Meeting Agenda All Souls Church, Unitarian Board of Trustees


Meeting Agenda All Souls Church, Unitarian Board of Trustees
Meeting Agenda
All Souls Church, Unitarian
Board of Trustees Meeting – November 20, 2013
7:00 p.m. Call to Order Sterling Lloyd
7:05 Chalice Lighting and Reading Victor Branham
7:10 Welcoming Remarks and Introductions Sterling Lloyd
7:15 Nominating Committee Report Mark Clark
7:25 Report of the Membership Secretary on “Emeritus Members” Grant Smith
7:30 All Souls Church 2013 Goals Monitoring Report Erika Landberg
8:00 Consideration of and Vote on the 2014 Budget Cheryl Gray and
8:15 CAPT Update Brian Marshall and
8:25 Consent Agenda
8:30 Announcements
--Minutes of October 23rd
--Executive Limitation Report: Financial Management
--Consolidated Staff Report
--Consideration of and Vote on Ministers’ Housing Allowance
--Annual Meeting, Sunday, December 8, 1 p.m.
--Meeting of 2014 Board, December 8, following Annual
8:35 Agenda Items for Next Board Meeting on December 18, 2013 Sterling Lloyd
8:40 Report of the Ad Hoc Compensation Committee Kathy Mulvey,
9:05 Meeting Form and Feedback All
9:15 Adjournment
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Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes
All Souls Church, Unitarian
November 20, 2013 7 p.m.
Trustees, Officers, Executive Team Members, and Staff in Attendance:
Sterling Lloyd Jr., President
Victor Branham, First Vice President
Brian Marshall, Second Vice President
Julia Sayles, Trustee
Jenice View, Trustee
Emily Koechlin, Trustee
Kathy Mulvey, Trustee
Fred Tipson, Trustee
Bruce DePuyt, Trustee
Erika Landberg, Moderator
Cheryl Gray, Treasurer
Mark Matthews, Secretary
Uta Allers, Assistant Treasurer
Grant Smith, Membership Secretary
Rob Hardies, Senior Minister
Susan Newman, Associate Minister
Katie Loughary, Executive Director
Amy Mulry Wesolek, Director of Membership and Welcoming
Also in attendance: Mark Clark, Susan Crim, Nominating Committee; Vickie Lindsey, Cledwyn
Jones, and Kysseline Jean-Mary Chérestal, Board nominees.
Reading – Victor Branham: a prayer by A. Powell Davies, All Souls senior minister 1944-57.
Welcoming remarks by Sterling Lloyd; introductions; Rob Hardies praised the Board members
attending their final meeting – Sterling, Victor Branham, and Kathy Mulvey – citing in particular
their leadership in renovation planning and the capital campaign. Brian Marshall, following All
Souls custom, distributed hymnals to the three.
Nominating Committee: Mark Clark, Susan Crim: Mark summarized the committee’s process
for choosing nominees to fill open Board and officer seats. Steps included conferring with
church leaders; publishing announcements; a reception; hosting tables after services; reference
checks; and candidate interviews with the full committee. Susan described progress to date by
the Leadership Development Subcommittee in creating a pipeline into church leadership.
Collaborating with the Church Council Steering Committee, members worked with the Rev.
Cathy Rion Starr to put on a training workshop for All Souls committee and group leaders;
arranged a session during the May Church Council meeting at which four All Souls groups –
WIN, All Souls Housing Corporation, Committee on Ministry, and Young Souls – presented
stories of leadership transition; and developed a series of eight workshops, launched this fall,
entitled Leadership for a New Era.
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Emeritus Members – Grant Smith: As membership secretary, Grant has revived the practice of
granting emeritus status to longtime members who, because of age or disability, are no longer
able to participate actively in the Church. They do not have to make a financial contribution,
won’t get letters seeking pledges, and are treated as active members eligible to vote at
congregational meetings. Under the bylaws, the secretary must report the names of emeritus
members, but Board approval is not required. Working with Amy Mulry Wesolek, Grant
consulted the Executive Team and Molly Freeman, who keeps up with many longtime members,
and identified nine people deserving of emeritus status.
Discussion: A question was raised about one of the nine who may want to remain active.
Emeritus members count as part of the church population for purposes of calculating All Souls’
contribution to the UUA. Although they won’t get some church communications, emeritus
members will be known to the Pastoral Care Ministry.
