B-5-24-15 - St. Martin of Tours Parish


B-5-24-15 - St. Martin of Tours Parish
Saint Martin of Tours
Ministering to People
Roman Catholic Church and School Community
Pentecost Sunday
Parish Office… 408-294-8953
Rev. Sergio Ovando, Pastor
Rev. Abraham Antony, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Bob Shinney, S.J., Assisting Priest
Lori Krouse, Bookkeeper
Jennifer Tavares, Office Administrator
Samuel Aguilar, Buildings and Grounds
Liturgy ………...408-289-9614
Judy Swazey, Director
Pastoral Care…….408-289-9617
Therese Lehane, Director
May 24, 2015
Catechetical Ministry… 408-289-9608
Alley Torres, DRE
Joy Aspenall, Catechumenate Coordinator
We warmly welcome all those inquiring about
becoming Catholic. For information, call Joy.
A sacrament of initiation and belonging. Please
register with Joy at 408-289-9608
Sacrament of the Sick
If you or anyone you love is sick and unable to attend
Mass, please call the Parish Office
Saturdays 3:30 pm or by appointment
St. Vincent de Paul…408-439-0342
St. Martin of Tours School...408-287-3630
Mass Schedule
Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday: 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am, 6:00 pm
Weekdays: Mon. - Saturday 8:00am
Holy Days: 8:10 am, 12:10 pm, 7:00 pm
200 O’Connor Drive, San Jose, California 95128
Pentecost’s Sunday
May 24, 2015
Pastor’s Note
May 23—May 30
There is this inspiring story about a Vietnamese woman who was waiting her turn to be examined in a crowded hospital emergency
room. She gradually became aware of a frustrating “non-conversation” being attempted a
few seats down. A nurse was trying to ask a
new patient for some details on her illness.
The patient spoke Spanish. The nurse did not.
The Vietnamese woman listened for a minute
then realized that while she didn’t speak Spanish she did understand the broken-English bits
and phrases the Spanish speaking patient offered as answers. Because of her own experience of learning to communicate in “broken
English,” the Vietnamese woman could hear
the heart and gist of what this other woman
was trying to say. The Vietnamese woman offered to “translate” the broken English of the
Spanish speaker into something the nurse
could understand. She was so successful at
bridging the brokenness of their languages that
eventually the Vietnamese woman was hired
by the hospital as a kind of generic translator.
After all, brokenness is the common language
spoken by all hospital patients.
What we see happened on Pentecost is the
Holy Spirit speaking through the brokenness of
the Apostles. Until then they didn’t realize that
the Spirit promised to them by their Master after the last supper; the Spirit given to them by
the risen Lord was there in their fear, doubt,
disappointment and reluctance. In other words,
the Holy Spirit was there in their brokenness.
Finally this brokenness became the locus for
the working of the Holy Spirit. The Power of
the Holy Spirit was unleashed, radically transforming them, their ministry and the word. It
happened on a Jewish holiday – the feast of
Shavuat or in Greek Pentecost (50th day), fifty
days after the Passover.
7:00 Teodoro Sanchez †
Maria Pesohodov †
Henry Ford †
10:00 St. Martin’s Parishioners
11:30 Erlinda Samac †
Ben Patellaro †
8:00 Diana Borella
Sam Aliamo †
Augustus Stella †
Rite of Life
Diana Borella
Silvana and Antonio Martin †
Even in our days, Holy Spirit speaks through
our brokenness to a broken world. If we can let
the Holy Spirit speak through our brokenness
with languages of Faith, Hope and Love, the
Church will truly be a communion of healed
families and communities. That’s when the
Church is Lumen Gentium – the Light of the
- Fr. Abe
Calendar of Events
Weekly Report
Please mark checks for “Capital Campaign”
in the memo section of your check.
Thank you for your continued support!
Celebration of religious life
Memorial Day
Women’s Book Group-Will discuss “ All the
Light We Cannot See: A Novel “ by Anthony Doerr 7:15 pm Bailey House
Scripture Readings for NEXT Week
Sunday, May 31, 2015: Most Holy Trinity
First Reading: Deuteronomy 4:32-34 & 39-40
Second Reading: Romans 8:14-17
Gospel Reading: Matthew 28:16-20
Gospel Question for May 31
Reflecting on today’s readings, what is
God’s basic personality trait?
GET ON THE BUS is coming to St. Martinʼs
Children with a parent in prison become the overlooked victims of crime and the unintended victims
of the justice system. Through no fault of their
own, their parents are taken from them, a wrenching separation that can generate feelings of abandonment, shame, grief--even guilt. Statistics indicate that these children are more likely to experience poverty and family instability, loss of home
and school. Visits to a parent in prison can help to
lessen the impact of parental incarceration on the
child. Regular visits help to strengthen family
bonds a significant factor resulting in lower rates
of recidivism for the parents.
(Center for Restorative Justice Works Get On
The Bus brochure)
This is an opportunity to support the children of
incarcerated parents. This year, on June 7, you will
have the opportunity of signing up for a specific
gift to be given to a child’s chaperone on the bus.
The gifts must be brought to the church on June
What does it mean for me??
