Bulletin June 2006 - Holy Family Antwerp


Bulletin June 2006 - Holy Family Antwerp
Don Bosco Chapel
Fortbaan 79
2900 Schoten
June 2006 Year B
Sunday Mass 10:30am
Fr. Francis Peerlinck, Pastor
As the school year is coming to an end, so our Parish year is also. We wish
all children and pupils a lot of success in the preparation of their exams,
especially those who are graduating at the International School of Ekeren
this year. Thereafter we wish all children and parents a nice Summer vacation.
Looking back on the past parish year we can say: we were able to perform all
the celebrations we had planned for the coming year: Thanksgiving Day,
Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, First Confession and First
Communion of eight of our children. This last celebration was really great, as
so many people came to our chapel, and celebrated the children's day with us.
During June some important events are still staying out: On Pentecost
Victor Zenteno Priego, who made his first communion a couple of weeks ago,
will also be confirmed in our chapel. Mgr. Paul van den Berghe gave me
permission to proceed in the Liturgy of Confirmation. On June 11 we shall
have our yearly Picnic Sunday, and on June 25 we shall celebrate the
baptism of Bory Winters, son of Mark and Kavin Hook. That Mass will
also be the last Sunday before we begin our summer vacation.
In July I, together with father Herman will take a cruise to the Arctic. Leaving
from Amsterdam we will go to Oslo / Norway, following the West Coast up to the
North Pole, continuing to Spitsbergen, going to Iceland, and coming
down to the Shetland Islands, having a stop in Edinburg, and back to
Amsterdam. I hope it will be a quiet and interesting trip!
As every year we will loose some families, who are sent to take up a job in
other countries. Many of them have served Holy Family Parish in many ways
for some / many years. Often parents and children were prepared to help out
wherever it was necessary. We do not like to loose any family, but when it
happens we say: many... many thanks and all the best for your work, the
whole family and the world you come to. God's blessing be with you all!
Holy Family Parish went to many ups and downs, but we always got - in one
way or another - the help we needed to fill out the jobs that were left
open. Thus we look forward while hoping that some of our people feel
prepared to take a job, and new enthusiastic families will join Holy Family
Parish as we start again on the last Sunday of August.
Father Francis Peerlinck
A warm welcome to Tim and Cynthia Perera and
son Schan (age 8) and daughter Maya (age 6).
They live in Geel so it’s quite a trip they make to
come to mass! We hope you feel welcome and at
home in your new parish.
Also to Helen Byarugaba, who has a son,
Tumukunde, in Uganda. Tumukunde is waiting for
his visa to finalize so he will be able to come to
Belgium to join his mother. Helen is living in
Antwerpen. Our prayers for a swift reunion with your son.
Our heartfelt congratulations go out to Victor Zenteno
today as he is confirmed in the Catholic Church. Our
prayers are with you as you take this step in your
journey of faith. May the future hold for you many
blessings and may the fire of the Holy Spirit live in
your heart forever.
On Sunday June 18th, we will have an
Acceptance Ceremony to welcome Michelle
Rivera into the Catholic Family! Come and
celebrate this special day with Michelle and her
family and welcome her officially into the Catholic
Church. Our prayers for you, Michelle, as you
continue to grow in your faith!
GOODBYES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BARBARA NOELS
From near and far people have come to join our parish in their search
for spiritual guidance, religious education, and kinship with fellow
Catholics. But it is a part of international community life that
parishioners also leave us. This year is no exception. We are saying
goodbye to families who have shared time with us on Sundays,
participated at Mass and other social activities, and who have touched
our hearts. We say goodbye to the Bahrich family who are off to
Switzerland and to the Sheldons who are going to Thailand.
The Juza family is returning to the U.S. They have served the parish in
so many capacities. Tammy and
David Sr. have been active in our
religious education program. And
weren’t they effective as “Mary and
Joseph” during our Christmas
celebration? David and Robbie have
been Mass servants, with Robbie its
coordinator this year. Katie has
helped with the children’s liturgy,
especially as a First Communion
catechist. Thank you and good luck
in PA.
Thanks also to Ed, Michelle, David and Sophia Rivera who are
returning to the US. Ed has been our Religious Education coordinator.
David has been a Mass servant. Sophia has been our percussionist
during the
Offertory songs. Michelle will be accepted into the Catholic Church
during Mass on June 18. Good luck and tot ziens.
The Granthams are off to the U.K. Chris is one of our Eucharistic
ministers. Linda Jane organized and hosted our Rosary Mondays, has
been a choir member and bulletin editor, and served as our Liturgist,
especially for Children’s Liturgy. We will miss you and Leandra and
Grace in innumerable ways. Good luck and thank you.
After 20 years in Belgium, Claudia and Gianni Colantuoni are off to the
US. To many people outside our community Claudia has been the face
of our parish. To us she has been our guiding light. She served for
several years as our parish President and for many years our Liturgist.
She has been the inspiration for many of our church’s activities.
Maybe Father decided things but he often asked her advice too!
Whether preparing young people for Confirmation, or men and women
for Eucharistic
catechists, the list of
people whom she touched
is long. As she and Gianni
leave for California to join
their sons we wish them
happiness and success.
Thank you, Claudia and
Gianni, for all you have
done for us. We can only
be jealous of the next
parish who will welcome you into its congregation.
Keep us in your prayers as we will pray for you. God bless you all.
On Sunday, May 7th we said ‘Good-bye’ to Pierre Maamary. Pierre
came to Holy Family early this year from Lebanon. Pierre has found
an apartment in Alst and will be attending Mass in Brussels. We will
miss you Pierre, but you remain in our hearts and prayers and you will
always be apart of our ‘Holy Family’. Please come back and visit when
you can. You are always welcome. Many blessings for your future.
Pierre’s new address is:
Pierre Maamary
Moorselbaan 102
9300 Alst
THANK YOU! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OLGA AND ERIC
Dear Parishioners,
Eric and I wish to thank all the people who, some way or another,
have helped the choir since September 2005.
A big special thanks to Linda Jane who, together with Rowena and
Shohreh, made the time for a rehearsal every Thursday. Linda Jane
kept us updated of the outcomes, since we work outside home and
we are not able to go to these rehearsals.
Another big thank you to Shohreh
flexibility and joy of learning a
different style of music of what
she was accustomed until now.
Thanks also to Rowena for
organizing the First Communion,
including the music. Great job!
Last, but not least, we also want to
give our sincere thanks to Hans,
Vivianne, Elaine, Angela and also to
our newcomers: Leo, Antonio,
William, Elizabeth and Mary. Oh, and we shouldn't forget our
youngest member who kept a good rhythm with the tambourine every
Sunday: Sophia Rivera.
We will certainly miss those of you who won't be able to continue with
us next September and we keep our 'doors' open to anyone who is
interested in putting their God given talents into the Lord's service .
Thanks to all the congregation for your constant enthusiasm, for
praising the Lord with your voices during our Eucharistic celebrations.
God bless you all,
Olga and Eric
THANK YOU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROSANNE & PAUL
Paul and I would like to take this opportunity to
thank everyone who offered kind words of
encouragement and support in this, our first
year of publishing the monthly bulletin. It really
is a great source of inspiration and motivation
for us. Also, a sincere and wholehearted thank
you to Linda Jane who has been very patient
and unwavering in her guidance and support as
we learned the ropes of writing and publishing.
...to all the Readers...Religious Education Teachers...Children's Liturgy
Guides...Eucharistic Ministers….Altar Servers, Students, Librarian,
Singers, Musicians, Parish Councilors, happy Bakers and Takers of
Collections - for making this another beautiful year together. See you
in August!
We keep Hans in our prayers as he
struggles bravely with his illness.
For the families who will be moving and
starting new lives in other lands.
For everyone who will be traveling over
the summer holidays, that they have an
enjoyable and relaxing vacation and that
they return safely home.
For our dear friends who ask quietly and
anonymously for our prayers.
Please take home a missalette with you for the summer. No need to
return them, since we'll have new ones in August. Having the
missalette helps when you can't get to Mass, or if you'll be attending a
local church in Flemish.
On Tuesday, May 9th the parish council came together for the last time
this church year. Many things were discussed, among which included
the opening up of a few positions on the council. With the loss of so
many families in the parish this year, we find ourselves in need of a
new Vice President, Religious Education coordinator, Hospitality
host(ess) and Alter server coordinator.
If you would like any information about what any of these positions
include or you think you could help the parish out by filling one of
these positions, please talk to our President, William Carey, sometime
before the end of the year.
Our next monthly Rosery Group will meet on Monday, June 12th at
10:00 AM at the home of Mary Benninga –
Kwokat at Trevierenlei 20, Schoten
During the summer break our Rosery Group
will continue to meet. On Monday, July 3rd
and on Monday August 7th, we will gather at
Rowena’s home at Koningen Astridlaan 34.
