July 10 – 154th Sunday of Ordinary Time
July 10 – 154th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Bishop of the Diocese Most Reverend Gerard P Bergie, D.D. Administrator Father Benjamin Weber Sunday Masses Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 and 11:00 am Children’s Liturgy: September - June Diocese of St. Catharines St. Patrick Catholic Church Weekday Masses Monday through Saturday 8:30 am Rosary/Adoration before Weekday Masses Confessions Sat 4 - 4:45 pm or before weekday Masses Baptism Sunday 12:30 pm by appointment Marriage Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance. Marriage preparation course required Sacrament of the Sick Communion for the Sick and Shut-ins Please call the office. Secretary Sandy Johnson Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Enter on Victoria St. Schools Parish Established 1859 Church Dedicated 1880 123 King Street Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 4G3 Telephone: 905-834-6426 Fax: 905-834-1215 St. Patrick Elementary School 905-835-1091 Lakeshore Catholic High School 905-835-2451 Email: stpatrick@cogeco.ca Cemetery Mount St. Joseph’s, 712 Lakeshore Rd E Website: stpatrickcatholic.ca 905-834-3460 Diocesan Website: www.saintcd.com Ministry Schedule - July 16/17 Hospitality: 5:00pm - Joe Attard & Bill Vanruyven 9:00am - Joe Gatt & Lisa Shibley 11:00am - Brenda Deaves & Hunter G Minister of Communion: 5:00pm - Joe Attard & Dino Sicoli 9:00am - Lisa Shibley & Tony D’Uva 11:00am - Mary Ayotte & Maxine C Children’s Liturgy: No Children’s Liturgy until September 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year C “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Commentators/Lectors: 5:00pm - C - Dino S. & L - Bettina D. 9:00am - C - Kim G. & L - Theresa A. 11:00am - C - Jackie G. & L - Barb B. Altar Servers: 5:00pm - Needed 9:00am - Ella, Olivia & Morgan 11:00am - Needed Counters: 11:00am - Kim, Cheryl & Pat July 10, 2016 A.D. The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C Monday July 11 - 5:00pm (St. Benedict) +For the peaceful rest of Rita Gatt as requested by Theresa Azzopardi +For the peaceful rest of Louis and Cart Attard as requested by Joe Attard Tuesday July 12 - 8:30am +For the peaceful rest of Rita Gatt as requested by Kathleen Finamore Wednesday July 13 - 8:30am For the health and healing of Janette as requested by Mary Ayotte Thursday July 14- 8:30am +For the peaceful rest of Rita Gatt as requested by Annette Azzopardi and family Friday July 15 - 8:30am (St. Bonaventure) For the special intentions of and God’s blessings upon Barb Koiter as requested by Mary Ayotte Saturday July 16 - 8:30am +For the peaceful rest of Rita Gatt as requested by Annette Azzopardi and family Sat July 16 - 5:00pm (16th Sunday of Ord Time) +For the peaceful rest of Peter Toth as requested by Erta and family Sun July 17 - 9:00am (16th Sunday of Ord Time) +For the peaceful rest of Gladys Tonnos as requested by her family Sun July 17 - 11:00am (16th Sun of Ord Time) +For the peaceful rest of the deceased members of the DiPasquale and Longarini families as requested by their families Lord may the request of our people rise before you like a fragrant offering Last Sunday’s Offering: $2082.50 Thank you for your generosity to the House of God. Please remember St. Patrick’s in your wills and may God Bless you as you do so. ****************************************** JUNE/JULY AT A GLANCE ~Property Maintenance Collection: July 16/17 ~Carmelite Mission and Collecton: July 30/31 ~Civic Holiday: August 1st ~Arrival of FEED MY SHEEP Some years ago I read a book that discussed the deterioration of the legal system in western society. It rightly pointed out that the majority of people in the legal profession have become more concerned with what is legal than with what is just. By way of support, it pointed out how often criminals who are knowingly guilty of horrendous crimes are being set free from prosecution due to legal technicalities. Are they legally being set free? Certainly. Is it just and right that someone who is knowingly guilty does not have to account for their crime? Certainly not! The lawyer who confronted Jesus in this week’s Gospel Reading, in a similar way, was not concerned about what was just and right, but about what was legal. His question had to do with what was the legal minimum requirement necessary to get into heaven. There is a difference between what is legal and what is just and Jesus did not get trapped into playing the “legality” game. His answer provided the Scripture’s legal minimum, however the Scripture’s legal minimum is a broad, all encompassing, statement of heavenly justice; “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” This answer points out that the