Saint Edward - St. Edward School


Saint Edward - St. Edward School
May 1, 2016
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Mass Times
501 Cottage Street • Ashland, Ohio 44805
Ashland University
Newman Campus
Perpetual Adoration
Parish School of Religion (PSR)
Youth Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Charities Services of
St. Edward Parish
May 1, 2016
Mass Schedule:
Monday, May 2– St. Athanasius
Rosary: 7:35am
Mass: 8:00am
Tuesday, May 3-SS. Philip & James
Rosary: 7:35am
Mass: 8:00am
Wednesday, May 4
Mass:1:15pm–George Mitchell III (School)
Thursday, May 5
Rosary: 7:35am
Mass: 8:00am
Friday, May 6
Rosary: 7:35am
Mass: 8:00am
Saturday, May 7-First Saturday
7:35am: Rosary
8:00am: Mass: All Souls
4:30pm: Mass: For the Intention of all Mothers
Sunday, May 8-7th Sunday of Easter
8:30am: Mass: For the Intention of All Mothers
11:00am: Mass: For the Intention of All Mothers
May 14, 2016:
Lisa Justice & Mike Manges
St. Edward wlll host ACCESS May 15-22
Please sign up in the Gathering Area.
Combined Camp. Goal
$ 1,885,958.00
Pledge Total
$ 1,824,614.00
Yet to Respond
Giving made easy with eGive
Details on the parish website.
Budget: $11, 500.00
April 24, 2016
In-Pew Collection
Home Missions
7, 613.00
-07, 613.00
1, 003.00
I want to first thank everyone who attended An Evening At The
Races last Saturday. There were more people present this year, and
everyone enjoyed themselves. Alas, my horses decided to eat too
much oats the night before, so they were a little sluggish for their races
– time to start them on a new training regimen for next year!
I want to thank all the Fin, Feather and Fur as our event sponsor
and all our race sponsors, all those who purchased horses, and all the
workers who made the evening very enjoyable. I especially want to
thank Randy Emmons for being the emcee and keeping us all entertained as we moved through the night.
Karl Schlotterer deserves a big thank you again for coordinating
everything and making sure all the little tasks got done! It all seems so
effortless, but anyone who has ever planned any kind of event knows
how the details matter.
The big winners this year of the gift baskets were: Jim House, Jim
O’Neill, Karl Schlotterer (I think something was fishy there!), Susan
Watson, and Janet Ewald. (I heard Janet say we are all invited over for
a hotdog roast on their new fire pit.) Congratulations to all the winners!
This weekend we celebrant First Holy Communion. As Catholics,
we know that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith:
it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Pope Francis said, “The Eucharist is at the heart of ‘Christian initiation’, together with Baptism and Confirmation, and it constitutes the
source of the Church’s life itself. From this Sacrament of love, in fact,
flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion, and of witness.”
For children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion, this is a big deal. And for all of us, no matter how many times
we have received Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, it should always be
a big deal. What makes it so special the first time is the same thing
that makes it special every time!
Jesus comes to us in a unique way in the Eucharist. When He
comes, we receive Him into our body and our soul. This is very beautiful, personal, and intimate. We should not take it for granted!
This is why the first time a family member makes their Holy Communion, it is exciting for the whole family. The boy or girl preparing
for this sacrament is going to be profoundly united with Jesus in a way
that they never have before!
It is such a holy, joyful occasion. Our souls become the bride of
Christ. That is why girls wear white dresses and boys wear suits. Relatives are invited. Parents take pictures. We celebrate. And the very
act of celebrating reveals our belief in the True Presence of Jesus
in the Eucharist.
Father Roger Landry of the Diocese of Fall River in New England
says, “…what makes one’s first Communion a truly blessed event is
not the adjective but the substantive: not the ‘first’ but the
‘communion.’ Because of whom we receive, the second, third, next,
and last Communion should always be as special.”
Unfortunately, for many of us Catholics, First Holy Communion
has become simply a right of passage. The essence of the celebration is
lost among the parties and gifts. “Parties and gifts are fine,” says one
priest, “as long as the focus never strays from what the celebration is
truly about.”
This is, without question, a time of great joy. The saints in heaven, who are delighted to intercede for us, are celebrating along with
your family. “You come to me,” says Saint Maximilian Kolbe to Jesus,
speaking for all of us, “and unite Yourself intimately to me under the
form of nourishment. …What miracles! Who would have ever imagined such!”
Mother Teresa, who will soon be canonized, also has words for you
and your family: “Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us
life. Night and day, He is there. If you really want to grow in love,
come back to the Eucharist…”
Yes, the celebration of a child’s First Holy Communion IS a big
deal. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Thank you for praying for
our children as they receive their First Holy Communion.
