Today`s Holy Word of God - St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother


Today`s Holy Word of God - St Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
October 23, 2016
We celebrate the Holy Eucharist primarily to
give honor, praise, glory, and gratitude to
Almighty God. It is also offered for the needs of
the Church universal, for the intentions of
those assembled, and also for particular
intentions, which for this week are the
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Vigil : The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 pm For your intentions
Sunday, October 23, 2016
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30am For deceased priests
9:30am Special intention
11:30am For your intentions
Monday, October 24, 2016
St. Anthony Mary Claret, bishop
9:00am Agnes Zembecki—req Anthony Jasienski
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Joe Gleason—req Catherine McCullough
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Steven Kowalecyk—req the Uhle family
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Anna Maisano—req the Lawrence family
Friday, October 28, 2016
Ss. Simon and Jude, apostles
9:00am Josephine DiFrancesco—req Tony & family
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Weekday in Ordinary Time
9:00am Susie DaBundo-req Teresa & Lisa DiPietro
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Vigil: The Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m. For your intentions
Sunday, October 30, 2016
The Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30am For deceased priests
9:30am Special intention
11:30am For your intentions
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Holy Word of God
First Reading: Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18
God especially hears the cries of the oppressed.
Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
“I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.”
Gospel: Luke 18:9-14
Jesus delivers a parable about the self-righteous Pharisee and the
repentant tax collector.
Please refer to At Home with the Word, pages 134-135 for
suggested practices, insights into today’s Scriptures, and
reflection points.
Saturday, October 22nd: Vigil: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Holy Eucharist: 5:00pm. Pre-holiday Bazaar raffle tickets are on
sale after Mass for $1 donation
Sunday, October 23rd: The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Holy Eucharist: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am. Pre-holiday Bazaar
raffle tickets are on sale after Mass for $1 donation
Monday, October 24th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. PREP sessions: 4:30pm
to 5:45pm and 6:30pm to 7:45pm.
Tuesday, October 25th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Rosary: 6:30pm in the
Sacristy. Choir rehearsal: 7pm in Church. RCIA : 7pm in the Church
Office Conference Room.
Wednesday, October 26th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Community of
Disciples Scripture Based Faith Sharing Group: 7pm in Sacristy.
Talk for parents of Confirmation candidates: 7pm at Saint Gabriel
Thursday, October 27th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Pastoral Council
Meeting: 7pm in Church Office Conference Room.
Friday, October 28th: Holy Eucharist: 9am.
Saturday, October 29th: Holy Eucharist: 9am. Churchkeepers:
9:30am. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 4pm to 4:30pm.
Saturday, October 29th: Vigil of the Thirty-first Sunday in
Ordinary Time. Holy Eucharist: 5pm. Stewardship Renewal.
Sunday, October 30th: The Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Holy Eucharist: 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am. Stewardship Renewal.
“O God, be merciful to me a sinner.”
Luke: 18:13
This votive candle signals the Eucharistic presence
of the Lord Jesus in the tabernacle and burns
continuously. (14 days) Donations are accepted for
these candles to memorialize the deceased or for
any other worthy intention. This week the lamp will
burn for the safety of our service men and women.
We express our sincere thanks to all who are contributing in any
way to the building up of our parish community. On the weekend
of October 15-16, there were 474 worshippers. The regular collection amounted to $6,561. Contributed loose: $297; in the requested envelopes: $6,264. There were 157 envelopes presented
A seven-day votive candle at the statue of our parish for an average of $39.90 per envelope donor. The second
patron, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, may be collection for the support of the Church’s missions amounted to
lit in memory of the deceased or for any other
worthy intention. This week the candle will burn for The weekly collection goal remains at $10,000. Our average
a special intention for our parish community
weekly collection is $8,500, which includes e-giving. Thanks to
all donors, who are helping us reach our goal. We need and
Our Parish Religious Education and Faith Formation appreciate your support. May God reward your generosity,
which helps us meet our expenses, save for our capital projects,
Program, PREP, is for all children in grades 1—8,
who are not enrolled in a full-time Catholic school. and provide for our future.
Sessions are held every Monday from either 4:30pm We rely on your generous participation in our Sacrificial
to 5:45 pm or 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm from September Giving—Tithing Way of Christian Stewardship. Please give serious
through April. Families who have children in our
prayerful consideration to participating in tithing, a spiritual way
program are expected to celebrate the weekend
of Church support, which entails contributing 5% (or as close as
Mass with our parish community and to support the you can come to this standard) of your weekly income as a sign of
work of the parish prayerfully and financially. We
giving back to the Lord in gratitude the first fruits of all with which
respectfully request at least a $4/week offering to he has blessed you. He will provide for your needs and will never
the weekend collection. Please contact our
be outdone in generosity.
