Our Newsletter - Our Lady of Graces Catholic Parish Carina


Our Newsletter - Our Lady of Graces Catholic Parish Carina
Vol 30
No 05
1 February 2015
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners and Visitors,
I find it is very easy to miss the main point that a
gospel passage is making. But after a bit of
exploring, I think I know what today’s gospel is
about. It is the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in
Mark’s Gospel. It takes place in a synagogue and
sets the tone for the whole gospel.
The world is understood to be largely under the
evil power of Satan. Jesus has come to
dramatically break that power. As a dramatic
illustration, he drives the devil out of a possessed
man, which leaves him “with a loud cry”, realising
that its power is being taken away. In the person
of Jesus, Mark is telling us, we are facing the
presence and power of God.
In one sense Jesus’ struggle with the power of evil
comes to a glorious victory in the death and
resurrection of Jesus. But in another sense it
continues in human lives until Jesus comes again
in glory. However, we now know that the power
of evil cannot win.
Father Tom
Monday 2 February
- 7pm Italian Prayer Group - Church
- 7.30pm Parish Pastoral Council - Library
Tuesday 3 February
- 9.30am Scripture Group – Library
- 9.30am Playgroup – Hospitality Area
- 7pm Legion of Mary – AQ Rm
- 7pm Parish Social Justice Meeting - Library
Thursday 5 February
- 9.30am Playgroup – Hospitality Area
- 9.30am Italian Bingo – Aquinas Room
Friday 6 February
- 11am St Martin’s Opening School Mass
- 7.30pm 500 Card Group – Aquinas Room
Anniversaries: Let us remember in prayer Pavica &
Jerko Protich, Judy Simons, Laurie Rossow, Peter
Vallely, Margaret Swords, and all whose anniversaries
occur at this time.
Are you called to serve the people of God with
your gifts?
Have you ever considered using the talents and
gifts that God has given you by being involved with
your parish through the different Ministries in
We have had a few people step down over the year
and would like to find replacements so please
prayerfully consider joining one or more of the
following ministries:
Eucharistic Ministers at 9am & 6pm
Mass Coordinator at the 6pm Vigil
Altar Serving at 6pm, 9am & 5.30pm
Children’s Liturgy at the 9am
Data projector operators at all Masses
Making tea and coffee at the cuppa and chat after
the 9am Mass
Transporting parishioners to any of the Sunday
Taking communion to those who are house bound
Helping at the barbecues after Mass.
Altar Society - dust the church pews, sanctuary,
statues, Stations of the Cross etc.
If you are able to assist with any of these ministries
please write your name and contact details on the
list provided and we will be in contact soon.
Many thanks to those who have already put their
names forward. We will be in contact with you as
soon as we have a few more names on the list.
Dear Parishioners,
If you haven’t YET joined a prayer-group, HERE is
With the permission and blessing of Fr Tom
Cassidy, there will be commencing a “Two Hearts
Prayer Group,” in honour of the Hearts of Jesus
and Mary, in this Parish. The prayer group will take
place after the 9am Mass, every third Thursday of
the month. Starting time around 9.30am. At this
stage only once a month. Those willing to join,
please contact: Barbara – 3348 8075 or 0401 755
The prayer group involves the following:
Rosary; Chaplet of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
Mary; or Divine Mercy; interspersed with songs in
Honour of Jesus and Mary; a short Bible Reading;
Consecration to the Two Hearts and ten minutes of
your own silent prayers. Total time will be 1 hr. Yes,
Only 1 hr.
Liturgy Committee
At the January meeting the committee reviewed
the various ministries directly involved in our
Sunday Masses. They include Mass Organisers,
Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Musicians,
Projectionists, Collectors, Altar Servers, Children’s
Liturgy Ministers, Florists, Welcomers, Cuppa and
Chat Providers, Cleaners (including those who
wash the purifiers etc). As you can see – a lot of
organisation goes into our Sunday Liturgy and that
is one reason we are looking for more volunteers.
