parish news - Churches of Arden
parish news - Churches of Arden
PARISH NEWS A NEW YEAR ! A NEW START? A GREAT START - Alpha! Printed by: Claridges Copy and Print 25 Market Place, Warwick St. Michael and All Angels, Claverdon Tel: 01926 492777 • All Saints, Preston Bagot January/February 2011 MAKING CONTACT WITH THE CHURCH Until a new Vicar is appointed, any enquiries should be made to Mrs Gill Evans at the Parish Office at the Church Centre; on 01926 843234 Diocesan Reader Mr James Holden 01926 843102 Ordinand Mr Philip Hanson 01926 843421 Parish Administrator Mrs Gill Evans 01926 843234 Church Office: Claverdon Church Centre, Church Road, Claverdon Normal Office Hours: 9.30am – 11.30am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday At other times or in emergency, please see Village Contacts page 46 Claverdon Parochial Church Council Church Wardens PCC Minutes Secretary PCC Treasurer Mr Jonathan Evans 01926 842690 Mr David Markham 01926 843399 Mr Roderick Boswell; Mrs Gill Evans and Mrs Heather Howell Mrs Nicky Arnott; Mr Richard Bonsall; Prof. Chris Dowson; Mrs Pat Farmer; Mrs Penny Hanson; Mr David Hardy; Mrs Rosemary Holding; Mr Roger Hughes; Mrs Sue Jacques; Mr John Knightbridge and Mr Brian Ollis. Mrs Sue Holt Mr Roderick Boswell 01926 842365 Organists Mr Jonathan Evans; Mr Brian Ollis Members of Deanery Synod Elected Ministry Leadership Team Members James Holden; Phil Hanson; Gill Evans; Sue Jacques; Anne Perrin and Liz Rayner Preston Bagot Parochial Church Council Church Wardens Mr Hugh Carslake Mrs Joy Cater Member of Deanery Synod Elected PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Organist Advertising 01926 843023 01926 842149 Mr Tony Belcher; Mrs Ros Belcher, Mr John Cook; Mrs Jenny Farrell; Mrs Sheila Goudge; Mrs Mary Herbert; Mrs Carol Marrison; Mrs Norrie Moore; Cmdr Richard Onslow; Mrs Anne Perrin; Mrs Geraldine Rowe and Mrs Hazel Steven Mrs Carol Marrison Mr John Cook Mrs Olga Ananskikh 01564 792547 01926 843465 Contact Details for Claverdon Parish Magazine Martin Pleasance, Songar Grange, Langley Rd, Wootton Wawen B95 6DP Tel: 01926 842532 (e-mail: Distribution: Graham Burgoyne, Celliers, Langley Road, Claverdon CV35 8PU Tel: 01926 842706 Editor: Norrie Moore (Mrs), 2 Oakdene Crescent, Hatton, Warwick CV35 7BN Tel: 01926 843045 (e-mail: Material submission deadline: 12th of the preceding month 2 47 Looking back - and forward Get in touch with the Villages Badminton Bellringers Benefice Housing Association Church Centre Bookings Church Centre Caretaker Church Floodlighting Clav. & Dist. Neighbourhood Watch Roger Hughes Roderick Boswell Dawn Gazey-Lewis Gill Evans Geoff Gee David and Heather Howell Les Edwards Tony Rodger Vince Hammond Charlie Waterworth Trish Grant June Hone Robert Lees Heather Sharp Andy Hughes Alan Conway Kate Gover Don Hanson Donna Harrison Alan Latter 07505 275154 01926 843234/842690 01926 842620 01926 843201 01926 843365 01926 842325 01926 842691 07875664771 01926 843143 01926 842917 01926 842474 01926 842557 07766 257534 01564 794675 01926 842403 01926 842331 01926 842216 01926 842417 Scramblers (age 3 – Year R) Climbers (Year 1 - Year 2) Explorers (Year 3 – Year 6) Pathfinders (Year 7 upwards) Dorothea Mitchell Hall Bookings Embroidery Men’s Breakfasts Merry Widows Group Parent/Teacher Association Parish Magazine Preston Bagot Parish Meeting Rotary Club of Henley Scout Group 1st Bearley & Snitterfield Caroline Markham Chris Dowson Mandy Dowson /Richard Bonsall Natasha Butler Rod Peters Tricia Hardy Martin Pleasance Sue Hollingsworth Becky Muller Norrie Moore Stephen Perrin David Burman Mike Hayward 01926 843399 01926 843612 01926 843612/843474 01926 840013 01926 843587 01926 842351 01926 842532 01926 842041 01926 840371 01926 843045 01926 842638 01926 842451 01789 205953 Scout Group 1st Henley & Wootton Stepping Stones Pre-School (age 3 – 5) Caroline Daw 9.15pm – 12.15pm Term Time at the Church Centre Councillor John Horner 01564 792002 Natasha Butler Councillor Richard Hobbs 01926 840013 01789 730331 Kath Kaveney 01926 843365 Clav. & Dist. British Legion Claverdon Cricket Club Claverdon Football Club Claverdon Gardening Group Claverdon Monday Club Claverdon Parish Council Claverdon Quilters Claverdon Rugby Club Claverdon Min. & Junior Rugby Claverdon School Claverdon Tennis Club Claverdon Toddler Group Conservative Association THE SUNDAY CLUB Stratford District Council Three Parishes’ Church Library WAP! (Youth Club) Warwickshire County Council Women’s Institute 46 01926 842387 01926 842365 01926 843353 01926 842068 It‘s some years since we had a dog, but many locals will remember our ‗rescue‘ dog, Jack – a ‗mess‘ some people would have said…with his ‗Borzoi‘ snout and legs, floppy Collie ears and tail, and his shaggy black, tan and white coat! He loved his walks through sheep-filled fields – off his lead and to heel, trained to ignore sheep but keenly interested in all the activity around him. One favourite path was across the fields beyond Breach Lane, along the minor ‗ridge‘ where on a clear day the tower of Preston Bagot Church could be seen, just visible through the trees. And that always brought back memories of our youngest son‘s wedding there in 1989 (one of two sunny days that year!) Years before that we‘d known Fred and Cicely Timms, when he was verger of Preston Bagot Church, cheerfully tolling the welcoming bell before services, always smiling, but happy to hand over the bell rope if someone offered to take over. As a couple they always supported fund-raising efforts for the ‗new‘ Church Centre, joining in with great gusto. Jeanne and John Carslake, parents of present Preston Bagot churchwarden, Hugh, enthusiastically helped by providing a venue for the travelling supper (it used to be considered a wonderful home to visit, with candlelit ‗silver‘ service in the splendid dining room of The Old Rectory). In those days there would be evening prayer every month in the little church on the hill, and in the summer the congregation would sit in the choir stalls with the side door open to allow the congregation to enjoy that fabulous view – all the way across the fields to Claverdon! Of course St Michael & All Angels has been our ‗home‘ church for more than forty years, and we love being part of it – but it‘s been good to have a choice of services and we‘re always made so welcome when we ‗visit‘ Preston Bagot. In recent years too it‘s been a pleasure to go to Wootton Wawen Church, particularly for the Celtic Services (the offshoot of one of those enjoyable and stimulating parish week-ends, the last one this year at Canterbury with friends from Claverdon, Preston Bagot and Wootton Wawen). So now we enter an exciting new chapter of life in our parishes – waiting for the appointment of our new Vicar, and looking forward to the unknown challenges that are in store for us all, but sure that together we can see that ‗God is working his purpose out‘ in the three villages. Tricia and David Hardy 3 11.00am Holy Communion CW Claverdon 11.00am Morning Prayer CW Wootton Wawen 3.00pm Baptism 6.30pm Evening Prayer BCP Claverdon th Sunday, 30 January (Fourth Sunday of Epiphany) 11.00am Joint Holy Communion 6.30pm Healing Service BCP Preston Bagot - Church Centre - Wootton Wawen 9.30am Morning Prayer CW Preston Bagot 9.30am Family Service/Christingle - Wootton Wawen 11.00am Family Service - Claverdon 4 27th February Claverdon 8.00am 20 February BCP th Holy Communion th 8.00am 13th February Sunday, 6 February (Fifth Sunday before Lent) 6 February th DATE Celtic Service TIME Wednesday, 2 February 2011 7.30pm Penny Tubbs Jill Forsythe Jennie Madden Christopher Rowe Wilf Harrison Jenny Farrell FLOWERS & BRASS Joyce Whitehouse George Cooper CLEANING Service Leader George Cooper nd Sheila Goudge Preston Bagot CLEANING BCP Mary Herbert Holy Communion Christopher & Geraldine Rowe 9.30am 27th February Wootton Wawen Margaret Duke CW Hugh Carslake Holy Communion - 8.00am Wilf Harrison Sunday, 23 January (Third Sunday of Epiphany) 20th February Claverdon 13th February - rd SECOND READING Third Sunday Service (Church Centre) Terry Connolly 11.00am FIRST READING Wootton Wawen Jane Connolly CW Joy Cater Holy Communion 6th February 11.00am PRESTON BAGOT (all at 9.30am) Preston Bagot SIDESPERSON BCP - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - Claverdon - BCP Jenny Hinson Holy Communion CLAVERDON Sunday, 16 January (2 