Goals Monitoring -- Erika Landberg, Amy Mulry Wesolek: The most recent survey on progress
toward Visioning Goals is the most comprehensive so far. Results show that of 12
measurements, All Souls members are exceeding expected progress in five, including
participation in spiritual growth activities, volunteer efforts, and social justice; on track in four,
including the percentage of pledging households, renovations, and the capital campaign; and
lagging in three: increasing attendance, diversity, and development of a trained pastoral care
Discussion: Attendance could be hard hit during the renovation period. Rather than “lagging,”
pastoral care should be considered “in process,” or “becoming.” Nonetheless, the whole
congregation needs to consider pastoral care to be the responsibility of more than just the 20 in
the Caring Network. The composition of new members suggests a trend toward less diversity,
with the church becoming more white. Members cite diversity as a priority but have not actively
worked on it.
Budget – Cheryl Gray, Katie Loughary: The draft 2014 budget shows expenses of $1,751,861
and income of $1,746,073, each down 1 percent from 2013, and a year-end deficit for 2014 of
$5,788. The budget reflects a 25 percent cut in All Souls’ UUA contribution, offset by auditors’
fees, and a new management structure still in development. Income assumes improved
investment performance in the endowment; $80,000 in revenue from the Pfeiffer trust, the
mechanics of which have not yet been completed; and a drop in rental income.
Discussion: With the capital campaign, people have given a lot to the church. Once that is
complete, we’ll be in good shape to raise more in annual giving. The UUA’s interpretation of the
Pfeiffer trust is that All Souls gets “up to 5 percent,” and the church shouldn’t count on this
income in 2014. We should assert our view that the UUA’s interpretation is incorrect. Does our
reduced UUA contribution complicate matters? If pledges for 2014 don’t increase, Katie may
have to seek Board approval of budget cuts.
Action: Katie and Rob will take the first crack at persuading the UUA to provide the full Pfeiffer
trust income. Then they may call on the Board.
MOTION by Fred Tipson, seconded by Kathy Mulvey, to recommend that the Congregation
accept the budget as presented. Approved unanimously.
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CAPT UPDATE – Brian Marshall, Katie Loughary: The Comprehensive Assets Planning Team
and the architects tried to find a base renovation costing about $8 million and requiring no loan.
It looks like this won’t be possible. Parts can’t be sliced off to reach that lower figure. Even at
$9.5 million, some things, probably including a kitchen renovation of about $400,000, will have
to be removed. CAPT will still seek bids for the kitchen. Pushback is expected from
subcontractors when they’re asked to produce alternate bids that are substantially different. Since
only five windows need major repairs, these could be fixed by experts and a longer-term plan
could be worked out for the others. The social justice subcommittee may be able to find partners
willing to work for free in exchange for training and certification. Three banks are willing to
finance the renovation. It’s recommended that the church move ahead with First Virginia
Community Bank. Subcontractor bidding will begin in mid-December. Forrester will present the
bids a month later. CAPT will talk to the Board and Congregation and return to the Board for
approval (likely at a special meeting) the last week of January or first week in February. Looking
to start construction by April 1, which means church programs will need to wind up at the end of
MOTION by Brian Marshall, seconded by Jenice View: The Board of Trustees authorizes the
executive director to select First Virginia Community Bank as the preferred lender for the
renovation, subject to final approval by the Board of the full terms of the loan. Approved
Consent Agenda:
--Minutes of October 23rd BOT meeting.
--Executive Limitation Report: Financial Management.
--Consideration of and Vote on Ministers’ Housing Allowance.
MOTION by Jenice View, seconded by Brian Marshall, to approve items on the Consent
Agenda, minus the consolidated staff report (postponed for executive session). Approved
Announcements: Following the Dec. 8 annual meeting, the newly constituted Board will be
convened by the secretary and elect a president and two vice presidents. Brian Marshall has
volunteered to be president; Bruce DePuyt and Jenice View to be vice presidents.
Possible agenda items for the next regular Board meeting Dec. 18: Stewardship committee
report; the RE Committee asked to present to board; retreat planning; CAPT update; Church
Council; evaluation of the annual meeting.
Executive session to discuss an expansion of the executive team to include an overall program
manager as mentioned in the consolidated staff report; receive a recommendation from the Ad
Hoc Compensation Committee.