St. Edward, pray for us. Treu in Christus, faithfully in Christ,
Fr. Rod
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. James M. Cassidy
Birthday: May 30, 1929
Ordained: May 20, 1961
Fr. Cassidy will celebrate 55 years in the Priesthood
on May 20, 2016. If you would like to send him a
card of congratulations, please drop off your card to
the Parish Office or mail to:
Nawas International
11 Days: November 8-18, 2016
Rev. James Cassidy
Regina Health Center
5232 Broadview Rd.
Richfield, Ohio 44286
Parish Council Election Results
Hosted by
Fr. Rod Kreidler
Fr. Joseph Workman
Congratulations to Mary Emick, elected to a three-year term
on the Parish Pastoral Council, and thanks to Christian Pascarella and John Sikula for having also been candidates in the
$3179 per person from Cleveland
(Air/land our price is $2549 plus $630
Government taxes/airline surcharges)
Mary will replace Randy Smith, who completes his term on
the Council in May. Continuing members of the council are
Nancy Allton, Chris Benedetti, Mike Hupfer, Tom McGee,
Mitch Metzger, Jim Schenkelberg, Deborah Sullivan, and
Ann Marie Tomchak.
Information Meeting
Thursday, May 19 at 6:00-St. Edward PAC
The Council meets monthly to advise Fr. Rod on all matters
concerning the people of St. Edward Parish. Please feel free
to contact any member of the Council with ideas, questions,
or concerns that you may have about the parish.
Any parishioner wishing to serve as a Reader/
Lector may contact Karl Schlotterer
JUNE 13-17
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Please Pray For:
At Home: Dorothy Brown/Lina Canlas/Betty Caucci/ Helen
Davis/Deane Eggert/ Mr & Mrs. Geraci/ Katie Gipson/Robert
Gray/ Vickie Grimm/Joe Kiliany/ Theresa Moffett/Ruth
Shea/John Yeagle/Thomas McDonough
Belmont Towers: Mary Bankowski/ Laura Hickey/Gerald &
Margaret Karl
Brethren Care: Carmen Fox/Cheryl Hetmanski/
Juanita Restile/Dennis Hickey
Bradford Place: Philip DiBenedetto
Brookwood Assisted Living: Mary Cooke/Cassie Kaufman/
Pat Lefever/Andrew Stoy
Crystal Care: Irene Balyint/Richard Barr/ Vivian Nemeth
Good Shepherd: Dorothy Godfrey/Ann Mumaw/ Butch
Payne/Tony Rosato/Mary Ann Smith/Michael Sullivan/Helen
Violet/Harry Walker
Kingston: Roxie DeVault/ Regina Knight/ Bob Pence/
Jim Valerio/
Lutheran Village:Agnes DeLellis/Richard Gallas/
Judy Lombardo /Woodlawn: Marge Stanley
Liturgical Ministries for May 7 & 8
Ministers of
Holy Communion
Frey/ Helal./Shafer
Ebert/ Edson/ Edwards/ Farnsworth/
Schirmer/ Hickey/ Swanson/Valentine
St. Edward Parish
Eucharistic Adoration
Each moment that you spend in His Eucharistic Presence will increase His divine life within you and deepen your personal relationship
and friendship with Him. I have come that you
may have life, and have it more abundantly. I am
the Vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in
union with Me shall bear much fruit for without Me, you
can do nothing. (Jn 10:10;15:5)
Contact Jeanette Allton at 419-289-7727.
Dt 26:4-10/Rom 10:Acts
21:1-198-13Lk 4:1-13
Readings for the Week of May 1st
Acts 15:1-2,22-29/Rv 21:10-14/Jn 14:23-29
Acts 16: 11-15/Jn 15:26—16;4a
1 Cor 15:1-8/Jn 14:6-14
Acts 17:15,22—18:1/Jn 16:12-15
Acts 18:1-8/Jn 16:16-20
Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23
Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28
Acts 1:15-17,20-26/Jn 15:9-17
Antonio Marallo ®Nathan Schafrath Nathan Schafrath
Michael Neel
©Sherri Schafrath Sherri Schafrath
Michael Schafrath
Bonnie McGee
Tom McGee
David Tomchak
®Sharon Gerbasi
©Ed Meixner
Camillia Bohrer
Gerald Bohrer
Linda Fulmer
Mike Hupfer
®Mike Hupfer
©Vanessa Wagner Vanessa Wagner
Sharon Gerbasi
Ed Meixner
Weekday Altar Servers
Hunger Center–May 6, 2016
Monday & Tuesday
May 2 & 3
May 4
Thurs. & Fri.
May 5 & 6
Mass: 1:15pm
Brianna King
Joe Manges
Gabby Elges
Audra McBride
Andrew Mills
A. Pascarella
Ashland Community Prayer Breakfast
Convocation Center, May 5 at 6:30am
For tickets:
As the Procurement Chairman for the St. Vincent
de Paul Society, I assist clients who are in need of
furniture or household items. Every month, I help 2
or 3 families or individuals.
Some of these clients have moved to this area with what few
belongings they could take with them in their car. Some are
left homeless due to job loss, divorce, fires and even bed bug
infiltration. Some are starting over after being released from
jail, prison, or drug rehab.
Mitchell and Sons has generously supplied us with a storage
unit for items donated to us by parishioners and community
If you have items to donate, please call our number, 419-2811195, and I will do my best to pick up your donation.
May God bless you for your generosity.
Mary Lefever