At our meeting we gave special attention to
providing live music at all our Sunday Masses,
taking into account the particular composition of
the communities at each of our weekend Masses.
Our goal is to provide music and singers to
encourage the congregation to join in
the singing.
We are also keen to provide instruction for each
ministry group to promote the smooth running of
our liturgies.
Finally, we discerned a special need to ensure that
all our parishioners and visitors feel welcome to
any celebration in our parish.
For the next four weeks we will have builders on
site erecting new toilets and a new office space.
During that time the present toilets in the corridor
will not be available for use. However, toilets will
be available for parishioners at the foot of the stairs
leading down to the Aquinas Room from the church
door next to the statue of St Joseph. Fr Tom
Scripture Classes 2015
Scripture classes begin on Tuesday 3rd February in
the library at 9.30am.
We welcome newcomers to join us in our
reflections on the Word of God especially on the
Scriptures that are appointed to be read on the
following Sunday. Thus on Tuesday, 3rd February
we will read and discuss the liturgy of the Word for
the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.
This year is the year of Mark and so the gospel of
Mark will feature in our reflections. If you have a
Bible bring it along. However copies of the
readings will be distributed at the beginning of each
class so don’t worry if you don’t have one. Just
come as you are!
Classes finish at 10.45am. Morning tea follows for
those who wish and perhaps continue to share
their thoughts on the readings. Father Joe
Our Lady of Graces parishioners meet once a
month at Pacific Golf Club, 430 Pine Mountain
Road Carindale, for a relaxed and enjoyable
evening with a meal and lively conversation.
We would love more parishioners to join us. Our
next get together is Wednesday 11th February at
For further information contact Ros Dallas 3398
7495 or Josephine Coyne 3398 2411.
St Teresa of Avila on Prayer
His voice reaches us through
words spoken by good
people, through listening to
spiritual talks, and reading
sacred literature. God calls to
us in countless little ways all
the time. Through illnesses
and suffering and through
sorrow he calls to us. Through
a truth glimpsed fleetingly in a
state of prayer he calls to us.
No matter how halfhearted
such insights may be, God rejoices whenever we learn
what he is trying to teach us…
May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are
meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born
of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and
pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and
It is there for each and every one of us.
Parish 500 Card Group meets for the first time in
2015 next Friday evening 6th February at 7.30pm
in the Aquinas Room. New players are most
For further information, contact
Josephine Coyne 33982411.
Religious Instruction at Whites Hill College and
Mayfield State School
A small band of dedicated people continue to
represent this parish in the local state schools
delivering religion lessons across the primary
classes. This weekend we would like to remind
people of the work being done and invite more
people to join us. Lessons are 30 minutes duration
and preparation time adds at least another hour to
the commitment.
Student workbooks and
Teacher’s Manuals are provided to make the job
easier. Please phone parish office 3398 2977 or
Carole Danby (W) 3324 3445 (M) 0400 332928 or
email Carole danbyc@bne.catholic.net.au if you
are interested in learning more. We will be
commencing classes in March and teach through
to the end of November. New volunteers would be
partnered with an experienced teacher.
Catholic Leader this week:
* Nigerian priests in Brisbane speak of their concern
about Boko Haram violence in their homeland,
* Bishops’ migrant and refugee advocate calls for truth
about Manus Island detention centre
* Missionary says keeping refugees on Nauru ‘devoid of
logic, fairness and compassion’
* Young pro-lifers on walk from Brisbane to Melbourne
asked to leave shopping centre because their campaign
shirts deemed ‘offensive’
* Papal astronomers promote harmony of science and
Catholic Leader, available every weekend from the
church entrance, costs just $2.
Pope Francis: Workaholic fathers turning
children into ‘orphans’
Many children today are effectively orphans
because their fathers are absorbed with work and
do not play with them, Pope Francis has said, and
urged fathers to “waste time” playing with their
offspring, reports The Catholic Herald (Sydney).