All Souls Church


All Souls Church
A ll S ou ls
Nourish Your Spirit and Stay Connected in Summer
Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
Summer Worship Series
in Reidy Friendship Hall
Rev. Lissa Anne Gundlach, Summer Worship Coordinator
Derek Walcott writes in “A Lesson for This Sunday” The growing idleness of summer grass
With its frail kites of furious butterflies
Requests the lemonade of simple praise
(see page 7 for details)
“Reverence,” writes author Barbara Brown Taylor, “is
the proper attitude of a small and curious human being in
a vast and fascinating world of experience.” To practice
reverence is to pay attention, to be profoundly awake as a
witness to life: praising what is good and beautiful, mourning what is lost and broken. Practicing reverence awakens
gratitude and inspires our action and commitments.
Summer is a season when some of us retreat from the city
to refresh our spirits in nature. Many of us enjoy the amazing beaches, concerts and festivals right here in New York.
Whether you find yourself at a crystal clear lake upstate,
in the green fields of Central Park, or riding the subway to
work, you can practice paying attention to your experience.
Slow down to notice the details of the landscape, whether
natural or human. What moves you and what disturbs you?
What secrets might life have to teach you?
At All Souls, we encourage one another to practice a sense
of reverence in community. We bear witness to each other’s lives and to the needs of our world. Whether you are
spiritually seeking or have found yourself home here, we
welcome you to join us this summer. Our uplifting summer worship series is led by a dynamic and creative team,
featuring music from Allison Sniffin and our Musica Viva
choir soloists. Many fellowship, learning and social justice
opportunities continue throughout the summer, including
Monday Night Hospitality volunteer service. If you are in
need of pastoral care support, please reach out to our ministers and Lay Pastoral Associates.
July 7
Daniel Gregoire
July 14
Lissa Anne Gundlach
July 21 Cory Labanow
July 28
Lissa Anne Gundlach
August 4
Taryn Strauss
August 11
Lissa Anne Gundlach
August 18
Blanca Rodriguez
August 25
David McClean
September 1 Lissa Anne Gundlach
Unitarian Universalist minister Greta Crosby writes: “We
are glad of the light of the mind that does not depend
on the time of day, the time of year or the time of life to
enlighten us and to beckon us inward, outward, and onward
in exploration of the many realms of being.” Wherever you
find yourself this summer, may you find yourself awed and
inspired by both the beauty and the brokenness of this vast
and fascinating world we share.
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Sign Up To Receive
A Common Meditation for All Souls
These meditations are a daily spiritual practice
to help spark our moral imagination and set our
moral compass as individuals (Emerson called it
“provocative reading”). It can also help establish
a common spiritual conversation that will further
unite us as a community of faith. Sign up at www. to receive these
meditations by email.
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From the Executive Director
e ended June by celebrating Annie in high style!
Thank you all for making Annie Gorycki’s bon
voyage so special. In this issue, you
will see announcements of some
changing staff roles and new staff. I
know you will join me in welcoming Maria Guisado as she steps into
her new role as Events Coordinator;
Maurice Spivey, our new Facilities
Manager; and Richard Cantave at
the front desk. We are excited about
these additions to the All Souls
team; please introduce yourself when you see them!
As this fiscal year ends, we are preparing our financial records for our annual audit, which this year will
be conducted by a new firm, selected by our Audit
Committee. We are also finalizing our Annual Giving
numbers so that we can report them to you in the next
Bulletin. Thank you to all who donated to our stewardship campaign this year and helped support All Souls.
Special thanks too to our Annual Giving Committee
members: chair Stuart Goldblatt and Committee members Marilyn Collins, Mary Dugan, Bill Fitzpatrick,
Tracy Fitzpatrick, Cherie Henderson, Bob Lyster,
Marilynn Scott Murphy, and David Poppe. These All
Souls members worked tirelessly this year to talk to
you about stewardship, pledging and making a difference at All Souls through giving. Many more volunteers helped the Committee make phone calls during
our two phone campaigns, and we are very grateful for
their time and perseverance in their outreach efforts.
For this new fiscal year we are asking you to fill
out a pledge card in the first quarter – by the end of
September. Please let us know we can count on you, in
advance of your gift, as pledging helps us to plan and
budget. We will send pledge forms to you this summer,
so watch your email or mail. Thanks in advance!
Many wishes for a relaxing and productive summer!
New to All Souls?
If you are interested in finding out more about our congregation and the path to membership, join us for our
three part Welcome to All Souls Workshops:
• Welcome to All Souls;
• Connecting to All Souls;
• Committing to All Souls.
These workshops, held Sundays at 1:00 p.m., will explore
the All Souls congregation and history, the principles of
Unitarian Universalism, spiritual practice and service, and
how you can find your place at All Souls.
To register, contact the church at (212)535-5530 or email
Maryah (
July 14 at 1:00 in the Minot Simons Room
Welcome to All Souls
August 11 at 1:00 in the Ware Room
Welcome to All Souls
Summer Sunday Volunteers needed
Ushers are among the first faces you see on a Sunday
morning. They’re a critical part of All Souls’ ministry of welcome, and they keep the service running
smoothly. Try it once, or consider making it a regular
practice. Become part of the team by signing up at or contacting
Membership Coordinator Maryah Converse at Maryah@ or (212) 535-5530.
All Souls Members are also needed to assist with counting the collection on Sunday afternoons. If you can commit to once every 4-6 weeks, please contact Maryah, as
Susan Lambiase
Executive Director
September Bulletin Deadline: August 15
Send submissions to by August 15.
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Staff Announcements
Maria Guisado - Events Coordinator
Maria Guisado, who has worked as the front-desk
receptionist at All Souls since 2007, will be moving
to the position of Events
Coordinator. Maria grew up
in Harlem and, prior to coming to All Souls, worked in
home healthcare management
for eighteen years - handling
payroll, scheduling, and
more. For the past six years here, both by working
alongside Annie Gorycki and serving as the first person most people meet upon entering the building, she
has gotten to know the people, groups, schedules, and
flow of life at All Souls intimately.