Resumed open session:
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MOTION by Fred Tipson, seconded by Jenice View, to accept the recommendation of the Ad
Hoc Compensation Committee and send a letter to the senior minister. Adopted unanimously.
MOTION by Fred Tipson, seconded by Emily Koechlin, to approve the consolidated staff
report. Approved unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Matthews, Secretary
Board of Trustees
Meeting Minutes
All Souls Church, Unitarian
December 8, 2013 3 p.m.
Trustees and Officers in Attendance:
Brian Marshall, Trustee
Julia Sayles, Trustee
Jenice View, Trustee
Emily Koechlin, Trustee
Fred Tipson, Trustee
Bruce DePuyt, Trustee
Vickie Lindsey, Trustee
Cledwyn Jones, Trustee
Mark Matthews, Secretary
Uta Allers, Assistant Treasurer
Not in attendance: Kysseline Jean-Mary Chérestal, Trustee
Call to Order: Mark Matthews, Secretary
Election of Board President, First and Second Vice Presidents: Brian Marshall had
previously volunteered to serve as president; Jenice View and Bruce DePuyt as vice presidents.
Bruce proposed that Jenice serve as first vice president; she agreed. Discussion: Brian would
only be able to preside for one year, since he is now in his third year on the board. Recent
precedents: Mark Ewert was president for two years, but Sterling Lloyd for one.
MOTION to elect Brian Marshall as president, Jenice View as first vice president, and Bruce
DePuyt as second vice president. Seconded and approved unanimously by voice vote.
Announcements: The December regular BOT meeting will be Dec. 18.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Matthews, Secretary
Motion for 2014 Minister Housing Allowance Designation – Rev. Dr.
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Whereas, ministers who own their home do not pay federal income
taxes on the amount of their compensation that their employing church
designates in advance as a housing allowance, to the extent that the
allowance represents compensation for ministerial services, is used to pay
housing expenses, and does not exceed the fair rental value of the home
furnished, plus utilities; and
Whereas, Rev. Dr. Robert Hardies is compensated by All Souls Church,
Unitarian exclusively for services as a minister of the gospel; and
Whereas, All Souls does not provide Rev. Dr. Robert Hardies with a
parsonage; therefore; it is hereby
Resolved, that the total compensation paid to Rev. Dr. Robert Hardies
for calendar year 2014 will include $50,292 designated to be a housing
allowance; and it is further
Resolved, that the designation of $50,292 as a housing allowance shall
apply to calendar year 2014 and all future years unless otherwise provided.
All Souls Church, Unitarian
November 2013 Board of Trustee Meeting
Consolidated Staff Report
Senior Minister (Rob Hardies)
Religious Education Staffing Transition
Since our last meeting, I have been very involved in leading the religious education staffing transition. I
have communicated the transition to parents and teachers, as well as to the larger congregation; held a
conversation with the RE community on Sunday November 3rd; met with the Children’s RE Committee;
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formed an interim search committee; drafted and posted an interim job description; and actively
recruited several possible candidates. Applications for the interim DRE are due Dec 2, and the position
begins January 2.
Program Pastor Planning
I have had further conversations with the ET, Staff, Committee on Ministry, and the executive
committee of the Board on the new Program Pastor position. I also spoke with colleagues from other
churches who employ this model, and collected some job descriptions. I will be forming a team to help
lead us through this search and transition. More on this at the meeting.
Multiracial Multicultural Conference at All Souls Tulsa
Our new music director Jen Hayman and I attended a conference of MRMC UU Congregations hosted by
the UU Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (This is the same conference we hosted at All Souls two years ago.)
Jen and I learned a lot from this large, multicultural church. It was an inspiring conference. A group of
All Souls staff and lay leaders are also planning to attend an MRMC church conference at Middle
Collegiate Church in NYC in April.
Hiroshima Premiere and Planning for Heiwa Peace Pilgrimage
On Friday November 15th we hosted an exclusive screening of Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard, the
documentary film chronicling the church’s relationship with the people of Hiroshima, Japan. On
Wednesday the 13th I spoke at a sold-out press screening of the film at the National Press Club.
