May 10, 2015 - St. Bridget Catholic Church
May 10, 2015 - St. Bridget Catholic Church
SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Monday Tuesday May 11 May 12 8:15 am 8:15 am Wednesday May 13 8:15 am No Communion Service No Communion Service Ray Shanahan, R.I.P. & Pam Cochran, Spec. Int. - Requested by Nancy Bowden Thursday May 14 8:15 am Bernie Gonzales, R.I.P. - Requested by Mary Dunphy Friday May 15 8:15 am Bill Scott, R.I.P. - Requested by Julie Scott Saturday May 16 5:00 pm For the Parish Sunday May 17 8:30 am For the Parish 10:30 am For the Parish HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! ST. BRIDGET’S PASTORAL COUNCIL 2014-2015 PLEASE REMEMBER in your prayers: Gabbie Rehder, Helen Naughton, Bridget Howard, Barbara Sauntry, Kathryn Ackerman, Ijeoma Opara, Adam Heim, Henry Streuli, Rose Buckingham, Pat Fitzgerald, Jamie Gibson, Jane Johnston, Brenda Kalberer, Gale Arena, Dom Finocchio, Collette & David Swan, Larry Donohue, June Butler, and the children at Seattle Children’s Hospital. THE WEEK AHEAD Fr. Stephen Okumu, Janet Bester-Meredith, Anne Brown, Mary Jo Gasparich, Blythe Hirst, Pres. Kerry Loveland, Mark Ludden, Ray McKinley, Ann Shanahan, Nikki Wagner. Spending Time with the Lord Eucharistic Adoration at St. Bridget’s continues each Monday from 8:45 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Prayer materials are available to enrich your time with the Blessed Sacrament. Come by for a Holy Hour or a few minutes of prayer. Please contact Judy Curran 206-999-5399. Monday All Day Adoration Tuesday 5:00 pm - First Communion Practice - 5:00 PM Mass 5:30 pm - First Communion Practice - 8:30 AM Mass 6:00 pm - First Communion Practice - 10:30 AM Mass 6:30 pm - Religious Education Wednesday 5:30 pm - Rosary 5:30 pm - Social Justice Meeting 7:00 pm - Liturgy Planning Committee Mtg. 7:00 pm - Choir Practice Thursday 6:30 pm - JRock Mtg. 7:00 pm - Choir Practice Saturday/Sunday ASB Scrip First Eucharist at all the Masses Saturday 9:00 am - Communion Service 7:00 pm - Youth Movie Night Sunday 12:00 pm - Camillus Mtg. Each year during the Annual Catholic Appeal campaign, we pause and consider all the good that is done because we give: the homeless are sheltered; the elderly are cared for; our seminarians are prepared for future ministry, to name a few. Great things are accomplished in the name of Jesus! If you have not already done so, please consider making your annual commitment today to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Gifts of any amount are welcome, and your gift will make everything possible. If you cannot make a financial commitment at this time, please fill out an envelope and pledge to offer a prayer (write it in the pledge amount box). Please fill out a pledge envelope today or go online to donate: OFFERTORY GIFT PRESENTERS The Liturgy Planning Committee members invite parishioners to take up the Offertory Gifts during the Masses. If you wish to take up the Gifts for a special occasion (birthday, anniversary, etc.) or special remembrance/in memory of…please contact Liz Houlihan (206) 523-9748 ( St. Gerard – Holy Family Guild Meeting The St. Gerard-Holy Family Guild well meet Wed., May 27, 2015 at St. Bridget Church. Mass will be celebrated in the church at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch in the Fireside Room. All guild members, active and inactive are welcome. As a courtesy to those preparing the luncheon, please make a reservation by Friday, May 22. If you are not contacted by phone or e-mail call Mary Dunphy @ (206)522-3760. Spring is here! The trees are blooming, the grass is fresh, and the air is fresh. New life is all around. If you want to bring new life to your marriage then apply to the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Experience the joy of a Weekend at “Sheraton Bellevue Hotel, Bellevue, WA May 29 – 31, 2015. Experience the growth in your marriage like the new life growing all around you. For more information call (Tacoma 253-582-0239 or Bellevue 206-772-2344) our application couples. You may apply on line at . There is more information there also. BEREAVED PARENT’S SUPPORT GROUP The next meeting will be Monday, May 18 @7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. Questions? Please call Liz Houlihan @ (206) 523-9748. Assumption-St. Bridget School Alumni Welcome Home! Join your fellow alumni for an afternoon of food, fun and festivities! Join us on Sunday, May 31st from 3:00-5:00 pm as we welcome all Assumption and Assumption-St. Bridget School graduates back to campus for an afternoon of camaraderie and nostalgia. Come and enjoy refreshments as you reconnect with classmates and remember the days of recess, CYO sports and your favorite teachers! Weather permitting, we will gather on the playground but the backup plan will be the gym! We hope to have alumni represented from all classes, so please help us spread the word to friends and family! This event is intended to celebrate the rich history of our school. We hope to see you there! To help facilitate event planning, please email or call Megan Michalson ( or 206.524.7452) or find the event on our Facebook page (www.facebook/ ASBSchool) to RSVP. Have you updated your alumni information? Visit us at! Please join us for the Rosary in the Chapel after daily Mass and on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Prayer booklets available. St. Bridget’s Book of Prayer is in the alcove near the chapel. We encourage you to list your prayer intentions in the book. They will be remembered at all our Masses. Our Lady of Fatima Celebration - May 12 Join us at the UW Newman Center, 4502 - 20th Ave NE, for the rosary, Mass, lunch and the showing of the film: Pope John Paul I: The Smile of God. Schedule: 12:00 - Rosary, 12:35 - Mass, 1:15 Lunch and Movie For details, please contact Rose at 206-818-7707. Registration for ASB School Fall 2015 CYO Soccer and Cross Country The on-line SportsPilot program was opened on Monday, April 20th for registration