April 26, 2015 - Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church
April 26, 2015 - Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church 1003 North Tyler Street - Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Fr. Erik Pohlmeier, Pastor epohlmeier@holysouls.org Fr. Tom Marks, Associate Pastor Deacon John Hall Deacon Lawrence H. Jegley Anne Thomisee, Director of Religious Education Lynn Bauman, Music Director Denise F. Morbit, Director of Youth Ministry Laura G. Humphries, Parish Life Coordinator Mary Carman, Facilities & Events Coordinator Shelley Tienken, Business Manager Nan Connell, Accountant Cindy Stabnick, Church Secretary Edna de Noble, Pastoral Secretary Ileana Dobbins, Principal Church Office .......................... (501) School ..................................... (501) Cafeteria ................................. (501) Extended Care ........................ (501) MISSION STATEMENT Our Lady of the Holy Souls Parish is a family of believers seeking to know, love, and serve God as a faith community. To celebrate the presence of Christ among us, we will enhance the community atmosphere of our parish and develop stewardship of time, talent, and treasure. 663-8632 663-4513 663-6125 663-7438 Website: www.holysouls.org E-mail: office@holysouls.org Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 12 Noon and 1 to 4 p.m. FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER - April 26, 2015 All Holy Souls Alums, Family and Friends join us for the Do you have a story about your favorite religious sister? Wabbit Round-up Reunion Saturday, May 2, 2015 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Mass Happy Hour & Tour Art Show at School 6:30-10p.m. Men’s Club Catfish Dinner with all the fixings Tickets: $30 each (Adults only) Tickets may be purchased at the www.holysouls.org or www.holysoulsschool.org For more information, contact Paula at 663-4513 or thompson@holysouls.org Follow us on Facebook at Msgr. Francis Allen This year, 2015 - “The Year for Consecrated Life”, is dedicated to an important and rich aspect of Catholic life -- the religious orders of men and women. Holy Souls Parish would like to remember and honor these special people by collecting stories of how they have influenced us -- they could be funny stories (like a sister playing kickball) or serious stories (like words of wisdom that influenced you). These stories will be compiled and kept as part of our history and also shared with the religious communities who commited their lives to serving us. Please send your stories to the church office - cstabnick@holysouls.org. Needed for 4pm, 8am & 10am Masses COULD YOU HELP? We need ushers at the 4pm Mass on Saturday and the 8am and 10am Masses on Sunday. Ushers serve a very important role in the Liturgy; they are important for safety, seating, taking up the collection, and security among other things. If we get enough parishioners to volunteer, men and women, we could limit serving to once a month. At this time, some ushers are serving almost every Sunday. We are a large parish and hopefully some of you can come forward and volunteer your time. Please contact Laura in the church office or Pete Stabnick at 663-2032. This Week at Holy Souls . . . CALENDAR Liturgical Notes . . . Church (CH); Parish Hall (PH); Allen Center (AC); Gathering Room (GR); Eucharistic Chapel (EC); Benedict House (BH); School (S) Reflection for Sunday’s Readings Monday, April 27: 7am Mass, CH; 10am Seniors Social, PH; 5:45pm Handbell Rehearsal, CH Tuesday, April 28: 7am Mass, CH; 6pm Parish Council Meeting, PH Wednesday, April 29: 9am Adoration, CH; 5:15pm Benediction, CH; 5:30pm Mass, CH; 6pm VIRTUS, PH; 7pm Parish Choir Rehearsal, CH Thursday, April 30: 7am Mass, CH Friday, May 1: 7am Mass, CH; 8:15am School Mass & May Crowning, CH; 1:30pm Early Out for Holy Souls School Saturday, May 2: 8am Mass, CH; 2:45pm Confessions, CH; 4pm Mass, CHl 5:30pm Wabbit Round-up Reunion, S Sunday, May 3: 8am Mass, CH; 10am Mass, CH; 5:30pm