Sunday of Epiphany) 8.00am 27th February Wootton Wawen nd 20th February CW th Gina Graham & Geraldine Taylor Morning Prayer - 11.00am - Claverdon Sylvia Knightbridge CW 13th February Holy Communion 6th February 11.00am BRASSES Preston Bagot Memorial Window BCP Altar Holy Communion FLOWERS, BRASSES AND CHURCH CLEANING 9.30am FLOWERS Wootton Wawen Joy Cater CW Karen Baker Holy Communion Reg Lilly 8.00am FIRST READING Sunday 9 January (Baptism of Christ) 6.30pm Claverdon Julia Seymour-Smith; David Hardy, Richard Anderson th Tony Archer; Bev Beaumont; Jenny Wilcox Family 11.00am 11.00am 11.00am Wootton Wawen Brian Ollis - Pat Farmer Family Service Norrie Moore 9.30am Annie and Ian Willis, Pat Farmer Jeanne Dorsett; Pat Humphreys Preston Bagot 11.00am CW Clive Gummow Morning Prayer David Major 9.30am George Cooper; Chris Thompson; Chris Lawson Claverdon Reg Lilly; Norrie Moore BCP 11.00am Holy Communion 8.00am 8.00am SECOND READING Sunday, 2nd January (Epiphany) Roderick Boswell Rotas - FEBRUARY 2011 CHURCH SERVICES - JANUARY/February 2011 SIDESPERSON 45 44 CLEANING 30th January Norrie Moore Wilf Harrison Margaret Duke Jane Connolly FIRST READING Jean Tarmey and Helen Haighton - - Christopher Rowe Mary Herbert Hugh Carslake Terry Connolly SECOND READING PRESTON BAGOT (all at 9.30am) - - - Rosemary Major BRASSES Joint Service of Holy Communion at Preston Bagot Christopher & Geraldine Rowe 23rd January Wilf Harrison 16th January 9th January Joy Cater SIDESPERSON Rosemary Holding - - - - Memorial Window FLOWERS CLEANING Service Leader Tricia Hardy Vera Heyes John Knightbridge - Heather Howell SECOND READING Mary Jean Onslow Mary Jean Onslow Mary Jean Onslow Mary Jean Onslow FLOWERS & BRASS Rosemary Holding George Cooper Gina Graham & Geraldine Taylor Rosemary Holding David Hardy Geoff Heyes Sarah Breen - David Howell FIRST READING FLOWERS, BRASSES AND CHURCH CLEANING Joint Service of Holy Communion at Preston Bagot Reg Lilly Julia Seymour-Smith; David Hardy; Richard Anderson Tony Archer, Bev Beaumont, Jenny Wilcox Annie and Ian Willis, Meryl Hopkins Jeanne Dorsett; Pat Humphreys George Cooper; Chris Thompson; Chris Lawson Mavis Bara - CLAVERDON SIDESPERSON Reg Lilly; Norrie Moore Pat Burgoyne Altar 11.00am 6.30pm 11.00am 11.00am 8.00am 11.00am 11.00am 8.00am TIME 2nd January 30th January 23rd January 16th January 9th January 2nd January 30th January 23rd January 16th January 9th January 2nd January DATE Rotas - January 2010 CHURCH SERVICES - February 2011 Sunday, 13th February (Fourth Sunday before Lent) 8.00am Holy Communion CW Wootton Wawen 11.00am Holy Communion BCP Preston Bagot 11.00am Holy Communion CW Claverdon 11.00am Morning Prayer th CW Wootton Wawen 8.00am Holy Communion Sunday 20 February (Third Sunday before Lent) BCP Claverdon 9.30am Morning Prayer BCP Preston Bagot 11.00am Holy Communion CW Wootton Wawen 11.00am Third Sunday Service (Church Centre) th 2nd January th 9 January 16 January th 6 February th 13 February 20th February 27th February Claverdon Sunday, 27 February (Second Sunday before Lent) 8.00am Holy Communion CW Wootton Wawen 9.30am Holy Communion BCP Preston Bagot 11.00am Holy Communion with Baptism CW Claverdon 11.00am Morning Prayer CW Wootton Wawen 6.30pm Evening Prayer Claverdon BIBLE READINGS FOR JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 Bible Readings for all Sunday morning services Ephesians 3: 1-12 Matthew 2: 1-12 Acts 10: 34-43 Matthew 3: 13-17 th 1 Corinthians 1: 1-9 John 1: 29-42 rd 23 January 1 Corinthians 1: 10-18 Matthew 4: 12-23 30th January 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31 John 2: 1-11 1 Corinthians 2: 1-12 Matthew 5: 13-20 1 Corinthians 3: 1-9 1 Corinthians 3: 10-11; 16-23 Romans 8: 18-25 Matthew 5: 21-37 Matthew 5: 38-48 Matthew 6: 25-34 5 DIARY - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011 Date 4th January 10th January 13th January 14th January 17th January 18th January 20th January (and weekly thereafter) 22nd January 31st January 1st February 6th February 11th February 14th February 14th February 15th February 22nd February 28th February Event Claverdon W.I. (see page 34) Claverdon Parish Council meeting (see page 43) Alpha Introductory Supper (see page 25) Noah‘s Story Box (see page 6) Claverdon Monday Club (see page 30) Claverdon Gardening Group (see page 37) Alpha (see page 25) Community Shop ―Great British Quiz‖ (see page 38) Claverdon Monday Club (see page 30) Claverdon W.I. Meeting (see page 34) Breakfast Club (see page 12) Noah‘s Story Box (see page 6) Claverdon Monday Club (see page 30) Claverdon Parish Council meeting (see page 43) Claverdon Gardening Group (see page 37( Claverdon Patients Participation Group AGM (see page 37) Claverdon Monday Club (see page 30) Pre-school children and their carers are warmly invited to ………….. at Claverdon Church Centre on the second Friday in the month at 2.00 pm Join us for children‘s songs, a story and prayers with an activity for the children followed by drinks and biscuits – tea & coffee and time for a chat for the grownups! Next event Friday 14 January Other dates this term: 11 February, 11 March Special Good Friday Easter Workshop on 22 April: please give Gill a ring for more details For further information contact GILL EVANS (01926 842690/843234) 6 CLAVERDON PARISH COUNCIL By the time you read this the festive season will be over and I trust your resolutions will now be taking place. This year could be an interesting one with respect to local government and the role of the Parish Councils. We are already part of the government‘s big society as voluntary organisations provide activities for a range of interests and ages within our village. The Parish Council have a concern that the number of people in the parish is reducing and the population ageing. We must therefore plan for the future. We will prepare a questionnaire in respect to our housing and other needs early in the New Year. Kindly assist in completing the questionnaire with your views. We will then be able to update the village plan. With regard to planning matters we are awaiting the decision on the Heart of England Farms application. The application for a house at Longwood in Church Road has been withdrawn. The application for offices at Claverdon Hall Farm was refused by Stratford District Council although we asked, with the agreement of the applicant, that this matter be deferred for amendments to be considered. This is a conspicuous site at the entrance to the village and we consider that the design of any development should enhance the entrance to the village from the north east. Details of all planning applications and responses can be found on Stratford upon Avon‘s web site. Richard Hobbs has agreed to make an application for funding the scheme to improve the safety for pedestrians in particular young children on The Green and Lye Green Road. We have been advised that to assist in obtaining this project a contribution from our funds would be appropriate. Regarding funds we will not be restricted to a cap on our precept and will be able to assist with the cost of the works if you agree. The full meeting minutes, and more, can be found on the web at and typing Claverdon, and also at the Post Office, the Church Centre and the Community Shop. Please note the next meetings is on Monday 10 January @ 7.30 pm in the Church Centre. Please attend and have your say. Best wishes for 2011 Alan Latter, Chairman 43 RCM Roofing & Building Ltd The Sunday Club Registered Office: Oak Cottage, 204 Alcester Road Hollywood Nr. Birmingham B47 5HQ Scramblers: Age 3 to Year R Climbers: Years 1 to 2 Explorers: Years 3 to 6 TMB: Years 7 upwards Telephone: 0121 247 0425 Fax: 0121 247 0425 email: Web Site: NEW & TRADITIONAL ROOFS COUNCIL GRANT STRIP RETILING, SLATE APPROVED FLAT FELT ROOFING REROOFING SPECIALISTS COTTAGES ETC. INSURANCE WORK WELCOME NAVIGATION GARAGE (E.L. Baughan Limited) Stratford Road, Wootton Wawen Servicing carried out to all makes of cars M.O.T. Testing Oils and Petrol Tyres and Accessories Wheel Balancing Car Sales Electronic Engine Testing Telephone 01564 792629 42 The Sunday Club meets together every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday of the month during term time. It runs from 11am to 12 noon in Claverdon Church Centre. On a 3rd Sunday the children join the Church Service to begin with. We have fun, games, look into the Bible, arts, crafts and