s Body in Baptism will wither on
the vine (cf. Jn 15:6) without Christ’s word and the food of
eternal life. (cf. Jn 6:54) Some will say that we can have Jesus’
word on our own and there is no way to deny this claim. But
we can’t have the Eucharist on our own. For that, we need
priests, we need spiritual fathers.
For the last four years, I have worked principally at the
Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Lloyd Harbor. My
work there consisted partly in helping to engender a spiritual
fatherhood among the seminarians of the Diocese of Brooklyn
and the Diocese of Rockville Centre. I trust that some of that
spiritual fatherhood was evident in the ministry I exercised here
at St. Francis - whether at daily mass, weekend mass, in the
confessional and or in the religious education program of the
I will remember well and fondly my association with you. I ask
that in our absence from each other, you pray that the smallness
of the Kingdom mature into that which is lovely and beautiful
to behold. And let it not stop with your prayers. Participate in
and become immersed in the loveliest and most beautiful of all
in the kingdom, that is, the Holy Eucharist. It is only through a
profound dedication to the Eucharist on the part of families and
individuals that the Church will have men ready to give up
biological fatherhood for spiritual fatherhood.
Happy Father’s Day!
In Christ,
Msgr. Bob Batule
SOS Bible Study
10:00am to 12:00pm
in the parish hall.
For information, call Joan at 631-367-4788
June 17, 2012
The Charismatic Prayer Group
will meet on Saturday Mornings
at 9:30am in the lower church
(this is a change from Wed. night)
Please join us
June 17, 2012
Thank You to Our St. Francis Festival Sponsors !
Major Sponsors:
Brueggemann Funeral Home
Buckley Family Chiropratic
Dr. Raymond Mascolo, DDS
Electronix Systems Central Station Alarms
James & Dorothy Myles Foundation
John W. Engeman Theater
Joseph Purpura, CPA, PFS
M.A. Connell Funeral Home
Missionary Sisters of St. Benedict
Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home
All Weather Tires
Anita’s Studio of Dance
Apple Bank
Beckman’s Florist
Chase Bank
Clayton Funeral Home
Dix Hills Diner
Eddie’s Plumbing Service
Everbest Bakery
Fred’s Carpet
Greenlawn Hardware
Greenlawn Service
Greenway Deli
Harbor Carting
La Casa Café
La Villini Restaurant
Nina’s Pizzeria & Restaurant
Painting with a Feminine Touch
Phil’s Vitamin Center
Precision Interior Construction Corp.
Pumpernickel’s Restaurant
Spinelli’s Pizza & Restaurant
Thatched Cottage
Village Jewelers
Special Thanks to our Team Captains, Tom & Anne Buckley
June 17, 2012
“Happy are all who fear the Lord, who walk in the ways of God.
What your hands provide you will enjoy; you will be happy and prosper: Like a fruitful vine your wife within your home, Like olive
plants your children around your table. Just so will they be blessed
who fear the Lord.”
Psalm 128: 1-4
On this Father’s Day our St. Francis of Assisi
Baby Corner wishes all our fathers and
grandfathers a blessed Father’s Day! As you
gather around the table, your family may
wish to pray this special prayer:
God, You are the giver of all life,
human and divine.
Bless our father.
May he be the best of teachers for his children,
bearing witness to the faith
by what he says and does,
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
“Children truly are the family’s greatest treasure and most precious good.”
Pope Benedict XVI, Address at Meeting on Family and Life Issues in
Latin America, Dec. 3, 2005
Intercessions for Life: June 17th Eleventh Sunday in
Ordinary Time
For fathers: that they remain faithful to the vocation they have received
to be living witnesses of God’s love to their spouse and children; We
pray to the Lord
Word of Life: It cannot be taken for granted that human life in itself is
a gift. Can it really be a beautiful gift? Do we know what will befall
man in the dark days ahead—or in the brighter days that could come?
Can we foresee to what trouble, what terrible events he might be exposed?... It is a problematic gift, if it is left to itself. Biological life is in
itself a gift, but it is
surrounded by a great question. It becomes a true gift only if, along
with it, we are given a promise that is stronger than any evil that could
threaten us, if it is immersed in a power that ensures that it is good to
be human, that there will be good for this person no matter what the
future brings. Thus, with birth is
associated rebirth, the certitude that, truly, it is good to be alive, because the promise is stronger than evil. ~Pope Benedict XVI, Homily,
Mass on the Occasion of the Holy Father’s 85th
Birthday, April 16, 2012
Our Baby Corner is in need of Huggies, Pampers, and Luv’s diapers
sizes 4, 5, and 6, unscented baby wipes, unscented baby wash, jars of
stage 2 baby food, baby coupons and money for formula. (Please continue to place baby coupons in our Baby Corner white crib as baby
formula and diapers are very expensive. Always we thank God
through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Francis for
all you do for our precious babies. Wish to join our RESPECT LIFE
COMMITTEE? Please call our rectory at 631-757-7435.
* The Life Center of Long Island at 631-243-2373. Call for help with a
crisis pregnancy, healing after an abortion, or to donate baby equipment. (Please do not bring baby equipment into our Church; rather call
the Life Center to make arrangements. Thank you!) The Life Center’s
Life Line is open 24 hours, 7 days a week at 631-243-0066.
