May 3, 2015 bulletin - St Joseph Byzantine


May 3, 2015 bulletin - St Joseph Byzantine
Pastor: Father Bruce Riebe
Deacons: Bill Fredrick, Robert Kirschner
Kenneth Malley
Office Administrator: Michele Wiltshire
Rectory Phone: 440-526-1818
Office Phone: 440-526-0016
Fax: 440-526-6464 (24 hrs.)
“Living the Word of Christ Together”
First Solemn Communion
Yesterday, nine of our second graders experienced the mercy and
forgiveness of a loving God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Today,
they gathered in the vestibule to renew their baptismal promises (made
for them by their Godparents) and Profession of Faith. They solemnized
the day by receiving the Eucharist as a group. Ideally the
meaningfulness of today will last a lifetime for the following children.
Nick Armbrust
Karlie Cesarski
Maria DeCapua
Natasha Dudick
Julia Gulla
Lillian Lang
Regina Lupia
Lucas Tinter
Douglas Tytko
Parish thanks to Nancy Fredrick who helped prepare the children
for this day, as well as to the parents who worked with their children in
learning particular prayers. Thanks also to the organizations (Men’s Club,
Ladies’ Auxiliary, GCU Lodge 302) who helped make today a little more
special for the kids with various donations.
May 3, 2015
Christ is Risen!
Liturgy Schedule
May 4
May 5
May 6
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
†Joseph Petruno by Ed/Pug Sloff
†Eileen Morgan by M/M Bob Marcelli
Intention of Richard/Beverly Klinkovsky
by Bob/Pat Klinkovsky
†Helen Marie Pellish by Judy Weitzel
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 10
8:00 a.m.
No Liturgy
Vigil Liturgy
4:00 p.m.
Intention of Our Deceased Mothers
Mother’s Day
10:30 a.m. Intention of Our Living Mothers
May 9
May 10
4:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Altar Servers
M. Lechko & C. DeCapua
G. & B. Hotaling,
B. Kirschner & B. Hallis
R. Evans
M. Waski
J. Pinchot & L. Greb
S. Lambourne &
M. Cohn
Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess.
Just breathe and have faith that everything will work out for the best.
Saturday liturgy will be
offered for all of our
deceased mothers. On Sunday, the liturgy
will be celebrated for the intention of our
living mothers. The Men’s Club invites
Mom and everyone else downstairs after
the Sunday service for muffins/juice/
coffee. Make sure Mom gets to church
next weekend!
Please remember all of the sick/suffering
in your prayers, especially Charlotte Picha
(St. Vincent Charity); Dorothy Tyburski
(Altenheim; rehab); and Mary Jane Dietz
(Greenbrier; rehab).
Sunday before Memorial
Day we remember those
individuals who have died
serving our country with a
prayer service on the oval immediately
following the liturgy. As part of this
commemoration all retired/active military
personnel are invited to take part. If you
can participate, please contact Diana
Simpson (330-205-0476) by May 17.
Everyone present is invited to the hall
afterwards for a light luncheon sponsored
by GCU Lodge 302.
(written by a child)
I want to be like Jesus
When He comes again to say:
“Peace to all my people,
My peace to you today.”
I want to be right there
When the Gospel story’s read,
To hear again in His own words
The things that Jesus said.
I’ll tell Him that I’m sorry
For any wrong I’ve done,
And that I do believe He is
God’s own beloved Son.
And right there on the altar,
I’ll see His words come true:
“This is My Body and My blood,
Given up for you.”
A miracle will happen then,
The one I came to see:
Jesus as the Bread of Life
Waiting there for me.
Just like Peter, James and John,
I’ll hurry to His side.
I’ll be so glad to be there then
With Jesus as my guide.
I want to be with Jesus
And you can be there, too.
For here’s an invitation marked,
“Especially for you!”
Your Weekly Offering
sponsoring a bus trip to
Progressive Field for the
June 6 Tribe game against the Baltimore
Orioles. The tailgate at the pavilion starts
at 12:30. The bus departs at 3:00. The cost
is $45 and includes the tailgate food/
beverages, bus ride, and lower reserved
game ticket. Contact Jean Karaffa if you
are interested (216-513-3854). You do not
need to be a GCU member. The deadline
for reservations is May 5.
The Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday
at 7:00. Tops on the agenda will be
formulating steps to get a choir reestablished.
Sandwich making will take place on
Saturday in the Education Center at 9:30.
April 26, 2015
17 Student Envelopes:
Holy Days:
In Memory of Steve Asmondy:
Have you remembered St. Joseph Church
in your Will and/or Trust?
A few churches responded to our “Acts of
Kindness Week” gestures to the parish
councils. One church even sent an icon
(which we will put in our library). The icon,
along with correspondence from that
parish, can be found on the easel in the
Blood Pressures Taken
Next Weekend
Marge Bakos was buried this past week at
the age of 76. She was a long-time
teacher in our ECF program. For the past
number of years she has resided at
Jennings Healthcare and been on our
Sympathies are extended to her relatives
in the parish. In blessed repose grant O
Lord eternal rest to Your Handmaid
Margaret and remember her forever!
The Men’s Club would like to thank
everyone who patronized the Reverse
Raffle. (We had no “big winners” this year
from the parish.)
Someone you know may
need this information:
Alternatives to Abortion—
1-800-712-HELP (4357)
Accessible 24 hours a day.
Serviced by a live person at all times.
(Next weekend will be the last time
our nurses will be available for
blood pressure checks until September.)
The month of May is when the Asthma &
Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)
declares awareness for these medical
diseases. These diseases affect over 60
million people in America. Asthma is a
disease of the lungs which involves the
airways being blocked or narrowed which
causes breathing difficulty. It may be
allergic (extrinsic) or non-allergic (intrinsic).
With proper medications and management
someone with asthma can live a healthy
and active life. Allergies are the result of the
immune system overreacting to substances
called "allergens". They are categorized by
kind, time of year, where symptoms appear,
indoor/outdoor (seasonal), skin, food, latex,
insects or eye allergies. These sufferers can
also live active and healthy lives with proper
management/medications. This is the peak
season for these issues to occur. May 5 is
World Asthma Day and May 10-16 is Food
Allergy Awareness Week, which raise
awareness and funds for these diseases.
The Sacrament
of God’s Mercy
Many people stay away from the
Sacrament of Reconciliation because
they are afraid of God. He’s
perceived as a Judge or a
Policeman—angry, suspicious,
unforgiving. The truth of the matter is
that God isn’t like that at all. He is a
loving Father who desperately wants
us to return to him. In parable after
parable, healing after healing, Jesus’
message refutes the notion that his Father is a vindictive scorekeeper. God
wants us back. He’ll go to great lengths to find us.
When the Pharisees complained that he spent too much time hanging out
with sinners, Jesus fired back: “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he
has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go
after the one which is lost, until he finds it?” Again, “What woman, having ten
silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house
and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls
together her friends and neighbors, saying, “Rejoice with me, for I have found
the coin which I had lost.” (Lk 15:1-10).
Perhaps the strongest reassurance we can have about the nature of God,
however, is the story of the Prodigal Son, whose father runs to meet his wayward
son and welcomes him back, rejoicing. That’s what God is like, Jesus says. He’s
the shepherd who searches for the lost sheep. He’s like the woman who drops
everything and turns her house upside down to find a single lost coin. He’s the
father who’ll hasten to meet and embrace us, no matter how badly we have
sinned against him. That’s the kind of God we’re dealing with.
And Jesus didn’t merely explain what his Father is like; he went to the cross to
redeem us, to secure for us his Father’s mercy and forgiveness. Even as he is
being mocked on the cross, Jesus prays, “Father, forgive them.”
Jesus knows that his Father will do what any of us do when we lose something
valuable—we actively work to find it again. This is the God we meet when we
come to confession.
PRAYER FOR THE WEEK: 440-526-6464 (24 hours)
CONFESSIONS: One half hour before liturgies for fifteen minutes and by request
MEN’S CLUB: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
LADIES’ AUXILIARY: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
A-OK CLUB: 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
COFFEE SOCIAL: Every Sunday after liturgy
EASTERN CATHOLIC FORMATION (ECF) CLASSES: Sundays 9:00 a.m.–10:20 a.m.

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