St. Stephen`s Weekly - St. Stephen`s Episcopal Church
St. Stephen`s Weekly - St. Stephen`s Episcopal Church
St. Stephen’s Weekly PENTECOST St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Wilkinsburg, PA The Rev. Nancy (Nano) Chalfant-Walker, Rector FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST September 21, 2014 Parish Services Parish Administrator General Office Hours 8:00—12pm MON-THUR Dear Friends, What a wonderful picnic celebration, we had last Sunday. Many thanks to Lori Stebler and the picnic planning committee as well as to all who had a hand in the deliciousness and in the fun. Our gospel reading today is a parable that makes many (if not most) of us uncomfortable. We all have such an ingrained sense of fairness – or at least we have an ingrained sense of “it’s NOT FAIR.” We look around and think that “it’s not fair” that Julie got the bigger half of the cookie, that George got an A on the paper when he barely worked on it, that the boss is promoting Susie though she has been working here only half the time I have. God’s economy is so different from ours. We resent the idea of death bed conversions (it just doesn’t seem quite fair); God is thrilled with the returning sheep. We want to measure ourselves on the good things we do to earn our way into God’s graces; God shows up before we even begin. Our job is to stop comparing ourselves with each other and instead to look to God to see how much God loves us and how much God is daily, even moment by moment, giving us – life, breath, friends, family, strength, endurance, love – just to start the list. Think about what God is giving you this very minute, this very day. And enjoy God’s love. God’s peace be with you, Nancy+ Mission of the Month: Wilkinsburg Middle School Science Dept. Food of the Month: Something Yummy NURSERY SERVICES 10:30 a.m. Service Each Sunday, Downstairs in the Parish House. SUNDAY SCHOOL Lessons and communion at 11:20am BIBLE STUDIES Sundays in the Parish House Library led by Don Block 9:15 AM - 10:00 AM PENTECOST Page 2 PARISH STAFF In Our Prayers Pray for the Church — CLERGY In the Anglican Communion: Rector The Rev. Nancy Chalfant-Walker 412-243-6100 The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby; The Revd Stanley Ntagali Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Uganda. The Episcopal Church & the Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. Our sister churches: Our brothers and sisters in the ACNA Diocese of Pittsburgh; The Christians of The Middle East. In the Diocese: NYOP OFFICE 412-243-6101 Program Dir. Tony Jackson Retired clergy, including the Rev. Dr. Canon Harold Lewis, the Very Canon John Park, the Rev. Richard Pocalyko, the Rev. Sandra Ritchie, the Rev. Diane Shephard, the Rev. Dr. Richard Stinson, the Rev. Mary W eatherwax, and the Rev. Agustin Zubieta; St. James, Penn Hills and the Rev. Eric McIntosh; The Rt. Rev. Dorsey McConnell, our Bishop. PARISH STAFF Music Ministry, Soon Choi Financial Admin., Pat Woodley Administrator, Minister LaNita Butler Sexton, Greg Gent In St. Stephen’s: Davvid, Melanie Bella, Charlie, John, Gregory and Maria Sprenkel; Lauren Saunders; The Sanctuary Project; The Neighborhood Youth Outreach Program, Teens and Greens Community Garden, The Sanctuary Project. Pray for the nation and the world – President Barack Obama; Congress; the Men and Women serving in the Armed Forces; Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya; and Ukraine; for the stewardship of the earth’s resources and a wise response to climate change. ARCHIVIST Archivist & Historian, Edgar Taylor Pray for the local community - Wilkinsburg Community Ministry; Mayor and The Borough Council of Wilkinsburg; the end to violent crime; all students and teachers Pray for those who suffer or are in any kind of trouble - Anne Etienne Bill Garver Liz Mikszan Judy Alexander Murph Mason Johnny Cowan Terry Hunt John Hasiley Janet Haston Sherry Joel Brown Pat Woodley Jill Allene Newland David Murdoch Sloan and Janet Bill Kozub John Booker Shirley Fran Nick Betsy Frey Michael Romey John Hodge Myrna Antonio Hall Marquesha Arlene Amy Baker Dick Morris Nancy Bielicki Walter Scott Joe Dixon Alice & David B. Prayers for the sick can be found in the Prayer Book on p.458. You are welcome to call Allene Newland (412-371-7417) to have the Prayer Chain pray with you. Pray for the departed - WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAY 8:00 am & 10:30 am St. Stephen’s Episcopal 600 Pitt Street Wilkinsburg, PA Church E-mail: Tel: 412-243-6100 Fax: 412-243-6105 Website: September Birthdays & Anniversaries The Rev. Bill & Joann Rau Diane Shepherd 9.9 John Sprenkel 9.27 9.2 Kevin & Cathie Sunderman 9.3 Ted Sovich 9.23 PENTECOST Page 3 Our Rector’s contact Information: Rev. Nancy (Nano) Chalfant-Walker, 1017 Milton St. Pittsburgh, PA 15218 Home: 412-741-1281 Cell: 412-716-7364 E-mail: DO YOU WANT TO SPONSOR FLOWERS FOR THE ALTARS? It’s easy, we