May 24, 2015 - Church of the Holy Spirit


May 24, 2015 - Church of the Holy Spirit
50th Anniversary
May 24 2015
Pentecost Sunday
How awesome is this place!
This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.
Genesis 28:17
1355 Hatch Road ♦ Webster, NY 14580
Phone (585) 671-5520 Fax:671-7262
Church of the Holy Spirit, Penfield, New York
Our Parish’s Golden Jubilee
It is my honor to serve as your pastor as we mark our parish’s golden jubilee. Building on the beautiful
legacy of the last 43 years under the pastoral leadership of Father Fred Bush and Father Fred Helfrich,
Father Sergio and I along with our pastoral staff of Deacon Brian Mahoney, Tony Ferrera, Gabe
Pellegrino, Shari Magagnoli, Marc Magagnoli, and Patrick Vogt have been blessed in our commitment
to serve our faith community. I am humbled by the holiness and the generosity of so many of our
As we celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit of Jesus into the
world. The great truth of Pentecost -- for the first disciples and for us as well – is that the Holy Spirit
has the power to enlarge and expand the human heart if we allow the Spirit of Jesus to enliven us with the power to
forgive, to welcome, and to receive all others in Jesus’ name. The Spirit of Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit makes His home
in us. The Holy Spirit within us is our spiritual center. We have within us the wellspring of eternal life.
As we celebrate our golden jubilee, may we re-commit ourselves to using our God-given giftedness in the service of one
A little piece of heaven on earth
This month and especially this weekend we have many reasons to rejoice. We commemorate the
coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church at Pentecost; we proudly celebrate our Golden
Jubilee as a parish community; and we participated in the celebration of the First Eucharist and
Confirmation of our wonderful children and teens.
Today we celebrate the assistance and guidance of the Advocate who came into the world as an
expression of God’s love. Likewise, our parish community who bears the same name of the Lord’s
Holy Spirit rejoices: for fifty years God’s legacy of faith, love, and salvation have been proclaimed,
announced, and witnessed in our church. As a community you are the embodiment of Jesus’ Gospel and teaching. Your
love for the Lord is infinite and your faith is unshakable. Thank you for making Holy Spirit a little piece of heaven on
As we celebrate on this special weekend the feast of Pentecost and our Golden Jubilee, I invite you to think of the
Sacraments as part of heaven on earth as well. One day the Lord sent the Holy Spirit upon his disciples as a testimony
of his love. Today, he rejoices in the Spirit because our children and teens have received him during their first Eucharist
and welcomed him during the celebration of their Confirmation. In the sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation
God is constantly giving us strength and courage to continue with our daily lives. Although during the Eucharist we do
not see the bread and wine changing into body and blood, we can feel the Lord’s real presence blessing our entire
reality. And although in the Sacrament of Confirmation we do not see the fire of the Spirit coming upon us, we can feel
how the Holy Spirit of God kindle our hearts as we proclaim “amen” after the Bishop anoints us with the Holy Chrism.
Through the ministry of the Church and especially during the celebration of the sacraments we receive the Mystery
of God in a unique and fantastic way. God is present in every sacrament and through them He pours out his love and
grace infinitely. This happens in a manner that supersedes the words of the most enlightened theologians and
philosophers. It is simple: to receive a sacrament in the Church is to receive God himself who is coming to our lives
bringing with him a part of heaven so we can foretaste his glory while being on earth.
Parents, congratulations on your child’s first communion and/or your teen’s confirmation day! You have given your
children the most beautiful gifts of all: the gift of life and the gift of faith. Please, never hesitate to teach them about your
love for God and your personal experience of Jesus. They will appreciate and treasure it. First communicants, I can only
imagine the excitement and happiness you must have felt on the day of your first Eucharist, congratulations! You
received Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Please do not forget to come to Mass and to be part of the life of the
Church and do not be afraid of asking your parents to bring you to the Sunday Mass. Jesus is always here waiting to
embrace you with his life and love.
Dear Confirmandi, thank you for expressing your conviction and love for the Lord. Your journey of faith does not end
with the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is rather the beginning of a beautiful life with the perfect presence
of the Holy Spirit in your hearts. May the Lord bless you always and guide your steps, as you become the next and most
beautiful generation in our Church and world.
In Prayer,
Program of events for Sunday May 24, 2015
11:00AM Mass
12:00 PM All process outside for group photograph
12:10 PM Return to parish hall for blessing and lunch
12:40 PM Dessert and some words from Fr. Schwartz looking
forward to the next 50 years.
12:50 PM Planting of tree in front yard by gazebo
1:00 PM Various activities/games/fun & fellowship
Church of the Holy Sprit
Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of the Holy Spirit, Penfield, New York
Liturgical Assignments for Next Week May 30 & 31
Saturday 4:30 PM
Altar Servers
Communion Ministers
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Fr. Sergio Chavez
Fr. Sergio Chavez
Fr. Sergio Chavez
Vincenzo Capezzuto
Matteo Capezzuto
Christopher Capozzi
Gavin Gudyka
Jamie Gudyka
Jerry Marchand
Michael Macera
Alyssa Mancuso
James Crosby
Michael DeLuca
Colleen Weaver
Jack Marchand
Barbara Marcellus
Bob Menz
Jean Dunne
Barbara Lamendola
Barbara Trottier
Roger Miller
Michel Cassagnol
Ralph Palmer
Wendy Micca
John Veloski
Jeff Rembold
Dan Calendo
Philip Latulipe
Ron Maggio
Rosalie Mikulski
Tony Gramza
Michel Cassagnol
Eric Willing
Christopher Rembold
Carol Buckner
William Kelley
Rest in Peace:
Newly Baptized:
Kash Lennox Shapiro
George MacKenzie
Franklin Bushey
The Sanctuary Candle will burn this
week in memory of
Thank You!