James Reeb Voting Rights Project
Momentum is building in the church and the UUA for All Souls and Unitarian Universalists to take action
on the issue of voter suppression in the wake of the Supreme Court’s gutting of the 1965 Voting Rights
Act for which our former associate pastor, James Reeb, gave his life. I am scheduled to travel to Raleigh
North Carolina on December 2nd for a strategy session with Rev. Barber, the head of the North Carolina
NAACP and the “Moral Monday” Movement. We are working towards a long-term commitment to
voter education and GOTV in partnership with the NAACP and UUs in North Carolina through the 2016
election year. The first action is scheduled for Saturday Feb 8 in Raleigh.
Anastassia Zinke’s Ordination
On Sunday November 17th I will preach at the ordination and installation of former All Souls member
Anastassia Zinke, who is the new minister of All Souls Church in Indianapolis. I have also been invited to
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preach (though have not yet accepted) at two other ordinations of former All Souls members: Mara
Dowdall in Burlington, VT, and Joan Javier in Philadelphia, PA. These invitations are a reminder of how
the power of All Souls’ ministry spreads throughout the denomination, as former members move on to
leadership in our movement.
Associate Minister (Susan Newman)
The Pastoral and Parish Care Network
The core team of pastoral associates had a fruitful meeting this month - Kathy Ferger, Laura
Tipson, Marianne Anderson, Nancy Simon, Carrie Davidson, Molly Freeman, and Rev. Susan on
the phone in isolation.
In addition to receiving a caring card from the church, we discussed the importance of making
follow-up telephone calls (TFU) to members who’ve been sick, had a life-changing event like
death, or serious illness of a family member, or loss of employment. Parish care volunteers will
be assigned to do TFUs to inquiry about the person’s well-being, and see if there is any need that
the church can meet. Persons desiring pastoral counseling will be referred to the ministerial
Lotsa Helping Hands (LHH) Website
Carrie Davidson, our Parish Care Coordinator explained why the Pastoral Caring Network will
continue using the “Lotsa Helping Hands Website” instead of All Souls’ new software “The
City.” As it says on their website, The City, “helps everyone in your church stay engaged in
daily life and ministry. It’s a group oriented social network that’s all about helping your church
build deeper community.” This is a great tool for covenant groups, RE classes, new member’s
orientations, and Roots and Wings classes, but not necessarily for our specific needs. It does not
have the capability to effectively match parish care volunteers with individual needs, nor conduct
automated alerts when someone can’t fulfill their commitment, which would allow coordinators
to monitor which needs are met and which ones are not. It is more like a Facebook for the
church with chronological listings of messages. For now, we will use LHH which is designed for
this purpose, albeit with some shortcomings.
It was agreed that all requests for parish care volunteer help should come directly from me.
Carrie, Kathy, Laura, and Nancy are all familiar with how to post needs on the LHH site. When
I become aware of a need, I can email the coordinator directly from my church email account or
the LHH email function. This way, the coordinator will know the details, and our member’s
confidentiality is kept in a private communication.
If I want to limit the information to just the volunteer, I can post the need myself and
wait for someone to step forward and just communicate directly with them.
If I bring the coordinator in the loop using email, the coordinator will then create a
“non-identifiable” task for the calendar.
Kathy Ferger agreed to be my contact for 1:1 relationships; Laura for Transportation
and Medical Appointments, and Nancy the “go to” for the memorial service group.
Carrie will remain the contact for the others.
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Recruitment of Volunteers
Parish Care is something everyone can do at various degrees of involvement. Carrie met with
the Silver Souls on Sunday Nov 17 to recruit and sign up members and will attend other large
committees and ministries (e.g., music) to do the same. She will also bring a computer into
Pierce Hall to sign people up to avoid persons having to go through the first two steps, on LHH,
of asking permission and logging in for the first time to select a group(s) to join. We’re meeting
with Gary Penn about creating greater visibility on the church’s website.
We are considering how we screen persons volunteering to go on 1:1 visits. This is something
we need to discuss further, especially as we expand services to older, more vulnerable
congregants and increase the number of volunteers that none of us know personally. The idea of
home and hospital visitations being done by two associates together instead of one is being
considered –especially as a part of the training, where a more experienced person would go with
a new volunteer.