friendship. We try to think of others and support those in need. All children and young adults are welcome. Just turn up at the Church Centre at 11am. Family Services Family services are designed to accommodate all ages. They are held on the 1st (11am in Claverdon Church) and 3rd (11am Claverdon Church Centre) Sundays of the month Church Crèche 0845 006 1277 07761 077167 Kyle Boyce Former B.T. Engineer 26 years’ service There are crèche facilities in Claverdon Church tower which are manned on a first Sunday and available for use during services on other Sundays Children are always encouraged at worship and parents should feel free to walk around RESIDENTIAL ENGINEER INTERNAL FAULTS Every 2nd Friday of the Month Year 7 upwards 7.30pm - 9.30pm Claverdon Church Centre ADSL ACTIVATION FAULTS £3.00 per person per night ADDITIONAL SOCKETS FOR PHONES, SKY +, BROADBAND ETC. Contact: Natasha Butler 01926 840013 QUALITY AT NO EXTRA COST IT’S YOUR CALL. 7 ENTERPRIZE PLANT HIRE Excavator Hire & Groundworks Specialist MINI-DIGGER SELF-DRIVE HIRE (WILL GO THROUGH DOORWAY) LARGE EXCAVATORS (WITH OPERATIVES) ALL TYPES OF GROUNDWORKS CARRIED OUT CLAVERDON CHURCH CENTRE Superb Facilities For Business, Educational and Social Activities Parking for 50 cars For further information, contact Mrs Gill Evans at the Parish Office Tel: 01926 843234/842690 Stepping Stones Pre-School SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATIONS - SEWER PIPES Pre-school skills developed through free play and structured activities Qualified staff Established reputation Modern facilities Links with local schools · · · · DITCH CLEARING— LAND DRAINAGE SPECIALIST LAND CLEARANCE POND EXCAVATION ETC. Safe and stimulating environment Parental involvement Equal Opportunities Lunch Club available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays If you need earth moving, just ring Steve for free advice and quote Tel: 01926 484653 Mobile 07860 200488 Open Monday—Friday, 9.15am—12.15pm Claverdon Church Centre, Church Road, Claverdon Call 01926 843353 for a chat or to arrange an informal guided tour and see what Stepping Stones Pre-School can offer your child 8 41 HEL’S KITCHEN From the parish registers Baked Eggs with Smoked Salmon Fillets I chose this recipe as I thought you might appreciate a lighter meal, following the festive season. Serves 8 (as a starter, or light lunch) The funeral of Alan Clark of Preston Bagot was conducted by Revd. Paul Hunt at Claverdon, followed by burial at All Saints Church, Preston Bagot. FLOODLIGHTING Claverdon Church was floodlit on Wednesday, 8th December in loving memory of Anne Hooper, from Karen, Kerry, Juliette and Natasha. Monday, 13th December in memory of Gina Graham‘s mother , Robina Scorgie of Aberdeen, who would have been 96 years old. Monday, 20th December, in memory of the Heather Howell‘s mother, Edith Spink, who would have been 100 years old. Ingredients 1 kg (2lb 4oz) spinach, washed and destalked. 60gms (2oz) butter 450ml (16floz) Elmlea single cream 800gms (1lb 12ozs) smoked salmon fillets, broken into chunks. 8 medium free range eggs 2 tblsp dill (chopped) Method Put the spinach in a dry saucepan and cook gently, stirring frequently, for about five minutes, until it has wilted. Drain off any water, and using a colander squeeze out any remaining water, before chopping roughly. Then season and sauté gently in half the butter. Put to one side, to cool, then mix a little of the cream with the spinach and divide between the eight small gratin dishes. Place the salmon on the top and drizzle most of the cream over, saving some of the cream. Make a space in the centre of each dish and drop an egg into each. Then drizzle the remaining cream over the eggs, and top with a knob of butter, followed by some dill and salt and pepper. Place into a preheated oven 180C/350F Gas mark 4, and cook for approximately 10 minutes, or until the egg whites are set and the yolks are runny. Serve immediately. Helen Archer A nursery school teacher was teaching her class about living in a democracy. She said: ―One of the things we should be happy about is that, in this country, we are all free‖. One little boy stood up in protest. ―No‖, he cried indignantly. ―I‘m not free. I‘m FOUR‖ 40 Deaths 21st December LENT COURSES A number of House Groups will be running Lent Courses during March and April 2011. There will be courses at Wootton Wawen on a Monday afternoon and Wednesday evening and there will also be courses at Claverdon on a Tuesday and Thursday evening. A course for Ladies will be taking place on a Friday lunchtime, starting on 4th March If anyone would like to join a group for one of these courses, please contact Gill in the Parish Office for further details. MULLERS HOMES/CHRISTINGLE SERVICE A tremendous thank you to all who came to the Christingle service, and especially to the children who gave toys and gifts to be distributed by Mullers Homes in Bristol. Their work reaches out into local communities, through church partnerships, to children, families and young people, especially the most needy. Each toy or gift will be matched to the needs of an individual, wrapped and named. For some it may be the only gift they receive. The staff at Mullers were particularly thrilled by the quality of your gifts this year so thank you for the care you took to find the right present to give. The collection total was £547.89 which included an anonymous donation. This was considerably more than last year and I am extremely grateful for your generosity in these difficult financial times. Blessings to you all. Sue Hollingsworth 9 Want to get Fit and Look Better in 2011? L. BROOKE JOYNSON Cabinet Maker and Joiner All aspects of woodworking undertaken KITCHENS AND FURNITURE JOINERY ANTIQUES ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS BUILDING GARDEN REMOVALS Designed, Made and Installed Doors, Windows 1st and 2nd Fix Restored Bought and sold General, Small Extensions and Roof Work Fence Erection, Scrub Removal and Chainsaw Work Van and Trailer Available – 3 ton max. For further information and advice please phone for a free quotation One to one Personal Training tailored to your Needs Luxury Private Gym including PowerPlate, Life Fitness equipment and GTS (Gravity Training System) Pilates, Boxercise and Power Plate sessions also available £30 per hour or 6 lessons for the price of 4 C Pullin & Son 01926 843552 19A HIGH STREET LEAMINGTON SPA CV31 3AW TELEPHONE: 01926 426435 MONUMENTAL MASONS FIVE GENERATIONS OF QUALITY MANUFACTURING AND SERVICE ALL ASPECTS OF MONUMENTAL MASONRY SHOWROOM AT: Memorial Craftsmen 10 01926 842547 07909 901989 Architectural Masons 39 CLAVERDON COMMUNITY SHOP FOR THE YOUNGSTERS Firstly, from everyone involved in our Community Shop, we send our very best wishes for a very happy New Year to you all. As I write this, I have done my official training and was considered a suitably fit person and have now got my personal alcohol licence. We are now eagerly waiting to hear if our application for a Premises (shop) Licence has been successful to permit the sale of wine. The Black Country night was a great success, with everyone enjoying a wonderful evening (except, possibly, the unfortunate guest who was mercilessly the target for the comedian but who still came up laughing). A great many thanks are due to everyone who worked so hard to make it such a success and to all our guests for their support. The next event for your diary is the ever popular Great British Quiz Night which takes place on the 22nd January, in the Dorothea Mitchell Hall, so start recruiting your teams now as tickets will be on sale soon. The Coffee Corner is now, finally, in trouble-free (well, relatively) operation and people are already starting to make use of it. Including one magazine editor at around 7.45am one cold morning. You can now enjoy a complimentary biscuit (no less) with your coffee in our Coffee Corner, and browse through a magazine, especially if you need to wait at the Surgery for a prescription. What better way to while away a few moments than with a coffee, magazine and our staff to entertain you. And finally, with winter far from over, and having suffered a real Siberian spell, we now have the means to help keep you warm and cosy, Aahh!! Happy New Year Barry Cleverdon (Yes, Barry is quite right, I did drop in for coffee. It’s obviously the season for your editor to be