Both mornings will start at 10:00 AM
Our warm thanks are offered to Mary and
Rowena for opening up their homes for us to meet. However, if would
be nice if other parishioners could also host the Rosery meetings
during the remainder of the year.If you feel you could help in this way,
even if only for one morning, please contact Alan at 033 464 2468
As you know, our monthly praying of the Rosery was inspired by Linda
Jane, who, sadly, will soon be leaving us. Linda hosted all our
meetings over the past two years or more years and we have so much
to thank her for. We will try to continue the good work she has started
and whenever we meet to pray the Rosery, we will remember her with
deep affection and include her in our prayers.
Thank you Linda Jane and God bless you!
Up to now the parishioners donated € 143,52 into the coffee jar for the
Rwandan students. This is a fantastic beginning for this collection and
we ask everyone to please go on drinking coffee and tea like this.
Also a reminder that this jar will be back next year as well in it’s
normal place next to the coffee and tea pots.
Thank you so much for all your generous donations.
Eric Schaecher, son of former
parishioner Bob Schaecher,
died in February after losing his
battle with alcoholism.
memorial service will be held
for Eric on Sunday, July 9,
2006 at 2PM at the First
Congregational Church, 62
Centre Street, Nantucket, MA,
USA. If you would like to
attend or would like to send a
card or note here is the contact address:
Robert and Pam Schaecher
11021 David Stone Dr.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517 USA (Tel. 1-919-370-4289)
Or after June 20:
317 Madaket Rd.
Nantucket, MA 02553 USA (Tel.1-508-228-3278)
PARISH PICNIC NEWS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BELEN
A reminder to everyone to please
fill out and turn in your picnic slips
to Belen. These are due today.
Belen needs to know how to shop
for the picnic, so an accurate
headcount would be most helpful.
Our picnic is next week. Anyone who
can help set up, organize, manage a BBQ or help clean up, please let
Belen know as soon as possible.
C.O.M.E., Antwerp International Protestant Church, and Holy
Family Parish present…
Where Kids Are Fired Up About Jesus!
Vacation Bible School for Preschool and Elementary Children
August 14-18, 2006
We need your help to get our kids fired up!
Please let us know if you are interested in helping with...
-Bible Stories
or if you would like to be a Crew Leader!
To volunteer, register, or for more information, please contact:
Becky Jones at aipcyouth@hotmail.com or 03 297 65 28
Barb Swanson at barboca@juno.com or 03 644 20 46
Please feel free to pass along this information.
If you want to learn more about what will be happening at FIESTA
this year, please check out
There you will find a whole website full of information with everything
from “Fiesta at a glance” to “Sample lessons and music” to “ Director
helps” and even the “ Spanish Program” and much much more.
For any of the families that will be
leaving us this year, if you are
interested, I would be more than
happy to send you an electronic
copy of our bulletin each month.
This could be a way of staying
informed about what we are
doing and what is happening with
your “Family in Belgium” Just let
me know and give me the correct
information so I can add you to the distribution list. If you don’t know
what your email address will be where you are headed, just take my
email address with you and let me know when you do know. This also
will be a way for you to keep us posted as to any special events or
intentions you may want to have included in the bulletin.
FAREWELL BOOK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VIVIANNE
If you are leaving, please sign our Memory Book, which is usually kept
on the table at the entrance to the Chapel. We would love to hear
from you, please keep in touch.
LIBRARY BOOKS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BRIGITTE
Please check to see if you have any
library books checked out that need
returning before the end of the year.
There are several books missing from
the library cart that need to be
Also, as most videos are now
available on DVD’s, and it is getting
increasingly difficult to find anything
in the VHS format, I would like to have some feedback from the
parishioners as to your interest in these. I can get them for the library,
but with the expense of them, I will only do it if there is enough
Thank you!
FIRST COMMUNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ROWENA
We had a wonderful First Communion service
on the 28th of May.
The joy of watching our children receiving the
Eucharist re-confirms our love of our Faith.
They did us proud, and more importantly, the
love and commitment of the parents made the
whole service so special.
I want to thank Father for his tribute to our
Parish in his homily.
We really do it with love, these children are a
gift from God and we treasure them.
We will do all that we can to make sure that
they grow up to know the love of God.
Pentecost is the great festival that marks the birth of the Christian
church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost means "fiftieth day"
and is celebrated fifty days after Easter.
Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the twelve apostles, Jesus'
mother and family, and many other of His disciples gathered together in
Jerusalem for the Jewish harvest festival that was celebrated on the
fiftieth day of Passover. While they were indoors praying, a sound like
that of a rushing wind filled the house and tongues of fire descended and
rested over each of their heads. This was the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit on human flesh promised by God through the Prophet Joel. The
disciples were suddenly empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen
Christ. They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching
to the crowds gathered for the festival. Not only did the disciples preach
with boldness and vigor, but by a miracle of the Holy Spirit they spoke in
the native languages of the people present, many who had come from all
corners of the Roman Empire. This created a sensation. The apostle
Peter seized the moment and addressed the crowd, preaching to them
about Jesus' death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. The
result was that about three thousand converts were baptized that day.
(You can read the Biblical account of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-41).
Red is the liturgical color for this day. Red recalls the tongues of flame
in which the Holy Spirit descended on the first Pentecost. The color
red also reminds us of the blood of the martyrs. These are the
believers of every generation who by the power of the Holy Spirit hold
firm to the faith even at the cost of their lives.
A tradition of some churches in ancient times was to baptize adult
converts to the faith on Pentecost. The newly baptized catechumens
would wear white robes on that day, so Pentecost was often called
"Whitsunday" or "White Sunday" after these white baptismal
garments. Many Christian calendars, liturgies, and hymnals still use
this term.
Confirmation is the day when young people who have been instructed
in basic Christian doctrine confess their faith in the presence of the
church. The Holy Spirit who empowered the disciples to preach the
risen Christ two thousand years ago is the same Spirit who empowers
the confirmands to make their confession. This is why many churches
celebrate the rite of confirmation on Pentecost.
Because Pentecost is the day that God poured out His Holy Spirit on
Christ's disciples, the Season after Pentecost is centered on
sanctification, the work of the Holy Spirit in the day to day life of the
Christian. This is reflected in the liturgical color for this season:
green, the color of life and growth. Through the gift of faith that
comes only from the Holy Spirit, Christians are enabled to trust in
Christ and proclaim Him in their daily lives by service to their
neighbors. The Season after Pentecost is the longest season of the
church year -- it lasts from Trinity Sunday until the first Sunday of
Advent. This is the non-festival portion of the liturgical calendar during
which the church stresses vocation, evangelism, missions, stewardship,
almsgiving, and other works of mercy and charity as ways in which
Christ empowers us by His grace to share the Gospel with others.
There are three "mega-festivals" commemorated in the Christian
calendar. The first two, Christmas and Easter, are well known to both
believers and non-believers. But it's possible that even liturgical
Christians may not be as familiar with the third, the festival of
Pentecost. God the Father's wonderful Christmas gift of His one and
only Son, and Christ's Easter triumph over the power of sin, death, and
the devil would mean nothing to us if the Holy Spirit did not give us
faith. Through the Word and Sacraments, the Holy Spirit gives us the
power to believe and trust in Christ as our Savior. This precious gift of
faith in the saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ is the reason
Pentecost is the third "mega-festival" of the church and why we
celebrate it with such joy and thanksgiving.
Pastor ........................ Fr. Francis Peerlinck .........................03 232 2546
................................. frans.peerlinck@scarlet.be
President.................... William Carey ..................................03 658 1537
................................. sb183288@skynet.be
Vice Presidents ........... __________________________________________
Treasurer ............. Brigitte Preuss...........................03 651 2396
............................ belrpreuss@skynet.be
Religious Ed. ............. __________________________________________
Parish Registration ...... Belen Orrantia .................................03 653 4473
................................. mariabelen@gmail.com
Bulletin ...................... Rosanne Litz + Paul Van den Bossche 03 322 7753
Hospitality .................. _________________________________________
Sunshine .................... Vivianne Staplehurst.........................03 633 0797
................................. viv@verijke.com
Liturgy ....................... Linda Jane Grantham .......................03 685 3194
................................. lindajane@granthamweb.com
Advisors ..................... Barbara Noels ..................................03 664 7231
................................. BNoels@AIS-antwerp.be
................................. Claudia Colantuoni ...........................03 653 3029
................................. colantuoni@skynet.net
Music………………………..Eric Wouters & Olga Velez
June 11th - Annual Parish Picnic, at
the home of Elizabeth
Lierberherr, Guyotdreff 97,
Acceptance Mass for
Michelle Rivera
Last English Mass before summer
25 break
Aug.14-18 Vacation Bible School ( see bulletin for details)
First English Mass at Don
Bosco after summer break
Nov.18th- Thanksgiving Mass at 5:30 and dinner at 7:30