Read Bulletin June 5, 2016 - St. James Catholic Church


Read Bulletin June 5, 2016 - St. James Catholic Church
718 Franklin Avenue Wilkinsburg, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221
Phone: 412.241.1392
Parish E-mail:
Fax: 412.241.6625
Parish Website:
Facebook: Saint James Catholic Church Wilkinsburg PA
New Parishioners We welcome you to our community, and we invite you to introduce yourselves to us.
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 5, 2016
Scripture Reflections
The church brings us back to Ordinary Time, a
time during this church’s year where we will reflect
upon the gospel of Luke. In the year of Luke many of
our Gospels will be about Jesus on His journeys especially to those who are sick, who are poor, who are
dying. Jesus teaches about forgiveness and reconciliation and how He wants us all to be compassionate to
Mass Schedule
Father David Taylor
Parish Administrator:
Fr. David Taylor
Prayers for the Sick and Tele-Care
Sunday: 10:00 am
Saturday Evening: 5:30 pm
(Fulfills Sunday Obligation)
12:00 Noon, Chapel
We are Handicapped Accessible
Sacrament of Reconciliation
(Confessions) Monday-Wednesday-Friday
before 12:00 Noon Mass.
Please call ahead to the Rectory.
Mini-Van Parishioners needing trans-
In today’s Gospel Jesus sees a funeral possession and it
makes Him think of the young man’s mother. The death of a
young man or young woman is always tragic, but it was definitely so in this case because he was an only child of a widowed mother. We can look at this in terms of young people
who die today especially those who are murdered through
violence. It is disastrous for family members and all of us.
Later on when Jesus was dying on the cross He asked
John to look after His own mother. Luke tells us that Jesus
was “moved with pity”. We do well to watch Jesus closely
for His behavior always tells us something about God. We
know that we are not the only ones who feel crushed by an
untimely death. Jesus himself shows us that God is not
above it all. He is with us and shares our pain. So the Lord
calls the young man back to life and returns him to his
mother. Raising the young man was a miracle, but it was also
a sign because now we know that Jesus not only shares our
life He is also the Lord of life and death and His power is to
heal and to save. We know that He calls us to the fullness of
life that is stronger than death.
portation for Mass, please call the Rectory.
If you know of some one who is temporarily ill or
homebound please inform the rectory.
Novena Monday, 12:00 Noon Mass.
Daily after Noon Mass.
Sacrament of Matrimony Please contact a
priest at least six months before the intended date.
Sacrament of Baptism Contact the Rectory
two months prior to the birth.
Sr. Thea Bowman Catholic Academy
412-242-3515 Principal: Mrs. Rita Canton
Parish Staff:
Parish Business Manager - Robert R. Adams
Parish Social Minister - Josie Bryant
Director of Religious Education - Jim Kennedy
Director of Music Ministry - David C. Orme
Health Ministry: Call Rectory
RCIA Coordinator - Dee Vecchiola
PARISH REMEMBRANCE IN YOUR WILL - You may wish to include the parish in your Will. The suggested wording is as follows: I give and bequeath to St. James Parish,
718 Franklin Ave., Pgh., PA 15221 the sum of ___________ dollars, real estate, and/or stock for the purpose of assisting the parish in its various ministries.
Diocese of Pittsburgh Abuse Hotline 1.800.808.1235
JUNE 5, 2016
“On Mission”
for the Church Alive!
SATURDAY - Vigil: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
12:00 P.M. STBCA 8th Grade Graduation
5:30 P.M. William Rodgers (Wife & Family)
10:00 A.M. Annunziata Silvaggio (Daughter, Teresa Simuel)
MONDAY - Weekday, St. Norbert
12:00 P.M. Fr. Warren Metzler (Buratti Family)
TUESDAY - Weekday
8:30 A.M. All School Liturgy Students and Families of STBCA
12:00 P.M. Communion Service
12:00 P.M. Danny McClure (Monday Morning Group)
THURSDAY - Weekday, St. Ephrem
12:00 P.M. Communion Service
Senior Recognition
FRIDAY - Weekday
12:00 P.M. Robert Schmidt (Lahoda family)
SATURDAY - Vigil: Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30 P.M. Living & Deceased McCreanor & Schmider Families
(Jim McCreanor & Nora Schmider)
10:00 A.M. Juliana Aleva (Dad)
Scripture Readings
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Reading I 1 Kings 17:17-24
Reading II Galatians 1:11-19
Luke 7:11-17
At my invitation the following parishioners have
agreed to serve our parish as On Mission Parish
Team Leaders: Mike Myers, Lois Campbell, Mara Sullivan,
Bob Metz, Rhonda Wilburn and Patty Manilla. Collaborating
with me and the councils of the parish, the On Mission Team will
serve as primary ambassadors of the On Mission for The Church
Alive! planning initiative to you, their fellow parishioners. Their
primary responsibilities include: Participating in consultation
sessions to generate feedback on proposed district models and
engaging and collecting your feedback on future models of parish
life. They will summarize the feedback from you, their fellow
parishioners using the tools provided so that the On Mission
Commission can benefit from the insights of parishioners. Please
pray for the On Mission Parish Team Leaders as they serve
Bishop Zubik, our parish and the entire diocese as we journey On
Mission for The Church Alive!
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Reading I 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13
Reading II Galatians 2:16, 19-21
Luke 7:36--8:3
We invite you to
join with us on Sunday, June 12, at the 10:00
Mass as we recognize our graduating High
School Seniors and wish them many blessings in their future
Donut Sunday
will co-inside with our
Senior recognition next week following the Sunday
Mass in the chapel. We hope that all will share in this time of
fellowship and sweet treats!