totally and utterly humiliated. I got my schedule all wrong one morning, and would have had to wait for half an hour or so in the bitter cold had it not been for the warm welcome - and the coffee - on offer at the Shop - Ed) I would like to start by wishing you all a Happy New Year and I hope you all had a very good Christmas. I would also like to thank everyone for giving Alice, my fiancée, and me a big welcome and making us both feel so at home here in Claverdon. It has been an amazing couple of months working here, seeing God‘s hand at work in Claverdon and with the talks that I have had with the young people at Henley High School. It is so amazing to see the young people so very open to faith and to God; it is a joy to teach and to show the love of Jesus Christ to the young people in Claverdon and in Henley High School. In Henley High School the Christian Union is now up and running. I am running Henley Christian Union with Bethan, [Studley youth worker] and I am helping her with Studley High School‘s Christian Union. This means we have a male and female presence in the class room. We are getting a good half a dozen to the Christian Union in both schools, so that is very good. I would like to ask for your continued prayers for the Christian Union which meets at Henley High School onThursdays at lunch time. So what do we do at the Christian Union? Well, we meet in one of the class rooms, where we have some biscuits to help with the conversations. We start with a talk about how the week has been, and then have a game with a theme from the Bible. The same is for Studley too. In the New Year I will be looking at setting up a ‗cell group‘ here in Claverdon. This is as requested by a group of girls in Claverdon youth club. I am looking at meeting in the church and calling the cell group ‗Thoughts‘. The plan is to start off with some games, then some time when the young people can come and ask any questions they want on faith and then to have some Bible study. My plan is that we will start on Wednesday 2nd February at about 7.30, so again I ask you all for your prayers for these young people to come to know Jesus. God Bless you all and happy New Year, David Benskin THE HENLEY & BEAUDESERT SOCIETY THE BREAKFAST CLUB Year 6 upwards Our next meeting is on Thursday, 20th January in the Baptist Church Hall at 8.00pm when Roger Cragg will give a talk on ―Historic Civil Engineering in Warwickshire‖. Visitors and new members are very welcome. Further details from Pat Kench on 01564 795419 38 Are you looking for an answer? Have you got a question? Join us in the Church Centre for breakfast, prayer and chat Open to all, To find out more, phone Tash (01926 840013) or David (01926 843399) Sundays, 6th February; 6th March; 3rd April 9.45am – 10.45am Oh how I understand this…… Looking over the log book kept by computer support staff at the office, I noticed several entries stating ―PICNIC‖, so I asked what it meant. ―Problem In Chair, Not In Computer‖……. 11 SAFETY FIRST (AND FOREMOST!) CLAVERDON SCHOOL, AND LANGLEY ROAD A number of residents in recent weeks have mentioned to me both the speed of cars driving along Church Road and Langley Road at School drop-off and pick-up times, along with the way in which cars have been parking along Langley Road. With the added ice and snow we have had recently, this culminated in a car crash on Tuesday, 30th November, where a four-wheel drive car skidded into a parked car on Langley Road; fortunately no one was injured. Can we please ask that drivers take extra care in hazardous driving conditions and especially at School pick-up and drop-off times and adhere to the voluntary one-way system in place at these times. Please park considerately, not blocking residents‘ drives or parking on junctions and blind bends. Please remember the zigzags outside the School are there to provide a safe environment for all of us; please do not park on them. It is much better to arrive safely and a little later. One accident is one too many. Paul Johnson, Claverdon Parish Council. CLAVERDON Surgery PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP Annual general meeting Forthcoming member meetings in 2011 include:18th January Andy Penrik - ‖Sowing, Growing and Showing!‖ as well as sales of plants. 15th February Derek Walton - ―Wild about the Garden‖ 15th March Annual General Meeting following by a Quiz with prizes for the best and worst teams! If you wish to join this friendly group, attend or participate in any events, please contact Trish Grant on 01926 843143 Les Edwards And because this magazine is also for February….. The legend of the first Valentine card This Group is represented by members of the Practice and volunteers from the community and its purpose is to liaise between people using the practice and the Surgery, and to improve facilities for everyone attending the Surgery. A newsletter is published with news and views and is available from the Surgery. The AGM is to be held at the Surgery on 22nd February 2011 at 7.00pm. EVERYONE will be welcome to attend, so put this date in your diaries and support the Group‘s work. The Group is still seeking books to go into the Surgery to while away waiting time and raise funds for the Group, so if you wish to clear out a few books, bring them along to the Surgery! 12 At December‘s meeting of Claverdon Gardening Group, Valerie Edmonds gave a talk and demonstration on ―The Use of Winter Foliage for Christmas Decorations”. To keep the Christmas theme going, mince pies and mulled wine were provided as well as a sales table and prize raffle, which included Valerie‘s creations. The Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers. He suspected that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars, so he outlawed marriage. A kind-hearted young priest named Valentine felt sorry for all the couples who wanted to marry but couldn‘t. So secretly he married as many couples as he could—until the Emperor found out and condemned him to death. While he was in prison awaiting execution, Valentine showed love and compassion to everyone around him, including his jailer. The jailer had a young daughter who was blind, but through Valentine‘s prayers, she was healed. Just before his death in Rome on 14th February, he wrote her a farewell message signed ―from your Valentine‖. So the very first Valentine card was not between lovers, but between a priest about to die and a little girl, healed through his prayers. 37 ART CLASSES Daytime & Evening Classes at Norton Lindsey Village Hall. Complete beginners welcome Jan Freeman FURTHER MOORS CATTERY Snitterfield Lane, Norton Lindsey The cattery which has been established for over 20 years Where your cat has every comfort and is individually cared for by: CMC PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL LTD Emergency Call out Bathrooms (Including Tiling), etc. Part P Registered for domestic Electrical work Consumer unit, Sockets, lighting etc. Inspection Test / Certification of Electrical Installations Arthur’s Taxi Licensed Hackney Carriage Any Distance Room Service at the Sound of a Bark! Ann Rawlinson:01926 842362 Boarding Kennels & Cattery Est 2003 for Local, Reliable, Quality work Proprietor A.H. Guest Claverdon 842910 B. PORTMAN Call Chris Chadaway 01564 793371 07870 829022 Internal and External Decorations General Repairs MRS ESTELLE JOYNSON 3 Grange Cottages, Preston Bagot Tel: 01926 842580 Tel: Henley-in-Arden (01564)793335 Traditional Carpets Ltd 44 Warstock Road, Kings Heath, B14 4ST Telephone 0121 436 6900 Quality - Experience - Expertise - available locally Quality Carpets - All leading Brands (Brintons, Axminster, Ryalux etc.) Large carpet showroom, home samples Amtico Flooring - in-store displays Wood Floors - engineered and solid wood Free Quotations, expert fitters, full service (We move furniture, remove old carpets, trim doors and tidy up!) Call Nigel Alley 07720 469184 or 0121 436 6900 A.L. SERVICES (MOBILE LOCKSMITHS) is a subsidiary of Traditional Carpets Limited 36 13 CLAVERDON MAINTENANCE SERVICES Property maintenance and home improvements undertaken: Quotations or Advice ALAN D. HANKS 01926 842602 Furry Friends Retreat Curtains and Soft Furnishings Going on holiday? Let me look after your animals, worry and hassle free, anything from hamsters to horses. Trustworthy and reliable service. Made to Order by The Window Dresser Call Phone