Maria has three children and loves nothing more in her
free time than spending time with family and friends.
Richard Cantave - Receptionist
Most recently, Richard has been doing volunteer work
with Human Rights First, where he was a part time
receptionist and interviewed individuals seeking asylum. He worked a number of
years as a customer service
representative for the Crowne
Plaza Hotel in White Plains,
and before that while in college he was a customer service representative at Macy’s.
Richard has a bachelor’s
degree in criminology and
sociology from SUNY Old
Westbury, and came to the US
from Haiti while in high school. Richard has also done
a lot of volunteer work, including in the relief effort
in Haiti after the earthquake, in New Orleans during
spring break after Katrina, and for Unicef. Richard will
work the front desk Monday through Friday.
Maurice Spivey - Facilities Manager
Maurice comes to us after spending 12 years at
Congregation Beth Elohim in Brooklyn - a synagogue
with two buildings, 1100 members, a homeless shelter 4 days a week, an after school RE program 6 days
a week, and events, weddings, memorials and parties
similar to what we have here
at All Souls. Most recently,
Maurice was the Synagogue’s
Maintenance Supervisor, and
he had been its Night Foreman,
and earlier, its Porter. Prior
to that Maurice also worked
security at JFK airport and was
a Specialist in the US Army and a Volunteer for the
Brooklyn VA Hospital. Maurice will be in charge of
building maintenance and repairs and custodial work.
Maurice’s hours will be Sunday through Thursday.
Dick Leonard - Nametag Alphabetizer
Since 1979, Rev. Richard Leonard has taken responsibility, along with a variety of volunteers, for organizing the nametags along the wall in Reidy Friendship
Hall. He’s the reason you
have found your nametag in
roughly alphabetical order each
Sunday, regardless of where
you left it last time.
You may have met him when
he gave you a Hershey’s Kiss
for wearing your nametag at
coffee hour.
After 34 years, Rev. Leonard is
now relinquishing the responsibility. We are deeply grateful for his service to the
community of All Souls.
Please help us maintain the nametag board
by putting your nametag back in alphabetical order after Coffee Hour.
Note: Sunday morning Adult Education programs will
be suspended during July and August and reconvene on
September 15.
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All Souls’ Fiscal Year 2012-13 Stewards
All Souls expresses our sincere gratitude to our members and friends who contributed to the
financial well-being of the church this year.*
*(as of June 27, 2013)
Betty Abbott
Susan Ackerman
Virginia Ackerman
Margot Adler
Sylvia and Edward Agostini
Sarah Ahearn
Sabrina Alano
Leslie Alexander
Andrea and David Allan
Lorraine Allen
Mariette Pathy Allen
Jane Michel Alwais
Elisabeth Ames
Eunice An
Damon Anderson
Sally Anderson and Fredric Winkowski
Elsie and David Andrews
Joe Anticaglia
Meg Araneo
Andrea Arevalo
Jennifer Arnold
Mary and John Arnold
Marsha Ashley
Holly Atkinson and Galen Guengerich
Sammy Attoh
Nina Augello and Steven Miller
James Backmon
Kim Bader
Martha and Robert Badger
Jill and William Bailey
David Baker and Lois Gaeta
Mila and Clarence Baker
Mia Banner
W. Scott Bartlett
Arlene Bartlow
Theresa Bartol
Astrid and John Baumgardner
Janice Bayer
C. William Bechman
Charles Bechman
Melinda and Peter Beck
Eugene Becker and Mary Ellen Bowles
Patricia Belanoff
Robin and M. Neil Bell
Christina Bellamy
M. Lou Benard
Amanda and Clayton Benchley
Marianne Benjamin
Alan Bennett
Margaret Bennett and Bill Edwards
Jana and Thomas Bergdall
Christine Berger
Richard and Carol Kirkman Berman
Clifford Bernstein and Elizabeth
Daniel and Barbara Beshers
Ellen Biancaniello
Cynthia Bianchi and Bill Wenkert
Irene Bick and Ted Kister
Keith Bishop and Rodney Sorensen
Walter C. Bladstrom
Laura Blaguszewski
Emily Blake
Carol Blanchard
Peggy and David Block
Laurel Blossom
Emmania and Henry Blum
Thomas and Heli R.F. Blum
William Boedeker
Lauren Bohl
Valerie Bonanno
Saletta Boni
Susan Borozan
Robin Bossert
Michelle Boston
Nathan Boucher and Jenny Daniel
Stacey Bowen
Lisa Bowers
Sara Bracken
Arnold and Grace Braeske
Matt Brandenburgh
Catherine and Robert Brawer
Jane Breakstone
Laura Breslaw and David Kochanowsky
Anne Brewer
Jason and Emily Shu-Brezina
Louise and Mark Brockett
Judith Brooks
Margo Corinne Brooks
Teresa Brooks
Anthony Brown and Dallas Miller
Joan C. Brown
Lura Rebekah Brown
Stillman Brown and Meg Raftis
Willard Brown
Jennie Bucove and Timothy Bartley
Vincent Buonanno
Patrick Burke
Jack Burkhalter and Larry Chanen
Carol Burnet
Randy Burnham
Debra Buszko
West and Michelle Butler-Hyler
Nancy and Frank Bynum
Kim Calder
M Campbell
Robert and Jennifer Rogers Carlock
Eleanor Carothers
Whitney Cary
Julie and John Casesa
Lisa and Richard Cashin
Kathryn and Gideon Cashman
Peter Casperson
Tim Castle
Virginia Cava
Joanne Ceraso and Jon Steinlauf
Andrea Chambliss
Milo Chan and Winifred Donoghue
Judy Chang
Miles Chapin
Barbara Charlton
Ravi Chawla
Maryann Chee
Shu-Wie Chen
Annie R. Childs
Judith Cholst
Theodora Ann Christ
Andrea Christensen
