May 22, 2016 Bulletin - Our Lady of Victory Parish
May 22, 2016 Bulletin - Our Lady of Victory Parish
OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH 2 FLORAL PARKWAY FLORAL PARK, NY 11001-3198 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas M. Fusco, Pastor Rev. Rony Fabien, Associate Pastor Rev. John D. McCarthy Lawrence Mulligan, Deacon Christopher Loester, Seminarian Rev. Msgr. Charles J. Nosser, Pastor Emeritus Rev. John V. O’Farrell, Pastor Emeritus Peg Augello, Principal Christine Fuchs, Director of Faith Formation Mary Garofalo, Director of Adult Faith Formation Maureen Russell, Director of Parish Outreach Michael Foley, Youth Minister Jane Parrinelli, Administrative Assistant Matthew Zinser, Music Director MASS SCHEDULE CONTACTS Daily Masses: Monday-Friday: 8:30 am, 12 noon Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8:30 am, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am (Family Mass), 12 noon, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm Rectory Office: 516-354-0482 Rectory Office Fax: School: Faith Formation: Convent: Parish Outreach: 516-354-7450 516-352-4466 516-352-0510 516-354-2150 516-352-5400 OLV Website: VISION STATEMENT WE, the parish of Our Lady of Victory, proclaim with joy the presence of Jesus in the world through Word, Sacrament, and deed. It is through our discipleship that we recognize our connection to God, our neighbor, and our deepest spiritual selves. WE, seek to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ by: + Welcoming all with kindness, compassion and hospitality. + Nourishing the faith life of the community through prayer, fellowship and education. + Reverencing the dignity of each person by celebrating the beauty of life from conception to natural death. + Nurturing the gifts of all so that each person may live out his or her unique and personal call from God. + Caring for the needs of the less fortunate by empowering our parish community to answer that call. WE, do this in the name of Jesus Christ and the mandate: “See those Christians how they love one another!” THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAY 22, 2016 Saturday 8:30 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm May 21 Floyd Sandford & Scott Anthony Kathryn Dudek Guido Parisi Graciela Contreras Mary Teitz Clara Ratto Brush & Covelli Family The Most Holy Trinity May 22 7:30 am Parishioners of OLV 9:00 am Mary & Thomas & Florence O’Leary 10:30 am Charles Corkhill 12 noon James O’Donnell Martin McDonough Dorothy DeLeo Winnie Skreckoski Kennedy O’Grady 1:30 pm Francis Seamus Askin 5:30 pm Alfredo Calcagni Monday 8:30 am 12 noon May 23 Russell Hayden Judith Adkins Weiss Tuesday 8:30 am 12 noon May 24 Andy Oates Deceased members of the Patrick Byrne Family Wednesday 8:30 am 12 noon May 25 St. Bede & St. Gregory VII Fiorentino Liberta Rita Cutone MEMORIALS Altar Bread & Wine donated in memory of Rita Cutone Sanctuary Lamp in memory of Mary Fennessy Sunday, May 15, 2016 $22,419 Catholic Ministries Appeal Goal $123,300 Pledged $ 89,730 Collected $ 67,346 Thursday 8:30 am 12 noon May 26 St. Philip Neri Adrien & Dorothy Travis Norma Broderick Friday 8:30 am 12 noon May 27 St. Augustine of Canterbury Raymond & Florence Brady Margaret Malloy Saturday 8:30 am 4:00 pm May 28 The Garvey Family Norma Broderick Rory J. McGonigle Dan Grimpel Rosalie Mullady Lynette Ivy Noreen McGovern 5:30 pm Feast of Corpus Christi May 29 7:30 am Lasar & Hackett Family 9:00 am John Patrick Hoare 10:30 am Parishioners of OLV 12 noon Antoinette & Joseph Burke Dominick Cortese Angelo Cortese Carole DiCarlo Deceased members of the Mitchell Family 1:30 pm Veronica O’Donnell 5:30 pm Diane Lodato Ernyey Altar Band # 3 Ann Licata & Peggy Woods Presider Schedule Sunday, May 21 4:00 pm Fr. Rony 5:30 pm Fr. John Sunday, May 22 7:30 am Fr. Rony 9:00 am Fr. Tom 10:30 am Fr. John 12 noon Fr. John 1:30 pm Fr. Tom 5:30 pm Fr. Joe Fitzgerald Saturday, May 28 4:00 pm Fr. Tom 5:30 pm Fr. Rony 6:30 pm Fr. John Sunday, May 29 7:30 am Fr. Rony 9:00 am Fr. Tom 10:30 am Fr. John 12 noon Fr. Tom 1:30 pm Fr. John 5:30 pm Fr. Rony Dear Parishioners, The Feast of the Holy Trinity, which we celebrate this weekend, invites us to reflect on one of the fundamental mysteries of our faith - our belief in One God in Three Persons. Endless things can be said about this mystery, one of which is an invitation to reflect on the role of relationships in our lives - relationships of love. May our relationships reflect the relationship of LOVE that is the Trinity. Feast of Corpus Christi Next weekend’s Feast of Corpus Christi invites us to reflect on another fundamental mystery of our faith - our belief that bread and wine can undergo transubstantiation and become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. What a gift! What a privilege to receive the Savior of the World! Next weekend we will have the opportunity to discuss proper respect