Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church


Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church
Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Catholic Church
2320 Paris Road, ChalmeƩe, Louisiana 70043-5098
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 27, 2015
Rev. Lance J. Campo, Pastor
Parochial Vicar Rev. Vincent Phan
Deacon Lino G. Parulan
Jackie Toranto - Financial Secretary
Angele Chaplain- Parish Secretary
Dale Neyland - Receptionist
Hector Guzman - Maintenance
Rectory 504-271-3441
EMAIL: info@olps-chalmette.org
WEBSITE: www.olps-chalmette.org
Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.,
2:00 p.m. (Spanish Mass) and 7:00 p.m.
Weekdays: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m.
Ms. Sharon Coll, Principal
Adoration Chapel- OPEN DAILY
Exposition and Adoration of Blessed Sacrament
6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Weekends are for visiting, praying and meditating
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Saturday -Sunday)
Ms. Brenda Tromatore, DRE
Ms. Terri Smith, CRE
CCD phone number: 504-271-1217
Email: olpsccd@yahoo.com
BAPTISM: First time parents/godparents must attend a seminar to set date of baptism for their child. Baptisms
take place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month immediately following the 10:30 am Mass. The Baptismal
seminar is typically on the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm in the rectory. Registration is
required for seminar. Call the rectory.
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Confessions are held one-half hour before the 4:00 Vigil Mass, the 8:30 am, the
10:30 am., the 2:00 p.m. (Spanish) and 7:00 pm Mass or by appointment.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: You must contact the church at least six months before the date of the wedding.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Contact the rectory.
FUNERALS: Contact the funeral home first and they will contact the Rectory.
CONFIRMATION: Conferred in the 11th grade.
NEW PARISHIONERS: We welcome you with great joy and invite you to register and worship with us regularly.
Census forms are at all exits of the church.
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday, September 26, 2015
4:00p.m. Donald Miller, Josephine Tinney, Rachel Gabb, Sam
Ortego, Fred & Martha Willhoft, Joseph & Lolly Cappo, Carl
Treitler Sr, Kirby Lodrigues Jr, Judy Nunez, Archie & Helen
Forsyth, Sidney Torres Jr, Anthony Torres, Leander Nunez,
Petrina, Sam & Anthony Randazzo, Earl P Hebert Sr, Bob
Hamilton, Alfred, Margaret, & Kathleen Jirovec, Teresa & Joseph Scardina, Rita & Adam Bernard Sr, Anthony T Libasci III,
Rusty Barras Sr, Jeffrey Cusimano, Stephanie Growl, Anthony
& Thelma Licciardi, Lee & Charlette Melancon, Ronald J Margot, Rusty Barras Sr, Vicki & Joseph Capone, Rachel Angele
Montana, Carlo Martinez, Men & Women In Uniform
Sunday, September 27, 2015
7:00 a.m. Doris & William Doran Sr., Melanie & William Doran
Jr., Carlo Martinez, Men & Women in Uniform
8:30a.m. Benfiglio & Baham Families, Marie Palmer, Roy
Palmer Jr, Paul Nguyen Van Ty, Sharron Brunet, Dorothy
Franatovich, Mildred Gautreaux, Marcelle Bonvillian Sr, David
Walsh Jr, Michael Fernandez, Andrew Bui, Carlo Martinez,
Chris, Christopher, Phillip, & Anthony Carderara, Eddie “Red”
Fleetwood, Grisaffi Family, Men & Women in Uniform
10:30a.m.Lamont T Murphy, Florence Frey Theriot, Jamie L
Walters, Jack Rowley, Bennie LeBlanc Gonzales, Jane C
Johnson, Lillian Collins, Joey Collins, Cecelia Ginart Tanet,
Robert Juan, Cecelia Frisch, Kayla Tromatore, Kathryn Smith,
Ronald J Margot, Men & Women in Uniform
2:00 p.m. All Parishioners
7:00 p.m. For all Parishioners, Philip Creger, Lamont T Murphy, Lucien “Lou” Gioe, Jimmy Scott, Arnold Rodriguez, Carlo