Director, Mr. Brian Jefferes with any questions.
Another stewardship standard for sharing financial resources is to
Classes have begun. If you haven’t registered,
contribute weekly an hourly wage or compensation or its
please do so immediately by contacting the
equivalent. Trust in the Lord’s providence! Decide to be a
Church Office.
generous steward. You will be rewarded in many ways.
Parents of candidates for the sacrament of
Electronic giving (or e-giving) is an optional way to support our
Confirmation are reminded of their meeting this
Wednesday, October 26th, at 7pm at Saint Gabriel parish and its mission. Currently e-giving adds about $1500 to our
reported weekly collection. For more information, please contact
the Church Office or access our parish website.
We are grateful and indebted to our many volunteers who by the
For the sick in our parish and larger community,
donation of their time and talent save the Parish many costly
especially: Clara Bertz, James Erickson, Neil
expenses. Thank you.
Reynolds, Evelyn Sullivan, Tony & Rose Klimchak,
Patricia Matarese, Cathy Brady, Rosemary Orsini, Our annual Parish Financial Report has been completed. A
summary will be mailed to every registered parish household
Elaine Baccino, Claire Nunn, Fr. Edward Roszko.
Pastor Dan Nicewonger, Donna Weible Allaband,
shortly. Any parishioner who would like the full report may request
Robin Daglion, Brian Deppen, Rick McMinn, Kathy one from the Church Office.
Sherm, Pat Sabocsik, Mario Lorenzut, Albert Del
Among our many parish expenses, a recurring annual expense is
Pizzo, Agnes Simcox, Jessie DiBenedetto, Roxane
for the missalettes hymnals. The cost for the upcoming new
Dougherty, Fr. William Lange, Fr. Lawrence Kozak., liturgical year is $4,030.
Jean Zunino, Vincent Vergara, Greg Hanson, Michele
“The Lord loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7b)
Enteman, Sandy Henry, Clara Dunlap, Walter Uhle, ,
Fernanda Sinibaldi, Josephine Blackburn, Doris
Buchanan. The names of the sick will be posted for
Liturgical and catechetical ministers are reminded that
six weeks. Upon request they will continue to remain schedules are posted on our website. We have discontinon our prayer list. Pray for the safety of our service
ued mailing the schedules in the interest of prudent
men and women.
stewardship. We can send the schedule electronically if
Please pray for all who have died especially
you furnish the Church Office with your e-mail address.
Wendy Shaw, Salvatore Manerchia, Msgr.
Paper copies are available in the sacristy.
Anthony McGuire. May they rest in peace.
In the Church’s Liturgical Year, we are in the final
months of what is called
Ordinary Time. This is the longest
part of the liturgical year, which
will extend to the beginning of
Advent, November 26-27.
Ordinary does not mean
unimportant, but rather that
general mysteries of our faith are
highlighted in the Mass prayers
and Scripture readings.
An insert in last week’s bulletin offered suggestions
regarding Church etiquette. Please read through it. I
welcome your opinions on the issues addressed.
We have resumed offering the Body and Blood of
Christ in the Holy Eucharist under the fuller sign of the
Lord’s presence at the 9:30am Sunday Mass. If you
wish you may drink the precious blood from the
chalice as well as receiving the Lord under the form of
bread. This is an option not a requirement. We offer
Communion under both forms at every weekday
October has been dedicated to Our Lady of the
Rosary. Many pray this simple yet powerful prayer
privately. You may also consider joining the group
which prays together after our 9am weekday Mass or
on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm and on first
Saturdays at 8:30am in the Narthex or Sacristy.
October is also Respect Life month. This calls our
attention to the importance of protecting and
respecting the lives of all human beings (and other
living creatures as well). Our nation’s Declaration of
Independence lists the first inalienable right as the
right to life.
Sadly this has been eroded by the Supreme Court’s
Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973 legalizing abortion.
We pray for a reversal of this decision or an
amendment protecting the life of the pre-born. This
is an important issue to be mindful of in the
upcoming elections. We also pray for the aborted,
the abortionists, and for a change of heart in those
who favor abortion.
Our American bishops have published a document
called Faithful Citizenship, which can be accessed on
line at action/faithfulcitizenship.