Volunteer Updates
We took an inventory of what we are each doing now –who’s doing 1:1s visits and to whom,
who is providing transportation to and from church, and occasional medical appointments; and
what assignments were fulfilled at recent memorial services. The Caring Card Committee is
updating their list of persons who’ve been members for 35+ years so we do not miss anyone’s
In my capacity as Associate Minister for Congregational Life and Pastoral Care, I serve as the staff and
resource for the Silver Souls, Mindful Souls, Souls in the Middle, Young Souls, Covenant Groups and the
Archives. As we all know, we have great leadership in all of these groups, but occasionally there is a
need for a little more attention to a particular group. This year we do not have a seminary intern, and I
am beginning to work with the Young Souls at a critical point in their organization. I’ve met with the
president Erin B Burke, and have been a part of email discussions about how our great number of YSs
can feel more connected to each other and the church other than Happy Hours and Sunday Brunches.
We’re in the process of creating several new covenant groups aimed specifically to meet the needs of
the 18 – 35+ YSs age group. The YSs have a pastoral care committee that will now be more actively
involved with the church’s Pastoral and Parish Care Network. I’m meeting with the YS Board soon.
The Sankofa Ghana Family
Since our pilgrimage to Ghana, many of the members of the group have expressed a desire to become a
covenant group. This is something we will discuss at our potluck dinner at my home Saturday,
November 23rd. Even though we participated in Nov. 3’s service about our journey, we have not had an
opportunity to gather together to talk about what it’s been like since we’ve returned to the states, and
how we are doing.
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Youth Coordinator (James Ploeser
 On Nov 3 I had a very successful meeting with the Coming of Age parents (which is our RE program
for 9th,10th and 11th graders this year)
 We are planning the UU Pilgrimage trip to Boston and looking to place the youth with adult mentors in
the church
 Beth Goldberg, with the help of Laurie Lester, has ably taken charge of the 12th grade group; who had
a wonderful outing to Great Falls and the Billy Goat Trail on Nov 3rd.
 I'm in touch with with the RE Committee and will be attending their upcoming meetings to discuss the
youth program
Executive Director (Katie Loughary)
TCC Highlights:
CAPT (Tom Fox and Barbara Corprew co-chairs)
Town hall held in October
Permit applications have been submitted.
Contractor bids process will start mid-December will selection completed by
February 2014.
Investment Committee (John Strongman and Phyllis Caldwell leading loan discussions)
Committee is completing reviews of loan terms.
2013 Budget
The October financial report is attached. An annualized budget would have 83% of our budget
booked by the end of October.
Budget Highlights:
We are continuing to see a revenue shortage, particularly in the areas of pledge
donations. We generally see an increase in pledge payments at the end of the
year. We are aggressively monitoring expenses.
An unidentified donation of $30,000 has been moved to TCC.
There were three payroll runs in October which has slightly skewed the payroll
As discussed at our last board meeting we have not made a payment toward our
2013-2014 UUA denominational fees ($60,000). We will make a decision at the
end of the year as to what portion of the 2013-14 fees we are able to fund. We
budgeted $30,000 towards this pledge in 2013.
2014 Annual Pledge (11/14/13)
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Pledge Goal
Number of Pledger
630 individuals/ 434 pledge units
2014 Budget:
Attached is a copy of the consolidated view of the proposed 2014 budget. I’ll bring a detailed budget
view to the board meeting. The congregational budget review meeting was held on Sunday.
