Cenacle of Marian Movement of Priests


Cenacle of Marian Movement of Priests
Please pray for Evelyn Kelly, mother of Catherine Kelly, Carnmore N.T. and the
following for whom Mass will be offered during the coming week:
Sat 14th 7.30 p.m. (Vigil) Patrick & Delia Spelman, School Road.
Sun 15th 9.00 a.m.
Private Intention.
11.00 a.m.
Tommy Duggan, Lakeview (1st Anniversary).
Mon 16th 9.30 a.m.
Mary Moran, Cloon.
Tues 17th 9.30 a.m.
Michael & Mary Duggan, Cregboy.
Wed 18th 9.30 a.m.
Special Intention.
Thur 19th 7.30 p.m.
Bridgie Glynn (nee Duggan), Belclare.
Fri 20th
9.30 a.m.
The people of the Parish.
Sat 21st 9.30 a.m.
Private Intention.
7.30 p.m. (Vigil) Marion Duggan, Kiltrogue Castle.
Michael & Delia May Flaherty, Loughgeorge.
Sun 22nd 9.00 a.m.
Patrick & Mary Cloherty, Cloon.
11.00 a.m.
Gordon Mill, Waterdale.
Medjugorje. There will be a Mass and group meeting for all those who have
their names put forward for the Pilgrimage to Medjugorje on Friday, 27th June at
7.30p.m. in Cairdeas Please bring your passport on the night.
Legion of Mary meeting every Monday from 8.30p.m. - 9.30p.m.
The Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place in the Church
every Wednesday from 10.00a.m. until 7.00p.m. Rosary at 2.00p.m. for
families. Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3.00p.m. Rosary at 5.00p.m. for Priests.
Rosary at 6.00p.m. for the unborn.
Novena to the Sacred Heart begins on Thursday, 19th June and
will continue with Novena prayers said each day at Mass until
the Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday, 27th June.
Feast of Corpus Christi, next Sunday 22 nd June. Annual Corpus Christi Procession will take place after the 11.00a.m. Mass (Weather Permitting). The
servers will lead the procession followed by the Congregation, and the First Holy Communion Children dressed in their communion outfits. It would be appreciated if cars were not parked between Cairdeas and the Sacristy to allow the
procession to pass. Cars can be parked in the marked spaces.
St James’s Choir. Practice every Tuesday night at 8.15p.m. in Cairdeas.
A SINCERE thanks to all who have returned their Easter Dues envelopes. Offertory Collection €1,900.Thanks for your continuous help for the upkeep,
maintenance and renovation of the Parish. All help is very much appreciated.
Cenacle of Marian Movement of Priests every Thursday morning at 10.30a.m. in
Cairdeas. Rosary, Our Lady’s message to Fr Gobbi & Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
“Lord Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament, and living perpetually among us through
Your Priests, grant that the words of Your Priests may be only Your words, that their gestures be
only Your gestures, and that their lives be a true reflection of Your life."
Pope Francis encourages us “The Holy Spirit teaches us to
see with the eyes of Christ, to live life as Christ lived, to
understand life as Christ understood it. That is why the living
water, who is the Holy Spirit, quenches our life, why he tells us
that we are loved by God as children, that we can love God as
his children and that by his grace we can live as children of
God, like Jesus. And we, do we listen to the Holy Spirit? What
does the Holy Spirit tell us? He says: God loves you. He tells us this. God loves
you, God likes you. Do we truly love God and others, as Jesus does? Let us allow
ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, let us allow him to speak to our heart”
(Pope Francis, St. Peter’s Square, Vatican).
A Dad is a person who is loving and kind,
And often he knows what you have on your mind.
He's someone who listens, suggests, and defends.
A dad can be one of your very best friends!
He's proud of your triumphs, but when things go wrong,
A dad can be patient and helpful and strong
In all that you do, a dad's love plays a part.
There's always a place for him deep in your heart.
And each year that passes, you're even more glad,
More grateful and proud just to call him your dad!
Thank you, Dad... for listening and caring,
for giving and sharing, but, especially, for just being
God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models
and loving to all their children.
Help them to be a father like You are.
Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving way. Amen!
We remember and pray for all the Dad’s who are now longer with us.
CURA, Arus de Brún, Newtownsmith, Galway. Tel: 091– 62558. Confidential
support service for women, their families and all those distressed by an unwanted
Website. www.assumptionandsaintjamesparish.com. To download or view newsletter on
line, click newsletter and notices.
Claregalway Ladies Football Annual Church Gate Collection this weekend
14th/15th June. Your support would be most appreciated.
Cregmore Community Alert invite all residents to join theText Alert Scheme.