Sandra and Thomas Christie
Ann Churchill
Ismael and Carol Ciancutti-Leyva
Olivia Clark
Barbara Clutter
Jerry and Sylvie Gillard Cohen
Diana and Kenneth Cohn
Regina and Derek Cohn
Lois Coleman
Marilyn and George Collins
Jane Colvin
Laurel Colvin and Fred Garcia
John Travis Compton
James Cone
Dana Coppolino
Catherine Corkill
Rosina Cotruzzola
Elinor Cotts
Martha Cox
Ruth and Jonathan Cox
Tom Creacy
Todd Crider
Carol Crigler and Frederick Siegal
Lynn Crimando
Diane Crothers
Elizabeth Crowell and Robert Wilson
Dixie Goss and Dan Cryer
Diana List Cullen
Helen Cunningham
S u m m e r
Barbara Cutney
Alice and David Cynn
Karen Dahle
Cindy Danza
Sheila Darnborough
Peggy and Kirk Davenport
Valorie Dawson
Andre and Judith de Zanger
Barbara Deakin
Anne and Donald Dean
Stephen and Paige Daly DeBlasi
Dennis DeForge and Chris Galas
Olga DeGouttes
David and Rebecca DeLaet
Cynthia deLuise and Klaus Lessnau
Alex Demac
Alice DeNormandie and Surendra Shah
Judith Densky
John Devol
Dianne DiGianantonio
Donna and Greg DiFelice
Erika Dilday and Olumide Wilkey
Paul DiMauro
Sheila Dines
Sandra and Rodger DiPasca
Cornelia Do
Lotus Do
Stephanie N. Donald
Robert Dottin
Patricia Dougherty
Christopher and Eunice Dove
Linda Downs
Sarah Dowson
Anne E. Draper
Robert Drescher
Donna Drewes
Heidi and Nicholas DuBois
Mary Dugan
Karen L Duncan
Stacy and Jonathan Duquette
Donald W. and Ann A. Eberle
Ivana Edwards
Stephen W. Edwards
Marianne Egri and David Thomas
Linda Eisen
Marilyn and Stuart Eisenkraft
Sandra Ekberg
Marye Elmlinger and Eric Lamm
Carol Emmerling
Katie Engle
John Ennis
Fadel Erian
Ann Evans and Terence Stoeckert
Charles Fagan
Mary Ellen Fahs
Carol Farbar
Nelson Farber
Hanne Favelukes
Brian Fechtel
Margot Feely
Amy Feezor
Roger Feffer
Brent Feigenbaum
Dana and Greg Feller
Christopher and Megan Fenton
Jerald Fessenden
Heather Floyd and Victor Fidel
Jessica and Winston Fisher
Sandra Lotz Fisher
Jane and Fishman
Laurel Fitts
Bernard FitzGerald, Jr.
Thomas FitzGerald
Bill and Tracy Fitzpatrick
Joan Flesch
Christine Flynn
Sahm Forbes
Nancy and Richard Ford
Susan and Allan Forsyth
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Cecilia Foskett
Malinda Foy
Lillian Framulare
Douglas Warner Frank
Linda and Paul Frank
Rita Frank
Edward and Joan Franklin
James Freeman
Michele Weisman and Paul Freitag
Ariana French and Paul Lawrence
Shaiza Rizavi and Jon Friedland
Marjory and Jeffrey Friedlander
Jane and John Friedman
Megan and Jack Friedman
W. Robert Friedman, Jr. and Ellen
Steven Fuhrmann
Dominic Gadoury and Jeffery
Barbara Gallay
Marie Gangi
Andrew Gardner
Bernard Gardner
Anne Garonzik
Vanessa Gates-Elston
Mary Geissman
Barry Geller
Lisa Gennetian and Ramsey Shehadeh
Paula Gerden
Jan Gero
Susan and Andrew Gilbert
Nancy Gilbert and Richard Wines
Jonathan Giles
Clarisse Gillcrist
Elena Gillcrist
Rae and Robert Gilson
Evelynn Gioiella
Elisabeth Gitter
Donald and Georgia Gogel
Geddes and Ellen Correia Golay
Robin and Stuart Goldblatt
Lynn Goldfine
Yvette Gonick
Priscilla Gonzalez-Alicea
Scott Goodin
Dr. Isabel Goodman
Marian Goodman
Christine Goodwin
Hugh Gordon
Lorraine Gracey
Kaaren Gray
Lynne Gray
Gerry Green and Ayzha Wolf
Lowell and Max Green
Peter and Carin Zakes-Green
Lucia and David Greenhouse
Daniel Gregoire
Julia and Warren Gregory
Denise Guillet and Wayne Duvall
Mary Gundermann
Suzie Syta Gutierrez
Eric Haas
Mary Haggerty
Michael and Erika Mikkelsen Halford
Karis Hall
Sarah and Aaron Hamburger
Thomas Hamill
Steven Hammond
Leah Hanlon
Cynthia Hanson
Jonathan Hanson
Kumiko and Sean Harley
Gloria Harper
Franklin and Kelly Harris
Susan C. Harris
Edward Harsh and Margaret
Ann and Peter Harsham
Mallory Dorn Hart
B u l l e t i n
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All Souls’ Fiscal Year 2012-13 Stewards
All Souls expresses our sincere gratitude to our members and friends who contributed to the
financial well-being of the church this year.*
*(as of June 27, 2013)
Mary and Peter Havholm
Vilia Hayes
Joy Hembel
Vanessa Henderson
Andrew and Mary Ryan Hendry
Judy Samuelson and Victor Henschel
Laura Hepler and Trent Tappe
Jonina Herter and Norman Gay
Lorraine Hiatt
Susan Hoehn
Judy and Hogin
Mary-Ella Holst and Guy Quinlan
Arthur Hopkirk
Patricia Hoppe
Marcia Horenstein
Cadell Hornbuckle
Barbara and Everold Hosein
Phoebe Hoss
Kim Howie
Christopher Hughes
Laila Worrell and Mike Hulbert
Hollis Huston
Elizabeth Hutchinson
Alfred Ironside and Jehane Sedky
Deborah and Alfred Jackson
Alice Jackson
Carolyn Jackson and Michael Haviken
Gunleif Jacobsen
Nancy Jacobson
Nancy Jaicks
Odette Janavel
Patty and Jantho
Judith Harrison and Brian Jarvis
Marlene Jeenel
Christie Jeffers
Meghan Jeffries
Esther and Jorgen Jensen
Jamie and Paul Jensen
Linda Jensen
Virginia Joffe
Laura Johnson
Nina Mende and Mark Johnson
Richard Johnson
Vi and Bob Johnson
Janice Johnston
Cynthia and Robert Jones
Kathy Jones
Beryl Jones-Woodin
Katherine and Frederick Joseph
Therese Joseph
Jeffrey and Sayuri Kaczynski
Millie Kalik and Tom McGanney
Harold and Beverlee Kaminetzky
Scott Kargman
Andrea Kassar and Timothy McKenna
Barbara Kates
Patricia and David Katz
Theresa and Peter Kaufman
Mary Keane
Timothy Kelley
Joseph Kelly, Jr.