If you have been thinking about becoming Catholic and wondering what that
might mean for you, or if you simply
want to explore Catholicism, perhaps
RCIA Inquiry is just what you have
been looking for.
If you are already a Catholic, RCIA is the way we
welcome and initiate the newest members of our
community. It is EVERYONE’S responsibility! It
is also a wonderful reminder that we are all on a
continual journey of conversion of heart.
Everyone is welcome to come and visit our
RCIA session any Thursday evening, year
round, at 7 PM.
2015 Marriage for Life
Marriage prep dates: August 1st , October 17th,
2015 Engaged couples can register at
www.marriageforlifesf.com or, the registration
Capital Campaign Update
Congratulations and thanks to all of you!
Almost a year ago we started our capital campaign.
Thanks to the generosity and to the work of many
of you we have arrived to this point:
We have raised $2,406,163 in pledges from 500
families. We have collected up to date $776,245.00.
We have send letter to those who have pledged and
some information was missing.
Here is an update of the project:
A) Rectory: completed
B) Church:
 Interior: we have completed the interior, still
some work to do with the Baptismal fountain and
sliding door in the Chapel.
 Exterior: should be painted soon, roof repair
and new entrance.
C) Gym: work on the floor and painting schedule
for this summer. However the Air Conditioner will
be later on the year, the same will happen with the
new bathrooms because of the time required to obtain permits.
D) Electrical update (school) in progress to be
done in the Summer.
You can see how little by little all the projects that
we planned are being fulfill. The church looks
great, every thing is thanks to your work and generosity. If you have not collaborated yet with this
great project you always can pledge.
Thanks so much for you collaboration.
JOIN US for a community building golf outing
Hosted By The St. Martin of Tours Men’s Club
WHEN: Monday, June 8, 2015 AT 9:00AM
COST: $160 Includes (18 Holes + cart, range balls,
$5 credit in golf shop, boxed breakfast, sit down
pasta lunch after round, unlimited beverages on
-$5 Contest Holes Excluded
Please RSVP with payment by April 30th
Checks payable to
ST. MARTIN OF TOURS MEN’S CLUB and mail payment to: Rashad Jones, 2946 Westgate Avenue,
San Jose, CA 95125
Any questions or concerns, feel free to contact:
Rashad Jones (408) 203-1222 or
Upcoming Sacraments
The Spirit of God is in Our Midst
Today is Pentecost Sunday!
Please join the Church around the world in praying
for all those being Confirmed on this Day.
We especially remember:
Maureen Babiarz
Julie Saso
Jenny Vieira
Loes Vandenbiggeloar
Laura Dann
Adali Rameriz
Hilary Toms
Carla Perez
Marina Sanchez
of our own parish who will be Confirmed by Bishop
McGrath at the Cathedral this afternoon. Rite of
Sending will be at the 11:30 AM Mass.
Come and join us, and send them on their way
with your blessings and prayers!
Congratulations to all children who
made their First Communion in the
month of May:
Paul Biedka - David Negrete - Marlene Negrete
- Nichole Negrete - Ana Briones - Anthony
Hamoud - Sawyer Brooks - Billy Hutton - Joseph Levin - Ella Rislov - Luke Uffelman Alina Arroyo - Neil Butler - Angelina Wolfe Brady Kilian - Allen Guevara - Angel Nelmida
- Allen Guevara - Massimo De Vita - Valerie
Tan - Andre Pezzia - Faith Fernandez - Addison
Gutierrez - Christian Kim - Bella West - Lucas
Gallagher - Alexander Amend - Brennan Howard - Max Cannatelli - Theo Scharrenberg Nayomi Pele - Alfred Valdez - Olivia Sabatino
- Luke Saccento - Ava Moran - Ethan Familetti
- Robert Bolival - Finn Papier - Jaden Favorito
- Chloe Faultner - Joey Telucci - Adam
Montalvo - Ana Sedic - Samantha Houston Lorenzo Collazo - Elliot Parelius - Kate
Eisenberg - Grace Saso - Henry Kovac - Christopher Nguyen - Natalie Mazzone - Elijah Santos - Jonathan Gleixner - Sophia Cordoni Katherine Druist - Keira Maffeo - Christian Caballero - Jayden Fallis - Christian Fallis - Jack
Campisi - Andrew White May the Lord continue to Bless you all and
the Blessed Mother always keep your hearts
“Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”
Congratulations !
Our Newly Confirmed
Dominic Haggerty -Grace Furlong - JV Lim - Marlene Negrete Fausto - David Negrete Fausto - Morgan Brumm - Paul Frank
Biedka - Emily Catherine Hughes - Isabella Granqvist - Joseph David - Matthew DeKlotz - Nick Buchholz - Ryan Smith - Erin
Rose Mulhern - Jack Maxwell Sebastion Matson - Lindsey Ann Cole - Mia Isabella Napolitano - Nolan Weger - Samira Hanna
Smith - Fiona Claire Lindsay - Jayrald McCain - Lukas Stephan Hunter - Michael Mikacich - Pablo Jesus Matan - Sophie Pace Gabriella Escobar - James Scott M'Guinness - Amanda Rae Mitchell - Monique Charez Caravalho - Patricia Anne Ramos - Francisco Irao - Jessica Isabelle Badham - Camille Francis Wardlaw -