Text Alert is a Crime Prevention initiative between the Gardaí & the
Community, which will keep us all informed. Second information and sign up
evening, for the scheme, in Cregmore School, next Wednesday, 18th
June, between 7.45pm - 8.30pm.
Claregalway/Carnmore Senior Citizens Cards & bingo held every Monday night at
8.00p.m. in “Cairdeas” Parish Meeting Room.
International bestselling author Lorna Byrne (Angels in my Hair, Love from
Heaven) in conversation with Keith Finnegan of Galway Bay FM to raise funds
for AIDs Partnership with Africa at St Augustine’s Church, Middle Street, at 7.00
pm on Wednesday June 25th 2014 .Tickets €10 available from OMG@Zhivago
5 - 6 Shop Street, Galway; 091 – 509960 and on door on night.
Lough Derg God’s healing grace is experienced on Lough Derg in an intensity
seldom encountered elsewhere; through spiritual exercise, companionship of
fellow pilgrims and the sheer holiness of the place. Daily boats to the Island
from 10.30am until 3:00pm 7 days a week until 13th August. For further information contact Maureen or Sharon 071 9861518 email: info@loughderg.org
Claregalway Football Cul Camp takes place in Loughgeorge from 7th - 11th
July, To book htpp://secure.kellogsculcamps.gaa.ie
“An Evening with IGNITE Gospel Choir” July 4th & 5th 2014 @
8pm, in St Josephs Church following the success of last years
concert, IGNITE are delighted to perform 2 concerts with uplifting
and joyous music. Tickets available from all choir members, the
parish office and from Keara at 0879007003
Corrandulla Show takes place on Sunday 22nd June. For lists of events
Visit www.corrandullashow.com .
“Comfort Keepers Home Care” are now recruiting for Home Care Assistants
in the Tuam/Claregalway area. Recruitment & Information Open Day in the
Corralea Court Hotel, Tuam Friday, 20th June 10am – 4pm. All welcome.
Alternatively, call 091-455100 for more information or apply online
at www.comfortkeepers.ie/careers”
Blood Donor Clinic will be held o Tuesday,22nd June in the Claregalway
Hotel from 5.00p.m. - 8.30p.m. New donors are very welcome.
Claregalway Tidy Towns. Church Gate Collection next weekend 21st/22nd
June. Your support would be very much appreciated.
The Assumption & St James
Sunday Masses: Saturday: 7.30 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
& Saturday: 9.30 a.m. Thursday 7.30 p.m.
Additional Mass first Friday at 7.30 p.m.
Holy Days:
7.30 p.m. (Vigil) & 11a.m.
6.45 p.m. - 7.15 p.m. 1st Saturday of each month and
on request.
1st Sunday of the month at 12.00 p.m.
3rd Saturday of the month at 4.00 p.m.
Baptismal preparation meeting: 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7.30p.m.
Fr. Ian O’Neill P.P. Tel: 798104
Parish Office:
Tel: 798741 Monday to Friday (10 a.m. - 1 p.m.)
Radio Mass.
FM 106.4
Facebook: claregalwayparish.
15thJune 2014
Trinity Sunday
This Sunday one week after Pentecost the Church celebrates the
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, the feast which commemorates the
mystery at the heart of the Christian faith, our belief in one God as
three divine persons, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We profess our
belief in this unfathomable mystery each time we make the Sign of the
Cross and say the Creed at Mass on Sundays. The scripture readings today speak of the
Trinitarian love of God for his people. In the Gospel Jesus leaves his disciples with a
message of profound of hope before his death on the Cross when he tells them that they
will never be alone because the Holy Spirit will come and will lead them into the complete
The disciples depended on the strength of the Holy Spirit to continue the mission of Jesus in the world and we are no different. We are called to be like Christ – to love as he
loved and that is why we need the Holy Spirit – we are not capable out of ourselves to do
it on our own. We are given the gift of the Holy Spirit at Baptism and are transformed into
children of God which means that his love is really present in our hearts. The Holy Spirit
gives us the courage and the strength to say yes to God in our lives, guiding us into the
way of truth and love. But do we recognise God’s love? Do we open our hearts to our
Father in heaven just as a little child does to their mother and father? By being attentive
to the Spirit we can begin to see with the eyes of a child again and treasure the simple
things in life, recognising that we are loved and cherished as God’s children.
Perhaps this week each time we make the Sign of the Cross, we can ponder on the deep
love the Father has for us and offer our thoughts and prayers to him through this simple
act of faith. In this way we can open our hearts to the Holy Spirit who will direct, shape
and mould us into missionaries of God’s love if we but listen.