Laird Kelly and Susan Lawrence
Lisa and Seamus Kennedy
Alice Kenner
Dewitte Kersh and Nancy Bacher
Brian and Rosemary Frisaro Kessler
Janice Keuhnelian
Fred and Joy Kieras
Kristen and Brian Killackey
Janet and Jeffrey Kinstler
Justine Kirby
Lynne Kirby and Neil Sieling
Walter Klauss
Jana and David Kleiser
Douglas and Mary Jane Knight
Bruce Knotts and Isaac Humphrie
Steven and Melinda Koenig
Jerome A. Koening
Ruth Kopf
Shirley Koshi
Tom Krouwer
Patricia Kusnick
Cory Labanow
Antoinette LaBelle
Linda Lake
Salonika and Venk Lal
James and Stefanie Lally-Ardrey
Beth Lambert
Susan Lambiase
Janice Landis
Patricia Landry and Greg Cram
Mary Ann Lang
Mary Lannon
Linda Larkin
Stephen Lash
Katie Ledwell and Robert Poinvil
Brittany Lee and Joe Boswell
Will and Stacey Lawrence Lee
Richard Lehv and Maria Danzilo
Rev. Richard Leonard
James and Louise Lessersohn
Jane Levenson
Deborah and Peter E. Lewine
Vernaliz Co and Scott Li
Shu Chin Li
John and Millie Santiago-Liebmann
John Lieff
Jessica and Michael Linderman
Suzanne and Linderman
Scott Lippstreu
Jeffrey Listz
Chris Lockwood and John Boone
Heather Lindstrom and Kevin Logan
Susan Logan and Noel Para
Kathy Mulligan Lord
Jean and Jim Lotz
Darren Lougee
Christina Louis
Raymond Loving and Tomoko Nishida
Ruth and William Lubic
Lori Ludwig
MaryAnn Ludwig
Neora Luria
Joanne Lyman
Virginia Lyon
Robert and Cassandra Lyster
Margaret MacCary
Carol D. Mackay
Charles Mackenzie
Gretchen Mackenzie
Pat and Michael Magdol
Patricia Main
Anne Manning
Laura Manos-Hey
Susan Manuel
Paul J. Marchetti
Aimee and Michael Mareneck
Hannah and Donald Marks
Carol Marquardt
Jack C. Marshall
Lyndl Marshall
Sally Marshall
Carlos Martinez
Maureen D. Marwick
Jennifer and Philip Marwill
Erin Matley
Kay Matschullat and Allan Arffa
Bernie and Suzanne May
Maura and David May
William May
Carolyn and Stephen McCandless
Jerry McCathern
Judith McCathern
Renee and David McClean
Stephania and James McClennen
John McCloskey
Martin McCluskey
Elizabeth McCollum
S u m m e r
David B. McDonald & Pilar Millhollen
Ellen McDonald
Katy McDonald
Patricia McElroy
Joseph and Carol McEntee
Lila McFarlin
Courtney McKee
Kevin and Barbara McLaughlin
Tara McNamara
Marilyn Mehr
Barbara Joan and Mende
Rev. Margaret F. Mercer
Ann and Ricardo Mestres
Benjamin Meyer
Nancy Meyrich
Sandy and William Michael
Jost Michelsen
David Mikhail
Alison Miller and David Snedden
Lamar and Deborah Fox Miller
Madeline Miller
Nedia Miller
Joanna Miller de Zwart
Amy Kim and Chris Min
Benjamin Mojica
Dana Monagan
Jennifer and Richard Mone
Marcella Montaruli
Annie Montgomery
Margaret Montgomery
Christopher Moore
Peter and Caroline Moore
Sarah Morgan
Patricia Morrill and Edward Riegelhaupt
Barbara H. Morrison
Leonora Morrison
Rose Marie Morse
James Moskin
Linda Moskin
Mitzi Moulds
Isabel Mountbatten
Barbara Mowder
Hiltrud Mueller
Jennifer Mueller and Laurence Berg
Joan Mueller
Brenda Murphy
Brooke and Charles Murphy
Marilynn Scott Murphy
Kristina Musser Gitterman
Denise Nassisi and Gary Essig
Adrianne Navon
William Nickey and Nancy Neumann
Betty and Dan Newcomb
Edward Newill
Joanna Newman
Martha Nichols
Nancy and George W. Niedt
Melanie and David Niemiec
Jan Nolte
William Noonan
Jeanne North
Tourie and Ardavan Nozari
Anne and Gerard O’Beirne
Daniel and Patrice O’Neill
Christopher Olsen
Winifred Olsen
Heidi Olson and Roger Duffy
Marianne Olton
David and Amy Koch Oman
Michael Oppenheimer and Donna Tuths
Jean Orapchuck
Mary Orovan and Harry T. French
Neil Osborne
Michelle Otis
Carolyn Otto and Harold Vine
Florence Padgett
Patricia and James Palecek
Gilbert Parker
William and Patricia Parker
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Edwin Partikian
Mark Pasmantier
Jeff Patton
Pamela Patton
Rose and Frank Patton
Caroline and Nicholas Paul
Anna Pearson
Norman Peck
Laura Pedersen & William Pieterson
Robert Penella
Roswell B. Perkins
Dorothy Perlman
Tim O. Peterson
Gifford Phillips
Joanne Phillips
Kate Phillips
Sally Phillips
Annie and David Piperno
Jill K. Poller
David and Kay Pomrinse
Donald L. Poole
David Poppe and Cherie Henderson
Charlotte Porter
Marcia Poston
Andrew Price
Kathy and Tom Price
Daphne Prior
Pamela and Alan Pryor
Jacqueline and Anthony Pullano
Anna Purves
Stuart Pyle and Michele Manenti
Emily Rabin
James Ramage
Rae Ramsey and John Conti
Lynne Randall and Tom Malone
Mac Randall and Laurie Jakobsen
Sarah and Randolph Morgan
Marilyn Reagan
Thomas and Sandra Reece
Barbara Reed and Dan Schlieben
Patricia M. Reider & Michael T.
