Parish News - St. Stephen`s Episcopal Church, Pittsfield
Parish News - St. Stephen`s Episcopal Church, Pittsfield
Volume 1, Issue 1 St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Parish News From the Rector 1 Senior Moment 1 St. Stephen’s New Cross 2 Sacred Dance Service 2 Church Calendar 3 Balloon Festival Dinner 4 Rector Father Curtis Metzger Vestry Chris Porter, Senior Warden Barbara Barr, Treasurer Virginia Pearson, Clerk Martha Booth, at-large Katie Jones, at-large Sabra Welch, at-large Music Ministry Katie Belanger, Choral Director; Keith Belanger, Organist/Pianist Team Leaders George Booth, Outreach Lucinda Kerivan, New Member Ministry; Marylee Johnson, Prayer Shawl Ministry; Margaret Porter, Publicity/Website; Charlotte Berry, Altar Guild; Connie Mitchell, Parish Life Guild; Bernie Cameron, Adult Education; Katie Belanger, Family Education; Steve Ekerberg, Newsletter/Communications The Reverend Curtis Metzger, Rector From the Rector INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Parish Ministries Spring 2009 By Father Curtis Metzger St. Stephen’s Beloved: We have come through Winter, landed in Spring, and found our ‘Alleluias’ again in the wonderful Easter season. Times are tough, but it seems they may be getting better; and just to have the warm air and flowering everything lifts the spirits. The promise of Spring is like the promise of our Lord, who promises to ‘never leave us or forsake us’—even when it seems dark and cold, Spring will come again. The Sunday lessons of late we hear Jesus calling his disciples to abide in his love. To ‘abide’ has such deep meaning—resting, confidence, surrounded by love, and strengthening. That is why it is so Senior Moment Greetings from the Vestry! As you may know, we have an opening on the Vestry which we are interested in filling for the balance of 2009, so I’d like to use my Senior Moment to describe what the Vestry important to spend time with know the story of the little boy who thought God’s name was Harold—“Our Father, who art in heaven, Harold be thy name!” Harold is great! And we, the friends of Harold, should always remember how great it is to spend time with Him. optimistic about the future. And I challenge everyone to get involved in some way in the fundraisers we are having this Summer that largely go to help those in need in our communities. Easter and Pentecost I hope this newsletter finds everyone well and Fr. Curtis+ Blessings, By Chris Porter, Senior Warden is (and maybe what it isn’t). This may seem pretty obvious to most of you, but in my own experience of coming into St. Stephen’s and the Episcopal Church some 15 years ago, I must admit it took me years to figure out what the Vestry does, not to mention the Guild. While I’m still trying to figure out the Guild, I have figured out the Vestry, and it’s as simple as this: (Continued pg. 2) St. Stephen’s Parish New s Page 2 Senior Moment Parish Register Baptisms Jazlynn-Mae Elizabeth Birch Rebecca Lynn Davis Melissa Ann Davis Called Fr. Curtis Metzger; as our Rector Marriage Katherine Ortega and Keith Belanger the Vestry is the Parish Board of Directors, responsible for the monthto-month operation of the Parish, the management of our relationship with the Diocese, and most importantly, the care and feeding of our Rector. If you know a bit about how things work in municipal government, you could easily describe the Vestry as the Board of Selectmen, the Planning (Continued) Board, and the Budget Committee rolled into one. Our current vacancy runs until January 2010, at which time it would be filled by election at our Annual Parish Meeting. Have I scared you away yet? If not, why not give the Vestry a try…until January, at least? At that point, you’d have the option of signing on for a full term, or not. No pressure. No guilt. Think of it as a trial run, with an opt-out clause if you decide you’re not in love with the work of the Vestry. My moment is up. Please give it some thought, talk to any and all Vestry members you can corner, and let me know if you’d be interested in joining our merry crew. Many thanks for your consideration. New Members Tanisha & Steve Ekerberg Denise Paterson Eileen & Mike Davies Graham Wilson Carol Brown Burials Elvia Hetu William Johnson Key Dates June 6th – Town-Wide Yardsale Please bring donations and baked goods to the Church. July 18th – Old Home Day Celebration August 1st – Pittsfield Balloon Rally St. Stephen’s New Cross The Cross is Up! After what seemed to be an eternity, the big cross is finally up on the roof! As many of you know, the original crosses, which were most likely part of the original construction of the church in the late 1860’s, pretty much fell apart when they were taken down by the roofers. Thanks to Chris Noyes, Fayth Noyes and George By George Booth Booth for making the cross and to George Booth and Dan and Amy Place (Dan is with Northeast Line Construction Corp.) for getting it installed. Dan brought the bucket truck up from Massachusetts to help us. The cross, which is made of Spanish cedar (the stuff they make cigar boxes out of), is just over 4 feet