legal minimum is total surrender to loving God and loving people. So in an attempt to avoid the uncomfortable position of examining the wholeheartedness of his love, the lawyer endeavors to change the subject by asking Jesus to clarify the legality of, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus’ parable about the Good Samaritan once again points out the difference between a legal definition of “my neighbor” and a just definition. Each of the participants who passed by the injured man undoubtedly could have given a legal excuse as to why they couldn’t stop and render aid, but they couldn’t justify their indifference. Your love for God cannot end at the steps of your neighbor, and your love for your neighbors cannot end with the exclusion of strangers. The love of God, of which Jesus speaks, encompasses all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and when present will of necessity overflow and touch all whom we encounter. Neither the lawyer, nor we, can meet the legal demands necessary to “inherit eternal life.” It is beyond our capacity. So the Father provides a Sacrificial Lamb, the Lord Jesus, not primarily to meet only the legal requirement of our redemption, but rather to make “just”, the nature of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Only when he redeems us, and brings about that inner change, can we love God with all our being. Only then will his love in us flow over into unselfish love for our neighbor. When our thinking shifts from concern about what is necessary as good Catholics to escape perdition and attain heaven, to what is possible for good Catholics to express our love through Christ, only then will we see our love for God growing and overflowing from our life to others. “Neither of these two kinds of love is expressed with full maturity without the other, because God cannot be loved apart from our neighbor, nor our neighbor apart from God. Hence as many times as Peter was asked by our Lord if he loved him, and as he attested of his love the Lord added at the end of each response , ‘Feed my sheep,’ or ‘feed my lambs,’ as if he were clearly saying: ‘There is only one adequate confirmation of wholehearted love of God - laboring steadily for the needy in your midst, exercising continuing care of them.’” (Bede in Homilies of the Gospels) Emmaus Journey Reflections HOLY COMMUNION FOR SHUT-INS When a minister of the Church brings Communion, the sick or elderly person shares in the Eucharistic meal of the community. This Holy Communion manifests the support and concern of the community for its members who are not able to be present. Holy Communion is a bond to the community for its members who are not able to be present. Holy Communion is a bond to the community, as it is a union with Christ. If you know of any sick members of this Parish Community or shut-ins who would like to receive Holy Communion at home or in care facilities, please contact the office so arrangements can be made to bring to them the Sacrament of Holy Communion. ************************************************ BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN Dear St. Patrick’s Parishioners - Thank-you for the generous gifts you have given during the “South Niagara Life Ministries’ Baby Bottle Campaing 2016!” St. Patrick’s Parish donated $698.90, to date! Your giving hearts have helped provide for those in crisis/need. May the Lord bless each of you it is truly appreciated. We “count on you” to assist us in reaching out/helping others with the grace of Christ. This year we had 31 faithful Churches take part in the Campaign. Praise God for His goodness! 2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” ************************************************ OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL SOCIETY On Wednesday July 13th, there will be a Mass celebrated in honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We will begin with an opening prayer at 6:00 pm at the grotto outside. We will then process into the church and recite the rosary in Italian. Mass will begin after the rosary. All are invited and welcome to attend. There will be light refreshments and coffee after the Mass in the downstairs meeting room. ************************************************ GRIEF RECOVERY OUTREACH PROGRAM A Grief Recovery Outreach Program sponsored by Armstrong Funeral Home and Davidson Funeral Home, starts on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - Northland Pointe, Port Colborne (Board Room), 2 Fielden Ave. Port Colborne. From 6:20 pm - 8:00 pm and will continue every Thursday for 10 weeks. This is a FREE seminar for the public. An RSVP is required. You can contact Armstrong Funeral Home at 905-834-3483 or Davidson Funeral Home at 905-8344833.