This document gives balanced and sensible counsel
regarding our duties and responsibilities as citizens
and voters from a Christian Catholic vantage
perspective. There are also pamphlets on the table in
the Narthex about important life issues.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This process introduces our Catholic faith to all who may be
interested in exploring this treasure. Non-Catholic inquirers,
returning Catholics and life-long Catholics who wish to know
more about our faith are welcome to participate. Committed
Catholics are also sought as team members. For more
information, telephone the Church Office at 610-268-0296.
Sessions are held on Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Church Office
Conference Room .Please help us attract others to our faith.
As a Parish, we have been blessed with receiving new members
almost every year in our RCIA. Sessions have begun. Inquirers
are still welcome as well as life-long Catholics.
Saint Gabriel parishioners may apply for admission of their children to Catholic schools in our area in the Philadelphia
Archdiocese, especially Assumption, B.V.M. School, West
Grove, and Bishop Shanahan High School, Downingtown,
subject to their requirements as well as ours. Please contact
the principals: Mrs. Danielle White at Assumption School, 610869-9576 or Mr. Michael McArdle at Bishop Shanahan High
School, 610-518-1300.
These schools are worth considering. Call the schools for more
information or to arrange for a tour or visit their websites.
Saint Gabriel parishioners who wish to register their child(ren)
at these schools must request a letter of sponsorship from our
parish. Our requirements for sponsorship are regular Sunday
Mass attendance at Saint Gabriel Church, participation in
parish life, and a minimum contribution to our Sunday
collection of $15.00 /week for the entire calendar year
(52 weeks) for one or more students from the same family.
This latter requirement is to help defray the $1,000.00 per student charge per year that Saint Gabriel parish pays in subsidies
to these parishes for each of our children, as well as the
archdiocesan assessment for the support of Bishop Shanahan
and the other diocesan high schools.
We are always seeking music ministers, especially cantors and
choir members. Our parish choir has resumed rehearsals on
Tuesday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm. New members are
welcome. Music ministers support and enhance our sung worship at Sunday Masses and at other liturgies. Our Director of
Music Ministries is Judy Boesch, assisted by her husband Bob.
Please contact her directly at 570-401-7950 or at
Singing at Mass is a vital component of our worship. Please do
participate. Everyone has different musical abilities so please
offer whatever yours is as a gift to the Lord.
“One who sings, prays twice.” (Saint Augustine)
Phase 2 of our building plans include: a multi-use chapel, a
religious education center, and perhaps a bell tower or
campanile as sufficient funds become available.
We need and seek the support of all parishioners. You may place
Parents who desire baptism for their children
donations and fulfill pledges by making use of the gold-colored
should contact Father Maisano well in advance for
envelopes found in your mailed monthly packet. Thank you for
the important instruction. Faith practice and good
standing in the Church are required of both parents your generosity.
and sponsors. Letters of eligibility from the sponsors’ Most parishioners have fulfilled their pledges. Some of these
continue to make donations to our campaign, for which we are
respective parishes are required. Baptisms are
most grateful.
celebrated on the 2nd weekend of the month at
Because of the generous stewardship of many parishioners and
the 5pm Saturday Mass or at the 11:30 am Sunday
friends of the parish, we have thus far built and furnished our
Church, the Church Office, and the Rectory, all of which have
Couples requesting this sacrament are asked to
been paid for.
contact Father Maisano well in advance of the
The construction of the multi-use chapel continues. All who
desired wedding date. Archdiocesan norms require wish to view its progress may come into the sacristy after Mass
at least six months advance notice. Pre-Cana
to look through the window. A diagram of the chapel is dissessions are also required.
played in the Narthex.
Opportunities for memorials will be forthcoming. Chapel chairs
This sacrament of God’s pardon and peace is
are on display in the Narthex. Each chair may be donated or
celebrated on Saturday from 4pm to 4:30pm or at
memorialized for a donation of $250/chair. Please pray for the
other times by appointment. Please contact the
success of our project. We are obtaining Stations of the Cross
Church Office to arrange a suitable time.
from Assumption BVM’s original Church. These too are available as memorials, as well as stained glass windows, etc.
Confirmation candidates are requested to come to
in this food and friendship outreach,
the 5pm Vigil Mass on Saturday, November 19th for
visits for those in need, financial or
their next Liturgy of the Word. A pamphlet will be
other. Please contact our parish coordinators: Ron & Lenore
distributed. The attached assignment sheet should
Lupo at 610-268-5927 or 484-888-3012 or
be returned completed to their catechist or placed or the Church Office (610-268-0296) to
in the weekend collection.
participate in or to benefit from this outreach ministry. There is
First Reconciliation Eucharist candidates are asked
to come to the 9:30am Mass on Sunday, November a supply of trays in the vestibule near the food donation basket.