tall and weighs about 40 lbs. It seems a lot smaller now that it’s up on the roof! It was installed using a ¾” pin that goes down into the main roof beam and extends up into the center of the cross. The primary support comes from the steel brackets which secure the cross to the roof. These are the reused original brackets. The cross should last a very, very long time. Sacred Dance Pentecost Service May 31st We commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Our service st this year on May 31 will be enhanced by Pittsfield resident Beverly Drolet performing sacred dance accompanied by the St. Stephen’s Choir. Sacred dance is prayer; the primary feature which distinguishes sacred dance from any other kind of dance. Liturgical dance, a type of sacred dance, includes body movement, attitude and shaping that may involve an individual dancer, a group of dancers or the entire assembly. As a ritual activity, liturgy employs different qualities of movement in its ceremonies, such as processing, bowing, kneeling and standing. Liturgical dance is not mere performance, but connects with the prayer of the assembly. Liturgical dance does not interrupt or stop community prayer it enriches it, a fitting addition to our Pentecost celebration. Beverly Drolet is a 25 year member of the St. Matthew’s Sacred Dance Choir, an interdenominational dance group. Page 3 St. Stephen’s Parish New s Sunday Wednesday Thursday 4 5 The First Book of Common Prayer 11 12 St Barnabas, Apostle Friday Saturday 6 Town wide Yard Sale 3 8 9 Columba, Abbot TOPS 6:00PM 10 15 16 TOPS 6:00PM 17 18 19 20 22 23 TOPS 6:00PM 24 25 Nativity of St John, the Baptist 26 27 29 St Peter and St Paul, Apostles 30 TOPS 6:00PM Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 13 Friday 1 2 3 2009 Sunday Saturday 4 Independence Day 11 6 7 TOPS 6:00PM 8 9 10 13 14 TOPS 6:00PM 15 16 17 18 Old Home Day 20 21 TOPS 6:00PM 22 Mary Magdalene 23 24 Thomas a Kempis, Priest 25 St James, Apostle 27 28 TOPS 6:00PM 29 Mary and Martha of Bethany 30 31 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday JULY 2009 5 Pentecost 5 Proper 9 9:30 Holy Eucharist Laying on of Hands 12 Pentecost 6 Proper 10 9:30 Holy Eucharist 19 Pentecost 7 Proper 11 9:30 Holy Eucharist 26 Pentecost 8 Proper 12 9:30 Holy Eucharist Parish Family Sunday Tuesday 2 JUNE 7 Pentecost 1 Trinity Sunday 9:30 Holy Eucharist Laying on of Hands 14 Pentecost 2 Proper 6 9:30 Holy Eucharist 21 Pentecost 3 Proper 7 9:30 Holy Eucharist 28 Pentecost 4 Proper 8 9:30 Holy Eucharist Parish Family Sunday Monday 1 Saturday 1 Balloon Festival 8 3 4 5 6 The Transfiguration 7 10 11 12 13 14 Jonathan Myrick Daniels 15 St Mary, the Virgin 16 Pentecost 11 Proper 15 9:30 Holy Eucharist 23 Pentecost 12 Proper 16 9:30 Holy Eucharist 17 18 19 20 Bernard, Abbot 21 22 24 St Bartholomew, Apostle 25 26 27 28 Augustine, Bishop of Hippo 29 30 Pentecost 13 Proper 17 9:30 Holy Eucharist Parish Family Sunday 31 AUGUST 2009 2 Pentecost 9 Proper 13 9:30 Holy Eucharist Laying on of Hands 9 Pentecost 10 Proper 14 9:30 Holy Eucharist Page 4 St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 50 Main Street P.O. Box 435 Pittsfield, NH 03263 Phone: 603-435-7908 E-mail the Rector: St. Stephen’s Parish New s All are welcome, without exception, at St. Stephen's. St. Stephen's Episcopal Church is located on Pittsfield's historic Main Street, adjacent to Dustin Park. Our Sunday worship time is 9:30AM. All are welcome, without exception, to receive Holy Communion. Our Mission We believe that all we are and all we have are gifts from God, and we are thankful. It is our mission to share the love of God with each other and with the rest of the world. The Little Church With a Big Heart. Balloon Rally Dinner August 1st By Sabra Welch We’re on the Web! St. Stephen’s will provide the evening meal for the balloon crews and their sponsors on Saturday, st August 1 during the Pittsfield Balloon Rally. We earned $1000 last year providing this meal and it was great fun. We were asked by the Rotary Club to serve again this year as they were told by last years crews it was the best meal they’d had at the Balloon Rally. We will prepare to feed 100 people and are asking people to donate a roasted turkey, sliced, with the juices. The Crews will come to the Church undercroft for On the Menu: • Roast Turkey • Marion’s Famous Dressing • Pasta Salad • Green Salad • Rolls • Cranberry Sauce • Assorted Desserts • Beverage ____________________ their meal, with the option to take the meal back to the field with them. We must be ready to serve at 5:30PM. Actual meal time will depend on the day and flight conditions, the balloon glow and the fireworks. It could be a long day, or if it rains, we could be finished by 8PM. Last year we fed 47 people but were paid the guaranteed 100. With the positive feedback last year, I expect we’ll feed more this year. We get paid and extra $10 per person over 100, so it’s hard to lose on this event. Last year we divided the leftovers among the people at Church the following morning…so it’s a good summer Sunday to attend! Questions? Call Sabra 603-435-6535