January 17 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Pro
January 17 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Pro
17 JANUARY 2016 2ND TIME The first reading from Isaiah speaks of God’s love for the people of Israel. The second reading from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians speaks of the special gifts, or charisms, which are given to the baptized for the sake of the Church. The Gospel recounts the first miracle of Jesus at the wedding feast in Cana. Today’s second reading from Corinthians reminds us that God has given each of us unique gifts which we are to use to help build up the kingdom of God on earth. Living this out requires ongoing prayer and discernment to identify our gifts and talents, and the resolve and determination to live in service to God and our neighbor. Our Parish Mission Statement We, the members of the Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption community, believe that we have been called through Baptism to live the Good News of Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, our Mother. We accomplish this by proclaiming the Word, celebrating the Sacraments, & reaching out to others. PASTOR Most Rev. Marcel Damphousse , Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie RECTOR Msgr. Dave Tramontini D. D. ASSISTANT Rev. Rex Lumine IN RESIDENCE Msgr. Normand Clement Chaplain, Nipissing-Parry Sound District Schools Rev. A. Man-Son-Hing Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle & St. Elizabeth Temagami Rev. Gilles Grandmont Pastor, St. Vincent de Paul Parish PERMANENT MINISTERS Deacons Diocesan Order of Women Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Mr. Albert Falconi Mr. Donald Shago Mr. Rick Hamelin Mr. Gary Westenenk Shirley Falconi Norma Milligan Ruth Godon Frances-Clare Fraboni CONTACT US TELEPHONE: (705) 472-3970 Marriage: Please pick up a Marriage Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish office. Anointing the Sick: P lease call the parish office for more information. Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 3:00 until 3:45 PM. Eucharist: Please see mass schedule published in this bulletin. Call the parish office to arrange for a Eucharistic Minister to visit the sick and shut-in who are unable to attend Mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On the First Friday of each month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon. Baptism: Please pick up a Baptism Information Booklet in the The Pro-Cathedral is wheel chair accessible. The entrance to the elevator is on Algonquin Avenue. Please enter the vestibule and ring the bell for an attendant. Service available at all weekend masses. Weekday masses service available 11:30 AM to 12:45 PM. A Hearing Aid System is available for use by the hearing impaired. Please ask an Usher or Sacristan to assist you upon entering the church. Monday 1 Samuel 15. 16-23; Mark 2. 18-22 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Samuel 18. 6-9; 19. 1-7; Mark 3. 7-12 Friday FACSIMILE: (705) 494-8222 EMAIL: cathedral@bellnet.ca Our faith community dates back to 1886 when we were originally located on Main Street West and called St. Mary’s of the Lake and the cornerstone of the existing Cathedral was laid in 1904. The history of our parish is recorded in the memories of thousands of people who built our community. Saturday Sunday Nehemiah 8. 2-4a, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Corinthians 12. 12-30; Luke 1. 1-4; 4. 14-21 Monday 8:30 AM to 12:00 NOON Tuesday—Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Pope Francis has been encouraging the Church to turn outward and look to the lost and the poor. He has called the Church to embrace the New Evangelization and to spread the Good News. The priests of the North Bay Regional Deanery invite you to come and give your input about how to create a more welcoming Church in order to respond to the New Evangelization and better serve the people of our region. We will hold this meeting at two different times which you can choose from hoping to accommodate everyone schedules. The meetings will be on Thursday, January 28 at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s and will be repeated on Saturday, January 30 at 10:00 AM at St. Peter’s. Please join us. We need your input to help us create build a Church that is more welcoming, a place where everyone can feel they belong. Need a ride to the meeting? Call the Parish Office INCOME TAX RECEIPTS WILL BE OUT SOON! Have you moved in the past year? Call or email Karen at the parish office to