Maria and Larry Reina
Alicia Reinmund-Martinez
Jan Reynolds and Abdul Raul
Karen and Doug Rich
Barbara Richardson
Mark Richmond
Rosaleen Riordan
Rev. David Robb
Matthew and Audra Robb
Sandra Robishaw and John Bowman
Danielle Robles and Johnathan Peterson
Jim Roccas
Susan and David Rockefeller
Gail and Bradford Rodney
Blanca Rodriguez
Diana Rodriguez
Katherine and Juan Rodriguez
Varinia Rodriguez
Geraldine Roglieri
Merle Rohinsky
Joan Rollins
Sigourney Romaine
Elizabeth Ronis
Mary Rooney
Nique and Earl Roosa
Melissa Rosati
Geri Rosenberger and Steven Loeshelle
Janet C. Ross
Sara and Joshua Ross
Pamela and Laurence Rossbach
Emily Rothman
Linda Rousseau
Francine Rowley
Ruth and Harry Russell
Peter Ryder
Dr. Benjamin Sadock
Benita Sakin
B u l l e t i n
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All Souls’ Fiscal Year 2012-13 Stewards
All Souls expresses our sincere gratitude to our members and friends who contributed to the
financial well-being of the church this year.*
*(as of June 27, 2013)
Robert Sanborn
Sandra Sanderson
Jeannette and Alexander Sanger
Peter Scarpa
Mary Ann Schade and Dennis Dugan
Kelly and Noah Schaffer
Cydney Schermerhorn
Elizabeth and Scheuerman
Isabelle and Seymour Schimel
Carol Schneider
Hanno Schop
Robert Schulz and Amelie Rennolds
Linda and Randolph Schwartz
Ann Scobie
Angela and Alan Scott
Margaret Scott
Pamela Scott and Phil Balshi
Donna Seferian
Jonna Semeiks
Ruby T. Senie
Pamela and Mel Shaftel
Jay Shaplow
Erin Sharoni
Don and Diana Freedman-Shea
Naima Shea and Stephen Craig
Kathy and Rick Sheppard
Alexandra Collier and Nathan
Marlene Shyer
Chelsea and Elizabeth Silvernell
Howard Silverstein
Nancy Simmons
Barbara Simonetti and Charles Sandmel
Greg Slamowitz and Kirsten Hilleman
Barbara Smaller and David Conell
Richard Smigielski
Mary Beth and Stanton Smith
Patricia Snowden
Carolyn and W. Viktor Soder
Trista and Ed Soh
Charles Solomon and Diane Gallagher
Lee Solot and Marie deLucia
Epp Sonin
Edward R. and Zahra Sowder
Basil Sozansky
Annie Sparrow
Joanne Spellun
Vanessa Spiegel
David and Nancy Gerlacy Spriggs
Geraldine Staadecker and Stephen
Anne Stark
Sydney Starr
Karen Steele
Pat and Kurt Steele
Peggy Stern
Ruth Stewart
Penny Stothers and Jeff Jacobs
David Strachan
Pamela and Strohm
Blair and Preston Stuart
Robyn Stuart
Madeleine and Robert Swain
Peter F. Sweeney
Peter Swords and Brenda Walker
Martee Hensley and Ted Szatrowski
Liza and James Tague
Wei Tang
Felicity Barringer Taubman
Deborah Taylor
Kathleen Taylor
Pat Taylor
Kay and Dennis Thread
Alleyne Toppin
Rick and Elizabeth Daly-Torres
Phyllis Trager
Randy and Kristin Trager
James Treadwell
Alison Tung
Ian Turner
Suzanne Turner
Joy Tutela and Mark Spellun
John Tuttle
Diane Ullius
Olaf Unsoeld and Huong Hoang
Katherine Uraneck
Angie Utt
Barbara Vallely and Gary Rezak
Jacqueline Valluzzo
Mary Ann VanOsdol
Louis Varriale
Lori Vaughan and John Ferguson
Peter and Zoe Veritas
Maryanne Veshecco
Camila Viegas-Lee and Lawrence Lee
Elizabeth and Haitham Wahab
Stephen Wallis and Alexandra Rowley
Jeanne and Lauck Walton
Carolyn Warner and Allan Gropper
Eugene Warren
Henry and Solidelle Fortier Wasser
Hanan Watson
Jane and Robert Watson
Janice Weaver
Alison Weber
Sandra and George Weiksner
Madeline Wein and Jim Sidebotham
Ann Weir
Peter and Jennifer Weiss
Shirley Wettling
Kenneth Wheeler
M. Susan Wheeler
Elizabeth Whitman
Edward and Wight
Barbara Wightman
Agnes Wilkie and Scott Rogge
Rosalyn and David Will
Scott Willett
C. Webb and Sallie Williams
Gail Williams and B.W. Worthington, Jr
Margaret S. Williamson
Leah Wilson
Marsha Wineburgh
George Wing
Aracy and Klaus Winter
Marion S. Wise
Valda Witt and Jay Hatfield
Jean Witter and David Erlanger
Beatrice Wolfe
The Women’s Alliance
Joan Wooters-Reisin
Lynda and Jim Yacopino
Lisa and Warren Yeh
Ken Yip
Augustus Young
Li Yu
Bonnie Yuan and Bernett Lieberman
Anne-Marie Yvon
Heather and Allen Zachary
John Zeltin
Jean Zorn
Gifts Made in Honor of:
Carrie Arnold
The Cynn family
Galen Guengerich
Walter Klauss
Peter Oppenheimer
Claire Rousseau
The Trager Family
The theme of our FY 14 Stewardship Campaign is “All
Souls - All Together.” We want to kick off this campaign in a big way, and ask you to make your pledge for
the year this summer.