St. James Food/Paper Bank is requesting donations
of jellies and jams for the month of June. Thank you for your
support of our parish social ministries. Please place your donated
items in the wicker hampers at the break in the pews.
Stone Soup Garden
is a community garden located on
Franklin Ave. (close to Ardmore). Gardeners are needed.
Individuals and families are invited to adopt a single raised bed
for the season to plant, weed and water. There are 18 beds total.
Please contact Michael Drohan at 412-271-8414 if you or your
family is interested.
June 4-5
5:30 pm
10:00 am
Donna S.
Sean C.
Eucharistic Ministers
Frank C.
Mary C.
Joyce H.
Mary M.
Virginia C.
Charlotte K.
Jim K.
Emily L.
Altar Servers
Joe & Michael
Children’s Liturgy
Rhonda W.
News on a Re-designed Bulletin
As mentioned
before, one of the things we are also changing is this very
bulletin. Beginning in late June the front and back cover will be
printed in full color. We are very excited and hope more
businesses will want to advertise and support us. As we work on
our redesign, we are looking for your suggestions for things you
might like to see. One of these suggestions was to place the
schedule for the Liturgy Ministers in the bulletin, as we all
become reacquainted and get to know more of those we call our
parish family. We also hope you will introduce yourselves to our
greeters and ushers as they welcome you to each service.
June 5 - 11, 2016
STBCA 8th Grade Graduation
To the many volunteers and committee members of all of our ministries.
Your dedication and contributions are what make this church a truly special
place. Many of our committees and volunteers will stop meeting, rehearsing
and planning during the summer months, while others are always on hand.
Please know that we appreciate all of you! Enjoy the summer.
Young Adult Disciples Night
with Fr. Joe Freedy: From
Football Field to Mission Field. Thursday, June 2. Doors open at 6 pm,
Mass begins at 6:15 pm, St. Bernadette Catholic Church, 245 Azalea Drive,
Monroeville. After Mass, join us for a catered dinner followed by the talk.
The cost of dinner is $10. Please RSVP by sending an email
to or responding on our Facebook event (find it on
the i.d. 9:16 Pittsburgh East page). We look forward to seeing you all there!
Church 12
“Queen of Peace” Prayer Group
Chapel 7 pm
Wilkinsburg Vigil & the Environment
Chapel 7-9 pm
STBCA Last Day
Chapel 7 pm
Catechists and Catholic School Teachers
Last chance to
register for the Diocesan Summer Institute to be held at Cardinal Wuerl
North Catholic High School the week of June 21 – 24 (registration at closes June 10th). This is a great opportunity to receive 18
credit hours toward your ongoing certification in just 3 ½ days. This event
promises to provide a more intensive and relevant experience for all who
attend. The format is designed to enrich catechists and teachers professionally
and enhance your skills as spiritual leaders in the parish and school setting.
Fee is $78 per person. Breakfast & lunch is provided.
“Festival of Praise for Vocations” An evening outdoors* at St. Paul
Seminary, 2900 Noblestown Rd., praying for an increase in priestly vocations
and praising God for the 6 men to be ordained. All are welcome on Thursday,
June 23, from 7 pm - 8:30 pm. The evening includes Adoration, praise and
worship music by Carl and Erin Stuvek, confessions, a reflection from
Bishop Zubik, and a light reception. *There will be limited seating available.
Please bring a blanket and/or chair with you!”
Please remember St. James Parish in your Will.
This assures the parish of continued financial strength.
See the bottom front of our bulletin for legal wording.
Due to the holiday and early
publishing date, we will report the offertory in the
next bulletin on June 12. If you have any concerns
or questions please contact the parish office.
A Family Perspective
(by Bud Ozar) The
widow in today’s gospel was in deep trouble. Her
husband and her only son were dead. In that male
dominated society woman owned nothing and were
totally dependent on men for their livelihood. She
would be reduced to begging. Restoring her son to life,
Jesus also restored the woman to life.
Breakfast with the Bishop
College and post-college age men are
invited on Saturday, June 25 th, at 7:30 am, in Synod Hall, at St. Paul
Cathedral, to join us for Breakfast with the Bishop. Fr. Nick Vaskov will be
cooking breakfast and Bishop Zubik will give a reflection and answer
questions. Afterwards all will attend the ordination of our new priests. To
RSVP, email
Parenting Pointers
Are you married to a stranger?
Local Events
Do you feel alone? Do you
argue - or have you just stopped talking to each other? Do you dread the drive
home? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped
countless couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including
disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information about or to
register for the program beginning with a weekend on July 8, please contact
Retrouvaille at 412-277-3434. More information is available at
Wilkinsburg Youth
GTECH seeks high school juniors and seniors
from Wilkinsburg and surrounding communities for a paid internship running
from June 1 - August 15. Hours and workload are flexible for more
information, go to
(by Susan Vogt)
Friendship is important to both kids and adults. Do you
know who your child’s best friends are? Childhood
friends often move away. Call, e-mail or Skype a
childhood friend of yours. Is there someone your child
would like to reconnect with too?
It’s a busy season in
Wilkinsburg, check out some of these events!
June 11: NMRWA’s Bike Tour & Block Party - Bike
with us through the watershed! (Noon to 3 pm) in honor
of Nine Mile Run’s 15th anniversary. The tour will both
begin and end at Biddle’s Escape coffee shop. Tickets
are free for NMRWA members and $25 for nonmembers. No bike? Healthy Ride will be offering
voucher codes to ride for free!
June 16: Wilkinsburg Thursday Open Market Opens!
July 16: Dream City Art Tour