Alison 01926 842672 or 07976 165085 Liz 01926 484682 ROLAND KAY WINES Free wine tastings Eyelet Headings available for New or Re-Vamped Curtains at the Claverdon Church Centre, in May and November 2011. About 30 wines available to taste (minimum order 12 bottle mixed case – delivery free). To receive your invitation, call 0121 440 7755 or email Roman Blinds, Pinch/Triple Pleat Headings, Eyelet Headings, Interlined Curtains, Pelmets, Swags and Tails, Curtain Alterations and Cushions Unit 7, The Mill, Mill Lane, Little Shrewley, Warwick 14 35 CLAVERDON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE At the December meeting, three new members joined: Pat Burgoyne; Tricia Hardy and Pearl Tustin - a warm welcome to all three. Thank you to organist Eddie Dinshaw for leading the Christmas Carol sing-along and to Father Christmas for handing out gifts to all the ―good girls‖. The festivities continued the following day when we had our Christmas lunch at Ingon Manor. Many thanks to Jean Broadbridge and Carol Mitchell for all the arrangements. The first W.I. meeting in 2011 is at the Dorothea Mitchell Hall on Tuesday, 4th January, from 1.00pm - 4.00pm. The theme is ―Getting to Know You‖ so if you would like to ―get to know‖ Claverdon W.I., please contact Claverdon W.I. Secretary, Carol Mitchell, on 01926 842685 or just come along. Hope to see you all in 2011 - my last year as President! Kath Kaveney Claverdon WI President COMMUNITY OIL PURCHASING I seem to recall, quite a long time ago, Nigel Goodrich tried (or maybe he did!) to set up a community heating oil purchase scheme to enable those who are use oil fired central heating to purchase it a little cheaper. It never occurred to me, until recently, to try to take advantage of this kind of arrangement. That is, until I needed to replace my oil tank with a modern one, and restock the tank with heating oil. I was very lucky – the servicing engineers who look after my boiler (Knight Errant) were able to help and then they pointed me in the direction of an oil buying consortium. It turned out to be a bit more than just cheaper oil (and we could all do with that, especially after the recent prolonged spell of sub-zero temperatures). So can I share it with you all? It‘s not just cheaper oil, it‘s a way of actually helping your community as well. Rix Petroleum reckon that a Local Fuel Community has several benefits – cheaper prices as you benefit from bulk purchasing; a cash contribution towards your chosen local cause (the Community Shop? the Church? the School for example?) based on litres of fuel supplied; reduced HGV movement in the villages; a reduced carbon footprint; everyone gets the same price (without having to ring around to find the cheapest) and the supplier will call you 4-5 times a year with no contract or obligation to purchase at any time. Paul Doherty of Rix tells me that members of a Local Fuel Community also get the chance for discounted boiler maintenance. It‘s easy, (it has to be for me to be able to deal with it) and they have made it very easy indeed as they do all the organising. I thought I would pass this on to you all as I am now a member of a fuel community; it‘s up to you. Telephone 01926 614001/01675 437557 or email Pastoral Care The Pastoral Team meets regularly to offer prayers and support for those who are sick, bereaved or in any kind of need. If you know of someone in the community who is unwell, lonely or in need, who would like to be included in our prayers, please contact us. Home visits can be arranged for the sick or housebound and all prayer requests are treated in strictest confidence. Pastoral Team: Tricia Hardy, Chris Lawson, Rosemary Major, Gill Evans, Anne Perrin, Sheila Brown, Julia Seymour-Smith and Joy Cater. Contact Gill Evans at the Parish Office (01926 843234 or 01926 842690). Do you have new neighbours? Believe it or not, sometimes it‘s possible to move into the village (or its environs) without anyone knowing! So that no-one feels left out, please give Tricia Hardy a call on 01926 842351 and she will be pleased to arrange delivery of a ―Welcome to Claverdon‖ pack, then the new Claverdonians will know all about the activities of this lively community! THE SUNDAY CLUB LIBRARY As promised we at last have a bookcase of children‘s books that have been catalogued and are available for the children to take home. It is housed in Claverdon Church Centre and will be brought out on a Sunday morning, with a small notebook for you to write down the catalogue numbers of your chosen books. Just remind the Sunday Club leaders if they forget. First to get there can take out The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, perhaps the best of C.S. Lewis‘s Narnia books, as a follow up to the film out late last year. THE THREE PARISHES’ CHURCH LIBRARY Why not discover the library and get a book out for the New Year? The Three Parishes‘ Church Library is a great resource with some wonderful books. It includes wide-ranging topics from answers to life‘s questions to relationships, sickness and healing, meditation and prayer, Christian growth and bible studies. It‘s just too good to not look into – just remind someone to open it up after a service! The library is housed in Claverdon Church in the cupboards at the back on the right of the bell tower and books can be borrowed when the church is open by signing the record book. For further information phone Julia Seymour Smith (01789 731778) or Mandy Dowson (01926 843612). Got a reason to celebrate? THEN CELEBRATE WITH LIGHT! Did you know that special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays or any other event can be marked by floodlighting Claverdon Church? And you can have the occasion mentioned in the Parish Magazine by providing details (keep it BRIEF, please - about 12 words). The cost is £5 per night with proceeds going towards the upkeep of the floodlights. To book contact David and Heather Howell, on 01926 843201, ―Catchama Croft‖, 28 Station Road, Hatton. Norrie 34 15 STEPH AND GEOFF Neighbourhood Watch CAW (Church and World) gave a donation to Leamington Christian Mission of £200, but wanted to give something tangible, rather than just money. So Penny (Hanson) asked me to source something which they really needed at this present time. Given the current weather conditions, we need blankets, sleeping bags and tents to keep people from freezing to death and so I researched sleeping bags. After many telephone calls, found by trawling the internet, I stumbled upon a caravan supply company in Great Malvern that had suitable grade sleeping bags on sale for £7.99 each. So I phoned them to see if we could get a better deal than 25 for our £200. Lee at ―Caravan Stuff 4 U‖ ended up giving us 40 for our money and they were duly collected and delivered to LCM the same day and are now being issued to those sleeping rough who need them. Steph and Geoff pass on a huge thanks on behalf of those who are sleeping rough for all the support that they receive from CAW. Martin Pleasance Steph and Geoff taking delivery of the boxes of sleeping bags THE SEARCH goeS ON ... SELECTION OF NEW VICAR As we go to press, interviews have taken place and the next stages of the selection process continue. By the time of the next magazine, we should know the outcome! Jonathan Evans A dozen co-ordinators plus three visitors and three Police representatives got together at December‘s meeting of Claverdon Area Neighbourhood Watch at the Dorothea Mitchell Hall. Sally Rolfe from Warwickshire Road Safety started proceeding by giving a presentation on her unit‘s responsible areas, including the CSW (Community Speed Watch) initiative. This initiative aims to reduce speeding drivers by the following Police actions: providing a laser speed gun and high visibility jackets for community volunteers plus warning signs (that go at each end of the speed check area) training community volunteers to use the speed gun to monitor vehicle speeds in agreed speed check areas and times receiving details of speeding vehicles from the Area Coordinator – Les Edwards issuing letters to owners of cars logged warning them of their recorded speed. actively following up owners of cars caught repeatedly speeding. A minimum of six volunteers are needed to get a CSW initiative started but the more volunteers we have, the less pressure there is on individuals. Training could take place