are providing several methods to be a sponsor for your convenience. There is a calendar hanging in sanctuary-near Franklin Street door-for you to place the date on the month that you want to sponsor the flowers. You can also make your order by calling or e-mailing the office. After you have made your notification, you would indicate your reason or dedication of the flowers. The high altar flowers are $30.00 and the chapel altar flowers are $20.00. Envelopes are available beneath the calendar to place your payment and your reason or dedication for the flowers. The envelopes can be placed in the offering plate and are due in the office 2 weeks in advance of the service you want the flowers presented. You may take the flowers with you following that particular service. Do you want to grow closer to God? Do you want to learn more about your faith? What does it mean to be a disciple – to follow Jesus? Come be a part of a Disciple group. *** Disciple FAQs: Disciple is meant to be a transforming experience. We will study the Bible from Genesis to Revelation to place ourselves under the power of God’s Word in order to grow closer to Jesus. 34 weekly group meetings of approximately 2 hours About 30 minutes of daily preparation (2 ½ - 3 hours/week) Time to be determined, based on participants’ schedules Beginning in September, ending in May Our Shut Ins Dick Morris Willows of Presbyterian Senior Care 1215 Hulton Rd Oakmont, PA 15139 Betsy Frey Schenley Gardens Rehab Center 3890 Bigelow Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Anne Bump 1708 Jamestown Pl Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Anne Etienne Country Meadows 3570 Washington Pike Bridgeville, PA 15017 Althea Miller 4931 Nettleton Apt. 2316 Medina, OH 44256 WEEKLY GROUPS MEETING AT ST. STEPHEN’S MONDAY—FRIDAY 2:30 TO 6:00 PM NYOP (During the school year) EVERY THIRD TUESDAY—5:30 TO 7:00 PM Pittsburgh Housing Development Associates EVERY WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM Choir Practice in Choir Room EVERY WEDNESDAY: 7:30 P.M. Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) EVERY THURSDAY 7:30 to 8:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous (NA) EVERY SATURDAY: 10:00 A.M Narcotics Anonymous (NA) PENTECOST Page 4 HELP US SPREAD THE NEWS Reading God’s Word Seeing the Face of God in Each Other We grow best when we are nourished by a steady diet of God’s word. Reading the Bible daily is an important habit to develop. Scripture is best when it is well chewed over and digested, so one good way to get into the habit of reading the Bible is to take time to read the Sunday readings several times during the week. Diocesan Anti-Racism Workshop Friday afternoon, October 3 – Saturday afternoon, October 4 Exodus 16:2-15 Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Philippians 1:21-30 Matthew 20:1-16 Register online at: Readings for next Sunday: Location: Church of the Redeemer Cost: Free Nancy Travis Bolden: 412.683.8888 or Email: Let’s Adopt A Science Class… Our September mission of the month will be a partnership with PACES (Pittsburgh Assistance Center for Educators and Students) in their STOCK THE SCHOOL program. Wilkinsburg Middle School Science Department Wish List In addition to all normal school supplies, the science teacher(s) have requested the following specific items: Notebook Paper - 10 Reams (lined, three holes) Assorted Color Markers - 12 packs Pencils – 100 Poster Board (various colors) Binders - 1.5" White with inside pockets (40) Partnering with PACES shows teachers the community does indeed appreciate their contributions to education. Students will be impacted by this example of community support and realize the community values their education. We believe a fresh supply stock will help students not only complete their coursework, but raise student motivation, as well. Mission: Enrich Students. Support Teachers. Foster Community SERVING YOU TODAY LAYREADERS: Rege Hickman Lessons: Chalice 1: Kar en Teulle Psalm/Prayers/Chalice 2: Beth Har die COUNTERS: John Booker, Karen Teulle COFFEE HOUR: ALTAR FLOWERS: HELP US SPREAD THE NEWS Page 5 Food for Thought Lost in the news about Michael Brown, who was shot in Ferguson, MO, on Saturday, August 9, was the news about a young man named John Crawford, III, who was shot and killed on Tuesday, August 5, by police officers in a Walmart in Beavercreek, OHIO, with a BB gun that he had picked up off the store shelves in his hand. Ponder whether the second amendment is applied equally to whites and African Americans or other minorities. Only 6 states in the US explicitly prohibit the open carrying of firearms, and Ohio and Pennsylvania are not among those 6. In 29 states you can openly carry firearms without a permit. There is an open carry movement among gun owners who proudly carry guns into stores and bars and churches. Yet John Crawford couldn’t pick up a BB gun in a store that was selling it