In most congregations of our size, members make their
pledges early in the fiscal year. This allows for an orderly,
strategic, and foreward-looking planning and budgeting
process. At All Souls, by contrast, late gifting without
pledging has been the cultural norm.
Let’s make 2014 the year that all of us - all together change this habit for the better. Let’s commit to pledging,
and pledging early.
To make your pledge:
Go to
Or contact Susan at (212) 535-5530 or
Subscribe to the All Souls
Sermons Podcast on iTunes
Gifts Made in Memoriam:
Anthony L. and Anthony J. Cava
David Beckett
Diana List Cullen
Catherine Eaks
Jane Hart
The Norr Family
S u m m e r
Help All Souls Plan Ahead - Pledge Early This Year!
Inspiring sermons from Revs. Guengerich,
Gundlach, and special guests, delivered in podcast form each Monday. Visit the iTunes store
and search for “All Souls Unitarian Church.”
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Summer Worship Series
Join us for Summer Worship Series at All Souls
Sundays at 11:15 am in Reidy Friendship Hall
July 7: Life is Short, So Laugh Often
with Daniel Gregoire
“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” –
E. E. Cummings
We were born to laugh and it is the
best medicine. It is also the best teacher. It teaches us to release, let go, and
to be courageous in the world. This
service will explore using the holy gift
of laughter in the vocation we call life.
July 14: Heart Without Words
with Rev. Lissa Gundlach
Mahatma Gandhi famously said: “It is better in prayer to
have a heart without words than words without a heart.”
If we are the church of open minds and open hearts, how
does our faith call us to be open to the spiritual practices
of prayer, through our words and in our deeds?
July 21: A Long Obedience in the Same
with Cory Labanow
While the downfall of religious conservatism is that they
live out their traditions uncritically, the Achilles’ heel of
liberals is that we spin our wheels in analysis and argument. “A Long Obedience in the Same
Direction” is the answer to the question, “What’s Great about Conservative
Religion?” A sustained commitment is
how you become a master of a craft,
build a loving family, or transform a
society. But since conservatives by nature have a penchant for preserving a tradition in collaboration with
other like-minded people, a long obedience in the same
direction can be an easier sell for them. And I want to
sell the idea to you.
July 28: Summer Simplicity
with Rev. Lissa Gundlach
The summer months are the perfect time to consider
simpler ways of living, slowing down to remember and
enjoy what matters most to us and connect with the
beauty of the earth. With wisdom by our transcendentalist ancestor Henry David Thoreau and contemporary
farmer-poet Wendell Berry, come join us for a service to
contemplate how to bring intentional simplicity into the
rush of our lives, this summer and throughout the year.
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August 4: The Divine Power of Vulnerability
with Taryn Strauss
We typically equate power with invulnerability, independence, and stoicism, but in fact, to access vulnerability
is to claim our divine power, through cultivating deeper
connectedness and wholehearted living. I will weave Dr.
Brene Brown’s work on shame and vulnerability in with
Eastern spiritual philosophy to answer
the deep yearning of our hearts: to find
more authentic connection with one
another, thus transforming our selves,
our church community, and our world.
August 11: Love Beyond Borders
with Rev. Lissa Gundlach
Our American Unitarian and Universalist ancestors prided themselves on their westward expansion, moving past
their New England origins to encounter fresh expressions
of tradition. Today, Unitarian Universalist president
Peter Morales has charged us to be “border crossers,”
moving beyond our comfort zones to dare to live our
faith’s promise of love and justice. What borders might
we need to cross, as individuals, as a congregation and
as a denomination for our “living tradition” to flourish in
new and emerging ways?
August 18: Healing Through Deep Love &
with Blanca Rodriguez
I suspect that for many Unitarian Universalists, especially those who feel hurt in some way by Christian dogma,
myself included, it is far easier to hear and be open to the
wisdom revealed in poetry, Buddhism,
or Humanism, than it is to hear readings
from the New Testament without quickly
building up defenses that shut us off to
the possibility of truth being revealed in
them. In my own constantly forming theology, I have come to an understanding—
through Buddhism—of the healing stories
in the New Testament that allows me to claim them as a
significant part of my own theology, and I would like to
share this with you.
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Congregational Life
Summer Worship Series (continued)
August 25: From Beacon Hill, Onward
with David McClean
We Unitarian Universalists are seeking to grow our
numbers, but that will take more than continued
engagement in social justice campaigns and robust
expressions for concern about the
environment. We need our own theological/metaphysical answers to the
bigger questions. But how can this be
possible for us? Considering the move
of our headquarters from Beacon Hill,
might it also be time to move from a blinkered notion
of what “rational religion” means?
September 1: From Labors Rest
with Rev. Lissa Gundlach
The global demand for inexpensive clothing and other
retail goods has created a human rights crisis of exploited workers and unsafe conditions, illustrated most
vividly by the catastrophic collapse of a retail factory
in Bangladesh this spring. Simultaneously, as popular
culture stokes our cravings for
the latest trend, discarded clothing is quickly filling up our landfills, becoming an unprecedented
environmental issue. How can
our faith commitments move us
towards deeper justice for all who
labor, moving us towards a more sustainable way of
consumption that is always in fashion?
