third sunday in ordinary time - Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
third sunday in ordinary time - Our Lady of the Assumption Parish
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish 3141 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 4L2 Email: Website: JANUARY 24, 2016 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME We are happy to have you with us! Whether you are here for the first time, visit periodically, or attend faithfully every week, you are most welcome. We would like to know you, so please introduce yourself to the priest after Mass PASTOR: Rev. Ronald Thompson, M. Div., M. Ed. ASSISTANT: Rev. Edwin Neufeld, M.Div., J.C.L. Rectory Office: Tel: 604 942-7808 Fax: 604 942-7400 Office Hours: Tues. - Fri., 9am to 12 noon & 1pm to 4pm Appointments are to be pre-arranged by phone during office hours. Emergencies at any time. All requests of priests are to be by phone only (NOT BY EMAIL) during office hours. Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: Sunday: Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am & 4:00pm Weekday: Mon: 7:00am & 8:30am Tuesday: 7:00am & 7:00pm Wed. & Fri: 8:30am Thursday: 7:00am & 8:30am Also: First Fridays & Weekday Solemnities: 7:00pm Saturday: 9:00am NB: 7:00am Mass on Mon./Tues./Thurs. will not be celebrated on civic holidays, Christmas Season and summer months. Lauds: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 8:15am Saturday: 8:45am Sung Vespers & Benediction: Sunday: 3:30pm in the Chapel Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. after Morning Mass and Friday at 3:00pm SACRAMENTS Reconciliation: (Confessions) Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri., 8:15am Tuesday, 6:45pm Saturday: 9:30am & 4:00 to 4:30pm Baptisms: Usually the 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month at 10:00am. Parents and Godparents to be married in the Catholic Church, and parents to be registered parishioners for at least two months. Baptism class attendance by the parents and Godparents is required before the Baptism. Call the Parish Office between 9:00am to 12 Noon & 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Tues. – Fri. Marriages: ***Couples planning marriage must contact the Parish Priest at least 6 months before the wedding. Must attend the Marriage Funerals: Preparation Course and the Catholic is to be registered here for at least two months and regularly attending Mass. Contact Parish Priest before making arrangements. Sacramentals: Blessing of cars and religious articles: see Priest after Sunday Mass (Only). For house blessings, please contact the office during office hours at 604 942-7808. HELPFUL CONTACTS: OLOA School Principal: Rosaleen Heffernan PEC Chair: Maureen Archbishop Carney Secondary School Principal: Dr. Henk Luyten REC Chair: José Michelle Choir: Sue Saturday 5pm Mass Piotre Sunday 9am Mass Peter Sunday 11am Mass Emil Sunday 4pm Mass CWL: Ethel Ground Maintenance: Pat K of C: Max LifeTeen: Jenn Lector: Remi Prep: Julie L. Squires: Rick Squirettes: Julie K. Sacristan: Denisa Altar Servers: Ryan Legion of Mary Alicia Ushers Pat O. 604 942-5522 604 417-3077 604 942-7465 778 953-4330 604 475-1996 604 942-7808 604 942-7808 604 626-1997 604 942-7808 604 944-0839 604 942-7808 604 942-7248 604 220-8343 604 838-1511 604 813-3310 604 942-1657 604 942-7808 604 942-2513 604 942-7808 604-944-9965 604-941-7468 Our Chapel Door of Mercy. In conversation, the Archbishop suggested that it would be significant for Assumption’s main Chapel door to be entitled a “Door of Mercy”. With this in mind… this door (never usually opened) will be opened for this year of Mercy… By walking through our main Chapel doors (no need to exit through it) we are mindful that we can begin to claim God’s merciful healing through a Plenary Indulgence: one way; by praying ½ hour before the Blessed Sacrament (in our Chapel). An indulgence is both a simple & extraordinary thing. It is good to go to Confession and receive Holy Communion. It is good to pray for others. It is good to surrender to God all our thoughts and temptations that keep us chained to destructive habits. We can know God’s forgiveness completely and have removed all future penalties for our past sins. That is an Indulgence. A Plenary Indulgence is Granted To The Faithful Who: a) Spend a half hour in Adoration of the Eucharist. Conditions: Confession within 20 days (either side). Prayer for the Pope for each Indulgence. Receiving Holy Communion for each indulgence. NEW TO THE PARISH? If you are new to the Parish, please fill out a Registration Form available in the foyer and drop it in the Collection Basket. If you would like Donation Envelopes and/or the BC Catholic please remember to check the boxes on the registration form. For those already registered, any changes such as your address, tel. #, etc., please contact the Parish Office at 604 942-7808. Direct Deposit is a good option for your giving. The blue form for regular Sunday contribution is taken on the 1st of each month and the pink form for the Building Fund is taken on the 15th of each month. NB: The Building Fund contributions are not taxed by the Diocese, whereas the regular Sunday contributions are taxed at 14%. 