without being perceived as a threat. Talk about this with a friend. For more information, see the article by Keith Boykin, Our Disciple studies will begin on Thursday, October 2. Ther e will be two gr oups. The Blessing of the Animals! first will meet from 12:30 to 2:30 in the after10:30 am noon (NOTE the time change). The second will Bring your dog, cat or other pet to church on meet at 6:30 to 8:30 pm (or 7-9 if the group preSunday, October 5 for a blessing at the 10:30 fers). Books will be on hand at the first meeting. service as part of our celebration of St. Francis. Stay for the afterwards with treats for all. All hu- If you are able, please contribute $25 toward the mans and pets are welcome. Please ensure that cost. Sunday, October 5 is a great day! your pet is leashed or caged while attending the service. Dear neighbors & partners, The Borough of Wilkinsburg and the Wilkinsburg Community Development Corporation (WCDC) recently commissioned a Traffic Circulation Study to examine options for improving traffic flow, parking, and accessibility in and around Wilkinsburg’s Central Business District. The study examined streets in and around the business district, including Penn, North, Wallace, Ross, South, Franklin, Rebecca, and Swissvale Avenues. We invite you to participate in a public presentation and meeting on September 30, 2014, beginning at 6 p.m. at Hosanna House (807 Wallace Avenue). This meeting will allow Wilkinsburg residents and other stakeholders to learn more about the study and proposed changes as well as ask questions. Please feel free to contact the WCDC office at (412) 727-7855 should you have any questions or concerns prior to the meeting. We look forward to seeing you on September 30. HELP US SPREAD THE NEWS Page 6 Allene Newland turns 100! October 5, 2014 Bring your birthday wishes and blessings for Allene. What a blessing she is for us! 8000 Beacon Hill Drive Apt. #203 Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Wilkinsburg House & Garden Tour Returns Next Month Tickets are on sale now! Our second annual Wilkinsburg House & Garden Tour takes place on Saturday, September 27, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. We will be touring several historic homes, churches, and gardens in the Regent Square area of Wilkinsburg. New this year, we will also be sponsoring a Marketplace on South Trenton, featuring local artists and small businesses, food trucks, and lots more. Don't miss it... get your tickets today! Christian Associates of Southwest Pennsylvania have two upcoming programs that you might be interested in attending. Connect our Stars: Support for Veterans - a Community Effort Friday, October 17 8:30 am - 4:00 pm at UPMC Passavant Hospital Foundation Conference Center in Allison Park — FREE It is intended for all who seek to support returning military veterans and their families. Disaster Spiritual Care Training Offered by the Pennsylvania Disaster Spiritual Care Network Spiritual Care Providers may be lay or ordained, must be endorsed by their church, and complete an interview, and assent to a code of ethics. They must complete four courses (Disaster Spiritual Care Training, Psychological First Aid Course, FEMA Incident Command System Training, and FEMA National Incident Management System Training) that take in total approximately 27 hours. The Disaster Spiritual Care Training will take place on October 21 and 22 at Dutihl United Methodist in Cranberry. For more information about either of these opportunities, talk with Pastor Nano or check out the Christian Associates newsletter on the parish hall bulletin board. Page 7 HELP US SPREAD THE NEWS Help the Moore Family The Moores are friends of our St. Stephen’s friend, Aneka Terry-Powe. They have two young daughters, aged 3 and 4. Several weeks ago their house caught on fire, and they lost everything. The Red Cross has placed them in a new home, but they are in need of things to fill the home. You can donate household cleaning items and other supplies, toiletries, tableware and kitchen ware, furniture, rugs, lamps, paper products. The girls are sized 3T-5T. They also need little girl playthings. Anything helps. If you wish to contribute financially, you can write a check to St. Stephen’s with Moore on the memo line – or you can donate a gift card. You may contribute anonymously, but if you would like to be thanked, please leave your contact information. International Day of Peace Interfaith Gathering Praying for Peace Sunday, September 21, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Sullivan Hall, St. Mary of the Mount Church, 115 Bigham Street Peace Pole Celebration Memorial to victims of violence World Flag Ceremony - 195 World Flags Social to follow Peace demands the most heroic labor and the most difficult sacrifice. It demands greater heroism than war. It demands greater fidelity to the truth and a much more perfect purity of conscience. ~ Thomas Merton