Summer Music Leader Allison Sniffin plays at Marble and West End
Collegiate churches during the year and is also accompanist of the synagogue around the corner Temple
Sha’aray Tefila. A singer and multi-instrumentalist,
Allison tours with Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble
since 1996, and orchestrates and engraves Monk’s
works for publication. This year she debuted on theremin as guest of The New York Theremin Society at
Joe’s Pub; performed at Rev. Dick Leonard’s Project
142-15V with actress Lily Pink (Lunatic Fringe Society
Orchestra) and with Cantor Maria Dubinsky in a recital
of Mediterranean art song; and enjoyed performances
of her compositions in NYC and at the International
Alliance for Women in Music in Arizona. Allison is
thrilled to be back as All Souls’ summer music leader!
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Small Group Ministry
Small Group Ministry is a rich
opportunity to gather with others
for the soul purpose of reflecting
and sharing about what matters most to you. The groups
are facilitated by trained, caring
members of the congregation
dedicated to creating a welcoming space for listening and connection. Consider this powerful opportunity for fellowship, growth and laughter. Yes consider it.
Questions? Contact Rev. Lissa Gundlach at (212) 5355530 or email
Ready to join? 2012-2013 groups are closing, and sign
ups for new groups will start again in September for
October 2013 - May 2014 groups.
2013-2014 Small Group Ministry: Soul to Soul
Adapted for All Souls from Soul to Soul: Fourteen
Gatherings for Reflection and Sharing by Christine
Robinson and Alicia Hawkins. Soul to Soul is available
for purchase online from the UUA Bookstore.
September Sign up and Facilitator Training
Opening Stepping Stones
Spiritual Experiences
After Death
Chancel Flowers
July 21
In loving memory of
Richard Riley Colvin,
with ever increasing appreciation for his boundless
curiosity, energy and conviction that led us on the most
amazing adventures of body, mind and spirit,
by his wife, Jane and son, Zachary
Note: If you wish to remember loved ones who are deceased,
or to honor special people or joyous occassions, please contact
Hannah Marks at (212) 410-4517.
B u l l e t i n
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music and the arts
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music and the arts
From the Minister of Music
By now, most of you have received the brochure
announcing our Musica Viva concerts for next season, featuring the All Souls Choir and orchestra. It
promises to be a spectacular
season – including a special
organ concert with choir and
orchestra. I am grateful to
many of you for your financial
support, which enables Musica
Viva to put on a successful
concert series, presenting choral masterworks to the Greater
New York audience.
You will notice that I have been encouraged to plan
my “dream season” resulting in an added category of
patronage called the “Shared Dream Society.” Please
read the information regarding that as well as details
of the programs for choir and orchestra.
As odd as it seems sometimes that I’ll be leaving All
Souls August 31, 2014, it is with happy anticipation
that I look forward to sharing with each of you my
final season as conductor of our concert series.
All Souls Summer Songfests
Tuesdays, July 16, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Reidy
Friendship Hall
and August 13, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Ware
July 16: Join Alison Smela on piano, Tony Bloch and
Carol Emmerling for a medley of tunes from the 60’s.
August 13: Join Bill Bechman on piano, Frank Patton
on clarinet, and Carol Emmerling for pop, rock, ballads,
and folk songs.
Amateur musicians are invited to bring their own musical talents and lead a song! All are asked to bring a light
snack or beverage to share. For further information
please contact Carol Emmerling at
All Souls Online
Rev. Galen’s Twitter: @RevGalen
Walter Klauss
Minister of Music
Sermon Podcast:
sermons.rss - or search iTunes!
Adult Ed Podcast:
The Hub
Sunday, July 21 at 5 p.m.
Sunday, August 18 at 5 p.m.
Read the All Souls Beacon
The All Souls Beacon is a lay-produced electronic publication devoted to shedding light into
different corners of our large congregation.
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The Hub is an alternative service that seeks to foster
deeper spiritual connections, featuring a mix of reflections, music, and group discussion. All ages are welcome. See you at The Hub!
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Reading Group for the Unitarian Universalism
Association Common Read:
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
Co-sponsored by the Diversity Task Force, Peace
and Justice Task Force, and Advocacy Coalition
Thursdays, August 8, 15, and 22
6:30-9:00 p.m. in the Ware Room
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of
Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander was selected as
the 2012-13 Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
Common Read. Alexander, a civil rights advocate,
law professor, and litigator, asserts that crime-fighting
policies and systems in the U.S., such as the “war on
drugs” and the incarceration system, disproportionately
and intentionally affect Americans of color. Our reading group will discuss
Alexander’s text
and explore concrete
ways to respond to
Alexander’s call for
the spiritual work
of building a movement to dismantle
a system that has
tainted us politically,
legally, economically, culturally, and above all, morally. Participants will engage with heart and mind as
they look at assumptions, intentions, and ways of doing
racial justice work.
Join us for any or all of the discussion sessions,
described below.
For the first session, please read at least the introduction
and Chapter 1 of the book. The next two sessions will
refer to the book as a whole.
Thursday, August 8: Race and the Criminal
Justice System
Thursday, August 15: Effects of the “War on
Thursday, August 22: Colorblindness and
Racial Justice
S u m m e r
July 11, 18, and 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel
with Mary-Ella Holst
This series focuses on New York City and the stirrings of modern life during the fifty years after the
end of the Civil War until the earliest years of the
Twentieth Century. This series focuses on Unitarian
and Universalist individuals who participated in the
innovations in government, politics, health care, social
services, architecture, business, advertising, media, and
the arts to create the lifestyle of New Yorkers that we
still enjoy.
Mary-Ella Holst is Director of Religious Education
emerita at All Souls, as well as a poet and historical
scholar. A frequent contributos to the Adult Education
program, she has conducted series the previous four
summers; exploring the writings of Virginia Woolf
and Elizabeth Gaskell, and the Unitarian Universalist
roles in responding to the Holocaust and leading the
women’s rights movement. A founder of the All Souls
Historical Society, she is the author of a biography of
Walter Klauss, written in honor of his 25th anniversary as Minister of Music, and of a volume of poetry,
Beyond Dreams of Rescue.