for the Eucharist and proper Church etiquette. In celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi there will be a Eucharistic Procession with a triple benediction at the end of the 12 noon Mass. Please join us in this Eucharistic devotion. Parish Pilgrimages The next Parish Pilgrimage to a Holy Door is scheduled for Saturday, June 18th to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island in Manorville. The bus is already full! But we are taking names for a waiting list. Also, I would like to encourage people to drive out themselves and join us at the Shrine at 10 am for all the events of the day. If you choose to do that, please let us know so that we can order lunch for you also. Gym Renovation Fund-raising I’d like to repeat this information from last weekend for the benefit of those who didn’t read it last weekend: As I have mentioned before, our summer project is going to be the renovation of the OLV gymnasium. Our gym is in constant use - by the School during the day, by CYO in the evenings and weekends, by our drama club, the Cardboard Box Players in the summer, and by the Parish for social events and Christmas Mass. The gym is in need of renovation. Here’s the plan: The gym, the stage area and the hallway next to the stage will be painted. All-Pro Painting is prepared to begin the job as soon as school closes in June. The gym floor will be re-finished, as it is each year, but this summer the stage floor will also be re-finished. The lighting and sound systems will be upgraded. All the interior gym entrance doors, including the doors to the closets in the entrance hallway, will be re-placed to match the new outside doors. The bleachers will be re-placed, as well as the mats throughout the gym. New tables, chairs and curtains will be purchased. Our estimates make this a $200,000 project. So I am asking your assistance. If you would like to contribute to this renovation - assuring a safe, beautiful environment for the next generation of young people in our community - your generosity would be greatly appreciated! At the doors of the church you can pick up brochures describing our project. Donations can be sent to the rectory. They can also be made online through the link on both the parish and school home pages (; or If we exceed our goal, the additional funds will be used for other improvements to the parish facilities. Please help us spread the word about this fund-raising to people who benefit from the use of the gym, but who may not be here in church to hear about this appeal. Thank you for your constant generosity! Praised be the name of Jesus Christ now and forever! Fr. Tom Our Lady of Victory Summer 2016 Hours: 9:00 AM – 12:00PM in Memorial Hall Adult Leaders: Noreen Dodson, Anne Sweeney, Carole Timlin All children entering Pre-K through those who have completed 3rd grade are invited to a end OLV Bible Camp. Children will listen to Bible stories about living as the kind of neighbors Jesus would want us to be! They will par cipate in indoor/outdoor recrea onal ac vi es, make art projects and enjoy tasty snacks. A registered nurse is also on staff for those daily booboos and allergies. Please print all informaƟon Name:____________________________________________Age:_________________Grade in Sept:___________ Address:__________________________________________City:_________________Zip:____________ Name of Parent/Guardian:_______________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________ Home Phone:______________________________ Cell Phone:_______________________________________ Any allergies? _____________________________ Please check your preference(s): July 5-8 (Tues-Fri): _________ July 11-14 (Mon-Thurs): _________ July 18-21 (Mon-Thurs):_________ July 25-28 (Mon-Thurs): _________ All 4 weeks: __________ Each week costs $80.00 per child. Please make checks payable to Our Lady of Victory Church. You may drop your registraƟon form at the Rectory. A SPECIAL MASS FOR ALL OF GOD’S CHILDREN OLV Ministry of Consolation Today, in its funeral rites, the Church asks that the entire community, priest and laity, be involved. WE WELCOME PEOPLE OF ALL AGES WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS OR OTHER PHYSICAL DISABILITIES TO WORSHIP TOGETHER. All family members and friends are invited! Signing provided if needed. Mass will take place at OLV on Saturday, May 28 at 6:30 pm. This mass will be celebrated on the 4th Saturday of each month at 6:30 pm. Join us on Saturday, May 28. 