Mass, CH Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Gospel: John 15:1-8 Adults: When has God pruned me so that I could grow and give life? Children: When have I felt good because I did something to help someone? *To read Sunday’s readings online, go to www.usccb.org/bible/readings/050315.cfm LITURGICAL MINISTERS SATURDAY, MAY 2, 4PM MASS Servers: R. Gatlin, S. Hickman, B. Linkous, Z. Robbins; EMC: N. Handloser; Lectors: A. Gatlin, T. Kirchner Ushers: C. & M. Donovan SUNDAY, MAY 3, 8AM MASS Servers: R. & J. Bowers, A. Files, L. Harrison; EMC: P. Kirchner; Lectors: S. Blomeley, K. Stone; Ushers: G. Hoffman, P. Pilkington 10AM MASS Servers: J. McGill, M. Olvey, C. & A. Webre; EMC: M. Lipsmeyer; Lectors: V. Henderson, P. Watkins; Ushers: T. Devine, B. Turner 5:30PM MASS Servers: C. & R. Parker, S. Weeks, J. Wilkinson; EMC: P. Thompson; Lector: G. Quinn; Ushers: R. Brooks, W. Morris -2- Understanding My Value To My Church Community Robert Flynn Laura Humphries, Parish Life Coordinator The peace ceremony… Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsored by the Holy Souls Men’s Club The first words of the risen Lord to his disciples in John’s Gospel are used in the sign of peace at Mass. There is evidence that this ceremony was part of the Mass in Rome as early as the second century. The sign of peace was given after the general intercessions (formerly called the prayers of the faithful; now known as the universal prayer). Probably it was placed there because Jesus had said that if those bringing their gift to the altar recall that their neighbor has something against them, they should leave their gift there and go and be reconciled. In the fourth century, the peace ceremony was moved to a place after the Our Father – probably because of the final petition of that prayer: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Over the course of centuries, the peace ceremony came to be exchanged only among the clergy and, eventually, only at a solemn high Mass. It was given back to the whole assembly in the reform of the liturgy after the Second Vatican Council. An excerpt from The Little White Book WHY: Robert Flynn Memorial Scholarship Fund (Funds scholarships at Holy Souls School for 12 students per year.) WHEN: Saturday, May 16, 2015 Shotgun Start - 1:00 p.m. WHERE: Country Club of Ark. in Maumelle WHO: Individuals and/or teams Scramble (4 Man) COST: $85 per person (individuals and/or teams welcome) CONTACT: Jim Lareau - (501) 258-2422 or JLAREAU@travelers.com Interesting information about the sign of peace, when we turn and look at each other and for a brief moment exchange words of welcome to our neighbors at mass. Just like Christ saying to his apostles, “peace be with you, my peace I give you”. What a wonderful world this would be if we could all live by those words. God guides us all in simple ways to live a life of goodness and love, to follow him in all that we do. We can choose to follow these directions and be the people that God wants us to be or we can choose not to; it is that simple. It is how we live that is important. It is how we spread his word that is important; in word and in action. FOOD: Following the tournament, there will be a hamburger/hot dog dinner at the course for all for all players. Tournament prizes will also be awarded at the course. HOLE SPONSORSHIP: $100 Name on sponsorship sign: ____________________________________________ Contact person: ______________________________ Address or email:______________________________ REGISTRATION: TEAM INDIVIDUAL Name / Email: ______________________________ ___________________________ @ $85________ ______________________________ ___________________________ @ $85________ ______________________________ ___________________________ @ $85________ ______________________________ BIBLE INSTITUTE FOR CATHOLICS June 19-21 at St. John’s Center, Little Rock Encounter “The Jesus of the Gospels” with Donald Senior, C.P. ___________________________ @ $85________ TOTAL _________ CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO: Holy Souls Men’s Club MAIL TO: Our Lady of Holy Souls, 1003 N. Tyler St., Little Rock, AR 72205 ATTN: Robert Flynn Memorial Golf Tourn. Cost is $100 which includes registration and meals. The deadline for pre-paid registration is June 5. For more information, contact Little Rock Scripture Study at 664-6102 or www.littlerockscripture.org. -3- Holy Souls This & That . . . COLLECTIONS/STEWARDSHIP UPDATE Mass attendance, April 4 & 5 Mass attendance, April 11 & 12 Mass attendance, April 18 & 19 Diocesan Collections – Holy Thursday - Seminarians Good Friday - Holy Land Rice Bowl Weekend Collections – April 4 & 5 April 11 & 12 April 18 & 19 Total April Collections Total April Budgeted Collections 1,992 1,065 1,191 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SPAGHETTI & SAUSAGE DINNER $ 17,194 2,801 877 $ $ $ $ $ 28,882 24,286 22,665 75,832 115,000 Actual Collections (7/1/14 - 3/31/15) Budgeted (7/1/14 - 3/31/15) Excess $ 1,108,648 $ 1,095,000 $ 13,648 Children’s collections - April 2014 $ The Knights of Columbus Council #812 invite you to join them for a Spaghetti & Sausage Dinner on Sunday, April 26, at St. John’s Catholic Center Dining Room, 2500 No. Tyler, LR. The luncheon will be served from 11am until 6pm. Cost is $10 per adult / $5 per child. Menu includes: Sausage, spaghetti, salad, bread, tea, coffee and dessert. Adult beverages will be available. VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” The next presentation of “VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children for Adults” will be Wednesday, April 29, at 6pm in the Parish Hall. This program is designed to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and to help prevent it. To sign up go online to www.virtus.org and then call the church office (663-8632). If you volunteer at school, with the youth in any capacity, or want to be a Eucharistic Minister, you must take this course. 243 Thank you for supporting our church! CONFIRMATION INFORMATIONAL MEETING FOR PARENTS On Tuesday, May 5th, at 6:00 p.m. there will be a Informational Meeting for parents of children who are preparing for Confirmation this Fall. GIVING THANKS WHEN YOU SHOP Please be sure to thank the generous advertisers in our bulletin. Through their participation, our parish receives our weekly bulletin free of charge. Also check out our web page sponsors. The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have been abused by clerics, Church volunteers or Church workers, please contact the Vicar General for the Diocese of Little Rock at (501) 664-0340 ext. 361, and the State of Arkansas Hotline for Crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964. For pastoral assistance please contact the Victim Assistance Coordinators for the Diocese of Little Rock. Drs. George & Sherry Simon at (501) 766-6001. Diocesan Offices: 2500 N. Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207. Place your donations in the St. Joseph Helper’s box in the Church Vestibule. -4- Building Fund Baptisms I’ve given online HOLY SOULS CHURCH Name__________________ _______________________ _______________________ Please welcome the following newly baptized children of God into our church community: Amt. $_________ Check #________ Building and Grounds by the Numbers Mary Carman, Facilities & Special Events Coordinator Cooper William Nehus In the month of March, $3,241 was donated for the Building Fund. son of Casper & Courtney (Calhoun) Nehus Building Fund Balance Dez-Giane Laveda Herts Gibson daughter of Andrew & Zelenka (Herts) Gibson $153,885 This summer the following projects will be completed for the estimated amount of $62,100: 1) Re-surfacing of the Parish Hall parking lot $49,000 2) Sealing cracks in the church parking lot $ 1,000 3) Security upgrade for the Parish Hall $ 8,000 4) Parish Hall walkway additional water proofing $ 2,700 5) Repairs to school exterior walls $ 1,400 Dreux Kathleen Herts Gibson daughter of Andrew & Zelenka (Herts) Gibson Hannah Jane Meurer daughter of Raphael & Courtney (Hamilton) Meurer The following items will be funded by: 6) Replacing of 2 HVAC in the school $10,000 (School Maintenance Fund) 7) Refurbishing of two restrooms on the 2nd floor of the school $29,000 (PTO Funding) Kayla Nhu-Y Phan daughter of Tin Phan & Tuyen Le Kyrstine Song-Nhi Gia Phan daughter of Tin Phan & Tuyen Le Your monthly gift to the Buildings and Grounds Fund enables the parish to make the needed repairs and keep our facilities structually sound and safe. BROOMSTICKS NEEDED! If you have an old broom or mop sticks that you can give us, we need them to make spears for Catholic Kids Camp/VBS this summer. If you have any please just drop them off at the church office or in the servers room in the church. Thanks so much! The Little Rock Theology Institute provides a unique opportunity to enrich your personal spiritual journey, grow in knowledge of the Catholic faith, and for those wishing to earn a degree in Theology. Classes meet one weekend a month from September to June. For more information call (501) 664-0340 ext 368 or 323 or visit www.dolr.org. Please prayerfully consider joining us this year! Pray for the Sick Petitions of the Ministry of Praise Please pray for all our sick and shut-ins and their families who care for them -- especially . . . Jessica Odle Remsing; Aidan Remsing; Jeffery Bowers; Jimmy Fox; Rose Bartsch; Carl Grummer; Phil Marks; Luke Siria; John Lock; Larry Cross; Millie McManus; Fred Kittler; Dorothy Ehlebracht; Debbie Odle; Nathan Baltz; Jeanne Kreth; Randy Prickett; Jason Brown; Sarah Goad; Frank Gerard; Annabelle Giardina; Charles Lee; Kathleen Lee; Doris Forte; Charlie Lane; Sharon Carroll; Jim Orsini; Sis Stark; Richie Hambuchen; Kirk Workman; Sherry Wortsmith; Betty Hoyt; Joseph Cordell; Mark Cordell; Bob Skarda; and Bob Hightower. May, 2015 General Petition: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Mission Petition: That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will remain on the list for four weeks. To continue for another four weeks, please call the church office. -5- Around the Diocese . . . SUMMER CAMP at Subiaco Abbey. Camp Subiaco, for boys 9 - 13, is an active all boys camp with fishing, archery, riflery, go-carts, boating & tubing, climbing wall and more. Camp Subiaco is operated by the Subiaco Alumni Association and the Benedictine Monks of Subiaco. Camp is June 14 - 20 and June 21 - 27, 2015. You may sign up at www.campsubiaco.org or call 479-934-1001 for more info. Come join us! It’s a blast! “I in them and you in me, that they may be brought in perfection as one, that the world may know that you sent me.” (John 17:23). SENIOR HIGH CYM CYM this week, Wednesday, April 29, is Senior Night. Bring any photos, memories of our graduating seniors. Dinner. Regular time, 7-8:30 pm. MARIAN CENACLE: On Saturday, May 9th from 10 am – 12 noon, a Cenacle of the National Marian Movement of Priests will be held at St. John Catholic Center / Morris Hall Chapel. Father Thomas Keller will be the celebrant. For more information, please contact: Dr. Richard and Melanie Riley at (501) 224-3949. Making summer plans? Don’t forget to schedule in the Buffalo River Trip (Sunday, May 31-Wednesday, June 3) and our McGehee, AR Mission Trip (Friday, June 5Tuesday, June 9). ST. THOMAS MORE SOCIETY of Arkansas: Quarterly Rosary and Mass will be on Wed., May 6, at 5pm at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Dinner at Doe’s Eat Place immediately following. Contact Shawn Johnson - 682-1178. Riverfest (May 22-24) sign ups are taking place now. If you are interested in a free weekend pass and/or making CYM money, sign up to work at the Official Riverfest merchandise booth by calling Denise at the Parish. Adults needed for 2 hour shifts as well. REGISTRATION FOR NEW MEMBERS Registration for new members is completed in the church office or online by visiting our web page, www.holysouls.org. Please contact the church office or go online at www.holysouls.org if you have moved, changed your telephone