Please continue to pray each day for our
precious babies—born and unborn—and their parents!!!
Pray the rosary for the conversion of America’s heart
to end abortion.
June 17, 2012
What is the best way to ensure our parish receives the support needed for our operating expenses and
ministries during the busy summer months? eGiving
through Faith Direct! Please enroll today by
visiting Our church code
is NY350. Increased enrollment with Faith Direct will help
stabilize our parish finances during the coming summer
months when many families are away on
Thank you for your continued support of our parish family
with your time and talents as well as treasure!
All are invited to St. Francis of
Assisi Church on Tuesday evenings to join together in public prayer
for our nation at this historic time. Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima
and Our Lady of America, both approved by the Church, promise that
special devotion to our Lady and her Rosary will bring untold
blessings and peace to individuals, families and nations. The United
States of America is consecrated to Our Lady under the title of the
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. It is through Her intercession that
America will be saved and Grace restored to this Land.
She must be invoked to receive this Blessing!
Please Join us on Tuesday evenings
between 7:00-7:30pm at St. Francis of Assisi Church
to invoke Our Lady’s intercession
for the United States of America
Please join us at our next
PB&J Gang date:
Sunday, June 17th
Hip hip hooray! We just
broke our record! We made an amazing 1,324
sandwiches at our last PB&J Gang. Loving
hands, Caring hearts, Spreading joy, is a
very good thing. Come and join us in
spreading the joy.
Please bring donations of Bread,
Smooth Peanut Butter & Jelly!
PB&J gang can help satisfy your
service hour requirements
“I am only one but I can do something, and what I can
do with God’s help, I will do”
-St Francis of Assisi
Volunteers Wanted!!!
The bus that takes the seniors from Paumonack Village to
Mass on Sundays will be cancelled as of June first. We
are looking for drivers who can take a senior who goes to
the same Mass they do to offer transportation. If you are
interested please call the Pastoral Care Office (261-4837)
and we will match you up with someone who needs a
ride. Thank you for time and caring.
Peggy Evans
is available at the
St. Francis Port-a-Store
Thirsting for Healing?
Living Waters Center is a counseling center which
provides the Healing Waters of Counseling, Prayer and Love to those
who come through our doors. Our therapists are rooted in the prayer
that is a basic part of our Catholic Tradition and Faith. Living Waters
Center provides individual, family, couple and group therapy. Most
insurance plans are accepted. For more information,
please call 631-754-3990
or go to our website
or email us at
June 17, 2012
St. Francis cantor Rebecca Kupka-Overton (Broadway’s Jersey
Boys) and David Overton (PhD in Theatre/MFA in Acting) will
offer two 2-week summer theatre sessions at Our Lady Queen of
Martyrs Church for children entering grade 3 through grade 12 by
fall of 2012.
SESSION 1: July 9th - July 20th (M-F) 10AM to 3PM
SESSION 2: July 30th - August 10th (M-F) 10AM to 3PM
Students will study acting, voice and movement, exploring
various genres and techniques that include musical theatre,
Shakespearean drama and contemporary performance.
Each session will culminate in a final presentation.
Tuition is $250.00 per session ($450.00 for both sessions)
Siblings will receive a 10% discount.
$50.00 non-refundable deposit per student.
For more information,
Sat. June 30 - 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Exit 70 S of the Long Island Exwy., & Cty. Rd. 111,
Manorville, Long Island.
Join us as we stand united before the anniversary of our
Nation’s Independence to show that everyone has an inherent
right to life, including the unborn. Sponsored by the L.I.
Coalition for Life and Peconic
Respect Life Assn. Call Bill Matthews at 631-288-3263 or
LICL at 631-243-1435.
Wanted: Web Designer – Tabor Retreat Center
( seeks talented Web Designer to
revamp/modernize our Web site. The ideal candidate would
have the requisite knowledge and experience, as well as be
willing to donate his/her professional services or work for a
small stipend. If interested, please call 516.536.3004 or e-mail
O prince of peace, we humbly ask
Your protection for all our men and
women in the military service. Give them unflinching
courage to defend with honor, dignity and devotion
the rights of all who are imperiled by injustice and evil,
Please guard our churches, our homes, and our schools,
our hospitals, our factories, our buildings and all who
are within from harm and peril. Protect our land and
its peoples from enemies within and without. Grant an
early peace with victory founded upon true justice.
Please instill in the hearts and minds of people
everywhere a firm purpose to live forever in peace
and good will toward all. Amen.
What price would you pay for religious freedom?
An epic new film, For Greater Glory, premiered in theaters across the
country on Friday, June 1. For Greater Glory tells the true story of
Mexico’s battle for religious liberty and the Catholic Faith that rocked
North America in the 1920s.
Don’t miss For Greater Glory! You can book tickets now by visiting and clicking “Find A
Theater.” If there is high attendance during the first weeks, the movie
will show in more theatres across the country, and
ultimately this important and relevant message will reach many more
Catholics. Please note that this film is rated R for scenes of wartime
violence and martyrdom.
For more information about the film and the true-life events on which
it is based, please visit the LighthouseCatholic Media kiosk and pick
up a copy of Patrick Madrid’s presentation,
Attack on Religious Liberty: The Battle for the Faith in Mexico, or
download a FREE MP3 of the talk by scanning the QR code on the
poster at the kiosk. You can also download it here: