Holy Sews - Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church


Holy Sews - Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church
1003 North Tyler Street - Little Rock, Arkansas 72205
Fr. Erik Pohlmeier, Pastor
Fr. Dhanraj Narla, Associate Pastor
Deacon Lawrence H. Jegley
Deacon Tim Massanelli
Anne Thomisee, Director of Religious Education
Fred Graham, Organist & Music Director
Denise F. Morbit, Director of Youth Ministry
Laura G. Humphries, Parish Life Coordinator
Mary Carman, Facilities & Events Coordinator
Shelley Tienken, Business Manager
Nan Connell, Accountant
Cindy Stabnick, Church Secretary
Edna de Noble, Pastoral Secretary
Ileana Dobbins, Principal
Monique Raines, Wedding Director
Church Office .......................... (501) 663-8632
School ..................................... (501) 663-4513
Cafeteria .................................. (501) 663-6125
Extended Care ......................... (501) 663-7438
Our Lady of the Holy Souls Parish is a family of believers seeking to
know, love, and serve God as a faith community. To celebrate
the presence of Christ among us, we will enhance the community
atmosphere of our parish and develop stewardship of time, talent,
and treasure.
Website: www.holysouls.org
E-mail: office@holysouls.org
Parish Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 12 Noon and 1 to 4 p.m.
Donate Blood on
Holy Sews
in thanksgiving for our Veterans
who fought for our Freedom.
Holy Sews invites you to help sew, cut out or just
support their ministry on Sunday, November 11, in the
Parish Hall from 1:30-4:30pm. We will be making the
beautiful layettes for stillborn babies who are too tiny
and fragile for regular baby clothes.
Even if you don’t sew, there are many other things
you can do to help this ministry fulfill its commitment
to its mission. You can even do your part at home in
your leisure time.
~ Question of the Week ~
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Parish Hall
If you cannot donate blood,
please bring cookies & orange juice!
MARK 12: 28 - 34
What does it mean to me
to love God above all things?
Liturgical Notes . . .
During the month of November, everyone is invited to
write the names of their departed loved ones in The
Book of the Names of the Dead. It is located in the
Eucharistic Chapel. These people will be specially
remembered at all the Masses at Holy Souls during
this month.
This Week at Holy Souls . . .
Pick up your issue of the 2013 Lector Workbook
in the Altar Servers Room. The book begins
December 2.
Church (CH); Parish Hall (PH); Allen Center (AC);
Gathering Room (GR); Eucharistic Chapel (EC);
Benedict House (BH); School (S)
Next Weekend, Nov. 10 & 11 . . .
Monday, November 5:
7am Mass, CH;
4pm Parish Children’s Choir, S;
5:45pm Parish Handbell Choir, CH
Tuesday, November 6:
7am Mass, CH;
3:05pm Advanced Children’s Choir, S
Wednesday, November 7:
9am Adoration, CH;
5:15pm Benediction, CH;
5:30pm Mass, CH;
7pm Parish Choir Rehearsal, CH;
7pm Sr. CYM, BH
Thursday, November 8:
7am Mass, CH;
6:30pm RCIA, PH
Friday, November 9:
7am Mass, CH;
8:15am School Mass, CH
Saturday, November 10:
8am Mass, CH;
2:45pm Confessions, CH;
4pm Mass, CH
Sunday, November 11:
8am Mass, CH;
8am Red Cross Blood Drive, PH;
10am Mass, CH;
1:30pm Holy Sews Workday, PH;
5:30pm Mass, CH
First Reading — The widow of Zarephath had only a handful
of flour and a little oil, but made a little cake for Elijah (1 Kings
Psalm — Praise the Lord, my soul! (Psalm 146).
Second Reading — Christ will appear a second time to
bring salvation to those who eagerly await him.
(Hebrews 9:24-28).
Gospel — This poor widow put in more than all the other
contributors (Mark 12:38-44 [41-44]).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969,
1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights
Servers: T. Bornhoft, C. & J. Zawislak, D. Thompson;
EMC: S. Nehus; Lectors: H. Wortsmith, F. Kittler;
Ushers: J. Metzger, K. Stephens
Servers: K. Walsingham, M. Sage, B. Linkous,
E. Straessle; EMC: T. Kirchner;
Lectors: R. Nabholz, Sr. Jolita
Ushers: R. Grafe; G. Hoffmann
Servers: H. & P. Fitz, C. & R. Parker;
EMC: G. O’Connor; Lectors: K. de Noble, M. Zakrzewski;
Ushers: F. Zakrzewski, L. & K. Ehemann
Servers: R. Brown, C. Davis, A. Gentry, L. Roberson;
EMC: P. Thompson; Lector: G. Quinn;
Ushers: P. Stabnick, W. Morris
In RemembranceWE
of Holy
Souls MORE!
During the month of November, we remember our deceased relatives and friends, especially those who have
passed away this past year (November 1, 2011 through October 29, 2012).
Lisa Laughlin
Eleanor Thill
Mary Quertermous
Jim Madigan
Theodore Fotioo, Sr.
Tom Kelly
Albert Lynch
Garrett Uekman
Ben Pinter
Norman Sward
Frances Berry
Ernest Miller
Frances Carman
Jean Crocker
Fr. Joe Enderlin
Katherine Burbage
Stephanie Bach
Bernadine Savary
Richard Donovan
Ann Seiter
Mary Kuykendall
Elaine Sharp
Pam McKelvey
Barbara Sparrendahl
Gil Landers
Jim Longinotti
Elizabeth Miller Jones
Frank Watkins
Solange Schulte
Lawrence Wewers
John McGinness
Dolores Young
Jimmy Gallman
Glenn Madere
Jim Hornibrook
Robert Rizer
Gene Huber
Louise Knight
Fr. Dan Eakin
Bill Stuff
Henryk Pawlowski
Catherine Frederick
Alice Starks
MaConda O’Connor
Ann Shirkey
Robart Long
Brendan Donahue
Joe Magnini
John Penny
Ada Taillac
Cy Speck
Nancy Strand
Suzie Stabnick
Glenn McCumpsey
Julie Kreth
Zelda Woods
Ellen Dailey
Bob Steckel
Dot Broaddrick
Mary Kay Lipsmeyer Schaad
Ida L. Dobbins Kennedy
Joe Straw
John Oman
Charles Massey
Brenda Robert
Margaret Proctor
Bob Rossi
Will Henderson
Mary Jansen
Janet Keary
Ruth Daniel
Stanley Gray
Rose Bartlett
Peggy Stover
Carlos Orellana
Dorothy Weisenfels
Patricia Stewart Garner
Catherine Dessel
Cotton Friemel
Tinky Oberste
Stella Cia
Donna Goodfellow
Prayer to Our Lady of the Holy Souls
by The Children of Holy Souls Parish
Mary, Our Lady of the Holy Souls, pray for us and all the souls in Purgatory. Help us to help them by our
continued prayers. Please pray for the release of all Holy Souls from their suffering and agony. May
God grant them the purification needed because of their sins. May they experience Heaven in all its
glory with the light of God’s Love and in the absolute unity of His Kingdom. Amen.
Holy Souls This & That . . .
Mass attendance, October 6 & 7
Mass attendance, October 13 & 14
Mass attendance, October 20 & 21
Mass attendance, October 27 & 28
If you know of someone who could
use a little help at Thanksgiving
with a Thanksgiving basket, please
call Laura in the church office by
November 14th. All information is
kept confidential. We normally
give the same people a basket at
Christmas time as well.
Diocesan Special Collection –
World Mission Sunday
Weekend Collections –
October 6 & 7
October 13 & 14
October 20 & 23
October 27 & 28
Total Oct. Collections
Total Oct. Budgeted Collections
Actual Collections (7/1/11 - 10/28/12)
Budgeted (7/1/11 - 10/28/12)
Children’s collections - Oct. 2012
Building Fund
I’ve given online
Building and Grounds by the Numbers
Mary Carman, Facilities & Special Events Coordinator
In the month of October, $3,803 was collected for the
Building Fund. Our fund balance to date is $183,000
with the following projects totaling $183,000 to be
completed in 2013:
1. Fire Protection upgrade for the school-$16,000
2. Installation of a fire alarm system in the rectory
and church office -$9,000
3. Replacement of the Allen Center roof-$138,000
Thank you for supporting our church!
Check #________
Paying for these projects will deplete our building fund to
a balance of $20,000.
The average monthly income received from the Building
Fund envelope is around $3,000 which will not keep up
with the need. The future projects planned for completion
by 2016 include replacement of the remaining aged portion
of the school roof, resurfacing the Parish Hall parking lot
and retro-fitting campus lighting fixtures to accommodate
the new energy saving light bulbs for an estimated total of
Dress the kids in their jammies and join us for an
evening of fun for all ages, food to cure the munchies
and a special picture with Santa. Come by the Allen
Center on Saturday, December 1st, from 5 p.m. to 8
p.m. and enjoy three hours of reindeer races, ice
fishing, cake walking, face painting, temporary
tattooing and more.
While the kids are playing, the adults are invited to
shop with our ten vendors who will have great gift
selections just in time for Christmas.
The Holy Souls Allen Center will be full of the
Christmas spirit. All we need is you to celebrate a
family affair and make memories. Santa will be there.
We hope you will be, too.
Proceeds will benefit the Holy Sews Ministry whose
volunteers make layettes for stillborn babies. The
layettes are distributed to Arkansas hospitals at no
Parishioner support of the Building Fund is key to making
it possible to perform repairs which will keep our aging
facilities safe and in good working order and prepare
ourselves for unforseen emergency building maintenance
The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is committed to protecting
children and young people. If you are aware of abuse or have
been abused by clerics, Church volunteers or Church workers,
please contact the Vicar General for the Diocese of Little Rock
at (501) 664-0340 ext. 361, and the State of Arkansas Hotline
for Crimes against Children at 1-800-482-5964. For pastoral assistance please
contact the Victim Assistance Coordinators for the Diocese of Little Rock.
Drs. George & Sherry Simon at (501) 766-6001. Diocesan Offices: 2500 N.
Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207.
Understanding My Value
To My Church Community
St. Martin de Porres
Laura Humphries, Parish Life Coordinator
FEAST DAY: November 3
But Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Behold,
half of my possessions, Lord, I shall give to the poor, and
if I have extorted anything from anyone I shall repay it four
times over.” And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has
come to this house because this man too is a descendant
of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to
save what was lost.” (Lk 19:8-10)
Barbers, Hairdressers
Race relations, Social justice
St. Martin de Porres was born at Lima,
Peru, in 1579. His father was a Spanish
gentleman and his mother a coloured freed-woman from
Panama. At fifteen, he became a lay brother at the
Dominican Friary at Lima and spent his whole life there-as
a barber, farm laborer, almoner, and infirmarian among other
Now here’s the question. Is Zacchaeus saying that this is
something he’s been doing – giving half his possessions to
the poor and, if he inadvertently overcharges, he pays back
four times over? Or is he saying that having met Jesus he
has undergone a conversion and from now on he’s going to
do these things? Many scholars today say it’s the first –
he’s been doing this all along. In other words, he’s been
exercising a form of stewardship with his money.
Martin had a great desire to go off to some foreign mission
and thus earn the palm of martyrdom. However, since this
was not possible, he made a martyr out of his body, devoting
himself to ceaseless and severe penances. In turn, God
endowed him with many graces and wondrous gifts, such
as, aerial flights and bilocation.
Appearances can deceive. Zacchaeus may be a toll collector
and one of those people not generally liked by others, but
he is a child of Abraham, and someone who gives off the
top to the poor. For Jesus, that is what is important. Giving
off the top. Stewardship isn’t complicated. An excerpt from
The Little Burgundy Book
St. Martin’s love was all-embracing, shown equally to
humans and to animals, including vermin, and he
maintained a cats and dogs hospital at his sister’s house.
Stewardship isn’t complicated; it is a simple concept to
understand, unfortunately, it isn’t a popular one with
everyone. Statistics state that Roman Catholics don’t give
as much as our protestant neighbors. In the book
Stewardship, A Parish Handbook one study reported that
Catholics gave 1.4% of their income to the church whereas
protestants gave 2.9% to their church. In the book Behind
the Stained Glass Windows researchers noted that most
Christian giving can be characterized as “paying the bills”.
According to this study, the prevalent attitude is just giving
enough to cover the church’s bills or “tell me what you
need and I’ll give you what I want”. This is not Stewardship;
God is the source of everything and we must give because
we want to give not out of a sense of obligation but out of
gratitude for all that God has given us. We must give of our
time, talent and treasure for the sake of giving, without being
asked, regardless how our gifts will be used.
We will honor St. Martin de Porres with a temporary shrine
in the front of his stained glass window, which is located on
the north side of the church, the first window from the back.
Pray for the Sick
Please pray for all our sick and shut-ins and
their families who care for them -- especially . . .
Jessica Odle Remsing; Micki Gangluff; Karen Hunter; Aidan
Remsing; Geneva Stewart; Mildred Dixon; Vicki Morris; Marcelline
Giroir; Tracy Paul & Patsy Pool Dobbins; Robert Boers; Joe
Drilling; Rita Nehus; Courtney Sick; Sylvia Forte; John Graham;
Joe Kearney; and Chris Gunderman.
Petitions of the
Ministry of Praise
In order to keep our bulletin prayer list up-to-date, names will remain
on the list for four weeks. To continue for another four weeks, please
call the church office.
General Petition:
That the bishops, priests, and all ministers of
the Gospel may bear the courageous witness of
fidelity to the crucified and risen Lord.
Mission Petition:
That the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a
light to the nations.
Please remember in your prayers the faithfully departed:
Donna Goodfellow, mother of Jill Childers and
grandmother of Jacob, Clay, & Lucas Bozeman.
You are invited to “Break Open the Word” or preview Sunday
Scriptures on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.