Martinez, Emile Mistretta, Marion Chambon, Men & Women in
Monday, September 28, 2015
7:00 a.m. All Parishioners
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
7:00 a.m. All Parishioners
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
7:00 a.m. All Parishioners
6:30 p.m. Rosary in Church
First Thursday, October 1, 2015
7:00 a.m. All Parishioners
9:00 a.m. School Mass—All Students
First Friday, October 2, 2015
7:00 a.m. Anna Mae Cardinale
First Saturday, October 3, 2015
4:00p.m. Donald Miller, Josephine Tinney, Rachel Gabb, Sam
Ortego, Fred & Martha Willhoft, Joseph & Lolly Cappo, Carl
Treitler Sr, Kirby Lodrigues Jr, Judy Nunez, Archie & Helen
Forsyth, Sidney Torres Jr, Anthony Torres, Leander Nunez,
Petrina, Sam & Anthony Randazzo, Earl P Hebert Sr, Bob
Hamilton, Alfred, Margaret, & Kathleen Jirovec, Teresa & Joseph Scardina, Rita & Adam Bernard Sr, Anthony T Libasci III,
Rusty Barras Sr, Jeffrey Cusimano, Stephanie Growl, Anthony
& Thelma Licciardi, Lee & Charlette Melancon, Ronald Joseph
Leroux, Joseph Montana Jr, Rachel Angele Montana, Men &
Women In Uniform
September 27, 2015
September 19-20, 2015
Collections: $ 5832.26
St. Vincent de Paul: $ 605.00
Attendance 1124
Vigil Light & Altar Flowers
Sidney Torres Jr,
Anthony Torres,
Petrina, Sam & Anthony
Leander Nunez
Wednesday, Sept 30 3:30—5pm
Thursday, Oct 1 3:30—5pm
Training in Church
October 1, 2015
6 pm in church
Small Reception
to follow in cafeteria
The prayer list will run for two weeks
only. If you would like to add your beloved to the list or keep them on past
the two weeks, please call the rectory
or drop the intention in the collection
Jayden Bertucci, Tommy Riggio, Maggux
Lemoine, Grace Hammonds, Judy Aleman, Norman VanCourt,
Roger Follette, William Follette & Family, Fay Thomes, Robert
George, Shawn Rogers, Brandy Rogers, Mitch Smith Jr., Bennie
Burman, Lena Blaise, Charles Gifford, Cory Gifford, Isabella
Meyer, Dee Ortego, Stephanie Growl, Dr. Christopher Montalbano, Congetta Wallace, Louis Huff Jr, Rena Conley, Stu Underwood, Ginja Cousins, Alexis Hauptmann, Carol Bonvillian,
Jean Artus, Mary Grace Cardella, Kathy Schmidt, Madelyn Baldo, Joanie & Kenny Forsyth, Ashley Marie Code, Barbara Carona Cox, Dolores Fernandez, Salvador Fernandez, Dustin Fernandez, Jean Adams, Cindy Stephany, Nana Gioe, Melissa Fos
Daigle, Debbie St Germain. Ashley Kulvert
Dear Friends,
Two weeks ago our Legion of Mary along with members from other parishes went door to door in the immediate area of
the Church to hundreds of homes to take census information and invite fellow Catholics to come to mass at our parish.
This is a follow up of the mail out census we did last year. We plan to do this canvassing of the parish every month on
the Saturday before the Second Sunday Social from 9 am to 2 pm. Anyone is welcome to join us in our efforts. This will
take over a year to complete but we hope that reaching out to new and old parishioners will encourage them to renew
their faith and strengthen our parish.
Our Children’s Liturgy program for boys and girls age 4-10 to attend a special reading of the gospel and activities during the liturgy of the word during the 10:30 am Sunday mass has begun. Nearly twenty children have attended the
past two Sundays. Parents can drop off their children before mass in the CCD Office building in the back parking lot
and the teachers will bring the group into the church during the offertory. Parents can please sit in the front river side
section of pews by the Christ the King statue where the children can easily return to them. High school students are
welcome to help with this program and can receive service hours for doing so.
Last week we celebrated Catechetical Sunday and commissioned our religion program and school teachers as catechists.
We thank them for their service and pledge our support. They are: Sharon Coll, Jennifer Alfonso, Brandi Aquilo, Charol
Armand, Karen Braquet-Sandrock, Michelle Breisacher, Pam Chambers, MaryAnn Collara, Jade Dauterive, Karen Dauterive, Emily Donnelly, Ellen Doody, Jackie Dunn, Jennifer Dupas, Ann Fabian, Kristen Gegenheimer, Stephanie
Growl, Janine Jacomine, Gwen Johnson, Phillis Lightell, Bonny Loposser, Corinne O’Quin, Cynthia Reynolds, Julia
Rowley, Kathy Scheuermann, Stacie Seube, Susan Slavich, Lisa Tullier, Keena VanCourt, Rachel Vogt, Joel WeibeltSmith, Brenda Tromatore, Diana Dysart, Judy Scaglione, RuthAnn Giardina, Cecilia Galladora, Michelle Cimino, Kristine Koepp, Suzanne Lyell, Nina Danna, Carol Melancon, Dolores Scariano, Donna Roscher, Melissa Savoy, Lillian
Buras, Melanie Sawaya, Juliette Loverde, Amanda Langkopp, Laura Napolitano, Annette Accomando, Shawn Rogers,
Amy Templet, Syvonne Molero, Kevin Tuschl, Mark Shiffer, Earl Dauterive, Brian Liggio, Carolyn Wilhoft, and Denise
Yours in Chirst,
Fr. Lance Campo
October is the Month of the Rosary.
The Legion of Mary will be coordinating the Rosary Prayer Program this
year. Statues of Our Lady of Prompt
Succor will travel to a different home
each day of the month of October in a pilgrimage
throughout the parish. Please consider signing up
for one day in October to say the Rosary in your
home with family, friends, and neighbors. The Statue with a Rosary Prayer Program Packet will be
passed along each day throughout the month. After
all Masses this weekend, members of the Legion of
Mary will be in the back of church with the calendar
for you to sign up to welcome Mother Mary into
your homes and hearts.
On Sunday’s at
10:30am mass
In the CCD office/
Youth Room
Thank you for your generosity in last week’s
Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. Because of your support, millions of faithful
will have the opportunity to deepen their faith through
daily resources on the Internet, television, and radio,
and in print media. Remember, half of your donations are staying in our (arch)diocese to support local
communication needs. To learn more about the important work supported by this collection, please visit
www.usccb.org (search “Catholic Communication
Respect Life Sunday will be observed October 3-4,
2015. Our CYO will be selling the 2016 Right to Life
Calendars after masses next weekend. The calendars
cost $5.00 and portray pro-life themes in beautiful full
color graphics. The proceeds will help with all the
good pro-life work of New Orleans Right to Life,
CYO and other organizations.
The Office of Justice and Peace,
Office of Racial
Harmony, and Isaiah 43 Program are hosting their
monthly Peace Prayer Walk on Tuesday, September
29, 2015. We will gather at 6:00 PM at Holy Angels
Convent located at 1011 Gallier St., NOLA 70117.
All are invited to attend as we follow Pope Francis’
calling to get in the community to encounter and
dialogue with others to promote peace. For more
information, contact Kristina Gibson at (504) 3108772.
The Saint Thomas More Catholic Lawyers A s s o ciation, In conjunction with the Catholic Bishops
of the State of Louisiana, announce the celebration
of the 63rd Annual Red Mass, invoking the Holy
Spirit upon the bench and bar of the State, on
Monday, October 5, 2015, at 9:30 AM at St. Louis
Cathedral in New Orleans. The Most Reverend
Gregory M. Aymond, Archbishop of New Orleans,
will be the principal celebrant. The Most Reverend
The Beginning Experience Weekend is a wonderful
healing for those suffering a loss of a spouse either
through death or separation/divorce. Those who have
attended this weekend attest to the new hope they
have received and the powerful safe and loving environment they found in the experience. Under the sponsorship of the Archdiocese of New Orleans Family Life
Apostolate this international program has helped thousands navigate the road through grief. The next weekend will be held on October 16-18, 2015. Call Toni
(985)789-8666 or Rose (504)455-8920 for more information.
Blessing of the Animals
Friday, October 2, 2015
7:45am school yard
Fernand Cheri, Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans,
will be the homilist. Members of the bench and
bar of the State, as well as all members of the lay
public, are invited to attend.