13th for their next important Liturgy of the Word. A Please help yourself and return the filled trays to the freezer at
Saint Gabriel Hall during the scheduled times. Our parish freezer
pamphlet will b distributed. Candidates are to
is located at Saint Gabriel Hall, which will be open on Friday &
return the completed assignment sheet to their
Saturday, from 8am to 8pm, on Sunday, 8am to 3pm and Moncatechist or place it in the weekend collection.
day thru Thursdays from 8am to 4pm. Use the right-hand side
Parents of candidates for the sacrament of
door closest to the PREP Building.
Confirmation are reminded of their meeting this
Wednesday, October 26th at 7pm at Saint Gabriel
Hall. Our presenter is Dr. Louis Di Angelo, the
Universal Prayer: Journalists
Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese That journalists, in carrying out their work, may always be motiof Wilmington, DE.
vated by respect for truth and a strong sense of ethics..
Confirmation candidates are asked to come Church Evangelization Prayer: World Mission Day
for a special teaching on Monday, November 7th at That World Mission Day may renew within all Christian commueither 4:30pm or 6:30pm. The Presentation of
nities the joy of the Gospel and the responsibility to announce it.
Candidates Ceremony for Confirmation candidates
is on Wednesday, November 9th, at 7pm in Church. Please check out our website:
October is the month dedicated to Our Lady of
the Rosary. Please pray this prayer privately or and our presence on Facebook:
at Church at 6:30pm on Tuesdays.
This Scripture based faith sharing group has resumed meeting on
most Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the Church sacristy. The
Group usually shares the Scriptures for the following Sunday,
making use of the publication At Home With The Word, which was
distributed earlier. Additional copies are available. All are
Many parishioners are very solicitous about
providing for the needy in our area by regularly
donating food, clothing, and money. Non-perishable We remind all that we celebrate the best prayer, the Holy
food only may be placed in the basket in the Church Eucharist every weekday, Monday through Saturday at 9am.
vestibule anytime. Monetary donations may be
Come pray, in this prayer given us by the Lord himself, to
placed in a “St. Vincent de Paul” envelope found in praise him and to seek his blessings for yourself and others.
the vestibule and placed in the weekend collection.
Your parish Church is also open for prayerful visits every
The food is taken weekly to a local pantry. The
weekday from 8am to 5pm (Fridays 8am to 4pm) and on Sunday
monetary donations are placed in a fund and given from 7am to 1pm. Come pray in the Eucharistic presence of Our
to needy families and individuals as needs arise.
Lord, Jesus Christ.
If you or anyone you know in our parish or
community, who could use assistance, on a
Listen to Archbishop Chaput’s Sunday homilies anytime at
temporary or long-term basis, please notify the
Church Office. The Parish and Our Good Samaritan
The Archbishop’s homilies are also available as Podcasts on iTunes.
ministry can provide some help or direction.
The Archdiocesan Catholic Social Services has a local Fr. Maisano’s Sunday homilies are now printed on our Parish
office in West Chester. It provides a wide range of
services that we encourage you to utilize, such as
counseling, adoption services, etc. Phone 267-331- We invite parishioners, especially families to welcome worshippers
2490 or
to our weekend Masses. Individuals and/or families who volunteer
arrive about 20 minutes before Mass, standing at the inner entry of
offers the following programs
the Church. It entails wearing a name tag, saying hello and or/or
Natural Family Planning
shaking hands. Greeters also present the bread and wine and
Classes are held throughout the Archdiocese. For
collection to the Presider. This is an excellent way to get to know
more information and dates, phone the Family Life your fellow-sister parishioners. If interested, please contact our
Office,215-587-5639 or visit
coordinator, Angelique Raezer at 610-444-1575.
Separated and Divorced Catholics
Support group meetings are held at various parish This Group has been formed in the Parish to assist all who are
sites throughout the archdiocese. For more
grieving the death of a loved one. Members of the Group, who
information, please call the Family Life Office.
have also suffered the pains of loss and grief are available to help
Marriage Encounter
with any needs that arise during this time of sorrow and beyond.
This weekend has touched millions of couples,
All who are interested in this ministry or would like support in their
priests, and religious. For more information and a
grieving may contact the Church Office.
schedule of upcoming weekends, or to register,
please telephone 1-800-456-8330.
The Council will meet this Thursday, October 27th, at 7pm. MemCourage
Spiritual support group for homosexual men and
bers may pick up meeting packets from the table in the Narthex
women seeking to live according to the Church’s
after Masses.
teaching on sexuality. For information call 1-215ANNUAL PRE-HOLIDAY BAZAAR & CRAFT SHOW
587-4505. Confidentiality is assured.
