1000 Cambridge St. Novato, CA 94947 883-2177-office 883-4049


1000 Cambridge St. Novato, CA 94947 883-2177-office 883-4049
1000 Cambridge St. Novato, CA 94947
ADMINISTRATOR – Rev. Robert Kevin White
PAROCHIAL VICAR - Rev. Bonifacio G. Espeleta
DEACON - Rev. Mr. Joseph Brumbaugh
Rectory Office, Monday-Friday, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Business Manager – Christie Vattuone
e-mail: christiestanthonys@comast.net
Parish Secretary - Marianne Kambur
e-mail: mariannestanthonys@comcast.net
Rectory Office Support - Jeanne Roche
Faith Formation Office
Faith Formation Director, Liz Colwell, Grades 1-6
883-9000 or e-mail to: stanthonyff@comcast.net
Confirmation & Youth Ministry Director, Kendric Vattuone
883-9000 or e-mail: SAYconfirmation@gmail.com
RCIA/RCIC—Adult Faith Formation Director Deacon Joe Brumbaugh 883-2177
883-4049-fax www.saint-anthonys.com
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
Monday through Saturday 9:00 AM
Holy Day of Obligation 9:00 AM, 4:00 PM, 7:00 PM
Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM
Or by appointment - contact the rectory.
BAPTISM—12:15 pm on Sunday. Please call the Rectory.
MARRIAGES - Engaged couples must attend Marriage
Preparation classes beginning at least six months before
All Day Adoration on First Friday, following 9:00 am Mass -concluding with Benediction at 5:00 pm.
Page Two
St. Anthony’s
January 18, 2015
Faith Formation News
5:00 pm
† Leoncia de Guzman and
Janice Medrano
7:00 am
9:00 am
† Donald Pickrel
The Intentions of
Medel Guzman
11:00 am
The Parishioners of
St. Anthony’s
9:00 am
9:00 am
† Frank Tallarida
The Intentions of
Desiree Ibarra
9:00 am
9:00 am
† Beatrice and David Lopes
The Intentions of
Marko Mani
9:00 am
† Marge Koehl
9:00 am
† David Vattuone
5:00 pm
† Gregoria B. Carlos
7:00 am
The Parishioners of
St. Anthony’s
9:00 am
† Diane Cordone
11:00 am † Rich Foge
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
All the earth shall bow down before you,
O God, and shall sing to you, shall sing to
your name, O Most High!
The Faith Formation Program wants to remind
our Parishioners that the 4th grade will be leading the
Children’s 9:00 am Mass next Sunday, January 25th.
Please support our terrific students with your attendance.
Each 4th grader is participating and we are very proud of
all the children. The class charity is the Marin Pregnancy
Clinic. The Clinic is in need of newborn baby items.
Your donations will be greatly appreciated.
Just around the corner on February 7th will be the
Sacrament of First Reconciliation. Every Candidate is
diligently preparing for the day by practicing their prayers,
understanding the concept of “examination of conscience”
and preparing for the ceremony. It has been a joy working
with our students. Parents, thank you for sharing your
precious children with our staff. We couldn’t be any more
To thank our children for their hard work, we are throwing
a pizza party in their honor right after the ceremony for the
students, their families, their Catechists, and our priests.
Each gathering we have for our children fosters community
and relationships. The gathering help to bond the children
as a faith based team through their time at St. Anthony’s.
This bond stays with them all the way through to the
Confirmation Program.
Let us pray for our Candidates throughout this year. The
Prayer Poster with all the Candidates darling pictures will
be up in the church soon. Please say a prayer in support
and love for our Communion Candidates.
Second Collection –There will be a second
collection next weekend for St. Patrick’s Seminary
and the seminarians who attend there. St. Anthony’s has
been very blessed to have parishioners who have attended
St. Patrick’s in recent years and have been ordained to the
priesthood. Next weekend, our parish seminarian, Andrew
Ginter will be speaking at all the Masses to give us an
update on his faith journey and about the Seminary.
This weekend St. Patrick’s Seminary & University is
hosting the annual Discernment Retreat. Please
pray for the men attending the retreat as they discern
to see if God is calling them to the vocation of priest.