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All Souls Church, Unitarian
2013 Operations Budget - October
Jan - Oct
% of
Jan - Oct
4100 · Contributions
4300 · Investment Income
4400 · Rental Revenue
4600 · Other Program/Committee Revenue
4700 · Fundraisers
4800 · Grant Revenue
4900 · Intra-Fund Transfers
5000 · Personnel
6000 · Building Expenses
6500 · Operating Expenses
6800 · Denominational Support
7000 · Core Program Expenses
8100 · Other Programs/Activities Exps
8600 · Fundraising Expenses
Ordinary Income/Expense
4000 · Core Donations
4500 · Core Program Revenues
Total Income
9500 · Special Grant Expenditures
Total Expense
Net Ordinary Income
Net Income
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Proposed 2014 Operating Budget
$ Diff
Ordinary Income/Expense
Total 4000 · Core Donations
reduced pledge goal by 4% from prior year
Total 4100 · Contributions
reduced Social Justice contributions
Total 4300 · Investment Income
$80K expected from Pfeiffer trust
Total 4400 · Rental Revenue
Total 4500 · Core Program Revenues
Total 4600 · Other Program/Committee
Reduced activities revenue
Total 4700 · Fundraisers
no major fundraiser
Total 4800 · Grant Revenue
allocate reserved funds for building
oversight support
Total 4900 · Intra-Fund Transfers
improved returns in endowment
custodial positions moved to personnel,
increased health care premiums
removed custodial support, factored in
midyear building construction
few rentals after March
potential revenue source
Reserve Draw
Total Income
Total 6000 · Building Expenses
Total 6500 · Operating Expenses
Total 6800 · Denominational Support
Total 7000 · Core Program Expenses
Total 8100 · Other Programs/Activities Exps
Total 8600 · Fundraising Expenses
Total 5000 · Personnel
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Audit + support =$23,000
25% reduction to UUA fund
no fundraising event
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Total Expense
Net Ordinary Income
Net Income
Report to the Board of Trustees
Members Identified for Emeritus Designation
November 20, 2013
Article IV, Section 3 of the Bylaws states:
The Membership Secretary may continue the membership status of persons who have
been members of the Church for an extended period of time and who, due to
advanced age or disability, are no longer able to participate actively in the affairs and
services of the Church. The Membership Secretary shall report to the Board of
Trustees the names of those to whom this privilege is extended.
A person who is granted emeritus status would retain active membership status
indefinitely. Persons granted emeritus status need not make a financial contribution at
any time or maintain an active presence in the life of the congregation in order to
preserve this status. Persons with emeritus status are also treated as active members
for the purpose of determining eligibility to vote at congregational meetings.
The following people were identified for emeritus status designation following a
review process conducted in late 2012 and early 2013 of members whose membership
status had become inactive because they had not made a financial contribution of
record within fifteen months and were not known to be active in the life of the
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This review process was facilitated by Grant Smith and Amy Mulry Wesolek and
involved participation by Rev. Hardies, Rev. Newman, Katie Loughary and other
church staff. Grant also enlisted Molly Freeman to provide insight into why members
may not be active. The following people were identified as candidates for emeritus
status based the following criteria (as defined in the bylaws):
1. The person has maintained their membership with All Souls for an extended
period of time; and
2. The person is unable to participate in the life of the Congregation due to
advanced age or disability (or both). Grant interpreted disability to include
hardship such as caring for loved ones.
In addition, unique circumstances that prevent or hinder a person who has been a
member of the Church for an extended period of time to participate in the life of the
congregation may warrant granting the person with emeritus status.
Lorie Allion
Recommended by Molly Freeman
Lorie became a member of All Souls on January 20, 1985. Molly reported that Lorie
grew up in the congregation and was very active in the congregation as an adult until
she moved to Tennessee. In late 2012, Grant and Amy flagged Lorie as an inactive
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member based upon a lapse in financial contributions to All Souls. Molly reports that
she has become a member of a UU church in Tennessee. However, Katie Loughary
noted that she and her husband still visit All Souls occasionally. Molly believes that
Lorie deserves emeritus status due to her lifelong membership with All Souls and
continued interest in the life of the congregation despite her move. Molly also
suggested that granting Lorie emeritus status would preserve her name in church
directories and preserve ties she has to many friends within the congregation.
Waveney Bryant
Recommended by Grant Smith
Notes: Waveney became a member of All Souls on December 23, 1962. In a phone
conversation some time ago regarding her membership status, Waveney said that she
is unable to come to services due to health reasons but was once active and wanted to
retain her membership. Her name continues to come up when the membership list is
reviewed for inactive members.
Carol Chamberlain
Proposed by Rev. Hardies during 2013 Inactive Member Review
Notes: Carol became a member of All Souls on March 23, 1975.
Cynthia Jickling
Proposed by Rev. Hardies during 2013 Inactive Member Review
Notes: Cynthia became a member of All Souls on January 1, 1985. Rev. Hardies
reported that she is elderly and lives in a Philadelphia assisted living center.