at the DM Hall or a local Police station. Volunteers will be covered by Police insurance and will generally work in pairs - one using the laser while the other is recording the registration plate details and speed. There is a high demand for the equipment but if we can get enough volunteers we should be able to get equipment for a short period in the early part of the New Year. We just need a few more volunteers to be able to run the scheme in Claverdon so please let me know if you‘d like to help. As it was the last meeting before Christmas, mince pies and mulled wine (plus fruit juice and water!) were provided and enjoyed. Tristan Jelfs and David Martin then updated us on incidents around the area and I warned attendees of the latest scams that had been brought to my attention. Following the use of ―Slow Down‖ Wheelie stickers in Langley Road, Tristan provided me with a pack that I can give to other householders that wish to register for the scheme. If you want to become a co-ordinator, volunteer for the CSW scheme or just find out more about any of the above topics, please contact me on (01926) 843365. Les Edwards Neighbourhood Watch Beat Chairman 16 33 Ryan L. Bennett PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Local Service - Global Strength FIRST CLASS WORK On site services Hardware and software repairs Software Upgrades, set up and assistance Data back up and offsite storage Broadband, Internet, E-mail set-up Telephone Astwood Bank (01527) 893162 FREE ESTIMATES VISITING QUALIFIED CHIROPODIST Mrs. L. Hemmings M.S.S.Ch., M.B.Ch.A 01926 842617 Hardware upgrades, installation and assistance and support Network installation, set up and support Independent advice For business and home user Tel: 01789 296642 E-mail The Laurels, Pathlow, Stratford upon Avon CV37 0ES T H E OPEN DOOR Fair Trade Shop and Café (sponsored by St Michael’s Church, Budbrooke) Trading hours – Monday to Friday – 9:00am-4:30pm Fair-traded beverages, soft drinks for the youngsters, snacks and light-bites (and some rather nice cake!). It’s a warm and welcoming place to catch up with your friends, with a “children’s corner” to keep the toddlers occupied. Fair-traded goods, cards and a selection of gift ideas including PULA @ THE OPEN DOOR – unique handcrafted gifts and exquisite wall hangings sourced directly from craftsmen and women in Botswana, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Uganda. . Pop in and give us a try! 3 Slade Hill, Hampton Magna Tel 01926 410446 THE WELL CHRISTIAN HEALING CENTRE at the Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa Prayer available every Tuesday afternoon 2.30pm-4.30pm (last appointment 4.00pm) Tuesday evening 8.00pm—9.30pm (last appointment 9.00pm) Wednesday morning 10.00am—12 noon (last appointment 11.30am) No appointment needed - please just come. Contact 01926 888003 Email: 32 17 Geoff’s Handyman Service All property maintenance available including Plumbing Kitchen and Bathroom fitting and alteration Appliances fitted Flat Pack assembly Tiling Carpentry Call Geoff Gee for enquiries and a free quote Claverdon (01926 842620) “…bringing ideas to life, beautifully…” P. JONES WINDOW CLEANER TRADITIONAL & MODERN CLEANING Residential & Commercial undertaken Architecture, interior, transportation, industrial and graphic design CONTACT Carsten 07799263138 18 Quality Taxi Services for all occasions Fully air-conditioned Reaches those inaccessible windows Introducing the latest Reach & Wash ladder free window cleaning, the technology for clean crystal clear windows. Luxury 1 to 8 seaters with luggage capacity All airport and station transfers Local and Long Distance For a free quote call Norton Lindsey 01926 842847 Mobile 07789 128128 Pete on 07914 323686 31 THE PARISH PLAN... WOMENS’ BREAKFAST And why you should take an interest and contribute…… an explanation of forthcoming Government policy by Stratford on Avon District Councillor, John Horner. ADVANCE NOTICE OF our next Breakfast appointment with ―Since my election as District Councillor for Claverdon Ward I have become increasingly concerned about the long term future of the communities in the ward. The green belt, established in 1974and set up to stop urban sprawl creeping out of Birmingham, has had a profound effect. since then housing development has been severely restricted and at the time the effect of the green belt legislation on the villages in that countryside was well thought out. The improvement in people‘s life expectancy, changed relationships and limits on new house development means that the population of the villages is getting older and fewer in number. This means that there is nowhere for young villagers to live if they want to stay in the village. scarcity has pushed up the price of houses on the market to above average income levels. During this process, we have all got older and there are less and less children still living in the village. less than 50% of the children at Claverdon Primary School come from Claverdon ward. Children build their lives in their new locations and rarely move back and so the demand for new local need housing is declining. We are, I fear, in a downward spiral in population terms. This will have a serious impact on services, because the fewer people the fewer the services that are economic. I believe that we need to provide houses that young people can afford to buy. Publicly owned housing does not meet the aspirations of ownership that people must have if we are to succeed economically as a nation. If we accept that new houses are needed to revitalise the village then we must decide where to build them. I favour increased density in the village built up area and in abandoned farm yards rather than in green fields. We have a huge opportunity to influence development in our area through the local parish plan and I hope everyone will contribute their views to the parish council. The recently published localisation bill looks as if it could dramatically benefit all the parishes in the ward as we are lucky in having all four of our parishes managed by highly competent parish councils. Proposals like the "community right to buy" will give parish councils legal rights to name assets like shops, pubs, libraries and leisure centres on a council "most wanted list" - if it is put up for sale, local people will be given time to prepare a business plan and raise the funds they need to bid for it. There will also be a "community right to challenge" - giving parish councils the power to challenge and take over a local service. The government says this could include running children's centres, social care services and local transport links. Councils would be obliged to respond to the proposal and if they turn it down, they must publish the reasons. Local communities will also have a greater influence on planning and development in their areas. John Horner” 30 CAMILLA SYMES ―ADVENTURES WITH GOD‖ Camilla is married to Andrew with two children, Robbie 15 and Becca 13. Born in Chile, she became a Christian at school and has been in the field of international development since the late 80s. For 12½ years, she was a mission partner supported by Claverdon Church in South Africa, responding to the effects of the AIDS epidemic. Camilla now lives and works in the UK for World Vision. Don‘t leave getting your tickets until the last moment, make sure you are at Claverdon Church Centre Saturday, 19th March at 8.00am Tickets £10.00 to include full English Breakfast Information/tickets from Gill at the Church Centre. THE WELL CHRISTIAN HEALING CENTRE The Well Christian Healing Centre has three special events coming up; the first two in January and the third in February: ―Listening to God‖ Quiet Day – Thursday 27th January and Saturday 29th January, 10.00am – 4.00pm at Christ Church, Priory Terrace, Leamington Spa. Creating a quiet place where people can encounter the healing power of God, and these Quiet Days enable people to do just that. For those who want to retreat for a few hours; those seeking God‘s healing; and those who want to go deeper in their relationship with Father-God. Booking is essential; £20.00 per person with lunch extra at £5 per person. ―Pathway Through Depression‖ Saturday, 12th February from 10.00am – 4.45pm at Leamington Spa Baptist Church, Chandos Street, Leamington Spa. The day will be led by Revd. Anne Hibbert and Dr Mark Martin, offering a