2016 CHURCH DONATION ENVELOPES Are available for pick up in the Vestibule (not the same # as 2015). . If you would like a 2016 box of envelopes, please sign up in the RED binder provided and they will then be out by next Sunday for pickup in the Vestibule. MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY_____ MONDAY ____________ TUESDAY ____________ WEDNESDAY ____________ THURSDAY ____________ FRIDAY______ SATURDAY Jan 24 Jan 25 _______ Jan 26 _______ Jan 27 _______ Jan 28 _______ Jan 29 Jan 30 Sunday in Ordinary TimeParishioners Conversion of St. Paul ca 43Dorothy Yarema Conversion of St. Paul ca 43Maria Saveria Smith+ Sts. Timothy and Titus†1st cent.Peg & Mike Morgan Sts. Timothy and Titus†1st cent.Catherine & Larry Bowen FerialConvent MassHoly Souls + FerialMarguerite Watkins St Thomas Aquinas+1274Alfreda Curtis St Thomas Aquinas+1274Dharshini & Paul Dufault FerialEdgar Tetangco + FerialAnthony & Nerissa Chan 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time John Debono+ “The beginning of the gospel according to Luke”: To grasp what this means we must clearly recognize that a gospel is not a collection of anecdotes about Jesus and his teaching. Every evangelist is a witness to the Son of God. He responds to the question posed by those who have met Jesus in the living word of the community, “Who are you, Lord?” Each of these witnesses reports his faith in the Lord according to the history of his own community’s experiences and reflections on Jesus. This explains why no two gospels are exactly the same. Nevertheless, there is only one Gospel because there is only one Christ. Luke sets Jesus’ first preaching in the synagogue at Nazareth. Jesus comments on a passage he has just read from Isaiah. He limits his homily to a single affirmation, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled….” His life bears out what he has proclaimed as the rest of Luke’s gospel will demonstrate. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENT Eucharistic Adoration in our Chapel We are looking for 2 Eucharistic Adorers for Tuesday’s from 9am-10am. If you can assist please call Remi @ 604 4699307. “Can you watch one hour with me?” Mt. 26:40 SECOND COLLECTION: Sunday, Feb 7, Building Fund & BC Catholic. Thank you for your support! TODAY COFFEE AND DONUTS: Hosted today after the 9am & 11am Masses in the Assumption Centre by the Parents of the School. Thank you. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE The CWL, will briefly speak at the end of Masses today (Jan 23/24) and after Mass will be available in the Vestibule for renewal and to receive New membership. They will also be available the following weekend (Jan 30/31).Our gratitude for the great work that they do in our parish, diocese & across Canada. NB: The”Bakeless” Bake Sale will also be on the weekend of Jan30/31. TRI-CITIES LIFETEEN: Sunday, January 24, LifeTeen Mass (4pm) & LifeNite (5-7pm) is at All Saints Parish. All are welcome to Mass; Grades 8-12 welcome to LifeNite. This week's topic - The Battlefield. . Responsorial Psalm 3rd 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00AM 7:00PM 6:30AM 8:30AM 7:00AM 8:30AM 8:30AM 9:00PM 5:00PM FUNDRAISING IDEAS: The three main fundraising activities in order to reduce our mortgage of over 5 million dollars are: Project Advance, Building Fund and Fall Fair. Previously, we also had the annual CASH DRAW. This was not as successful as hoped. We encouraged more Parishioners to pledge to Project Advance to make up the shortfall. This year though this was not realized, so we are looking for Parishioners’ “input” into another way of fundraising. If you do have any ideas about this, we hope you would take the time to share your ideas by emailing the Parish office @ Thank you for your consideration in this important matter. Indeed, as a family, we are all in this together. God Bless. Mon. Go out to all the world and tell the good news. Tue. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Proclaim God’s marvellous deeds to all the nations. For ever I will pledge my love for my servant. God will give him the throne of David, his father. Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. Create a clean heart in me, O God. THIS WEEK 2016-17 KINDERGARTEN APPLICATIONS Application packages will be available for pick up in the Church Vestibule (these forms are green) or may be downloaded from our web site. complete applications will be accepted.Please note Prospective Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age by Dec 31st of the year they are entering Kindergarten. Students will be admitted according the CISVA Admission Policy outlined in the application package (this policy may also be viewed on our web site). MARK YOUR CALENDAR Next Refugee Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 9 @ 7:30pm in the School staff room. If interested, please come out and join us. PEC Meeting: Tuesday, Feb 16, @ 7:30pm. P CWL Meeting: Tuesday, Jan. 26, @ 7:30pm. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Armando Saralegui, whose funeral Mass will be here at Assumption Chapel on Tuesday, January 26 at 12:00 noon. NB: Adoration on Tuesday, January 26 will be in the Church from 10:45am to 1:00pm. PREP / SCHOOL NEWS: LOOKING AHEAD Parents’ Confirmation meeting, Wed., January 27, 2016 at 7:00pm in the Assumption Centre. NB: This is a meeting mandatory for parents. MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER There are two half-day recollections for Catholic men of all ages and vocations, featuring: (Fr. Bryan Duggan, Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016) & (Jake Kyhm, Saturday, May 7, 2016) Date: Saturday, January 30, 2016 Time: 7:30am - 12noon Location: Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Centre Cost: $35.00 for single event (includes breakfast), payable by cash or cheque to OLOA Parish. For further information and registration details, please contact OLOA Parish @ 604-942-7808. FORTHCOMING NEXT WEEK Altar Servers’ Practice: There will be an Altar Servers’ practice on Sunday, Jan. 31 @ 12:00noon( after the 11am Mass) Taizé Prayer: Experience God in song and silence Sunday, January 31st, @ 7:00pm in our parish Chapel. Join us for an hour of prayer and song in the style of Taizé. For more information: Daniela @604-512-5184. LEAVE A LEGACY: By remembering Our Lady of The Assumption Parish in your will, you leave a legacy in a place you love. Consider a bequest to the Parish Building Fund. May God bless you. ONGOING ASSUMPTION BINGO: Fridays at 6:20 pm in the School Gym. Our Bingo has a friendly atmosphere that has a positive outreach to the neighbourhood. Come and support our Bingo. Thank you. LINE DANCING: @ Assumption School Gym on Saturdays @ 10:30 am to 11:45 am. Fee for the new session is $25 for 10 classes or drop-in fee of $4/class. For further inquiries please call Parish Office at 604 942-7808. All proceeds after expenses will be donated to Assumption Parish. YOUNG CHILDREN’S BIBLE TIME: Every Sunday @ 11:00am Mass. Please call Shalin at 604 514-9880 if you can help us with this. MAINTAINING A PRAYERFUL ENVIRONMENT Please, note that the rooms off the Vestibule are NOT used on a “First come, first served” basis but rather for those who Really Need it, even after Mass has begun. As these rooms are overflowing, we ask that only 1 parent with a child 2 years and younger only use this area. Thank you for your help! READERS: After the 1st & 2nd reading, please pause for about 20 seconds before you begin the Responsorial Psalm. Thank you for helping us to let the Word of God sink in! USHERS: Please OPEN the INSIDE VESTIBULE DOORS ONLY after the conclusion of Mass, i.e., when the priest blesses the altar servers at the font. Also, a few minutes later, when the congregation has exited, please close these doors for quiet in the Church. Thank you for your help. USHERS Re: Communion Time: Please “be proactive” at the ring of the bell & assist people from the back row first, to place themselves in front of the bench on the 2 transept sides – rather than “concerning” about the front rails. Thank you. When approaching the rail, a spiritual “Rule of Thumb”: Let the one who has already received, as they are a living and walking tabernacle, walk in front of you. Let us Pray to the Lord” Now a Book of Intentions is provided by the Shrine of Our Lady. You are invited to write in your intentions. These will be remembered at worship. Also, on a regular basis, these pages are burned, and mixed with the incense used at Mass. “Let my Prayer rise up to you, O Lord, like incense” (Ps 141:2). Stewardship Reflection 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared…” (Nehemiah 8:10) Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that God does not forbid us from enjoying the good things in life, he wants us to be happy! However, He expects us to generously share our blessing with those who are in need, without expecting anything in return. COMMENDING OF THE SICK We commend to your prayers the sick of the parish, including, Betty Dechant, Rita Doran, Howard Hunter, Hedwig Haner Kebritz, Alicia Kerssens, Venessa Miller and Daphne Nagle. Thank you for your prayers OUTSIDE THE PARISH VOCATION LIVE-IN: On the weekend of Friday, Feb. 12 to Sunday, Feb. 14, there will be a Vocation Live-In for boys or young men interested in the priesthood or the consecrated life, at the Seminary of Christ the King, Mission. For more info, please call 604-826-8715. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 24, 2016 Prayers of the Faithful: 1. That those anointed to lead the Church may be prophets of truth and justice, let us pray to the Lord. 2. That the word of God in scripture and tradition may be “spirit and life” for people today, let us pray to the Lord. 3. That captives of drug or alcohol addiction may find freedom, let us pray to the Lord. 4. That, as many parts of one body, we may work for the poor and marginalized in our community let us pray to the Lord. 5. That our young people thoughtfully consider a vocation to the Priesthood or Consecrated Life, let us pray to the Lord. 6. For the protection of innocent human life from conception to its natural end, let us pray to the Lord. 7. For the intentions close to our heart (pause for 5 seconds), let us pray to the Lord.