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Robert Neuman
Proposed by Rev. Hardies during 2013 Inactive Member Review
Recommended by Molly Freeman
Notes: Robert became a member of All Souls on October 1, 1967. Rev. Hardies and
Molly reported that he is ill and elderly.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Paull
Recommended by Grant Smith
Notes: Betsy became a member of All Souls on September 29, 1974. Over the
summer, Betsy responded to a letter received inquiring about her membership status
by saying that “All Souls has played a very important role in my life. Among other
things, I worked there as what was called "Church Secretary" in the 1970's and had
various involvements since then, but not for a number of years. I made annual
contributions for decades, and I also oversaw my mother's annual gifts until a few
years ago when we both ceased contributing (in 2009). She (Elsie Paull, deceased as
of 1/24/2013) was in her late 90's by then...I have been very absorbed by elder care
since 2009, and have now "sent off" my aunt (who died two months shy of 95), a
cousin whom I had assisted (he died this November at age 100), my mother who died
in January a few weeks before turning 101, and my fine old dog…. I still have my 94year old father in my life, and am helping him move …to an assisted living
residence….Knowing all too well that change is always just around the corner, I can
imagine wanting to reunite with All Souls one day, and if All Souls is still here (of
course it will be!), I'll be glad.”
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Jean Porter
Proposed by Rev. Newman during 2013 Inactive Member Review
Notes: Jean became a member of All Souls on October 30, 1952. Rev. Newman
reported that she is 85 years old, elderly and in a nursing home.
Henry Tate
Proposed by Rev. Hardies during 2013 Inactive Member Review
Recommended by Molly Freeman
Notes: Henry became a member of All Souls on October 24, 1976. Molly reported
that he is now very ill and in a Cleveland nursing home. Rev. Hardies noted that as a
long time member Henry deserves emeritus status.
Sarah Tate
Proposed by Rev. Hardies during 2013 Inactive Member Review
Recommended by Molly Freeman
Notes: Sarah became a member of All Souls on May 2, 1982. She once served as
Board President. Rev. Hardies noted that as a long time member Sarah deserves
emeritus status.
All Souls Church
Listing of Financial Institutions
List of financial institutions where ASC checking account(s) are located with contact information:
Financial Institution
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Contact Person
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Phone Number
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List of investment accounts for ASC with contact information:
Financial Institution
Bank of America
Contact Person
Paul Crosby
John Merrill
Phone Number
(202) 463-0496
Unitarian Universalist Common Susan Helburt
(617) 948-4306
Endowment Fund
This information is to be kept on file by the Executive Director and a copy shared with the Treasurer and Board Chair. Do not
list account numbers on this form.
Presented to the Board of Trustees by the
Church Council Steering Committee, November 20, 2013
The Church Council Steering Committee (CCSC) is happy to present this 2013 end-of-year report to the Board of Trustees. The
June mid-year report focused more on our efforts to make necessary revisions to the measures and milestones for each goal
area, and on our plans for the rest of the year. This report presents the actual quantitative and qualitative results for 2013, the
third year of our five-year Visioning Goal Plan.
Compiled by Katie Loughary
Revised 11.18.13
Page 19
The Goals and Measurable Results
in brief: Goal Area
Church Wide
Measurable Result (expected in
1. 325 (25%) of congregants are
leading and are accountable for
church activities.
2. Average attendance at Sunday worship and
children's religious education has increased by 10%
or more.
On track
3. 100% of All Souls member households make
annual pledges to the church.
Spiritual Development
4. 1,500 (75%) of congregants
regularly participate in activities
that contribute to their
intentional spiritual growth.
5. 120 different opportunities provided congregants
for spiritual development across the lifespan.
Community Building
6. 30% or more of members and
children self identify as persons of
7. The All Souls Caring Network is comprised of a
well trained lay pastoral team and church staff
working together in shared ministry.
8. 845 (65%) of congregants are engaged in
volunteer ministry to the congregation and its
Compiled by Katie Loughary
9. 500 congregants including
children are engaged in activities
to support social justice through
All Souls Church.
Revised 11.18.13
Page 20
On track
10. All Souls has had major impact on at least three
local, national or global issues through education,
advocacy and organizing.
Capital Infrastructure
On track
11. All Souls is in a renovated
building that includes full access,
renovated building envelop,
classrooms and offices, with an
emphasis on sustainability.
On track
12. All Souls Church has successfully secured the
funding necessary to renovate the building, through
the Capital Campaign and the Third Century
Compiled by Katie Loughary
Revised 11.18.13
Page 21