Psalm 66:4
Collection Totals:
Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
Psalm 40:2
Sunday, January 11th: $8,214.32
Thank you for your generosity to St. Anthony Parish.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fellow Members of Jesus,
Eli and John the Baptist both introduce others
to the Lord God, and Samuel and Andrew in turn
reach out to others. Today we can reach out as they
did and communicate Christ’s message. St. Paul tells
us of his and Jesus’ theology of the body. Our body
is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Too many of us seem
to think of our bodies as our own. Yet whatever we
do, whether we eat or sleep, whether we work or play,
we are to do it in the Lord. As St. Paul says,
“Therefore glorify God in your body.”
~ Fr. White
Page Three
Mary Ann Baldetta, Austin Van Cleave,
Andrew Michael Petris, George and Steve Cagle,
Dorothy Ferrari, June Gerish, Amy Silva, Sandi
Humpherys, Erin, Alyssa and Don Richards, Robert
Valverde, Christopher Van Winkle, Gus Kriletich, Jane
Cahill, Barbara Swanson, Geannie Barry, Susan Castle,
Margaret Bohan, Gaik Chan, Pat Lewis, Marko Mani,
Marian Patocchi, Marie Foge, Joan Clark, Dave Hansell
and Leonard Sikora.
Pray for our beloved departed in our families and in our
Meeting Alert
The Knights of Columbus will meet on Monday,
January 19th at 7:30 pm in the Hall.
Land of Peace—The representative from Land of
Peace that was to visit this weekend has had to
The YLI will meet on Monday, January 26th at 7:00 pm
postpone until next weekend, January 24/25. This is
an organization from Bethlehem doing their mission work to in the Hall.
build a hospital in the Bethlehem area and to support the
Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are
Christians and protect them from immigrating. Land of
you a baptized Catholic in need of First CommunPeace sells beautiful olive wood carvings from trees from
ion and/or the Sacrament of Confirmation? Are
the Holy Land.
you interested, but unsure, are not ready for commitment
You will notice the “Prayer Bag” on the altar as of and have questions? You are welcome to join The Rite of
January 1st. The Prayer Bag contains the names
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at our parish. Sessions
of those of you who took ornaments from the swag
exploring these and other issues in relation to our Catholic
in the back of the church and brought in food and
faith are held on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. Please ask
gift cards for those in need. We distributed full Christmas
about inquiry meetings by contacting any of our parish
dinners and gift cards to over 60 families this year. You will
priests or call Deacon Joe Brumbaugh at 883-2177.
be remembered in our prayers throughout the Christmas
season with deepest gratitude for your generosity.
In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, Our
Lady of Loretto School is hosting an Open House
~ The St. Vincent de Paul Society
on Sunday, January 25th from 10 am to 12 noon.
Walk for Life West Coast—Next Saturday,
Student Council Members will be touring prospective
January 24, 2015 is the 11th Annual Walk for
parents and student in having an “inside” look at Our Lady
of Loretto. This is a wonderful opportunity to visit the classLife West Coast in San Francisco. For more
rooms and talk with the principal, Kathleen Kraft, teachers
information visit www.walkforlifewc.com.
and staff as well as visit Keane Care, our Extended Care
Save the Date of February 13-15, 2015. Join other women facility.
for a directed retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat
Center in Citrus Heights. The year’s theme is “The Joy of
the Gospel” inspired by Pope Francis. For details or more
information, call Judy Ross at 892-1465 or visit the website
at www.ChristTheKingRetreatCenter.org.
If you have any questions, or would like to schedule one of
our weekly tours, please contact the school office at 8928621 or visit the website www.ollnovato.org to download an
application. Our Lady of Loretto School—Excellence in
Education, Grounded in the Catholic Faith!
Thursday, January 22nd from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm all are
Next weekend our Candidates will be
invited to Gather@Grand with the Dominican Sisters of San
Rafael. They are hosting an evening with Auxiliary Bishop
away on their Confirmation Retreat.
Robert McElroy, who will talk about the Pastoral Theology
of Pope Francis and respond to your questions. Light
Please keep them in your prayers as they
refreshments will be served. 1520 Grand Avenue in San
prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation on
Rafael. RSVP and/or questions please call 415-453-8303
Saturday, January 31st at 11:00 am.
or send an e-mail to CommunityRelations@sanrafaelop.org
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