2017 Mass Intention Book will open on Tuesday, June 7th. Please come to the Rectory to schedule your loved ones masses. It would help if you have a list prepared. The 2017 Mass Book will be available for the entire year; donation for each mass is $20. The Rosary Altar Society and the Knights of Columbus would like to thank everyone who attended the Rosary last Sunday after the 1:30 Mass. Please consider joining us next year—it’s a wonderful way to spend a peaceful hour in community with your fellow parishioners praying the Rosary to honor our patroness—the Blessed Mother. When a family in the parish experiences the loss of a loved one, the members of the Ministry of Consolation visit the family, extend condolences, offer assistance in preparing the music and readings for the Funeral Liturgy, and pray with the mourners at the Funeral Mass. The Ministry of Consolation consists of parishioners ministering to parishioners. It offers a free service to the parish community. There are several ways in which you can volunteer your time and talents in this ministry: Companion: The Companion is the one who will walk the journey with the family through the days of the wake and funeral. The Companion visits the family; helps guide the family with readings, music and family participation. The Companion and other team members are present at the church for the funeral liturgy and assist them with any last minute concerns. Hospitality Members of the Ministry: are present at the Funeral Mass to distribute booklets, seat friends, parishioners and relatives and assist the companion. The Ministry of Consolation also includes parishioners who use computers to prepare booklets, cake bakers who bake a cake and bring it to the home of the grieving relatives, and altar servers who assist the celebrant at the F uneral. CURRENT MEMBERS OF THE MINISTRY AND NEW MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO ATTEND THE NEXT MEETING ON: THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND AT 7 pm IN THE PARISH CENTER. FOR NEW MEMBERS: CONSIDER ATTENDING AND LEARNING MORE ABOUT THIS REWARDING MINISTRY. (Keep in mind that men as well as women are invited to join the Ministry of Consolation) OUR LADY OF VICTORY FAITH FORMATION Phone: 516 352-0510 EMAIL: Directors: Christine Fuchs & Mary Garofalo September 2016 RegistraƟon From the desk of Maureen . . . Mercy Workers meeting will be on Thursday, May 26th at 4 pm in the Parish Center. Pantry needs: ♦ Peanut butter & jelly ♦ Toothpaste ♦ Shampoo ♦ Body Wash & bar soap Thank you! Maureen ****************************************** CATHOLIC CHARITIES – EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - Full Time - NUTRITIONIST – Women, Infants & Children Program, Nassau/Suffolk locations For a full listing of jobs and their descriptions, please go to and click on the “jobs” tab. Volunteers for Bible Camp Needed! Open to Young Adults Entering 7th Grade through College If you are looking for service hours for Confirmaon or to fulfill service requirements for high school or college, please consider being a volunteer at OLV's Bible Camp this summer. There will be a mee ng on Monday, May 23rd at 7:30 pm in OLV School’s Nursery classroom. If you have any ques ons, please call Noreen Dodson at 532-4417. Thank you! If you have a child entering the First Grade or you are new to the parish and would like to register your child for religious instruc ons in the OLV Faith Forma on Program, registra on will take place on the following dates and mes. Monday, June 6th & June 13th 9:30am—3:30pm Tuesday, June 7th 9:30am—3:30pm Wednesday, June 8th 9:30am—3:30pm Sunday, June 12th 10:00am—2:00pm Tuesday, June 14th 11:30am—7:00pm You must be a registered parishioner and bring your child’s Bap smal Cer ficate to the Faith Forma on Office at the me of registra on. If you have any ques ons please contact the office at 352-0510. ———————————————— All returning students should have received their re-registraƟon forms by mail. Please return them no later than June 15th. We can not place any students, that are not registered. Visiting the Homebound . . . Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Holy Communion to the homebound. Please contact the rectory and leave all information with Giovanna—Mon-Thurs. OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL A PARISH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACCREDITED BY THE MIDDLE STATES ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Dear OLV Parishioners, “O Mary! We crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May.” For many of us, these words will bring back memories of May Crownings we may have attended as school children ourselves! Here at OLV, we are fortunate to continue the tradition of honoring our Blessed Mother in the month of May. Our recent May Crowning was another powerful reminder of the important work we do! The second graders, our First Communion children, wore their communion clothes and brought flowers to Mary. Their song, A Mother Lined a Basket, was beautifully sung. Our 8th graders did a wonderful job leading the prayers. Starting on the altar of the church, a gold crown was placed on Mary’s head as the school children sang Gentle W oman. A prayerful procession of students ventured out into the beautiful day to crown Mary on the rectory lawn and then processed