make sure we have your new mailing address to keep us up to date! Monday, 18 January - Weekday in Ordinary Time Karen Shebeck - North Bay Right to Life Volunteers In Thanksgiving to the Imm. Heart of Mary - Arthur and Lucille Schiavo Intention of Richard Levesque - Holy Trinity Prayer Group Tuesday, 19 January - Weekday in Ordinary Time Murray Cangiano - Joyce Perry and Scott John Palangio - William and Debbie Deering Jeanne Hodgins - Vivian Molnar Wednesday, 20 January - Weekday in Ordinary Time Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Today Marilyn Desjardin - Gene Desjardin and Family Monica and Bob Deslauriers - Ben and Theresa Boudreau Intention of Maureen Tallon Thursday, 21 January - St. Agnes, Virgin/Martyr Arthur Gauthier - Don and Lorraine Cappadocia Frank Battigaglia - Loretta and Mike Campigotto Deceased Members of the Cotnam Family - Pat Anderson Friday, 22 January - Weekday in Ordinary Time Murray Cangiano - Jay, Becky, Jacob and Matthew McKee Intention of Pat Gallardi Intention of Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe - Donald and Lorraine Shago 4:00 PM Saturday, 23 January - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Mr. Jerry McIsaac - Helen McIsaac and Family Giovanni Miscio - Peter and Antoinette McParland and Family Sallee Baigent - Eleanore Lunney and Family Sunday, 24 January - Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 AM Jeannie Hodgins - Mary Lou and Paul Smith Blanche Fobert - Jack and Monica Sullivan Giovanni Miscio - Rosa Steduto 11:00 AM Intention of the Parishioners - Msgr. Dave Tramontini PARISH ENVELOPE USERS PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY ENVELOPES FROM ANY OTHER YEAR THAN 2016. ALL 2015 ENVELOPES HAVE BEEN POSTED & THE YEAR IS CLOSED! PLEASE CONTINUE TO WRITE YOUR NAME AND Memorial Fund The following names have been received at the request of donors in memory of our deceased friends and relatives: WILHELMINA WESTENENK ADDRESS ON ENVELOPES FOR THE NEXT MONTH. Blessed white candles are available ½ hour before and ½ hour after all masses on the weekend and weekdays. You may enter the Sacristy and ask our Sacristan for your vigil candle. It will be lit and at that time you may place your candle on the stand. An offering of $5 per candle is suggested to help defray costs. Collection: 10 January 2016 Sunday Offering Building Fund $7,095.75 $948.80 We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers. Pope Francis JANUARY 2016 Prayer Intention UNIVERSAL: INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. EVANGELIZATION: CHRISTIAN UNITY That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. A huge thank you to everyone involved in making the installation celebration for Bishop Damphousse such a success. Thank you to the members of the regional choir led by Jane Renette—the music was outstanding! Thank you to our Lectors: Paul Smith, Joanne Sokolowski, Vince Zappala and Paul Mulc who read the prayer intentions in their native language. We are also grateful for the organization and coordination by our permanent ministers, ushers and sacristans—you helped make the celebration a wonderful and memorable experience for all! Catholic Women’s League News World Day of Prayer will be Friday March 4, 2016. It will be celebrated here at the ProCathedral. The host country will be Cuba. Sister Shannon Hickey, our Spiritual Development Chairperson, is helping to organize this day. If you can help in any way please contact her at 474-3800, Ext. #408 or Diane Carmichael, President at 471-5096. The next Executive Meeting will be January 25 at 7:00 PM in the Lower Sacristy. We will be taking a group photo of the Executive so please attend. The next General Meeting will be February 3 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. There will be a short reinstallation ceremony of the current Executive. CWL members are reminded to take advantage of the membership Early Bird draw. Those that pay their annual $25 membership before January 31 have their names entered into a draw for the return of the cost of the membership. The draw will be held at the General Meeting on February 3. Contact Maudena Farnsworth, President Elect and Organization and Membership Chairperson, at 495-2532 for more information. God gives us each unique gifts and talents that we are to use to further the mission of the Church. The Old Testament reading today celebrates the "marriage" of Israel with the Lord. In the gospel reading, Jesus and his friends are taking part in a wedding celebration at Cana. Everyone is having a grand old time