number, moved from your parent’s home or graduated from college. JUNIOR HIGH CYM 8th Graders: If you are interested in going on our Sr. High CYM Buffalo River trip this summer, (Sunday, May 31Wednesday, June 3), please get a registration form from the Church office or from Denise. Cost for trip (includes a day of canoeing, lodging at the Buffalo River Lodge – Jasper, and meals) is $100. RCIA If you are interested in becoming Catholic, please call Anne Thomisee in the church office. RETURNING CATHOLICS If you are interested in returning to the Catholic Church, please call Anne Thomisee in the church office. 8th Graders are invited to come to our Sr. CYM meeting on Wednesday night, May 6. We will watch our convention lip dub, share dinner and discussion. 7-8:30 pm. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 2:45 to 3:45pm and Wednesdays before First Friday from 4:30 to 5:00pm or call the church office for an appointment. Riverfest sign ups! See above in Sr. High information. CHURCH VISITS The Church is open from 7am-4pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday). Please enter through the chapel door after 9am. On Wednesday, the Church is open from 9am till after the 5:30pm Mass. Adoration is on Wednesday from 9am till 5pm. Thank You BAPTISM Thank you to Doloris Wiedower, Jewele Matthews, and Bernice Woods for preparing the hosts for Masses. Baptisms are scheduled on an individual basis. Please call the church office for more information. Thank you to Diane Scroggins, Darlene Hebda, Diane Helm, and Kevin & Linda Ehemann for helping Mary Carman with the Altar Servers Luncheon on April 19th. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the church office a minimum of six months in advance. HOSPITAL STAYS Thank you to Lilly Hess, Diane Scroggins, and Jennifer Kilpatrick for helping Mary Carman for the Mexican Fiesta for our High School Seniors on April 19th. Please call the church office if you or someone you know is in the hospital. We want to visit you and pray for you while you are in the hospital. Thank you to Megan Hicks, Linda Edwards, Nancy Stewart, Curtis Racher, Jennifer Van Ecko, Leanne Russell, Michelle Rhodes, Patrick Barron, Jan & Eric Britt, Jim & Carrie McGill, and Jim Rankin for chaperoning the last CYM Dance. NURSERY The Nursery is available in the Parish Hall for your young children (age 5 and younger) for all regular weekend Masses. -6- To read the daily reading online, go to www.usccb.org/nab/today.shtml Liturgy Schedule and Mass Intentions Monday, April 27 7:00 a.m. Mass Tuesday, April 28 7:00 a.m. Mass Wednesday, April 29 5:30 p.m. Mass Thursday, April 30 7:00 a.m. Mass Friday, May 1 7:00 a.m. Mass 8:15 a.m. School Mass Saturday, May 2 8:00 a.m. Mass 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sunday, May 3 8:00 a.m. Mass 10:00 a.m. Mass 5:30 p.m. Mass Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; Jn 10:1-10 Jeanne Akins by Joe & Pat Kirchner ST. PETER CHANEL, ST. LOUIS GRIGNION DE MONTFORT - Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-7; Jn 10:22-30 Paul Biltz by The Biltz Family ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA - Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Jn 12:44-50 William P. Stuff by Alice Stuff ST. PIUS V - Acts 13:13-25: Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; Jn 13:16-20 Deceased members of Pawlowski & Guzik Family by Elzbieta Pawlowski ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER - Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Louis Nowak by Grace Nowak Joe & Margaret Beck by Louis Beck ST. ATHANASIUS - Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 14:7-14 Gerald & Sara Jansen by Fran Jansen Ellen & Dalton Dailey by Kathy & Ray Hightower FIFTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26-28, 30-32; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8 Rose Marie Nabholz by Evalyn Wren Intentions of Parishioners Mary Regina Kirchner Koch by Mary Ann Saucier
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