Living Our Values
Every Week at Coffee Hour
Buy Fair Trade Coffee
Thanks to Ethical Eating, Organic Fair
Trade Coffee is a reality during Coffee
Hour! But we need your help to sustain this important
change. To do this, we have initiated the “Sell to Serve”
program. Here’s how it works. For $10.00, you receive
a bag of Organic Fair Trade Coffee: $3.00 goes towards
Coffee Hour. For $20.00, you receive a bag of coffee,
while helping to purchase nearly 2 bags for Coffee Hour.
Any amount above that inspires profound gratitude.
As an important side note: the Unitarian-Universalist
Service Committee receives 20 cents per each bag. Help us
live our values by supporting Organic Fair Trade Coffee.
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Building Community
Young Adults
Sunday, July 7 at 1 p.m.
First Sunday Brunch
Stories with Soul
Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. in the Ware Room
Following Coffee Hour, we are going to head out to
Cedar Hill (79th and 5th) at Central Park. To find us:
either come to Coffee Hour following the service and find
us (we’ll get food and walk over together around 1pm) or
look for us at Cedar Hill around 1:15.
Thursday, July 11 at 7 p.m.
Food and Fellowship
Our twice-a-month dinner and discussion evening at the
church, hosted by a young adult. Food at 7pm; discussion
at 7:30pm.
Sunday, July 21 at 12:45 p.m.
Bagel Brunch
Following the service, we will meet for bagels, veggies,
and lots of exciting mingling. A great way to meet new
folks in the group. Look for us in Coffee Hour and we
will head to whatever room we are in from there.
Wednesday, July 24 at 7 p.m.
Food and Fellowship
Our twice-a-month dinner and discussion evening at the
church, hosted by a young adult. Food at 7pm; discussion
at 7:30pm.
Sunday, August 4 at 1 p.m.
First Sunday Brunch
Now in its 20th year, Stories with Soul invites you to join
us for a one-hour short story reading and discussion. No
prior reading necessary. “A Mecca for lovers of the short
story” (Columbia Spectator) and a great way to meet
people. For more information, contact Steve Michelman,
Coordinator, at
July 3
Richard Ford
The Verger by Somerset Maugham
July 10
Neil Osborne
The Million Pound Shop by Ian Wild
July 17
Dennis DeForge
The Way Up to Heaven by Roald Dahl
July 24
Adrianne Navon
The Birthday of the Infanta by Oscar Wilde
July 31
Laird Kelly
Filthy with Things by T.C. Boyle
July Host: Steve Michelman
Aug 7 Peter Havholm
The Disturber of Traffic by Rudyard Kipling
See above description.
Thursday, August 8 at 7 p.m.
Food and Fellowship
Our twice-a-month dinner and discussion evening at the
church, hosted by a young adult. Food at 7pm; discussion
at 7:30pm.
Sunday, August 18 at 12:45 p.m.
Bagel Brunch
Aug 14 Teresa Brooks
When Mr. Pirzada Came To Dine by Jhumpa
Aug 21 Tim Kelley
Blackbird Pie by Raymond Carver
See above description.
Aug 28 Marilynn Scott Murphy
Something About Love by Anonymous
Wednesday, August 21 at 7 p.m.
Food and Fellowship
August Host: Neil Osborne
See above description.
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Building Community
Career Development and Life Design Group
Thursday, July 18, 6:45 -9:15 p.m. in the Minot
Simons Room
Workshop: Your LifeWork Manifesto #2
Thursday August 1 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the
Minot Simons Room
Meeting-in-a-circle, like a support group
Writing Your Power-packed Value-embedded Manifesto
to declare who you essentially are, what you can and
must do with your life, and whom you want to serve
through your work.
Want to develop a more exciting and fulfilling career, life
purpose, or mission? Looking for a job, internship, volunteer work, education or training, becoming a consultant,
freelancer, or entrepreneur, or growing your practice, business, or organization? Participants and counselors are invited to share our own individual career interests, aspirations,
and opportunities, say what we each want or need for our
own professional growth and development, develop our
own individual strategies and action plans, and participate
in group brainstorming, resource sharing, and support. For
more information, Kathy Szaj or John
L. German
“You owe it to all of us to get on with what you’re good
~W.H. Auden
NOTE: This special follow-up session, which will complete June’s LifeWork Manifesto workshop, is being
offered at the request of the participants of the June 20
However, even if you did not participate in the June
workshop but are interested in learning how to create this
“living document,” you are welcome to attend. You’ll
see finished LifeWork Manifestos and receive instructions on how to design your own unique declaration that
will visually remind and continuously inspire you to stay
on course in finding and doing your LifeWork.
Conducted by Kathy Szaj* (Further information: Please RSVP by Tuesday, July 16.
*Teacher, writer, and All Souls member Kathy Szaj
teaches core values/mission statement discernment and
ethical leadership within Mercy College’s graduate organizational leadership program—and creates LifeWork
(vocation) discovery experiences.
What would you like to see covered in future workshops?
Who would you like to present a workshop?
We’re in planning mode – give us your thoughts.
Email John L. German
And see us when we have a table in Reidy Friendship Hall
on Sundays after services, where we provide individual
help -- we’ll be there most Sundays this month.
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All are welcome -- first-time and returning attendees -- no
memberships necessary, no reservations necessary.
Thursday, August 15 from 6:45 - 9:15 p.m. in
the Minot Simons Room
Career and Job Clinic
Career and Job Clinic
Are you feeling fragmented, discouraged, or alone in your
career or job search?
We’re here to help. Bring your cover letters, resumes,
and other “job campaign” resources, and let’s take a close
look at how you are researching your desired industry,
finding job openings, responding to advertisements and
posts, conducting follow-ups, and interviewing. We’ll
“walk” with you to discover what’s working and not
working; what you’re doing, not doing, and could be/
should be doing—while you and the other attending
workshop participants benefit from abundant new ideas
and plentiful support.
To reserve one of this Clinic’s few open time slots, please
e-mail John German at or Kathy
Szaj at by Tuesday, August 13.
Everyone is invited to attend. (You need not be one of the
spotlighted job searchers.)
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