in Fall 2015 CYO Soccer and/or Cross Country for Assumption-St. Bridget School. Boys and girls who are registered parishioners, and are entering grades K – 8 in the fall, are eligible to participate. However, if your child attends Villa Academy, they must participate on a Villa team. To register, go to the following link: http:// and then choose “SportsPilot CYO Registration” to access the on-line registration program. More detailed registration instructions can be also be found on this site. ** REGISTRATION DEADLINES and FEES: Regular registration will be open from April 20 – May 24, 2015 with the following fees: Soccer (gr. K-4): $55.00 per player Soccer (gr. 5-8): $65.00 per player Cross Country (gr. K-8): $35.00 per player Late registration will continue from May 25 – June 5, 2015 with an additional late fee of $25.00 per participant, per sport. After June 5th, ALL registration will be CLOSED. No exceptions will be made. Please contact Robin Hendricks at with registration questions. FAITH FORMATION CONTACT Tyra Elliott, call 523-9760 or e-mail Pope Francis says: “A Church without women would be like the apostolic college without Mary. The Madonna is more important than the apostles, and the Church herself is feminine, the spouse of Christ and a mother.” ADULT AND CHILDRENS FAITH FORMATION CHILDREN’S SACRAMENTAL FAITH FORMATION: Second grader’s First Eucharist Mass practices will be held in the Church at the following times: on May 12th the 5 pm Mass families will practice at 5 pm; the 8:30 am Mass families at 5:30 pm and the 10:30 am Mass families at 6 pm. Following practice in Church youngsters will move into the Parish Hall, for one half hour, to complete their First Eucharist banners; plan on one hour total for each Mass practice. First Graders who will prepare for First Eucharist next school year: Parents will be receiving a brief summary of our 2015-16 Sacramental Prep programs the week of May 18th as a result of the parent listening sessions held on April 25th and 26th, for final review. Actual program dates will be set when area schools publish their calendars, generally, sometime in June. The SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST for our Second Graders will be celebrated on May 16th and 17th at all of our Masses. WEDDINGS: If you are marrying this summer or early fall or planning a destination wedding, begin marriage prep NOW! First, see Fr. Okumu, then, call Tyra at 206-523-9760 or e-mail to to begin your wedding preparation sessions, allow 12 to 16 weeks for preparation classes alone. OPPORTUNITIES FOR FAITH FORMATION THROUGH PRAYER The St. Bridget Parish PRAYER CHAIN prays for your intentions. Call Tyra or the Parish office to join this ministry or submit a prayer request. Our BABY CORNER/WEST SIDE BABY for needy infants (located in the alcove between the church and the parish hall) appreciates your donations. Our most needed items are: diapers, pullups, portable cribs, strollers, highchairs, baby blankets, hygiene items, wipes, clothing - infant up to size 12, car seats (less than 6 years old) and infant board books. Make sure all clothing and equipment is clean and in good working order. Please do not donate items that have been recalled, banned, or do not meet current safety standards. Questions? Call the Baby Corner at 206-726-1435. Assumption-St. Bridget Pre-Kindergarten has NEW hours! Classes for 4-and-5-year-olds begin in the Fall and will run 8:45am-12:45pm Monday-Friday - while tuition rates remain the same for these extended hours. Registration is open now, and the new times have been popular - so please contact Director of Admissions Kathryn Almy ( or 206.524.7452) today for an application. Further information is available at In addition, the PreK is hosting one more FREE playtime this spring. Children ages 3-5 (with their grownup) are invited to join us in the PreK space on May 19th from 1011am for an hour of inventive and engaging FUN! SERVING GOD AND COUNTRY: A MEMORIAL DAY SALUTE TO OUR HEROES This year we will be honoring the men and women who have served our country with a special tribute during our annual Memorial Day Mass. Memorial Day Mass: Monday, May 25, 2015 – 10:30am Calvary Cemetery • 5041-35th Ave. NE, Seattle Holyrood Cemetery • 205 NE 205th St., Shoreline St. Patrick Cemetery • S. 204th & Orillia Rd., Kent Gethsemane Cemetery • 37600 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way Youth News Youth Rock (HS) – YROCK is a Eucharist-centered youth group for high school teens. Please consider signing up for the Second Sunday dinner in May. This is a life -giving opportunity to connect and serve our community. (JrH) –It is almost the end of our season, but it’s not too late to join in the fun. Thu 5/14 6:30-8pm - Jr. High Youth Night Sat 5/16 7-9:30pm - All Youth Movie Night Sun 5/17 - Jr. High hosts coffee hour after 10:30 Mass Thu 5/21 6-8pm - Jr. High Service Night Thu 5/28 6-8pm - Jr. High End of Year Party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Movie Night - 5/16/15 -7pm-9:30 pm You never know what we are going to show, just be there for the fun. Open to all Jr. and Sr. High Students. Have a movie you want to suggest? Send us your idea. Contact Kelly Orozco if you have any questions about the youth program. Call 206-523-8730 or All are invited. HAVE YOU SAVED THE DATE???? Vacation Bible Camp – July 6 – 10, 2015. We have a theme “Son Spark Labs” Discovery God’s Plan 4U = Jesus! Come join the fun! Registration begins in May. Questions? Luanne – 523-8787 Jesus said to his disciples; “As the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments; you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. JN 15 A Special thanks to the youth who helped out at the auction, They were magnificent!: Gerry Anderson, Jack Heffernan, Jack Maider, Jack McLaughlin, Jimmy Navone, Christopher Roberts, Jimmy Roske, Tommy Roske, Andrew Russell, and Liam Sullivan. Thanks for all of your hard work.
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