to the school yard to crown Our Lady there. Thank you teachers, parents, and students. A special thank you to Father Tom for his guidance at this beautiful prayer service. Sincerely, Peg Augello OLV School Principal Important Dates ♦ Tuesday, May 24th: Dance Recital ♦ Wednesday, May 25th: Band Concer t ♦ Friday, May 27th: Field Day ♦ Monday, May 30th: Memor ial Day. School Closed ♦ Tuesday, May 31st: Spir it Day OLV SCHOOL Mock Trial Club News OLV School’s Mock Trial Club, with 40 members, participated in the Catholic Middle School Mock Trial Program at St. John’s University Law School recently. Congratulations to all! A special thank you to OLV Teacher moderators Mrs. Monk and Miss Murphy, and parent volunteer Mrs. McClintock, for coaching and moderating the club! The exciting design and safety improvements at Our Lady of Victory continue . . . We are hoping you can help with our next project THE OLV GYM RENOVATION PROJECT ∗ CYO Sports Basketball, Volleyball ∗ Cardboard Box Players ∗ Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ∗ Physical Education Classes ∗ School Drama Club ∗ School Assemblies ∗ Christmas Masses OLV ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY OPEN MARKET DAY DATE: Saturday, June 11, 2016 TIME: 9:00 am to 2 pm LOCATION: OLV School Yard on Plainfield Ave In case of heavy rain: Memorial Hall Interested in Volunteering or questions: contact: Janice Harnett (cell: 917-837-3179) VENDOR TABLES, FOOD, FUN and... ROSARY ALTAR TABLES with gently used items donated from our parish (see below). SPRING CLEANING? Save useful items & donate to our sale! Bring all items on: June 4th - 10 am-2 pm Parish Center / Old Convent (on Plainfield) Please no clothing or used electronics Support the Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion by visiting their table. Thank you for supporting OLV Rosary Altar Society SACRAMENTS WE REMEMBER PRAY FOR THE SICK BAPTISMS 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 2:45 pm To arrange for a baptism, a copy of child’s birth certificate must accompany your date request. Please come to the rectory office to make these arrangements. A Baptism Preparation Class is required. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Our RCIA process welcomes adults not baptized who wish to join the Catholic Church. We welcome, as well, baptized adults seeking the Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. Please contact the rectory office 516-3540482. CONFESSIONS Saturdays: 3-3:45 pm Eve of Holy Days: 3-3:45 pm Eve of First Friday: 3-3:45 pm Confession by appointment - please call the rectory office 354-0482 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE We encourage those planning a wedding at Our Lady of Victory parish to contact the rectory office at 516-3540482 before booking a wedding reception facility. All plans with our church must be made at least 6 months prior to the anticipated date. Michael Vastola Robert Sarro Regina Fitzgerald Erin Slavin Jessica Gruenfelder Rita Martyn MaryBeth Finnegan John Varrone Viola Weiss Eric Ern Marion Crawford Isabella Ieraci Glen Grossarth Brian Turadek Names will remain on the sick list for six weeks. Please contact the Rectory if you would like the name to remain on the list longer. PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY Army: Chief War r ant Office Rober t Pr okopowicz Lt. Brian Greene Capt. Chris Greene Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Welch Capt. Keith Grant Capt. John Herger Spec. Angelo J. Arroyo SPC.Matthew C. Fallon Pvt. Stephen Pendelton Capt. George Radford Sgt. John Patrick Riffle Capt. Thomas Safina Navy: Lt. J G Malachy J . Soller Lt. Emily Beth Lipsky SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS The priests are available at any time to discuss the call to Priesthood, Diaconate or Religious Life. Please call the rectory office at 516-354-0482. Marine Corps: Sgt. Fr ank Phillips Capt. Michael Sweeney Andrew Thorndike Sean Phelan PFC. Kierston Turner 2nd Lt. Matthew Sweeney PFC. Conor P. Peterson SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Saturday of each month at the 8:30am Mass. If a home visit is needed, please contact the rectory office at 516-354-0482. Air Force: TSgt. Michael Tor r e Tech. Sgt. Matthew Ashmore Capt. Kevin Groom DEVOTIONS Eucharistic Adoration with Benediction— The First Friday of the month at 7:00 pm in the church. The Angelus is recited each weekday at 12 noon. The Rosary is prayed each weekday after the 12 noon Mass and on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed on Mondays after the 12 noon Mass. WE CELEBRATE - MAY WEDDINGS Daniel Fallon Brooklyn, NY Michelle Barretta Our Lady of Victory, Floral Park Thomas Gurba Christina Girardi Sacred Heart, Glendale Our Lady of Victory, Floral Park
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If a home visit is needed, please contact the rectory
office at 516-354-0482.