until the wine runs out. Then Jesus, in what is described as the first of his signs (miracles), turns six jars of water into choice wine! Everyone is astonished. But turning the water used for Jewish rituals into wine, Jesus gives God's people a sign that the Messiah has come. Later the disciples would recognize Jesus as the Bridegroom of the Church, the new people of God. At this wedding celebration, Jesus gave the wedding couple and guests the gift of choice wine! He also gave them, and us, the gift of a deeper and fuller knowledge of himself, who he really was. "He revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him." What does this say about the importance of celebrations in our lives? Jesus didn't consider a wedding celebration to be "beneath him." He was there, fully present. What is our attitude toward family celebrations—birthdays, weddings, baptisms, or funerals? How can we be more present to these happy or sad times together? How can we use them as occasions to know one another better and to encourage one another? INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION A Baptismal Preparation Meeting will be held in the Lower Sacristy on Tuesday, January 19 beginning at 7:00 PM. Those who wish to register for this meeting to have their child baptized are asked to call the parish office by Monday, January 18. Baptism Preparation is mandatory by Diocesan Policy. You shall love the Lord your God, and your neighbour as yourself.” (Mt 22.37a; 39) Do you want to love your and serve neighbour as a priest? Are you discerning the priesthood? Contact Fr. Pat Woods at the Office of Vocations 705-674-2727 X-250 or pwoods@diocesecentre.com and check out www.beapriest.ca PLEASE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS TO THE PRIESTHOOD AND RELIGIOUS LIFE. NEW PARISHIONERS Please complete a Parish Registration Form so we can get to know you better! REGIONAL NEWS Knights of Columbus Meetings A pancake and sausage breakfast hosted by North Bay Right to Life will take place at St. Peter’s in the Church Hall on Sunday, January 24 after both Masses (9 & 11 AM). It will be held in conjunction with their Annual Membership Drive. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come and enjoy this event. It is an easy way to show support for pro-life efforts to inform and protect all stages of human life from conception until natural death. Children under 3 years of age-free, children aged 3 to 10 years$3.50 each (or 3 for $10.00)–Everyone else $6.00 per person. Fr. Michael Cundari Council, 12030 at Holy Name Church: General Meeting fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM Contact: Joe Sinicrope at 497-0604 Chili Dinner sponsored by St. Alphonsus CWL January 17 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in the parish hall. Adults/ $10, children 3 to 10/$5, under 3 free. Proceeds to assist Harley Park and family as he battles cancer. Tickets are available from Deborah 471-9160 and Maureen 752-3626 Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Soup and Sandwich Card Party January 25 at Holy Name Church hall from 12:00 noon to 4:00 PM. $6.00 person. Everyone is welcome! Contact Art Tiernay at 705-358-1368 for more information and to sign up! Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse invites you to partake in a Film Series to help deepen your spiritual life facilitated by Sr. Pauline Guindon., and includes small group discussion. Bishop Carter Room from 6:00—9:00 pm. Transformation in Mercy: Feb 12 “Millions: Hidden Roots of Love: March 11 “The Tree of Life”; April 8 “On the Waterfront”; May 13 “Pushing Tin”; June 10 “Gravity” Motherhouse Taze prayer continues on the 3rd. Thursday each month in the Holy Family Chapel, from 7:00—8:00 PM. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held weekly at Holy Name of Jesus Church. Please come and visit Jesus even for a few minutes. He waits for us. Hours of Adoration: Monday and Thursday 12 noon to 5 pm; Tuesdays 12 noon to 9 PM; Wednesday and Friday: 12 noon to 6 pm. To make a weekly one-hour commitment, please call Lena Butler 497-3434. Springtime of the Spirit Regional Prayer Group at Holy Name of Jesus Parish Our next gathering will be at 6:30 PM on December 30. Recitation of the rosary, praise and worship, meditative prayer, sharing and fellowship. The Regional Special Events Committee welcomes anyone who would like to assist with planning regional socials for all to attend. Call Annette at 495-3584 for more information – we are hoping to plan more events so we can gather together regionally! The Promises of Fatima Rosary Group – come pray with a group of dedicated people who form a Fr. Gobbi Cenacle honouring our Blessed Virgin Mary. Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM at St. Peter’s Parish followed by Mass. Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday at 11:55 AM at Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption prior to the 12:05 PM mass. Open Adoration: St. Alphonsus in Callander every Friday 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. First Friday 8:30 AM to 8:30 AM (24Hrs). St. Joseph’s Motherhouse first Sunday of the month from 3:30-4:30 PM in Holy Family Chapel and Pro-Cathedral First Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Dinner at La Porte des Eaux/The Water Gate, 1534 Pioneer Road, Sudbury, Sunday, January 24 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM. Country ham, potatoes, vegetable, coleslaw, bun, rice pudding, coffee, tea or juice. Tickets: $12.00/adult — $5.00/child. For information, please call 523-1437. YEO (Youth Evangelizing Others) is a Catholic Youth Group designed for grade 8-12 students with a mission to bring other teens to know Jesus through testimonies, talks, skits, and games. Friday nights at St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Gym from 6:30 to 9:00 PM. For more information, contact Sam at 496-0456. Corpus Christi Knights of Columbus Council 12106 now meet second Tuesday of each month with regular and executive meetings held the same day at the Canadian Forces Base Church (Queen of Peace). Contact: Art Tiernay at 358-1368 We also collect pop cans for charity work. Please drop off you cans at Holy Name Church beside the Garage. Knights of Columbus Council #1007 General Meeting first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the Church Hall, rosary at 6:30 PM. Refreshments served. Executive Meeting last Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at St. Peter’s Church in the Church Hall. New or transferring members can contact Mike Maunsell at 491-0006 or mike@maunsell.ca Sacred Way Ministries - Quo Vadis gathering for young Catholic adults working and attending school in North Bay and area. Intent on fun, fellowship and faith? We meet Sunday nights at 6:30 PM. For our next gathering location please call Paul and Mary-Kate Long at 358-9964. THE EDGE Catholic Youth Group: Calling Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8's!! Check out what living on “The EDGE” is all about. Live music, drama, small group discussions, guest speakers, games, Scripture, crafts and other cool stuff to explore issues about our faith, solid values, youth concerns and happy living!! Snacks and prizes! Meets Monday 6:45-8:30 PM at St. Joseph Church in Powassan. Regardless of school or church you may attend or where you live – everyone welcome. Free Call Pauline 724-5964 or Jeannine 724-3424 for information or transportation needed. “Hearts on Fire” Retreat is coming to the Diocese. This is a spiritual experience for young adults (18 -35) presented by Jesuits studying Theology from Regis College in Toronto. Focuses on living faith in daily life, discernment, and learning about Ignatian Spirituality. Held at University of Sudbury, Friday, 4 March 7:00 PM to Saturday, 5 March, 8:00 AM. to 7:00 PM. Billeting is available for people from out of town. A minimal contribution of $20.00 will help cover some expenses. For information, contact Ron Perron at rperron@usudbury.ca or tel 705-522-3502 ext 2504 and Bienvenu Senga at bx_senga@laurentian.ca or Univ. of Sudbury Spiritual Services office at 705-673-5661. Check out the “Hearts on Fire” website: apostleshipofprayer.org/hearts-on-fire/ Lenten Retreat at Villa Loyola “Praying the Great Hymns and Psalms of Lent” with Fr. Gilles Mongeau, s.j. who will lead in meditation on the great hymns and psalms of Lent as a way of helping us come closer to Christ who has emptied himself out of love for us. Friday March 11 (7pm) to Sunday March 13 (1pm). Cost $230 live-in or $150 commute. Call 705-522-3502 ext, 0 Monday to Friday or by email at loyola@isys.ca to register Catholic Charities collects used clothing for free distribution to those in need. Clothing for men, women, children and infants, shoes, or accessories. They could also use towels, tea towels and double sized sheets. Items can be dropped off to the Catholic Charities entrance off Algonquin any Tuesday 9:00 to 11:30 AM or weekdays to the Pro-Cathedral Rectory (480 McIntyre Street West.). Items should be clean and in good repair. PLEASE — Due to Space Limitation Seasonal Clothing Only!