Last week’s donations: $6,197
Diocesan Mission: $933
Total Attendance: 745
We appreciate your sacrifices.
Memorial Day Changes
There will not be any adoration, night prayer or
benediction Sunday May 24. No adoration Monday May
25. Parish offices will be closed Monday May 25. Have a
safe holiday!
The family of Mary Hyatt
"Faith Under Fire"
September 18th– 20th, 2015
Join us for the Holy Spirit Parish Women's Retreat
Weekend at Notre Dame Retreat House in Canandaigua.
For more information or to register, please contact
Roseanne Hazard at 585-872-5692 or Nancy Lynch at
Adopt a Garden Program 2015
The Faith of our Children
Have your adult children walked away from the church or
lost their faith? Do you find it difficult to talk about? Is it a
strain on your relationship? Learn some ways to deal
with this issue with others in the same situation. Please
join us for an evening of learning and fellowship at Holy
Spirit Church at 7 pm on Wednesday, May 27 in the
Fellowship Hall. The Webster Parishes adult faith
discussion group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each
month to help us learn about and live our faith. Our format
is a brief presentation of Catholic teaching on a topic that
one of us has researched followed by a facilitated
discussion. Father Tim Horan will be in attendance.
Personal experiences, questions and opinions are
welcome! We are free to express views that are not
aligned with Catholic teaching. We may disagree but do
not judge one another. Join us and bring a friend!
The adopt a garden program sign-up sheet is in the
gathering area, along with a diagram of garden locations
and associated plot numbers to help you make your
selections. Volunteers are responsible for the planting,
pruning and water maintenance of their respective
gardens. Watering cans and hoses are available for your
convenience. Please note the new addition to our garden
lineup is on the corner of Plank and Hatch Roads by our
church sign. Additionally, our appreciation once again to
Bauman Farm Market on Five Mile Line Road for offering
our gardeners a 15% discount on their planting needs.
Jim Bauman’s recommendations for this year are
Psafusion and Zahaia plants, which are growing in
popularity (no pun intended!) With last week’s frost behind
us, happy gardening and our appreciation in making our
church grounds beautiful. God Bless. If you should have
any questions or recommendations, please contact Karen
Adams at 872-5830. Thank you,
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday 5/25 - Weekday/Memorial Day
† Thomas Dunn by Joe & Patty Janiak
Tuesday 5/26 - St Philip Neri, Priest
† Ed Matuck by Roseanne Davie
Wednesday 5/27 - St Augustine of
Intentions of Anthony & Loren Klosterman
Thursday 5/28 - Weekday
† Antoinette Durando by Siobhan Menz
Friday 5/29 - Weekday
† Mary Periaswamy by family
Holy Hour - Rosary and Benediction
Saturday 5/30 - Weekday
† Deceased Members of the Family of Charles
† Fran Calcagno by Joe & Dolly Calcagno
Sunday - 5/31 - Most Holy Trinity
All the parishioners of Holy Spirit parish
11:00 † Louis Papa, esq by nieces
Night Prayer & Benediction
Check us out on the web
Parish Information
Mailing Address: 1355 Hatch Road, Webster, NY 14580
Office Hours:…….….…Monday thru Friday 8 am to 4 pm
Pastor: Rev. James Schwartz ……….…
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Sergio Chavez…
Pastoral Associate: Deacon Brian Mahoney.…..671-8317
Faith Formation: Tony Ferrera……….…
Secretary: Shari Magagnoli...……
Business Mgr: Patrick Vogt…………..…
Director of Music: Gabriel Pellegrino
Parish Council President: Cathy Brill……
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00am
Weekday: Mon-Fri 9am; Saturday 8:30am
Adoration Schedule
Monday: 2 -10pm
Tuesday: 9:30am -10pm
Wednesday: 9:30am - 4pm
Thursday: 3 -10pm
Friday: 9:30am - 9pm, Divine Mercy Devotion 3pm
Saturday: 8:30am - 2:30pm
Sunday: 1 - 9pm (Night Prayer & Benediction 8:45pm)
or our Google+ page
Readings for the Week of May 24, 2015
Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1
-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39
Day: Acts 2:1-11/Gal 5:16-25 or 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn
15:26-27; 16:12-15 or Jn 20:19-23
Monday: Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27
Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45
Thursday: Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52
Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13/Mk 11:11-26
Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33
Next Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20
Liturgical Publications Inc
Confessions: Saturday 2:45pm - 4:00pm
Weddings: Notify the Rectory at least 9 months prior
to the wedding date
Baptisms: Call at least one month before requested
Parish Membership: We welcome new members.
Please introduce yourself after Mass and stop by the
Parish office during office hours to register in the parish.
Members moving to another parish, changing address or
phone number, please notify the office.
Mission Statement
“The Mission of Holy Spirit Parish in unison with the
Universal church is to proclaim and to spread among all
peoples the Kingdom of Christ. The mission of the Parish
is carried out in Word, Sacrament, and Service to God
and neighbor. The continuing vitality of our staff and
parishioners, we feel is evidence of the presence and
work of our parish patron - the Holy Spirit.”