Christian perspective and practical information to facilitate a better understanding of depression and ways in which to deal with it. Booking is essential £25 per person (£20 for students and senior citizens). If you would like to attend these days, telephone 01926 888003 or email or visit their website 19 Christmas fair THE MONDAY CLUB This year‘s Fair proved to be another great success. There were many of the traditional stalls, such as books, cakes and tombola and ,of course, Santa came along to listen to the children‘s requests and, no doubt, tales of good behaviour. It was lovely to have some local groups, such as the WI, Claverdon School and Stepping Stones represented on different stalls. The beautiful Christmas cake, made by Sue Bicknell was won by David Phillips and, for the second year running, Norrie, your VEGETARIAN editor won the turkey! Will you be going for the hat trick next year, Norrie? We were very fortunate to have lovely food to sell, kindly donated by the Red Lion, and provided in very difficult conditions due to them being let down by their supplier. We were delighted with the abundance of plants donated by the Beaumonts. The Community Shop provided a scrumptious hamper for us to raffle. The mulled wine (kindly provided by the Ardencote) went down well, literally! The Handbell Ringers performed to put us all in a Christmassy mood. As always lots of people helped to make the Fair such an enjoyable and successful event. In total, we raised just less than £2000 which was great. So, our thanks go to everyone who helped either on the day or with donations or the preparations. Sue and Karen. At our 15 November meeting, Bingo was the name of the game when we enjoyed a not-too-serious session hosted by May and Jim Thomson. Our meeting had a ―full house‖ and it was definitely ―eyes down‖ as we intently studied our cards! Lucky winners could choose from a selection of prizes including a Dundee cake, wine and baskets of colourful cyclamen. A grey 29th November day was brightened as we retraced John Wilson‘s journey across India‘s ―Golden Triangle‖ which covers the cities of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. With his collection of travel slides and information, yet relaxed style of narrative, John is a frequent guest at the Monday Club and we are always assured of an absorbing afternoon‘s ―viewing‖. His close-ups of native villagers were striking, picturing young women in colourful saris and exotic jewellery and men with strong, weathered features beneath colourful and often complicated turbans. The differing styles of these indicate the area where the wearer is from and some of the turbans are so long that, when unwound, they will double as a sleeping blanket if necessary. On the downside, we saw thought-provoking images of a shanty town set alongside a modern building development, where the children beg, not for sweets or money, but for Biro-type pens. John‘s pictures illustrated how, in this land of extremes, it’s possible to order new dentures from a street vendor and to collect them next morning! And it’s equally possible to dine in the regal splendour of an hotel that was formerly a maharajah‘s palace. There were many photographs of impressive buildings. In an ancient temple, an intricately Mogul ceiling, with a frieze of dancing figures, was photographed to best advantage by John whilst lying on his back! His final shots, taken before the throngs of daily visitors arrived, illustrated the pale, pearl-pink of the Taj Mahal at sunrise. Memorable images to take away with us. On 10th December we travelled by coach to Stratford College for our preChristmas lunch in the Academy Restaurant. Students from the Professional Catering Course prepared and served an excellent selection of seasonal fare with traditional accompaniments, all to the usual high standards. A very enjoyable occasion. On 15th December, Gertie Latter, a longstanding and much-loved Monday Club member, celebrated her 99th birthday. Unfortunately, she has been unable to attend recent meetings due to ill health – we miss her and wish her well. Many congratulations, Gertie, on this very special occasion! Dates for your new diary! 17th January A get together for tea, cakes and chat 31st January ―Little known Warwickshire‖ – a talk by Mr Alan Winterburn 14th February John Wilson with a slide show on his visit to central Italy 28th February ―Name that Theme‖ – a music quiz by Alan Luckett Visitors and new members are always welcome. For details, please contact June Hone on 01926 842917 With best wishes for a good New Year to everyone. Hazel Luckett (Thanks, Sue and Karen, for a wonderful Christmas Fair – and no, I won’t be entering the guess the weight of the turkey competition next year, I was absolutely mortified. And the next nearest best -guess owner declined to help me out of my predicament – you know who you are! – Ed) 20 29 Thomas Bragg & Sons Ltd Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors All areas covered, 24 Hours. Private Chapels of Rest. Serving the community for over 140 years Traditional and modern funerals Pre-arranged funeral plans Caring and supportive family culture. Care and value combined in a Quality Service Head Office and Chapels of Rest 562 Stratford Road Shirley, Solihull B90 4AY 0121 744 1428 (Next to Our Lady of the Wayside Church) Knowle Office 1682 High Street Knowle, Solihull B93 0LY 01564 773610 (Opposite Knowle Parish Church) ALL ASPECTS, INTERIOR & EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE Blakes Quality Painting & Decorating STEPHEN BLAKE EVERETT CLAVERDON WARWICKSHIRE Mobile : 07851 868647 Evenings : 01926 842517 Email: Garden Maintenance For all your gardening needs. Turfing Fencing Hedges Lawns Borders Planting Landscaping Contact: Neil Walker 07921 770801 or 01926 842985 28 21 The Surgery Church Road Snitterfield CV37 0LF Tel. 01789 730189 Henley Tyres Ltd Avon Bridgestone Continental Dunlop Firestone Goodyear Hankook Marshal Michelin Nexen Pirelli Yokohama Best prices for all branded & budget tyres Onsite Patient Parking Open Monday- Friday 8.45am- 5.30pm Puncture Proof Tyre Sealant for Ride on mowers, wheelbarrows, quad bikes, mobility scooters The practice offers a full range of dental treatments, including general family care, cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening. Cars, Vans, 4 x 4s Trailers & Caravans ―We have been patients of William Murphy for many years. Four generations of our family now attend the surgery in Snitterfield. We have always been looked after very well.‖ Mr Cleverley, Langley. Tel: 01564 797 533 ―People have complimented me on my teeth. William has looked after our dentistry for 20 years and we have been more than pleased with his care and attention.‖ Mrs Fellows, Claverdon Mayswood Road, Wootton Wawen, Henley in Arden B95 Jim the Joiner J&J WINDOW CLEANING SERVICES 07810 765956 Handyman All aspects of Woodwork Home Office solutions Bespoke Bedroom and Lounge Furniture Flat-Pack Assembly and Fitting Call Jim for a free no-obligation quote Shrewley; Warwick 22 Est.1986 Bespoke Hardwood Orangeries Conservatories Bi-Folding Doors Period Windows Sash Windows Staircases Conservation Building Work Extensions & Renovations Tel: 01926 484494 Mobile: 07738 256185 Tel: 0121 706 0102 E:mail: Website: 12 Starmer Place Hatton Green Warwick PETER HUSSEY Quality Local Carpenter and Joiner (Established 1876) Wide range of work undertaken at competitive prices: Purpose made, non-standard doors, windows etc. Fitted kitchens and bedrooms Shelving, bookcases and units Restoration work (National Trust recognised) Property repairs and maintenance Locks and security locks Tel: Henley-in-Arden 01564 792039 Mobile: 07941 507962 27 CLAVERDON SCHOOL stepping stones pre-school The last two weeks of last term passed very quickly! Our Christmas holidays seemed to start earlier this year. The weeks before Christmas seem to speed up as we had two productions to present. Our youngest children performed the story of ‗The Little Fir Tree‘ The story was about a small tree left alone in the forest after all of the taller trees were cut down and used. Life changed for the little tree when it was used as a Christmas tree and the story of the Nativity unfolded around it. The angels were a surprise act who made us consider stereotypical expectations… definitely angels with attitude! Pupils in years 3 and 4 joined together to perform their ―Countdown to Christmas‖, a variation on the theme of a family Christmas. Once again there were a few surprising scenes and characters revealed as the family Christmas veers away from traditional expectations. A seriously burnt turkey results in the family having their Christmas lunch in a Greek restaurant. You may be surprised to hear that the Christmas story was seamlessly interwoven into the plot! Children and staff worked hard to produce these terrific shows. Parents and families enjoyed seeing the children perform so well. We always make sure that all children are included and, although we know the children well, we are always impressed when children perform beyond our expectations and show previously hidden talents and additional confidence Our Christmas service at church involved our oldest and youngest pupils particularly. Reception children presented a Nativity tableau while Year 6 pupils read the Christmas story. We enjoyed singing few traditional and modern carols during the service. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 performed a carol concert at the Church Centre before returning to school for Christmas lunch. The Spring term brings new challenges as we continue to focus on developing as a learning focused school. We are working hard to improve the quality of learning across the school and striving to ensure all pupils are active learners enjoying lively, exciting learning experiences throughout the school day. Our children are already successful learners and we want to continue to stretch all pupils to achieve their full potential. Kate Gover, Headteacher December was a very busy time for everyone at Stepping Stones, the last couple of weeks before the Christmas holidays began was filled with lots of exciting events. Our local MP Nadhim Zahawi came to visit us. He was Charity Number pleased to see parents and community very involved in the 1040641179 group and recognised it‘s strong links within the village which have remained for forty plus years. We felt both encouraged and supported by his visit. We had a wonderful trip to Umberslade Children‘s Farm where some children dressed up and performed the Nativity in the barn surrounded by animals. On a very chilly frosty morning we visited Claverdon School to watch their infants Christmas production. It was lovely to see former Stepping Stones children perform so confidently and there was also lots of waving by some of our younger children to their older siblings on stage. The children of Stepping Stones performed their own Nativity for a large audience at the Church Centre, and there was also some beautiful singing from the reception class children of Claverdon school who had come to watch our play. Then there was an enjoyable trip to the ice cream shop in Henley, we have our own ‗play‘ ice-cream parlour at Stepping Stones and this was a good opportunity for the children to experience the real thing for themselves as they serve their own ice creams and sprinkles. Our Christmas party was fun and was completed with a visit from Father Christmas bearing gifts for all the children. In January we are also hoping to pay a visit to Hillclose gardens in Warwick for some bird watching – weather permitting! OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD A huge thank you to everyone who took time to pack a Christmas shoebox for this year‘s campaign. We collected OVER 50 BOXES from our School and village community! The gifts left the UK on 2nd December destined for Romania, where I‘m sure they brought some real Christmas cheer to needy children there. Thanks again for your generosity. Jenny Wells 26 Nadhim Zahawi on his visit to Stepping Stones Find us at Claverdon Stepping Stones on Facebook or Rachel Clark Administrator 23 THE MONTHLY HMM... THE ALPHA BLOG Stewards of a Wonderful Creation Each month, there will be a short ―blog‖ by one of the veterans of Alpha to give a flavour of what Alpha is all about. ―I had known about Alpha for many years, wasn't too sure what it was all about until a friend mentioned that they were running a weekly Alpha course at Claverdon. Now I have to be very honest and tell you that I was playing Poker on the evening the course was arranged so I decided to give it a miss. A year later I decided that I would join Alpha, mainly out of curiosity, but the result for me was spiritually fulfilling. I have always believed that there was a man called Jesus who Christians called the Son of God; I wanted to know more about him. Alpha tries to answer any and many questions about Christianity. The evenings were very informative, friendly, not at all preachy, they even provide an evening meal which was always superb so what more can I say other than I enjoyed every evening, met some delightful people who, like me, asked many searching questions about Christianity. For me it has set me walking that path towards being a Christian. It seems like no time since I got back from Madagascar. On one level, it‘s been like stepping from a blast furnace into the deep freeze. Day time temperatures in South East Madagascar were approaching 40 degrees Celsius whilst back here in middle England it‘s been very close to double figures below. I guess what I‘m saying is that it‘s been something of a physical shock – but nothing compared to the emotional shock that seeing the ‗vanilla island‘ in person has given me. I saw so much beauty, so much that was amazing. For example, I heard the Indri deep in their pristine forest homes. The Indri is the largest lemur in the world and its haunting calls echo round the forests for miles. They sound rather like the contact calls of whales as they cruise the oceans. Each time they wail it‘s both a surprise and a shock and somehow they unearth an almost primeval sense of joy and sorrow at the same time. Then again, I had the amazing experience of seeing Madagascar Sandgrouse coming down to drink at a tiny pool in the arid Southwest of the island. A little like a partridge these strong flying birds almost always come down to drink at the same time. Our guide Callen Cohen had us in position right on schedule, but there was nothing to see – not least because it looked as if there was no water left. And then Callen heard them and told us that they were coming. I couldn‘t hear or see a thing until suddenly they were over our heads and landed just a few yards from where the water had been. They made no attempt to come in to drink (even though there was a trickle left) and after a few minutes we thought our presence had spooked them so we retreated. In the same instant the two male birds both took flight and Callen took some aerial photos as they fled. Later at the airport he downloaded the pictures to his MacBook and tinkered with the focus. ―They‘d already drunk!‖ he said ―just look at how wet the feathers on their chest and belly are.‖ I could see the evidence before me and remembered that the sandgrouse have special feathers that are able to absorb water like blotting paper. It enables them to take vital liquid back to their nest deep in waterless tracts of land to a thirsty mate and young who would drink the water rather like puppies suckling. Even as I recollect these experiences now, I find them awesome. What an astonishing creation we live in and what, I ask myself, should our response be to the work of such a creative and amazing God who has made us the stewards of his creation? Terence Smith P.S. I still enjoy the odd game of Poker. .” If you want to investigate Alpha for yourself, call Helen or Roger Hughes on 01926 842387. The introductory supper is at 7.00pm on 13th January. The meal starts around 7.30pm, and the evening finishes at 9.30pm. Subsequent evenings start at 7.15pm and we aim to finish for 9.30pm. You don‘t have to believe, bring your questions and discuss them with other people who probably have the same questions. And if you have experienced Alpha, who do you love enough to invite and accompany to their first evening? Invitations at the back of the churches. For more information, talk to Helen or Roger. This was the moment…. This was the moment when Before turned into After … when … three members of an obscure Persian sect walked haphazard by starlight straight into the Kingdom of Heaven. from a much longer poem by U.A. Fanthorpe (1929—2009) 24 25
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