Save the date: Saturday, November 19, 10am to 4pm. Table
rental spaces are available at $35. A few tables are still
A support group for parents, relatives, and friends
available, but act quickly. We need volunteers to staff the
of homosexually orientated persons. For
kitchen and bake table. For more information or to
information call 1-215-587-4505.
volunteer, please contact Maria Boulden: Maria.E.BouldenRetrouvaille Raffle tickets are available after Masses for
This is a process to help heal troubled marriages,
a donation of $1. Sign-ups for volunteers are posted in the
which has helped many couples. For more
Narthex. Please consider helping wherever you can.
information, phone 1-800-470-2230.
His Word Today by Rev. Msgr. William J. Reilly
Thirtieth Sunday Ordinary Time October 23, 2016
Sunday, October 23, Thirtieth Ordinary Sunday
Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18,
Luke 18:9-14
Monday, October 24, St. Anthony Claret
Ephesians 4:32—5:8; Luke 13:10-17
Tuesday, October 25, Ordinary Weekday
Ephesians 5:21-33; Luke 13:18-21
Wednesday, October 26,Ordinary Weekday
Ephesians 6:1-9; Luke 13:22-30
Thursday, October 27, Ordinary Weekday
Ephesians 6:10-20; Luke 13:31-35
Friday, October 28, Saints Simon & Jude
Ephesians 2:19-22; Luke 6:12-16
Saturday, October 29, Ordinary Weekday
Philippians 1:18b-26; Luke 14:1, 7-11
Oremus Communications (OC) is currently
hosting a daily series of live streaming recitations
of the Holy Rosary, praying especially for promoting the culture of life. Live broadcasts are at
12:15pm Monday thru Saturday and Sundays at
2pm. Log on to: then clicking onto Listen Live. Petitions and suggestions
may be sent to
Special interesting guest speakers are often featured, so please tune in regularly.
The Rosary is also prayed on most Tuesday
evenings at 6:30pm in the Church Narthex before the statue of Our Lady of the Pieta,’ and on
the first Saturday of each month at 8:30am.
All should have received our Parish Guide Book.
The advertisers helped provide the book at no
cost to the Parish. Please consider patronizing
them. Interested advertisers contact
for more information. An electronic PDF version
is available for downloading to your computer,
smart phone, or tablet. Visit:
click on PA & Avondale & St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother to download the book.
Copies are available in the vestibule near the religious literature rack. Please make good use of
this resource.
Assumption Parish is having tryouts for CYO basketball. If interested, please contact Steve Vallorani at 610-496-2830. To participate our registered parish children must attend a Catholic
school or be in our PREP program.
“The Lord is not deaf to the wail of the orphan, nor to the widow when she pours out her complaint. The one who serves
God willingly is heard, his petition reaches the heavens. The
prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest until it
reaches its goal, nor will it withdraw till the Most High responds, judges justly and affirms the right…”
Why pray? God does not care! He seems to be deaf. How often
we have felt this way? How frequently we are tempted to give up?
Somehow the grace of God revives me, reminds me, and restores
me as a person of faith and prayer.
When Pope Francis was asked ‘who are you?’ he replied by saying ‘I am a sinner.’ It is the sinner person who approaches the Lord
with confidence, eyes down, asking ‘O God be merciful to me a
Perhaps our approach to God in prayer is not to be limited to what
I want, though I am told to ask, but to ask God for what I need
most from His point of view. The prayer of mercy ‘Jesus I trust in
you’ can take on even greater meaning. My petition reaches the
heaven and pierces the clouds, and reaches its goal.
If you are a young adult in your 20’s or 30’s, you are invited to
join the Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC),
pronounced kyak. The Group has many interesting activities,
spiritual, cultural, entertainment, etc. to offer. Check them out on
Facebook or email at
Please consult the insert in today’s bulletin regarding some suggestions about important issues to be considered when in Church
for Mass, private prayer, etc. Your observations are welcome.
Our Parish sponsored Cub Scout Pack 136 is grateful to all who
supported their Popcorn Fundraiser. Sales amounted to $550;
donations: $200.
All Catholics living in our parish area should register at their
earliest convenience, to acquire a sense of belonging to our
faith community and to avail themselves of the services of the
parish. Please fill out the preliminary form below and drop in
the Sunday offering basket. The Church office will telephone to
arrange for an appointment to meet with the pastor to welcome you and to complete a full registration form. Thank you
and God bless you.
Name ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________