Bring your lunch and let’s dig deeper into the Gospel (the
Good News) Jesus Christ. There is always room at the table
of the Lord!
“Be doers of the word” (James 1:22)
Calling all parents:
CYM meets this Wednesday, November 7, 7-8:30 p.m.
Dinner and Scripture Study!
• Do you want your children to find true happiness as
they grow to young adulthood?
• Are you a parent seeking to understand God’s plan
for human sexuality while living in our ME culture?
• Are you a parent looking for a way to talk to your
son or daughter about sexuality?
• Do you wonder if there is something more to being
Catholic than going to Mass on Sunday?
Next Sunday, November 4 our Youth Mass will be the
10 a.m. Mass followed by lunch and our service project:
Rake and Run! We will have lunch after Mass followed
by service from noon until 2 p.m.
Spots still open for the 2013 SPRING BREAK SKI TRIP
to Breckenridge, CO. The dates are March 16-22. The
basic package cost is $675 which includes bus
transportation, some meals, condominium, ski rental (snow
board extra), and lift tickets. Lessons, required for first
time skiers, are extra. A $125 deposit holds your
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, please
join Bill Donaghy, TOB Institute Speaker and Educator for
a Special One day Presentation:
Program: Introduction to John Paul II’s Theology of
the Body
Saturday November 10 from 9am – 3:30 pm
Catholic High School in Little Rock, AR
Contact: Jasmine Moore at jmoore@dolr.org or 501664-0340 ext 323 for information or to register.
8th Graders & Parents: Interested in the ski trip? You
may sign up by paying your $125 ski trip deposits. Younger
family members may go as well if a parent chaperones.
Registration for new members is completed in the church office
or online by visiting our web page, www.holysouls.org. Please
contact the church office or go online at www.holysouls.org if
you have moved, changed your telephone number, moved
from your parent’s home or graduated from college.
Our CYM fall service project will take place on Friday,
November 9, 3-5 p.m. We will rake some of the
parishioners’ yards in the neighborhood. It’s fun when you
are working with your friends!
The Christmas Dance will be Friday, November 30th,
from 7-9 p.m. in the Allen Center. It’s formal, so get
the sparkles and the holiday ties out as well as the
cameras, and be prepared to have a festive time! Cost
is $7.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, please call Anne
Thomisee in the church office.
If you are interested in returning to the Catholic Church, please
call Anne Thomisee in the church office.
Saturdays from 2:45 to 3:45pm and Wednesdays before First
Friday from 4:30 to 5:00pm or call the church office for an
Thank You
The Eucharistic Chapel is open from 8am-3pm (Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, & Friday). On Wednesday, the church and Eucharistic
Chapel are open from 9am till after the 5:30pm Mass.
Thank you to Alice Henry, Carmen Stover, Fran Jansen,
and Doloris Wiedower for preparing the hosts for Masses.
Thank you to Carolyn Rhinehart for taking a parishioner
to the doctor.
Thank you to Tish Anderson, Betty Baker, Carolyn Cia,
D. J. Cia, Nan Connell, Angela Dare, Lucille DeGostin,
Cathy Fetzek, Caroline Fox, Ann Hoffmann, Pat King,
Linda McNutt, Anne Mines, Gretel Orellana, Becky
Schulte, Barb Sick, Anita Smith, Mary Sue Whitelaw, and
Cindy Odom for helping with the funeral luncheon for the
family of Stella Cia.
Baptisms are scheduled on an individual basis. Please call
the church office for more information.
Contact the church office a minimum of six months in advance.
Please call the church office if you or someone you know is in
the hospital. We want to visit you and pray for you while you
are in the hospital.
Liturgy Schedule and Mass Intentions
Monday, November 5
7:00 a.m. Mass
Tuesday, November 6
7:00 a.m. Mass
Wednesday, November 7
5:30 p.m. Mass
Thursday, November 8
7:00 a.m. Mass
Friday, November 9
7:00 a.m. Mass
8:15 a.m. School Mass
Saturday, November 10
8:00 a.m. Mass
4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass
Sunday, November 11
8:00 a.m. Mass
10:00 a.m. Mass
5:30 p.m. Mass
Phil 2:1-4; Lk 14:12-14
All Souls
Phil 2:5-11; Lk 14:15-24
Al Treadway by Edith Treadway
Phil 2:12-18; Lk 14:25-33
All Souls
Phil 3:3-8a; Lk 15:1-10
All Souls
THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA - Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
All Souls
All Souls
ST. LEO THE GREAT - Phil 4:10-19; Lk 16:9-15
All Souls
All Souls
32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44]
All Souls
Intentions of Parishioners
All Souls
Tom Jansen, and Lottie Beck.

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